502: Dan's Cara-Vanity Project Part 1
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Today, Dan and Jordan trace the first couple days of Infowars' absurd idea to run a convoy from Austin to DC. In this installment, Owen launches from Austin and makes his way to Tallahassee, spreading lies along the way. Meanwhile, Alex stays behind to interview malicious weirdos and declare himself president-elect.
- Owen is leading a caravan to distract from Alex's bullshit
- Stop the Steal background
- Trump can use a bank shot to get around the law
- Bullhorn the White House
- Turmp calls when Alex takes a nap
- America will burn because we're too dumb... ad pivot
- Someone get Don Jr to call me
- Owen comes in to discuss launch of caravan
- Alex overestimates the caravan before it starts
- Big sale
- Why does everyone think I'm going out of business?
- Alex is the reason Trump won't concede
- People are afraid of Trump calling for action
- Alex talks about Pfizer vaccine
- Owen plays with a map
- Owen's itinerary is shit
- Owen leads the peaceful attack
- 9 people send Owen off in style
- Hey, It's Richard Reeve!
- Rando has a bad Joke
- Rando is Tom from Just Another Channel on YouTube
- Owen calls in from the road to complain about censorship
- Parler is too popular
- Tom rides along
- Houston turnout is bigger than expected
- Good news: Biden lost PA according to Real Clear Politics
- Who is Tom from Just Another Channel?
- Caravan will be a million strong by DC
- USA chants
- Back to Alex
- Fear mongering about Klaus Schwab
- Book: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab
- Alex fails an ad pivot
- Alex's True Story: Alex gaslights a woman about masks
- Guest: Roger Stone, day drunk
- Roger: people who deny Trump's win are like Holocaust deniers
- Roger rewrites the southern strategy
- Roger: new strategy: faithless electors
- Roger talks Hammer and Scorecard
- Break cuts off Alex's last question to Roger
- Caravan is all about visuals
- Owen is back on, calls for coup
- Owen has tech issues while Alex is eating
- Guest: Stewart Rhodes
- Stewart: Trump needs to declassify everything
- Stewart: We have people on the ground, ready to fight
- Owen gets to Baton Rouge, can't find his people
- 25 people in Baton Rouge
- Low energy Owen
- Over to Just Another Channel: bad cajun impression
- Owen: We are the media now
- Shoutouts: Hippies for Trump, no fact checking, John the Baptist
- Recite the pledge of allegiance to upset the libs
- Group prayer for King Trump
- Tom: no masks in Florida!
- Back to Alex
- Guest: Steve Pieczenik
- BLM is a racist Aunt Jemima who wants to castrate you
- Alex declares himself president
- Alex pushes Project Veritas whistleblower narrative
- Steve: John Brennan is so dumb
- Steve: I've never been in the CIA
- Steve handwaves the watermark
- Steve: Trump will win the electoral college
- Steve: Biden gets to be president until December 14
- Steve: There's no reason to believe us
- It's great that Trump is firing people
- Steve: You're Sherlock Holmes
- Steve: I guarantee Trump will serve the next 8 years
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story
- The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab