486: September 27, 2020

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Today, Dan and Jordan check in to see what Alex Jones' response was to Trump's nomination of Amy Coney Barrett as a Supreme Court Justice. Jordan may compare it to "eating a bowl of poo" more than once.


  • Dan grew a cucumber
  • CNN gets shut down by InfoWarriors
  • The Bidens hate everyone, says Roger's lawyer
  • Countdown to the election changed to inauguration
  • Alex thinks he was right about the great reset in February
  • Louisville isn't charging cop shooter
  • Dem judges want to make a civil war happen between election and inauguration
  • Trump already won the election
  • Alex pitches ads for Trump
  • Alex's True Story: Yuppies at a soccer game
  • Fake ballots will crash the stock market
  • Alex supports Amy Coney Barrett because the Dems are against her
  • Amy Coney Barrett is pro-forced vaccines
  • Guest: Barnes
  • Barnes tries to justify Amy Coney Barrett nomination
  • Trump got bamboozled by the Federalist society
  • Koch is now leftist
  • Barrett can be trained and is dumb

Notable Bits

  • Alex's True Story