466: August 5-6, 2020
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Today, Dan and Jordan wrestle with a couple of strange days on the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex continues his trajectory toward becoming a more violent version of Jim Bakker, seems jealous of the NRA getting sued, and lands a top tier guest.
- Pet will be mantis: Old Mantis Housephone
- Wonkfest update
- Beirut was definitely an attack
- It's not illegal unless the president is impeached
- Stabbing is all about speed
- Alex has been stabbed
- Alex calls for people to go to mayor of Austin Steve Adler's house
- Ilhan Omar wants to make her own police, rant goes straight to racism, Ilhan comes from pirate stock
- God should kill us all
- Alex must defeat his phone system, or he'll quit
- Politically kill, not offensively or violently
- Caller: finding InfoWars was divine for me
- Caller: Technology is bad, do yoga for your anger
- Caller: more bad etymology from Larry Gaiters: Hydrogel is Lucifer
- Melania holds the key to fighting communism
- There's so much news, it's overwhelming
- NRA may be corrupt, but so are dems
- Alex wants Letitia James to sue him
- Twitter suspends Trump campaign
- No children have died from covid 19
- Alex has a caviar caveat
- Alex gets racist about Letitia James
- Alex defends edited anti-Biden ad
- BLM isn't black because of George Soros
- Dan finds common ground with Alex
- Alex is fishing for controversy
- NRA can do no wrong
- Guest: Alex's buddy, Daryl the pastor
- Caller: how can they go after the NRA?
- Clip of Rex: I don't like Trump, but I'm going to give him one more shot
- Who the hell is Darrel Rundus?
- Daryl has Tyranny Crusher!
- Daryl is a fucking zealot
- Daryl runs Butterflyers, the flying butterfly greeting card company
- Daryl: it doesn't matter who votes, it's who counts the votes
- Daryl: be ready to die
- Daryl is young earth
- CERN summoned demons, it was in the news
- Alex believes in the simulation
- Satanists know they're evil
- Daryl talks bloodlibel
- Daryl is quasi-pre-trib rapture
- Alex's True Story: I was an evil kid
- Alex contradicts his backstory
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story