463: July 28-30, 2020
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Today, Dan and Jordan check in on how Alex Jones has handled the release of Frontline's episode about his conspiracy theories and their relation with Trump. In this installment, Alex announces the Mark of the Beast, warns of teams of Antifa hit teams coming to your home, and tries to convince his elderly listeners to become kamikaze murderers against his enemies.
- Discussion of Frontline documentary
- Alex got up early because Barnes texted him
- Alex is going to expose the Covid 19 hoax
- Is your smart toilet watching you poop?
- Baby in the studio... ad pivot to baby onsies
- Random transphobia
- Vaccine tattoos
- Bill Gates reinvent the toilet initiative
- Alex tries to get Ted Anderson back in the gold game
- Alex has a new anti-mask comeback: You're a sheep
- Soros contracts
- Guest: Joel Skousen, survival expert
- Joel: Gates is a useful idiot, not a major player
- Joel: this is satan
- Trump supporters are mad abour masks but wear one anyway
- Giant news: antifa are the cover for MS13 hit squads. Lock and Load
- Alex enjoys the frontline attention
- Hide your guns is back!
- The UN is coming
- Antifa has lists of targets to carbomb
- Austin budget: blow up police HQ
- ADL and SPLC tried to buy cops
- Alex was approached by Russians with money
- New Prop: Guns
- Alex keeps teasing the same story he already covered
- With god, alex doesn't need guns
- Make kill lists
- don't kill anyone... yet
- God isn't going to save you
- Capitalist christ died for your boat
- The takeover is here
- Big News, so big Alex is carrying more guns
- Alex wants to delay the election
- Do what George Washington would do
- Get ready for suicide missions
- Let's hunt down the globalists
- Hits of British Israelism
- No violence until we're in the war... we're in the war
- Guest: Roger Stone
- Leftists are killing for street cred... ad pivot
- Garret Foster bullshit
- Alex forgets he shouldn't like Roger getting Bush elected
- Roger: delay the election
- Roger, tell Trump what to do
- Roger sells a shirt
- Roger: don't do debates
- Guest: Millie Weaver
- Sunrise Movement is radicalizing kids
- Anyone non-white is an immigrant
- Millie talks Bohemian Grove
- Sunshine Movement wants to hit people with hammers
- Alex is tired because he overprepared
- Alex's family members may have been into the devil
Notable Bits
- Rand Paul, Debate Jordan!
- Good Work Barnes!
- Hide your guns