460: Donk's Dojo
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Today, Dan and Jordan deal with the fact that Alex Jones has been out of studio all week by checking out a new show that Alex is hosting on his website. The gents give Carpe Donktum's new program a chance and also check in on Roger Stone damage-control updates.
- Alex is still out of studio
- Roger's radio slur update: it was the TV in the background
- Roger on Carpe Donktum's show
- Time to cover Donk's show
- Donk does not get many views
- Donk's first ever guest: Dave Rubin
- Donk has a shitty theme song
- Donk's audio is shitty
- Dave: CNN won't book me, so I'm here
- Donk thinks he's a comedian
- Donk knows his audio is bad
- Why did Twitter lock Candace Owens out of her account? Did the government pressure Twitter?
- Dave offered Donk a spot on Locals, aka knockoff Patreon/Twitter
- Dave: FOX news likes me
- Dave: CNN sucks, but I would totally go on if they invited me
- FOX has gone lefty because of Paul Ryan being on board of FOX
- Dave, weren't you progressive before?
- Liberalism is like a boat
- Dave's new label: modern conservative
- Dave: The world will be cool again in 2024
- Rand Paul, debate Jordan!
- Dave got to meet Trump
- Dave: Trump wants to be a comedian
- Don Jr invited Dave to dinner at Mar-a-Lago
- Story: Trump meets a gay couple
- Dave: Trump is not Hitler
- Dave: Trump doesn't want to be president
Notable Bits
- Rand Paul, Debate Jordan!