455: July 7-8, 2020
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Today, Dan and Jordan check back on what's been going on in the present day of The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex reveals that he's been an enemy of antifa for 20 years and discusses having his mind blown out on a boat on July 4th, possibly because of "planets aligning."
- Alex does not cover wizards
- Globalist media is taking over Fortnite
- Alex cares about Uighur Mulsims
- Alex knows a dude, Steve Mason, who infiltrated antifa 20 years ago
- Game: Renfield or Dracula
- Newsom: Dracula
- Stelter and De Blasio: Renfield
- Alex can't pronounce Bolsonaro
- Guest: Roger Stone, expert on Ghislaine Maxwell
- Alex rants about nothing
- Alex's True Story: The planets are alligned
- Full moons make people crazy
- Alex inspires all music, especially Foo Fighters
- Whoops, Alex is pro-Hitler
- Alex slanders Irwin Spear
- It's almost time to kill
- Caller: Is Kanye for real?
- Caller: Masks affect your spirituality
- Caller: I had a prophetic dream about you 2 years ago
- Caller: Who's on the council of twelve? Joe Biden hates cops
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story
Detailed Show Notes
Dan and Jordan discuss some episodes of The Alex Jones Show where Alex discusses his Fourth of July experiences.[1]
Topics covered include:
- Alex lies about CNN not covering the stories about the Chinese government's treatment of the Uyghur people. If you take any time at all to look into it, you'll find a lot of reporting on CNN about the story, like this, this, this or this.
- Alex claims his friend Steve Mason warned him about antifa 20 years ago. This is almost certainly bullshit.
- Roger Stone appears to beg for a pardon, and claims that Bill Clinton was having an affair with Ghislaine Maxwell, whose name he also does not know how to pronounce.
- Alex claims that on July 4, the planets aligned, which won't happen again until 2161. It is actually impossible for the planets to physically align, that's just an expression that is used to describe a situation when planets appear in the same area in the sky. Alex just got this 2161 nonsense from a Facebook meme.
- Alex claims that crime goes up during full moons. A study from 1984 did find a correlation between crime and the full moon, but subsequent studies have been very mixed in their findings.
- Alex claims that he inspired the Foo Fighter's song The Pretender. This seems very unlikely.
- A caller asks Alex to name the members of the "council of 12" that he's said run the world. Alex cannot come up with anything better than "there are two Rothschilds' on there." It's pathetic.