447: Bill Cooper Covers OKC Part 2

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Today, after too long a time since Part 1, Dan and Jordan get back on track with trying to follow the path of Bill Cooper's coverage of the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. In this installment, the gents gain some extra insight into Bill from his biography, learn about one of Bill's listener's relationship with their dad, and reveal what Dan learned that made him dance around his apartment.


  • Year of Seltzer Update: 143/500
  • Perrier 73/100
  • Liquid Death 66/100
  • Spindrift Raspberry Lime 57/100
  • Clarification: Bill is a piece of shit
  • Bill's biography: Pale Horse Rider
  • The propaganda press can fuck themselves
  • People flock to deniers in times of crisis
  • CNN: Communist News Network
  • America is the last bastion of liberty because guns
  • Nazis were socialists
  • OKC is like the Reichstag fire
  • They found Tim McVeigh too quickly
  • Why wasn't the axle disintegrated?
  • Bill doubles down on seismographs
  • Why were senior supervisors out of work?
  • How do you see a concealed weapon?
  • Why didn't Tim McVeigh try to kill the cop?
  • Bill met with McVeigh prior to the shooting
  • Larry Nichols is in play
  • Hillary Clinton has already been secretly indicted
  • Sherman Skolnick started Hillary arrest story
  • Bombers aren't true militiamen
  • Michigan Militia leader Norman Olson comments on Tim McVeigh
  • McVeigh had a chip in his right buttock
  • The NWO has won
  • Michelle Moore, OK station chief for Bill, things she heard something on NPR
  • Michelle feels alienated from her dad
  • If people were vaporized, why did the axle survive?
  • Buy gold!
  • Socialists believe whoever shoots first wins
  • The government destroyed the Murrah building
  • Bill apologizes for saying Tim McVeigh and Terry Nichols are not Patriots
  • Nazis are socialists, buy gold
  • Bill Clinton sentenced Tim McVeigh to death on 60 minutes
  • Bill is still mad about Waco
  • Bill crowdsources OKC and Waco information
  • Join the Constitution Party to get rid of Bill Clinton


  • Pale Horse Rider

Detailed Show Notes

Dan and Jordan get back to exploring Bill Cooper's coverage in the days after the bombing of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. Much of the information discussed in this episode comes from the excellent book by Mark Jacobson called Pale Horse Rider.[1]

Topics covered include:

  • Bill recognizes that his audience is growing since the bombing, which is a common phenomenon among conspiracy broadcasters.
  • Bill is convinced that the bomb had to have destroyed the axle that investigators found. Early on in the morning, a firefighter noticed the axle, which wasn't considered important until later.
  • Bill believes that Clinton folks did the OKC bombing to take control of Congress. The GOP retained control of both the House and Senate in the 1996 election.
  • Bill continues to make the "multiple sound waves" evidence the central piece of his conspiracy theory. The source of his information seemed to refute Bill's interpretation when contacted by The Oklahoman.
  • Bill probably met Timothy McVeigh prior to the bombing.
  • Bill mentions Larry Nichols.
  • Bill's theory about Hillary being indicted is gaining a new life in 2020. Time is a flat circle.
  • Almost all of Bill's information is coming from Michelle Moore, a ballet teacher from Oklahoma, who he's decided to call his "station chief." Her messages are often overly-familiar in their tone, as in this episode where she complains that her dad doesn't like militias, and is therefore the enemy.
  • Bill is into the Constitution Party, which is a real weak party.