430: May 5-7, 2020
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Today, Dan and Jordan discuss a couple episodes from this week on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex continues his coronavirus games, decides that maybe the world doesn't deserve to know who Q is, and dips his toe into a hot new viral conspiracy sensation.
- Year of Seltzer Update: 34/500
- Petal Lychee Rose 69/100
- Petal Lemongrass Dandelion 72/100
- Dr Michael Savage, PhD says don't take Covid 19 vaccine
- All deaths are Covid 19 deaths
- Actual, real death statistics
- David Knight to blow the lid off the false models
- Governor Northam baby harvesting impression
- Remember the organ harvesting scandals from the 90's?
- David Knight is full of shit
- Alex's True Story: Wear a mask in the stores
- Flint Michigan Family Dollar security guard Calvin Munerlyn killed over mask
- Guest: Robert Barnes
- Barnes goes full propagandist
- Barnes: they took out Flynn to make Trump vulnerable
- 6 feet of social distancing is the mark of the beast
- Lesbians want testicles as a symbol of power
- Globalist Plan: Upload
- Globalist Plan: Avatar
- Having a cold will be a false positive in a covid 19 test
- Caller: Why didn't you say who Q is? Q is Austin Steinbart
- Alex got too busy to expose Q
- Caller: NY covid 19 info is wrong because PA info is different
- Alex won't expose Q
- Harvard runs China
- China is hacking research centers to put out fake covid 19 stats
- Tom Cotton asks for proof China didn't leak virus
- Bill Gates is the first global dictator
- Origin of Jack Sprat rhyme
- The Financial Telegraph says the lockdown is 29 time more destructive than covid 19
- Pathenogen isn't a word
- We're being held hostage, it's the end of humanity... ad pivot
- Bill Gates gets aroused talking about global collapse
- Celebrities make pointless, symbolic statement
- Marie Antoinette quote
- Trendies love pissing their pants
- Alex plays Plandemic documentary
- Dr Judy Mikovits, Fauci whistleblower
- Alex says people at hospitals are actors
- Tyler Nixon, Roger's lawyer, drug dealer
- Alex flubs his subsection trick
- Globalist Plan: Ender's Game
- It's a metaphor of the joke
- No thanks Ender, aka jerkoff
- Justice for Texas salon owner!
- Trump is above the courts
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story
- Getting Off Cocaine by Michael Savage
- The Death of the White Male: A Case Against Affirmative Action by Michael Savage
Detailed Show Notes
Dan and Jordan discuss a bit of a holding pattern stretch on the Alex Jones Show.[1]
Topics covered include:
- Michael Savage is not a medical doctor. His dissertation was about plants in Fiji.
- Alex claims that there is a normal number of deaths happening right now. This is not true, and it is very clearly laid out by the Financial Times.
- Alex claims that there were a bunch of scandals in the 1990's about doctors killing patients to steal their organs. He appears to be misremembering a bit of debate about organ donation guidelines that was covered by the New York Times in 1997.
- Alex and David Knight pretend that the inevitable additional cases of coronavirus and deaths that come after states open up prematurely are proof of some kind of conspiracy. In reality, they will be the expected thing that happens, as it did in Hong Kong, as well as elsewhere.
- Alex lies about the antibody tests that we have for Covid-19. They aren't perfectly accurate at this point, but his narratives about them turning up positive if you had a cold in the past decade is complete nonsense.
- Chinese President Xi Jinping's daughter did study at Harvard under an assumed name, but that is not secret information, and she's not attending classes there currently, as Alex believes.
- The US and UK did release an advisory warning about hacking, but they did not specify that they were Chinese hackers, as Alex is reporting. They just say they are Advanced Persistent Threat Groups of hackers, which is not country specific.
- Alex's story from the "Financial Telegraph" is actually from the "Financial Mail." It discusses the effects of the virus outbreak vs. the effects of the lockdown, as it relates to South Africa, but it paints a pretty different picture than Alex paints.
- Alex is correct that Marie Antoinette didn't actually say "let them eat cake," but his theories about who actually did are not supported by historians.
- Alex's complaints about Marie Antoinette playing badminton while her people starved is way too much of a parallel with Trump going golfing frequently during the pandemic
- Alex tries to get in on the action with the new hot "documentary" Plandemic. Mostly he's just interested in Dr. Mikovits, who has taken a past where she got a paper retracted for being flawed, then getting fired, then getting sued for taking company property, and arrested because of noncompliance with the suit, into a tale of her own persecution and (I guess) how evil Anthony Fauci is
- There is no "Event 200" in Memorandum 200