428: May 1, 2020
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Today, Dan and Jordan check in to see how Alex Jones decided to celebrate May Day. As it turns out, he was trying pretty hard to cheer on a literal war with China, desperately asking people to be his successor, and pretending that his outburst about eating his neighbors was actually genius satire.
- Alex is crushed with commitment to his kids
- For globalists, the journey is the destination
- Alex doesn't understand statistical models
- Every death is Covid-19
- All Alex's enemies want to hurt children
- Alex's True Story: Darren McBreen didn't wear a mask at the gas station
- If you wear a mask, children starve
- Alex almost says Sandy Hook didn't happen
- New shirt: 5G kills
- Masks are partisan
- Alex needs word of mouth
- Alex spins cannibalism comments as satire
- Satire... unless you want to eat someone
- We're at war with China, the globalist slave farm
- Trump is losing numbers because he won't declare war on China
- Trump says virus is man-made
- Social distancing spreads Covid-19
- Urgent care doctors (Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi) say go back to work
- Canada gun ban is a beta test for US
- Owen, you need to replace me
- Content warning: abuse of children
- Alex would sign on if an invader was better than us
- Child abuse ad pivot
- WHO guide: Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe
- Bolsonaro is a fucking bigot
- Can you find the picture of the guy in the space suit?
- Cities are a kill grid, buy food
- Guest: Leo Zagami
- Mark Zuckerberg wears pink sweaters
- Leo: Mark Zuckerberg is obsessed with China
- Marina Abramović and Fiona Hill want to parlay with Alex
- Leo: This is end-times
- Leo: 2020 is important to the Illuminati
- Leo: Smart homes will impregnate you
- Globalist plan: Demon Seed
- Alex Jones Karaoke: techno spoken word
- Leo: Demons are looking to bypass summoning rituals
- CERN and cyberspace are demon portals
- Countdown to Armageddon
- Bring on the beheadings
- Leo, you need to move to Austin and replace me
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story
- Alex Jones Karaoke
- Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe
Detailed Show Notes
Dan and Jordan discuss Alex Jones' growing insistence that Trump declare war on China, and how the media played directly into Alex's hands with the "eating his neighbors" thing.[1]
Topics covered include:
- Alex doesn't understand the difference between lifespan and life-expectancy. He also seems to think that people only lived to 30 back in the 1930's, which is not true.
- Alex pretends that his outburst about eating his neighbors was satire, not recognizing that satire requires a point. The most generous description of what he was doing is trolling, and honestly, it's most likely it was an outburst that he's turned into a PR opportunity.
- Alex and Owen discuss the doctors in CA who say the virus is all overblown, who have been widely discredited.
- Alex pretends that a Facebook post by Jair Bolsonaro revealed real information that the WHO recommends doctors masturbate infants. It's all nonsense, to the point where Bolsonaro even deleted the post.
- Leo Zagami shows up to talk to Alex about how these are the end times, and how in 2025 the saints will return and the inevitable Armageddon will be upon us. Leo has also declared himself Jesus, took credit for 9/11, and was big into 2012 conspiracies, so take his predictions with a grain of salt.
- Leo shows his racism by calling Mark Zuckerberg's wife Priscilla Chan, who was born in Massachusetts, "a Chinese."