409: The Lionel Countdown
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Today, Dan and Jordan self-quarantine from Alex Jones' nonsense by taking a vacation into the exotic, very trivial world of Lionel's career.
- Time for a Lionel break
- Lionel hates cruise ships
- Lionel loves headlines
- Lionel's new debates
- Lionel hates office lottery pools... or does he?
- Lionel misses photo albums
- Lionel wants to talk about stupidity
- Lionel loves GOP stupidity
- Lionel loves best friends
- Lionel fears reality TV
- Lionel doesn't like heroes
- Lionel is tierd of blackface outrage
- Lionel hates Starbucks customers
- Lionel wants to ban dancing
- Lionel believes in religious freedom
- Lionel thinks Eisenhower met aliens
- Lionel is afraid of snakes
- Lionel isn't pro-Trump, he's anti-Hillary
- Lionel wants a crazy president
- Lionel doesn't believe in sexual harassment