396: February 6, 2020
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Today, Dan and Jordan check in on Alex Jones' return to the studio to see how he's doing with the big news of the day. In this installment, Alex becomes fixated on outlawing the Democratic party, goes buckwild on selling his products, and explains how to defeat a fever.
- Major stories are all about Alex
- Oblique reference to Halbig
- Owen will interview Dr. Francis Boyle
- Boyle: coronavirus is a manmade bioweapon
- Francis Boyle background
- Alex talks about a new American century
- Alex, ya busted!
- Alex has been on vacation
- Leaked Chinese numbers say 24,000 dead
- Alex beat coronavirus by drinking immune gargle
- Alex shouldn't be telling people to eat nano-silver
- Survival food is running out
- Alex talks over Trump video
- Alex quotes Darth Vader
- This is the first time Trump has cursed
- James Bond was the bad guy
- coronavirus is confirmed manmade
- My Patriot Supply is the only good company
- Get rid of Dems, split up the GOP to have 2 parties
- Outlaw the Dems
- Trump humanizes people like Steve Scalise
- James Brown's Superbad is about the Holy Spirit
- Caller: we need liquid gas drivers because of coronavirus
- coronavirus is real because they're not hyping it
- real heroes don't want medals, Rush
- Culture was better when role models were white men
- All nano-silver will kill coronavirus
- Caller: Trump should get rid of Dems
- Guest: DeAnna Loraine, going after Nancy Pelosi
- DeAnna has ties to Omar Navarro
- Caller: coronavirus has been here for a while
- DeAnna: coronavirus is manmade
- How dare Pelosi say Trump looked drugged?
- Alex won't let Owen leave
- Caller: Trump is waiting until re-election
- DeAnna is into Q
- Caller: Trump needs to release the kraken
Notable Bits
- Ya busted!