384: January 3, 2020
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Today, Dan and Jordan take a look at Alex Jones' response the day after Trump assassinated a high level Iranian general to see where he lands on the issue. Also, one of Alex's oldest guests decides to celebrate the occasion by dabbling in some Holocaust revisionism.
- Geopolitics disclaimer
- Guest: Steve Pieczenik
- Steve knew Ayatolah Khomeni
- Cool, InfoWars is getting traffic
- Iran as Aryans
- Book: The Holy Book of Adolf Hitler by James Larratt Battersby
- Soleimani assassination is not a false flag
- Alex conflates Iran and Syria
- The US is energy independent
- It's all Obama's fault
- This is carrot or stick
- John Kerry set up Straits of Hormuz to embarrass Trump
- Alex talks about Logos (E Michael Jones Bullshit)
- The Iranian people want us to overthrow their government
- Trump can bypass Congress because they're globalists
- This is the best bad decision
- It's not wagging the dog if you're popular
- Soleimani basically runs Iran
- Caller: I'm a fan, but we've drifted from Ron Paul
- Caller: The US owes it to the Iranian people to overthrow their government
- Restart Iran Movement: Seyed Mohammad Hosseini
- Caller: God says support Trump
- Trump's Benghazi
- Caller: Either leave Iran alone or destroy them
- 2020 is gonna be great
- New Ted Anderson scheme: Gun raffle
- The CIA wants you to think Alex lost Sandy Hook
- Alex made Joe Rogan!
- Alex is too real to control
- Good Work, Barnes
- Alex literally talked to god
- Is Alex going to fake his own death?
- Here's Steve!
- Alex read Steve's memoir
- Steve: pro-assassination, pro-regime change
- Steve, tell us about the CFR
- Steve calls Richard Haas a pathetic Jew
- Caller: quit covering for Israel
- Steve: Move to the south
- Steve talks Holocaust denial
- Hitler was a Rothschild
- Guest: Syrian Girl
- Nancy Pelosi's father started Israel
- OPCW Dumah attack report
- Weird idiom
- Weaponized ebola is back
- China, Iran, and Deep State are working to embarrass Trump
Notable Bits
- Good Work Barnes!
- The Holy Book of Adolf Hitler