364: April 21-22, 2013
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Today, Dan and Jordan continue their path through 2013 to explore Alex Jones' coverage of the Boston Marathon bombing. In this installment, the manhunt for the suspect on the run has come to an end, but not without one last chaotic event involving a boat standoff.
- Dan finally got the Life is Very Fragile tattoo
- Special drop for DJ Danarchy
- recap of the last few days
- Alex is making money doing damage control for terrorists
- Alex spins silence narrative for Dzhokhar
- Discussion: drugs are insurance for Alex
- Discussion: Dzhokhar conspiracy theories
- Bomber arrested, Alex starts with editorial on David Ortiz cursing
- I'm not one to use profanity
- Tyranny is selective enforcement
- Discussion: Austin DA Rosemary Lemberg
- Alex rants about shelter in place being martial law
- Discussion: how SIP diverges from Alex's martial law fears
- 7/7 was a drill too!
- Discussion: 7/7 attack conspiracy and Peter Power
- The FSB warned us about Tamerlan Tsarnaev
- Discussion: FBI interview of Tamerlan
- Discussion: Tamerlan as FBI informant
- Book: Maximum Harm by Michelle McFee
- 4chan picturers are still important
- Discussion: How Drudge works
- Alex wants to blame Saudia Arabia
- Alex rants on drills more
- FBI lied aobut needing help identifying brothers
- Leaders do false flags, like Nero and Palpatine
- I don't link things until they're in the news
- Discussion: Glenn Beck is still on the student in the picture
- Everyone had to wear a black backpack
- If there wasn't a drill, I'd say we were attacked
- Caller: Boston Globe article about disaster drill
- Discussion: Alex added the word drill
- Politicians were more moral in 1952
- April 22: Alex goes over his narrative
- The lockdown didn't actually work
- Alex plays video of shooting boat over and over, claims it's police reloading
- Tamerlan was the naked guy at Watertown
- The mission was to kill Dzhokhar
- Abortion is a bigger tragedy... ad pivot
- black powder is going to be outlawed
- Alex has trouble figuring out who he can reference
- The FBI called Tamerlan after the bombing
- Discussion: the article says it's not true
- Guest: Wayne Madsen (call Larry Nichols!)
- Wayne: I call them professional refugees
- Discussion: Chechen refugees in the US
- Wayne: bombing was to pass CISPA
- Discussion: CISPA/CISA
- Alex and Wayne handwave Civil Response Team
- Alex practices hitting his talking points
- The police are pulling people out of their homes
- Discussion: ACLU and police searches
- Guest
- Joel Skousen
- Joel: It's a false flag, the boys were in on it
- Discussion: Joel is a liar
- Joel affirms the FBI call
- Alex is practicing his gas-lighting
- Joel: we don't have normal terrorism anymore, so it's a false flag
- Alex figures things out while swimming
- Alex's True Story
- 2013 Alex: not a fan of Putin
- Joel: Glenn Beck is a conspiracy denier
- Caller: Bill of rights, first letter of the first 4 spells can't
- Caller: Check my facebook group about the constitution
- Discussion: The Constitution is Alive FB group
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story
- Maximum Harm