359: It's All Legs

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Today, Dan and Jordan dip their toes into a new direction for Wacky Wednesday, as they take a look at Alex Jones' appearance on Coast to Coast AM on the day after the bombing at the Boston Marathon.


  • Dan is fed up with Kerry, looking for fresh Wacky Wednesday subjects
  • New Subject: Coast to Coast AM
  • Alex was on CTC the day after the Boston Bombing
  • Hi George!
  • George has the chops
  • Discussion: CTC has a lot of history
  • George speculates Boston is a lone wolf attack
  • Guest: Peter Breggan, Anti-medication psychiatrist
  • Discussion: Alex should be angry about George's speculation
  • Caller: bomber hates legs
  • Guest: Alex Jones
  • George gives Alex a verbal blowjob
  • Night of the bombing guest: Doug Haggman
  • Background: Doug Haggman
  • Discussion: Coast to Coast and InfoWars guest overlap
  • George lets Alex float globalist narratives
  • Alex is trying to sound sane
  • Discussion: NYT article on terrorist traps
  • Fake Thomas Jefferson quote
  • Alex feigns empathy
  • Alex: bombing is a distraction from gun control legislation
  • Alex, where do you draw the line between reality and conspiracy?
  • Alex: I try to get things right
  • George: the globalists will do anything, so we always have to question everything
  • George: wasn't there a book about OKC?
  • The Final Jihad by Martin Keating
  • Discussion: Final Jihad and OKC
  • Alex: so many shows are anti-veteran
  • Discussion: evolution of Alex's narratives
  • Alex: there are no real terrorists, they're all globalists
  • George thinks Iran-Contra is a secret
  • George doesn't take vaccines
  • Only 3 people died at Boston Bombing
  • Alex and George talk about taking knives on planes
  • Discussion: Lone Star college stabbing
  • Discussion: Why is Alex against knives on a plane?
  • Alex fails at empathy
  • Discussion: Alex knows he has to behave
  • Alex: I'll get chipped if it's for a medical reason
  • Alex: Rand Paul will be president in 2016
  • Discussion: CTC is an intersection of InfoWars, Project Camelot, and Jim Bakker

Notable Bits

  • Hi George!


  • The Final Jihad: When the best of the worst finally come for us