355: April 18, 2013
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Today, Dan and Jordan continue to look at the absolutely embarrassing coverage of the days after the Boston Marathon bombing on the Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex works to solidify his narrative in advance of the FBI's announced press conference to reveal suspect photos on the afternoon of the 18th, and talks to a ton of really dumb callers.
- Discussion: Boston bombing broke Alex's mind
- InfoWars Recap
- CNN is trying to cover up InfoWars revelations
- Discussion: Obama meeting with Saudi leaders
- Discussion: Injured Saudi national
- False flag is the top term on Google
- Alex pins his career on a fertilizer fire
- Discussion: Fertilizer plant fire and plant security
- Discussion: hospital crisis drills
- Alex talks about 4chan source
- Alex believes they blew CNN's op
- Discussion: Alex's predictions are always right because of his caveats
- Alex tells total bullshit about the pic/arrest timeline
- This is like a spy movie playing out on air
- We did a reverse image search
- 4chan is good guys in intelligence
- They're going to blame this on the Saudis
- They were going to blame gun owners yesterday
- The patsy is probably dead
- Discussion: "The patsy" had nothing to do with the bombing
- Discussion: fallout of exposing the wrong people
- No one gives us credit
- Discussion: InfoWars coverage and correction
- The marathon ended at 666 Boylston street
- Discussion: Beforeitsnews.com
- Discussion: marathon finish line
- Alex rants about everyone saying he's wrong
- These photos are in the Congressional hearing!
- Leaders are panicking because they're becoming evil and losing the approval of god
- I have a message for the globalists
- I have guardian angels and the NWO can't kill me
- Discussion: Alex doesn't actually think he has god's protection
- Dan Bidondi goes to Boston
- Alex over-hypes Bidondi clip
- Discussion: What the video showed
- Why won't the media show my pics
- Alex reads a comment he shouldn't have
- Discussion: Alex needs to protray 4chan as intelligence
- This is an open and shut case
- Discussion: missing info in the open and shut case
- Alex has a torture fantasy about the patsy
- Alex is the only one saying they're blaming right wingers
- Discussion: Gary Hart letter
- Discussion: outlawing powder from gun shops
- Discussion: Democratic fundraising letters promising a new Oklahoma City
- Discussion: bomb tracking
- Alex accuses Harry Reid of throwing a fit
- They have to do another false flag because Alex spoiled this one
- 2013 ad pivot
- Sand Hook was a false flag, but they actually killed kids
- Alex gets shitty about a child's death
- Alex is great at empathy
- Discussion: seal team members with radiation detectors
- Alex still hates Glenn Beck
- Everyone in the pictures is going to die
- There's levels about Green Berets, as seen in the Kevin Costner movie No Way Out
- Declare your independence in your soul and to god
- Alex can't tell the difference between god, the devil, or his subconscious
- Caller: The people in the picture are not who you say
- Alex: They changed the narrative
- We're going under Soviet style occupation with a dash of Hitler
- Caller: We need vigilantes
- Caller: I'm an attorney, you're great Alex
- Caller: FEMA was in Boston
- Discussion: FEMA deputy administrator report
- Alex: it's about controlling the narrative
- You can will your IQ higher
- Discussion: bags were not checked at the marathon
- Jakari Jackson and David Knight take over
- FBI has a new patsy
- Alex keeps interrupting Jaquari and David
- Caller: Alex provides sources
- Discussion: Dr David King
- Caller: There's a bomb threat at Cal State
- Discussion: Bomb threat stats
- Caller: how many cops were hit by shrapnel?
- Alex is drunk
- Caller: have you seen Charlie Chaplin's The Great Dictator?
- Caller: Act of 1871 (I'm a sovereign citizen)
- Discussion: FBI press conference
- Alex barges in drunk
- Bidondi was mobbbed at the press conference
- Bidondi destroyed the press conference
- Everyone go to Boston
- Accidentally put Kelly on the air
- InfoWars has double the traffic! We got them!
- We're about truth...Look at that traffic!
- Caller: the press conference was about InfoWars
- Lee Ann cracked the case: the backpack is gray!
- Discussion: welcome to InfoWars, Lee Ann
- Caller keeps getting interrupted
- Discussion: bombers know they're caught and flee