318: July 5, 2019

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Today, Dan and Jordan set out to check in on what Alex Jones was up to on the day after the 4th of July, the day after his predictions of "antifa chemical warfare" failed to materialize. Weirdly, they don't find Alex apologizing for spreading stupid fear, they find him getting super mystical and talking to a guy who likes to pretend he's in the Illuminati.


  • Alex goes hard for how good Trump's July 4 speech was
  • Alex teases a money bomb
  • Trump and Melania were doing MAGIC!
  • Trump's speech was a religious ritual
  • Alex brings up NAMBLA/Pride narrative
  • Discussion: Polish LGBTQ
  • Alex thinks "Battle Hymn of the Republic" triggers libs
  • Discussion: History of Battle Hymn of the Republic
  • Alex claims he had visions of his life ever since he was a child, that his life was preordained by god
  • Alex tries to deify Trump
  • Alex gauges public sentiment from YouTube Comments
  • Vox reporter just looks evil
  • Discussion: Vox article by Dylan Matthews
  • Guest: Leo Zagami
  • Leo brings special champagne
  • Leo's wife wrote a book: Confessions of an Illuminati Princess (possibly written by Leo)
  • Leo claims he smuggled the champagne into the US
  • Alex wants Melania to be able to run for President
  • Background: Leo Zagami
  • Leo is Jesus
  • Leo did 9/11
  • Leo's DJ background
  • Guest: Robert Barnes
  • Alex defends Barnes being on show
  • Alex thinks Barnes is his friend
  • Leo wants to become American because of Trump
  • Alex accidentally quotes Spiderman
  • Discussion: Lord Acton
  • Leo talks about egregores
  • Discussion: egregores
  • Discussion: Henry Makow, PhD
  • Barnes: every democratic country postdates the US
  • Alex doesn't interrupt Barnes
  • Walmart tabloids bum out Leo
  • Barnes: InfoWars is America
  • Barnes does smooth ad pivots

Notable Bits

  • Good Work Barnes!


  • Confessions of an Illuminati Princess

Detailed Show Notes

Warsaw Pride Parade


- Article about backlash

- Mayor of Warsaw supports Pride

Battle Hymn of the Republic

- The song was written for Union soldiers

- Lyrics of John Brown's Body

Vox Article

- Original article by Dylan Matthews, posted in 2015

- Response article posted on Vox 5 days later

Leo Zagami

- Kentroversy blog post about Leo

- Leo on Project Camelot

- Project Camelot contacted by alleged Norwegian politician

- Some historical info on Leo

- Leo comes out as Jesus and takes credit for 9/11

- Leo's story about his Masonic lodges doesn't make sense

- MusicLib profile on Leo Young

- Family House article about DJ Leo Young


- Red Ice blog post

- Original post on Henry Makow's blog

- Leo's letter to Henry Makow

- Red Ice eulogy for Kent Bentkowski

- Leo on Red Ice