313: June 23-24, 2019

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Today, Dan and Jordan discuss a couple episodes from earlier in the week on The Alex Jones Show. It's the best of times and worst of times, as one day brings Alex Jones basically doing an impression of a Project Camelot episode, and the next, he jumps fully on board with a new dumb video from Project Veritas.


  • Headline: mind control by cellphone
  • Where do the elites live? Cut off by break
  • Discussion: Greenbank radio telescope
  • NASA (aka the breakaway civilization) is running cellphone free corridors in West Virginia
  • Save the InfoWars Mega Special
  • I want you to know where to go when the globalists attack
  • Alex knows where the main armored redoubt is because the globalists offered to let him live there
  • Alex reads an article about Greenbank and makes shit up about it
  • Alex will make sure the globalists don't get away with giving kids cancer
  • This is legendary info
  • Alex: Every broadcast is the most important
  • Project Veritas claims Google is involved in election meddling
  • Discussion: Project Veritas's video
  • Discussion: Jen Gennai
  • Alex claims Project Veritas winds lawsuits and doesn't edit video
  • Heirarchy of heroes
  • Alex does a terrible impression of Tim Cook
  • I don't care what you do with your ding a ling
  • Discussion: Apple working conditions
  • Discussion: Chinese suicide nets
  • Alex hates Tim Cook for being gay and powerful
  • Does Alex think his gay impression is funny?
  • Alex gets misogynistic about AOC and Ilhan Omar
  • Guest: James O'Keefe
  • O'Keefe thinks 1984 is just a movie
  • Discussion: Algorithm fairness
  • Alex calls Dem candidates cockroaches
  • Alex does a 2 night special on debates
  • Alex talks shitty about Omar
  • Alex plays clip of Omar but keeps interrupting it