311: June 17-19, 2019
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Today, Dan and Jordan take a look at what Alex Jones is up to. On paper, it looks like Alex is having one of the worst weeks on record as things completely fall apart with his behavior surrounding the Sandy Hook lawsuit. However, a couple unforced errors by a few media outlets have given Alex the faintest glimmer of hope. Not too much hope though, he seems pretty bummed out.
- Continuation of Alex porn meltdown
- Alex's stacks aren't props
- Alex says it wasn't malware, just emails
- FB cryptocurrency is the one ring and the mark of the beast
- Alex counts stacks
- Dan Lyman gets racist
- African immigrants reproduce very quickly
- Alex is now on Telegram
- Alex needs new social media or he's dead
- Sam in Arizona pranks Alex
- Sir, you are Bible Dan
- Alex calls for the death of his political enemies
- Alex obsesses over headlines about emails
- Discussion: Giving Alex sensational headlines
- Alex told the staff to go to rebroadcast when he goes crazy
- Alex is angry, but not physically
- Alex walks back and rephrases his rant about Chris Mattei
- Alex weaves a new conspiracy theory about the emails
- Meta data is weird squiggles that no one can read
- Alex thinks they're winning
- Alex is smart for not knowing what they turned over to prosecution
- Alex: If I die, I'm still a winner
- Barnes is on again
- It's time for air raid sirens
- Alex criticizes everyone else for misleading headlines, no one reads the articles
- Barnes quotes Mark Twain
- Barnes: If they've said this, what else is a lie?
- Good work Barnes!
- Alex is doing lots of ads
- Alex is on SubscribeStar
- Discussion: SubscribeStar
- Alex deliberately misinterprets a Joe Biden clip
- How to stop Patriots: call them Racist
- We're in the season of war, so give us money
- I didn't threaten the lawyer, it was just a coincidence
- Alex is super pissed at the French reporters
- Alex needs DDP Yoga
- Alex has to prepare to not be on air
- Alex finds an actual wrong headline
- The wrong headline is lesser magic
- Get me Barnes!
- Alex makes hay out of a Market Watch headline
- Trump is a throwback to the good parts of America
- Leftists are the devil
- You don't fight to get into a concentration camp
- Alex talks about Western superiority
- Recognize Western superiority or be destroyed
- Owen Shroyer has an announcement: He's on SubscribeStar too
- Market Watch headline is an attempt to take out Trump
- Alex contacted AP to fix a Market Watch headline
- Barnes affirms AP narrative
- Barnes helps Alex claim he never accused Mattei
- Alex is going to give Barnes a show
Notable Bits
- Incompetent like a fox
- Good work Barnes!