30: April 14, 2017
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about the April 14th episode of The Alex Jones Show. That day, Alex was joined on air by two of the largest non-Alex Jones voices in the world of right wing propaganda, Mike Cernovich and Gavin (Nigel?) McGuinness. Topics covered include:
- How proud are the boys?
- How many inaccurate population stats can Alex rattle off in 30 seconds?
- Seriously, how proud are the boys?
- How would the alt-right deconstruct Saved By The Bell?
- Lots of guests
- Guest: Mike Cernovich
- Guest: Gavin McInnes
- Alex, Mike, and Gavin all on together
- I'd go gay for you, Gavin
- Berkeley Patriot march
- Antifa kids are buying flagpoles
- Cernovich almost went to Berkeley
- Antifa uses women as shields, just like ISIS
- Into to the Proud Boys
- Proud Boys just want to get in fights
- Alex the Assad agent
- Syrian gas attack bot farms
- Gavin doesn't care if kids die
- Feminists secretly want the patriarchy
- Gavin doesn't understand the rules of engagement
- The left hates the family
- Feminists want to be hit
- Cernovich tries to salvage a clip
- Alec Baldwin is worse than Mel Gibson
- Trump has never touched a woman
- 70 billion illegal immigrants in the US
- 80% of Muslims are on welfare
- The world is on the brink of war... ad pivot
- Kids are actually conservative
- So much bigotry
- Fuck Betsy DeVos
- Chemicals in the water make frogs gay or whatever
- Trans people are just mentally ill gays
- Beta cucks need to stay out of politics
- The patriarchy is back
- Replay: you don't get love anymore
Notable Bits
- You don't get love no more
Detailed Show Notes
A couple videos of Proud Boys initiation ceremonies
Documentation and explanation of the beginning of the #SyriaHoax hashtag
A thorough explanation of why disabled students are in danger under Trump's administration