302: Discernment Overload
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Today, Dan and Jordan take a Wacky Wednesday break to check in on the newest updates in the ongoing saga of Sweary Kerry Cassidy and the guy who's trying to make a documentary about how her best friend is not a space captain, but is actually a murderer. In this installment, the gents break down a recorded conversation between the two that involves "discernment."
- Monday: InfoWars was an ad plug
- Owen Shroyer hosted all day
- InfoWars: trash
- Project Camelot: trash
- Coach Dave: trash
- Larry Nichols: boring
- Larry Nichols recorded an album of cover songs, it's pretty good
- Is Larry's cigarette voice put on?
- Kevin Moore goes on Freedom of Joyce to talk shit on Kerry and Mark
- FOJ is on Youtube and hopefully American Freedom Radio
- No one vets their guests
- Discernment is the new buzzword
- Discernment is what resonates with your soul
- Interview is noisy
- Kevin talks about learning about the Pendragon murder
- Kevin has a recorded phone call with Kerry
- Kevin is longwinded and boring
- Kerry: what's your point?
- Kerry: the info is already out there if you google it, so I won't cover it
- Kevin: I wouldn't have thought to google it
- Kevin doesn't take responsibility for his guests
- Kerry: do you have new information?
- Kerry: if you want to trust your new source, go ahead
- Kerry: have you ever investigated a false flag?
- Kerry goes Obama birther
- Discussion: Jim Fetzer
- Fetzer is a holocaust denier and Project Camelot guest
- Kerry: it's all just word of mouth
- Who's framing Mark? Nazi mind control
- Kevin gets upset that Kerry criticizes his interview style
- Kerry: lots of people talk about Camelot
- Bill Ryan is descended from King Arthur
- Contact in the Desert is a can of worms
- Contact in the Desert is only 20% truth
- Kevin tries to claim he was skeptical of Jo Ann Richards and Mark Richards
- Kerry: I don't care what you do
- Simon Parks claims a UK intelligence contact vouches for Mark
- Kevin: if you're prepared to lie, what else is bullshit?
- Kevin wants to be a skeptic as well as a psychic hotline owner
- Kevin admits to coming at Kerry from a place of anger
- Kevin wants to do more documentaries, uses Kerry as ammo
- Tere has had Randy Kramer on
- Steve D Kelly has been on Freedom of Joyce 17 times
- Kelly and Tere tour Getty museum
- Kevin cuts a promo on Kerry
- Kevin channeled aliens that talk about discernment
- Kevin's aliens have the same verbal tics as Kevin
- Discernment sparks joy