297: January 17-18, 2013
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Today, Dan and Jordan go back to the past to explore how Alex Jones covered the days after the shooting at Sandy Hook. In this installment, everything goes crazy with completely absurd interviews. Alex interviews an insane sheriff. PJW interviews a Sandy Hook truther (poorly). Mike Adams interviews anti-vax charlatan Andrew Wakefield. It's a wild couple of days.
- Mailbag: Illuminati: New World Order
- Mayor says there will be mass Waco style standoffs
- Discussion: Dayton King and Gloversville
- King was fired for stealing $473 in stamps
- King was arrested in office for violating Roeback's civil rights
- Guest: Sheriff Denny Payman
- Discussion: Denny Payman
- Payman is very bad with money
- Payman is a constitutional sheriff
- Payman arrested a judge and county clerk
- Payman eventually found guilty of drug trafficking
- Payman was at the Bundy standoff
- Larry Pratt gave Payman the "High Noon Award"
- Alex: Obama took everything!
- Payman: they don't have the same blood as us
- Payman thinks tea party is liberal
- Guest: Lou Rockwell
- Alex teases SH false flag, seems to understand possible consequences
- PJW is a skeptic of false flag narratives
- Audience is demanding Alex cover false flag narratives
- Caller: HR226 is IRS helping with a gun grab
- Alex gets info from his callers
- PJW hosts, has a guest
- Guest: Professor James Tracy
- PJW doesn't push back hard on false flag narratives even though he's a skeptic
- Alex calls in on his day off
- Alex is pissed because DHS uses white people in a terrorism video
- PJW portrays Tracy as a media victim
- PJW reveals that the false flag narrative has a huge audience
- PJW: why don't we have pictures of Lanza with a gun?
- Discussion: SH security system
- Discussion: Conspiracy strategies
- Tracy claims "fleeing nuns" narrative started on InfoWars
- Discussion: Tracy's blog about inconsistencies
- Tracy quotes Rob Dew, Rappaport, and Mike Adams as initial sources
- Jim Fetzer defends Tracy, wrote book, Holocaust denier
- Alex blames Tracy, Tracy was inspired by Alex
- PJW sets up straw man to give Tracy an easy way in
- Discussion: Tracy's future harassment
- Tracy defines crisis actors
- 9/11 and 7/7 were drills that went live
- Why crisis actors? There weren't many people in the pictures
- PJW cuts to break to give Tracy an out
- Mike Adams interviews Andrew Wakefield
- Discussion: Andrew Wakefield
- Mike provides cover for Wakefield
- Wakefield is running court PF scams
- Adams claims blog is Huff Post article
- Discussion: Vaccine court ASD payout
- Wakefield misrepresents doctor trust study
- Adams cites Trump vaccine story
- Discussion: Daniel Chapter 1
- Discussion: herbal cancer treatments
- Caller: I like to lie to therapists
- Caller: I'm a pioneer research scientist
- Hypothesis: Alex starts talking about SH because of potential market
Notable Bits
- Go fuck yourself Jon Rappoport
Detailed Show Notes
Mayor Dayton King
- Dayton King caught stealing postage and forced to resign
- Gloversville vote recount changes mayoral election result
- Dayton King previously arrested for violating his opponent's civil rights
- Clip of Dayton King talking about "a new Waco"
Sheriff Denny Peyman
- Denny Peyman arrests a judge and County Treasurer
- Denny Peyman gets sued by the judge and loses
- Denny Peyman arrested for weed and guns
House Resolution 226 (113th Congress)
- The bill died in committee 3 days before Alex knew it existed
James Tracy
- Cites InfoWars as a source on his first Sandy Hook article
- Archive of Tracy's articles about Sandy Hook
- James Tracy harassed Lenny Pozner
- Plenty of information about various Sandy Hook conspiracy theories and how they're wrong
Andrew Wakefield
- British Medical Journal article about Wakefield's denounced Lancet study
- Wakefield has already tried to sue Brian Deer in the UK
- 2019 Danish study showing no link between vaccines and autism
- 2002 Danish study showing no link between vaccines and autism
- Vaccine courts article was part of Huffington Post "contributor platform"
- Italian case gets overturned
- University of Michigan study showing high rates of trust for doctors
Daniel Chapter One