294: January 15-16, 2013
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Today, Dan and Jordan get back to the past to continue looking into what Alex Jones was doing in the days after Sandy Hook. Not a whole lot to learn about Alex's opinion on the shooting this episode, but the gents do get to talk a bit about Alex planning tax fraud with his neighbor, "the Illuminati card game," and Alex recommending a book that Timothy McVeigh liked even more than the Turner Diaries.
- Alex discovered listicles
- 10 reasons to impeach Obama
- Alex gets ourtraged over a TV pilot
- Dr Wallach comes on
- If they take the guns, next they'll take the supplements
- Discussion: Dr Wallach's background
- Alex does a giant supplement infomercial
- Theo Ratliff comes on to talk supplements
- Dr Wallach runs Youngevity, an MLM
- Wallach is a veterinarian
- Vets are better doctors than doctors
- Wallach has autopsied 3000 humans
- Alex: Why do supplements make me aggro?
- Alex does commentary on an Obama press conference
- Biden is a ganster who smiles to much
- Alex wants to do a variety show
- An armed society is a polite society
- Alex is wearing camo
- Alex wants to bury hatchet with Glenn Beck
- Fascists wear fancy suits, not camo
- Athenian democracy history lesson
- The pen is mightier than the sword, but when it comes to the sword, they're dropping the hammer
- Discussion: Socrates and Aesop's death
- James David Manning interview
- Discussion: Evolution of narratives
- Discussion: what's new with Manning
- Manning is an abusive cult leader
- Texas State Rep Steve Toth
- Alex talks about cyber attacks against InfoWars
- Alex feels like he's in Groundhog Day
- Caller: Andy in Africa, calling from "The Good Part"
- Andy: Illuminati card game is real and they're taking down the servers
- Discussion: Illuminati card game history
- Alex takes a personal call on air
- Sex Ed gets Alex horny
- Adam Lanza is a patsy
- So what if you're a felon? Most felons are innocent
- Arm teachers, but not the weird ones. Just the football coaches
- Alex thinks Obama is talking to him
- Alex watches clips blind
- Alex thinks a land negotiation is a good faith discussion
- Alex talked to a neighbor about tax fraud
- Alex didn't want to be popular
- Alex wants guns to take on "welfare people"
- Caller: I'm going to send Obama my copy of Unintended Consequences
- Discussion: Unintended Consequences
- Alex makes a Starship Troopers reference
Notable Bits
- It's Time to Pray
- Unintended Consequences