291: Feline Contessas And Canine Capitalists
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Today, Dan and Jordan take a Wacky Wednesday break from talking about Alex Jones to take a little look into some chaos in Project Camelot land. Sweary Kerry has been pretty mad lately about a British guy who is making a documentary about how her friend Mark Richards is not a space captain (which he is not), but actually a murderer (which he is). As professional Mark Richards analysts, the gents decide that they need to know a little more about this situation, so they dig in and see what's up.
- This episode is a humdinger
- Who is Kevin Moore
- "Frauds are bad for the community"
- YouTube Channel: The Moore Show
- Interviewed Paul Craig Roberts, Jerome Corsi, David Icke, and Kerry Cassidy
- Interviewed Jim Fetzer, a Holocaust denier
- Kevin is trying to expose Kerry and Mark
- Kevin lets Jo Ann Richards tell lies without pushback
- Kevin introduces idea that Mark was off planet at the time
- Kevin lets Jo Ann slander Richard Baldwin
- They changed the date of death to trap Mark
- Mark implies he wasn't there, Jo Ann believes him
- Why is Mark exposing the secret space program now? He's bored
- Kevin agrees with everything Jo Ann says
- Barry Goldwater was a proto-MIB
- Mark was an army captain, moved sideways to navy captain
- Discussion: military ranks
- Discussion: The Dutchman's Air Force career
- Mark probably wasn't in Vietnam
- 1952: Ellis meets Prince Naga, a raptor, become friends
- 1962: Mark meets raptor children (Princess Linka and Prince Crag) at a conference
- Mark's friend Titania was there as well
- Good news: the raptors didn't eat the children
- There are cat aliens, and feline contessas
- Cat aliens are scientists, archaeologists, and artists
- Dog aliens are capitalists
- Natural disasters are cover for abductions
- Kevin: what about missing planes?
- Alien terrorists
- Jo Ann sells reports of Mark's adventures on her website
- Kevin is an asshole
- Kevin interviewed Kerry in 2018
- Kevin misrepresents his interview with Kerry in his documentary
- Kevin runs a psychic hotline
- Discussion: Psychic bios
- Kevin channels a soul group known as The One
- "He doesn't need to change his voice"
- Kevin began doing videos on Edgar Casey right before he started channeling
- Kevin channels Edgar Casey just to say hello
- Discussion: Kevin's motivation for attacking Kerry
- Nobody Died At Sandy Hook: It Was A FEMA Drill To Promote Gun Control