270: The Rogan Return

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Today, Dan and Jordan don't want to do it, but they discuss Alex Jones' recent appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast. Most of the conversation is about how Alex is a mentally unwell person, but a fair amount is also about how Joe is incredibly stupid and allows Alex to lie to him a bunch. Oh well.


  • Alex has a normal one
  • Alex drinks "apple juice" (Tito's Vodka) and "tobacco" (weed)
  • Alex lies about Sandy Hook
  • Alex talks about human-animal hybrids and spider goats
  • New Sandy Hook Conspiracy: MSM claimed Alex said Sandy Hook was a false flag, so people thought it was actually a false flag against Alex, so Sandy Hook WAS a false flag
  • Alex riffs on the future, 5G wiping your mind, and robot kill squads
  • Major General Generals take ayahuasca to talk to aliens
  • Sleep apnea and getting choked out are basically DMT
  • Alex is just trying to co-opt Joe's audience to get exposure
  • David Jones is insane and made tooth cyborgs
  • Ralph Northam exposed later term abortions as a baby organ harvesting scheme
  • Alex hooked up with a satanic family, may have had to kill his dog
  • Alex gets racist about native Americans
  • Mexico is a mind control lab
  • Native Americans are basically Chinese
  • Asians are battle robots
  • Alex and Joe talk Soros
  • Alex backs down slightly after Joe calls Alex out
  • Eddie winds Alex up
  • Alex's sexual history is fucked up
  • Alex's grandfather knew Wernher Von Braun
  • Alex's family are Ubermenschen
  • NASA is the breakaway govt
  • US merged with the British empire
  • Germans were in contact with aliens in WWII
  • Aliens want blood
  • Ghosts are in us
  • Bill Gates kills people for 5 minutes to talk to aliens
  • Greys are biological androids
  • Elites are in a cult worshiping clockwork elves
  • Steve Pieczenik likely told Alex to call Sandy Hook a false flag
  • Consciousness is a comet, evil is the tail for god to test you with
  • Alex is psychic with regards to women dropping jars of pickles
  • God doesn't know where god comes from
  • Alex claims he was ready to quit prior to 2015 (lies)
  • Alex is tired of his identity being tied to Donald Trump
  • Alex doesn't realize Eddie is Mexican
  • Alex lies about a fight at 13 where he got hit with a piledriver and had to fight the guy's entire family
  • Alex admits to being brain damaged
  • Alex admits to getting a high off of smashing people into concrete
  • Alex probably should have gone to the hospital after that fight
  • Alex and his friends choked each other out
  • Alex relived past lives
  • Alex talks about trans issues poorly

Notable Bits

  • Alex talks about killing dogs


  • Why The Future Doesn't Need Us by Bill Joy