266: December 14, 2012
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Today, Dan and Jordan decide there's no time like the present, so they embark on an investigation into how Alex Jones covered the tragedy at Sandy Hook. How did Alex come to the position where he would say on air that the events were staged? How long did it take him to get into those narratives? Episode one of the investigation may not answer any of the "big questions," but it certainly provides a number of clues.
- Corrections
- Start of Sandy Hook investigation
- Starting day of shooting
- Start of show, reports shooting happened, goes to gun talk
- Big news: Big Jim Tucker says Obama is sending troops to Turkey
- Alex is redpilled and feels new emotions
- Alex knows what globalist books say
- Alex learns extent of shooting, doubles down on gun talk
- It may be staged
- Teacher should have been armed
- Real or fake, it's all about guns
- Caller: is this fake?
- Alex wants it to be fake
- Caller: Why kids bowl?
- Say a prayer for kids killed by globalists
- Alex's gut says it's staged
- Caller: What are the signs?
- Guest: Larry Grathwald, weather underground spy
- Larry, do you think it was fake?
- We need to talk to people before they get threatened
- I'll read your comments live on air
- This will inpsire real nuts
- Special report: Mayan apocalypse
- Real or not? Who knows!