263: Jordan Takes The Wheel
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Today, Dan and Jordan switch roles on the show, to see how that feels. Jordan is very passionate about climate change, so for his episode he decided to find a particularly distasteful climate denier to go over. Also, Dan seems to have a lot of possibly inaccurate thoughts about music when he doesn't have to prepare for an episode.
- Jordan takes over to talk climate change
- Mark Moreno on Pat Robertson
- Book: Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change
- Miami is not sinking
- Man has always battled the shores
- Aldo Leopold started the modern conservation movement
- Paris accords cost $100 trillion
- $100 trillion comes from Bjorn Lomborg
- Paris accords will have no impact
- Donor's Trust/ Donor's Fund funds anti-climate change because Obama
- The world is actually cooling
- Weather comes out of the sun
- Scientists cooled the past
- Medieval warm period
- All of Moreno's anti-climate change sources got money from DT/DF
- Climate change is part of Earth's history
- Al Gore wants to control Africa's population
- 97%? They only had 77 scientists!
- 97% pulled out of thin air
- Main Villain: Barbara Streisand
- Dr William Happer: CO2 famine
- Christina Figueras and Patricia Espinosa, UN Climate Chiefs
- Moreno loves Scott Pruit
- Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change