260: Aliens Need Editors
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Today, Dan and Jordan take a much needed break from talking about Alex Jones in order to go on an adventure through space with Project Camelot. In this installment, Sweary Kerry sits down with a potential alien and definite Frenchman to discuss his life full of paranormal experiences, but ultimately all may not be what it seems.
- Guest: Sebastian Martin
- Kerry met Sebastian at the UFO Congress
- Sebastian introduces himself
- Sebastian was a CEO of a multinational company, selling magic honey
- Sebastian dreamed of a boy
- The boy is Zoar of the Intergalactic Federation
- Sebastian saw ghosts as a kid
- Sebastian moved a lot because of women
- Sebastions had visions, but he could block them
- Sebastian's mother doesn't believe in aliens, but his grandmother had visions too
- Sebastian's mom has a healing touch
- Sebastian used to be able to do automatic writing, but his dad threw the notebooks he wrote away
- Sebastian learned astral projection to impress a girl
- Hypnotherapist tought Sebastian how to control his visions
- Sebastian was healed by Pleadians at 6 months old
- Sebastian was scared to go on a spaceship with Zoar
- Sebastian is an alien sent to earth to awaken the Star Seeds
- Voice told Sebastian to go to Mt Shasta
- How to find a sign: look for the big rock
- Sebastian touched a rock and might have seen some aliens
- Sebastian saw archangels in his room
- Pleadians have their own agenda
Notable Bits
- Hi Kerry!