250: Remote Poisoners And Crypto Bigotry
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Today, Dan and Jordan go on a Wacky Wednesday adventure and check in on an interview Sweary Kerry did for Project Camelot back in April 2016. In this one, she interviews a guy who claims to have a background in intelligence, but also seems to have multiple ulterior motives motivating him.
- Kerry interviews Dr John Waterman (not his real name)
- Trained intelligence agent who didn't go into intelligence
- Former head of a militia
- Doctor of biological medicine (naturopathy)
- Recruited by Frank Shin, deceased
- John was in the shit
- The movie Spy Game is about Frank and John
- Vibrations in space are supposed to changed our DNA
- The vibrations are like fear in Dune, don't fight it
- Kerry is still cool with Sean David Morton
- Kerry is a terrible precog
- John went to the ER, not a naturopaht
- John's health issues were caused by a coronal mass ejection
- John is sensitive to UV
- John is remote attacked with poison
- Kerry tells her remote attack story
- Kerry wants John to talk about FEMA and the financial collapse
- FEMA is a bottle neck
- Kerry knew about the financial collapse 10 years ago
- The dollar is an economic weapon of war
- Waterman's blog tells the 3 person Fed vote story
- John loves hard currency: gold and silver
- John talks Rothschilds
- Banks are only for Federal Reserve money
- Discussion: Utah gold exchanges
- John is probably getting paid by UPMA
- John does a fear mongering ad pivot
- 2nd American Revolution is coming after 2016 RNC
- Summer of rage!
- Discussion: Waterman's website ZOG and anti-semitism
- Discussion: Alex/Waterman overlap
- Discussion: Q says JFK Jr is coming back after faking his own death
- John: you are not alone
- Discussion: Kerry lets John run an anti-semitic message on her show
- Waterman thinks Alex is a CIA shill
Notable Bits
- Summer of rage!