228: Old Alex Clips
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Dan is in the middle of preparing the research for the forthcoming Obama Deception documentary coverage, so he needs a real novelty to really get his mind into the show today. Thus, he decides to tell Jordan about some old clips he found of Alex Jones from his public access days in the Clinton era. What the gents end up finding there is at times charming, and at times deeply troubling.
- Alex public access clips
- Alex doesn't care about social justice issues, just being anti-government and anti-police
- Alex protests giving his fingerprint to the DMV
- Alex is trying to get arrested, it doesn't go well
- Alex uses sovereign citizen speech
- Alex is likely a sovereign citizen
- Alex goes to the Grand Canyon because Bill clinton gave the Grand Canyon to UNESCO
- Alex bothers people at Grand Canyon
- Discussion: Executive Order 12986
- Alex runs for Texas legislature
- Please watch them count the ballots
- Discussion: running for office for publicity
- Instinct is ancestral memory
- Alex has always been afraid of ChiComms
- ChiComm rant transitions into Waco and Ruby Ridge
- Discussion: Waco details
- Alex threatens ATF agent in town hall meeting
- Alex has known about REX 84 since the 90's
- Alex rants about leaderless resistance, goes into an ad pivot
- Discussion: Leaderless resistance
- Discussion: Louis Beam History