226: November 7, 2018

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Today, Dan and Jordan discuss how Alex Jones and Co. are dealing with the results of the 2018 midterm elections. In a shocking turn of events, Ted Nugent accurately assesses that his worldview is unpopular, Alex desperately tries to move product, and Roger Stone swings for the white nationalist fences.


  • Alex has a bit of fear over election results
  • Alex's takeaway: We need voter ID laws
  • Alex likes to butcher people's names
  • Guest: Ted Nugent
  • Ted Nugent comes on to talk election analysis
  • We would have won if it weren't for the illegal voting
  • Discussion: Next 2 years in Congress
  • Ted: We're outnumbered by the people who don't agree with me
  • Alex accidentally says to shoot leftists
  • We're only radical because the left is radical
  • Ted talks about self determination, but it has to extend to others
  • No one has had losses this low, so it's still a win
  • I know the Fabian Socialists' plan
  • Lucifer will give them immortal life
  • Silicon valley is microdosing to communicate with demons
  • Is Coonass a racist term?
  • Alex accuses Hillary of changing voices based on audience
  • Alex does terrible accents
  • Let's make them kill me
  • Faith Goldy would have won if she had been allowed to advertise
  • Discussion: Faith Goldy background
  • Guest: Roger Stone
  • Roger's new idea: printed handwritten letter to White House (1 million of them) and all Trump properties to take internet censorship seriously
  • Alex needs to sell everything because they're taking his payment processor
  • Theory: Alex is trying to sell old stock that overlaps with Jeunesse products
  • Alex and Roger are victims
  • Alex has another Sandy Hook suit
  • Roger talks about Soros
  • Discussion: Would Soros go on InfoWars?
  • Alex misrepresents article about Soros
  • Discussion: What article about Soros actually says
  • Roger: AOC's opponent was a classical liberal
  • Roger: Dems are the party of Andrew Gillum and AOC
  • Alex: Roger predicted Sessions would get fired
  • Fire Sessions to change the narrative
  • You can't get more American than Alex
  • Discussion: Super Patriots
  • Trump told Alex Sessions was a piece of crap when Sessions was appointed
  • Donald Trump: Unchained

Notable Bits

  • Mic Down