211: March 10, 2009

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Today, Dan and Jordan discuss the March 10, 2009 episode of The Alex Jones Show. On this episode, Alex is really, really trying to make his audience excited about the upcoming release of the Obama Deception. Alex also lies a bunch about Canada, and responds surprisingly well to a caller who wants to deny the Holocaust on air.


  • Alex teases releasing Obama deception
  • Best way to fight the banks: buy Obama Deception
  • Alex pretends Canada has the same Posse Comitatus laws as the US
  • Discussion: Article vs PJW interpretation
  • Canada is going to put people in FEMA camps...buy OD
  • Alex does a low energy plug
  • Alex thinks the US is under the Queen's control
  • Bush administration people have been knighted
  • Guest: Ron Paul
  • RP: Bernie Sanders is a liberal, but he's a good person
  • RP: The dollar will collapse, buy gold
  • When the Obama zombies come to your door, give them a copy of OD
  • Alex understands buzz marketing
  • Alex does a retraction and a beef-up
  • Jason Bermis points out Sandman was Gaiman
  • Beef-up: Bermis says Moore's ability to get laid proves that magic exists
  • Alex handles terrible callers well
  • Guest: Terry Bressi (AM I BEING DETAINED? guy)
  • Terry might be a sovereign citizen
  • Alex is sick of the NWO
  • Alex has to drum up base for OD
  • Ales uses OD release tease as a signal base
  • Alex calls himself the Ministry of Truth (1984 reference)
  • Guest: Ches Caine
  • Ches sells an AM transmitter
  • Alex wants his listeners to set up pirate radio stations and play IW
  • "This isn't a paid interview"
  • Ches was inspired by Red Beckman and Waco
  • Alex raps
  • Webster Tarpley talks about Obamavilles
  • Obama's approval is down 15% (since inauguration day, among Republicans)
  • Alex talks about Soros in regards to oil prices
  • Discussion: The Big Lie about Soros
  • Tarpley wants to set up a New World Monetary system, Alex lets it slide
  • Tarpley: The free marked won't end the depression. We need social programs