196: August 21, 2018
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Today, Dan stays in the present day to tell Jordan about the August 21 episode of The Alex Jones Show. The gents don't like being in the present, so there must be something big that led them to do two 2018 episodes in a row. There is something big, namely Alex basically confessing to a huge crime on air.
- Alex doubles down on partisan hackery
- Alex offers $1 million to anyone who can prove he said to use battle rifles agains media
- Alex makes an awkward metaphor
- Alex confesses to technically killing a guy
- A wonk calls in
- Alex lies about how long he's hated Soros
- Alex does a Soros impression
- Alex has sympathy for a 90 year old Nazi who is deported
- Alex isn't afraid of globalists
- David Knight is on 2nd hour
- David Knight got on InfoWars even though he didn't win a contest
- Alex thinks he's never looked better (he's wrong)
- Has Alex listened to the blood moon episode of Knowledge Fight?
- Alex is psychic
- Literal spiritual vampire invasion
- Alex gloats about Michelle Wolf being cancelled
- Soros thinks he's better than you
- Alex does ASMR
- MSM will false flag themselves and blame Alex
- Alex sings Fulsom Prison Blues after confessing to murdering a guy
- If they start a civil war, do what must be done
- Antifa wants you to submit, but will kill you anyway
- Alex does a low energy sales pitch
- Alex on Cohen: he's a disgraced lawyer
- CNN and ABC would have an ugly baby together
- Tennis is baseball with bigger bats
Notable Bits
- Alex probably killed a guy
- Alex ASMR