171: Loosh and Let Live
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Today, Dan tells Jordan about a very bizarre episode of Project Camelot where Kerry Cassidy interviews a real strange weirdo named Steve Kelley about how there is a demonic city under a museum in Los Angeles. This touches on everything, so strap it in.
- Kerry interviews Steve Kelley
- Steve is into Nibiru
- Steve was involved in Iran Contra
- Steve worked everywhere
- Billy Myer: Swiss UFO conman, Doomsday cult leader
- The prophet Billy
- Underground city under Getty museum
- Project Big Giant Flashlight
- Vince the Caver, alien in disguise
- Keys to kingdom: box of cigars, house, job at the Getty, magic
- Everything is bloodlines
- Steve is a remote viewer
- Steve invented a 3d laser
- SK Industries
- Steve steals guns
- Steve said that the US created ISIS
- How to be a remote viewer: just do it
- Types of genetic memory
- Getty level 1 is Hogwarts
- Layout of the Getty, including nazi remote viewer guards
- Cavers tried to recruit Steve
- Steve had a militia
- Steve sounds like Alex
- Steve hates Craig "Sawman" Sawyer
- What's the definition of an alien base?
- Loosh is the connection between aliens and demons
- Book: Far Journeys by Robert Monroe
- Lilith is responsible for all evil
- Steve's brother went on a Getty tour
- Cavers have a doomsday plan
- Steve is a PEZ dispenser
- Trump is going to circumvent the Getty doomsday plan
- Is Trump doing secret arrests?
- Steve is not impressed with Mark Richards
- Steve is into hollow earth
- Chariots of the Gods by Erich Von Daniken
- Is Kerry in love with Mark?
- 4000 humans equals a hydrogen bomb
- Kerry and Steve are both checked out
- Steve wants alien genocide
- Let's talk about densities
- Hidden Hand
- Raw Material/ Law of One
- Steve has a murderous alter entity called Rambo
- Saying Jesus Christ is the greates weapon
- Far Journeys by Robert Monroe
- Chariots of the Gods by Erich Von Daniken