167: February 4-5, 2009
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about what happened on the February 4th and 5th, 2009 episodes of the Alex Jones Show. Alex tries to make a big deal out of an Al Gore clip he's stolen from Glenn Beck, he does some profoundly disturbing impressions, then manages to be embarrassed by no less than three guests he has invited on the show.
- Obama is going to stage a bombing to boost his ratings
- FEMA camp nonsense
- Alex has read too many books on Nazis and communists
- Genetic memory!
- The globalists will crumble if yoiu stand up to them
- Federal and State governments have been taken over by treaties
- Alex's True Story: talking on the phone with globalists
- Lots of impressions
- Guest: Eugene Volokh, UCLA Law professor
- Hillary's emoluments conflict
- Eugene punches a hole in Alex's airplane terrorism narrative
- Man, wasn't the KRS-1 interview great?
- Alex meets Peter Schiff
- Guest: Peter Wallison, disagrees on FEMA camps
- Glenn Beck is a phony
- Alex's True Story: Ales talks to his neighbors
- Supervolcano is coming, buy gold
- Guest: Stand Monteith, christian reconstructionist
- Stan: Trilateral commision logo looks like 666
- Al Gore wants kids to tattle on their parents
- Alex steals Glenn Beck clips
- Guest: Robert P Trombley, volcanologist
- Robert has no time for Alex's bullshit
- Alex wants to drum up volcano panic
- Can we nuke a volcano?
- Guest: Aaron Zelman, Jews for the preservation of firearm ownership
- Gun holocaust
- Family court judges are demons
- Announcement: Jason Bermis is doing a show
- Jason: Ted Anderson is advertising on Rush and Hannity
Notable Bits
- Alex's True Story