153: More Mark Richards Fun

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Today, Dan needs an "Alex Jones Break," so he decided to go back and see if there were any old Mark Richards interviews on Project Camelot that he hasn't told Jordan about yet. As luck would have it, he found a few, and Jordan finally gets to learn the truth about all of America's wars, whether or not AI have souls, and the mysterious "ant beings."


  • Old Mark Richards interviews
  • Mark has prison operatives, like Bach, who killed a child molestor
  • Mark is in a White Supremacist gang
  • Underground android army
  • Most battles take place in space, except for the Middle East, where we're taking out underground reptilian bases
  • WWII was fought between the Nordic, the Draco, the Reptoids, and the Greys
  • Raptors like to hunt and raise dinosaur cattle
  • Raptors see humans as caviar
  • Ways to teleport
  • Sean David Morton has secret info on teleportation
  • AI helped Eisenhower save the world
  • Flyer: Mark's AI friend with a soul
  • Minerva is a good AI with a soul who got bored
  • CERN is working with satanists to open portals for the reptoids
  • Putin is being manipulated by the reptoids
  • US and Russia are being manipulated to keep us from going off planet
  • Meet the Press makes Mark Angry
  • Ant people are in play
  • Vietnam was a secret invasion by the spider beings
  • Mark, why are you still in prison?

Notable Bits

  • Hi Kerry!