144: March 25-31, Part 2
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Today, Dan and Jordan deal with what Alex Jones was up to last week, while Jordan was on vacation. Tune in for the part where Alex talks about how he's been a part of 10 abortions in his life, stay for the hosts arguing about how much respect a guest should get.
- Guest: Mike Cernovich
- Mike: I like money
- John Paul Stevens NYT headline: repeal 2nd amendment
- Discussion: 2nd amendment
- Discussion: Automatic death penalty for leaders
- Guest: Ben Garrison, alt-right political cartoonist
- Alex has a broken earpiece
- War is coming, ad pivot
- China is in control of our phones
- Globalist Plan: Elysium
- Bernie Sanders impression
- Swedish government Muslim child sex manual
- Marriage ages around the world
- Child marriage
- Alex gets aggro
- Zombies eat brains because they don't have any
- Hey leftists, kill yourselves
- Caller: I carry a gun so you get raped instead of me
- Alex is horny for the caller
- Women are empowered in the west because they're worshiped
- Here's an article that discusses some of Dan's examples and others.
- Guest: Ted Nugent
- VH1 Behind the Music episode where Nugent discusses underage girls and the adoption
- Guest: Tommy Robinson
- Guest: Mark Moreno, climate denier, future Jordan Takes the Wheel subject
- Alex talks about Marina Abramović, alludes to adrenochrome
- Alex talks about abortion and admits to paying for 10 abortions
- Alex Jones Karaoke: John the Revelator by Depeche Mode
- Depeche Mode: good band, politically dumb
- Guest: Katie Hopkins, fucking monster, pro-genocide, Nazi
- Katie: Britain needs a show like Tucker
- Alex is horny for Katie
- Katie talks about white farmers in South Africa
- Nazis couldn't handle Texas
- Soros, fill your hand
- Alex projects guilt about shootings
Notable Bits
- Alex Jones Karaoke