140: February 18, 2011
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Today, Dan tells Jordan all about the time that Charlie Sheen popped up on The Alex Jones Show and began the uncomfortable public spectacle that would take on a life of its own. Most people remember the quotes, but many forget that the kick-off occurred on The Alex Jones Show. Come for the uncomfortable rambling, stay for Alex being a bad friend for broadcasting this.
- March Madness bracket
- Charlie Sheen's meltdown started on Infowars
- Alex went on The View to talk about it
- Charlie Sheen claims he's sober and talks about his "goddesses" and winning
- Charlie Sheen makes some anti-semitic remarks about Chuck Lorre
- Charlie Sheen gets a stupid tattoo
- Major League 3 is being written by a genius, apparently
- Charlie gets into Vatican Assassins
- Apocalypse Now is discussed which leads to Charlie revealing a terrible philosophy about friends and family
- Charlie talks about addiction, specifically LSD addiction, and insults the founder of AA
- Charlie thinks Thomas Jefferson is a "pussy" and Alex has no reaction to that
- Eminem is Charlie's favorite poet
- Dan goes over Charlie's disastrous "Violent Torpedo of Truth" tour in which Snoop was supposed to appear but skipped for the Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Awards
- Dan and Jordan lament Alex's enabling of Charlie's mental health and substance abuse problems
Notable Bits
- Winning!, Vatican assassin warlocks, Tiger Blood,