114: Piers Morgan Interview

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Today, Dan and Jordan discuss Alex Jones' very combative appearance with Piers Morgan from back in January of 2013. Both men are assholes, so just sit back and enjoy the last episode of 2017 as your hosts actively root against both participants in a "debate."


  • I had nothing... except a $20,000 load from my dad
  • Alex went on Piers Morgan on 1/27/13
  • Alex started a petition to deport Piers
  • Jordan agrees with Alex on guns
  • 2nd amendment is to stop street thugs
  • 1776 will commence again if you try to take guns
  • Alex's family was on both sides of the Texas revolution
  • Alex invites Piers out shooting
  • Alex hits rapidfire gun bullshit
  • Alex prepared his statistics
  • What about shark attacks and staph infections in hospitals
  • They arrest people for self defense in Britain
  • Alex challenges Piers to a boxing match
  • Alex denies reality
  • Anti-depressant bullshit
  • Alex is pissed that Piers has notecards
  • If you hate guns, why do you have bodyguards
  • It's called Demo-cide
  • Alex corrects how many stations he's on
  • Who did 9/11?
  • Alex gives up, does British accent