Alexander Nekrassov
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Alexander Nekrassov is a former (?) Kremlin presidential adviser, and has been involved with the Russian government for about the last two decades. He has a long history of writing for publications such as Al Jazeera and others about topics like how Marine Le Pen is great and it's not a problem that Russian state banks donated millions to her campaign, or how Putin is the good guy in Ukraine. He seems to have a pretty consistent messaging with state media outlets. In an interview with Alex, he literally explained that when he worked for the Kremlin, he was a "fixer," and his job would be to work behind the scenes. Alex does not grasp that he is being worked over by a high-level foreign government fixer live on air at any point.
Relevant Episodes by Release Date
No. | Title | Coverage
start date |
end date |
Air date | Episode type |
141 | 141: March 20-22, 2018 | March 20, 2018 | March 22, 2018 | March 23, 2018 | Present Day |