... Politically
Alex Jones frequently makes graphic, violent, or threatening statements on The Alex Jones Show. To soften the impact of these statement, and to avoid the sort of legal consequences that would generally come with making violent threats, Alex often adds the word "politically" on at the end as afterthought. This happens so frequently that it's become a macabre running joke on Knowledge Fight.
When he's particularly worked up, he will start sprinkling the word "politically" into sentences where it doesn't make a lot of sense. Sometimes this expands into ending sentences with strings of other similar adverbs, like "lovingly" or "peacefully".
For instance, take this statement from early December 2020, where Alex discusses how Trump supporters should protest the election in DC[1]:
[The election] is a fraud. We have the proof. We have it all. And this is everything right now.
And we won't let you little murderous criminals do it!
Do you hear me? You warmongering, degenerate pedophiles!
A pandemic inauguration because no one's going to be there for his [Biden's] inauguration. So it's got to be all BS.
We'll be in D.C. We don't care what your mayor says that we're not supposed to be there. Burn in hell. This is all America. We're coming this weekend and we're coming on the inauguration one way or the other.
But America was blind and thought we were invincible. America thought that we could never be defeated, and we were living on our laurels, living on our ancestors, and now we realize how much trouble we're in! That dragon's got its teeth on our leg. Well, that's okay.
Let's politically just stop whining about it and just start taking our thumbs and poking the eyes out and punching it right in the nose. And just all of a sudden, you might notice you have the political strength to grab it by its ears and just tear its skull right open. But you've got to decide you're going to break its head open lovingly, peacefully, politically.
And that means hitting the streets and spreading the word and just letting the globalists know you'll never surrender.
This is actually a fairly mild example, because Alex is at least talking about an actual specific political protest, and he starts sprinkling in the qualifier at the beginning of his depiction of violence, not just as an afterthought. Also he's clearly talking about fighting a dragon, so there's some allowance for metaphor from the jump.
At other times, Alex is just rambling about his machismo, and begins to claim he's making a political statement only once his fantasies become explicitly violent[2].
[Exiting ad pivot]
It is treason against the Republic and against information warfare if you don't buy war bonds.
And if the battle for the Republic here domestically isn't happening in Infowars, reaching 28 million people a week, thanks to my, and the listeners, lunatic liberty-based energy, and I mean it.
You know, it's one of the top samurais, I forget his name, said, can you guys find me the quote and I'll read it in the next segment, the way of the samurai is desperate.
I remember reading that when I was a teenager.
And, uh, I grew up in a, not so much a rough neighborhood, but a rough area.
My parents just were the old school where they just let your sons fight.
Nowadays, it seems so alien in an anti-state.
And, uh, I remember it clicked with me so much because I read about the Vikings doing berserk and stuff.
And I'd had the opportunity to be in positions where 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 people attacked you at once.
It was such a liberating feeling to turn into Mr. Hyde, that I really understood what that samurai was saying --
Desperateness is the way of the samurai.
Where you're not even trying anymore. It's full commitment. Full will. With love and hate and everything dumped out.
Just to slash and cut your enemies into pieces.
Not even care about what they do to you because you're going to be too busy slicing them to bits in an offensive attack.
That's the only defense you've got. And that's what it comes down to. And people need to have that fighting spirit. That mad dog spirit.
Vicious, armored sheep dogs just rushing into the wolves and just, just biting in and not even stopping and just tearing their guts out as you go and then clamping on to the next one.
We don't have time to clamp on to their legs or clamp on to their, you know, the safer parts. We gotta go right into their faces, [Alex growls, pauses] politically.
Grab on to the face, tear a chunk out, grab right on the nose, rip it off, grab right in the throat, and not even question whether when we pull apart, our jaws are gonna take their jugulars with it.
That's what I'm talking about, the desperateness. The death battle. Because they've already killed us, most of us. The food, the water, we're walking dead. We're not gonna be living as long as our parents or grandparents, know that. And I hate to get so, you know, fatalistic about it. I'm not fatalistic.
The way of the samurai is desperateness, folks. We are in a desperate situation.
Note that Alex is not saying violence by his enemies is political. He claims that "they" are literally killing "us" by various means. Despite his single use of "politically", it is completely fair to understand this as a call for his audience to engage in physical violence against their perceived opponents.