601: June 16, 2003
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Today, Dan and Jordan dip back into the past. In this installment, Alex horribly fumbles a story that he could have nailed, gets suspiciously defensive about how he cut his finger over the weekend, and is super condescending toward a guest from Harper's who mysteriously agreed to be on the show.
- Alex wants to talk about Dr Charles Cell, mentally ill dentists who committed medical fraud
- Guest: Jeff Charlotte of Harper's
- Background: The Family, extremist Christian group
- VirginUtah.com: Alex tried to push a libertarian community
- Alex cut his hand on a boat but won't take painkillers for it and may have cursed at someone
- Guest: John Stadtmiller, says Dr Cell case is a waco coverup
- The ATF will plant pipebombs on your property
- Harper's article says The Family likes Hitler
- Alex owes his money to The Family by radicalizing Mike Lindell
- Jeff describes how the family operates, sounds like Alex
- Alex tries to expand on Jeff's research
- Reading Nietzsche makes you evil
- Alex tries to out research Jeff
- Jeff: who would believe in the book of Revelations?
- Jeff: They don't realize they want a dictatorship
- Jeff: They're fundamentalist Christians
- Alex: I'm a fundamentalist Christian
- Caller: Conservatives fetishize authority
- Alex won't let caller compliment Jeff
- Caller: State of Michigan just raped and pillaged my family
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- The case of Dr. Charles Sell and whether or not the state can forcibly medicate someone so they can be competent to participate in a trial
- The ACLU petitioned the court on behalf of Dr. Sell
- Sell v. United States, Supreme Court decision
- The CCC are a bunch of white nationalists
- Jeff Sharlet's 2003 article in Harper's about The Family
- Archived page of Alex's Virgin, Utah website
- Kennesaw's government website discusses their population increase
- Kennesaw's gun ordinance is unenforceable
- The coverage of the Georgia Republic Militia bomb story is missing some details
- Salon article about how Mike Lindell found God and right-wing politics at the National Prayer Breakfast, run by The Family