597: September 14, 2021
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Today, Dan and Jordan check back in on how things are going on The Alex Jones Show. In this installment, Alex helps a Florida grocer beg for a meeting with Gov. DeSantis, covers multiple fake stories he found on social media, and misreports an about three month old story about vaccines.
- Celine's animals: a bee
- Alex keeps throwing to banned.video
- Alex affirms that InfoWars is free to use
- Sad news about CA recall
- States are only blue because of fraud
- Dems used fake ballots
- What about the ballots in PA the mailman found?
- Alex gets racist about AOC at the Met Gala
- Alex is pro-colonialism and apartheid
- There's a war on the family... buy Ultra 12
- Nicki Minaj says the vaccine shrinks your balls
- Reuters says vaccine causes heart inflammation in soldiers... AND DEATH!!!
- Guest: Alfie Oakes, anti-masker grocery store owner, loves Mike Lindell
- All of Alfie's employees take ivermectin and have no contact tracing
- Alfie needs an emergency meeting with Ron DeSantis
- Alfie wants to lobby/bribe DeSantis
- Alfie: prove there was no fraud
- The great reset is here because Alex can't fix his pool
- Alfie: 2022 election is the line in the sand
- General Milley told China it's OK to nuke us
- Body cams make cops worse
- Canadian Wal-Marts require vaccine passports, says fake post that Alex reports on
- Alex reports on tweet of Mongolian vaccination stats
- Alex couldn't pick a winning COVID denial video in contest because he had COVID
- Alex teases a call-in show
- Alex speeds through HR 550 coverage from January to get to calls
- Alex's True Story: Bilderberg waitresses leak documents
- Caller: I used to be a satanist
- Caller: this is human sacrifice for communist control
- Caller: we need anti-vax LinkedIn
- Find a doctor to claim you have immunity already
- Alex needs IT employees... ad plug
Notable Bits
- Alex's Tue Story
Detailed Show Notes
Topics covered[1]:
- Alex misreports the 2020 elections scandal involving a PA postal worker
- Alex is mad about AOC's dress at the Met Gala, but likes Nicki Minaj's vaccine tweet, which the Health Minister of Trinidad has said was not true
- Alex misreports a story about a military study on heart inflammation after vaccination (alternate link)
- Alex reports on a hoax Facebook meme about Canadian Walmarts requiring proof of vaccination for people to shop in their stores
- Alex reports on a misleading graph that he found on a random person's twitter account. The printout he's using to cover the story is just a tweet:
- Alex reports on a house resolution introduced in January as if it is breaking news