Transcript/814: June 1, 2023
From Knowledge Fight Wiki
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Alex Jones (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red alert. Red alert. Red Alert
Theme Song (00:00:16.000)
Damn, Jordan I'm sweating knowledge It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge by knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys Shang V or the bad Dutch knowledge by Dan and Jordan knowledge fight
Alex Jones (00:00:35.000)
need money Andy and Andy Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding in color with your knowledge by now, knowledge
Dan (00:00:58.000)
Hello, everybody. Welcome back to knowledge, right. I'm Ben. I'm Jordan. We're gonna do like sit around worship at the altar of saline and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed.
Jordan (00:01:06.000)
We are Dan Jordan.
Dan (00:01:09.000)
Bam. Question for you. Mr. brightspot. Why don't you go first?
Jordan (00:01:13.000)
My brightspot twofold. twofold. First fold. Yeah, Spider Man across the spider verse. Yeah, review. Incredible.
Dan (00:01:21.000)
I am not surprised to hear this review. I figured that would probably be your take, but I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Jordan (00:01:26.000)
I enjoyed it. But and when I say incredible I mean they exceeded what I would have called incredible for it because and I mean, before you even go any further with the movie as far as the writing, which is fucking spectacular. It is. Beautiful.
Dan (00:01:43.000)
Did we get Nick Cage in there? No, I
Jordan (00:01:46.000)
don't think we get his voice. We do see we do see a little bit of the but I think he'll be in the next you just
Dan (00:01:53.000)
see a full frontal shot. Just Nick Cave animation but weirdly there's just one. Roger Rabbit style. Just real life.
Jordan (00:02:05.000)
There is a reference to Spider Man to you. Do you see a Tobey Maguire? Okay. Yeah. But no, it is the artwork is is astonishing. That's great. It is specific to the characters in such a an evocative way that it never feels like it's too on the nose. But it is so right on. You know what I'm saying? Sure. Like, it's so good. And then, as far as the writing goes, it might as well be called Daddy issues the movie so you know, I appreciate it. Yeah, I mean, it's it is literally right there for me.
Dan (00:02:37.000)
You know, you got Uncle Ben and Aunt Mae. Right. I mean, like there's no Parker. Parents that see.
Jordan (00:02:43.000)
Peter Parker does not have as parents nor does he have his uncle right only has aunt Mae right. Miles Morales has lost his uncle Rand a. Does he still have both of his parents? Right? Yeah, yeah.
Dan (00:02:57.000)
I don't I family systems within superheroes are sure it's always complicated. Yeah, most of them are dead. Can't keep track of all this.
Jordan (00:03:03.000)
But the biggest thing about the story is it's such a great, great, great examination of the this is just how it's done. Versus the well fucking do something different. And it's so good. It's so good.
Dan (00:03:18.000)
That's great. So good. I repeat that I will watch it. If it's in front of in front of you. I will watch the tombstone first. Yeah, you
Jordan (00:03:24.000)
do. I'll put that one in front of you. Because it's so good. Yeah. And then my second one is, my wife bought me a brand new hat. At the
Dan (00:03:32.000)
art crawl. It's I don't mean this in an insulting way. Although this term is sometimes thrown around. disparagingly, it's a little loud.
Jordan (00:03:41.000)
It is loud. It glows in the dark. Oh, yeah. Flashes of
Dan (00:03:45.000)
paint on it. You got it. Perhaps you want to show people a picture of yourself in the head in order to because you know, we're talking about something kind of visual.
Jordan (00:03:53.000)
Yeah, that's true. Um, but it's really nice. It says Be yourself on it. Yeah, it's great. I love the larger
Dan (00:04:00.000)
thing. Maybe it was done by a kid artist. Because the Be yourself is quite off center.
Jordan (00:04:05.000)
No, no, that's the idea. It's by 327 gifted designs. So that's who put this together? And it's it's it's nice and it fits well.
Dan (00:04:14.000)
Are we sure that that isn't 327 gifted designs not like a gifted program at a school? Because
Jordan (00:04:21.000)
a third second and seventh grade, right.
Dan (00:04:25.000)
It is a bit off center.
Jordan (00:04:26.000)
Yeah. Well, you're not wrong. Be yourself is pretty pretty long, though. As far as the size of it,
Dan (00:04:32.000)
but that's what I'm saying. You have to plan in advance for how many letters there
Jordan (00:04:36.000)
there is a little bit of the like, Alright, here we go. Start with the B. Oh, no.
Dan (00:04:41.000)
It's like you've already reached the end of the page. Trying to fit the letters. Yeah. Well, it's a nice hat.
Jordan (00:04:48.000)
Yes, it is. What's your right spot?
Dan (00:04:50.000)
My bright spot actually, I want to this isn't my bright spot. But I was thinking about this while you were talking about the spider verse. And that is that I descended down a Spider Man and rabbit hole on the Wikipedia Did you? Yeah, what for? I don't know. I think somehow the words the superior spider man came across my attention as opposed to the Amazing Spider. Yeah. And it was like, you're like
Jordan (00:05:14.000)
this. I can't hang with this. Why did you change the word? What is this? Yeah, yeah. And
Dan (00:05:19.000)
then so I looked into it and I read up on how spider man died at the end of the Amazing Spider Man sure series and then Dr. Octopus put his brain into Spider Man's body and decided he was going to be a better Spider Man than Spider Man. I was like, all right. Interesting. I didn't realize that was an entire
Jordan (00:05:38.000)
plotline. So dakak puts his brain inside
Dan (00:05:42.000)
Docker aka is dying because of old age and illness and whatever you just did already. Well, no, he figures out a way to change minds with Peter Parker. So Peter Parker's mind goes into his dying body died. Yeah, gotcha. And then he's inside. Spider Man. Yeah, so he was wanting to be a superior Spider Man. And then I lost interest in figuring out where the plot goes from that. Yeah, I wouldn't worry but I was shocked that that happened.
Jordan (00:06:05.000)
Of all the ways to die. I don't want my to be surprised by waking up inside the body of a dying man and then dying. That's the worst way I can think of to die. Yeah, well, drowning bad. Sure. But I mean, drowning. You're still you're still like, oh, well, I'm 35 I'm having a good time. This didn't work out for me. You know, suddenly being Spider Man and then trapped in the body of a guy with octopus. crap on his back who's dying? That's a bummer.
Dan (00:06:33.000)
Also, if you have that octopus stuff on your back, it's gotta be tough to lay in a hospital.
Jordan (00:06:38.000)
Oh my god. They're pissed off at you too. Because they're like, We have to roll you over. And you weigh seven tons.
Dan (00:06:44.000)
Yeah, it's not. Yeah, I guess it gets it's like it's not even your own death that you're experiencing that we kind of feel like
Jordan (00:06:52.000)
it's a rip off. Yeah, you got your life stolen from you in an unfortunate way. Yeah.
Dan (00:06:58.000)
So by brightspot. I am working on the to the 2004 episode for later. Present day episode today. We have a 2004 episode coming up that I discovered something very exciting. Okay. So that's my bright spot.
Jordan (00:07:12.000)
All right, teasing. And teasing is the bright spot.
Dan (00:07:15.000)
It's somebody who we have a lot of people ask for updates on pretty regularly. What?
Jordan (00:07:23.000)
I think I know Do you
Dan (00:07:25.000)
maybe what do you think it is?
Jordan (00:07:28.000)
I think it's pathetic. No. Oh, damn it.
Dan (00:07:31.000)
I feel like now I should just say well, I found the first appearance of don de Grand Prix. Yeah.
Jordan (00:07:38.000)
Oh, my God. Dundee Grand Prix. Yeah, he's alive. Oh, that should give
Dan (00:07:47.000)
you an indication of how life is going. That's my brain
Jordan (00:07:52.000)
thinks there are worse things.
Dan (00:07:56.000)
So we have a present day episode to go over today. All right. All right.
Jordan (00:07:59.000)
Are we in the hotel room? We
Dan (00:08:00.000)
are still in the hotel right guy? Guess what? Geo located the hotel. So we'll talk about that. Actually, Alex DOCSIS himself. So it doesn't really matter. Yeah, I found that where he is okay. And we'll talk about all this business. But before we do, let's take a little moment to say hello to somebody who wants Oh, that's a great idea. So first MADI and DC thank you so much. You are now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:08:22.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Dan (00:08:23.000)
Thank you very much. Next Giuseppe peperoni MFA. Thank you so much. You're on our policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:08:29.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:08:30.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:08:31.000)
Next actual door. Thank you so much. You are now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:08:34.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:08:35.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:08:37.000)
Next Happy Birthday. Merry Christmas. And all hail at skull asteroid on Instagram. Thank you so much. We're now policy Wong.
Alex Jones (00:08:43.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Jordan (00:08:44.000)
you very much. Hey, I like that I like that double up because you you never know if we're going to be near your birthday or near Christmas. No, I like it.
Dan (00:08:54.000)
And whenever Alex mentions New Zealand, it makes my dreamy less creamy. Thank you so much. You are now policy walk.
Alex Jones (00:09:00.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:09:01.000)
Thank you very much. Thank
Dan (00:09:02.000)
you and we got to take for granted the mix. Jordan Sue, thank you so much to Congratulations, Mike and Jess on your Hobbit wedding. Thank you so much. You are now a technocrat
Alex Jones (00:09:10.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Telling you brilliant someone someone sodomized sent me a bucket of poop daddy sharp. Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser little little teeny baby. I don't want to hate black people. I renounce Jesus Christ
Jordan (00:09:30.000)
like it's about as Thank you very much. You shouldn't
Dan (00:09:32.000)
know what it wasn't genic I would not spoil that. I know in a bright spot.
Jordan (00:09:37.000)
No, but I just got excited. Yeah, I don't know if you know this, but I have a penchant for Excite. Here's
Dan (00:09:44.000)
the thing. I was sitting around trying to figure out a way to explain it. Yeah, like someone who often there's updates about you know, the running joke of a house to underground brewery doing
Jordan (00:09:56.000)
yeah, there's no way to do it because the running joke is so specific,
Dan (00:10:00.000)
there's no way for me to, like tease that out of you or evoke you to say how he's gone to Grand Prix.
Jordan (00:10:06.000)
Right? Without kind of given up the game and then it's less fun.
Dan (00:10:10.000)
Yeah, yeah. And I stepped in it. I'll be honest. Yeah, you're
Jordan (00:10:13.000)
great. You did. You did great.
Dan (00:10:14.000)
Now. All right, thanks. So we start off. Okay. Alex is not on the first half hour of the show. On this. This episode. This is June 1, Thursday's show.
Jordan (00:10:25.000)
Did you find out if the hotel is a gym? Was he in the gym? I guarantee
Dan (00:10:28.000)
he was not at the gym. Unless the gym was code for the bar. I don't think Alex is going to the gym, ever. And that's not to say, you know, not body shaming the man. I just don't think he has a lot of discipline or interest in his health. Yeah, that sounds right. Um, but he shows up about half an hour in and he explains that he's on vacation. Sure, cool. You're fucking jet. Because there's more going on to this vacation than you might imagine. All right, all right.
Alex Jones (00:10:59.000)
I decided to take a family vacation for a week and a half. And I decided to take a vacation in a place right conduct an investigation of the globalist building bunkers. The white dot about for a long time and broke about 1670 years ago, I'm sorry, what has been accelerated since then. And so I ended up extending my, quote, workstation, three days, until tomorrow, what do I do back in Texas on Tuesday, show that he gets more contacts and just browse safety of information. It's already been transmitted Infowars. And so anything happens to me, that information will still get out. But in the interest of safety. I'm gonna go ahead today at the bottom of the next hour and releases information now.
Dan (00:11:52.000)
Nothing's gonna happen to you dumbed down
Jordan (00:11:54.000)
interest of safety. Yeah, so
Dan (00:11:56.000)
when Alex said that he was investigating globalist bunkers. Sure. That tells you that it's either in Hawaii or New Zealand, because those are the places that Alex always talks about. And it's in Hawaii. Yeah, he's, he's in Hawaii, of course. And the information that he has transmitted or the only thing that he reveals is a picture allegedly, that he took from an helicopter of Mark Zuckerberg house. Yeah, that sounds me stalking Mark Zuckerberg. That
Jordan (00:12:22.000)
sounds right. That sounds right. He took a very lovely helicopter ride with his family. Nothing got a picture of Bill Gates's house or whatever, Mark Zuckerberg house or whatever. Yeah, pretend. And he's just like, wow, see work. Keishon. Yeah,
Dan (00:12:37.000)
there are two semi cylindrical buildings that that are in this picture. Allegedly. Somewhat silo ish. No, no, no, like, half circle. Okay. On the on the ground. Now. I think I might cylindrical might have been the wrong word. But so yeah, it's just that you can't really tell anything from it. It's very uninteresting. But apparently, this is like us, you might die for taking this picture. I think if I had to guess, yeah. You might be able to write off a family vacation if you pretend it's work related. Second, you might be able to convince the bankruptcy court to let your business pay for this if work related as opposed to I want to go to fucking Hawaii with my family for two weeks. Yeah.
Jordan (00:13:28.000)
Yeah, I want to I want to just make sure that everybody at the bankruptcy court knows that they are doing a bad job when they're terrible at what they do. And they should be embarrassed for
Dan (00:13:39.000)
themselves or circle back on this one, because this you might want to reinvestigate if Alex used funds that he shouldn't have to take this, obviously, I mean, 10s of 1000s of dollars to probably take a family vacation for two weeks to kawaii
Jordan (00:13:57.000)
yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Yep, yep. Yep. Yep. GoFundMe for Erica Lafferty. Everyone at the bankruptcy court. Go fuck yourselves.
Dan (00:14:05.000)
So look, if Alex is investigating something serious, but he's not. Yeah. But if he is what he's investigating is terrifying. Yeah. We're talking about underground cities. Yeah, we're talking about robots. Okay. All right. I should say Alex is talking about
Jordan (00:14:23.000)
Hold on. Now. I'm gonna ask you this question before we get there. If Zuckerberg goes deep enough, will he meet the Nazis in Antarctica? Underneath the Do you know what I'm saying? I
Dan (00:14:34.000)
don't know about angles. That's a good point. Yeah.
Jordan (00:14:38.000)
I don't know how the earth works.
Dan (00:14:39.000)
Yeah, I don't know where each is situated. Yeah, I know that if he digs keeps going down, he'll get to China, because that's everybody everywhere. Everywhere. If you dig down, it's
Jordan (00:14:50.000)
gonna get to the mantle and it's gonna be really tough. I mean, it's just molten rock. You're not going to be able to I don't know if the mantle is molten. One of them is molten rock. Sure.
Dan (00:14:57.000)
Yeah. You're not a geologist and neither As Alex, that's true, but look, there's there's bases and robots
Alex Jones (00:15:04.000)
have been on the ground. And not just Mark Zuckerberg, but others. More than 20 of them are building underground bunkers in kawaii Hawaii. interviewed the construction people have talked to you more than 15 different individuals including, well, I'm not gonna give away too much I don't want to get in trouble. They all had to sign NDA non disclosure agreements, but what they believe is going on his criminal or great public interest. But what you're gonna hear at the bottom tower is something out of a James Bond movie. Okay, literally, or something that Hollywood really loves to throw in your face. But yeah, they love basically the first Incredibles, underground sub bases giant robots, man inside of the giant robots and submarine base.
Dan (00:16:14.000)
Okay, all right. All right. Alex is investigating hollowed out volcanoes with submarine bases and giant robots. And the first Incredibles movie is real. Yeah,
Jordan (00:16:23.000)
yep. Yep. So, I mean, listen, I know that, you know, like Peter Thiel. That monster, he's trying to escape.
Dan (00:16:35.000)
You know, it's like a house in New Zealand, doing the thing you know, and it's a he's
Jordan (00:16:39.000)
probably doing some bunker related shit. He's a billionaire. He's probably bored more than anything else. Right?
Dan (00:16:45.000)
Some of that stuff is honestly not that crazy. Now. Granted, I think that the like, there's a lot of back when 2012 was happening. There was a lot of like, real scammy bunker type stuff, like, get your bed in this timeshare bunker or whatever. Right? You know, there's a lot of that mentality. And I think it's misguided. In the same way that a lot of like prepping is pretty extreme in the sense that it's like, okay, this is about something else for you. Right? But at the same time, you know, having a little bit of food set aside totally, in the case of some kind of a natural disaster or whatever. That's, that's normal, and having a little bit of a bunker. Maybe that's the rich version of that.
Jordan (00:17:28.000)
I mean, I'm telling you that in the 50s or 60s people were like a fucking fallout shelters. Were getting nuked at any moment. I'm assuming that a billionaires bunker is essentially a fallout shelter but super nice. You know? I
Dan (00:17:42.000)
mean, what do you what's the difference between a man cave and a Batcave? You know, not much. Yeah, if you're a billionaire. What are you gonna do make a Batcave?
Jordan (00:17:50.000)
I mean, I guess I guess more more more mental illness and yeah,
Dan (00:17:56.000)
I don't know. Yeah, I know. I know. One thing. Yeah. Alex is talking shit. Yeah,
Jordan (00:18:02.000)
I almost forgot that we are trying to deal with actual Yeah,
Dan (00:18:06.000)
there are there's some there's some kind of a real thing. And some of it. It strikes the ear as a little bit, you know, inappropriate and fucked up as much as there are like rich people who are, you know, setting up these elaborate estates? Yeah. And, you know, whether it's a New Zealand or Mark Zuckerberg on the north shore of Hawaii, you know, it's, you know, whoever it is, you know, buying up a lot of this property is maybe disrespectful to the local people that live there and have lived there for a long time. Yeah. But what was the outside of like, a critique of, you know, buying all this land? What what do you what? What complaint Do you really have? I mean, Alex shouldn't have any leg to stand on. And that's why he has to make up giant robots. Yeah.
Jordan (00:19:00.000)
I want a giant robot.
Dan (00:19:01.000)
You want like a
Jordan (00:19:05.000)
Gundam Gundam Wing all the way I want? Yeah, I gotta have I gotta have laser sword. Which is a lightsaber. But apparently 1000. I love that they can make laser swords for giant robots. At scale at scale. Would
Dan (00:19:19.000)
you be a Power Ranger if asked? No,
Jordan (00:19:23.000)
no. Too much responsibility. Okay, too much responsibility. You're
Dan (00:19:28.000)
you are just somebody who wants to be capricious.
Jordan (00:19:32.000)
Why would you not? With great power comes a lot more fun.
Dan (00:19:41.000)
That's interesting to me. Yeah. If someone legitimately came up to you and asked, Would you like to be a Power Ranger? I'd say no,
Jordan (00:19:47.000)
absolutely not. Do you see what they have to do all the time? The also there's a space guy in a tube. I'm going off original American Power Rangers, you know? Yeah, of course. And I mean, it's just rough. Do
Dan (00:20:00.000)
you always they always succeed? Sure, sure you have good friends.
Jordan (00:20:04.000)
Can you succeed if the fight never ends? Can you succeed if you are constantly fighting the same people over and over and over again in an endless loop of pointless violence?
Dan (00:20:16.000)
I mean, we're figuring that out right now. Sort of. It's very good point. I would probably be a Power Ranger. Okay, fine. So, look, we got combat robots. This is the I just found this to be delightful. As they like if I'm listening to Alex in a hotel room, if he's going to fantasize about hollowed out volcano bases with giant robots. Yeah, thank you. Yeah, we're gonna have fun at least it's not hateful. Yes, just it's just great. Some dumb fantasy.
Alex Jones (00:20:46.000)
Why on kawaii Hawaii, are there at least 20 billionaires associated with Zuckerberg, all building underground tunnels interconnected around his property with a secret submarine base being built? And why are there 20 foot combat robots there? Well, because in the future, trust troops or citizens or people he's paid to protect it. He's got armies of high tech weaponized drones. A huge security force. If you even try to walk on the beach because under federal and state law, up to the waterline, the beaches public in Hawaii, taping in Texas and in Florida. He's trying to block that off. He's got drones, paramilitary troops, your boat even gets up close to it. You're on the ground. There's only bubbled giant buildings at the size of football stadiums. With all the secret construction going on. His giant house looks like an ant next nice, big dome. The only one is really solid now. I shall say next. Our music I'm playing around here, folks. I got it all right here. You're playing
Dan (00:21:58.000)
around. Yeah, he's playing around. The I don't know the extent to which any of this is true. But I would say that Mark Zuckerberg is somebody who a lot of people would want to kill, and he's a target for a lot of people. The idea of him having drones that monitor the waterfront of his property. I don't think that's that weird. Sure. I think to not do so might be irresponsible for his own, like security. Sure. I think
Jordan (00:22:24.000)
that if you've lived your life in such a way that you require drones to monitor your vast properties. You're a bad person on the inside.
Dan (00:22:33.000)
Hey, don't disagree. Yeah. That is a larger solution to the problem. Don't get yourself into a position where you need drones to protect your security right now. But we're already here. We can't really settle that right at this point. So for him, that makes sense. I don't think he has 20 foot combat robots, right?
Jordan (00:22:55.000)
I don't know. But it's like billionaires are just so shitty rowset shitty people. Why just build a house with all kinds of hidden doors and shit. That's the most fun. I just want. I just want a wall of books that opens up into a secret room. Sure. That's all I need
Dan (00:23:11.000)
a guarantee. Every billionaires house has that. Because it's fun. It's so fun, right? It's so fun. The combat robots thing. I just want to deal with this. This is just the Alex's fantasies that have to do with things like unintended consequences and his ideas that he he goes on and on about about how once the globalists are in the readout, their security will turn on them, because we have patriots embedded with them. And he talks about this all the time. And so now, the way he's reporting on Zuckerbergs Ridout situation is like yeah, he has these 20 foot combat robots because he knows that we're he can't trust people once the shit goes off. He's just molding the way he's talking about this story to match what the globalist would do in response to his fantasy.
Jordan (00:24:03.000)
Right, right. Essentially, this is what you would I mean, the only it was it would be what he would force you to have to do. You have no other choice but to make giant robots 20
Dan (00:24:11.000)
foot combat robots interconnected tunnel mazes?
Jordan (00:24:14.000)
I asked you are we talking Max? Are we talking like humanoid?
Dan (00:24:19.000)
It's good question. We don't get into that. But I do think he has a submarine. Okay. I think I think that that's not secret, though. Right? Like he because he like goes from his house to his yacht. Yeah, you know, and he's not going to just do that on a little boat, or whatever. I think he does take a submarine to his gods and stuff like that. But I yeah,
Jordan (00:24:41.000)
that's you gotta get shot out of the knee. You gotta get shot into the sun. Sorry, screw you. Fuck you. Zero sympathy.
Dan (00:24:47.000)
Ha. Wow. Fuck you. Okay, yeah. So Alex is going to release his proof. And again, it's just a grainy photo that shows really nothing I guess maybe he's got more stuff from the helicopter to Infowars. But at the point of doing this episode, he has the really nothing to show for it except probably a huge bill for hotel that he stayed Yeah.
Alex Jones (00:25:14.000)
So coming up at the bottom of the hour and a very important, informative guest joining us, I'm going to lay out the basis what we discovered about Mark Zuckerberg. When I get back to Austin tomorrow, I'm going to work in the next week or so putting the video the research information together can't wait. But that was happening. And when I cover this by the next hour, I would remind me to write some notes here. A suicide of the dog start talking about this right now is from a gut level. It was like like I'm back. I'm gonna do it now that we'll get more details and flesh out the reports after this is security issue. Not that remind me to remind folks, we pull up the articles about the dangerous individuals list put out three years ago. But two years after our first banning the 12 people were on myself. Paul Watson Gavin McInnes. Louis Farrakhan well, people, a few others. That mentioned Paul Watson, yeah, he was on there. Saying, these are dangerous individuals, so you're allowed to not just stop bad about them. And pull back law articles about it, you're allowed to call for violence against them, and organized violence. Now, that was totally illegal. That's where the left wants to go. Next. We know the ADL wrote these guidelines for organizing violence against us. That's where this always leads.
Dan (00:26:38.000)
Yeah. So the ADL had back in the day, they convinced Facebook to allow organizing violence against Alex and all conservatives as as the storyline dovetails into,
Jordan (00:26:51.000)
I mean, I'm gonna be honest with you, I just don't think the ADL has the type of budget for the amount of stuff that Alex is giving them. Do you know what I'm saying?
Dan (00:27:00.000)
Well, I mean, they spent so much of their budget on 20 foot combat robots, following us volcanoes.
Jordan (00:27:06.000)
Oh, not to mention, they're still paying off all the infiltration for the Patriot front and that kind of, yeah, yep. That's it. That was a huge loan. Goldman Sachs.
Dan (00:27:16.000)
So none of this none. There's a kernel of truth behind this. And that is that Alex and all these people were on a dangerous individuals list should that Facebook treated in particular ways? Now the idea of being like, yeah, you can organize violence against them. Not necessarily the case. But Alex can't find the article and it becomes like, it becomes this. This this white whale that he's chasing. Throughout the the episode keep an
Alex Jones (00:27:48.000)
eye on Pepperberg pull back. The call for organized violence against which is criminal mafia racketeering. I'm not joking. You're in a new viewer or listener, this, this really happened. There were articles about Assange, has they gone too far gone and organized violence against Alex Jones, Louis Farrakhan. gathered a secret blacklist of vendors, individuals and organizations, but then it goes on guys that there's like headlines letting Guardian you name it, where it call, it shows that that's what I'm gonna cover next door as you guys can find it. Where it actually calls for violence, as you may call for violence or organized violence. It's the 12 people, because we're not just covering their dangerous individuals list. The fact that exists, we're covering the first 12 put on it with their rules saying they were allowed to call for violence against us. There it is, Facebook mandated individuals Fabray speech, it was a double meaning. But that's AP but the real issue was is that in Boston wrote about it. It's what prefix on the planet with the rules where they pulled them saying are allowed to call for violence against us. This sounds crazy. It's real.
Dan (00:28:59.000)
So you can't find it. Sure. He continues to not be able to find it. And then rob do finds it, although Rob do doesn't work there anymore. It's very confusing, okay. But we'll get to that when when he gets to it. Okay. For now, it's just, Hey, man, they said that they could do all this violence against us. And it's the ADL, the ADL was behind it
Alex Jones (00:29:20.000)
was bad as Luxembourg is. He said, No, we are not going to call for organized violence. If someone and the ADL then a year later had a big meeting on TV with a spokesman. And they said we want to put Zuckerberg in prison because he doesn't agree with organizing violence. Costello shown literally, please, you probably got to pull this together and report it's kind of important, because what they kind of did to us. That was the first part of the apple. Now they're rolling it out and if everybody
Dan (00:29:54.000)
so if you follow the plotline, the ABO came up with this plot too. who, you know, allow organizing violence against Alex on Facebook? Sure. And it got put in place, right? And then Zuckerberg was like, No, I can't do this. I can't do this. So he changed the policy. And then the ADL had a big meeting that they organized on television with Sacha Baron Cohen, where he was like, We got to find one Fox Zuckerberg, because you won't let us organize violence against Alex Jones. That's, yeah, so that's the storyline. It's not true in any sense of the word. But fun, I guess. Yeah.
Jordan (00:30:33.000)
I feel like a good trivia question for a very specific audience would be what list was both Louis Farrakhan and Paul Joseph Watson on at the same time, Maxim's
Dan (00:30:45.000)
Hot 100. incorrect, but close. So Alex talks about some other subjects while he waits for someone to find him this article, and turns out the Democratic primary in his mind, oh, my God, and
Alex Jones (00:31:01.000)
the actual number was 67% of Americans believe Biden has committed crimes impeachable offenses in the next mainland poll. It's actually much higher. And of course, he's only got like, 30% approval rating a Democratic Party, but in many polls, he's in a dead heat with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Or another polls. Kennedy is like 510 points behind that, sir. I've heard of Kennedy one hurt nominee, if he's allowed to be in the debates, and he wasn't extensive. Very smart, right guy to bat. His voice is shot. My voice has shot too. It's about content. Not even delivered. It's about the actual goods. The actual policies.
Dan (00:31:39.000)
I always wonder why he throws quotes in various places. Yeah. Makes no sense. No, not how it's quote to deliver.
Jordan (00:31:46.000)
I mean, it's it is and then like, so cold, like, no, no, that's the wrong use of so called. That's just what it's it's called that. Yeah,
Dan (00:31:55.000)
he has these sort of ticks. Yeah, throws in it's very strange and it's inexplicable. So Robert F. Kennedy Jr's polling like that. That's nonsense.
Jordan (00:32:08.000)
I think. I think Listen, I don't think we can organize this country around any guiding principle right now like that. We're too, too divided on you know, everybody wants to fight about stuff. Yeah. Here's what I think we need to do as a society. Okay. Just refuse to click on any election links until three weeks before the election. I
Dan (00:32:27.000)
refuse. Now, there's too much money that people make from na.
Jordan (00:32:32.000)
But people just the people need to just refuse and that if journalists all want to read their same bullshit, they can do that together. But we can't let this happen anymore. I
Dan (00:32:41.000)
understand. I think it would be healthier, but more than a year away. I don't leave me alone. Dude, I'm with you. You're never gonna be able to implement. We need to come together. So the latest poll had Biden at 62%. In the primary, yeah. Kennedy at 12. Kennedy's at 12. Yeah, that's too high. Yeah, the numbers wobble around, but he's somewhere around 10. Generally Sure. Sure. He's beating Marianne Williamson. And I'll say that oh, wow. So yeah, nowhere near Biden. I believe. They've even done some polling of like, who you would want if Biden isn't running, and he's not even winning those know.
Jordan (00:33:16.000)
So. Ah, oh, boy.
Dan (00:33:20.000)
Yeah. But it's fun to pump this stuff up. Yeah. And pretend that you are way more close to winning, because then then you could have Trump versus Robert Kennedy Jr. It's a win win, baby.
Jordan (00:33:33.000)
Just just just, I mean, fine. Fine. I want to see it. That's what I want to see. Now. I've given up
Dan (00:33:42.000)
on this, honestly. I mean, I think there'll be a nightmare, and I don't want it to come to pass. But the debate between Trump RFK Jr. Would be wild,
Jordan (00:33:51.000)
it would be the most ridiculous collection of sound because
Dan (00:33:56.000)
people value each other over here. Yeah. And then Trump would be defending his vac stove
Jordan (00:34:03.000)
defending and trying to be anti Vax at the same time.
Dan (00:34:07.000)
Oh, Jesus Christ. Yeah, that would be a mindfuck. And I don't want to do it now. So anyway, we still haven't found this article.
Alex Jones (00:34:15.000)
Oh, good. They found it. I'm glad you guys found it. You guys got 40 minutes to find it. We wrote articles and was a big story. Cernovich wrote about it. We had screenshots it was all over AP Reuters you name it. He showed those headlines but you want screenshots of the policies. Call orlimar she'll know how to find it. I love the one guy years ago, who always could find things instantly but he had to move on. In and out he's always pet peeves with me when I did this mortal policy saying you're allowed to call for violence against us. That is so bombshell. Maybe I just will go off here totally fine. I'm not mad. Just because I want but already the bodily anarchical people understand what we're up against you mean the people understand the magnitude of Facebook putting out rules that you're allowed to organize plans to carry out violence against Alex Jones was for our cause. Paul, Joseph Watson, Gavin McInnes, and like, six, seven of Laura Loomer was on there. And then a week later they take it down because of such an incredible, massive backlash. I'll call Paul Watson during the break. I don't know how to pull it up. No big deal. But But yes, guys. I know you got the articles in AP Reuters, about as being that special dangerous persons. Listen, I want the shot of the rules are many instead of Jimmy, maybe I saw him on screen. I wasn't sure. And I want to make a big deal about because I don't want to say claims like CNN, I don't just make a claim. And then in a nutshell, I will show it.
Jordan (00:35:50.000)
Oh my god. I was
Dan (00:35:52.000)
just getting mad at the crew. So to get this hotel. Why?
Jordan (00:35:57.000)
Why? Why are you there? You're the crew.
Dan (00:36:00.000)
You gotta be pissed.
Jordan (00:36:01.000)
No way.
Dan (00:36:02.000)
This whole is over in Hawaii drunk all week and he's just getting mad that you're not pulling up the article that he wants you to pull up.
Jordan (00:36:10.000)
Now that if you got mad about that you would have too many dreams to work at Infowars they're stoked. They're like, hey, at least he's not drunk yelling at us today. At
Dan (00:36:19.000)
least he's not in arm swing read exactly. Yeah, at
Jordan (00:36:23.000)
least if he swings his bottle of Jack around it won't smash me in the fucking face. It's a good day,
Dan (00:36:29.000)
man. Just a bleak picture though. Yeah, a man in a luxury hotel room mad that the propaganda article they want to put up isn't there? Why are you doing Oh, call Laura Loomer. I'll call Paul Joseph Watson. They'll know what to do. Just give
Jordan (00:36:43.000)
it up. If you're in a hotel in Hawaii, saying call Laura Loomer. Also, I miss a guy from the past who was apparently really good at googling. That was his old skill. Yeah, he knew how to use key words properly to
Dan (00:36:56.000)
competent hasn't
Jordan (00:36:59.000)
had to go other places needed a Googler.
Dan (00:37:02.000)
Yeah, great. I can't imagine like being an Infowars listener and experiencing Alex be gone for two weeks in Hawaii with his family. See Him Come on and try to pretend to that he was looking for Mark Zuckerberg, how
Jordan (00:37:16.000)
I know how dare you
Dan (00:37:19.000)
be like, Oh my god, I knew he was doing something important. Like, I can't imagine that headspace like how does this not pierce the illusion that he's fucking with him?
Jordan (00:37:29.000)
I mean, I'm just saying that the type of shit Alex is doing on his show would have started the French Revolution. He might just let them eat cake is ridiculous compared to I'm calling Laura Loomer from my luxury hotel in Hawaii so
Dan (00:37:46.000)
I could trick you more easily.
Jordan (00:37:49.000)
Get the fuck out here.
Dan (00:37:52.000)
So that guy who could Google really well isn't the only person that Alex is thinking of from the past. There's another another name that comes up. We're not
Alex Jones (00:38:01.000)
going to just sit there and ever plan on the FDR, which we have to the state level of attorney generals and others indict and sorrows knows the power of that twice. We tried to control the policy attorney generals, but something like 28 of them are not under his control. And there's 1000s of prosecutors locally. Look what Jim Garrison did in New Orleans by himself almost brought down with each day. Did he show there's more than one way to skin a cat. We have to we have to stop sitting here and hoping that captured criminal organization at the top is gonna fix the country.
Dan (00:38:35.000)
So do you know Jim Garrison? No. You don't know the name Jim Garrison, not particularly you probably do know who he is just maybe not ringing the bell. He did not almost bring down the deep state. He was a district attorney in New Orleans who conducted a very disjointed investigation into the JFK assassination that ended up proving nothing. Oh, yeah, I was initially he kind of like taken aback that Alex is dropping a specific name. He's been doing that here a little bit. But then I realized that Jim Garrison is who Kevin Costner plays in the movie? JFK? Right. Right. So
Jordan (00:39:04.000)
it makes sense. It's a movie. Yeah, it's still a movie.
Dan (00:39:06.000)
I'm almost certain that Alex knows the name because of that movie. It's
Jordan (00:39:09.000)
back into the left. Yeah. And
Dan (00:39:10.000)
then I remembered that that movie opens with the Eisenhower farewell speech. And that oh no, so much of this might just be Alex's seen JFK a bunch of
Jordan (00:39:21.000)
times. We were we were stupid saying that. He's a Bircher at heart. He's just a guy who's watched JFK 10 million times but
Dan (00:39:29.000)
he also grew up in a burqa household. Yeah, he's
Jordan (00:39:32.000)
mixing the two together.
Dan (00:39:33.000)
I'm saying that when you look at specifics from Alex's life, a lot of them trace back to movies. Yeah. And they seem to only be those little very specific from the movie. Yeah, so him pulling out the name Jim Garrison. I suspect it's Oliver Stone related.
Jordan (00:39:51.000)
It is so it is a weird how it is like sometimes you can be like, Oh, I just know which movies Alex has watched more than 10 times that's just a part of my life now. I just know this oblivion. Yep.
Dan (00:40:05.000)
Top of the list. Absolutely. So, look, I think that Alex makes a good point in this next clip, and there's a bad point. And that is that he thinks they don't cover their own oppression enough. I'm sorry. Yeah, this might need to be a mic down thing because it's infuriating that Alex is lamenting for two minutes the thing that he does every day
Jordan (00:40:25.000)
Dan (00:40:26.000)
does he got
Alex Jones (00:40:33.000)
prepared for the show? On vacation also working, come back tomorrow. It's not the crews fault. When I hit a frustration level, I gotta go off air till I find all the stuff I want. Because I'm not gonna sit here and make claims on air to you. without actually showing it to you. And this is this is part of the paradigm prob, about two weeks ago, came out with Homeland Security. And universities across the country, he's handing out millions and millions of dollars in grants to teach students that all conservatives are terrorists or white supremacist. You see all of those you know about it. And if you look up there, you see Infowars and the right hand corner, right below the Nazis. All right, you got below that a CBN, the Christian Broadcasting Network while they're there, Nazism, Republican Party and Fox News and the American flag and Heritage Foundation, the NRA and the John Birch Society. And so it's all article about that, that there was an invoice you guys got the frustration as is we can ask for Infowars even wrote an article about how we were being attacked. And I'm not mad at the crew. It's the same thing with me. It's like, it's not we can't even we had a website a few years ago. So everything four years old or older, that put the thing like archive, it's all messed up. And so Rob Lee was able to find our articles about us being listed as terrorist, and Facebook's hidden that they can organize assaults on us. And we don't even focus on ourselves enough, the listeners aren't gonna think we're important either. I mean, I'm gonna have my head blown off tomorrow, there probably wouldn't even be an article about it on him. And I'm not mad. I'm just saying, we need to be focused on how serious and dangerous this is. Are we able to find the article two days ago was on the roadmap. Some people who get this, I want to I want to put it up on There it is, by DHS funding University credible claiming Infowars part of right wing Scripps network. It doesn't just say that we're terrorists posse,
Dan (00:42:38.000)
who? I mean, there's a portrait of a man complaining that his own company doesn't cover their own persecution enough, while sitting in a luxury hotel room in Hawaii.
Jordan (00:42:49.000)
Yeah. So I need I realized, like, you just sum it up
Dan (00:42:53.000)
with, well,
Jordan (00:42:55.000)
I need I need a foley artist, I need a foley artist. Because if I if I expressed myself physically, this place would be trashed, right. So if we have a foley artist who can be like, a soundboard could have a little now not a soundboard. That's I'm not we're not morning Zoo Crew. So you want somebody in a full on foley artist. Okay.
Dan (00:43:15.000)
All right. You're gonna need to be prepared in advance to know what kind of visceral reactions you're gonna have.
Jordan (00:43:20.000)
Oh, no, what will happen is we'll get together after the show. And then we'll we'll
Dan (00:43:24.000)
I'm not doing that kind of editing. All right, fine. Yeah. We're gonna need another employee to fully artists slash editor. Yeah,
Jordan (00:43:31.000)
absolutely. I don't know. If only we had somebody who was really good at googling. That would be the
Dan (00:43:37.000)
Yeah, yeah. They don't stick around, though. They just don't. They're just too in demand. Yeah. So this article that Alex is talking about is a misrepresentation of a slide from like the University of Dayton. They had class that they were going to teach that they were applying for a grant for and they had a slide that was taken from somewhere else that involved a pyramid of right wing radicalization. At the bottom. It had like Fox News. John Birch Society. CBN I think I've seen that one. And then the second level was things like the proud boys Info Wars. And then the third is like Nazi Yeah, straight up Nazis, the violent, right, like, organized violence, Nazi type thing. Right. Right. Right. And so yeah, Alex is complaining about that. And how No, they don't cover their own oppression enough. I would say. I generally think he's wrong. Yeah. But at the same time, they're six and a half years late to cover a podcast about him. That's true. They have never covered that.
Jordan (00:44:44.000)
That is true. So maybe there is a point to be had their their passion. Unfortunately, they cover in incorrect and fantastical ways, as opposed to covering the things that they should be, which is us, spanking them pretty regularly. Like,
Dan (00:45:00.000)
yeah, you know, so maybe someone is on the crew dropping the ball. Maybe Alex has been telling them to talk about us for a long time. And
Jordan (00:45:09.000)
you know, who knows?
Dan (00:45:12.000)
I would say that that that pyramid though when I was looking at it was like, that's pretty fair. You know? Is it is it is like, people at that bottom level, you know, maybe someone who watches Fox News? Sure, they're not too worried about them, but they have the potential to be turned on to ideas that will take them deeper into a bullshit. Well, exactly. Then once you're into the Infowars proud boys level, there's probably not going to be any talking you out of the path that you're on. But maybe you'll stay there. And it's kind of like a preoccupation with these absurd ideas. And you waste a bunch of money and time and energy, you alienate the people around you. And then, you know, on the off chance to go to the third level, there's definitely no talking you down from there. No, and you are now dangerous. Yeah, it should be treated as such. Yeah, but the Info Wars level is like it's still just the second level right?
Jordan (00:46:04.000)
You're you're most likely at the Info Wars level to bleed your bank account dry as opposed to
Dan (00:46:11.000)
your most likely to pay Alex's hotel tab. Yeah, and why?
Jordan (00:46:16.000)
Wow. Boy, who boy, buddy, buddy. Yeah. Hey, buddy.
Dan (00:46:24.000)
But but it it is it is a little bit rich. To be like, we don't cover our own oppression. But it's one of the primary motivating factors in his world. Yeah,
Jordan (00:46:35.000)
you know, I mean, it's it's always it's, I feel like the cliche is like, oh, there's no God, etc. Because it distract Baba, Baba. I just feel like if there was an ordered universe, you would not see a train crash in India. And Alex Jones complaining about fucking How terrible his life is in a hotel in Hawaii at the same time. The those can't be simultaneous at the very least because an ordered universe would not allow that. Yeah, it's just not possible. They're simultaneous. That's the problem. You see.
Dan (00:47:10.000)
So oppressed, and I don't complain about it enough. Another, another, another Muy Thai, please.
Jordan (00:47:16.000)
Oh, my God. It's tough to breathe sometimes.
Dan (00:47:20.000)
So Alex has some thoughts about Democrats. And this is pretty gross. Okay, this is but I wanted to keep this in. I wanted to play this because it's important to kind of recognize where Alex is in terms of how universal his accusations are among among Democrats. Yeah. So here, you're gonna get a taste of this. All right. When you
Alex Jones (00:47:41.000)
see a group of Democrats up on stage at a federal level 80% of Rachel 80% on rape children that as a 10% on stage murder, Joan, that's very conservative. And I stick my soul on that guestimation I'm not saying that rap verbally. Appears merge. And black magic rituals. This is all coming out. UN reports coming out whistleblowers everywhere. I mean, it's just any, any Black Sabbath rituals. That's not just the name of a rock band. Oh, blue, black sound ritual isn't all about it.
Dan (00:48:15.000)
Okay, so yeah, 80% 10% of Democrats on the federal level are murderers. I mean, murder children, statistically,
Jordan (00:48:25.000)
that outstrips the total? I mean, that's, yeah. That's what that's just stupid. That's stupid. That's stupid and stupid. Or I would say
Dan (00:48:37.000)
that if 80% sure of the Democrats elected on federal level, let's say are abusing children. Right. The other 20% are not going to be thrilled about this, you would think I would, I would say that that other 20% is probably going to be screaming bloody murder about
Jordan (00:48:57.000)
it. They might almost tell somebody about it. Yeah, at the very least one of them. Yeah. Yeah. Because they're excluded from parties, at the very least.
Dan (00:49:06.000)
And I think that might change their party affiliation.
Jordan (00:49:10.000)
I should I should I don't know how you could exist as 10% Well, when you know if
Dan (00:49:16.000)
10% are murdering children and Black Sabbath rituals, that other 20% That's completely on the outside of these abuse things and yeah, like they would have to be in a situation where Alex is imagining they would be like complacent they're like I'm not into that but you know, to each their win some you
Jordan (00:49:35.000)
lose some races. This is just part of the game we play in government. That's ridiculous. That is absurd. That is absurd and offensive.
Dan (00:49:43.000)
Yeah, that's the other thing to the offensiveness of it it's making a mockery of actual child abuse. Yeah. 100 Jason like it's it. It's it's pathetic on a level that is actually destructive. If you were to your soul, it's harmful to the cause that Alex pretend To be championing and caring, you
Jordan (00:50:02.000)
know, if you're gonna Stake your soul and your soul will be ripped out of your body instantaneously. That's fucking gross, disgusting.
Dan (00:50:08.000)
If it were possible to stake your soul. Yeah, yeah. And this is actually proof that it is not possible. It
Jordan (00:50:14.000)
seems like this is the most proof that we can get.
Dan (00:50:17.000)
Yeah. So nonemployee robbed, who has now found the article that Alex wants.
Alex Jones (00:50:23.000)
And I don't want to say it's PTSD is not. But it is frustration. But I start remembering that Facebook, the biggest media organization in the world, three and a half, four years ago, didn't next level bans saying you're not allowed to say nice things about Alex Jones, but you are allowed to call for violence against him and organized violence. And again, find the documents shown at the bottom, Dr. Robin came in like 15 minutes. So put that on sprinklers. So So that's what's going on here. That's what's happening. Then we're going to show us the news articles about it. Because I know we wrote articles about it. I know it was all over the news and time. You know what? If we can't find the articles or something happened to him, that was the number one national story. It just shows how we don't write about ourselves. oceanstor new federal policy on violence against conservatives? Yes, yes. Thank you. Bingo. Let's update it. Let's repost the front page. And let's make a big deal about this. Because understand, this is the past, this is the future. This is what they're trying to
Dan (00:51:28.000)
do. So the headline that Alex has there is naturally from Infowars. And it says quote, new Facebook policy allows violence against conservatives. This is based on an image from a Facebook community standards page that says you can cannot post threats quote, unless the target is an organization or individual covered in the dangerous individuals organizations policy, or is described as having carried out violent crimes or sexual offences wherein criminal slash predator status has been established by media reports, market knowledge of news events, etc. Obviously, this policy was changed and doesn't exist like this anymore. But on the surface, it appears that Alex is exaggerating the story but isn't wrong that they do allow people to post support for violence against him. Sure. Under the surface, however, it's a different picture. The dangerous individuals and organizations list is separated into three tiers. And people are allowed to post about figures and each tier differently. Alex is certainly in tier three, which is the least severe of the groupings, where the first is mostly terrorist organizations. And the second is violent non state entities. The goal of the policy is to not take down threats to folks on this list is you don't want to shutter the speech of somebody who wanted to express outrage at ISIS for exam. Sure, sure. If you consult Metis Transparency Center, you'll find that these tiers are moderated differently. For instance, people in tiers one and two are subject to removal of content that praises them or offers support to them at all. Conversely, tier three folks are just not allowed to use meta products or coordinate on the platform. So Alex is getting a lot of mileage out of the like, yeah, you can threaten ISIS. Sure, sure. Sure, sure. And unfortunately, these like dangerous individuals is too big of an umbrella. Right? The difference between like a tier three and a tier one right are so so different.
Jordan (00:53:17.000)
Yeah. A tier three is like you're demonetized. And you can't use groups.
Dan (00:53:22.000)
Yeah, yeah. You can't have an account. Yeah, that's fine. Yeah. Whereas like, if you say something positive about ISIS, they will remove that post. Yeah.
Jordan (00:53:30.000)
Which is like, I mean, don't say something positive about ISIS.
Dan (00:53:35.000)
So Alex is basically just taking this thing where you like, like, all the rules that apply to ISIS actually apply to me. Yeah. And that's just not, that's not accurate. Well,
Jordan (00:53:45.000)
I mean, I suppose they would, if Alex would admit that his organization is equally as bad as ISIS?
Dan (00:53:53.000)
Well, I don't think anyone would believe that. Or I don't think anyone would be able to argue that sufficiently. That's true. I think personally, this is an unwise strategy for social media monitor moderation, but I don't know what the correct way to do that would be. I just don't know. And that's the reason why I'm glad that I'm not responsible for solving that problem. And I don't think I would ever get myself into that situation. Now. I think that the policy is ineffective, and it seems like it's ripe to be turned against progressive social organizations. So as they usually are, yeah, this is something that is not good. But it's still worth noting that Alex is completely wrong about it. And he's just making up stories to exaggerate his own persecution, which he does not cover enough.
Jordan (00:54:33.000)
No, no, no, no, I this is honestly the first time in I want to say like, since we started this podcast since the very beginning when he said it's time to pray. This is the first time that I've heard him say that he's under attack. Yeah, it's the first time I've been and not just that, but you know, like people
Dan (00:54:52.000)
to be fair, there wasn't that about Netanyahu being under attack. It's time to pray because
Jordan (00:54:59.000)
yeah, All right, he was he was the linchpin that was airing it
Dan (00:55:03.000)
all down. Yeah.
Jordan (00:55:04.000)
Oh God stop to pray. Oh, bad. Oh the time that time
Dan (00:55:09.000)
so Alex gets into rant mode sure here killing some time.
Jordan (00:55:14.000)
Yeah, I was gonna say waiting to get back to the fucking beach. Yep,
Dan (00:55:17.000)
get out to the cabana. See it just talks about his view of the world.
Alex Jones (00:55:22.000)
This country was the wealthiest and the safest and the freest and the most dynamic, because we did more than any other nation empower the individual to have checks and balances. We were fought about slavery, a lot of that episode, but we've been course correcting and doing incredible things. And like any other nation the world's ever seen women were so proper and then now we've gone the polar opposite of what made us great. A one A and then we asked ourselves why that is? And it's because we become lazy and become stupid. And we act yes and say yes. To all the Yes Men that say yes, yes, ma'am. Yes, ma'am. At the top. It's the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers and the British Saxe Coburg gophers that aren't even British that aren't even German. They're like literally Transylvanian from a counteracting malign can't make this up. And then they're completely inbred pedophiles on record, and then know what planet they're on anymore. And then we're all just receiving orders from these people. And George Soros is running around generally and they're just all psychotic out of their mind is like, what the hell is going on here? And then now the ADL says all white people are mad that they're backing all the leftist groups. And if you say hey, whites, it's okay to be white. No, you're evil. We need to put you in jail. They're saying we want to put you in jail. Don't you've done so realize that we'll have a real war right? Yeah, we have a lot of funding then when when when the when the when the New World Order tanks, you know, at the ADL on the side and the tanks coming to the American people, the globalist are going to put the Star of David on it basically. Because they think well no one will oppose this. And then literally people are going to oppose it. And then you're going to make it about the Jews and it's not about the Jews. The Jews are being set up here. Ladies, gentlemen, a two year olds promotion.
Dan (00:57:10.000)
Yikes. I feel like if I were a neo Nazi I'd be thrilled with this kind of talk. Yeah, seems in line with kind of messaging I would like to put out you know, I
Jordan (00:57:20.000)
would I do believe that you should say what is going on if you describe 15 different topics rapidfire that are unrelated to
Dan (00:57:28.000)
each other. Well, they are related to each other. You should scream
Jordan (00:57:32.000)
what is going on? Because you are incorrect about all of them. You should ask that question but earnestly what is going on? What is happening what is happening is my
Dan (00:57:43.000)
time is late. That's what's happening. Kill some fucking time. Yeah, that gets refueled that
Jordan (00:57:49.000)
is that's definitely a killing time rant
Dan (00:57:52.000)
Holy shit. So yeah, the the the UN tanks and the New World Order tanks are gonna have a Star of David on the side so if you're mad about the tanks coming in to take the American people then you'll be accused of being anti semitic man. I'm gonna be I'm gonna be Alec says after engaging in dem rant of anti semitic tropes and throwing around Rothschild and Soros.
Jordan (00:58:15.000)
We're white. We're bad.
Dan (00:58:18.000)
Cool, man.
Jordan (00:58:19.000)
I don't know a lot. I don't know a lot about warfare, especially not modern warfare. But I will say, I definitely don't know anything about that. I mean, either. I never play war games now. I don't think just geographically that tanks are going to help in a takeover. Basic citizenry kind of thing. They're just go up. There's so many fucking hell good
Dan (00:58:44.000)
for blocking roads.
Jordan (00:58:47.000)
They could block roads. Sure. I mean, that kind of hurts you to
Dan (00:58:53.000)
borrow it like how you playing word association Gala.
Jordan (00:58:57.000)
Now that it hurts Bano? I mean, I'm back in baby.
Dan (00:59:01.000)
Yeah, this is just this that clip. I didn't I didn't have a lot to say about it. Other than woohoo, Nelly. Wow, Alex, that is a big one. Yep. So look, I mean, they're gonna put this Star of David on the side of the tank. And like, you know, Alex is saying that the the Jewish people are being set up to be associated with this. And that if Biden were to use a cross, he would be like, cut it out, man. Cut it out.
Alex Jones (00:59:27.000)
Got it out. I mean, Biden was doing all this evil crap. And they put a cross on the side of the tech. I'd say take that off, take that off. Take that cross off there. If you're not you don't represent us. They have Christian organization and the government's like, Thank you for running us. Thank you for telling us what to do Christian organization and we're going to arrest people and surveil them and take everything away. Bronx sake, you Christians. I'd be like, Hey, you don't represent me. I'm not with you. Let me just stop there before I come back into the Zuckerberg and all the rest of it. But the point is We're in the season of false flags are planting false flags. That's how they intend to go the rest of the way here it's obviously not going to work. A large portion of the public totally leg more waking up every day. This is an explosive situation. But But separately, I get so busy I don't do this Infowars needs to expand, I can try Oh my god, if we don't get funding, we will implode. Infowars is barely in the black, but that's not the reason to support us. These are great products you
Dan (01:00:25.000)
need. Yeah, you need these products. I would say that Alex should really consult how many hate groups he is across as a symbol. I mean,
Jordan (01:00:32.000)
there's so many I Iron Cross.
Dan (01:00:35.000)
Furthermore, furthermore,
Jordan (01:00:37.000)
Alex would be stoked he would be like finally the army of God has has risen up he would be stoked beyond stoked
Dan (01:00:44.000)
he's never demanded that all of these hate groups stop associating themselves with Grace is absolutely ridiculous, you know,
Jordan (01:00:49.000)
definitely not dumbed down and describing Christianity is traditionally a very peaceful religion that does not reuse religious symbols in war forgets quite a bit of history.
Dan (01:01:02.000)
Yeah, so he needs you need some money though. Nice ad pivot. And that's because quite cheap. There's a particular backdrop behind Alex in the shot and I was able to use that to confirm that he's in a suite at the Royal Semesta kawaii Beach Resort. This is an amazing hotel for a luxury vacation, but it isn't really one that you choose if you're interested in scoping out Zuckerberg property. Oh yeah. Zuck owns land, primarily on the north shore of the island and this resort is totally on the south. Its way on the south. Well, he
Jordan (01:01:31.000)
doesn't want to be too close to duck otherwise his drones will see him coming. Yeah, it makes perfect sense.
Dan (01:01:36.000)
Why isn't a giant island but you have to remember that there aren't necessarily convenient roads that traverse through the middle of the island since it's a volcano. To get to the south side, or from the south side to the North Shore, you need to take a highway that goes around, it will be over an hour trip each direction. It strains my belief that this was something that Alex was actually doing since there are plenty of very nice hotels on the north side of kawaii that he could have chosen if that was his real intent to go look at this armored redoubt. It's hard to tell exactly what room he's in from the camera angles. But whatever he's choosing, you're looking at somewhere in the ballpark of $500 a night or more. If his kids came along, that's easily like two or three rooms even that he might need to get and then there's the flights and all the expenses of the outing. This is not a cheap trick trip. It's pretty amazing to imagine that anyone would watch this last week or two and come away thinking that Alex is anything other than a really flagrant con man who's basically just rubbing it in people's faces now like this is this is pretty
Jordan (01:02:35.000)
this is just pretty over. I don't know. I can't I can't if I think about it too long, Dan. I don't feel good.
Dan (01:02:42.000)
Yeah, well, you shouldn't I mean, he should feel bad. You should you shouldn't feel good. This level of a scam that he's pulling. I
Jordan (01:02:49.000)
mean, and and here's the thing, you know, like, comics, we used to drive hours upon hours for 510 minutes. Yeah, I'm saying Yeah. So you think oh, an hour drive both ways. Not too bad for Alex. Not gonna happen? No, not gonna happen?
Dan (01:03:06.000)
No, but like, that's because Alex knows he's not gonna find anything. Totally. Oh, and also it's a it's a fake crusade or investigation that he's on. So why would he waste his time? Number one, number two, we would drive all that way, in stand ups because no one else would put us on stage places. And there was this idea that like, you got to do it. You You got to prove any opportunity could be the opportunity to go. And that's a that's an unfortunate mentality to be stuck in didn't work. No, but it can work for some people. And you know, it's really in hindsight, more about the experiences. Sure, you know, I mean, we wouldn't have met probably if we didn't work desperately chasing stage.
Jordan (01:03:46.000)
I believe me, as much as I hate saying this. It was the friends we made along the way. Yeah.
Dan (01:03:53.000)
Alex would not making any friends at Zuckerberg state. No. Yeah, so I'm guessing that he took like, a helicopter tour of something at some point. And they flew over the North Shore and he saw Zuckerberg place took a picture. And now he's turned this into the entire story and the reason for his trip. Yep. And all this so it's fun, I guess, but it's a scam. He's conning the people who trust him the most.
Jordan (01:04:23.000)
I mean, I just don't see how we don't view this as stealing from the families. I just don't see how we can't view it as him stealing money from them. I just that's just what it is to me. But whatever I'm fine with Yeah, it's
Dan (01:04:36.000)
it's a tough it's a tough distinction. I don't know how to make it. Yeah. So Alex has a guest on for the third hour. And it's not a not a guy that I've necessarily seen pop up here, although I have seen him pop up.
Alex Jones (01:04:50.000)
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we are back live right now, ladies and gentlemen. And we have our very special guest with us, Scott Bell. Then, last time he was on with us for an hour and a half. He went over his bio, and he was an officer in the Army all over the world in army psychological warfare operations. He's one of the smartest people out there when it comes to breaking this down, if you just joined us, was almost a little bit in the last segment preloading when he was about to Yeah, we're gonna get into what the huge developments in Ukraine in Russia. Yeah, Scott
Dan (01:05:23.000)
Bennett. Okay, Alex has a news channel. Okay, new psych operations guy,
Jordan (01:05:28.000)
what's he up to?
Dan (01:05:29.000)
So this dude is super religious and super boring. Sure. The only thing even slightly interesting about him is that he sells intelligence briefings on Patreon, which I have to think is a breach of their terms of service considering that he claims that the Intel he's providing is confidential in nature. Personally, I recognize his name because Ben is a longtime guest on Project Camelot, going back to at least 2014 and having appeared as recently as the end of last year. We've never really covered him there because he's boring and he doesn't typically engage in fun space fantasies, which is really what you want there. Yeah. In 2017, Bennett appeared on Project Camelot, alongside Jim Fetzer to spread insane conspiracies about the Las Vegas shooting, but it doesn't end there. In 2022. Bennett was a featured speaker at Jim Fetzer is false flags and conspiracies Virtual Conference, where he spoke about bio and chemical weapons labs and Ukraine. He spoke on Sunday at 7pm, which is actually probably a way better watch than what they had on the agenda for Saturday at 7pm. That was when a dude named Fred lucre did a presentation on how there were no gas chambers in the Holocaust. Ben had also appeared at the 2020 version of the conference where multiple people gave lectures about Sandy Hook was faked. And Bennett spoke about the 2020 election being stolen. He's pretty good associates with Jim Fetzer.
Jordan (01:06:46.000)
Okay. Here's what
Dan (01:06:48.000)
we'd seems to work with him a bunch. Here's
Jordan (01:06:49.000)
what we do. Yeah, we replace my arm with a pitching machine. All right, and then I can just I can just handle things without blowing out my shoulder. You know, like my shoulders busted, honestly. Right? I threw too much when I was younger, I messed it up. And these people just need to get hit with a baseball. That's just what's got to happen.
Dan (01:07:13.000)
I mean, they should stay out of range. Jesus, I worry about what you would do, even with a bum arm. In late March of this year, Ben was interviewed on a weird Rumble Stream along with Juan Oh Savin the guy who some q&a and people think is JFK Jr. Yeah. To put it bluntly, this is a man with zero credibility. And it's a real shame. See Alex have to sink this low with his guest booking. Just bring back fucking pathetic. This dude's just an off brand, Steve and when it comes to his SIOP experts, I accept no substitute. I want Steve
Jordan (01:07:44.000)
Steve's just better at it. Yes, he arrested the Pope. He's got it. He killed Itzhak Rabin, he's he overthrew the Soviet Union. He's got the he's got the fucking Yeah, shit.
Dan (01:07:55.000)
You can bring me Scott Bennett and expect me to be like, impressed. Hornback pertronic You dick.
Jordan (01:08:00.000)
So he sells confidential documents on patriots. I
Dan (01:08:06.000)
don't know if it's confidential documents, but it's confidential briefings, briefings. Yeah, for
Jordan (01:08:11.000)
you. I guess like you're just some dude or what or what does it says he thinks that you're actually in like intelligence and you're like, they won't give me this briefing. Like then you go to him and he's like, Uh huh. I've got it for you. Now you're in the know.
Dan (01:08:26.000)
I'll be blunt. Yeah, I didn't sign up. So I don't know what you'll never know. You'll never know. Yeah. And guess what?
Jordan (01:08:32.000)
I'm fine with that. It's a card that says you don't have to get vaccinated. That
Dan (01:08:35.000)
is a mystery. I know that's true. What's on Scott Bennett's Patreon. So there's gonna be another pandemic, apparently, according to Scott, check, what a what an amazing prediction. Yeah.
Scott Bennett (01:08:46.000)
And I predict they're gonna unleash a pandemic in October, November of this coming year, and carry it through till February, January and then launch all over again, there sigh off that they did in 2020. Because they don't learn and they're, they're about they will never relinquish power, Alex, we will never have a free and fair election. So as long as we use electronic Dominion voting machines and any electronic voting machines, we have to have counties say paper ballots and ink ink get thumbs on the paper is the only way the American election goes for because any other
Alex Jones (01:09:24.000)
ladies and gentlemen, that's why they had to have the purple ink. The State Department said that had to be done. So our State Department goes around the world saying who has free elections and who doesn't? According to state department's own rules, we have one of the most fraudulent elections in the world but now they're trying to say it's terrorists. That's one of the white supremacy markers is you question elections? Well, everybody's supposed to question elections. I mean, not to interrupt just to back up what you're saying and then also backup what you're saying about how their other pre programming Oh, the new virus we ended the last pandemic because the new ones coming in a month before the head of the who said that the day they In the USA, they're ending it to declare victory against COVID. So they can quote, declare victory against the next more deadly virus. He comes out a month later and says, it's what his children, it's coming next year, and we will take the rights but we beat COVID We'll do what we say we will beat it despite, I mean, as you said, they lay the seeds for unconscious people that have your conscious, it's all pre programmed. We don't know exactly when they're going to launch what but we know what they got in their hand. What cards they've got to play.
Scott Bennett (01:10:28.000)
You're right, they're exactly right. They're laying it and they will use this myth next pandemic to really annihilate everybody who was foolish enough to get the bio weapon jab.
Dan (01:10:39.000)
Why would they need to do that I thought was what they did this time. They already got vaccines and everybody those are the killer vaccines. Why do they need to do this again? It's fucking dumb. Simply
Jordan (01:10:49.000)
simply put, obviously, he's not taking it seriously, because that is a call for revolution.
Dan (01:10:56.000)
And, and it's like, basically what they're saying is we made a lot of money on COVID denialism. And you know, we're just gonna do it again. I hope it happens again, this Yeah. So there is going to be another pandemic. That's just how nature works. It's inevitable, even under ideal circumstances, there are going to be public health crises. That happens. It's possible even that this dude's timeframe could end up being right. But it won't be an accurate prediction. It'll just be a lucky coincidence for him. And Alex is saying here that the globalists are pre planning all this and broadcast in their attention intentions, but that's really what he's doing. He knows as well as anyone that there's going to be another public health emergency at some point. And what he's doing is announcing to the audience, when that happens, he will blame his imaginary enemies for it no matter what, there's no proof necessary, it just will be what the story is. We've already seen this play out. Alex tried to do this with monkey pox, but we got lucky and that one didn't have the level of community spread necessary to keep it inactive pandemic. And Alex just got bored with it. He didn't want to pursue that storyline, because he wasn't it wasn't profitable for him. He's going to do that. With every public health issue that appears it'll be initially reported as the big one the globalist had promised was coming because they had planned it. And then when it's not exciting enough for Alex, he'll pretend he never did that need to go back to saying that the next pandemic bio weapon attack is right around the corner, and it'll be the next one. It's just fucking dumb. It's so pointless.
Jordan (01:12:26.000)
I mean it but but here's the here's why it's even worse. Here's why it's even worse. Because if he was, if he was honest, or I mean, if he was telling the truth, and I correct an accurate prediction about what would happen, then he's saying that we have four months or whatever, to stop a pandemic. And that it no point in time three pandemic that at no point in time, even crosses his mouth, no, doesn't even leave his lips. It doesn't leave his lips that he is telling you in advance that there's going to be a pandemic in October for five months that is going to kill millions of people. And at no point in time. Does he even think, hey, maybe we should try and stop it? Well,
Dan (01:13:07.000)
I don't know. I haven't watched enough of Scott Bennett's solo work to be sure, sure. Maybe he gets real deep in the weeds about that on his own time. But yes, there isn't. There isn't much of that on Alex's show.
Jordan (01:13:18.000)
Because like mono so because it's
Dan (01:13:20.000)
about talking shit. Yeah. It's about talking. She's just talking to people scared about this impending thing. And then being able to profit off every subsequent public health emergency. And and it comes at the expense of people taking health seriously. Yeah,
Jordan (01:13:38.000)
I mean, I don't I don't know what else to say. Other than how could you? How could you? How could you say that? Like, here's, if I said that. The next words out of my mouth are so we need to get some people together. And we got to do some shit. And I don't know what it is. But we have four months. That's what we've got. See?
Dan (01:13:56.000)
Here's why. Or three months or whatever. Here's why you have no idea what you would say because you would never say the first part because it's it's fucking stupid. There's a mystery unknown pandemic that's going to happen that I'm basing off just basically vague ideas I get from creating stories in my mind about big boogie men and in boardrooms and my imagined enemies. Yeah, I wouldn't say that. No, no, no, it's very unlikely. It's pretty cool for these guys, though. God damn realism. Yeah, Scott Bennett sucks. True, not only because he's not Steve pathetic. But because he's also a big old homophobe.
Jordan (01:14:31.000)
Of course he is. He is the worst.
Scott Bennett (01:14:34.000)
Look at the world's geopolitical realignment. You've got the entire continent of Africa rejecting the United States and Biden because we've threatened them to put sanctions because they passed an anti LGBT law. Well, I wish they passed the same thing in the United States. I wish we'd have the same courage of African Russia by claiming that marriage is between a man and a woman and putting in our constitution.
Dan (01:14:53.000)
So Ben, it's obviously talking about the new law that was passed in Uganda, which isn't about same sex marriage. It creates punishments of up to 20 year prison sentences for, quote, promoting homosexuality and the death penalty can be involved for, quote, serial offenders. To be clear, this is this is on top of the previously existing laws that already said that it was illegal to be gay. Yeah. Scott Bennett wants it to be illegal to be gay in the United States, right? Fuck this bigot. This is ridiculous. Yeah.
Jordan (01:15:24.000)
Dan (01:15:27.000)
Yep. And Alex is more than happy to have these conversations to nod along. It's, uh,
Jordan (01:15:33.000)
I mean, you know, there's to a certain extent this,
Dan (01:15:36.000)
this type of conversation is not acceptable.
Jordan (01:15:39.000)
I mean, yeah, yeah. Yeah. To a certain extent. If they criminalize you for existing, then, in a lot of ways you're free, you know,
Dan (01:15:49.000)
wow. Well, that's an interesting way to put it. Well, I
Jordan (01:15:53.000)
mean, I find it hard to believe that there's any law worth following if you're illegal.
Dan (01:15:59.000)
Well, it's interesting because gives a fuck this guy already. I don't think I have the clip. But he already says that there are no laws.
Jordan (01:16:07.000)
Laws. Well, no,
Dan (01:16:08.000)
the sheriff can make laws at home. Mike may be a good governor. If there's a good governor, but the federal government No, no, no.
Jordan (01:16:15.000)
Sheriff's. Yep.
Dan (01:16:17.000)
So it turns out Alex has apparently proven and there's like ambassadors who have said this. I don't think this is true, because it's not, but that the Ukraine war is just about trying to steal their children. And then Bennett has another little homophobic theory.
Alex Jones (01:16:36.000)
But I mean, I forget it was a bunch of us ambassadors and newlon. All them said just a few months ago, they said Our main mission is social in the Ukraine war because Russia isn't letting us do LGBT trans with kids actually said that, that our policy is we want the Russian or Ukrainian children. I mean, what a bunch of creeps, man. They want to invade country so they get their kids. I mean, these are the folks that grabbed kids out of the back of your yard, folks. I mean, it's just a billion times bigger. Imagine you take a pedo at a creeper man. And that's the new world order. I mean, it's it's like a Deathstar size. White creeper
Scott Bennett (01:17:12.000)
man. Remember, that's why they overthrew Yannick COVID. Run it Yannick COVID said, we are not going to go the way of the European Union because we're not going to embrace their homosexual European Union policies. And the moment he said that, Barack Obama married to Michael Lavon Robinson, aka Michelle Obama, and Victoria Nuland and John Kerry and the rest of these fools like John McCain initiated the overthrow of Jana COVID.
Jordan (01:17:38.000)
Yikes. Like the first thing I would do is steal a bunch of shit. If it's against the law to be me, fuck it. I'm going to steal as much shit as I can. Because if I listen, I'm not going to cower in fear and hope that Oh, I hope they don't find me fuck that. I'm gonna get my money's worth they're gonna try and kill me just existing is against the law. Fuck it. I'm stealing your shit. First thing I'm doing sure I mean fuck you. Yeah, fuck you. Okay, I get your shit now.
Dan (01:18:04.000)
Like at retail establishments are you gonna are you gonna do some like Canada grilling of the rich
Jordan (01:18:10.000)
and here's I feel like if I'm if I'm going to do it because I'm getting my money's worth I have to cap our goal right?
Dan (01:18:16.000)
I mean, come on, and smash and grab. It's a better story to totally
Jordan (01:18:21.000)
totally it gets a lot of be gay so I turned into a cat burglar and steal from the rich right That's amazing. Yeah, yeah.
Dan (01:18:27.000)
Well, do you would you have to put together a crew? I mean, you can't just be oh my god. Can
Jordan (01:18:33.000)
you imagine in a sense LGBTQ group of cat burglars fighting against rich
Dan (01:18:39.000)
people of color yelling all of them the LGBT?
Jordan (01:18:42.000)
LGBT is 11
Unknown Speaker (01:18:44.000)
Dan (01:18:48.000)
Yeah, I hate this guy.
Jordan (01:18:49.000)
Yeah, yeah, it's the worst you know, because he sucks
Dan (01:18:53.000)
and the things he's saying suck and they're not even things that deserve a response. Yeah, but also you know that he's just filling Steve pathetic shoes. If Alex were comfortable talking to pathetic you wouldn't need this. This loser. This project Camelot loser. Now this guy who hangs out with Jim Fetzer. Alex is trying to pretend I have no associations with Jim I mean
Jordan (01:19:14.000)
he just can't he can't talk to us too pathetic right because pathetic is going to talk about how things that did happen didn't happen. That's got to be
Dan (01:19:25.000)
well yeah, he can't He Can't Control polygenic from saying things like the Las Vegas shooting did happen to Sandy Hook didn't happen and UK election out the election was all watermark ballot. Yep. Steve Botanik does Q anon stuff it's too wrong now. But also Steve magenic has his own audience that like if Alex tries to like you're saying edit his stuff out or, or whatever. Alex will get serious blowback from the pathetic heads. Yeah, so like, yeah, there's an I don't know, maybe there's also a thing where like, genic is pretty old. So maybe he's not maybe anymore. Yeah, that's possible. Whatever the case I have tasted the finest champagne. And yeah, I can't go back to Andre and now
Jordan (01:20:07.000)
there's just no going back. Yeah, there's just not. Once you've got the botanic in your brain, you're done.
Dan (01:20:12.000)
No, no swing is big enough.
Jordan (01:20:14.000)
I mean, even on Project Camelot, I can't think of many swings big enough to equal lipogenic. If any,
Dan (01:20:23.000)
I don't know, I think almost everything that involves, like I hung out with and I worked on a foreign planet that was Earth and I thought, sure, but
Jordan (01:20:32.000)
I mean, that's, that's like fantasies, like here, like divorced from, you know, you're, you're presenting it as real Sure, sure. But I mean, you know, but, on the other hand for Chadic he's got those swings.
Dan (01:20:45.000)
It's the difference between fiction and his like, revisionist history. Yeah,
Jordan (01:20:50.000)
yeah, it's it's Casey at the bat versus Mendoza.
Dan (01:20:56.000)
Fine. Yeah. So Alex brings out his weird, grainy picture that you may or may not have taken from a helicopter while he was stalking Mark Zuckerberg, and I find it unconvincing. Oh, yeah.
Alex Jones (01:21:07.000)
And then I want to segue into kawaii
Jordan (01:21:10.000)
Why does he hold up his phone? Oh, my God, he does not.
Alex Jones (01:21:13.000)
Wasn't going to Alaska. Never been there. But we've been acquired quite a few times. And I said, I want to go back there because Zuckerberg cording my sources. But he's building a big underground base and a submarine base and tried to set up robot defenses. He is a trusted security people try came here and I met a lot of construction firms, one of the groups that make up sign NDAs. But we confirm well, that will show some just kill shots real quick. I'm going to show this when I get back to Austin and HD. We put those on screen guys I sent it to you. This is from a helicopter. We can see the big dome buildings that they've built. And under that there's this dump trucks going in and out all day as they dig in. And then how big those are his his giant 40,000 square foot house is is is just a little box there below one of those facilities. So just like the MSA builds these big giant hangar bubbles, you can put a 747 and just that entrance. There also aircraft hangars, there's got giant construction going on. All over he's got 1000s and 1000s of acres in a row and again, he's under the there's a big mountain in a gorge there. They're building literally a James Bond villain like the Nazis had underground sub base. If you try to get anywhere else to try to land, drones and armed troops come on, get your face even though it's public property, you get on the beach, they basically assault you. And I'm just showing some grainy stuff here before I get back because people don't want to see the actual HD they leave little grainy things but this is just some of what people are going to be seeing.
Dan (01:22:52.000)
I'd love to see some HD stuff. I'd love to see anything because this was nothing. I'm he's making a lot of claims there in the backup is a picture that doesn't show shit.
Jordan (01:23:02.000)
Yeah, yeah, he might as well have like taken a screenshot from Endor. Right? The the Imperial ATA T's are everywhere on this estate. Well,
Dan (01:23:14.000)
it's like that any page when he had a picture of the mothership, but with a video. That's might as well just might as well be that it says a picture of something. And he's written a story about it. If I could just go to a construction site and make up a story about it. If I wanted your ostensibly
Jordan (01:23:33.000)
a professional and you're talking into your webcam holding
Dan (01:23:39.000)
actually, it's fine. We learn here that it's an iPad, I think. Yeah.
Jordan (01:23:43.000)
Oh my God. You're not a professional anymore. You're an asshole stealing money from families of grieving. grieving families. Yeah, that's what you are. Yeah. Yep.
Dan (01:23:55.000)
And speaking of people who have been real shitheads and harmed those families. Yeah. Jim Fetzer. Hey, is a buddy of this guy. Right, Scott Bennett. And listen real carefully. He has to stop himself from saying, Jim Fetzer. Oh, no. You can't say it on the show. He's doing his plugs. Yeah. And he almost says Dr. Fetzer. Oh my pay close attention.
Alex Jones (01:24:19.000)
People find what you're saying Scott is it's sold out on let's say all the URLs one more time.
Scott Bennett (01:24:25.000)
Go to game. That's where he put our breaking videos up. shell game is how they can contact me and see my story and global freedom. is a News TV site that we're erecting and putting my videos on and putting other videos we've got a lot of your good stuff and other good stuff Mike Brighty on Dr. Fat a lot of good people out there and they're they're different stuff. So those are the three websites. Dr. He went
Jordan (01:24:59.000)
the yo He went all the way to fat. Yeah, I refused. That's, that's legally and then he realizes
Dan (01:25:05.000)
like, Oh, I'm talking to Alex. I can't
Jordan (01:25:09.000)
think you just cost Alex a lot more money. Because this means that Alex is going to link to Jim Fetzer shit no matter what you do to stop them. Well, just because he didn't promoting
Dan (01:25:19.000)
a guy who has a website that hosts Fetzer content alongside Alex's content, but I don't know how much the Alex is like liable for anything and that that's that's kind
Jordan (01:25:30.000)
of on his show. He's pointing towards him.
Dan (01:25:33.000)
I think legally debatable. Civil civil lawsuit debatable probably doesn't rise to the level of him doing anything wrong, although it's incredibly distasteful and kind of funny that this guy realizes man word
Jordan (01:25:47.000)
knows. Oh, shit. I think I was told not to mention him. Oh, yeah, we talked about this before the show
Dan (01:25:54.000)
implies that or he just knows well enough. There things you don't say on Infowars enable my association with Jim Fetzer will make me a persona non grata
Jordan (01:26:06.000)
right here,
Dan (01:26:07.000)
so I have to pretend that that aspect of my professional life doesn't exist. Right. And that's funny
Jordan (01:26:12.000)
that he's kind of funny. And sad. Everything funny. That's actually what I met. Yeah, that said everything said everything funny is that yeah,
Dan (01:26:21.000)
all sad is funny. Yeah. So we have one last clip here and it's where Alex's iPad crashes
Alex Jones (01:26:28.000)
guide reimagined society breaks down everyone literally in July hate server, they all know where he lives. Well, that's well there's a nuclear war in society falling apart. Am I sorry that you're gonna have everybody going there? I mean, and he said, Yeah,
Scott Bennett (01:26:44.000)
he's Yeah, his life is is already costing suspect. I don't see Dr. Berg or any of these people escaping the French revolution that's coming which will hang them by the neck and put their heads on pikes after due process of law and due process of laws. Yeah, that's what
Jordan (01:27:02.000)
the French Revolution was known for.
Alex Jones (01:27:06.000)
Well, looks like we've had the inevitable crash of
Jordan (01:27:10.000)
crash here. Battery just die.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:13.000)
Great stuff. You're 60 seconds left at this break. Let
Dan (01:27:15.000)
people know one more time where they can find your work. In fairness, the inevitable part Alex does mention earlier that he forgot to plug it in. So it was something that there was wood if it crashed That was why so that was brought up just just to be clear, sure, but it is still funny be
Unknown Speaker (01:27:36.000)
funny and sad.
Dan (01:27:37.000)
Also, I wonder what kind of a world we're living in because it's not our current reality. Sure. If the United States has a form of due process Sure. That results in heads on pikes
Jordan (01:27:51.000)
it would be seems it would be a very interesting like here's okay, like
Dan (01:27:57.000)
even the worst criminals that end up getting the death penalty you still end up having like a burial Sure,
Jordan (01:28:02.000)
sure. But I mean what you got to do you have to you have to accept that that's not cruel and unusual punishment because it's it's it's defiling a corpse real right. So what it is so I mean, that's, that's a crime. Sure.
Dan (01:28:15.000)
Well, sure. You'd have to change the law to allow the filing corpse Yeah, were just amended to be like, if we really don't like you, we get to fuck with your body after
Jordan (01:28:24.000)
we kill your body who's gonna hold us accountable
Dan (01:28:28.000)
as a message?
Jordan (01:28:29.000)
Who defiles the Defiler that's the question. It is
Dan (01:28:33.000)
funny to just think like, yes to be like, Okay, we're going to do this under the you know, within the realm of law, we're gonna put your head on a pike as a warning.
Jordan (01:28:41.000)
Fucking Middle Ages draconian punishment act of 2025.
Dan (01:28:47.000)
We're gonna draw in quarter you, under due process.
Jordan (01:28:51.000)
Pieces of you will be displayed throughout the land. You will be taught to the four corners.
Dan (01:29:00.000)
seems kind of silly. Oh, yeah,
Jordan (01:29:01.000)
that one doesn't make too much sense now,
Dan (01:29:04.000)
but coherence and making sense is not these people's forte.
Jordan (01:29:08.000)
I mean, come on. Let's just Let's just be real. Okay. That's lazy. That's lazy. We've already done it. Human beings were past it right past the hands on
Dan (01:29:20.000)
dread to imagine what you're about to imagine thought of anything okay, thank
Jordan (01:29:27.000)
God. I don't spend my time thinking about ways to put a heads on different things. So
Dan (01:29:31.000)
you're saying that should due process be followed and they put Zuckerberg head on a pike? You would say this is passe? Yeah, this is too late. This is just 2000 and late here's
Jordan (01:29:43.000)
what we do. All right. We know of no a reality show called wipe out. Oh, there we go. The hole we just make it slightly more dangerous. The hole in the wall. Yeah, not wipe out the hole in the wall. But that wall is knights.
Dan (01:30:00.000)
No no, no don't do that guy. Sorry. Just you have to keep playing.
Jordan (01:30:08.000)
You have to keep playing forever. It's a it's an endless They Shoot Horses, Don't They montage of this? Yes. Now see, this is what I'm saying. Put a head on a pike.
Dan (01:30:20.000)
I feel like we could work that into due process easier than head on a pike. Yeah, absolutely. We'll call it calling a wall forever is cruel and unusual. Totally.
Jordan (01:30:31.000)
That's is that they may be the most refined, cruel and unusual punishment that has ever existed. Yeah,
Dan (01:30:38.000)
and coming up with a rotation of commentary teams is gonna be hard.
Jordan (01:30:44.000)
Yeah, when they were thinking cruel and unusual punishment, they were like okay, none of this none of this putting people in Golden fucking cows and burning them alive while you eat. No, that's fucked up. They were never thinking about wipe out or hole in the wall. They had no idea. So I don't think that should count.
Dan (01:31:03.000)
Yeah. To John Cena do wipe out. Was he one of the hosts? I
Jordan (01:31:09.000)
don't I don't know. I think wipe out is existed across countries continents and eras. So it's entirely possible such
Dan (01:31:17.000)
a good premise. How could it not I mean, it's just it's no hole in the wall. It's just
Jordan (01:31:21.000)
an obstacle course that is specifically going to make you bounce into the water. Not complicated. Perfect. There's a whole wall is coming at slightly less complicated. Slightly less complicated still.
Dan (01:31:37.000)
So come to the end of this and did what a vacation
Jordan (01:31:41.000)
what a vacation.
Dan (01:31:43.000)
What a dick.
Jordan (01:31:44.000)
What a real soulless monster by his own definition.
Dan (01:31:50.000)
I'm, I guess, excited for him to come back to Studio and as much as like I grow weary of his Hawaiian persona. Yeah, or whatever his vacation persona. I just want to get him back in the in the saddle. He came back. I do believe he is back in Austin because he posted a video of himself at the red carpet of the the new movie that was made by the people who made plan demic there's another dumbshit fake documentary by the pandemic people and Alex is at the red carpet.
Jordan (01:32:22.000)
It's called cran Demick. And it's like rappers Yeah, it's
Dan (01:32:26.000)
entitled cranberries. No zombie too
Jordan (01:32:28.000)
good. But that too many could too close to the IRA. They don't want to get back on the
Dan (01:32:33.000)
eights, I believe called the Great Awakening. So
Jordan (01:32:37.000)
great name. Hurray. Yeah.
Dan (01:32:40.000)
So we'll be back to see where Alex is at or maybe check in with the first appearance of dawn to Grand Prix. Who knows? But until then, we have oops,
Jordan (01:32:48.000)
indeed we do. It's knowledge. Yep. We're also on Twitter. We are on Twitter. It's at knowledge underscore fight.
Dan (01:32:53.000)
Yay. We'll be back. But until then, God, I once again, have forgotten to come up with something to do at the end of these episodes. I always tell myself that I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna come up with something. It's got to happen. Skip it to do.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:10.000)
And now here comes the sex robots.
Alex Jones (01:33:12.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.