Transcript/800: April 24, 2023

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Theme Song (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red alert red alert
Theme Song (00:00:12.000)
knowledge five days. Damn, Jordan, I'm sweating. Knowledge It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge, knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys Xiang Ji or the bad guy knowledge. Dan and Jordan knowledge fight need money Andy and Sandy are stopping Andy and Pam handy in Kansas. And Kansas surely are. Huge fan. I love your word. Knowledge by now knowledge Hey, everybody
Dan (00:00:59.000)
look like now try to sit around worship at the altar of saline and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh, indeed we are Dan Jordan. Jordan, we
Jordan (00:01:09.000)
question for you.
Dan (00:01:11.000)
Today, my bright spot today Jordan is I have lived a number of years on this earth. I've had a number of birthdays. Sure. 38 or 39. Depending on where you use your birth day. Your birthday. Stay interesting. Do you keep saying
Jordan (00:01:27.000)
Shall we do zero conversation?
Dan (00:01:29.000)
No. I'm saying is there a party for you for your birthday? The day you're born? The day of your birth a birthday?
Jordan (00:01:35.000)
I think some people would consider that a party. I think most people would rightly consider it a nightmarish, bloody mess of screaming and I feel
Dan (00:01:45.000)
like when I was one day old, I didn't get any presence. That's true. I don't remember maybe I did. That's possible. I guess I didn't have anything to begin with. So any clothes or crib or anything could be construed as a press true. So maybe I did. Regardless. Let's move on. I've had a number of birthdays. Yes. And I feel like none have ever been as eventful. So talk Tucker Carlson gets fired out and a little bit later in the day. Don Lemon gets said about James Corden gets the fuck out of here. I just I had to take a nap in the middle of the day. I don't know what's going on.
Jordan (00:02:20.000)
I don't know if I'm next.
Dan (00:02:22.000)
Or is this something that I'm doing? My power exuding into the
Jordan (00:02:26.000)
nose. Finally, you've discovered your power to get hosts fired. Well, and in
Dan (00:02:31.000)
2002 April 24. That was the first day that Steve Botanik showed up on Alex's show. It's true. These are desperate strong,
Jordan (00:02:40.000)
very, very, very disappointed.
Dan (00:02:42.000)
You know it's temporal Ley Lines sure energy putting out into the universe. I don't know.
Jordan (00:02:52.000)
I mean, statistically, I feel like two coincidences out of a total of between 38 or 39 birthdays. That's so regular amount of coincidence, but it's it look, it's
Dan (00:03:03.000)
a lot. It's a lot going on. It's a lot. It's it's more than I bargained for in terms of birthday. You know, like, I didn't really ask for anything true. I didn't get really any gifts per se mine was a complete dud. Well, it was an offer was appreciated. I did my best but, you know, I got I got all this stuff. I got all these things.
Jordan (00:03:24.000)
But not many people get Tucker Carlson fired on their birthday.
Dan (00:03:27.000)
I've taken out Tucker and you
Jordan (00:03:29.000)
Stelter, both Tucker, Stelter, fuck it, Alex has a billion dollar judgment. We are putting notches on the bedpost, baby.
Dan (00:03:43.000)
So what's your bright spot?
Jordan (00:03:44.000)
By bright spot is, Dad I hesitate to do this? Because it's very boring, but my bright spot is Shohei Ohtani. Sure. I mean, God damn. This is a miracle that we get to share the earth with this man. Sure. Miracles. Right, right. A miracle.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:03.000)
What do you do? Oh, my
Jordan (00:04:04.000)
God. He's just great. He's just nonstop. Great. Okay, I don't even know how you can do more than what he's doing. But now he's lowering his era striking out more people. He's realized. Here's what he's realized. And this is what's genius. Okay, all right. So he throws 100 mile an hour fastball. That's really fast. That's quite fast, but it's straight. Okay. Okay, if you throw 100 mile an hour fastball straight, then a really good hitter, or even a good major league hitter can still hit it pretty solid.
Dan (00:04:31.000)
Sure, right. It's just a timing thing.
Jordan (00:04:32.000)
It's just a timing thing. Now, most fastballs though exist within the 92 to 95 mile an hour range. Now imagine that you threw a slider at 92 to 95 miles an hour. All of a sudden you've got to pitch as fast as the fastest everybody else is fastball that moves all over the place. Yeah, so he's killing people now. Okay, not touching him.
Dan (00:04:54.000)
Wake me up. When he's got 100 mile an hour knuckleball?
Jordan (00:04:58.000)
He's got a 92 Violin our splitter and that's really fucking close. Do you know what you have to do? You have to hold the ball between you two. It's crazy. It's difficult. Yeah.
Dan (00:05:07.000)
Your fingers are split.
Jordan (00:05:08.000)
They're split. Yeah, it's a split finger. Yeah,
Dan (00:05:10.000)
I still would love to see a knuckle ball. I don't I don't actually know any I just know two words. Yeah. I understand what that mean. I know that knuckle balls are generally slower, right? Oh,
Jordan (00:05:20.000)
well, a knuckleball. You hold like literally like this. And the way you throw it, it doesn't spin. The thing doesn't spin. So the way that the wind hits it makes it jump up and down randomly, right as it's going forward. Yeah, it's absolute chaos. You can't control it. And I don't know if shohet could using his incredibly large burly strong arms that I want to wrap around me to hug. I don't know if he could move those slow enough to throw a knuckleball, honestly,
Dan (00:05:48.000)
well, it sounds like he's not that great. It does sound like that. I was I was expecting it would be some like specific thing that had happened as opposed to just how great he is. I mean,
Jordan (00:05:59.000)
here's the thing. All right. You can't, you cannot do what he does.
Dan (00:06:03.000)
Did you have this realization, like during a game or something that you're watching?
Jordan (00:06:08.000)
I've been I've been watching. I think I've watched every game he's pitched. Like I have not been able to turn away from it. Because in the past few years, when he's only been the greatest baseball player that ever lived. Right? It was great. Until Oh, to watch. It was always great. And now it's slightly more great. I don't know if that's I know, that's not a bright spot to a lot of people. But if you're the greatest and you get slightly more great. That's also great. It is. I'm not, I know I'm not selling this well. No.
Dan (00:06:37.000)
But I'm not impugning your brightspot I think that's totally fine. I'm just confused by it in terms of like, I guess it's just you're reflecting on how great he is. It's just I mean, you're enjoying the reflection on his greatness.
Jordan (00:06:52.000)
I'm telling you that it's hard to believe that somebody can be that great.
Dan (00:06:56.000)
Yeah, well, believe it. Yeah, I will do my best. So Jordan today we have an episode to get into. And it has to do with my birthday. And Dr. Carlson getting fired. Yeah, I imagine so so we're talking about April 24 2023, the day of the kibosh on Tucker, the great colleague, and it happened before Alex was on air. And so that's really some of the good news because we can get Alex's take on it. And the show will be covering the the events, and we'll get down to business on that. And something that should be disqualifying on his part. Here we go. And we'll get to that too. But before we do, let's say hello to some new ones. Oh, that's a great idea. So first, my dad became a Bircher and all he got was this lousy policy wonk, thank you so much. You're now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:07:41.000)
I'm a policy wonk, thank you very much.
Dan (00:07:42.000)
Thank you. Next, a man from the one known universe in which Alex's neck is not freakishly large. Please note that this is not a smaller even normal sized such universes remain undisclosed, undiscovered at this time. Thank you so much. You are now ballsy want.
Alex Jones (00:07:57.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Jordan (00:07:58.000)
you very much.
Dan (00:07:59.000)
I go next. Finland doesn't exist. So Where the hell am I thank you so much for now. ballsy walk.
Alex Jones (00:08:03.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Jordan (00:08:04.000)
you very much.
Dan (00:08:06.000)
The committee to get down on Doughboys buddy.
Alex Jones (00:08:10.000)
Walk. I'm a policy. Thank
Jordan (00:08:12.000)
you very much. And
Dan (00:08:13.000)
we got to take the credit mix Jordan. So thank you so much to Logan Adams, you are now a technocrat.
Alex Jones (00:08:18.000)
I'm a policy wonk. I have risen above my enemies. I might quit tomorrow. Actually. I'm just gonna take a little break now. A little breaky for me. And then we're going to come back. And I'm going to start the show over the devil a lot going on there. Fuck you. Fuck you. I got plenty of words for you. But at the end of the day, Fuck you and your new world order. And fuck the horse she wrote in on and all your shit. Maybe today should have been less broadcast. Maybe I'll just be gone a month, maybe five years. Maybe I'll walk out of here tomorrow. And you never see me again. That's really what I want to do. I never want to come back here again. I apologize to the crew and the listeners yesterday that I was legitimately having breakdowns on air. I'll be better tomorrow. No,
Dan (00:09:13.000)
never. No. But we may have had final broadcast of Tucker yesterday. On Fox News. That's what it's that's what we're being told. And he was unaware of it came off guard. Alex, not that surprised. But the firing of Tucker Carlson is a canary in the coal mine, of course, and Alex would have reached out to him for comment. He definitely would have he would have but there was a small problem. Oh, no. We had some technical difficulties. Oh, no.
Alex Jones (00:09:46.000)
Conservatives and people that just want to flip the safety supply that you better understand we're in a war that you better understand. They're going for broke. One of the biggest canaries in the coal mine was the number one News house in the world Tucker Carlson fired from Fox today I talked to Tucker quite frequently but two days ago my phone got wet and I had backed it up and I haven't had time to go to the store so I didn't get it fixed right now. I'm unable to talk to her I've got his number but I'm not calling it because I just learned this news 25 minutes ago yeah I
Dan (00:10:28.000)
would have gotten a call my but my phone is off alright, so yeah that's gonna get in the way getting it can't get called soccer on what phone
Jordan (00:10:38.000)
I was not expecting my phone as well. Yeah, I
Dan (00:10:41.000)
was pretty shocked to
Jordan (00:10:43.000)
that is about as updated a My dog ate my homework as I think you can get right.
Dan (00:10:48.000)
Sure. I mean, look, I would perfectly except from Alex like, hey, you know, he's busy. Yeah. If we only had the announcement of this like 20 minutes half an hour ago or so. There's a lot of things that probably he's fielding right now. I'm sure he's blowing up it would be really difficult to get a hold of him. I have an excuse like my phone. My phone's wet. He would talk to me
Jordan (00:11:10.000)
like, listen, he would put aside every text message he is getting right now. I'm sure his phone as 1000s of them. I have no doubt that he would get rid of all of those, drop everything and jump on to Infowars. But frankly, my phone's wet phones. Well, I can't say ask somebody else to text him No.
Dan (00:11:29.000)
Number into your phone phone gets so it's soaked. Nobody can get a hold of Tucker ringback tones, you know when he calls. But with water, right? Yeah, that sounds that sounds right. So Tucker, going off the air is a big deal, because it will have ripple effects for all the Patriots and what have you. And it's important to recognize that Alex's show is right on that knife's edge to it could go away at any time. And he got to keep them in the game. And the reason you got to keep them in the game, is because there's very serious things going on. Okay. Now, this next clip is disgusting. It involves Alex talking about crimes against children and sucks. But I do I am going to play this for a reason. And it may become clearer towards the end of this episode. Why? Okay, so here's one of the big headlines Alex as for the day.
Alex Jones (00:12:24.000)
Now, I told you a couple of weeks ago, we can be taken off the air at any time. The globalists are making their move, you saw him take James O'Keefe down. Now he's still fighting back. But ladies and gentlemen, New World Order is making its moves right now. And you need to not take the show for granted or take any of your freedoms for granted. Because the globalists are systematically cutting off the power getting rid of the borders. I just had a lengthy 45 minute discussion this morning. With senior people in the federal government, I'll leave it at that I mean, extremely senior. And they have been trying to get the story out obviously on Fox. And they have the documents of Biden releasing over 20,000 known pedophiles, I mean hardcore child rapist. I mean people that have been convicted of being school bus drivers and for disabled children and raping eight of them's nine of them. And I'm just sitting there for 45 minutes that I had to go in this meeting. Hearing all this the documents and I'm sitting there talking to beds from different agencies,
Jordan (00:13:52.000)
beds from different agencies now. Now we've got multiple agencies had
Alex Jones (00:13:56.000)
already seen reports they're telling the rest of it all over the country. People are coming up to young 1011 12 year old girls in Walmart and Target parking lots. And a woman a long time ago, Hey, honey, but there weren't a glove was fitting the lawn and putting it on her arm and then the girl passes out. That's when they put him in a van. That's not how it works came out then it got swept on the rug, Mavericks games. A whole bunch of kids got kidnapped, but those it just disappeared. And that they find him in Oklahoma City being gang raped in a hotel room. And that's the ones they found this is all going on at scales just completely off the charts.
Dan (00:14:35.000)
So that's all awful. Yeah. I don't know what Alex's definition of like senior people in the federal government is. But I don't think that we have the same sense of what that is. Yeah, I would agree. This entire story that Alex is telling is a load of shit and it really makes a mockery of pretending to care about crimes against children. There's a reality of that problem. And that's something that's discussed by serious adults who care about addressing the issue. What Alex is doing is exploiting the intense feelings that people have around child abuse and using that to power his own conspiracy bullshit. Consider this. In that clip. The problem isn't really that children are being abused. Now, the abuse of children is a prop that's meant to give power to the larger problem, which is Biden, who's supposedly releasing all of these hard, hardened Sex Criminals.
Jordan (00:15:21.000)
Right, right. Right. The issue is that if Biden weren't doing something, your kids would be safe. It's not about what the you know, it could be anything. No,
Dan (00:15:29.000)
he's not really cared about the end result problem as much as he is. He's using that. So there is an actual single case that came out that Alex is talking about where a 15 year old girl was lured away from a Dallas Dallas Mavericks game on April 8 2022. And found to being trafficked at a hotel in Oklahoma City. 10 days later, it's an unthinkable horror that girl went through and the people responsible have been arrested and hopefully see the full extent of the laws punishments. Alex is taking her actual experience and exploiting it by generalizing it into a narrative that's happening on this giant scale at Mavericks games. And, you know, he's, he's ballooning it out from a single example, which is what he does, that's really inappropriate, and it illustrates pretty clearly his disrespect for the victims in crimes like this. Trafficking is real, but Alex's approach to this does nothing to solve the problem. It's only designed to blame his chosen target for the existence of the problem and to direct the audience's negative emotions on to that chosen target. The fentanyl thing is something that's popped up on social media memes over the past year or so in different forms. But there's no evidence that that's happening. In September of last year, there was a viral post about claims that people were handing out roses laced with fentanyl to try to incapacitate people to be trafficked chair experts who have weighed on all this if said that this method of incapacitating someone would be very impractical. The difference in dose between knocking your target out and killing them would be very small. So you would probably end up killing a bunch of people accidentally before you got the got it right.
Jordan (00:17:02.000)
Isn't the isn't the surface absorption of fentanyl? Isn't that a cop myth that they lie to people about? Well, to pretend that they don't do drugs? I'm not
Dan (00:17:11.000)
sure I think that there is some effect that putting fentanyl on your skin can have Yeah, but the rose one was about like right in halen. Yeah. Now the rose one. This goes like similar paths, right? You can rise this this sick people are sneakily trying to put fentanyl in people.
Jordan (00:17:29.000)
Oh, no. I mean, it's razor blades in your in your can't 100 It's it's any kind of thing where a parent will be like, that's definitely happening because people out there are crazy,
Dan (00:17:38.000)
right? And it's exploiting the thing that is logical, which is concerned for your child. Yeah. And it's taking that and weaponizing it in a certain direction that you want to want to use and I think it's abhorrent. And yeah, I generally don't like to play clips or Alex talks like that. Yeah, for the most part because I find it repulsive. Yeah. But like I said, there is a reason that we'll come full circle at the end of this. And if you don't understand when we get there, I'll be very surprised. Okay.
Jordan (00:18:10.000)
I'm I there's one thing that is so so disgusting, that I think is is easy, because to like gloss over because Alex does it all the time. But he is taking that woman's story, right? He's stealing it from her. He is lessening its its impact, because it didn't it wasn't a thing that happened to her. It's just a thing that happens. You know, he's stealing every part of this from her and then throwing it away once he's done with it.
Dan (00:18:37.000)
Well, you know, there are similarities to that thing with the caller who had ovarian cancer on our last episode. Do you know that way of recontextualizing someone else's story to make it part of your story? They become older up within your story as opposed to a person in and of themselves who experienced a thing totally. And yeah, that is that is tough. Yeah. But he doesn't care because people are props to him. That doesn't care. Yeah, people aren't real. Nope. So Tucker got fired. Yay, O'Keefe got fired. Hey, and then AOC went on a podcast. Oh, no.
Alex Jones (00:19:09.000)
Tucker Carlson. fired at Fox as Rupert Murdoch makes changes. Isn't that interesting? Isn't that Special Project Veritas a coup against James O'Keefe systems battling whatever they've got to take us off air right now. And AOC went on Jim shocky show Friday. All political operatives were together and read the talking point we need the federal government to ban conservatives off television
Dan (00:19:44.000)
dot dot Don. So Tucker was almost certainly fired because of issues relating to the Dominion lawsuit and the other other potential litigation that's coming and it probably had something to do with the fact that he was the type of cat to not really play ball. He felt like he was so important to their ratings that they were really wasn't anything that Fox could do to reel him in other than fire him. Yeah, you know, the good. He's not the kind of person who could give any up. Like, he wouldn't give you an option to be like, oh, let's let's real
Jordan (00:20:09.000)
Oh, yeah, no, no, it's all or nothing.
Dan (00:20:11.000)
It's not taking notes. Yeah. There's also the issue of two lawsuits against Tucker that have been filed by his former senior booking producer Abby Grossberg, Grossberg accused Tucker show and Fox of sexism and workplace harassment. Tucker, Senior Executive Producer Justin Wells is also a named defendant in that suit, and he was also fired by Fox along with Tucker Yeah, I get the sense that this will be a story that will come out to more, you know, we'll get to the clearer picture on this in the future. But as far as I can tell that this is a business decision by Fox to protect themselves from further harm, much like when they fired Bill O'Reilly consequences for shitty actions. Yeah. And the same can be said for James O'Keefe. He's been pulling his bullshit pretending to be journalism for like a decade now. And no one cares so long. Most people just ignore his dumb publicity stunts, and he's essentially a political non variable. However, the Project Veritas board didn't appreciate that he was spending ridiculous amounts of money on personal stuff like quote, $14,000 on a charter flight to meet someone to fix his boat under the guise of meeting with a donor, or how he spent quote, more than $150,000 on private cars in an 18 month span. They directly called it misappropriation of their finances, and a lot of his stunts have the potential to leave Veritas open to legal exposure, as it did in 2022. And the organization was successfully sued for $120,000 for violating wiretapping laws in one of their sting. Exactly. James O'Keefe is a piece of shit and his actions are a liability for the organization that he founded now that it's grown into something that involves more than publicity stunts to feed his ego, and he got bit by his own snake. It's what happens.
Jordan (00:21:45.000)
Yeah, I mean, I feel like what we're seeing is the obvious reason that you don't have a boss, which is that Alex inexplicably, still has a job. Well, not really. Yeah, well, no, I mean, yes, I understand that a job? Nobody, nobody at Infowars can fire him because he's a liability to the company.
Dan (00:22:05.000)
Yes, yes. Otherwise, it would have happened long. Oh, forever ago. Yeah. But he's kind of got the same situation as those dudes go. And like Kota cleanses, totally, totally, no one's trying to ruin his life. He's just facing the piling up of consequences for shady actions he's made, and he can't bear the prospect of admitting that. So it has to be someone else's fault, has to be the result of a giant global conspiracy out to get him and people like him who have the same beliefs. Yep, maybe this would be a good time for him to sit back and consider how the people he claims have the same political beliefs as him seem to all be people who are operating their businesses in Super scammy ways that are often illegal. Maybe he doesn't actually have a political community as much as he has a collection of con men who are invested in protecting each other scams, because they're somewhat interdependent. Yeah, yeah, that sounds right. Yeah. AOC didn't say the conservatives should not be allowed on TV. She said that, quote, we have real issues with what's permissible on air. And we saw that with January 6, and we saw that in the lead up to January 6, and how we navigate questions, not just freedom of speech, but also accountability for incitement of violence. That's the role we have to explore through law as well. She went on to say, quote, I believe that when it comes to broadcast television, like Fox News, these are subject to federal law and regulation in terms of what's allowed on air and what isn't. And when you look at what Tucker Carlson and some of these other folks on Fox do, it's very, very clearly incitement of violence very clearly. And that's the line that I think we have to be willing to contend with. This was reported on right wing media as AOC saying that they needed to make new laws and regulation to not let Tucker do the shady does, but that's not accurate. She was just saying those regulations already exist, and we just need to acknowledge reality for what it is and take this shit seriously, which of course would be a threat to rest of that right. Alright,
Jordan (00:23:47.000)
so once she said acknowledge reality they the right wing when
Dan (00:23:54.000)
doing that I'm on the wrong side.
Jordan (00:23:55.000)
Yeah. Reality and I do not get along. Well. So Alex
Dan (00:23:59.000)
has some theories about about Tucker's fire. Sure. And here's where he's at initially.
Jordan (00:24:07.000)
He's too good. Wow.
Dan (00:24:09.000)
I mean, that's just taken his okay. I gotcha. But here's the specific thought. All right. Okay.
Alex Jones (00:24:13.000)
And when I saw we can have a go, a two part series on Elon Musk. I said, Let me tell you some. He didn't say Elon must have been bad in the past. I'm not saying her savior. I'm saying you don't get up there and say AI is taken over and the globalist want to get rid of humans want you to have more children. The Democratic Party has weaponized and controls the AI system that musk and others designed that they're taking over and that they're a tyranny and that the government illegally was spying on people and their private DMS at Twitter. You don't say that? And be inoperative of the globalist you say that? If they brainwash one of his daughters to become a boy, and if two of his family members almost died from the shot And you decide to go against the globalist now Maybe he thinks you'll beat them they'll become not the king of Mars, but the king of Earth. I don't know. But I know when you see something at that level, they come after you because I've experienced it.
Dan (00:25:12.000)
No, you haven't. But yeah, so his theory initially here is that he did that interview with Elon Musk and it was too dangerous, right. And so the system said, no new, right. Tucker's gotta go.
Jordan (00:25:24.000)
I feel like Alex is weirdly fine with Elon Musk trying to become king of the earth.
Dan (00:25:30.000)
Hey, it's just a maybe such.
Jordan (00:25:33.000)
I feel like anybody who anybody who wants to become king of the Earth, at that you say no, that's you. Let me you're the last person who should become king of the year.
Dan (00:25:42.000)
Let me take your thought one step further. All right. I even think you should have the response to someone wanting to be the king of Mars.
Jordan (00:25:50.000)
No, that's negotiable. I don't know who's gonna be king. What fiefdoms are we going to be handing out on Mars? The
Dan (00:25:55.000)
only way that someone could be king of Mars is if it's a pre existing thing. There's already a king of
Jordan (00:26:02.000)
money. Oh, no, no, absolutely. I build my palace on a limp and spawns. I have got this. I am King of Mars. You're right. You're right. Alex is fine. He loves monarchy. Yeah, it does seem to be weird.
Dan (00:26:17.000)
So look, here's the thing. Yeah, you got to understand. Sure. Alex and Tucker are very good friends. They are so close. They're so close. Their best best friend. Oh, wow. I mean, the phones
Alex Jones (00:26:27.000)
1015. We had 10 million viewers. And listeners know. By 2016 somedays, we had 30 40 million viewers. Every day, we had 25 million bigger than Rush Limbaugh, and I experienced the CIA, it's all come out Congress, literally run all these programs against me. So when I tell you, hey, Tucker's for real, he's for real. I know he's for real. And I've been friends with him. We hung out, you know, in Florida. For Thanksgiving. Last year, I'm not going to get into you know, stuff that goes on. But we talk a lot. We're friends and he's been here to visit, things like that.
Dan (00:27:11.000)
Things like that. He's been in the physical
Alex Jones (00:27:13.000)
world without the frequent my daughter was splashed around a blanket and that little too wet. And then these things are not waterproof. Right? There's some cracking it's like quit working Saturday. I've had a phone call Tucker just learned to this 30 minutes ago. But they're fixing my phone right now. At the AT and T stores as soon as I get it on the call tracker. Rob do has his number of calls, but I'm sure he's overwhelmed right now. But Tucker got offered by the Republican Party to sell out and he would have been President of the United States in 2024. He got the deal to work with us you'll be president and Tucker said I'm not going to be in New York or DC and I'm going to be in Florida remain and I am never going to be in the power structure and I hate you and I'll never serve you now shows us right
Jordan (00:28:07.000)
so if I understand correctly, Tucker sired off of his blowing off of the all the power in the world includes by the way hashtag Alex Jones is right.
Dan (00:28:20.000)
I hate you. I'll be in Maine.
Jordan (00:28:21.000)
I hate you. Right.
Dan (00:28:25.000)
Oh, God All right. Just I just pathetic just
Jordan (00:28:28.000)
living in that brain. It's gotta be nuts. So
Dan (00:28:34.000)
look, Alex says uh, you know some other ideas about why Tucker got fired be anything? Yeah, maybe it's because he wanted to have Alex on.
Alex Jones (00:28:42.000)
Could be maybe could be I haven't talked to him yet. Phones, there's a good chance that he said I'm gonna put whenever the story or fire me and they said you're fired. Because I don't even start baseball. Also previous things that went on, but I'm not going to talk about it till I talk to Tucker and see if it's okay with him. Talk about it now, buddy. But I figured now, I mean, I know he came very close to quitting about a month ago. Or giving him an ultimatum.
Dan (00:29:12.000)
It seems like inside baseball.
Alex Jones (00:29:16.000)
Because his contract says you can interview anybody you want. Since real insight. He took a massive pay cut contract specifics. We're talking a fraction of what they were offering freedom on a show. And they've not been giving him that on places like having Alex Jones on. Or going on Alex Jones's show, hmm. And I encouraged him to just continue to do whatever good he could there. But I think when it comes out, we're going to learn unless he had to sign a nondisclosure that. He said no, I'm going to do whatever the interview was you wanted to do? And they said no. sure I have a good idea what that is because I happen to be talking to high level. Federal officials today on whose phone
Dan (00:30:11.000)
it was the weirdos from earlier. agents that don't exist, Lieutenant Colonel sure that he has for sourcing indeed. Yeah, man. Maybe he's just like, fuck it. I'm gonna have Alex on it. You're fired. You're fired. You're fired. Even though your contract says you can Tucker. Is this
Jordan (00:30:28.000)
the hill? You're gonna die on? Are you gonna die on the Alex Jones Hill? Hey, if he's gonna
Dan (00:30:33.000)
sign off his speech to the global hashtag Alex Jones. Hi, I'm not going to be your president. Alex Jones was right. Yes, then of course, he would lose his fox show because they won't let him obviously or more importantly, let him go on Alex's show.
Jordan (00:30:47.000)
Yeah, that's the most important thing. Then they had to get rid of him for Yeah, because now that he's not on Fox. He's double can't go on as Alex
Dan (00:30:55.000)
is. Like, right now you've got to be thinking like is if I can get
Jordan (00:31:00.000)
him on the show. Come on. Come on the show. Come on the show. Come on the show. Come on the show. Come on the show. Come on. Come on the show. He's getting full court Blitz.
Dan (00:31:08.000)
Yeah. I wonder. I wonder what he would do as his first interview. Tucker's Yeah,
Jordan (00:31:15.000)
I figure he starts his own thing.
Dan (00:31:17.000)
He knows we don't think he's gonna come out and talk about it first. I
Jordan (00:31:20.000)
know. I don't
Dan (00:31:21.000)
think like Rogan know, it'd
Jordan (00:31:22.000)
be smart for him to make his own thing.
Dan (00:31:25.000)
I think it would be smart for him to make his own thing but I think he could also go on Rogan or something like that. And a lot of mileage out of
Jordan (00:31:30.000)
it. Yeah, sure. I mean, yeah, he could go on Rogan but God that would suck it will everyone would hate that. It would.
Dan (00:31:37.000)
I can't imagine what the other like right call for him to be do an interview would be because like a lot of these other right wing outlets, it would be kind of slumming it.
Jordan (00:31:46.000)
Well, I mean, 45 minutes after he was fired, I thought Donlon would be a great place to go and all of a sudden that went through. Oh, no. No, no, I think it'd be on court and later on tonight. Oh, shit. God dammit.
Dan (00:32:00.000)
So we got all these ideas about why Tucker got got
Jordan (00:32:05.000)
all of them about Alex
Dan (00:32:06.000)
and then Alex during a commercial break learns that Don Lemon was also okay. All right, now he has to rewrite the
Alex Jones (00:32:19.000)
Alright, now I'm not sure what's going on. Oh, yes. Now the Don lemons. Phone calls. But now it's confirmed, because I've learned how the New World Order operates because I've been on the receiving end of their operations. They're doing a purge at Fox a purge at CNN, not a purge MSNBC have what they call extreme left and extreme right. To make us all a friendly, nice nation where you're not allowed to question election fraud. You're not allowed to question open borders. But you also can't be mean and say bad things about conservatives. Do you see AOC saying we gotta lower the temperature and call for there not to be violence like Tucker Carlson is doing that. But they're framing us with violence. Show now this just in Don Lemon fired at Fox. Donovan says he was fired from CNN Excuse me. Tucker fired from Fox Don Lemon fired from CNN that was informed this morning by my agent. And I'm stunned. After 17 years at CNN, I would have thought that someone in management would have had the decency to tell me directly. That no time was I ever given an indication that I would not be able to continue to do the work. I loved the network. It is clear that there are some larger issues at play. But that said, I want to thank my colleagues and the many teams I've worked with them for an incredible run. They are the most talented journalists in the business and I wished him all the best journalism journalists what's happening well I was already gonna talk about this but
Jordan (00:33:50.000)
okay, so he saw this one coming a mile away
Dan (00:33:52.000)
yeah to say no no endurance and impression there was no he was unable to keep that character constant. I find that set for for someone who was in the running for World's Greatest voiceover actor before Obama came yeah and ruined his career I feel like he can't He can't stay in character
Jordan (00:34:12.000)
now now and I mean me me me it wasn't it's not a great voice No, but if you commit you can sometimes pull it back right you know you can pull it back if you commit hard yeah people respect to the commitment it
Dan (00:34:24.000)
makes me wonder how many takes he has to do to get those Sentinel the Chinese dragon videos together. Just doing that right that fourth grade level racist Chinese voice
Jordan (00:34:37.000)
All right, Alex, you lost it again. We got to sing the song from the beginning. You know, the problem with this song is that there aren't any clear edit points that we can cut it together Alex
Dan (00:34:46.000)
so when it was just Tucker the idea that he was targeted because he wouldn't play ball with Fox was a good conspiracy narrative. However, now Alex has learned that Don Lemon got fired the same day and his worldview does not allow for coincidences so he has to figure You're out a way to make them connected. And thus the network's but weirdly, not MSNBC are firing the extreme left and extreme right. So everyone's nicer, just like AOC demanded makes sense. Why wouldn't it be Rachel Maddow then? Now? She's the person who complains about way more. Yeah, but it's Don Lemon. Okay. Because Don lemons Don Levin. Okay. I guess AOC has magical powers where her stray words and interviews become the policy of multimillion dollar corporation. It's seems like a waste to use that power this way. But here we are. Also fun for Alex to accidentally admit that Tucker is an extreme right wing figure, this needs. This need for everything to be connected is a very interesting dynamic, because if you really pay attention, it's a selective game. Yeah. For example, James Corden show went away on Monday, too. So is Alex gonna feel the need to connect that to his larger conspiracy narrative that he's constructing? Probably not because it's inconvenient, and it's too hard to make that fit and make sense. That's just a random thing that happened, but Don lemons termination, that's related. For what it's worth, there's been speculation that lemons termination has to do with some sexist comments and behavior, including recently saying on air that Nikki Haley was, quote, not in her prime. Variety covered what appears to be a bit of a pattern behind the scenes and an article they published on April 5, which could go a long way toward explaining what feels kind of like an abrupt termination, but maybe isn't. Yeah, we just aren't privy to some of that information. Yeah,
Jordan (00:36:21.000)
you know, I keep thinking, you know, I after after Alex mockingly read his statement, there is a part of me that's like, well, I've seen the best journalists get laid off on mass for the past six months in every newsroom. Buzzfeed News is now completely gone. All those people, all their jobs just completely gone away. And yet, somehow Don Lemon is still out here being like, well, I thought they would have the decency to come to me, like fucking what are we doing here? It's
Dan (00:36:51.000)
because, you know, like,
Jordan (00:36:51.000)
it's because he thinks he's, it's because he thinks he's better than everybody. Well,
Dan (00:36:55.000)
maybe not better. I don't I don't know. Maybe best, but there's a celebrity to exact, you know, like, and that's, that's what we were talking about, before we started recording even was like about, there's this weirdness of this relationship that you have with news readers and characters. And it seems, it seems messed up. And I think that that's the reason that Alex is covering these and not talking about, like the journalists that are being fired newsrooms and stuff. They're not characters. It's not drama to Alex that has any real juice there. You know, these people are it's like gossipy. Yeah, pop culture stuff more than it has anything to do with news.
Jordan (00:37:35.000)
Totally like, I mean, if you were going to put a conspiracy together, you would start with BuzzFeed News going completely away. Followed by Okay, so now we've got a now we've got an entire publication going down, all of a sudden, now we're getting famous anchors going down, all of a sudden, what's going to happen next, you know, like they're coming for all news for saying something or other, you know, like, it's there. It's there. But it's just too lazy.
Dan (00:38:02.000)
You know, then you peek behind the curtain. Who is it? reanimated Walter Cronkite?
Jordan (00:38:08.000)
concocts payback. Its future amaz Cronkite Jr.
Dan (00:38:12.000)
Working with Edward R burrowed out of the ground. He's alive.
Jordan (00:38:21.000)
I knew years ago was burrow and I was waiting to see what you're gonna lay on that plane. At sur smooth landing. That was
Dan (00:38:28.000)
that was a solid burger if anything. So I'm going to skip this next clip. Alex just saying again that like they had to get rid of lemon Tucker. So anyway, we're screwed. But by we I mean Alex and his buddies Gotcha.
Alex Jones (00:38:44.000)
We are literally screwed. Okay. And you take the left cares they're they're demonic. Hey, love, feces and needles and trash running around and.
Alex Jones (00:39:06.000)
whitewash. They're eating all the gas powered vehicles. Now with the emissions rule. It's impossible to follow it. They've lived they listed carbon dioxide as a deadly gas. You'll see. You'll see. And again, the left loves having no money. They love needles and piles of feces and garbage everywhere. You ask why? Because they hate humanity. They don't want you to have a nice house, a swimming pool. And to see you go to church have happy kids, they're gonna chop your children's genitals off. They like making you miserable. Why does psychotics like to kidnap women and children in a courtroom and dungeons you like why the hell would you want to do that? Well, you're not a psychotic killer.
Alex Jones (00:40:03.000)
Because you see, when you watch Disney and Anheuser Busch and Nike commit financial suicide by promoting pedophilia, and mutilation of children, you say, why are they doing that? Because these are just weapon systems on by the big banks.
Dan (00:40:19.000)
Oh, they're not. They're also not they're not doing that. No, I think they were fine as businesses.
Jordan (00:40:25.000)
No, I'm confused. You know, it's one of those things that he talks about, he throws out there all the time, you know, but it is like, they don't want you to have a nice house with a nice pool and all that stuff. And it's like, I mean, honestly, I kind of don't, you know, like, you're wasting a lot of water, what you're talking about with psychotics going and attacking you, you have to realize, by consuming so fucking much you are passively doing to any number of people?
Dan (00:40:51.000)
Well, I think it's entirely possible to have a nice home and even have a pool in responsible ways. There are ways to make that less costly in terms of blue che and orderly or resource
Alex Jones (00:41:06.000)
Dan (00:41:06.000)
let's have a conversation about that. Sure. I don't think I don't think that people on let's say the left are like, No, you can't have a nice home in the way that Alex characterizes it. Like everyone has to live in coffin apartment. Yeah. Like, I don't think that anyone actually feels that way. No, and if they do, it's a very, very, very tiny minority, and they are politically unviable and not really not really relevant. I
Jordan (00:41:31.000)
tried to start a political party based entirely around the idea of covering the Earth's surface with shipping containers and all of us living in a underground you know thing. Only person in the party well only person just me.
Dan (00:41:43.000)
I also have my own one person party. Oh, yeah. And that was I was walking around Chicago. And I noticed there's that strip of of soil and trees between the sidewalk in the street Yes, of course. And I was thinking to myself, why isn't that full of potatoes? That's a good question. Why are we growing potatoes on all of these?
Jordan (00:42:03.000)
Sorry sir. You have now got two members of your political party Potato Potato plants
Dan (00:42:09.000)
and I mean look we can branch out to other things eventually maybe tomatoes or wheat or
Jordan (00:42:15.000)
I don't know I don't know that's gonna add in all kinds of infighting then people are gonna be like, Oh, I prefer tomatoes to potatoes. We don't want to do that. Well, single issue party. Here
Dan (00:42:23.000)
we go. Okay, hear me out. All right. We're already doing in our political east west streets potatoes. Okay, north south, streets tomatoes.
Jordan (00:42:35.000)
I think that's a good compromise. That's why we have to make all cities grids. No more river towns. Don't remember, I'm loving this potato idea. So Alex,
Dan (00:42:47.000)
I was like, well, we're all fucked.
Jordan (00:42:51.000)
Literally screwed.
Dan (00:42:52.000)
And I think it's kind of just a lead in because Alex is mad that people won't give him money.
Alex Jones (00:42:56.000)
They don't want you to have resources. They want control with their money. And so all the middle class and all the Nuba region, all the wealthy people that aren't globalist, don't get organized and don't dedicate their time and energy to fighting tyranny. Or they try to hide and keep themselves safe. And that's why you're going to lose everything. Keeping safe with a criminal takeover ensures you get destroyed. Yeah, maybe you get eaten a little bit later. Where are your instincts? But it is the common people that are the ones that donate and give and care and spread the word. But it's all the folks that live in the country clubs that think they're safe. And that think that they're isolated from anything else who are going to wish to your dying minute you'd have done more when you had a damn chance Get me the Alexander Schultz and ancient quote credit for the next hour well how is the one paragraph it's about three four paragraphs The full quote right out of the Gulag Archipelago. Oh later how we burned in the cache. So angry at ourselves that when the NKVD came around us and take us away one family at a time at night we would have made a stand
Alex Jones (00:44:23.000)
but see when Stalin's in KV de they just ever come in to grab you because you're not a communist or we don't want you here it's oh we're coming to get you because your phone said you got a virus Oh, contact tracing system said or oh and chatting
Jordan (00:44:39.000)
rapidly positive
Alex Jones (00:44:43.000)
program your name and we had to disappear your camp and yeah, you died in the camp, but that's okay. It's to keep us safe. It's all primed and ready to then
Unknown Speaker (00:44:53.000)
happen at all.
Jordan (00:44:54.000)
I don't I So, so I so if I understand correctly. All of a sudden, unlike Stalin, it's gonna be like, Oh, your phone's got a virus.
Dan (00:45:07.000)
It's like contact tracing for like, you know, you got you probably got COVID Oh, take you to a camp. All right. Well, I mean, it's 2023 I don't know. I don't know what how he expects that to have any purchase. Yeah, because I I don't know a whole lot of people who have any real interaction with those like automated contact tracing on phones. Yeah, I
Jordan (00:45:29.000)
don't think so. No,
Dan (00:45:30.000)
I certainly no one got picked up and take it to a camp. No, I
Jordan (00:45:33.000)
don't I don't know if anybody really used
Dan (00:45:35.000)
hired on this stuff. Maybe you should rework this material. This is like a stand up with a with an act. That's outdated. Yeah. But also, I would, I would say, that's the only sorts of needs and quote that Alex knows. Yeah, I don't think he's read the Gulag Archipelago. And I think he just knows that quote, because it encourages violence. Or at least Alex's eyes. It does have boy here but these rich Fox won't give him money.
Jordan (00:46:01.000)
I appreciate that. It's been a long time since I've heard that. The nouveau riche need to come together and unionize to support the common people, right?
Dan (00:46:13.000)
That's interesting, but not even the common people. Alex,
Jordan (00:46:17.000)
Alex, specifically, the avatar of the common man, right?
Dan (00:46:21.000)
He goes down and there will be no melee no common to fight the globalists.
Jordan (00:46:25.000)
There will only be the nouveau right Wait, no, that's up. Okay. I'm
Dan (00:46:28.000)
thinking of a fantasy novel about Alex like being right. Okay, like a world where there's this real idiot who lies all the time and is a complete dramatic embarrassment on the air and he hurts people constantly it doesn't give a fuck about it right? But then like he gets off the air and it turns out he was the only thing that was stopping the globalist from taking over the world right right right it makes for a fun like sci fi kind of make maybe a novel but
Jordan (00:46:57.000)
right I mean here's the but the twist has to be not for any of the things that he said on air like all of the things he said on air remain untrue. However, he is picked up because he is the linchpin in some fashion they need his blood for some something like that. Yeah, totally like a complete just random coincidence that he can't process because it's a random coincidence. Arthurian blood. Exactly. It has to be a conspiracy, but it's actually a coincidence, but because of the coincidence, a becomes a conspiracy.
Dan (00:47:27.000)
Yeah, the one conspiracy he didn't know exactly. The one about him. plant potatoes all over. Now we're cooking, it's gonna be a good one. So Alex finds the Gulag Archipelago quote, sure.
Alex Jones (00:47:41.000)
We read it now. Alexander Solzhenitsyn. And how we burned in the camps later thinking, What Would things have been like? If every security operative when he went out at night to make an arrest had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say goodbye to his family, or have during periods of mass arrests, as for example, in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people are not simply sat there in their layers palling with terror at every bang on the downstairs door, that every step on the staircase, but had understood, they had nothing left to lose, and had boldly Shut up in the downstairs Hall, on ambush of half a dozen people with axes hammers, pokers. And whatever else they had at hand, because they didn't have guns. The Oregon's would have very quickly have Shepard a shortage of officers and transport and notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the curse machine would have ground to a halt. If, if we didn't love freedom enough, and even more, we had no awareness of the real situation. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward. They're going to murder you and your family. They're gonna rip your children's teeth out while they write them with pliers right in front of you. Wow, they do. I mean, this is it. This is the end of America. This is the takeover. This is the new world order. It's already lost. It's already gone to hell, this is a takeover. And you can sit there and play games all day long. Stalin just wanted totally obedient slaves for his industrial revolution to for global domination. He's willing to kill 40 million people to do it. The New World Order is worse than Stalin. It wants to kill you in a very orderly
Jordan (00:49:45.000)
fashion. Like Stalin,
Alex Jones (00:49:48.000)
I say again, ladies, gentlemen. What are you going to do to promote this show? What are you going to
Jordan (00:49:59.000)
do is
Dan (00:50:00.000)
real yeah that talked about this a number of times before like the only concrete solution Alex ever really provides anything is self promoting like it or not even self promoting it's promoting him you doing the promoting you become a street team for Alex you give him money you buy his shit these are the only concrete solutions that he has to any product like them tearing your children's teeth out in a gulag Yeah, yeah okay well why don't you promote my show more? Oh, we burned in the camps because we didn't post links to BAM dot video enough. Yeah, go fuck yourself.
Jordan (00:50:33.000)
Yeah, you know it is a it is a little bit on the ironic side to say, Oh, they're coming to kill you and enslave you. And that's why I want you to work for free.
Dan (00:50:44.000)
Yeah, but it doesn't leave Alex get pretty fucking mad. Yeah, that's true. He's getting real high. I guess episode I get it. I mean, he lost his best friend on it. Oh, totally. So you start screaming about everyone needs to repost this shit. Sure. We know
Alex Jones (00:50:57.000)
millions tune in today we should the numbers and I say please go get this Greg reach report. Please go get this report about about about the UN legalizing pedophilia, or trying to and Washington State chains are going to take children from parents and forcibly sterilized them. Please get the report out. And I beg and it gets, you know, 400,000 views now. Because you know, you don't really want to promote it on Facebook or Twitter. You might get restricted or let's say Alex Jones. He's a little embarrassing. I mean, I want to share that link. Well, then you take what we report. Okay, I'm not up here saying all this wild stuff to sound shocking. You think I want to take all these psychotics for no reason. You think I gotta dance? Yes. I have the opposite of a Deathwish going along with this as a frickin nihilistic deathwish. This is survival you're seeing this is resistance. You're saying this is not some heroic exercise. It's confirmed in the last two years in the Texas sector alone, they've given hundreds of 1000s of children over the sex traffickers and traffickers and they let loose at least 20,000 Hardcore, convicted pedophiles. So all of you that worked for the system that don't stand up against us and allow the system standing up, just remember, you're just as guilty as the criminals. That's all. I need your support. You need my support. We're in this together. And I'd like to see an indicator here support or support But regardless, share the article share the videos.
Jordan (00:52:52.000)
That's That's amazing. What an abusive cult leader. Yeah, that's about as an abusive cult leader as you can possibly get. Oh, yeah. I have God's chosen representative to save you on this earth and you are not giving me enough money. You need
Dan (00:53:06.000)
me. And the use of like, the emotion Yeah, he's so fucking manipulative. Oh, totally. It's it's just an abusive thing. But you might have noticed there's a little bit that was cut out there. I did notice. Yeah, there's a little edit. I was wondering. So it took me a while, but I was able to find what was cut. Oh, that's good.
Alex Jones (00:53:25.000)
Because you know, you don't really want to promote it on Facebook or Twitter. You might get restricted or let's Alex Jones, you a little embarrassing, I may not want to share that link. Well, then you take what we report there, check it off yourself and do your own frickin report. Do your own second report right now before we're all stopped. Shaking all this wild stuff to sound shocking. You think I want to take on the psychotics for no reason. Yes.
Jordan (00:53:50.000)
See, now that's the voice work that we were looking for. He can do it for one word. He's got that talent for one word.
Dan (00:53:59.000)
Hey, I would like to suggest to Alex that that is exactly what we're doing. I'm taking the information that he puts out and I'm making my own reports and they are not coming out. Well for him. It's not a positive. Yeah, it's not a positive viewpoint. So congratulations. So you got exactly what you want. Yeah,
Jordan (00:54:12.000)
it does seem that way. But it's feels like he doesn't want it. No. Hmm. Strange.
Dan (00:54:18.000)
So Alex has done his emotionally abusive rant. She goes out to break and he comes back with the scene from network. All right. And here's just a little section of it where Alex is talking over it. Oh, he's really
Jordan (00:54:32.000)
playing the scene. The whole oh my god, delightful. And our children
Alex Jones (00:54:37.000)
will live. I've literally been given these speeches.
Jordan (00:54:43.000)
Yes, you literally have yeah, I've told them pick up a row.
Alex Jones (00:54:46.000)
Perfect. World. There's no war or famine. I've been in boardrooms almost like that when this actually goes on just like why are you still talking? Should medical holding for whom all men will work to serve a common except they tell you withhold a share. We need you to join us and help us. You're so smart, all assistants.
Dan (00:55:14.000)
You know why are you still talking? Because he's trying to convince himself. Yeah. Yeah, he's telling this bullshit. He's like, Yeah, you're such a big boy. Yep. You're so strong and smart.
Jordan (00:55:23.000)
Yeah, it is. It is funny that he has been in those boardrooms, he's talking to a mirror. But because a mirror is so abhorrent. He talks to what he believes is the mirror. And that is fiction.
Dan (00:55:35.000)
Well, or the microphone. Yeah. You know, the audience is the receptive mirror. So he doesn't have to look at him. Right. Right.
Jordan (00:55:43.000)
Right. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, everything he does is very clearly to avoid confronting a real self image. Yep. Because that's a nightmare. Yeah, it's real data disaster.
Dan (00:55:52.000)
So one of the tricks that he has is bringing in Oh, and and so it turns out a good trick turns out Alex wasn't even gonna come in today. But fired. So yeah.
Alex Jones (00:56:04.000)
Yeah. Well, the great one Shroyer took a well deserved week off. And he was back today. And here's what was going on behind the scenes. I have so much business stuff to take care of take the show on air. I'm not complaining. It's just I came to producers about 45 minutes for airtime and I say call Oh, and, and tell him come host the show today. Because I've literally got to go around and deal with stuff rather than his place. Or we won't be here. And then I called Owen 20 minutes before he goes, Hey, I'm actually here. We walked over talk to you. I said I just learned about us. But why don't you co host with me in the second hour and a third hour today. And so he is here with us now to give his
Dan (00:56:52.000)
his insight. Yeah, something something, whatever. Yeah. So Owen was gonna host but then Alex realized people are gonna be watching my show up because soccer got fired or got fired. So there'll be more eyes on this. Maybe I can do this outburst and bring in a little bit of money. Oh, it's not good enough at this. So no, you know, we don't want to waste a good crisis. Don't let a good crisis go to waste like Rahm Emanuel say,
Jordan (00:57:14.000)
yeah, it is. It is. That's
Dan (00:57:16.000)
That's exactly it. So they talk a bit about lawsuits. Sure. Because they know about got a lot of experience now. And they talk about the fox case a little bit here.
Alex Jones (00:57:26.000)
And they sue you with a cap judge. And the judge in the in the Dominion Fox case. Didn't call it a default, but ruled too much before Fox News purposely lied, which they never even did that. And Fox News is liable. And Fox News. This is the key. Fox News lied, Fox News. Oh, and there was no election fraud. And these machines are unhackable show the judge is already going to tell the jury you're guilty. That's why they settled for that amount. And so they've already got another judge another group, ready to probably be in DC, ready to go against News Corp. And so this law fair is now holding News Corp hostage?
Owen Shroyer (00:58:05.000)
Well, that's why it's so important for people to understand how radical and dangerous the American left has become. Because they're the ones that control this entire court system now and they know your best villain that outlawed abortion. You take LeBron James, and you sit him down next to some some high school, you know, freshman benchwarmer, and that benchwarmer says I'm better. I'm gonna beat Lebron James. Well, yeah, he can say well, okay, I'll go play you. But if he knows every bucket, he makes his work negative two points. And every bucket the other guy makes is worth 100 points. Well, that's a rigged game. You're not gonna win that game. So you can say, well, yeah, I'm gonna go to court, and I'm going to take my chances, and I'm going to get discovery, and I'm going to argue my cases doesn't matter. It's a rigged case, you cannot win it. And so that's what I learned here. And again, they can pick the jurisdiction
Alex Jones (00:58:51.000)
with their judges.
Dan (00:58:54.000)
Metaphors dumb. Yeah. But also, even if you accept the full extent of that metaphor, yeah, you can not lose. You can try playing good defense. Yeah, LeBron James could probably keep that freshman benchwarmer to zero.
Jordan (00:59:08.000)
He's He's done it to professional NBA players. So like,
Dan (00:59:12.000)
he doesn't have to score buckets. If they're going to be negative points. No. So you could end up with a 00 tie, which is a win, right? No, one one. Yeah. So I guess so. It's a dumb game. Well, sure. But if Alex and Owen exist in this circumstance, and they're completely innocent, yep. They could play good defense during their trial and end up coming out with a not billion dollar loss. A
Jordan (00:59:39.000)
tie. Yes, a $0. Loss Exactly. Well,
Dan (00:59:43.000)
so fox didn't have a default judgment or anything like that. Text messages were found in discovery that very clearly indicated that the people who are making fraudulent claims about Dominion knew that what they were reporting on was false when they reported it, which means that the case for actual malice would be very simple for dominion to make. Yeah, Fox hadn't lost the case at that point officially. But everyone including Fox knew that if it went to trial, they had no chance, which is why they settled. Alex had every opportunity to engage with discovery in his own case, and he chose not to because he also knew that he would lose if the case went to trial. He tried to lowball the Sandy Hook families with settlement offers which they declined, so he was not given the off ramp that Fox was able to take. Instead, he was forced to drag his heels and try every trick he could come up with to stall the proceedings and hope to force the families to settle they did not. And ultimately, Alex's shady behavior earned him a lot of fines in the form of sanctions. And ultimately, when other attempts to get him to participate failed, he was defaulted. He did it all to himself. He has no one else to blame. And interestingly, during the damages hearing, Alex went on air and made claims about the plaintiffs in the case, when the Texas case was ongoing. Alex talked quite a bit about Scarlet Lewis and Neil Heslin, which was really, really disrespectful. One of the claims he made about Miss Lewis was that she realized that Alex was actually right, and that her attorneys had lied to him, lied to her about him, which we can hear in this clip here. Yeah. And I
Alex Jones (01:01:08.000)
got on the stand, I said, Charlotte, go to the fourth thing, go to 40. Go to 33. After my show today on stand, I said, watch it. I said your reel. I said your son's reel, whoever gave that to us a liar. She got up and left came back an hour later crying and was like, oh, as you can with your right eye, you know, so So we broke through that they're being handled and manipulated. He told that story repeatedly. Because they use these families as pawns. The families come over and shook my hand and hugged me and really woke up the fact that they'd been manipulated, and their own lawyers when they were dogs, get over here and stop talking to him. On video. He even went so
Dan (01:01:49.000)
far as to bring up this story when he went on a guest as a guest earlier this year on Piers Morgan.
Alex Jones (01:01:56.000)
And then she went on the stand and said Jones attacked me and said, I'm an actress. It's all fake today. And I walked over to her during the break, and I said, watch my show from today. Your lawyers live even the next day, she came up and cried and shook my hand as scarlet Lewis and said, Oh my God, it's true. I saw you did say that.
Dan (01:02:13.000)
You may notice in this version of the story, she came up to him crying the next day, whereas the previous telling of it was an hour later after she'd gone and watched Alex's show to find the alleged truth. So weird, have the truth keep changing. Yeah, there's a discrepancy here because Alex is just making the story up. One possible reason is because, you know, without some kind of face saving story like this, Alex seems like the piece of shit that he actually is, in the case of the trial, he traumatized these grieving parents and then continued to do so while the trial was happening, because it was profitable for him sincerely. Another possibility is that Alex really is just that delusional, like reality may not be a fixed construct for him. And events exist merely to satisfy story beats that he needs to exist to be there, so he can tell his heroic narrative. Yeah, I don't think that's the case. But it's a possibility. Hey, solipsism may be overwhelming to the point of God knows fine that if that were the case, he would not be as functionalism. Right. It seems impossible. Yeah, it would come out in many other ways. Yeah, whatever the case, after Alex was on piers, his show, Scarlet sent him a warning letter saying that he needed to retract and correct this clear lie about her. You may notice that this never happened on his show, and we haven't heard about it. And that's because it's buried in a video he put out on band dot video, and almost nobody has seen. But since I was curious, and because I'll take any excuse not to listen to Oh, and CO hosting, I decided now might be a good time for us to listen to that retraction video as a distraction. Oh, boy, I actually found this because I was going through I was trying like Alex made all these ridiculous claims about how many views his videos get. Yeah. And so I was going through trying to find the last time he had anything that was over a million views. And I don't think I could find anything on it. I got bored after a couple of months. The highest things he had were like the Yang interview, and the the Roseanne one but those were like 600 something 1700 1000 Wow. So like they weren't even crossing the million. The only things on Bandai video that get like over a million sometimes are Greg Reese's reports. Anyway, so I was I was scrolling through all of them. I was like, retraction. What is this? Yeah. And so I decided, hey, this is interesting. The first red flag jumps out immediately. Yeah, is it the video is 14 and a half minutes long.
Jordan (01:04:29.000)
That is too long. There's no reason for no reason for that whatsoever. This
Dan (01:04:33.000)
is not something that requires a complicated answer. It's a I said something that wasn't true.
Jordan (01:04:39.000)
It requires a complicated answer. If you want to both retract the statement, and also at the same time, try and convince the person who you made that statement about that. Actually, you are correct.
Dan (01:04:50.000)
Yep. And that's basically what this is. Yeah, there we go. So Alex begins by reading a statement that his lawyers clearly were like, Yeah, riff.
Jordan (01:04:59.000)
Oh my god. Stay on track.
Alex Jones (01:05:02.000)
The following is a clarification correction issued by myself Alex Jones here on Infowars. As many know, I was sued by Miss Scarlett Lewis concerning certain remarks I had made about the shooting and death of her son of Sandy Hook Elementary School in early August of 2022. We were in trial in Austin, Texas on Miss Lewis claims of defamation she filed against me. during that trial, Miss Lewis and her ex husband approached me to talk, which we did, and after a brief conversation, we shook hands. Later, I appeared on piers Morgan's television show, talking about the trial and recounted the brief conversation I have with Miss Lewis. Recently, I received a letter from Mark Bankston, one of the lawyers from his Karla Lewis in the Texas Sandy Hook trial, in which Miss Lewis lawyer demanded from me a correction clarification or retraction of those few statements I had made in January of 2023, on the Piers Morgan show, about the courtroom conversation with Miss Lewis, and I'm happy to oblige.
Dan (01:06:06.000)
So we'll see if he obliges, yeah, yeah, yeah. Now, just for the sake of like, full clarification, you know, I'm friendly with Mark. I haven't really talked to him in a while or anything. I don't have any insight information. And I didn't even know this had happened until I scrolled through bamdad video. So like, I don't have any kind of insight outside of what is here and already know by trial. But oh, and that we were
Jordan (01:06:32.000)
there. Yeah, we were there. We saw the handshake. And we saw Mark, be like, this isn't happening. This is not happening. You fucked up monster. Yeah. So
Dan (01:06:41.000)
Alex continues to read from his lawyers prepared statement.
Alex Jones (01:06:45.000)
First, I want the viewing audience to understand what I said and what Mr. Bankson has demanded of me, so that my remarks today will clarify my retraction I'm going to make, it's important to keep in mind that during the trial, I continued to produce my live talk radio show. On the morning of August 2 2022. I made certain comments about the tragic nature of the Sandy Hook shooting, where I confirm that Miss Lewis was real, and the shooting was real, and the death of her son was real. Miss Lewis, however, was incorrectly told that I had attacked her as an actor in my broadcast, and she so testified not having actually heard my honor statements from that morning's broadcast. I was called to testify immediately after Miss Lewis and I immediately corrected her misperception. Later that afternoon at a break, Miss Lewis and her ex husband walked over to me in the courtroom. Miss Lewis handed me a bottle of water. And as I recall, a cough drop. We shook hands and we exchanged cordial words. attorney Mark Bankston now wants me to retract what I remembered. She said to me in that exchange. That's very
Dan (01:07:55.000)
kind of her considering Alex na Faktoren lyrics. Yeah, what
Jordan (01:07:59.000)
she was doing was a radical act of kindness directed towards a monster who had
Dan (01:08:07.000)
and now is exploiting a radical act of kindness. Because that's who he is. And that's who he I think a large reason of why Mark would say, This isn't happening, because you have to be aware that Alex is going to exploit this. Yeah, I'm going to take anything he can and turn it into something that works for him. Yeah. So here is the demand that has been made. All right.
Alex Jones (01:08:30.000)
Attorney bank since demand letter sets out his complaint as follows. Miss Lewis never spoke those words or anything similar to Mr. Jones. And Miss Lewis is disturbed that this lie was broadcast to millions of people, exposing her to contempt and ridicule. Finally, Attorney manxman's demand letter concludes with criticism of my recollection of my conversation with Miss Lewis writing to me as follows. And I quote, Mr. Jones has now decided months later to lie about Miss Lewis again, by manufacturing a fantasy conversation and spreading it to an audience of millions to a reputational and emotional detriment. Yeah, Attorney Bankston now demands that I retract my recollection of Miss Lewis's response to me, which I am going to do but first let me say Oh, no sky from Amazon or ex husband? Yeah, I mean we're
Dan (01:09:20.000)
for right it's a 14 minute video we're four minutes and there's no reason for this to go any longer. Nope. You can just say what you said there's the demand I retracted the statements that I made you don't even really need to explain things.
Jordan (01:09:33.000)
I mean, really, you you need to go out of your way not to explain things right and accept responsibility for the thing you did what but you're not doing that over no you don't because on this on that retracting my statements Yeah, that's it. Yeah, I'm rejecting them. Simple. I is done. It's done right here. Your the moment you are talking about a retraction, but first and then you say But first, you have negated any and all things that you might have or had said Up to that point
Dan (01:10:00.000)
makes your intentions murky. And then the other thing too, is I guess, like, up till this point, he has also mischaracterized a number of things and have terms of the course of events. But you know, I think it this four minute point you can get away with like just being like I retract, and then it's as good as you're gonna get without you. But the but first, that's where there's that's
Jordan (01:10:21.000)
where it goes wrong. Yep,
Alex Jones (01:10:23.000)
they did suffer the death of their child. And I've repeatedly said this, so my comments upset them. This was the last thing I wanted to do. Now as to Attorney mentions demand that I retract my statement, he quotes regarding Miss Lewis's response to me on August 2, I have gone back and reviewed the video available of that day's event. And I want to show five relevant clips from these videos. These clips come from August 2 2020. To number one shows Miss Lewis trial testimony. The second video, my response in trial testimony, third video, my actual morning on air statements for the end of day brief courtroom conversation and handshake I had with Miss Lewis. And finally number five, my August 3 The following morning, my court testimony about Miss Lewis shaking my hand and how much I appreciated that handshake.
Dan (01:11:16.000)
This is a huge problem for two main reasons. The first is that Alex absolutely did not care if what he was saying hurt Scarlet Lewis or Neil Heslin. His primary operating principle is to use people like them as a means to an end, not an end in and of themselves. There was a video of him shaking their hands, so he knew he could make up a story about that interaction that would be believable enough to his audience based on the fact that the video exists. That's all he cared about. And if he never got a demand for a retraction that his lawyers insisted to take seriously, Alex would never have even considered how much his words could affect Ms. Lewis. They don't exist as actual people with actual feelings to Alex and less he needs to act like they do in order to avoid the consequences of his actions. The second major problem is that he seems to be trying to mount a defense for his claims rather than retract or clarify them. By playing a series of clips. Alex seems to be suggesting that maybe Scarlett is the one lying about their exchange, which really seems like the last thing you should be doing it a retraction.
Jordan (01:12:12.000)
I feel like I can sue him for defamation.
Dan (01:12:16.000)
Alex's strategy is exactly what he's laid out here. Except of course, he's still a malicious lying shithead. So he starts by playing the clip of Scarlets testimony. And so here's a little bit of that.
Scarlett Lewis (01:12:28.000)
I wanted to tell you to your face, because I wanted you to know that I am mother, first and foremost, I know that you're a father and my son existed, you're still on your show today, trying to say that I'm implying that I'm an actress that I deep state you have this week. And I don't understand. truth, truth is so vital.
Dan (01:13:02.000)
The section he plays is a little bit longer. But this is the main point that she said that he'd implied that she was an actor or deep state on his show. On that day or there abouts. Then Alex plays a clip of himself on the stand saying that she needed to watch the whole thing. Then he plays what I guess he's presenting as the whole clip from his show, which allegedly Scarlett is responding to.
Alex Jones (01:13:24.000)
Oh, and I gotta say this, I've now met Neil Haslund and his ex wife. Those people are real. Once I saw him in person, a lot of anomalies. The government lies. So I thought Jussie Smollett was alive. He just went out on a limb. Right now. Most the time I'm right. We saw anomalies. I wasn't the first to bring up the anomalies. Some of the anomalies were gonna be a fraud. I've spent days, literally seven feet eight feet away from Haslund. As we're sitting right there, they're sitting right there. That guy's real. If my asking questions about public events hurt these people's feelings, I'm sorry. So
Dan (01:14:02.000)
that isn't really the clip, though. Know, that she was responding to there's a longer version of this. I
Jordan (01:14:09.000)
believe we and so many people
Dan (01:14:11.000)
saw that clip. And here's that.
Alex Jones (01:14:13.000)
Oh, and I gotta say this. I've now met Neil Haslund and his ex wife. Those people are real. Once I saw him in person, a lot of anomalies. The government lies so much. They have a right to question things. I thought Jesse Smollett was a lie. I said it first. went out on a limb. I was right. Most the time I'm right. We saw anomalies. I wasn't the first to bring up the anomalies. Some of the anomalies are gonna be a fraud. I've spent days literally seven feet eight feet away from Haslund because we're sitting right there. They're sitting right there. That guy's real. And I thought it was an act when I saw some of the stuff on TV just because he came off his show. Yeah.
Jordan (01:14:59.000)
Didn't say
Alex Jones (01:15:00.000)
He's, he's, he's a he's a nice man. And it's not an act. He is being manipulated very badly. Here we go, I'll just say because I gotta be honest, he's slow, okay. And his ex wife is not, I don't think he's stupid. I'm just saying he's, he's, I've got family members that are really smart in a lot of ways, but they're just real kind of quiet and have this way about men. And, and they, they, they move at a different pace. Like they're fast in some ways, and slow and others. And he's, I mean, I think Heslin acts like somebody on the spectrum, and makes me feel like an even bigger jerk. But I want to show him i There's something about this guy, this doesn't look. And now that I've been around him for over a week, I'm like, Okay, now I know, folks, I don't have some calculated point just to bring that up here. It's just that I'm around these people. And I'm looking at it. And I'm watching what's being said and what's going on, it really then makes it clear what happened. Just in that clip,
Dan (01:16:03.000)
you can see how Alex has edited out the part where he's saying that Miss Lewis and Mr. Heslin are being manipulated by evil people Dark Forces, he says that Heslin is slow, but Lewis is not, which kind of implies that she wouldn't be as easy to manipulate, reading the obvious subtext, you might come to the conclusion that she's in on it. Yep. Also, not for nothing. Alex wasn't around these people for very long. He barely showed up to the court. Most of the time that he was around, he was yelling out in front of the courthouse trying to get media attention. Yeah, Alex played that clip in his retraction video and cut out the part that was actually offensive to Heslin. And Louis, because he doesn't want his audience to have that context, in case they stumble onto this retraction video, he's trying to provide a retraction video that he thinks is just barely a retraction, just enough to make it work. While simultaneously it's supposed to serve it to reassure the audience that I have. Alex is actually right. Yep. Yeah. And if the conclusion is that Alex is right, and doesn't really need to have made a retraction, then the audience would reach the very obvious next conclusion, which is that Scarlett is lying about their exchange. Yep. I Alex's continuing terrorizing of these people is recapped recontextualized. For the audience as a continuing attack on Alex himself, because he's a malicious, abusive cult leader.
Jordan (01:17:17.000)
Yeah, I mean, it is, it is, much like the justice system is simply not prepared to handle Alex in a civil manner. Like, if you think that consequences can come in the form of money for him, you're wrong. You're just wrong. Unless you can take that money immediately. Yeah, well, I mean, yes. But that's even then that's not money. That's like taking away his access to you know, but again, it's taking ways as a as access to the show, it's taking away his access to his audience is taking away his access to the cult, that's the only thing you can do to provide consequences. Yeah. And they're just not doing it. Yeah.
Dan (01:17:55.000)
the only the only way that this really, I guess gets any better is having a situation where there isn't a community of enablers that support Alex in some way. Yeah. Because he is just malicious and will never stop doing the things that he wants to do that are profitable, or that satisfy some kind of an emotional need that he has Intel, there's no one left to play along. Yeah. But that they probably will never come. Well. I mean, that again, that's like that. I don't know if the legal system has some kind of remedy for that. No, I know. That's, that's I think it's time I think it's people in his audience, realizing what he's doing. Sure. But yeah, I don't know. I don't know. It's a bummer.
Jordan (01:18:41.000)
I mean, it's, my point is just like, the the rules and all of this stuff, like you cannot go to the judge and just be like, Listen, this doesn't happen. We have 800 Fucking episodes of this, when I tell you that you cannot punish Alex this way. I am saying this not from the point of view of somebody who wants punishment, or putting aside my desires. That's just this is just the only way yeah, just be advised. This isn't going to make it this is nothing. This is meaningless. You've wasted our time.
Dan (01:19:13.000)
And if anything you in less done carefully, unless some of these things are done fairly carefully, you run the risk of creating circumstances that can exploit to reinforce his martyr status with his audience, which ensures they will never go away it is always a dangerous possibility. Yep. So Alex continues his retraction video by not really retracting stuff, maybe actually making more allegations right.
Alex Jones (01:19:38.000)
Hopefully, after watching these actual video clips, several matters are clear. First, it shows that the trial testimony of Miss Lewis about her understanding of my on air statements earlier in the morning of trial was wrong. I told her in the courtroom that I had not attacked her that day, as A video of my actual honor statements that morning demonstrate
Dan (01:20:03.000)
maybe your understanding is the one that's wrong,
Jordan (01:20:05.000)
Alex, it feels like Alex went to his lawyers and they were like, here's what you need to say to satisfy Mark's letter. And then Alex went, Well, I'm gonna add some clips and stuff. And they were like, we're gonna add billable hours.
Dan (01:20:19.000)
Goodbye, be. Seems unadvisable. But then again, his lawyers are shitheads, too. So it's true.
Jordan (01:20:24.000)
They'll be like, Hey, listen, we'll get him this time. Yeah. So
Dan (01:20:27.000)
he goes on.
Alex Jones (01:20:28.000)
These clips show that after my testimony that day, in the courtroom, I had a conversation that was initiated by Miss Lewis that ended with Miss Lewis and me shaking hands, and her ex husband and I shaky hands. Unfortunately, the audio I have the changes poor, and you cannot hear much of what we're saying. But it seems clear that while we were shaking hands, we were talking. And while they are not all recorded, as the one I just showed, I had several courthouse conversations with Miss Lewis, and all of them were polite, and civil. To be clear and clarify,
Jordan (01:21:02.000)
oh, my God, we've got a clarification on the clock.
Alex Jones (01:21:06.000)
And her husband, we only caught it on tape one time. And when I said on piers, mom was a composite of those discussions. It is a precise words that Miss Lewis and I exchanged after our handshake that attorney Bankson now objects to and wants me know,
Jordan (01:21:22.000)
which are allowed to do what? No, no. Now now, you've introduced the reality that you do that you did edit the shit out of this? Yes. Which means you could have cut out all the clip
Dan (01:21:34.000)
parts? Well, no, because I think he thinks the clip parts are good or no, he
Jordan (01:21:39.000)
thinks those are the those are the centerpiece of the retraction video. Yeah, it's proof that he doesn't need to retract anything.
Dan (01:21:44.000)
Yeah. Yeah. Because his argument essentially, like he's really bad at communicating this, but his argument essentially is, oh, yeah, you know, there's that part where I said that, you know, Neil Haslem is slow, and they're being manipulated by evil people. This. Yeah, they said that, but she didn't see the part where I said she was real. Right. Right. Yeah. So that was his point in court. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And it's like, no, I saw that part. But I'm talking about the other part.
Jordan (01:22:13.000)
That part doesn't.
Dan (01:22:14.000)
Yeah, that doesn't.
Jordan (01:22:16.000)
When you say if you see it in context, you don't understand that the context of the first part is negated
Dan (01:22:21.000)
by the second part. No, no, no, no, but you got to see the first part. That's the only part
Jordan (01:22:25.000)
No, no, no, that's the problem with the first part is that by saying first, you are implying there is a second part
Dan (01:22:31.000)
in full context. It's just that little part.
Jordan (01:22:34.000)
I'm struggling to make sense of that said, sir,
Dan (01:22:37.000)
I do that audio change it so drastically. Why that's suspicious boy, how no one told you to do. Oh, boy, howdy,
Jordan (01:22:44.000)
did you have to do that at your studio? And you know why he
Dan (01:22:47.000)
did that? It was in order to create more plausible deniability. It's like, oh, yeah, in that conversation, maybe she didn't say it. But there were other ones that weren't because
Jordan (01:22:55.000)
it's a
Dan (01:22:56.000)
composite. It's just such a coward.
Jordan (01:22:58.000)
Because I didn't show those videos. I do have to come in and say that I didn't show those. Yeah.
Dan (01:23:03.000)
So here's the end of this.
Alex Jones (01:23:05.000)
I do not wish to harm or damage Mr. Lewis in any way. And if she does not agree with my recollection of her response to me, I will defer to Miss Lewis recollection of her statements and withdraw and disclaim my recollections of what she said in our conversation. While I am sure of what I told Miss Lewis, I defer entirely to her recollection of what she said in response, and if she disagrees, then I will withdraw and retract my recollection of her comments. In conclusion, I want to emphasize that I have no ill will, ill feelings or any malice towards Miss Lewis or ex husband. I know and understand they have suffered a tragedy with the murder of their son and I do not wish to cause them any further grief, harm or embarrassment. I once again would like to invite them to come on my show you mother and to talk about their son's life if they so choose. I am also trying to reach an agreement for another appearance on Piers Morgan show to let his audience hear this clarification and correction.
Jordan (01:24:06.000)
Fucking shit. absolute trash monster loot. That's the end of the video. That is not real. What is happening? He's trying to use it to get rebuilt. Unacceptable. He's trying to use this it's amazing. I just I just
Dan (01:24:29.000)
never let a crisis go to waste.
Jordan (01:24:31.000)
I I'm blown away. I'm blown away that should be that should be in front of the judge and he should be putting him in jail. That's jail time shit.
Dan (01:24:40.000)
It's pretty amazing. Like and just so like how Alex works? Yeah, the like, maybe I could get back on Piers Morgan. Totally this Oh, that's that's a that's such shithead behavior. You know, that's what you expect. So this isn't a matter of just misremembering something. This is a case of fabricating a claim but someone for a specific reason i Alex didn't just get a little thing she said wrong. He repeatedly said on air that she'd seen his full video she realized that he was right and that her lawyers had been lying to her. Clearly against her will. Alex was turning Scarlett into a character in his fantasy world, specifically a character that acts in ways that are directly against the wishes of Scarlett the real person. This is a malicious act on Alex's part, and he knows it, but his lawyers have scripted up this way for him to claim it is just a matter of Miss remembering something that was said. And he thinks this is good enough. And I think spiritually, it's certainly not Yeah, no, I
Jordan (01:25:32.000)
find it. It's a parody of a retraction. Yeah, no, a lawyer statement that was clearly written by the lawyer means nothing to me. First off, I just don't care about anybody who reads a statement written by for them by their lawyer, let's knock off
Dan (01:25:47.000)
let's just say we assume that it's by the lawyer. I don't think we don't know that for sure. Right.
Jordan (01:25:55.000)
But the problem with Alex and the problem with cult leaders in general, whenever you have them read a lawyer's statement is that everybody in the cult is like, Oh, the lawyer made you read that statement, right? You don't actually believe that shit,
Dan (01:26:06.000)
right? It's the same way that so many of Alex's audience members are like, I know you're talking about the Jews, but you just aren't saying Oh, because you can't
Jordan (01:26:13.000)
because, you know, I know. You don't know. I don't know. You don't mean what you're saying. But you can't not say that.
Dan (01:26:19.000)
You can't say the part that we all hear. Yep. You know. Yep. And that. Yeah, that is that. So it's the problem with retractions with a co leader, too, is that they're infallible, and it's almost a joke.
Jordan (01:26:30.000)
Yeah, exactly. No, I'll do it. I'll do it. Because these people are crazy. And in order for us to survive in their society, I'll play along with their dumb retraction rules. Yeah, yeah. I mean, it's disrespectful. It's disrespectful to just even consider it and then to see the execution of it is astonishing. Yeah,
Dan (01:26:48.000)
I mean, that's a little bit old. But I didn't know what happened, was buried on Bandai video and I just thought a good reason. I just thought like, well, well, Owen and him are complaining about how lawsuits are unfair. Let's go ahead and peek in on this. What about what alota She's amazing. So anyway, the globalists are cutting off the power. Sure.
Alex Jones (01:27:06.000)
It's like a cheesy Star Trek analogy where Kahn blows up the reactor the enterprise can't move. I mean, it's that simple. There are the movie Aliens. Cannot the 1980s a second aim for movie great movie? Because they just cut the power the guy starts panicking. What do you mean they cut the power their animals over screwed? Game over man game over there blowing the generators? What is the Imperial Walkers do in? Oh, we got three moving. Target main generator, maximum firepower. You've taken off it's gonna run a lot better. You may start your landing. They're taking out the generator. They but you don't have one generator. We got 10s of 1000s they blown half of them. They're blowing the generators. The power supply
Jordan (01:27:59.000)
in like a different moment.
Alex Jones (01:28:02.000)
When power and its current rate doesn't supply 5% They can't even produce it. Well, when I'm ready to go ahead. Now. It's
Owen Shroyer (01:28:08.000)
an epic rant. Oh,
Alex Jones (01:28:09.000)
I mean, what? What are you talking?
Dan (01:28:13.000)
I like that response from an epic rant. Epic rant, buddy. Wow. Yeah, you're doing good Alex.
Jordan (01:28:19.000)
That is a genuine, worshipping. That is an epic rant. Alex.
Dan (01:28:26.000)
I felt no passion in the epic rant declaration. Wow. So we have one last clip here. And I told you things have come full circle with the disgusting stuff at the beginning. Indeed. And here is where that happens.
Alex Jones (01:28:39.000)
Show there's been incredible dirty tricks. Incredible. disinfo incredible lies against anybody. Trump's not perfect, but he was against world war three. They got him. Now they're going after Tucker. They've gone after me. Scott Ritter famous case all sorts of made up attacks and lies. None of it was true. This is what happens when intelligence agencies come after you. Scott Ritter is a former Marine intelligence officer who served the former Soviet Union implementing arms control agreements. I'm a staff of General Norman Schwarzkopf during the Gulf War, Ray played a critical role in the hunt for Iraq Scud missiles. From 91 to 98. Mr. BRENNER served as Chief Inspector United Nations in Iraq legal search for X prescribed weapons of mass destruction. Mr. Ritter was a vocal critic, the American decision to go to war in Iraq. It was totally vindicated knowing that Iraqis his new book Disarmament in the time of perestroika arms control, the end of the Soviet Union is his ninth. Scott Ritter warring piece dot fun, couldn't have a better time to have them on. Man. I
Dan (01:29:36.000)
wonder what kind of dirty tricks were pulled against Scott Ritter, man this is Google this real fast. clickety clickety clickety clickety Scott Ritter was arrested in 2009 after he was caught in a child sexual predator sting operation. he solicited nude videos from a person online that he thought was 15 years old. At trial, prosecutors claimed that this was the third time that Raider had been caught in an underage online sex solicitation. Staying, which is not surprising. Ritter had sent graphic video to this person that he believed was 15, including him naked and masturbating. In April 2001. Ritter was caught in a stain where he thought he was talking to a miner online who he made plans to meet at a McDonald's. He arrived at the McDonald's where the police were waiting, but he didn't end up getting any jail time for that or and they believe the charges were dropped. Former UN weapons inspectors get a warning on these kinds of things, I guess. Then in June 2001. A couple months later, he got caught again, this time trying to meet up with a minor at a Burger King. Again, the police were there and again, he didn't get in any serious trouble. Raider was convicted in the 2009 case and sentenced to five and a half years in prison. He was paroled early and has been out of jail since 2014. But he is very clearly a habitual predator who has a history of seeking out minors online for sexual exploitation. I mentioned Ritter in one of our 2004 episodes in the context that he had been a figure saying that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. And I failed to bring up this aspect of his character. It slipped my mind to get into because I wasn't talking about Ritter, specifically at the time, it was in the context of narratives about David Kelly. And Ritter was a tertiary figure. And I apologize that I didn't bring that up when when his name came up. Now that we have him here on Alex's show, all of this is very relevant. And this is what Alex is trying to present our dirty tricks that were played against Ritter. These weren't dirty tricks. They are multiple instances of Ritter attempting to abuse children. Alex pretends that he's a champion and Crusader out to protect the children. But here he has a convicted sex offender on his show. And all he can do is whitewash his past and his crimes. And why because Reiter is a staunch opponent of Ukraine in the context of the war against Russia. That's his value to Alex and he's he's an anti Ukrainian voice with a resume including the UN's web we and weapons inspector he's going oh, yeah, yeah, keeping keep that in mind anytime you hear Alex scream about all his enemies are pedophiles and how he you know wants to ban trans people from any public existence in order to save the children. He's happy to pal around with and defend any child abuser who agrees with him because he's not sincere about this issue. In the recent past, Ritter has been welcomed a little bit into communities that like to brand themselves as like isolationist but are really kind of about something now. So Nazis. Yeah, yeah. He was scheduled to speak at the Rage Against the War Machine rally back in February, which was just a collection of shitheads. Jimmy Dore Ron Paul Tulsi Gabbard, Gerald Cilenti, Max Blumenthal, Jackson Henkel, and sex past Scott Ritter, people started pointing out who Ritter was. So he got the boot from that speaking engagement, but apparently Alex has no problem welcoming them with open arms and pretending that he was actually the victim and all of those cases. Yeah, what a piece of shit. Yeah. Like, I don't care what he has to say about how we're about to have a nuclear war. Nope. Which is basically the rest of the episode. Yeah,
Jordan (01:32:53.000)
I believe that. Yeah,
Dan (01:32:54.000)
I did listen to it all just in case because I was like, it was just gonna come up. Right. Right. Right. Is this Are we gonna Yeah, seems like something fairly important to bring up in the
Jordan (01:33:03.000)
first part of the year. Compared to the last part of the episode. It seems like it's a relevant thing.
Dan (01:33:08.000)
Yeah. Yeah. No, doesn't doesn't come up.
Jordan (01:33:11.000)
Hi. That makes me so sad. Yep. It's so sad. I really like it. This is a dark world. There's a dark world. Why don't we live in the good one?
Dan (01:33:24.000)
Yeah, I don't know. I mean, look, here's here's the issue, though. You know, we have this day where it's like, Tucker got fired. And, you know, it's all fun. But then it's this darkness here. Who's
Jordan (01:33:35.000)
you just can't We can't have a clean win. You know, we can't have one of those days.
Dan (01:33:40.000)
Where it's really just Alex gets drunk because Tucker got fired and throws hatchet. Totally. Why can't it be that
Jordan (01:33:46.000)
why? It seems like the easiest and the most fun thing to do to celebrate the death of your friends show? No.
Dan (01:33:53.000)
Talk to Scott Ritter.
Jordan (01:33:55.000)
God dammit, that sucks. Does Oh, there's so many different things. You could do anything? You could do anything other than talk to Scott Ritter.
Dan (01:34:03.000)
I imagine there were other people who could probably say similar things to him a fucking
Jordan (01:34:07.000)
idiot. Yeah, but I'll say that there's a nuclear war coming. Take a recording of this shit. And you
Dan (01:34:13.000)
know what? Here's the deal. Yeah. I think that it would have been entirely possible for Alex to just have Scott Ritter on and not say that there were a bunch of dirty tricks played against him. So it's also possible. I think that there's a world where Alex could just pretend all of that stuff isn't real. Yeah. Instead, what he's doing is providing cover and denying the crimes of a monster.
Jordan (01:34:40.000)
Predator just just unreal. Yep. But that's to be I mean, no, no, it is to be expected. I
Dan (01:34:46.000)
mean, you go back in the history in the 2004 stuff. And you see so many of these other like these people who are whether it's a you know, a child abuser, a murderer, a, somebody who's deputize themselves to harass immigrants Nazis, be they celebrities fathers or not. You have all these people that Alex is carrying water for and covering for it's no different really. Yeah, it's just his show is so much about calling everybody else child predators. Yeah and it's just kind of glaring. Yeah. So anyway this sucks. Yeah,
Jordan (01:35:20.000)
you know, I just want I know it's unreasonable. Right? It's like It's like driving home and wishing for every light to be green on the way home. Sure, obviously it's unreasonable but I would have liked it this was going pretty well yeah, it was going pretty well there were a lot of there was there was some stuff at the beginning but it was going pretty smoothly. And then bam. Oh, just hit with that big red light.
Dan (01:35:41.000)
Take the high without the come down. Catch the rough without the smooth hits trace versa.
Jordan (01:35:47.000)
Can't drive home without getting stopped by a trade. Yep, yep.
Dan (01:35:50.000)
We'll be back and hopefully pleasantly,
Jordan (01:35:54.000)
pleasantly pleasantly tea or website? Indeed we do. It's allergy Yep.
Dan (01:36:00.000)
We're also on Twitter. We are on Twitter at that analogical fight. Yep, we'll be back. But until then, I'm Neil. I'm Leo. I'm DCX Clark native breed Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep boop boop. Oh, you know what?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:13.000)
And now here comes the sex robots.
Alex Jones (01:36:16.000)
Andy in Kansas. You're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.