Transcript/780: February 21, 2023
From Knowledge Fight Wiki
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Dan (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red alert. Red
Alex Jones (00:00:06.000)
alert. Red alert. Knowledge five. Damn, Jordan, I'm sweating. Knowledge It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge, knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys shank me or the bad guy. Knowledge. Dan and Jordan knowledge fight need money and the family can do your shopping Andy and Ken handy in Kansas. Just starting to pray and the Kansas surely are playing for older. Huge fan. I love your world knowledge by now knowledge I love you.
Dan (00:00:59.000)
Hey everybody, welcome back to knowledge. Dudes sit around worship at the altar of saline and talk a little bit about Alex Jones. Oh,
Jordan (00:01:07.000)
indeed. We are Dan Jordan,
Dan (00:01:09.000)
Dan Jordanna. Question
Jordan (00:01:10.000)
for you, sir. brightspot.
Dan (00:01:12.000)
My bright spot today, Jordan, I guess is that it's snuck up on me considerably. But it's a week away from the show. So I chose in
Jordan (00:01:21.000)
Milwaukee snuck up on me a lot to
Dan (00:01:25.000)
abstractly in March. Next week. And, boy, I'll tell you what. I'm scrambling.
Jordan (00:01:34.000)
first week of March is the worst time because you think you will always think you know, like, Oh, I've got a month before this happened. But you forget that that month is February and that month is a lie. Yeah.
Dan (00:01:45.000)
You see the early 20s in the dates. Yeah. And you're like, Oh,
Jordan (00:01:49.000)
I still got time.
Dan (00:01:50.000)
Plenty of days. Now. You got three less than you think. Yep. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe it's poor form to tell an audience, presumably before the live show that shit is up in the air right now, folks. I still trying to figure out what we're gonna do for that live show.
Jordan (00:02:10.000)
I think what's important is to set both expectations. Yeah. All right, you like listen, you have enjoyed a thing that we've put out set on nearly 800 episodes of true, right. Don't be surprised if you put it in a different space and you don't like it as much. I would think you would like it more. But Lord knows. Yeah.
Dan (00:02:27.000)
I mean, look, there's a little bit of excitement to it, though, is what I'm saying. There's chaos. Oh, no. I mean, you never know what's going to happen. Exactly. Do not content. But a week out from the show. I have a pretty good idea about one episode. And the other is rapidly falling apart. In real time, as you can observe on the podcast because we're going through this 22,004 stuff. Maybe Alex doesn't cover the scream ever. Oh no. Maybe this plan was flawed from the find out though knows who knows. You'll have to tune in or show up in Milwaukee to the show that sold out.
Jordan (00:03:16.000)
Cover it until 2005. That's possible.
Dan (00:03:19.000)
Oh, I don't know. You'd never have to attack Howard Dean after 2004. Now you don't. But anyway, it's kind of exciting. What's your bright spot?
Jordan (00:03:29.000)
My bright spot is the other day we were we were playing some video games and doing the thing on on Twitch that I do. And alphorn brought up Random Access Memories by Daft Punk. Yeah, right. And he made the somewhat controversial statement that he thought it was the best Daft Punk album he said that one more time said that once more. With digital love, and and a read listened to a man it's a fantastic album. Sure. It's a fantastic album. I love it. One of the best of all time. It's not as good as discovery but it is still a fantastic album. I would put it at number two.
Dan (00:04:08.000)
Okay, if we were gonna fight about it always nice to revisit.
Jordan (00:04:11.000)
Yeah. Oh, I was great. Lose yourself to dance. My friend. I was on the train losing myself today.
Dan (00:04:16.000)
I generally lose myself in the music the moment. Oh, yeah. You better never let it go. And that's probably why it's only a one shot. Do not miss your chance to go blow to flow, blow sharp blow row. opportunity comes once in a lifetime. That's all I know. All right. Yeah, that one? I'm confident it Yeah. Well, Jordan today we have an episode to go over. And by popular demand we're checking in on the present day. Oh, no. You know what, here's the deal. I know that we have a responsibility and an obligation to cover all things, Alex. But as we've said many times, this is not an Alex Jones after show. And if people are, like gigantically curious about what Alex has to say about X, Y or Z, they can go Listen to his show if they want. I think
Jordan (00:05:01.000)
Chris Hardwick does one an after show of Infowars
Dan (00:05:07.000)
talking free speech Yeah, um, and like, you know, I think that generally speaking most stuff, if you have like a hot button issue, nine times out of 10 you can guess what Alex is gonna say about it. Yeah, show is not like you're never it's very rare that you're gonna get like revelations of like, holy shit. His angle on this is wild. Yeah. But you know, hey, that doesn't mean that we get to just say Hey, fuck the president. We're gonna just do whatever we want. Sure, still check in on it. Let people know how things are going and Alex world. So today we're gonna be talking about February 21 2023. I will say
Jordan (00:05:49.000)
it justify staying in the past.
Dan (00:05:53.000)
You know what, it's a mixed bag. It's a mixed bag.
Jordan (00:05:56.000)
Some UPS some downs.
Dan (00:05:58.000)
I will say that we learn less than maybe in the past, but there's some stuff that is pretty fucking stupid. So that's fun. Also, before we get to the walk, shout outs, we should really clarify a couple of things. And they are that we both made mistakes. On the last episode. You misquoted Marx. That's right. I did. I
Jordan (00:06:19.000)
quoted Bill Watterson who I quoted.
Dan (00:06:22.000)
It's interesting too, because you were so anti religion. TV is the opiate of the masses. Well,
Jordan (00:06:27.000)
I meant it. I meant that quote. Because that's the quote that I was thinking because I was talking about TV right? But I forgot that that was a Bill Watterson take on the Marx quote, sure. Religion is the opiate of the masses, right. I have chosen the better one well, but that would be but
Dan (00:06:43.000)
it was still a misquoting and then I said National Alliance when I met National Vanguard strong was the founder of the National Vanguard. Gotcha. And I was no one pointed it out. But as I was listening back, I was like, This is embarrassing. Very easy mistake to make similar names. Both Nazis.
Jordan (00:07:03.000)
Yeah, I would be fairly embarrassed but I think I just love Calvin and Hobbes too much. This is an opportunity to tell more people about Calvin and Hobbes so I accept my stake the
Dan (00:07:14.000)
underground comic strip, Calvin,
Jordan (00:07:16.000)
there's Gen Z people, maybe they don't even know it.
Dan (00:07:19.000)
That's possible. Yeah. So we'll get down to Ben's on today's episode. But first, let's say hello, Jordan to some new wall. Oh, that's great idea. So first, I'm an Aussie I grow pineapples. I rescue bats. I'm an IT nerd. My name is Sean, thank you so much. You are now policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:07:34.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:07:35.000)
Thank you very much. I
Dan (00:07:36.000)
do next just joined still waiting on my Sex Robot. Thank you so much. You are now policy Wong.
Alex Jones (00:07:41.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Jordan (00:07:42.000)
Thank you very much.
Dan (00:07:43.000)
Next, I'm worried about Uncle Paul D. Presented by Mountain Dew berry monsoon a Sam's Club exclusive. Thank you so much. You're now policy walk. I'm a policy. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next. Wait a second. Hang on. I'm new. So is Dan. DJ Dan archy. Thank you so much. You are now policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:08:01.000)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:02.000)
Thank you very much clarify.
Dan (00:08:03.000)
No, I am not.
Jordan (00:08:04.000)
It would be fun if you had an alter ego that we both treated as 100%. Real.
Dan (00:08:09.000)
Yeah, that would be fine. And then like at the live show I just performed with like, yes, yeah. Next congrats to Spencer on her new business, which I assure you is not related to free speech systems. Thank you so much. You are now policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:08:23.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank
Jordan (00:08:24.000)
you very much.
Dan (00:08:25.000)
And every night before bed, I enjoy policy wank while listening to techno rap. Thank you so much. You are now ballsy walk.
Alex Jones (00:08:31.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank you.
Dan (00:08:33.000)
They requested that I try and do something that they don't know what techno wrap is right that I should do it. They don't know what the closest thing I could come up with for that was Bangkok oriental city. But the city don't know what the city is getting the creme de la creme by the chess world at a show of everything, but you will run out dirt. Time flies doesn't see my minutes. I don't like how you're looking at me.
Jordan (00:08:58.000)
I'm just I'm just enjoying.
Dan (00:09:00.000)
You don't know what even Bangkok? No, I
Jordan (00:09:01.000)
don't. What is that a man run of truly great musical performance for you. finding it to be but like that's our bid for 2023. We've had blackjack. We've had to run out of songs. No, you are not sir. I've asked you questions. Now. You got songs for days?
Dan (00:09:23.000)
I think you should first of all, yeah. Find out about one night in Bangkok. Okay, it makes the hard man humble.
Jordan (00:09:28.000)
I mean that I could use that.
Dan (00:09:31.000)
Also, check out where it's from, which is a musical called chess, which is all about chess. I'm sorry. What? Yeah, there's a musical called chess. Okay. And there's a guy named Marie head who had a song in the I guess, late 80s, early 90s. Okay. Yeah. One night in Bangkok. All right. So one night in Bangkok. It's about going to a chess bar.
Jordan (00:09:53.000)
Excuse me. Excuse me, just real quick. You asked me you don't know one night in Bangkok. So It was a full two big hit. And then you went on to tell me that it's from a musical called chess. Yeah. Okay.
Dan (00:10:05.000)
Hey, it's 80s and 90s. I'd bring you along. I would invite Queens we use would not excite you.
Jordan (00:10:15.000)
Okay. All right.
Dan (00:10:16.000)
I'm done playing chess. Yes, I
Jordan (00:10:17.000)
understand. I recognize that. Anyway, Murray had
Dan (00:10:21.000)
my bright spot. Anyway, I love it. So here's another context drop from today's show.
Alex Jones (00:10:29.000)
From the heart of Texas, broadcasting worldwide. I'm Alex Jones. From the Alex Jones Show,
Dan (00:10:35.000)
smooth. Yep. Yep. The Alex James host, powered through feel like we've heard him say that before. Anyway, we start today with a pretty severe tone. I will say that if you want to have listened to this entire episode, yeah. In matter, no. 45 seconds. That's probably just this.
Alex Jones (00:11:01.000)
This is an emergency broadcast to the February 21. As we speak in a fascistic, nighttime outdoor speech, Biden is basically declaring war on Russia publicly. And pledging absolute military commitment. Putin is Chang threatened, threatening that nuclear war is imminent. This is getting more insane by the minute. So incredibly dangerous. I really don't have words at this point to describe how the spiraling this death spiral threatens us all. I don't think you need me to explain that to you. Yeah. So
Dan (00:11:48.000)
Biden has declared war on Russia. And Putin saying the nukes are locked and loaded. Right. Right. That's basically all that's going on. It's pretty severe. It's scary. It just surprised me to hear because these things didn't happen.
Jordan (00:12:02.000)
Right. It bums me out. Here's what bums me out. All right. I have been told in anger that Chicago is getting nuked regularly right now here he is all sad because we really might be in a nuclear superpower war.
Dan (00:12:16.000)
Not fair. Well, he's still angry. Sure, but he's just he's got a ramp into
Jordan (00:12:23.000)
I don't need to tell you how dangerous this is. Obviously, you've been telling me for the past 20 years that I'm gonna get personally nuked. Give
Dan (00:12:30.000)
him time. Okay, he's got to cook this and I'm still gonna get it. It'll be just the beginning. That's on me. So there's nukes. And it's a 100% chance that some nukes are going to be used. And then some numbers get tweaked? Sure. But this is this is pretty. I mean, look, we're all dead.
Alex Jones (00:12:51.000)
On the course we're on right now. There is a 100% chance nuclear weapons are going to be used in an almost every actuary or war profile war game, it's been done. If tacticals get used. You've got about an 80% chance it'll lead to a wider nuclear war. And when you look at the numbers, it's about 100% chance in total commitment. That means just spasm of mass death. So we're a pretty satanic evil planet army. And it goes to say we just blow ourselves up. Real good chance ladies and gentlemen that we're facing the end of the world. Everybody enjoys it the cavalry has arrived. Ultimate bone broth. Oh.
Jordan (00:13:47.000)
Cavalry has arrived.
Dan (00:13:49.000)
I mean, look, there's that's jarring shirt. Okay, so if I'm if I'm to understand this as it plays Yeah, we're all dead. Yep. Nuclear war is coming. 100% Great news though. The solution to this is ultimate bone. Brad is good at his back in stock,
Jordan (00:14:04.000)
I would have preferred a little bit more connective tissue.
Dan (00:14:07.000)
Well, there's a little bit more there's probably connective tissue in that bone broth. With a juggle mushroom. Yep, that's probably true. And Coco. What else is in there? Bee pollen? I think maybe I don't know.
Jordan (00:14:22.000)
Why do you sound so much all of these things? Like they some guy just had a bunch of stuff in his back office and he threw it into a mix and I think I can sell this.
Dan (00:14:32.000)
I think I can sell this put it in milk. Tastes like Lucky Charms.
Jordan (00:14:36.000)
Everyone operates on three witches principles.
Dan (00:14:39.000)
Alex actually says that at one point. He's like this Aizawa people on steroids. He was like Lucky Charms. Like I bet it
Jordan (00:14:45.000)
wasn't the worst thing that a broth can taste like yeah, whose bones are you brought the taste like Lucky Charms. Let's terrify.
Dan (00:14:54.000)
So we are in a situation in the world right now that is not unlike a bullfight. Sure. There's a matador There's a bowl
Jordan (00:15:01.000)
the globalists Do either of them have nuclear weapons all of them okay the globalists
Dan (00:15:04.000)
are the matadors Russia is the bull however this metaphor is a little bit different than you might think.
Jordan (00:15:13.000)
Okay but
Alex Jones (00:15:13.000)
in this confrontation is already torture a matador is the New World Order Deep State. The bowl is Russia. Cool. But in this game, when the matador sticks his short into the heart of the bowl, the bowl explodes and blows up everyone in the stadium. The only way to win is not to play this game,
Dan (00:15:41.000)
because it's nothing like a matador bowls.
Jordan (00:15:45.000)
Generally speaking, the only way to win between the matador the bowl is one of them leaves and the other one does not. Well.
Dan (00:15:53.000)
If you were a matador right, and you knew the bowl exploded and blew up a stadium, right, you probably wouldn't be a matador, would you?
Jordan (00:16:02.000)
I don't know. It depends. Are you in on it? The greatest Matador in history and somebody was like, Hey, I got this plan. What we're going to do is we're going to stuff this bowl full of explosives that will only trigger when you poke it in its heart, cementing the final kill right and that will overthrow. So I have
Dan (00:16:23.000)
to assume that sense metaphorically, the globalists are the matador right well aware. Yeah, that's
Jordan (00:16:28.000)
a good point.
Dan (00:16:29.000)
Yeah, I can't I can't see any other scenario here.
Jordan (00:16:31.000)
I'm struggling with this metaphor, I
Dan (00:16:32.000)
think is the main problem. Yeah, it's dumb. That's why Yeah, that's
Jordan (00:16:35.000)
a good point. Yeah.
Dan (00:16:36.000)
So we've heard Alex recently. And whenever he's feeling down in the past talk about like, we gotta get out of this liberal hellhole, right, that I love living in. Right, right,
Jordan (00:16:50.000)
right. On the downswing, he does want to leave. Yeah,
Dan (00:16:53.000)
it turns out, he's down swinging hard.
Alex Jones (00:16:56.000)
I had to have a discussion with my wife this morning, about leaving the United States for the southern hemisphere. And I'm going to be completely honest with all of you, I've said, I'll never surrender. I won't back down from the deep state here.
Alex Jones (00:17:19.000)
Even things should be fixed in America. But America is so far gone, as we can all see that I am strongly having to consider evacuating the United States. Still will be hell of we're in Argentina or someplace during a nuclear war. There'll be a nuclear winter and it'll be it'll be bad. And I know a lot of billionaires, people that have already fled to places like New Zealand and Hawaii, Hawaii. I don't have the money for bunkers and all the rest of it.
Dan (00:17:56.000)
Maybe not anymore. Not anymore. No, that's a good point. All I hear when Alex talks like this is I just got bad news from the bankruptcy court. Yep, this gloomy shit has no connection to reality. It's all just a projection of his mood. When Alex thinks he's pulling a fast one and things are gonna work out. He tells the audience that the globalists are on the ropes, and the good guys are gonna win just as long as you keep that money flowing. When Alex says reasons to believe that his schemes to keep his money safe from the courts aren't going to work well, and it's the end of the world. I was reflecting on why the present day episodes of Alex's show are so repulsive to me, when in reality, it's actual content isn't really much worse than it was in 2018. or around that time, right? One theory that I've come up with is that Alex's show in the present day is actively abusive towards its listeners in a way that's increased, and I think it makes me mad. This is kind of just him having a childish outburst on the show and trying to make everyone feel as miserable and panicked as he does. And it's not that fun to take seriously is something worth paying attention to. The only thing that even makes me raise an eyebrow here is that Alex is upping the ante from pretending he's about to leave Austin to pretending he's about to leave the country. Also probably not a coincidence that he chose Argentina as the country he'd like to flee to seeing as it was the destination of a lot of high level Nazis like Eichmann and Mengele. Yeah, also, let's be very fucking clear about that. Alex better follow all relevant laws of immigration. I
Jordan (00:19:22.000)
wrote down you want to become an immigrant? I sweat I mean, I would be chained up
Dan (00:19:27.000)
in country in this circumstance. Would you be a refugee?
Jordan (00:19:31.000)
Any fucking country in the world should not allow him in like, that's crazy. To me. That's crazy. Because sooner or later, if you let him in, he's going to start getting mad at other people coming in. That's
Dan (00:19:42.000)
insane. There is no doubt that that cycle would perpetually keep him out. I think it one would be wise to keep him out of the country, but at the same time, were he fleeing for legitimate reasons. You know, like if he were actually a refugee, it's a way sure his A pourraient opinions maybe wouldn't be as important as like protecting his human rights. But I don't believe that's the circumstance we're in. No, maybe no. Fuck you, Alex Young, it's just like this. There's so much of this that is just lashing out. And when I hear him talking about like, Oh my God, all this nukes that are right around the corner, we're all fucked. And all this like, I can't, like disaggregate that from his entire, like, my life is really bad right now. Yeah. And that, to me, doesn't seem that interesting. Eight seems like he's a fucking baby who wants everyone to be miserable.
Jordan (00:20:40.000)
I mean, here's what's not fun. Here's what makes it so fucking terrible, is now that I know what's going on in his other life, where there's real money involved, then it's like, I mean, as we're, as we're talking here, I'm listening to this. And I'm also aware that Mark is trying to get his lawyer disbarred, like, I am aware of those two things at the same time. So I am not worried about a nuclear war or even willing to take it seriously because I am worried that his lawyer won't get disbarred. I need to make sure that happens, you know,
Dan (00:21:14.000)
who I mean, think nuclear stuff and disarmament issues are something to keep in mind for sure to to engage with his version of this story is to, like, accidentally take on his feelings about his lawyer being disbarred, but being juxtaposed on to nuclear war concern. Yeah. And that's a fool's game to play. Frankly.
Jordan (00:21:40.000)
I mean, I don't want to have a conversation with somebody who is clearly not having that conversation at all right? why would why would I talk to you about nuclear war? Your conversation is about how your lawyer is going to be disbarred, right? Your
Dan (00:21:51.000)
conversation is about that and about how like, you're going to be broke, you're going out of business, and your attempts to shield yourself are gradually not working. I mean, people are seeing through your bullshit Alex Jones live was a charade that God was doomed to failure. Oh, yeah. Still no new episodes of that, unfortunately,
Jordan (00:22:12.000)
like him saying, I think it's time for me to leave the country is also him being like, well, the only way I'm gonna get to keep my money is if I hide it outside of the United States. Groover and I mean, it is an Argentina I'm going to choose places where they don't stood like allow money. You know,
Dan (00:22:27.000)
I honestly think that that came to his mind probably because not
Jordan (00:22:30.000)
because Nazis. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. He really does feel that way. I
Dan (00:22:34.000)
don't know why he like he doesn't have any affinity for South America outside of Brazil. Right? Not anymore.
Jordan (00:22:40.000)
Not anymore. Definitely not anymore. Probably because Rhodesia doesn't exist anymore. It
Dan (00:22:46.000)
does to him in his heart. Well,
Jordan (00:22:48.000)
that I'm surprised he's not going there.
Dan (00:22:50.000)
I am not. So look, it's severe shit is going down.
Alex Jones (00:22:55.000)
You may feel like you're immune from this, but there are Russian submarines. What off our coast in the Atlantic civic in the Gulf of Mexico, that could destroy every US city in five minutes. Five minutes, mock nine missiles that cannot be shot down. Five minutes. Chicago, New York, Austin, LA, Miami, Tampa, Benito Ami. Minneapolis, St. Paul, both Detroit. US Houston.
Jordan (00:23:38.000)
Parris, Illinois because they didn't know any better.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:42.000)
Gone, gone, gone
Dan (00:23:44.000)
through some consequences.
Alex Jones (00:23:48.000)
The ICBMs can be here in 12 to 15 minutes.
Jordan (00:23:52.000)
And also wherever you can stand in like five states. They're gonna blow that up too. But just for consistency, and we're dealing
Alex Jones (00:24:01.000)
that last 22 million people in World War Two, and they're ready for nuclear war. And Putin gave a speech on that yesterday.
Dan (00:24:12.000)
So Putin gave a state of the country address and he didn't say that he's ready to nuke everyone. He did have some interesting things to say about us political decisions, though. Yeah. For instance, he said, quote, the whole world witnessed how they withdrew from fundamental agreements on weapons, including the treaty on immediate and shorter range missiles, unilaterally tearing up the fundamental agreement that maintain world peace. For some reason they did it they do not do anything without a reason as we know, for the record, Trump did that not the globalists, all the people Alex hates wanted Trump not to do that. But Alex supported Trump's decision, which is one of the specifics that Putin cites in his speech criticizing the US funny just weird. Funny how that works. It's a very, very long, boring speech. mostly about economic issues and the airing of grievances some valid, some outrageous Sure, the part where Putin brings up nuclear weapons is this, quote, we're aware of the fact that certain types of US nuclear weapons are reaching the end of their service life. In this regard, we know for certain that some politicians in Washington are already pondering live nuclear tests, especially since the US is developing innovative nuclear weapons. There's information to this effect Given these circumstances, the defense ministry and Rosatom must take everything must make everything ready for Russia to conduct nuclear tests, we will not be the first to proceed with these tests. But if the US goes ahead with them, we will as well no one should harbor dangerous illusions that global strategic parity can be disrupted. It is a bad sign for a head of state to be talking about a new nuclear arms race. But there's a chasm between what Putin said and how Alex is reporting it. Yeah, that's because Alex is a liar and a sensationalist, who's feeling really down today? And so everything is so bad? Yeah. So bad.
Jordan (00:26:06.000)
Yeah. I mean, I suppose I would be I think I could be persuaded that there is 100% chance in the lifetime of nuclear weapons that they will be used again, I would not be I think I would accept that I will accept that there's 100% chance of that will
Dan (00:26:21.000)
happen. I mean, 100 is a big number it is. But
Jordan (00:26:25.000)
I don't know if there's any way that we can understand human beings, and who we put in charge of nuclear weapons, without eventually recognizing that somebody's going to either do it on purpose or on accident, you
Dan (00:26:37.000)
know, like, in a long enough scale, everything that can happen exactly will
Jordan (00:26:41.000)
happen. Yeah. But we don't need too much evidence that we need a long scale, we've already had at least three different possible world ending events happen.
Dan (00:26:49.000)
Oh, that's true. That's true. I think. I think I'll go as far as to say, I think there's a high likelihood that nuclear weapons will be used accidentally or intentionally, again, at some point, but I also think that there is a possibility there is a possible future where sincere and serious disarmament happens Now unfortunately, I think that may be one of the catalysts for that would be like you said
Jordan (00:27:15.000)
earlier weapons nuclear
Dan (00:27:19.000)
explosion of some sort. But yeah, I don't know. Maybe, maybe I'll have quite as gloomy, gloomy. Take on it as you. But maybe that's just because I'm experiencing Alex's gloomy take.
Jordan (00:27:31.000)
I don't know this. I don't know if it's a gloomy take. I think it's just the problem is what you described, you know, a lot of the times in order to not do something again, humans have to do it again. Well, I
Dan (00:27:42.000)
see. I see. Possible catalyst right. No, no other possible catalyst. Totally. Totally. Yeah.
Jordan (00:27:48.000)
It does seem like if you have that one, though, then you don't get to do the second part where you disarm
Dan (00:27:53.000)
either way, whatever the whatever the reality and the possibility of this stuff is it's disconnected from what else?
Jordan (00:27:59.000)
Oh, yeah. 100% Alex
Dan (00:28:00.000)
is on one.
Jordan (00:28:01.000)
I No, no, that's why that's why I thought of it. I was like, that's an interesting thought. And what he said is not
Dan (00:28:07.000)
Yeah, so speech that Alex is misrepresenting ship and hey, why not? Let's have a two for one special Biden is also giving a speech that Alex has misrepresented represent
Jordan (00:28:16.000)
them all.
Alex Jones (00:28:18.000)
Biden is still bumbling and stumbling in a nighttime fascistic speech in Warsaw, Poland, on the border with Russia, rattling the nuclear sabers says we got a transcript of it. We'll read excerpts of it.
Dan (00:28:34.000)
This is pathetic. Alex has not watched any of that speech. And he's characterizing it as nuclear saber rattling. In reality, Biden was mostly talking about growing up in Claymont Delaware where there's a lot of Polish people around and he quote, grew up feeling self conscious. My name didn't end in a ski or an Oh, all right. It's really okay appealing to the Polish population. Okay, fine. He was also expressing appreciation for Poland accepting 1.7 million displaced Ukrainians who fled after Yeah, faded parts. Oh, right. Like it's it's, you know, obviously, sure. There's also expressions of solidarity with NATO. Sure. Yeah. But yeah, it's not. It's not like, we're gonna fuck
Jordan (00:29:18.000)
it up. I mean, yeah, Putin did some like, Hey, fuck you. And Biden was like, well, let's just okay.
Dan (00:29:26.000)
So there's all these speeches, and Alex decides he's gonna set an ambitious goal for himself, which as soon as I heard, I was like, is not going to do this shit.
Alex Jones (00:29:35.000)
I have Putin this eight page speech here and I have clips of it that have English overdubs, really playing some clubs. But I really think this speech is so important. Wow. That I'm gonna read it in its entirety at the start of the next hour. Do it and then we'll do it. For Biden. and it will play the whole thing.
Dan (00:30:01.000)
But yeah, there's not a chance you're gonna read that whole speech. First of all, because it doesn't work for you. I mean, some parts of it do like little snippets of it definitely work. Like there's there is some stuff that sounds like Alex, quite frankly, if he were to cherry pick stuff out there. He could use it for his purposes. Yeah. But like, it's long. And most of it isn't helpful. Secondarily, like, you hear him like, ba, maybe we'll play some a Biden speech up. And then like, the the flip side of it is, you know, Putin is basically his State of the Union is such an important speech. Kind of get a sense of who he looks up to.
Jordan (00:30:44.000)
Yeah, I just heard eight pages. And I was like, Oh, I'm not worried. Yeah, yeah. Oh, boy. Yeah. If it was eight paragraphs, I'd be like, oh, boy, I'm not worried.
Dan (00:30:53.000)
Eight sentences.
Jordan (00:30:55.000)
Yeah, 5050 shot
Dan (00:30:56.000)
words. Maybe they'll read seven of the eight accurately and then it'll make up the Yeah. So, you know, we got world leaders who were saying various things. Biden's given a fascistic speech and polar
Jordan (00:31:11.000)
Cortes, Larry. Wow, what a weird place to do that too. Right.
Dan (00:31:15.000)
Putin is threatening nukes and the most important speech that Alex has ever heard. What say Trump?
Alex Jones (00:31:23.000)
Let's go ahead and first play a clip of Trump. And he's absolutely right, Trump and he was president. And in this war, by snapping his fingers, here's the club
Donald Trump (00:31:36.000)
from the dead took over, but from the night I won, and I go to people, you know, that you people are boosting by their openness and Zelinsky. And as a way in on me. And I would, I guarantee I could work that guarantee. I know exactly what I say, by the way, I know exactly. I tell one guy this. And I say you better make a deal. We would have a deal made in 24 rows.
Alex Jones (00:32:07.000)
President. Well, that's right, because Trump knows that the West is running this war and the United States is running NATO show picture. NATO is a big robot. That's remote control. Wow. And it's starting World War Three right now. And so Trump knows if he was in the White House. He'd be in control of that robot. And Hillary said she wanted war with Russia if she got elected six plus years ago, but she didn't smile or fraud. And so for four years, we didn't have this war start. But now, a year after Biden gets in, it all kicks off. And US forces and NATO forces are in there. Killing Russians, Russians killing them. I mean, I know a lot of people NATO forces are not already served multiple tours in the Ukraine war, long before you absolutely do not watch the counter offensive multiple to it. And that's what the police action was. And I'm not defending Putin or Russia. I'm not a Russophile I don't lionize Russia. But Russia is not on our doorstep and Russia did not start this.
Dan (00:33:15.000)
Yes. Yes, they
Jordan (00:33:16.000)
did it. That is how
Dan (00:33:18.000)
words work. So Alex knows multiple people who have served multiple tours give me in the last year give
Jordan (00:33:25.000)
me a fucking name. Give me how long their tour was give me where they were based out of
Dan (00:33:30.000)
dude, because I'm making it up. Give
Jordan (00:33:31.000)
me any bit of a tour. A tour. Yeah, no tour. Yeah,
Dan (00:33:36.000)
got stop loss. Sure.
Jordan (00:33:37.000)
Yeah, exactly. What are we doing?
Dan (00:33:40.000)
There's a draft actually, it's gonna be we're right around the corner from scaring people about the draft coming back because a lot of war in Ukraine, a lot of
Jordan (00:33:49.000)
sad fiance's in Tennessee just waiting for their future husbands to come home from that tour and your Ukraine. Dearest
Dan (00:33:55.000)
Myrtle. I have found myself outside the Donbass. Oh boy.
Jordan (00:34:02.000)
It's been a long time since I've thought of Greg Geraldo
Dan (00:34:05.000)
show. Wild nonsense, but also so weird this, like, what would he need to do to consider himself pro Putin? I like what level? I guess he like, he probably thinks that his support of Trump was like, right on the lower level of Trump's support. Yeah. Like, yeah, crying about how he would die for Trump. This is just rational.
Jordan (00:34:34.000)
You know, I like him. He's just a god. Cain. Yeah, like any one of us.
Dan (00:34:37.000)
He thinks that the way he treats Putin is like, nuance. Yeah, just kind of like a conditional support. Go into this guy. Meanwhile, I'm gonna just completely lie about stuff in service of making him out to be the, the good guy here. It
Jordan (00:34:55.000)
breaks my heart that people listen to Trump say shit like that. And then cheer clap or don't go jump into a fire like I don't understand because because here's the thing, it would take me more than 24 hours to even understand why they're really fighting. It would take more than 24 hours to learn the history of Russia and Ukraine to learn what it is that you would even be trying to achieve with this treaty. Are you trying to just stop the war? Or are you trying to make something that lasts as peace?
Dan (00:35:26.000)
Strength is probably just thing I could believe he's exactly yeah, that's an insane person. Now also, just while we're on the subject of Trump, yeah, there was a clip going around of him at McDonald's. I don't know if you saw this. No. What? Yeah, so he's, he's ordering some stuff at McDonald's in Ohio. He went to like East Palestine. And he says to the people, what's your special today? And like people were saying, like, oh, yeah, like the, like making fun of it. Like he's being funny. He doesn't think that there's a daily special at McDonald's. Yeah, I used to work at like fast food places. And there'll be some people who would have that like, cute flourish or whatever I feel I feel like people taking that seriously is a little bit. Like that's, that's nonsense.
Jordan (00:36:13.000)
That makes no sense to me whatsoever. Not least of which because Trump is probably the only president in my lifetime who want 100% understands the McDonald's menu
Dan (00:36:22.000)
that and he makes that point he makes he makes a point in the video.
Jordan (00:36:26.000)
I mean, he he brought a does have fucking winners of the Super Bowl. No, it wasn't it the Golden State Warriors is jumping to the White House and fed them a giant McDonald's dinner.
Dan (00:36:36.000)
He he says to the McDonald's workers, I know the menu better than
Jordan (00:36:40.000)
you. He dies. I bet he fucking does.
Dan (00:36:44.000)
I don't know about his ability to memorize things. That's fine. But yeah, I think he has some familiarity. That's a man who knows McDonald's but yeah, I actually I thought that was funny. Like, yeah.
Jordan (00:36:54.000)
Well, for him,
Dan (00:36:55.000)
it's funny in the like, street joke to a person who works at a fast food place. I mean, you know, like, oh, what's what's the what's the the daily with my regards to the chef or something like that? Like, it's
Jordan (00:37:10.000)
not me when a member of the waitstaff comes to our table and I'm meeting with my family. My dad will do many jokes. Similarly, in vain.
Dan (00:37:20.000)
They're not meant to be serious. I'm taking that seriously. That's unfair. Yeah, you got
Jordan (00:37:25.000)
to figure out what it is. We're really bad at taking that seriously.
Dan (00:37:29.000)
So Alex plays a clip of Biden here. And I think he really wants it to sound worse than it does, but it doesn't really sound that bad. And so he's gotta like, really Vamp unless you're like, just go go dark afterwards.
Alex Jones (00:37:45.000)
Here's a little bit of the beginning of Biden's nighttime rally, he just added Warsaw Poland.
Joe Biden (00:38:03.000)
President all former ministers and presidents, as well as various political leaders from all across the country, thank you.
Joe Biden (00:38:24.000)
One year ago, I spoke in Warsaw, this weeks after Vladimir Putin had unleashed his murderous assault on Ukraine, the largest land war in Europe since World War Two. First of all, the cornerstone of peace, prosperity and stability on this planet for more than 75 years, we're risk of being shattered. One year ago, the world was bracing for the fall of key Well, I guess come from a visit the key and I agree four key stand strong. Key says proud, it stands tall, and most importantly, stands free.
Alex Jones (00:39:15.000)
Let's come back with more on it. Zelinsky was elected with the promise of peace and an accelerated the proxy war. What and he now has shut down all opposition parties, including low opposition that were pro war. He shut down the Orthodox Church. And He's torturing and killing 10s of 1000s of people every week or so. In Dundar. They admit they have an executing people in public. What's around raping and killing. And we're hearing Ukraine is free. And are we free? With Joe Biden? Fire oh my god, white people, the number one terrorist is arming our borders and letting them shipping fentanyl and smuggled children by the hundreds of 1000s. Incredible, it is
Dan (00:40:12.000)
incredible, and that it's not credible. So what happened here is that Alex hadn't viewed that clip in advance, and he thought it would work a little better for the narratives that he'd been building. Once it played and it was pretty innocuous, he needed to do some heavy lifting himself. Hence the rambling about evils. Alinsky is, none of that stuff that Alex is saying here is stuff that he can really substantiate. But I wanted to talk about the torture thing for a moment share. what Alex is referring to when he says that Zelinsky is torturing people to death on a regular basis is actually based on news that came out towards the end of last year that Ukraine had found torture chambers around Kharkiv that had been liberated. That's the area, the area that had been liberated that was previously occupied by Russia. Sure, those were Russian torture. Right? Right. Right. Ukrainian forces are not without criticism for actions that are taken, you know, in the context of the war. But what Alex is doing here is disgusting whitewashing for Russians, Russia is militarism. You could say that once all the facts are out in the open, he'll be shown to be a promoter of torture and human rights abuse. But I think we all know that he exists within his own reality. And that day of reckoning is never coming. Sasol still pretends that Trump is the president, like there's just, it doesn't matter. He can take like news about Ukraine, finding torture chambers in liberated areas that were previously held by Russia. And you can say, Oh, my God. Zelinsky is torturing people to death 1000s a week, or whatever, like, it's, well, I mean,
Jordan (00:41:44.000)
think about living in Russia, like either, you know, as a Russian citizen, that your government and your military is torturing people, after they launched a war of conquest on them, or you believe whatever it is that Putin says. So I don't see why that would be any different for Alex. You know, plenty of people know that their army is doing shit. And Alex gets to say whatever he wants,
Dan (00:42:08.000)
and what I think is kind of interesting about that dynamic is that Alex doesn't even really seem that interested in taking in all of Putin speech. Yeah. Because, like, you know, it's it's one thing to, like, be someone like Alex, but like, take in the speech really, like work with the talking points that are being expressed by voting, right. And it's another thing to just be like, Yeah, I kind of get what he's saying. I've heard a few clips or whatever. And like, I'll make up the defense's myself for the rest of it. It's It is strange. He's taking on a lot of that labor himself. And part of the reason is because it's too hard.
Alex Jones (00:42:50.000)
And of course, the truth is they went in, they overthrew governments, they blew up government buildings, they mowed police down with machine guns, they sent in the weapons, they stabilize Ukraine. And all Putin wanted was don't make it part of NATO and stop it. But of course, that didn't happen. And now Putin has taken the bait and gone there. You know, I said I was gonna read over Putin speech, but it's long, it's important. I'm gonna have been in there. Already much of the window. Close the full speech. Last night, please. A transcript of it under the live show feed.
Dan (00:43:23.000)
That's too long. Okay. Do it. Yeah. All Putin wanted was them to not be a part of NATO. And stop it. What does that mean? No, stop it.
Jordan (00:43:34.000)
I mean, stop existing outside of the Soviet Union. Stop. I mean, whoa, I mean, I'm sorry, not at the Soviet well, we'll come to something completely different. Putin doesn't have any interest in the USSR whatsoever. I understand the
Dan (00:43:45.000)
demand of not be a part of NATO because that's specific. Stop. It is a little bit vague.
Jordan (00:43:52.000)
I mean, stop getting rid of any sort of corruption or, I don't know, I genuinely don't know Stein. Oh, no.
Dan (00:44:00.000)
Like, claiming your territorial integrity in terms of the Donbass region and Crimea and all this. Stop. I mean, you're independent. pneus.
Jordan (00:44:11.000)
It's it is it is a testament to the fact that Alex knows how wrong he is that he refuses to engage with Putin Shit,
Dan (00:44:20.000)
I don't think so. If he does lazy Putin is
Jordan (00:44:23.000)
comically evil. Oh, Mickley evil unless you're underneath this way of his own propaganda.
Dan (00:44:29.000)
But here's Yeah, but here's the thing. Yeah, I disagree with you because the non engagement that he's doing here is not reading Putin speech, which is not comically evil, because it's him saying the thing right, you know, there is this, the shiny veneer of propaganda already on there. Alex is not engaging with that, because he's fucking lazy. Yeah, that all that I agree with. He's not engaging with the larger world as it exists because it would threaten the fragile narrative stability that he that he has about who are the good guys who are the bad guys, right? And what's really going on
Jordan (00:45:05.000)
and his Funtom his fundamental worldview exists only on the level of the person I like is doing evil things. So I have to justify those by saying the people that I don't like are doing more evil things true. If he were to learn about Putin, he would not be able to do that. But here's his comically
Dan (00:45:25.000)
here's the problem. He already knows this stuff. He doesn't know it. That's what I'm saying. He pretends to go back in time and all you know, is all the shit about the apartment bombings and the Chechens and you know, in now Oh, no, I don't know any of that stuff. So the fake news, he's keeping
Jordan (00:45:42.000)
it from his audience on purpose. Well, we see this keeping it from himself on paper, we
Dan (00:45:47.000)
see that same dynamic play out over and over again, like, the best example I can think of in recent memory is the bill Barr like, like remembering things about him whenever he was against Bush and conveniently forgetting them whenever he was the Patriots Attorney General. Yeah, it's it's pathetic, and it's abusive to the audience. Yep. Anyway, we now enter a period of the show where Alex is. I mean, I don't know how else to describe this other than killing time. Okay.
Jordan (00:46:20.000)
Based on the conversation we've had, it took me a second to realize that killing time meant like he is wasting time not because we've been talking a lot about killing. So I was like, I'm worried he's about to say it's killing time. No. Oh,
Dan (00:46:33.000)
yeah. Do you see where my head went? And was the thing and it just got clobbered? Okay, good. But he is just like, spends a lot of time talking about various nuclear weapons, okay. And various types of nuclear weapons. Yeah. And then he just lists off other weapons and stuff. Great.
Alex Jones (00:46:51.000)
We also know that lists have a lot of weapons, they haven't rolled out us as them as well, that are high powered, basically, Particle Beam Radiation guns,
Jordan (00:47:02.000)
sorry, what No.
Alex Jones (00:47:03.000)
And the problem is, they're very large and hard to hide. And you've got a lot of up to a foot of lead shielding jacketing them on the back end of them. And those weapons, you can then just basically aim from a hilltop ordinary topography, that is at the median level, then they widen out the spectrum of the beam, depending on how powerful they want it, to say 100 feet tall, and about a millimeter wide. And then you just fry all that life. As you move that beam through the structures. I would imagine you'll start seeing those before they roll out the tactical nukes and the neutron bombs. And again, specs, I've read the things I've seen, I'm not an engineer, I'm not a nuclear physicist, I'm not giving you the proper pylons or nomenclature or laying out the types of things that are there, then there's bio weapons. Sure, there are race specific bio weapons. There are already mutated viral lines that mutate very quickly. So they only kill the first or second wave of people you release. Lots of you don't want to blow back on you. That doesn't work. There obviously are a lot of advanced chemical weapons. And I would expect you're going to see the radiation guns, the particle beam guns that also got high powered arrays that can shake matter in the pieces.
Dan (00:48:51.000)
I'm so bored. It's just listing off terrifying weapons
Jordan (00:48:56.000)
listing off sci fi weapons.
Dan (00:48:58.000)
Well, some of them. Yes, yeah. And it is interesting to note, I think that Alex has like this 20 year preoccupation with very specific bio weapons. It is just something that I mean, it would be almost surprising to recognize that he is a racist and is obsessed with race specific bioweapons. If that were not the opposite of surprising.
Jordan (00:49:22.000)
Yeah. I mean, the idea of race specific bio weapons is only there to justify the idea that there are different races. There's it that's it, no one would create that, not least of which because we know that's not how things were like if there's anything that COVID should have taught everybody. It's that bio weapons and viruses and the shit like that mutate beyond your control, you don't have control of that. Oh, well, I
Dan (00:49:49.000)
mean, we heard very clearly through a large portion of the early time of the COVID outbreak that Alex was saying it was over A specific bio weapon. And maybe the Chinese government released it on their own people in order to reduce the population because there's too many people. You know, there's a, it's, it's just something that he always, it's always there in his mind.
Jordan (00:50:14.000)
Yeah. And it makes sense to him because race is real to him. And it's not real and neither array specific bio weapons.
Dan (00:50:20.000)
So we have now a list of all these weapons, so many weapons. And that leads Alex to describing basically an end of the world scenario. And I don't know, I didn't have a clip of this. But earlier in the episode, he did describe this as like his prediction of the next year. So keep in mind, this is our 2023 prediction. Well, I guess so it's as close as we've gotten so far, because he said that there's 100% chance of tactical nukes shooting us and then there's an 80% chance after that point of all out nuclear war. And he said he thinks it's gonna happen within the next year. Right. So keep in mind that this is what you have to look forward to before Christmas. Okay.
Alex Jones (00:51:03.000)
The last one war planners with all of their Meteor guns, and Meteor guns in orbit, nation weapons that aren't nuclear hydrogen, but is kinetic energy of de Chaillot rounds, will then try to decapitate the Russian leadership, they will probably fail. And those around Putin are even more hardline. If they do that's probably worse. And then at that point, I don't think the West is going to wait. They'll launch a full attack on all Russian assets, they'll get 80% of it, 70% of it. And then the Russian submarines will completely destroy North America. And China, India, and Pakistan are starting to hate each other. We'll come back and talk about that straight ahead. So that's,
Dan (00:51:57.000)
that's a lot.
Jordan (00:51:59.000)
Well, I mean, they're gonna see us nuke each other and they're like, well, we want to get in on the nuking action. You know, like, we're not just gonna not nuke people. If we know that nukes are flying,
Dan (00:52:08.000)
we gotta get in on it. Yeah, well, it's,
Jordan (00:52:10.000)
well, the getting's good. Yeah. We don't want to be the last person to nuke anybody. Yeah,
Dan (00:52:16.000)
so you got media or weapons. Saibot rounds that are going to take out the Russian leadership, but then fail, and then the US is going to nuke Russian assets and North America is gone. Right, right. Right. Then China and India and Pakistan are all going to nuke each other. Okay, bad times. But what it's going to lead to is there always gonna be Fallout, there's gonna be nuclear winter. And that's gonna be tough. And Alex laments that in this night. That's nice of him to lament it. Well, it turns out not so nice. Wow, there we go. But he does eat he does think, you know, it's gonna be tough times all around. Sure.
Alex Jones (00:52:54.000)
And then all the dust will cover the entire planet from three to 510 years. Lower temperatures on average. 10 degrees, the estimates are so we'll have snow
Unknown Speaker (00:53:12.000)
and bombs out
Alex Jones (00:53:13.000)
of the year in places like South Dakota. That will cause farming yields the plunge us it'll all be radioactive. Yeah, that'd be the largest, the most dangerous thing. Billions of people that weren't killed in the nuclear war, but don't know how to grow food or next to N Jenner roofs or house or like their ash. And they will, within weeks of this happening, burn everything down and kill each other. Up the locusts landing on a wheat field in minutes, big cloud of locusts comes in and in minutes that entire 100 Acres is totally bear. Big army ants going through the Brazilian rainforest. You'll see the rain forest one day. It's all beautiful jungle. Every army ants go through, not a leash left. Same thing. Think of World War Z for real.
Jordan (00:54:12.000)
Analogies are going great today.
Alex Jones (00:54:18.000)
So a lot of people will just hang themselves. Yeah. But what about people that have children? That's why I said the road we're on is going to lead to cannibalism. Oh boy. And I was going offered a modest proposal of Mr. Swift printed years ago. Oh, good. We're only gonna keep the Irish like total animals. Why not just tell the Irish who got up and fatten up their babies for sale to English lords and ladies. So I said in this path of dystopian economic collapse and societal ruin, I mean, I'd have to size up my liberal neighbors and eat them. And I was really honest that I will not commit suicide and I will not My children and so myself and my conservative neighbors will have to eat our leftist neighbors. That call and I I'm sad we're gonna have to eat you. You kind of ask for it and you told her to fight with people that know how to do that told they know
Dan (00:55:23.000)
how to do they know
Jordan (00:55:24.000)
how to eat less. You know it should ever way way way, way way no point in time does it occur to him that maybe some of those leftists might be good at composting and have a greenhouse?
Dan (00:55:35.000)
Nah, you okay? The problem though, based on this conception of leftist they should be bad meat, right? I mean, like they're either on unhealthy and their body right or just
Jordan (00:55:45.000)
like eating eating a leftist is essentially eating vegan. Yeah, they're full of soy. Yeah, they're not even they're not even meat.
Dan (00:55:52.000)
No, you're gonna be eating impossible. Humans.
Jordan (00:55:56.000)
Guys are the soy boys now.
Dan (00:56:00.000)
Seems like you should want to eat the conservatives. But I do think it's pretty fucking funny that like Pardot partisan politics is important. And cannibal Yeah, absolutely. Once you're at that point, it's like yeah, who did you vote for? Yeah, chop chop.
Jordan (00:56:16.000)
The worst of our worries is going to be cannibalism after nuclear winter fucking hit.
Dan (00:56:21.000)
Yeah, I do love that thing, too, though. With the nuclear winter. It's like, all this food is irradiated. And there's so little of it. I wish there was more irradiated food. Very bizarre. Yeah. So this is dumb.
Jordan (00:56:34.000)
The idea that tend to grid like, Oh, hey, okay, you know, all right, it'll lower the temperature the earth by about 10 degrees. So I will totally still be alive to eat neighbors. Right?
Dan (00:56:45.000)
There's there is there are UFCU series of problems that are gonna be coming.
Jordan (00:56:52.000)
You're gonna be like, Oh, we're gonna live and I'm gonna eat my neighbors and then a volcano is going to explode and you wouldn't have seen that shit coming that nuclear winter for you, buddy. Right.
Dan (00:57:01.000)
Your liberal neighbors gonna be saved by a volcano out of nowhere. Absolutely. Right about to eat him. So yeah, this is annoying. A little bit, but he's back to his cannibalism. Yeah, yeah. But this becomes most of the rest of our episodes, cannibalism
Jordan (00:57:19.000)
becomes most of the rest of our episode. Yep. Okay. Okay, Dan.
Dan (00:57:24.000)
So I know that you mentioned Jonathan Swift. They're sure. I don't think he understands a modest proposal doesn't. But you're 20 He also is like trying to say that what he's doing right now is satire. But then listen, listen to where he goes from here. This is not set out. Here
Alex Jones (00:57:41.000)
we go. And I am sad, we're gonna have to eat you. But you kind of asked for it. And you kind of started a fight with people that know how to do that. And you took our kindness for weakness. And of course, this is really satire, but it goes there. So if you would let your five year old daughter son starve to death, you're in his class for the food runs out. And a bunch of looters come through and are trying to burn your house down. And you don't have any food but you've got bullets. You're gonna eat those people. Don't lie about it. And don't act like you aren't. I'm ready to eat people. Let's get real about this.
Jordan (00:58:22.000)
Let's get real Come on, ready to eat people?
Dan (00:58:27.000)
Now seems like a bad setup premise ever
Jordan (00:58:29.000)
occurs to any of these people to be like, Oh, okay, so maybe these people have certain skills that will be useful to me and I have skills that will be useful to them their bore thereby we can actually survive together as opposed to only one of us eating the other one
Dan (00:58:45.000)
of food but you got bullets.
Jordan (00:58:47.000)
Oh God, well, maybe tell them that in exchange for food. you'll protect him from the looters.
Dan (00:58:53.000)
Oh wait, hold on a second. If you have bullets and humans are things that you can eat Yeah, would seem to imply that there might be some animals you could hunt. You know it wouldn't. It seems like in that scenario, other sources of meat might be available somewhere No, you don't use those bullets on people. The Animal
Jordan (00:59:15.000)
Kingdom does not have the left right paradigm and so none of them will survive you don't have leftist D there's no leftist here there's no conservative deer so none of them know which one to eat. They just all die.
Dan (00:59:26.000)
I was just I was hearing this as like somebody on stage. Yeah, like doing a stand up and talking about like, you're telling me that you're gonna not eat people come on cower
Jordan (00:59:38.000)
in the apocalypse. Don't you know how leftists do this?
Dan (00:59:42.000)
These motherfuckers are saying they are gonna eat people get rue. Like there's just seems like a bad stand up premise in there somewhere.
Jordan (00:59:52.000)
Deaf nuclear winter jam would be fun. It's.
Dan (00:59:55.000)
So anyway, Alex seems really preoccupied with convincing the audience that cannibalism will be Oh Okay, and it may be good, excellent. All right.
Alex Jones (01:00:02.000)
My neighbors don't have to worry. I'm out of there. Jeffrey Dahmer shot trumpet and I'm, I'm saying the Pentagon studies and I agree with him show 90% of people 15 days in your sons your daughters are starving to death. Then a horde of people that weren't prepared and ready come down your street. They've already destroyed the city. You live 100 miles out of the country. And here they come at 930 People kind of take your house, they're gonna eat your ash. What are you gonna do? Because that's where this goes. Let's get get serious about it
Alex Jones (01:00:43.000)
looks like we're gonna be making some beef jerky. Looks like we're gonna be surviving. Because I will provide for my family. We don't want to go there. And amorphous mercilessly merciful, merciful words, mercifully. Most of us in a nuclear war will be dead.
Dan (01:01:04.000)
Oh, well, that's good news.
Jordan (01:01:06.000)
Can I ask you a quick question about this plan? You bet of the nuclear apocalypse? Yeah. All right. So here's our plan. We are going to eat people for sustenance. Yes, right. One problem. Most people are already dead. So our food source is limited at best. Well,
Dan (01:01:22.000)
unless, I mean, like if people just died from starvation because a nuclear winter you could just use you can eat the ones that are
Jordan (01:01:29.000)
already dead. Yeah, but they're probably radiated. Now. I bet you do. But even then you go still further. And this is a functioning plan for how long before you actually have to start breeding to eat? Well, I
Dan (01:01:44.000)
mean, it would be a brief window,
Jordan (01:01:47.000)
it would be a brief window. This is not a successful survival. Winter
Dan (01:01:50.000)
is not like ah, it's not like the length of winter. It will go a bit the consequences of go bit long. And as you were saying, like the 10 degree drop in temperature that Alex is describing would have just a domino effect on all kinds of other problems.
Jordan (01:02:08.000)
You think COVID Quarantine is bad. Wait till you get to nuclear winter quarantine when you're in a fucking cave. 30 Goddamn miles underground at best wishing you could find a person. Exactly. Oh, I want to eat that person.
Dan (01:02:22.000)
Yeah, I think this is dumb. And, I mean, obviously, it's so excessive. It goes on for a while. And you just can tell that he's like, can someone pay attention to me, please? I'm saying stupid shit. And I just really, really want
Jordan (01:02:40.000)
someone clip this and put it on Twitter, please. Exactly. And it kinda Media Matters. It kind of becomes
Dan (01:02:45.000)
really obvious. Yeah.
Alex Jones (01:02:47.000)
Mercifully. Most of us in a nuclear war will be dead. They'll die when the 2000 foot air burst detonated 2000 feet and you're just blown to bed and a fireball. Okay. Fun. So it kind of takes the decision away from you. But there's a big national news story, Alex Jones ready to eat his neighbor's again. All I'm doing is showing you where this goes. And I'm asking you, what would you do? All right. Speaking of if your son was at home, we're not even our neighbors yet. We need funds to run this operation and stay here our posters like New World Order. Without products that have you'll just try him. I know 99% of the listeners spread the word and pray with the show. We appreciate it but mainly out of my product
Dan (01:03:30.000)
heads, weaving it into an ad and then also making it very clear that he's imagining someone writing an article about this. He's trying to bait people into coverage because he needs more eyes on his shit. Y'all need some kind of like publicity stunt wherever he can find it. Because shits bad right now with the bankruptcy court, which is why he's doing this severe, gloomy nonsense to begin with. This is just like a guy in a bad place. Lashing out through content. And I don't know, I mean, some of it's kind of funny. I don't know that does not strike me as particularly meaningful.
Jordan (01:04:12.000)
I mean, it's fun that he used the words death spiral because it does seem like he's trapped in a constantly negative reinforcement of making a shittier and shittier show like as he gets as he gets more sad, he's less able to do the things that made him an attractive meme topic in the first place. Yeah, so then he tries even more pathetically to do it and am himself more sad am
Dan (01:04:39.000)
going back to the thing that worked the last time Yep, not not realizing really that like oh, you've already played this song. It was the novelty it's not shocking really anymore up you already screamed about eating your neighbors and now saying like, no, no, but for real? Yeah, leave my neighbors and you should get ready to eat your neighbors too. And but people aren't really all that interested and
Jordan (01:05:02.000)
you didn't have the you didn't have the punch, which is I will barbecue your ass. That's the punch line, you know? Yeah. That's getting your leftist as Yeah, that's the way to do it. Yeah.
Dan (01:05:13.000)
That was good trolling. Yeah, to begin with. And now this is just kind of a pathetic attempt to like, play the hits. Yeah. And no one
Jordan (01:05:20.000)
cares. Everything is going to be weaker and weaker and weaker from here on out diminishing returns
Dan (01:05:24.000)
on your cannibalism obsession. Yeah,
Jordan (01:05:27.000)
yeah, that one's that one's still weird. I don't really care.
Dan (01:05:31.000)
Alex, creativity is, is is an asset. Yeah, it's a virtue. And one of the things that is fun, about like, the first time he screamed about eating his neighbors, was that it was out of nowhere. It really is. It was truly out of nowhere. It was a novelty. That's what we need. And unfortunately, I just don't think he has a lot of that in him.
Jordan (01:05:55.000)
Yeah. And then he was doing he was talking about your children, would you not feed your five or six year old if they were starving? I don't want to think about that. I want you to tell me that you will secretly feed your children, your neighbors. That's fun. I don't want you to tell me that people will have to make hard choices. I want you to tell me that you're such a fucking weirdo. You'll feed people to your children without telling them. Yeah, that's what I want to hear.
Dan (01:06:20.000)
The screams is like, your life's not going great. Yeah. And you shouldn't have custody. I'm hearing Yeah, I'm
Jordan (01:06:29.000)
hearing that a lot.
Dan (01:06:30.000)
So look, I have bad news. Mike Adams is on the show. And he has sort of free rein over the last two hours of the show. Which means I'm not gonna listen to most of it. No. But here he is being traumatic as hell because he's a little baby.
Mike Adams (01:06:50.000)
I mean, it's we're watching a suicide Colt actually achieved the mass suicide of the human race right now. And it's people like you and I and all the info warriors, those watching. We're trying to stop the total suicide of the human race right now.
Alex Jones (01:07:05.000)
That's a perfect way to describe it. It's a globalist death cult transhumanist cult. And anybody who signs on to it either doesn't know what's happening or is under Stockholm syndrome. And and really, if you quantify it down to its basics, its Are you pro future or anti future now what you said is very key. This isn't just a war on homosapiens. When you really study the globalist put poison the atmosphere poisoning the ground 100 oxide, barium salts, all this? They're at war against the planet. Yes. Yes. I think it's aliens terraforming. I mean, because I logically don't cover flying saucers and all that you can't prove it. But if you logically wargame, some top generals who agree it's like an anti human force and what they're doing, you kind of say, inclusion just isn't human. I get
Dan (01:07:47.000)
it. You read childhoods and and you think it's real. Come on.
Jordan (01:07:52.000)
Now, one way you could look at this is that a profit motive outweighs the environmental impact of many of our corporations choices? Well, less, meaning it's not terraforming. It's maybe just capitalism, not aliens, and that you cannot even imagine the idea that capitalism could be at fault for this. So much so that you are willing to go well, obviously, that can't be it. It's alien. Well, you
Dan (01:08:27.000)
have to exclude that as a possibility. And therefore you have to accept the not logically provable scenario that it's aliens terraforming the planet, much like in this book I read when I was a kid and think is real.
Jordan (01:08:43.000)
Logically, the only conclusion I can come to is that it's aliens.
Dan (01:08:47.000)
Well, it's childhood. The plot of Childhoods End. Very strange sentence fucking idiot. Yep. Anyway, we have one last clip here. Okay, because there's not. I'm not listening to hours of Mike Adams. That's what I will say. I have certain lines in the sand. I'll listen to a little Mike Adams. Yeah. I hate his voice. I think he's so annoying. I think he is one of the most annoying people in terms of just like his, his theatrics, and his modeling. It's over for humanity repeatedly just constant and like, there's one point where Alex is like, Oh my God, you've never said this is the biggest news you've ever broken. This must be serious. Like, I was like, if I have time, I would go back through and find all the time. Yeah, it's just it's just constant over and over again. Pretending yesterday doesn't exist. Yeah, just it's just annoying. But this last clip,
Jordan (01:09:47.000)
we need more pie based responses
Dan (01:09:50.000)
to be 3.14 or pie the pie the
Jordan (01:09:53.000)
food. I'm not the food. I'm talking more just a basic cream pie. Crop. Yeah, I like the idea that at Mike Adams can say that and then Alex says that is like just pie him in the face. Well, it's just a regular ol pie. It's
Dan (01:10:05.000)
a disrespect to the audience. And as much as like, Do you really think people don't remember the last time? That's absurd? And turns out, maybe they don't.
Jordan (01:10:12.000)
I mean, fine. But pie. So Alex,
Dan (01:10:16.000)
recently was out of studio for a while he was clearing his head, getting back in the zone. It turns out he had gone to Cancun for an extended vacation with his family. And that sounds right. Yeah. Yeah. Really, really struggling, really suffering among these financial burdens. But he has you know, he's, he's just, you know, you're every man taking constant vacations, maybe even international ones. And bringing security along for these international vacations. I'm sorry, then sometimes these security guards over here. I'm sorry.
Alex Jones (01:10:52.000)
Well, not to bring myself into this. But I'm a bellwether, like a gauge or a sensor. I took off some time, went to Cancun a few weeks ago, had to take off to reset my brain had been there like four or five years. And I was there for five days. And I bought a bodyguard who had when I was on the beach with my daughter, and family. He just sat back under, you know, under the palapas or whatever. And there were all these liberals going I used to hate him, but I gotta admit he's right. It's just crazy. All he heard was positive stuff. For five days, I was out on the beach, volleyball and football and building sand castles. I was under like five stars. All he heard was positive. Actually, everybody attacks you. But he's right. And I'm a liberal.
Dan (01:11:28.000)
I was out there building sandcastles with my kid in an attempt to make a readout. I mean, yeah, so this is like fun, made up kind of stuff that he does all the time. Or, like even if you imagine that this person did say this stuff to Alex, he's on your payroll is your bodyguard, who's like, Hey, boss, I overheard some people talking about how they're they're liberals. But they realize you're really cool. Now.
Jordan (01:11:54.000)
I was about to say word for word what you just said. Yeah.
Dan (01:11:58.000)
unreliable narrators shit. But but it also like a Russian nesting. There's two unreliable narrators here. Yeah. It well. Two possible unreliable narrators one or the other? Or maybe both?
Jordan (01:12:12.000)
I would say both is more is the most likely scenario. Who knows? I would say both that it never happened, and that the security guard was
Dan (01:12:21.000)
lying. Either way, that is that is. I mean, that's really the only question here. Yeah, how many lies? Yeah, what's
Jordan (01:12:28.000)
the number? What's the top number that we can be experiencing?
Dan (01:12:31.000)
Yeah. I'm cool, man. Cool. Maybe? Yeah. I don't know. Nevermind, I was gonna say maybe he wouldn't be in these financial straits. If he didn't take all these constant vacations.
Jordan (01:12:43.000)
I think there's something else hanging over his head. Beyond
Dan (01:12:46.000)
that. That's why
Jordan (01:12:50.000)
I can have budget problems. He has a $1.5 billion settlement. How
Dan (01:12:55.000)
does that yeah, also. I mean, like, maybe you wouldn't have to eat your neighbors for a much longer time. took that money that you spent on a fucking extended vacation to Cancun? Sure. And put it into that survival food you sell? Yeah, you know,
Jordan (01:13:09.000)
here's the thing. It makes more sense. Like, if I knew that the world was about to end, I am not going to stock up to try and survive it. Fuck that noise. I'm gonna go take a bunch of vacations. That's what I would rather I'm gonna celebrate the time while he got it. Exactly. And that I respect way more than being like, okay, when the world ends, we're going to eke out another couple six months and then we'll die. That sucks. I don't want to do that
Dan (01:13:35.000)
boo. Well, Alex is primary business model is based on survival bullshit, and survival food and stuff so you can't really give him that credit. He's just a selfish fuck who's taking this vacation?
Jordan (01:13:48.000)
If you are telling me that we've got a year left. Why am I going to work? True why would I want to spend the last year of my and the rest of human life's work? Working
Dan (01:14:03.000)
well what if you work at the resort in Cancun? Who that's a good point then someone's got to go to work on
Jordan (01:14:09.000)
vacation they don't tell them that the world's gonna be getting over it a year
Dan (01:14:13.000)
you know that's abuse Maybe you love your job? I don't know. Sure Sure. Sure. Sure. I get it I get enjoying the time while you have of course but I also think that there's something to be said for like hey, if small preparations can be made so you don't have to eat your neighbors share. Maybe that's good too. Maybe Maybe there's space for both.
Jordan (01:14:35.000)
We have to negotiate whether or not my biggest problem is do I have to or not eat my neighbors
Dan (01:14:40.000)
do you want
Jordan (01:14:45.000)
if I have other problems
Dan (01:14:49.000)
trying to come up with a pawn about the jerky Boy Yeah, it's not working. I think it because it's just right
Jordan (01:14:55.000)
there because Yeah, cuz it's just Jerky Boys. Yeah, those boys are jerky. Now. Yeah, that's about it. Yep. Taozi have upon let me ask you a question right? Shaped like people, we eat them not shaped like people will eat them.
Dan (01:15:10.000)
I think that you have to be a real sick for the apocalypse. And then shape it like a person.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:19.000)
You Turkey bread, man.
Dan (01:15:20.000)
You gotta go. I'm gonna eat you if you do that next year first. Because that kind of mentality has no place in
Jordan (01:15:31.000)
society. What you don't want a little sense of humor to your apocalypse. Not
Dan (01:15:34.000)
that kind of okay, well, that's fair. Look. A little bit of humor is great.
Jordan (01:15:38.000)
Too soon, too soon.
Dan (01:15:40.000)
If you make the human jerky in the shape of like animals. Fine. Sure. Great, because that takes your mind. Yeah, no,
Jordan (01:15:47.000)
that's yeah, you're like, Oh, let's see. I'm actually eating. Yeah, I get
Dan (01:15:50.000)
it. Yeah. Look, I love the idea of humor in the in that post apocalypse in the form of physical comedy. Maybe someone does some pratfalls. Okay,
Jordan (01:15:59.000)
a little bit a little. While bananas are too irradiated to slip upon.
Dan (01:16:03.000)
Well, you understand that dark dark times? You know, like, that's when comedy has to become someone falling.
Jordan (01:16:12.000)
Yeah, because we just need we just got to nine. Pain being Yeah, for all my enjoyment of clever jokes in the in the apocalypse. We're all just gonna watch three stooges. That's it. You want wordplay? No, no, no, I do not the world is that you want? Yeah, that's what I want. I want weird noises. Yep.
Dan (01:16:35.000)
Yep. So anyway, this is what Alex is up to in the present.
Jordan (01:16:41.000)
And I end the apocalypse, I assume he will be eating people.
Dan (01:16:46.000)
Well, and he wants you to sort of like an evangelist.
Jordan (01:16:50.000)
convince people it's a good idea to eat people. Yeah.
Dan (01:16:54.000)
Like you're not serving your children. If you don't serve them people
Jordan (01:17:00.000)
see and hear again, if my plan was cannibalism, I'm telling no one about that. Otherwise, I am just I'm detracting from my own food source.
Dan (01:17:09.000)
And again, that's that's a fine point. Hypothetically, it's not relevant, because this is just a desperate attempt on Alex's part, to get people to pay attention to us. And I think it failed, because I haven't seen anyone given a shit about this. So
Jordan (01:17:28.000)
we you strongly tried not to give a shit.
Dan (01:17:33.000)
I mean, look, it's the present day stuff that he's going on about like, it's so goddamn boring. Like, if that oeuvre, I would much rather listen to him, talk about eating people, and then discuss how this is a desperate attempt for people to pay attention to Yeah, that's true. That is something that at least is like, well, here, we can make sense of this. And there's, you know, desperate PR attempts are not PR, but you know what I mean? Like marketing, trying to trick people into doing promotion for him. Yeah, yeah. At least there's that as opposed to like, just a no man's land of false reality lies I'm sure stuff. Yeah, you know, yep. Anyway, we'll be back. Indeed we will. With another episode probably in the past because no conversation buddy and people back then. But until then Jordan re website we do indeed.
Jordan (01:18:29.000)
It sounds Yep. We're also on Twitter. We are on Twitter. It's at knowledge underscore fight. Yes.
Dan (01:18:35.000)
And we'll be back but until then, I'm the Dan freezin of the host. I don't know how to make that work. Nevermind. I'm still just Neo I'm Leon DCX. Clark, and oh, you
Jordan (01:18:48.000)
know what? And now here comes the sex robots.
Alex Jones (01:18:52.000)
Andy in Kansas. You're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.