Transcript/774: December 22, 2003
From Knowledge Fight Wiki
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Theme Song (00:00:04.000)
Red Alert. Red alert. Red alert. Red alert. Knowledge five days. Damn, Jordan I'm sweating. Knowledge It's time to pray. I have great respect for knowledge like knowledge. I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys. Xiang Ji or the bad guy knowledge. Dan and Jordan knowledge five need need money Andy and Andy you're stopping Andy and Ken handy in Kansas. Just starting to pray. Andy in Kansas you're on the airplane for huge fan. I love your world. Knowledge by knowledge I love you.
Dan (00:00:59.000)
Everybody want to acknowledge right? I'm dead. I'm George workable dudes. Like sit around worship at the altar of saline and talk a little bit about Alex Jones.
Jordan (00:01:07.000)
Oh, indeed. We are Dan Jordan. Danny, quick question for you, sir. Whoa,
Dan (00:01:11.000)
too quick. Yeah. What is? What's your bright spot? My bright spot today Jordan is chaos. It's been a chaotic. Here, let me let me just talk you through a little bit. Okay. So I've decided that one of the things that I was going to make a priority of was getting these fucking buttons out. Sure. I have decided and I'm gonna this is gonna happen. Yeah, it'll all be done by Friday. Oh, my God, I had made a goal of getting them all out by the beginning of the year, the New Year's Eve. Sure, or there abouts was your plan. And then I got kind of sick at the end of the year. And so it kind of hampered my ability to get stuff out yet I buckled down. And I've got all of the addresses on the envelopes, all the stamps on the envelopes, and we're ready to go. Wow, just packing envelopes and getting them out. And I had another wonderful encounter with the mail person. Oh, the mail carrier. Yeah, who I just had bags of it. It's gonna go put it in a box. And he's like, I'll take Oh, I
Jordan (00:02:15.000)
gotta say whether rain nor sleet nor hail nor Shine.
Dan (00:02:18.000)
Yeah. But I said there's some chaos. And here's what happened. Yeah. So I needed some more stamps, because I needed to finish up putting stamps on these envelopes, really. And so I didn't want to order them because there's a bit of a delay. And so it was like, I'll just go down to the post office. I could run an errand. Okay. So I go and there's a big line. And so I decide, hey, there's a machine over there that says you can buy stamps at the machine.
Jordan (00:02:42.000)
That is a machine that is real. Yeah, I've been there. I've bought stamps. Yeah.
Dan (00:02:47.000)
And so I needed to get a bunch of stamps. Yeah. And I needed a lot of international ones because you Scottish assholes are coming through in numbers.
Jordan (00:02:56.000)
Listen, we're coming. We're coming to Scotland. I swear. I think we have we have to, but just to catch up on our button money.
Dan (00:03:03.000)
So I went to the machine. And I got a couple 100 stamps because I thought they would print books. They hope do Nope.
Jordan (00:03:11.000)
Nope. That's not how they go one by one. Was that your first thought? Oh, no. Did you try it for it?
Dan (00:03:21.000)
300. So I am fine. I am fine. Intel someone gets behind me?
Jordan (00:03:30.000)
No, you need to be turning around, like throwing things around me like nobody get me the crazy man.
Dan (00:03:35.000)
It is the only machine of its sort of course. And it does not just print stamps. Bentley can also like scam packages everything. It's a one stop shop. And so a guy gets behind me and I explained I didn't know they printed one by one. I'm sorry. Right? And he's very nice about it for about five minutes. Right? And he's five minutes. He's like, how many of you printing I'm like there's a bunch. I'm so sorry. I didn't It was humiliating. He gets less nice.
Jordan (00:04:03.000)
Yeah. No, no reasonable reasonable on his part.
Dan (00:04:07.000)
This isn't fair. He was nice the whole time. Okay, but he was getting fucking annoyed and I could tell because he had a box of things he just needed to scan. Oh,
Jordan (00:04:15.000)
If only he'd been there you would have if he had asked you like two seconds before you press the button. You'd been like please go ahead sir. And I want you to be done and I didn't know
Dan (00:04:24.000)
he just needed to scan stuff. I thought he was maybe buying stamps. Can I offer you some stuff? I did. You're beautiful so he customer service person pops out. And he's like, you know can you scan these for me back there and she's like yeah, I'll take care of that. So he goes on like foo fine there's no line everything is all right where
Jordan (00:04:46.000)
were we like progress report were 120
Dan (00:04:50.000)
Stay I have no idea because they print one by one right it's just keep going don't know what's going on right? Where I am right? I can do is guess that it takes about 10 seconds per step. Oh, that's a long time. Right? So it did the math, right? Like, what are we at? Like? 20 ish minutes. 25 minutes. So I'm fine. He's gone. Everything is all right. Until someone else shows up.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:14.000)
Oh, no.
Dan (00:05:16.000)
They are also quite nice short terms of like I explained the situation. Yeah, sorry. Yeah. And they're like, people make, you know, we all make mistakes. Sure, sure, sure. And then they start to get more annoyed.
Jordan (00:05:29.000)
That is how it works. But they're also
Dan (00:05:31.000)
flabbergasted by how stupid the decision
Jordan (00:05:36.000)
it's tough. Here's the problem. It's most so monumentally obviously a mistake, that you can't really be mad. And yet at the same time, it's such a monumental mistake, you feel like you need to be angry about it seemed like they would print books, like
Dan (00:05:50.000)
course. Anyway, they are patient enough. And it finally 20 something minutes or so maybe even a little more. It gets done. Take a nap. I'm like, I'm so sorry. Right. But the other thing too, is I also needed just some like domestic stuff. And so I'm like, I'm not doing this. So I got
Jordan (00:06:13.000)
a long line. Oh,
Dan (00:06:14.000)
my God. It's I waited to get to the front of the line. Yeah. And I'm like, I need like a lot of stamps. Yeah. And they're like, we're out of rolls. We just have the sheets, the sheets of 20. The sheets are what I was looking for the first blame for the internet. Just for this, I would have loved a roll rolls, it'd be great. Because they're a little bit easier. So the pages are 20. And I'm like, I need a bunch of them. And the lady goes back and she brings out a brick. And she's like, all right, I got you. And then I looked down. And there Nancy Reagan's
Jordan (00:06:55.000)
she finally got you. She finally got you.
Dan (00:06:59.000)
I was almost to the point of despair. And just like, Fuck it, your audience will think it's hilarious that they're all coming.
Jordan (00:07:09.000)
You know, when she was the first lady, they consulted their their psychic, you know, Reagan and Nancy, they had a psychic that they went to regularly who would make policy decisions for the world. Right? Right. That psychic was like, oh, man, we got to make sure that we timed this right. You got you got a job
Dan (00:07:32.000)
for half an hour at this bucket.
Jordan (00:07:33.000)
What's the point of seeing the future if you can't really get specific? I
Dan (00:07:37.000)
thought it was hilarious. It's very funny. And so I explained because I started laughing. Yeah. Explain to the lady who's working there. Why it's funny. I'm like, I just I think that the people I'm sending stuff to, I don't know, they're not dancy Reagan fans. And she's like, Oh, I got other ones. It's fine. And so she goes to the back comes back out. I had a bunch of Missouri stamps. Everything is all right, but like, oh God, the moment of that punch of the Nancy Reagan. That's so good. That's so good. It was the universe man who was speaking and this is what you shoot at it for.
Jordan (00:08:16.000)
about as close to our version of the like, when you see only one set of footprints, you know, when you see only one set of footprints. That's when Nancy Reagan brought you from the brewery.
Dan (00:08:28.000)
Anyway, got things in Missouri stamps and stuffs coming out stuffs coming. But yeah, so what's your bright spot?
Jordan (00:08:37.000)
My brightspot is so so I've been playing Fire Emblem engage. I've been streaming the playthrough Alright, on the twitches. And it's been really it's been really really fun. Yeah, there's, there's a bunch of people they come they show we we also that the audience is engaged. I would say they're engaged with everything but the game we've all decided that the game sucks
Dan (00:09:00.000)
now. That's where we're at Jordan is no longer we dumped the story
Jordan (00:09:04.000)
has so far lost me and so disappointed me that it's like all of us are slowly slogging towards the end of the game out of some sort of weird obligation. And it's really enjoyable to do with a bunch of people. Yeah, I can be by myself, I would have thrown the game away. I would have been like, I'll move on to something else. Yeah, but it's like pigheadedness That's
Dan (00:09:27.000)
great. Well, there's there's a communal experience, communal experience, and we are engaged in it. And that carries even when the thing that it's like why you can watch bad movies with friends or a crowd. Oh, really? Yeah. But I kind of have some similar feelings. I guess I'm not as negative on it as you necessarily but I have gotten a little bit less hype. Yeah. Still quite enjoyable. But I think so here's what I understand from the other day I watched a video that was explaining the storylines of past Fire Emblem sure Sure, sure. Yeah, I don't think the story is ever really that much to go on. That's fair. It's usually pretty cookie cutter kind of Kingdom prints and magic kind of truth stuff. Totally. So I think I think that is maybe thing that you had because the expectations of three houses was very story dense lis. And I think I was thinking about this. The other problem that it has this game the Engage has that is different than three houses, is that you have to recruit all of these folks. Oh, man, there's so far like engage in engage. There's so many characters so many that it becomes clogged in your lineup, and you're not using most of them most of the time. Whereas in three houses, you had to go out of your way to enlist people who weren't in your school. Yep. And you kind of took an interest in trying to figure out how am I going to convince them to fight with me totally. And there was more of like a there's more of a connection with the people whereas a lot of these characters are just kind of like, I don't know why you're here. Yeah.
Jordan (00:11:00.000)
Yeah. No, with the with the three houses. Oh, my God, fuck Lutra. Boonie Get the fuck out. No, no, that is exactly. Yeah, no, because you have the inbuilt party system within the three houses of your house. Yeah. So you have the instinctive need to get to know them over the other characters to start with. Yeah, right. And then once you've gotten to know them, maybe you find some people outside of your house that you like that you want in your house. You don't have to just like come win a story battle, and then some asshole shows up and you're like, now I have to deal with your menu system. I'm sick of your uh, your job is dumb. Like it's a it's a mess. Yeah, it's a mess.
Dan (00:11:41.000)
It might be too much. It's too much. But still not terrible. I still had a I've had a good time, and I'll finish it down the road at some point.
Jordan (00:11:50.000)
I mean, it's a little bit hypocritical of me to complain this hard about a game that I've spent roughly 40 hours playing already. It'd be silly to be like, Oh, this was a waste of time. Did
Dan (00:12:00.000)
you finish the second design? paralogue No, I haven't even gotten to that yet. Oh, man. When you when you get done with it, you get a ring and it's fucking insane. Its power is that it reveals a bunch of Nancy Reagan. Oh, no.
Jordan (00:12:13.000)
That's the ultimate power.
Dan (00:12:17.000)
The second divine paralogue I think is DLC. That's not not available. Okay, that may only have the one that makes sense. Okay, so Jordan today we have an episode. Let's talk about not just doing sprites. But what we're doing is we're going back to the past good. We're working our way towards the screen.
Jordan (00:12:36.000)
Yes, we're coming. We're gonna get there. We're coming for you. It's, I can't stress enough how you know, I've gone back and listen to the scream since we've started talking about it. I can't stress enough it is great.
Dan (00:12:53.000)
It is pretty good. It's great. It's so silly that everyone cared so much through that entire political maybe not maybe it wasn't the whole thing but we do remember it as the thing Well, you can't bury that
Jordan (00:13:05.000)
can't be a progressive in America and try and win the presidency. Okay, that's just not gonna happen. Yeah.
Dan (00:13:12.000)
So hopefully we'll be able to time that outright and we're doing that also just in modern Alex notes he over the weekend or maybe even a little bit at the end of last week. I'm not entirely sure the exact timeline but he launched his new Alex Jones dot live or something No, which eventually I think is going to be a subscription, the subscription podcast service. At this point, there's like a video of him like, basically just like a any other video him but it's at his house studio, secondary new studio. There's a whole section where he does fireside chats where he's a fire. No, there's a section where he goes to the gun range, and shoots things.
Jordan (00:13:53.000)
Okay. So he's choosing to do something that perhaps the most progressive president in American history is famous for.
Dan (00:14:02.000)
Well, yeah, but he kept the Trump needed to do that, too. Sure. That's fair. And I think there's I think he's more ripping off Owen Benjamin, honestly. Because Owen Benjamin, after he went full Nazi, he would sit out in the woods by a fire and ramble about the Jews. Wow. So I think Alex is we're taking a page out of that playbook, then FDR.
Jordan (00:14:21.000)
Wow, man, you should have to be in prison. If you want to mind confit. That's all I'm saying.
Dan (00:14:26.000)
I checked out this website, because I was like, Ooh, maybe there'll be some golden in here. But at this point, nothing's behind a paywall. There is no option to subscribe so I don't know what the pricing looks like. Okay. And there is no Terms of Service link. So I don't know what business this is run through. I don't know anything about the specifics of it. Right. But there is a page that has a refund policy section that says no refund. But you can't sign up.
Jordan (00:14:56.000)
I don't know that's a good thing. They put that out there first. Yeah, you know before you Before you sign up, you want to know that you're not going
Dan (00:15:01.000)
to get a refund. Yeah, that's January watch that space. Find out more as the as things go along. But now we're back in 2003. We're gonna be talking about December 22. And this episode is awesome. Okay, because of something that happens towards the middle slash n. Okay, I love it. It's a war on cats. Sure, but
Jordan (00:15:22.000)
I mean, the war on cats really did spawn something of a war. Yeah. There is a mighty response. Yeah,
Dan (00:15:30.000)
Alex might have gotten the stupidest collar he's ever gotten. Okay, but it's someone who thinks exactly like him. Right?
Jordan (00:15:38.000)
Oh my god. So it's, it's clear. It's perfect. So it's like, you know, sometimes life is difficult to see it seems cloudy. And then sometimes the sun appears and it's all clear
Dan (00:15:48.000)
and Alex hates him. Yeah, so we'll get down to business on this episode. But first Jordan Let's say hello to somebody who Oh, that's good idea. So first Elisa's mommy, thank you so much. You are now a policy wonk.
Alex Jones (00:15:59.000)
I'm a policy wonk
Jordan (00:16:00.000)
Thank you very much this
Dan (00:16:01.000)
next person is I mean, I don't know why you forwarded me this email you know why? Because it is a you don't want this no I don't but they wanted me to sing as much of Wild Wild West US I want Oh,
Jordan (00:16:13.000)
no, no, no, you must understood I added the as much as you want part. They had the entirety of the song. Lyrically the entirety of this do you want the lyrics No,
Dan (00:16:23.000)
no, no, I saw that. Oh you're right Yeah, right. I'm the fool so thank you so much we could we could Wild Wild West chip West Desperado rough ride I know you don't want not none of this six gun and this brother Ron and this Buffalo Soldier look it's like I told you any damsel that's in distress we'll be out of that dress will be to Jim West roughnecks go check out your work see my hand was a hit or miss from the start of this run in the game James West team in the west so remember the name now who you gonna call now the GB if you want to mess it then you want to listen out
Alex Jones (00:17:04.000)
for you get bum rush I am holding
Dan (00:17:08.000)
the wild wild west stroll into the wild wild west we're about to do the what we call with stream do this at the Cisco Park go to the wild wild west now once upon a time for the West madman oh man
Jordan (00:17:26.000)
last Damn I thought we were good I thought we had finished love
Dan (00:17:30.000)
listed and now I must put his behind to the test when the battles who the shadows when a battle bring all your boys in here come the poison behind the background the rift me kid front and center. Knowing you looked back in who that is mean brother bad for your health looking damn good too. If I can say it myself that told me love this is a madman but I don't feel that TJ
Jordan (00:17:48.000)
TJ did okay trying
Dan (00:17:52.000)
to get you to hear me upstairs
Jordan (00:17:57.000)
no one else can hear you TJ Dan
Dan (00:18:03.000)
wrong tree we come in. Nothing apart. We're gonna test your chest love lists can't stay in the heat and get out the Wild Wild Wild Wild West. When a rose Oh my God. You're not supposed to walk.
Alex Jones (00:18:17.000)
I'm a policy wonk. Thank you.
Jordan (00:18:22.000)
Yeah, we don't have time for anything else. No more time.
Dan (00:18:25.000)
So thank you so much. My herd of cats will eat your ass like corn on the cob. Thank you so much. You are now a technocrat.
Alex Jones (00:18:32.000)
I'm a policy wonk
Unknown Speaker (00:18:34.000)
donkey I'm telling you brilliant someone
Alex Jones (00:18:36.000)
someone sodomized sent me a bucket of poop daddy sharp.
Theme Song (00:18:41.000)
Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black action. He's a loser. Little little teddy baby. I don't want to hate black people. I renounced Jesus Christ
Dan (00:18:51.000)
like it's about Thank you
Jordan (00:18:53.000)
very much. You
Dan (00:18:53.000)
get off easy. Jordan. There's a whole nother verse. Oh, no. Yeah, yeah. Maybe for another time. So we start the show on January 22. And Alex says,
Jordan (00:19:03.000)
I'm sorry. It just reminds me so much of church, whatever. You're whenever you're singing one of the hymns, and then they're like, oh, no, there's a third verse and you're like, oh my god, yeah.
Dan (00:19:12.000)
If we open Your hymnal to page 38. Good church. So Alex is a big guest coming on. And here is how he starts the show.
Alex Jones (00:19:25.000)
In the third hour, I have Congressman Ron Paul, joining us to talk about a whole plethora of very important issues, including the National draft. And Rumsfeld says, We're gonna need a bigger army, we're gonna need more troops. And the recruiting is falling away under the numbers they need and they've got all the draft legislation lined up for you and your family and all they need to do is provide another terror attack and our journey into pure fascism will be complete.
Dan (00:19:57.000)
So there's a lot going on in that call. lip. Yeah, first of all, can't wait to hear from racist grandpa Paul, it's weird to think about this. But in 2003, his public image was very different than it is now. Or it deserved to be then because he had this weird appearance of being a rational voice of opposition to the war in Iraq, that did a whole lot of work masking the absurd John Birch Society as politics he actually espoused, but what I'm getting at is that he had a decent PR team back then yeah. Secondly, it's interesting that Alex will not stop saying the draft is right around the corner, which will be foisted upon us after a false flag terrorist attack. And I want to take a second to analyze the logic he's using to make that claim. He thinks Cheney needs a bigger military aid recruitment is down. Meanwhile, there are these unspecified Bill proposals or drafts that would bring back the draft. They're just waiting to go, right. Any of these things could be true or not. But even if all of them are true, it does nothing to suggest that there's an elaborate plot to pull a false flag in order to bring in the draft. I have no idea what bills he's talking about. And if they do exist, they're destined to die in committee. So I'm not even gonna take that seriously. I asked for Cheney wanting a bigger military and recruitment being down that could be the impetus for Institute in the draft. Or it could be a motivation to explore other recruitment strategies like fun CGI army commercials at movies, I will just conclusion holds no weight, it's just the option he's decided to extrapolate out of the situation he sees, because it's the one that fits his narratives and scares his extreme right wing listeners the best right? I know that there were some real insecurities about the idea of a draft coming up at this point, but it's hard to believe that this was something the government would seriously consider doing. In the late 60s and early 70s, the largely campus based anti draft protest movements were he severe impediment to this enlistment strategy. According to the University of Washington, quote, in 1972, there were more conscientious objectors than actual draftees, all major cities faced backlogs of induction refusal, legal cases. And the Selective Service later reported that 206,000 persons were reported delinquent during the entire war period. The lessons of that era are still a real today, namely that there are too many people who would refuse to show up. And the government simply can't logistically punish everyone how they would need to, in order to make the fear of punishment, a motivating factor for people not to resist a draft, yeah,
Jordan (00:22:19.000)
Korea can have a draft or a it needs to be you have to spend two years in the military. There's only a few million people in there, you know, you cannot legislate the entirety of the United States to the point where you can get everybody who was drafted to show up or
Dan (00:22:35.000)
there are other countries that have mandated and required service. And some of those things are long standing and parts of culture.
Jordan (00:22:45.000)
Oh, for sure. Israel, of course. Yeah. From the from the jump
Dan (00:22:48.000)
implementing something is different than something already exists. Yeah. You know, and that is, that is definitely a factor. But like, I don't want to say that it's impossible, but I don't think a draft is ever coming back in the US. Some people in power may want one. It may feel like one is coming sometimes. And a bill might even be introduced, but the backlash is was so severe, and I think they everyone knows that it would be so severe again. And I think we're all aware of that. Yeah, I
Jordan (00:23:16.000)
believe the backlash to an election being held and somebody winning correctly was almost a coup. So I think the backlash to somebody trying to institute a national draft would be way worse than a coup.
Dan (00:23:28.000)
And I think something that's interesting is that I, I think that this was a, like a much broader fear that Alex is taking advantage of this period. Like, I think that a lot more people had this like, well, they're gonna bring back the draft. I
Jordan (00:23:46.000)
did feel like that I remember conversation because I was just coming out of high school, right? Or no, I like I was at right around 2014 was coming right at you were coming right out of high school, and everybody I knew who was older than me, was hitting 18. And it was a conversation of like, I'm worried that I'll be drafted. That was a conversation.
Dan (00:24:04.000)
Yeah, it felt like a realistic possibility. But I don't know how much of that was, like, rational and how much of it is just like others, there was a fever, panic around. There's a lot of distrust of how the government was handling everything. stuff. And it seemed like, well, maybe they will. But in hindsight now, it seems like, of course, they weren't going to do that. Absolutely. The consequences would have outweighed whatever benefit they were hoping to get.
Jordan (00:24:30.000)
People didn't like the Iraq War almost immediately, a dish adding a draft to that would have been a disaster,
Dan (00:24:38.000)
right. But beyond that, though, it's interesting to realize that according to Alex, the definition of fascism is the United States in 2003, plus a draft debatably. There are some elements of fascism that were quite prominent in the US at the time. Sure, but I think that it's funny that he seems to be suggesting that the only thing that's keeping the equation in balance is that there wasn't a draft.
Jordan (00:24:57.000)
Dan (00:24:58.000)
it's weird. It's weird.
Jordan (00:25:00.000)
I explained to be what the draft would have added to the fascism. Because I think I think if you're going to add fascists in the draft as part of fascism, then essentially you're saying that it's military run. Right? Maybe, you know, so but then the draft means that you can't get enough people for the military. So true. True.
Dan (00:25:21.000)
I mean, I don't know. Here's the thing. I think to Alex fascism means something very different than, like maybe a larger understanding of fascist hickory. I think he uses a kind of interchangeably with his bizarre, like, sort of aesthetic notions of a police state. Yeah. And stuff like so being forced to fight for the state is part of what he would call that. Right.
Jordan (00:25:43.000)
Right. I mean, it does feel like what he takes liberty, ism is restricting his ability to do whatever he wants, regardless of the consequences.
Dan (00:25:55.000)
So we get to talk about Saddam, because he doing Oh, he's been captured. Oh, no, but there's some conspiracies about it. Oh,
Alex Jones (00:26:03.000)
also a couple of weeks ago or a week ago, many Arabs skeptical on Saddam's capture. I wanted to go back to that because now it's coming out that as usual, just like with private lunch. What we're being shown is a fable. The evidence was overwhelming. They've had him a long time. He's been drugged, he's been tortured. Why didn't they just tell the truth about it? Six Saddam drugged once because he had to be drugged and tortured first folks, so he wouldn't spout off about who he's business partners with when we have the congressional reports by Republicans and Democrats. But, you know, it's bad to have the boogeyman saying he's buddies with Bush, dislike bin Laden's buddies with him.
Dan (00:26:47.000)
So for a moment, put aside the reality of or falsity of what Alex is saying in terms of his narrative, it's important to recognize that what he's engaging in is only the headline of a story and not the actual content, right. This is an article that solely based on the assumptions of one person who had visited Saddam two days after his capture. He thought he looked sick and was maybe being given strong medication, but then offered no proof. This is just a guess. This person was a photographer who had accompanied Ahmad Chalabi for a meeting and there's no reason to take this as definitive or proof of anything. Sure. Saddam's daughter is also cited in the article that Alex is using as saying that her father must be being drugged, which isn't like really all that strong in terms of evidence. Sure. This is also a misrepresentation of her comments, by way of like Alex using this as defense of like, Saddam being drugged because she was saying these things, the way that she was saying that she meant to suggest that said I must have been drugged prior to his capture sure to be like going along with it right around this time. There were many rumors circulating that Saddam had been captured by local rivals as revenge drugged and then left to be found by US forces. Right. That's kind of a side thing to this article. Sure. This is about him being drugged in captivity, right right. Since this point, the doctor who treated Saddam Dr. Sood at Bose has come out and said that while he can't reveal specifics due to doctor patient confidentiality, he quotes treated him like he would any other patient. Yeah, I do think that there's some legitimate questions to ask about what kind of interrogation tactics may have been used, especially at this point when you're covering stuff considering the context of what our government allowed in the war, but Alex is completely winging it here. He has nothing to base anything on other than conjecture.
Jordan (00:28:32.000)
Yeah, I mean, to me that it makes it makes perfect sense. Like he was found in a hole. Would like
Dan (00:28:40.000)
you might need medication. Oh, yeah. I
Jordan (00:28:43.000)
mean, that's, that's my I've had medical and I was thinking like, if you take him to a hospital, they're probably trying to help him
Dan (00:28:50.000)
I have like a broken bone and need painkillers or something. And that would make you look groggy. Yeah, there's there's a number of ways that you can make whatever comments this photographer made. Yeah. Make sense? In a non conspiratorial they're trying to drug him so he can't tell the truth. Yeah, way. But, you know, everything is filtered through the prism of the narrative for Alex Yeah,
Jordan (00:29:10.000)
and it doesn't really even make sense like you You torture people to find out information. Saddam has the information that you wanted to find out. There's no reason to torture him. I have no doubt that he was probably treated better than most people in American prisons.
Dan (00:29:23.000)
He's, he's captured in December 2003. By January, he's given pow status. Yeah, like he's treated. Yeah, with ways that there's international monitors.
Jordan (00:29:36.000)
Totally, totally. Absolutely. Yeah, the whole thing was to try and keep them alive as long as they could so they could kill him.
Dan (00:29:42.000)
He did later say it is trial that he was tortured, but there's no evidence of that. He
Jordan (00:29:46.000)
wasn't tortured. i What a liar. I have to tell you this right now. I don't trust it. Um, what? Yep.
Dan (00:29:53.000)
Wow. Hurt here, folks. So Alex hasn't thought about
Alex Jones (00:29:59.000)
it No Saddam verdict expected to take five years like Slobo. from Serbia, you'll forget all about him before that happens.
Dan (00:30:07.000)
Slobo Wow.
Jordan (00:30:09.000)
I never considered calling him Slava before. I
Dan (00:30:11.000)
kind of like it. I don't hate it. But I do love the idea that you'll just forget all about.
Jordan (00:30:17.000)
I will never forget about old slovo. That shit ain't happen to
Dan (00:30:20.000)
forget about slow though forget about Saddam if it takes a couple of years to go through the legal process, right. Next thing you know, he's gonna tell me we forget about Dre. Yeah, I mean, it's just ridiculous. How dare he just because he's been in the lab with the pen and pad and trying to get this damn label off. He's not having that
Jordan (00:30:35.000)
you better label this the wrap up. One more. Day on rats. That's the description of this episode. Dan wraps.
Dan (00:30:49.000)
I'll resist the urge further. So Alex has some thoughts about the globalists and some of their employment strategies. And this is just a way for him to be xenophobic Sure, all over
Alex Jones (00:31:01.000)
the country to get on a plane or get on a bus or not across a bridge or to get on a ferry men and black uniforms. Usually illegal aliens and I'm curious 90% of those the Boston Airport were weren't citizens and about 40% were illegal aliens. Many of them from Syria, Iran, you name it. But again, we're gonna accept all the matricula cards of the illegal aliens and legalize them Rich said two weeks ago, but you're gonna have a magnifying glass crammed down your throat.
Dan (00:31:30.000)
So there's two things there one is making up these numbers. There is no way that he knows the status, immigration status of people in an airport. Second, this just is the sort of standard treatment they like, they in quotes are treated so well. They're given everything the globalists employ them, but you know, Boo Western, yeah, member of Christendom, use whatever euphemism you want. They jam on my magnifying glass down your throat. No, it's all just trying to create sort of racial aggrievement
Jordan (00:32:11.000)
Yeah, it's like, white people. It's like waiting, like the 18th 1840s, Louisiana and the shit like that, like, slave owners would essentially hire people to stop unions from happening by screaming like, listen, they treat slaves better than you guys. You shouldn't do that. You know, like they do the whole thing. It's all there. It's all this
Dan (00:32:30.000)
kind of tactics are inciting Oh, that have been used historically. Yeah. So Alex knows that this picture that was taken of Saddam in captivity was with a mod Chalabi. Yeah. And so he has a weird telling of their history that doesn't doesn't match up.
Alex Jones (00:32:49.000)
The photo, which is on prison and info have a sick looking and unkempt and Shane showed him being visited by Dr. Shirley be the number two man in the Shahs torture squad. Number one, lead Iraq is ordered and killed and is now the Pentagon's favorite to become the next Iraqi President Sure, who fled Iraq and 58 after Hussein ordered him killed what Saddam Hussein was hired in 1954. This is a congressional report to be a anti communist assassin. Now Saddam was planning to kill him four years later. Oh, she Oh, evil Saddam is
Dan (00:33:40.000)
so this is only an Alex says a lot but it's not really well defined ever. And when he does talk about the backing of it, this employment of Saddam he just says it's congressional reports, which is useless as a citation. Saddam does seem super old and all but he was born in 1937. So you would have been 17 and 1954. At the time, it makes a little sense for him to have been employed by Dwight D. Eisenhower's administration as an anti communist assassin, considering that the bath party was a socialist party, and was involved with movements towards the pan Arab Republic, including countries like Egypt and Syria, right. But Saddam didn't even join the party until three years later, in 1958. The bath is supported General Abdel Karim Kasim in his overthrow of the country, but then would be involved in a plot to assassinate him just a year later, primarily due to Cassini opposition to the idea of this pan Arab Republic. And Saddam was involved in that plot of assassination, which I think is what Alex has done. Right, right. So there's no way Alex could prove the US hired Saddam to be involved in that assassination plot or even prove outside involvement. The Assassination failed, and Saddam fled the country so there's no way you would have had the power to make Shalabi flee at that point.
Jordan (00:34:57.000)
You know, this once again, reinforce Is my belief in conspiracy theories about assassinations? All right. The conspiracy theories are that it's very hard to perform an assassination, right, you have to do all of these different things and all these moving parts 100 variables, terrible idea. Here's how assassinations work. The ones that work do is some dude walks up to the President with a gun and then shoots him in the face like that works so much so much what doesn't work is elaborate fucking pinky in the brain as plans to assassinate you
Dan (00:35:31.000)
people need a million externalities to like possibly go wrong.
Jordan (00:35:35.000)
I swear to you, if you want somebody to if you want to, if I was going to tell you how to how to kill somebody, like like Putin. Here's what you do. You get 1000 random people. And you just set them at the border and just go eventually try and kill them if you can. Sooner or later one of them walk up with the guts an
Dan (00:35:54.000)
interesting thought I would actually have a counterpoint. Yeah. And that is that everybody knows who studied the subject. Yeah. The World's Greatest assassin, Rube Goldberg.
Jordan (00:36:05.000)
He's yet to lose. It's true. Never been captured. And he sets everything into motion is crazy.
Dan (00:36:13.000)
Yeah. And no one's ever made a charge stitch.
Jordan (00:36:17.000)
Check. He's like loop on the third. He's just he's just incredible. Yeah.
Dan (00:36:21.000)
Also, Chalabi was 13 years old and 50. That's a little bit difficult. His family fled Iraq that year in the aftermath of general casinos, revolutionary overthrow. They were a high profile family, and they would have been in danger after that. Because it was successful coup. So they fled. Yeah, I'm sure that young Saddam put out a hit on a 13 year old though. That seems unlikely. Based on what Alex to say, I have no idea what connection there is the
Jordan (00:36:49.000)
60s were weird Drew. That's that's the time this was the 50s.
Dan (00:36:54.000)
Also, Chalabi isn't really a bank robber per se. Sure. He founded a bank called Petro bank which crashed. And as a result, he was charged with bank fraud by a Jordanian military tribunal. By that point, he'd been smuggled out of the country. And the so he never did time on the bank robbery thing. Right. And he claims he was set up and I think I'm not sure about the specifics of it. It seems like it was maybe some shady shit going on. Yeah, the Jordanian central bank called in? Like, I think it was like 30 or 35% of the money that would have been in the in the bank. Right. Right Bank couldn't produce that money
Jordan (00:37:31.000)
because there wasn't any right because he was doing a Ponzi
Dan (00:37:33.000)
scheme. And there was what I understand also, there was a number of loans that that bank made were to his own businesses, and like a Ponzi scheme, right. Yeah. So there, there may be some credence fraud element. I'm not entirely sure. I haven't read like a full breakdown of any investigation of it.
Jordan (00:37:54.000)
I think the number one problem in our time, is how long Ponzi schemes can get away with themselves for so long. Like and I mean, made off lasted for years, the FTX guy lasted for way longer than he should. Then there's the government. That's a Ponzi scheme. It's all fucked.
Dan (00:38:12.000)
Yep. Yep. Oh, you need a Rube Goldberg?
Jordan (00:38:16.000)
Think that would work.
Dan (00:38:18.000)
I'm also not sure about the torture thing. I think that I Alex should cite a source on the number two guy for the Shah
Jordan (00:38:26.000)
likes more. I would like more information about the shots torture squads that
Dan (00:38:29.000)
might be an extrapolation of the sort of the accusations and stuff about Chalabi being close with Iran. And that is fair enough, but I don't I don't know about being part of the Shahs torture squad
Jordan (00:38:46.000)
I was gonna say would be it would be odd for that crossover to happen. But hey, we're to think
Dan (00:38:51.000)
Alex wants to prove it. He can go for it. Anyway, Alex discusses the capture of Saddam here.
Alex Jones (00:38:57.000)
So it doesn't matter if everybody finds out the capture was staged because it's emotional. The big headlines say it wasn't staged later, they can admit it was staged. But the average person won't differentiate. They're not concerned about hearing different stories every day. It's almost like the nightly news is a entertainment program or something it just totally unconscious. Saddam was held by Kurdish forces drugged and left for the US and I've got AAP AFP, Sydney Morning Herald, ABC, you name it. Saddam Hussein was captured by US troops only after he had been taken prisoner by Kurdish forces drugged and abandon ready for American soldiers to recover him a British Sunday newspaper reported.
Dan (00:39:50.000)
So this was an article in the Sunday Express tabloid that reported based on an anonymous British intelligence source that members of the Patriotic union of Kurdistan had captured and drugged Saddam, they then negotiated with the US for a bounty and abandoned him to be found by our troops. This is an interesting story, but it's never been confirmed. There's no indication that the $25 million bounty was paid. And there's some pretty compelling evidence and documentation of US efforts to find Saddam right and progress that was being made on that front row this time. Yeah, this story conforms to Alex's narrative, though. So it's rock solid to him. Yeah. So there's this article in the Sunday Express, right? And it says this stuff, right. But there's other nurses,
Jordan (00:40:33.000)
no, no, no, watch a
Alex Jones (00:40:35.000)
respected British newspaper, to the intelligent source. And the Australians have their people telling them this. Here's ABC News, Saddam held by Kurds drug and left for US troops. Saddam Hussein was captured by US troops only after he had been taken prisoner by Kurdish forces, drug and abandoned ready for American shoulder to recover him. A British newspaper has reported. And I love this article, calling it a tabloid but I have a bunch of other papers reporting it.
Dan (00:41:03.000)
So this is disturbing, because it either is evidence of Alex being an intensely malicious liar, or it reveals that he is someone with a below adolescent level of media literacy. He has an article that's covering the story that the Kurds captured Saddam, which is just reporting something that was published in the Sunday Express based on an unnamed British intelligence source, then he has an article that's from an Australian press outlet, which is also based on the same Sunday Express article, which is to say that it's all based on the same coverage of the unnamed British intelligence source, right. Alex is reporting to his audience that this Australian press article is somehow a separate piece of news, not just the same story being covered by a different outlet. That level of stupidity is actually kind of scary to see and someone who's presenting themselves as a reliable source of insight. And what makes it even more alarming is that I think this is a pretty consistent thing with Alex. I'd never thought about it this way before. But this could explain why Alex covers the same story in multiple outlets the way he does, yeah, I've always considered it to be a function of his laziness and knowing that his audience will see a bulk of headlines and assume that that means that there's there's more smoke there. So there's definitely fire. Hearing this coverage actually makes me think that Alex might think that each of these stories relies on different primary sourcing, and they're just coming out coincidentally at the same time. That is to say the UK article is written because the British press has British sources telling them this stuff, and the Australian article is being written because the Australian press concurrently has their sources saying the same thing. If Alex believes that, it would make sense why he thinks like, the picture that he's seeing is somehow far more convincing or overwhelming, and also suspicious than it is. But that belief would have to be like, it's entirely based on things he's making up in his head based on primary misunderstandings of how the media works. Or he's a liar, right? It's an interesting question, because I could see this going either way. I guess best case scenario hears that Alex is completely unqualified to explain the news to anyone based on his comically deficient understanding of what he's reading. Worst case scenario, he knows all this stuff is based on the same source, but knows that pretending otherwise would make it more convincing to his audience. So he's lying to them as a shortcut for his narratives. Not a good look. Either way.
Jordan (00:43:20.000)
Yeah, I think I think we get into problems here because for the longest time, we have considered the stupid V evil continuum as a straight line, as opposed to Alex who has managed to combine it into a circle.
Dan (00:43:35.000)
No, no, no. Good. So get this. Yeah, triple helix triple helix. There
Jordan (00:43:38.000)
we go. All right. Now I've drawn it. Okay. So here's the problem, right? We cannot overestimate him. Right? And yet we do by ascribing to him the basics of ability to read all too often, like, the more you the more you described it, the more I was like, Okay, if I were Alex, and I saw a Bloomberg article, right, and I couldn't read it because it was behind the paywall. But then I saw a Yahoo article that was almost identical, maybe exactly the exact same fucking article, then maybe I would think that Yahoo and Bloomberg, if I were Alec, that I did never occurred to me, because I was overestimating him by describing to him basic abilities that I didn't
Dan (00:44:25.000)
want understanding of primary sourcing and how these outlets report totally that is one thing, but then I think there's also a feeling that I get from listening to it that is giving the impression that all of these things are based on different sources, right is is kind of a strategy. That's
Jordan (00:44:45.000)
why he's turned it into a circle. It's a it's not a continuum.
Dan (00:44:49.000)
It's hard, but either way. I mean, it's it's an academic question on some level, because the reality is whatever the case he is an incredibly untrustworthy source of information. Yeah, because he's II either lying to make things easier for himself right or he's so out of touch with what published material is right but you should never listen to him
Jordan (00:45:10.000)
right? Yeah, I would I would say that he is just you know, he describes himself as above the left right continuum, but I believe he's above this stupid V evil continue that might as like the apotheosis of both he broke
Dan (00:45:22.000)
the paradigm. Also the Sunday Express part of the Daily Express is absolutely a tabloid and also was a major voice for the appeasement of Hitler during World War Two. They employed noted British fascist and anti Semite Henry William sent as a writer after he'd made a ton of pro Hitler comments. Sure, he joined the British Union of Fascists naturally and made plans he later abandoned to go to Germany so he could meet Hitler. Oh, it's a ship paper with a shit history and his tabloid is shit. And like, this doesn't even count like later. Libel. Yeah, cases they've had to solve. That doesn't mean that the story about Saddam is definitely not true. But it's a good cause to look for a second source and not just a second source that's reposting the Sunday Express story. Alex can't find that second source. So it's good thing he could just make it up. Yeah. That's corroboration baby.
Jordan (00:46:12.000)
Yeah. You know, it makes you almost think that after the Nuremberg trials should have had another portion for like media outlets, where it's like, listen, we're not gonna we're not doing the hanging thing. That's, that's not for you guys. But also, you can't just support Hitler. You just can't do it. So we gotta have something here. I don't know what it is
Dan (00:46:32.000)
kind of a I don't know. I don't want to go call me on Truth and Reconciliation. Like, come on, guys.
Jordan (00:46:40.000)
Can't do this. All right. No more.
Dan (00:46:42.000)
So there's some other news in the world other than stop and that is, Al Gore has a son. And that son likes to burn tree sure, like to smoke some weed
Jordan (00:46:53.000)
back in 2003 when it used to be bad that weeds
Alex Jones (00:46:57.000)
and Al Gore shot arrested for pot possession. I'm for drug decriminalization, but when rush limbaugh was on Oxycontin, and he says arrest anybody on drugs, that I want him in prison, and when Al Gore which I'm sorry, a lot of money for, for drug, law enforcement programs, let's put his shot in production. Okay, you hypocrite.
Dan (00:47:19.000)
So this is a great illustration of why taking hypocrisy to be fundamentally meaningful is a dead end in terms of having a solid position que here's the ground Alex is trying to lay claim to. He's against the criminalization of drugs and thus wants to be seen as supporting the recreational use of things like weed or I guess, in this case, even oxy cotton. Sure, that's fine, I guess. However, some people he doesn't like who politically may disagree with decriminalization also enjoy recreational drug use, they apparently should not be free to use drugs, right because of that opposition, right, their freedom to use drugs, which Alex allegedly believes in is conditional upon them agreeing with Alex's position on drugs, which is a little weird. In essence, in order for Alex to make this coherent at all, he can't possibly want to punish them for the drug use, because that's something he ostensibly believes should be decriminalized. That means in order for this to make any sense, then Alex has to want to outlaw hypocrisy, which is criminally stupid as a political position. Or maybe, is the reality that Alex doesn't think that drugs are fine, and actually does think that people should be punished for using them. Is it possible that he just knows that advancing that position would make him look like a ridiculous person considering his libertarian public image? And how it would mean that he would be advocating for the government dictating what you can and can't enjoy for fun? Sure. Is it possible he just knows the position he's supposed to have, but actually doesn't believe in that position? It's hard to tell, given the way that he carries himself Sure. The question gets even weirder, because this hypocrisy thing is an accusation that it makes sense to direct it rush, kind of. But what does Alex even know about Al Gore's son's positions on drugs? Alex has no idea what he thinks. But apparently Alex wants to require the son to adhere to the positions of the Father, or else their actions hypocritical. That really seems fucking stupid, particularly for someone who's so invested in the idea of individuality. Alex is more or less advocating that you have an obligation to adhere to the moral set of your parents, even if you're an adult. And if you fail to do that, you should be arrested for something Alex doesn't think people should be arrested for children are they're fucking stupid. All right.
Jordan (00:49:30.000)
I think I think what he's, I think what's being expressed is is a social theory that the vast majority of people will accept a system of law, no matter how draconian if it is applied fairly over a system of law that may be far more lacks, but applied unfairly. So for instance, if you were to get your hand cut off for stealing, right, that's fucked up. But if you knew that the fucking CEO of Chase, if he stole a dime from anybody he worked for, he would also get his hand cut off, then that would be more acceptable than a situation where if you steal, you get away with it, but if the chase guy steals he gets away with it, too. It's a it's a social. I'm not saying that it's true. Social Theory,
Dan (00:50:21.000)
I understand that that sort of mental framework. I get that. Yeah, I think that Alex is not operating necessarily on that. I think.
Jordan (00:50:31.000)
I agree with you this Don't Don't think I don't. I'm just interested in that theory, because I would be interested in that. That concept. It No.
Dan (00:50:40.000)
Yeah. Don't get me wrong. I think it's an interesting idea. I think it has no place in Info Wars, because
Jordan (00:50:45.000)
none whatsoever actual theory. Yeah, that would imply that there was consistency. And you would have to follow through.
Dan (00:50:51.000)
Yeah, I think that there's something really bizarre about this. Like, you're free to do drugs based on my philosophical beliefs, unless you disagree with me about drugs. Right. That's weird. But then the thing that takes it over the top is that it's Al Gore's son. Yeah. Like there is no room for individualism in this at all. It's, I don't understand how Alex doesn't understand what he's saying. Or doesn't care that what he's espousing is something that's so like, like, do you now Alex have to live up to every ideal of your father?
Jordan (00:51:23.000)
Right? I mean, what it is, is, is the I mean, it is childish. lassic lashing out because of that, you know, like you don't, and yet this guy gets to do whatever he wants, and then I can't do whatever I want. Now his son gets caught. That's some fucking bullshit, man. Like, that's childish. That's a teenager.
Dan (00:51:41.000)
It's weird. Yeah. So Alex gets a call from a guy
Jordan (00:51:45.000)
call is not important. No, not this is not our call. No, this is not the call. No, but after
Dan (00:51:50.000)
the call, Alex starts to get a little bit reflective about how dangerous his job that's what leads to the call. No, oh, no, this is disconnected from the call. Oh, call will be later. Okay. This is just Alex talking about how dangerous his job okay?
Alex Jones (00:52:03.000)
I don't want to go on too long about this. But you know, what I do is very dangerous. I'm a big fish in this fight. But there are 10s of 1000s of people who are now permanently fighting the New World Order like Ron Paul and others. And many other talk show hosts and authors and books that run websites. But few years ago the globalist I believe from the evidence had a provocateur go into Bohemian Grove and do a bunch of bad stuff and then get arrested and you know, say my name. I got a report that a guy went into a big hardware store last night here in Austin pulled his shirt off with a huge swastika on it began saying I work for Alex Jones. I work for Alex Jones. We have had we've been at a pro gun rally and had the swastika business happen before and we found out they were federal informants doing it. But sure, buddy, it's really comical. It's not gonna work for him. I don't know what type of two things are trying to prepare for me, but I have a bad feeling. And you know, my family and in this country is worth whatever the cost is. It turns out
Dan (00:53:17.000)
the cost is being really fucking rich. Yeah, for many many years and this is just so pathetic. There's like it's so dangerous the these these people who have to pretend to be my listeners and do fucked up things. Just recognizing that you got some you got some Nazis in your audience because you do a lot of Nazi shit. Yeah,
Jordan (00:53:37.000)
I mean, in a sense, though, his job is very dangerous because no job I've ever worked has ever had a liability possibility of $1.5 billion. No, that's true. Like that's a dangerous job.
Dan (00:53:48.000)
That's true. He didn't recognize that at the time. No, no, that's also true. He also does have a dangerous job just not in the way he thinks he's pretending that he has like a target on his back from the fucking reality is he has a real danger of being around his own audience. Yeah, he's
Jordan (00:54:04.000)
more likely to get Lenin than he is to get Lincoln Yes, you will.
Dan (00:54:09.000)
That's why like that video is so like, awesome of him running away from the Sixth Street spider man when he was approached by him at a bar which is doing that live stream with my love. Like it is so critical for him to not spend time with his audience like particularly the listeners who are given off the I really believe you buy
Jordan (00:54:30.000)
love everything you do. That's not good. Yeah.
Dan (00:54:34.000)
And so that is a dangerous job because you might be in that hardware store when you're not the fan takes off his shirt, and he's got a swastika on Do you know like that is a liability.
Jordan (00:54:44.000)
I think he instinctively understands the difference between love and intensity of emotion, you know, like, for their love is it's an intensity of emotion that can be love, or it can be hate at any moment.
Dan (00:54:57.000)
I think he also intuitively understands that, like these people that he's describing are the natural byproducts of the kind of reporting and information space that he lives in 100%. But it's also super important to make sure everyone knows that we've determined somehow that they're all feds. Yeah, we we know, every negative kind of byproduct of the stuff that I do is really the Fed. It's the Fed. I think that's pretty cool.
Jordan (00:55:22.000)
And we know for a fact that, you know, there's Nazis. Yep, yep.
Dan (00:55:26.000)
So we'll get back to Saddam here for a minute. Okay. Alex says something that I don't know where this is even coming from
Alex Jones (00:55:32.000)
now coming out what we can already tell from the evidence that Saddam had been held for at least three weeks by the Kurds that that was a staged capture. Then you watch the video of Colonel Hinckley telling the troops keep their mouths shut. Let me tell you the official story that was on CNN, of all places don't even hide this stuff.
Dan (00:55:51.000)
There's nothing in those articles about the Kurds keeping Saddam for three weeks. It's just something that Alex is throwing in. Yeah, that seems weird. Yeah. It seems like it'd be incredibly difficult to do too.
Jordan (00:56:03.000)
Well, okay. The United States government is ostensibly still looking for him for this three week period, right?
Dan (00:56:09.000)
Yeah, I think so.
Jordan (00:56:10.000)
So are you telling me that this Kurdish group was constantly on the move for three weeks hiding from the United States government and drugging? Yeah closed without anyone seeing them without him getting away or anything like
Dan (00:56:25.000)
any of the people who may or may not have been in touch with Saddam knowing? Totally, yeah, it's very, three weeks seems
Jordan (00:56:32.000)
long. Now. What does seem believable is that he's in a nondescript hole invisible from just about everything, hiding with barely any air that makes that makes sense. I know, I know, a dictator who's done that before.
Dan (00:56:46.000)
Go Alex might. So Alex, you know, there's also a bunch of conversation. We talked about this on the last episode, these terror alerts are happening. You know, there's like the orange level. And like we discussed in the last episode, a lot of this traces back to Dennis Montgomery's fraud that he perpetuated on the US government, claiming that he had a technology that would allow him to predict terrorist plots based on like signals and Al Jazeera or shit like that. And so, Alex is talking about these fake alerts and what have you. And he has, he's pretty concerned about what's going to happen if it ever gets to red.
Alex Jones (00:57:29.000)
It's amazing. We're on the heightened terror alert. Members of female federal and state have said that, if we go to a red alert, we're all going to be basically slaves and have no rights. Well, the comment was, that'd be a weird thing to say virtually all your liberties will be stripped away. There'll be an enemy combatant if you leave your home.
Dan (00:57:47.000)
So Alex is referencing an article from that march in the South Jersey news, said Caspersen was the counterterrorism head for the state of New Jersey and he was commenting on what a red alert would entail. The assumption that you would be the enemy if you were outside that's not based on a quote from him. But it's an assessment made by the person who's writing the article share the article quotes cast percent is saying, quote, you literally are staying home is what happens unless you're required to be out no different than if you had a state of emergency with a snowstorm. He also didn't say that you would be a slave or all your liberties would be taken away. Yeah, the article says quote, a rattler would also tear away virtually all personal freedoms to move about and associate. This isn't Caspersen saying that it's the reporters characterization of how rattler would limit transportation and people being able to congregate right places. Yeah, kind of makes sense. It's basically it's an unfair relaying of informations with Alex.
Jordan (00:58:44.000)
I mean, post COVID lockdown might be it feels a little bit overreacting.
Dan (00:58:51.000)
It's just, it's just irresponsible. Yeah, I know that, you know, that's kind of dicey stuff. And like the idea, first of all, the idea that these terror alerts were being based on this fraudulent bullshit. Not good. And the idea of like these kind of measures being taken in the context of a heightened terror alert, yeah, it's scary and maybe you know, something that is worth criticism. The criticism that Alex is loving at it is just bullseye. Right. It's useless and counterproductive.
Jordan (00:59:17.000)
Beware of any story that makes you go. I can't believe they do that because there's a reason you can't believe they did my gun. They wouldn't do that. They can't do that. They wouldn't do that. So a Kohler
Dan (00:59:27.000)
drops by this isn't the guy. Okay? Although the guy is next. He's coming. Yeah. Okay. So this caller though he has a booking request for Alex. All right. And then Alex has a well what about this guy? Oh, it's bad.
Alex Jones (00:59:40.000)
Let's talk to Garrett in Louisiana. Go ahead, Garrett.
Caller 1 (744) (00:59:44.000)
How you doing Alex?
Alex Jones (00:59:45.000)
Find my friend.
Caller 1 (744) (00:59:47.000)
Oh, man. Yeah. Thanks for coming down. Heavy. And I was wondering when you're going to have Jim Rose on again, as a guest on your show.
Alex Jones (01:00:00.000)
GM who
Caller 1 (744) (01:00:00.000)
then rolls, patriots survive in a coma collapse author.
Alex Jones (01:00:06.000)
Oh, John Wesley Rawls, yes, I do need to interview him. We need to get someone to interview. Mr. Shaddam of Civil War Two.
Caller 1 (744) (01:00:16.000)
Yeah, that's a good book to get the breakdowns are a little bit, you know, different race type issues, but it's a scenario and it is maybe
Alex Jones (01:00:27.000)
wait a minute, wait a minute, reading that book. It just talks about what's going to happen. Yeah, because they are creating racial divides, they are organizing the country. I'm not
Caller 1 (744) (01:00:37.000)
saying he's a racist. It's just, it shows what's going to happen. And I'm in one of the worst places where I could ever want to be, but I'm
Dan (01:00:46.000)
down to Louisiana. So this isn't a great sign when a caller calls into Infowars. And he responds to a guest Alex wants to have on by saying, oh, there's a lot of racial stuff. And then Alex has to get defensive. So this is about the book Civil War Two, which was written by Thomas chittum. Here's some fun facts about chittum. Let's hear him in 1998. He was a speaker at the first annual conference on racial separatism. Sure, it's also featured such racist as Jared Taylor, what will this Cardo know this founder of storm front, and associative Ron Paul, Don Black, right. He published his book was Civil War Two as a possible scenario for how race war will break down in America. If you cruise websites that discuss it, and one of the frequent comments is, it's not exactly like The Turner Diaries, which is cool. It's real cool that that's the common thing to distinguish exactly like it. Yeah. He's a committed racist, homophobe and white nationalist to put it in the most generous way possible. Also, he apparently enlisted in the Zimbabwean Civil War in the early 70s. Sure, keep in mind that he's an American who was born in New Jersey, right, he decided to enlist and fight predictably, on the side of the Rhodesian forces who were trying to maintain a brutal white supremacist apartheid stance what I was expecting, this guy is so far beyond racist. Alex knows all this. He just doesn't think the things that I've mentioned are actually racist, like,
Jordan (01:02:07.000)
like, I understand why, in the context of war, you think it's different, but what you got to understand is that he's just a serial killer who's a racist, like, it has nothing to do with war. He is a serial killer. I kills people based upon their race.
Dan (01:02:23.000)
I think he even talked a little bit about like the killing, yes.
Jordan (01:02:28.000)
Serial Killer, it's, I see no difference between him and fucking Ted Bundy or whatever it is. I normally
Dan (01:02:34.000)
hear people who have like these elaborate claims about, you know, their service and stuff like this. And yeah, a lot of times there's a bit of embellishment, but from everything I can tell he actually did go to be a mercenary in Zimbabwe.
Jordan (01:02:49.000)
Wow. Yeah. Yeah, that's serial killer shit. Wild look,
Dan (01:02:54.000)
he's not a racist. Hey,
Jordan (01:02:56.000)
what he isn't, is a murderer. And he's illegal murder
Dan (01:03:00.000)
in 1998. He was one of the featured speakers at the racial separatism round.
Jordan (01:03:05.000)
All right, but that's not racism, that separatism, it's completely different.
Dan (01:03:11.000)
There's also on C span, you can find a two hour symposium that they rented out the National Press Club. Sure. And it's the the group that wants to end racism through self determination. And this guy chittum Bad Jared Taylor, not good. Couple other races bad. And they're just talking about how black people and white people shouldn't be around each other. That's what I was, you shouldn't force me to live around black people. It's wild wild. So anyway, I've promised you this caller. And now I will pay off. Now this caller is asked to do with a conversation that they're having about torture. All right, this caller kind of thinks torture is fine. And so Alex knows, I'm gonna make some cheap points here. This is gonna be easy. It's gonna be great. He's saying essentially, like, why is it so bad? When we do it when they do it? That kind of thing?
Jordan (01:04:02.000)
Sure, more. It's a moral relativism is great. It always works. And Alex brings
Dan (01:04:06.000)
up like, well, he brings up the example of Vietnam. Right? This was an interesting thing for him to bring up. But it was the more interesting response. And away
Jordan (01:04:16.000)
we go. Did you know that
Alex Jones (01:04:18.000)
the Revolutionary War we didn't torture anybody, and we treated the Redcoats with respect, and that ended up helping us. Did you know the British did torture? And that blew up in their face. So you don't know what you're talking about? Well, that's
Unknown Speaker (01:04:32.000)
what I thought about hold on hold on.
Alex Jones (01:04:35.000)
The northern Vietnamese when our when our jets would get shot now would torture people and they said, Oh, it's to get intelligence. Now are you saying it was okay for them to torture our pilots, it would save communist lives.
Caller 2 (774) (01:04:48.000)
There were no pilots. We didn't even dive on those guys.
Alex Jones (01:04:51.000)
What you're saying pilots, you didn't get tortured by the
Unknown Speaker (01:04:55.000)
pilot style planes when I'm out to go over there. We weren't allowed to bomb them. We weren't allowed to gather intelligence. We weren't allowed to do anything really
Alex Jones (01:05:01.000)
our stuff, Sir. Sir. We did have soldiers. We did have a lot of pilots captured now come on.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:07.000)
No, you know we weren't allowed to bomb or
Alex Jones (01:05:11.000)
one of them's a senator right now John McCain was are you saying we didn't have people shot down and torture?
Unknown Speaker (01:05:20.000)
Who can be shot down when we're not allowed to fly over it? Otherwise we iron
Alex Jones (01:05:25.000)
out how long you've been listening to this show?
Unknown Speaker (01:05:29.000)
Probably years
Alex Jones (01:05:31.000)
and all this timeless thing you don't know. People shot down over Vietnam
Unknown Speaker (01:05:40.000)
I did a whole report for history class once on Vietnam.
Alex Jones (01:05:44.000)
You know history.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:47.000)
All over the library.
Alex Jones (01:05:49.000)
Sir. Do you know about the SAM missile batteries? You didn't? You didn't know we had 1000s of aircraft got down.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:56.000)
There were no aircraft we weren't allowed
Alex Jones (01:05:59.000)
1000s 1000s
Unknown Speaker (01:06:03.000)
booing if we weren't allowed to bond up?
Alex Jones (01:06:07.000)
That was Hanoi. We couldn't bomb.
Dan (01:06:09.000)
See. Alex is right. There was this area around Hanoi and the port. Yes. No fly space. Yeah. And so this caller has taken this erroneous understanding of the information whole country most likely that's the explanation for taking this and then creating a narrative entire island can't fly over. It's very similar in terms of the way that Alex uses 100% But it's something that is so comically disputable debunk double the Alex wouldn't even think of like, there were no planes in Vietnam.
Jordan (01:06:43.000)
Yeah, that was slick. That one's good.
Dan (01:06:44.000)
It's ridiculous.
Jordan (01:06:45.000)
I mean, this guy believes it, ya know? And he believes it. Oh, yeah. That is not a man who has it all fucking with anyone. Oh, that is a man who did a fucking report for history class. Okay, yeah, he knows his shit.
Dan (01:06:59.000)
I do. I do love there's there's a tiny moment in there where Alex is about to say you are really stupid.
Jordan (01:07:05.000)
You can do that. He didn't do that. I heard
Dan (01:07:10.000)
that's probably
Jordan (01:07:12.000)
that's a fair one. That's ridiculous. Yeah,
Dan (01:07:14.000)
you can't believe that. No, you can't say but he does. Excuse me, sir. No, you can and he believes it so much that it stumps Alex.
Alex Jones (01:07:22.000)
I know a lot of people are like you, but I care about you. I care about you being a free person. Jonathan, what are you going to do when you find out that we had 1000s of jets and prop planes and C 130s and B 50. twos and thunderchief and and and just just tons of aircraft?
Caller 2 (774) (01:07:42.000)
And I expect you to expect me to believe that they all just shot the Vietnamese and bombed them and everything else.
Jordan (01:07:50.000)
Yeah, man. Yeah.
Alex Jones (01:07:53.000)
Yes, we had a war 1964 to 1972 1970s. And we lost 1000s of we allowed the very Yes, yes. And the Vietnamese didn't torture them. They had them on TV. Saying America was bad after they'd been tortured. Yes, that did happen. Yes, it did. And torture is wrong. Anything else Jonathan?
Jordan (01:08:21.000)
I mean, I mean, wild hey, look, we can agree to disagree whether or not planes were over Vietnam in the Vietnam War.
Dan (01:08:29.000)
Sure. Operation Rolling Thunder didn't happen. This is why I love this show in 2003. This is
Jordan (01:08:37.000)
like, you just don't get it. You can't like I never would have imagined I would never have imagined No, I've if if we've known people who were written for SNL we've known people who've done all kinds of things and if they had brought that sketch to somebody they'd have been like no that would never fly
Dan (01:08:55.000)
but I bought like the planes and that I don't think anybody would be able to even conceive of this now as like you sit around and you workshop some conspiracies for like a fake caller total roll around with Alex the there were no planes in Vietnam is amazing. Yeah, amazing. Yeah,
Jordan (01:09:13.000)
that's why that's why the birds are a conspiracy that's why that swing was so good because the idea of just being like nope, all birds aren't real. But that's of course why you can see through it so easily is because you're like I mean obviously birds are real
Dan (01:09:28.000)
there were no birds in Vietnam. By that I mean playing
Jordan (01:09:31.000)
you might be writing or there are all planes are birds or all birds are plants.
Dan (01:09:36.000)
Not all birds are gentlemen, but all birds. So Alex,
Jordan (01:09:43.000)
what about the Scotsman? How's the Scots would do it? Is he true or not? I bet there are no true Scotsman. So
Dan (01:09:51.000)
Alex ends the call with this guy having made no headway. This guy believe that this guy, he leaves the call still thinking there were no blood Scenes of Vietnam I think it's one of his foundational beliefs probably. So Alex pivots from this call to talking with his water sponsor comes on every day and he wants to talk about that color.
Jordan (01:10:12.000)
Of course you do or they're plagued by no planes were over Vietnam please, please confirm I'm not It's not to
Dan (01:10:19.000)
say please water sponsor, he's
Jordan (01:10:20.000)
a lottery sponsor.
Alex Jones (01:10:21.000)
And Jonathan I don't know what I can say to you. We're gonna go to Kim and Mark and Alan and Shawn and others here in a minute. I want to bring up for five minutes my good buddy Jim Shepard, I appreciate holding Jim did you hear that guy saying that aren't that are that are pilots weren't shot down in Vietnam and tortured.
Water Filter Salesman Jim (01:10:39.000)
Yeah, I did. And I just think that you know, there's a lot of it depends on where you're getting your information. You know, if you just pull up the nightly news and listen to the Ted Koppel of the world you get this real pretty picture of the way things are. things ought to be but you know, if you dig in and you start looking a little bit below the surface, there's all kinds of information out there that you are going to complete wrong direction.
Alex Jones (01:11:01.000)
You don't the surface to find out what happened.
Water Filter Salesman Jim (01:11:06.000)
Well, you are drilling I think that probably to the gentleman that called was probably you know, he's heard you and he hasn't heard that before. And he hasn't probably taken the time to actually look into the matter
Dan (01:11:17.000)
what I'm hearing is the letter sponsor saying like Man, if you just listen to the MSN they'll tell you
Jordan (01:11:26.000)
over Vietnam
Dan (01:11:31.000)
Ted Cami, I hate to use this expression because it's plain related. Yeah, like that's how on autopilot. Yeah, like a lot of
Jordan (01:11:38.000)
shit. It's just like, yeah, it's the mainstream media tell you something stupid. I just couldn't dig for the truth. What are you talking about?
Dan (01:11:45.000)
So your filters. Oh, boy. Anyway, Alex goes back to calls. All right.
Jordan (01:11:50.000)
I know we can breathe this air. But how about this? I bet there's a lot of air at the bottom of the ocean. So let's just dive down in there free and see what happened you
Dan (01:11:57.000)
fucking Ted Koppel. So Alex goes back to calls. And of course, this becomes the only thing that is relevant. The only thing I can think about. This caller says something that I love a turn of phrase that I've never heard before. And I plan to start using it in Kansas City. Go ahead.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:16.000)
God bless you, Alex. I heard this guy on there and I'll tell you what. For him for he doesn't think that a lot of our guys got shot down or that we just didn't blow anything up over there. He was correct in the fact that there were no fly no attacks zones. And that's what infuriated me is a lot of unknown fly low attack zones, rollover their tank farms, not tanks as an army tanks. But when fuel tanks we weren't to bomb.
Alex Jones (01:12:49.000)
Well, he was saying that we didn't lose any pilots or that they weren't tortured in Vietnam.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:55.000)
Yeah, well, I don't everybody was tortured over there that was captured. You can bet your bippy on that. Yeah.
Dan (01:13:01.000)
Good bet your bippy
Jordan (01:13:02.000)
I will bet all the hippies on that. God. I hope
Dan (01:13:05.000)
I didn't look it up. I hope that's not a racist expression. Because it sounds so funny. Now
Jordan (01:13:09.000)
you may be saying now we're both culpable. If if this is a racist expression. We are saying it's innocently please let us know. I'm going to go we're gonna Google it right now. We will edit this part.
Dan (01:13:23.000)
Well, okay. What does bet your sweet bippy mean? That it's definitely correct. Okay, so the right the expression k became popular in the late 60s when characters used it on a show called laughing always a laughing thing. The expression you can bet your ass Yeah, of course, this expression has the same meaning you can be certain about that your bottom dollar just trying to get around censorship. I don't think it's racist. Oh, what a relief. Hey, you never know
Jordan (01:13:51.000)
who's on laughing? Wait. What's your name isn't gonna be nevermind already forgot what?
Dan (01:13:57.000)
Yep. So Ron Paul comes on quartered our forgotten
Jordan (01:14:00.000)
that Ron Paul was coming after that call. Um, it's really
Dan (01:14:05.000)
a boring interview. He's only a couple segments. There's not really much to say.
Jordan (01:14:10.000)
But do they talk about the planes? They do? Of course they do. That's the only thing we're talking about now.
Alex Jones (01:14:16.000)
And I've had Ron Hall on the show many times. We're gonna have him for the next two segments, maybe even get to a few calls. In the next segment. I got a host of issues I want to throw out of the congressman. But Congressman Ron Paul, before we go any further, I had a caller last hour that caused quite a controversy here on air. He said it was basically a good idea. And then he's and then I said, Well, what about our troops that got shot down in Vietnam? They got tortured. Are you saying that was okay? He then said no, none of our troops got shot down over Vietnam. I'm going from memory here. But weren't you involved in Vietnam in the air?
Unknown Speaker (01:14:51.000)
No, not really. I was involved during that period of time I was in the military. I was in the Air Force as a flight surgeon from 1963 to six The eight, but not actually in Vietnam.
Alex Jones (01:15:02.000)
Okay, but But now Now, I know that we had a bunch of aircraft shot down and trips tortured. But can you give us your historical view on that? Well,
Unknown Speaker (01:15:11.000)
I mean, that doesn't even deceive. I mean, I can't understand anybody saying that. We probably had a lot more helicopter shot done than airplanes. And the people in the helicopters were the ones that ended up being prisoners so often, but there were hundreds of helicopter shot down.
Dan (01:15:26.000)
Good use of time. I love the I love the presentation of this. It caused quite a controversy. No, it didn't.
Jordan (01:15:32.000)
It absolutely did not. What I think is
Dan (01:15:34.000)
fascinating about this is on a show like this, you get a call like this guy. Yeah. And one of the things that would be maybe a good use of time is exploring why someone would think this Yeah. And like understanding the the information and the use of it, the misuse of it. Alex could actually provide his audience with maybe a little bit of a service if they explored that, as opposed to him constantly running up against people like other callers as water sponsor, Ron Paul, and just being like, Hey, get me back on. Seriously, no one needs to get his back. No, I can't. I can't imagine him being insecure about listeners believing that color. But maybe that's the truth. Maybe he does feel like he needs people to vouch for him that there were planes, because now someone has introduced the idea that there weren't
Jordan (01:16:23.000)
because in his world that is once you introduce that possibility, that is a real possibility. Bring our world
Dan (01:16:30.000)
bro. Hey, bro, you playing pilled that's what I'm saying.
Jordan (01:16:32.000)
In our world, that is not a possibility. But in his world, if you just introduce that thought he has to then confront it with his brain that says, Well, they've lied about planes before. Oh, you know, he can't not do that. Right? That's part of his brain. Were you they're totally
Dan (01:16:48.000)
I wasn't there. If I heard this, I saw pictures of plants. That's what I'm saying. If I heard this
Jordan (01:16:53.000)
call, I'd be like, dude, they were there, either. Like what does it take to convince you because I know for a fact they were there. So I will give you what information you
Dan (01:17:02.000)
just see. You just saw Forrest Gump man. That's all you know, man.
Jordan (01:17:05.000)
You dude. I guess we gotta go. You believe Hey, do buck in there. Listen, I lose a cane. Have you seen Ted Koppel? McCain is a globalist shill. That's true. Right?
Dan (01:17:18.000)
He would lie
Jordan (01:17:19.000)
about flying the plane you know you're bringing up a lot of good questions.
Dan (01:17:23.000)
I just like the idea that there's an imagined thought process of one of these listeners that's like there were no planes. Alex's that there were water sponsor seems to be convinced. Wait, Ron Paul. Yeah, Rob houses their planes now that way is
Jordan (01:17:41.000)
part of the government is the good part. Oh, you think that but he thinks that there were planes over Vietnam? How do you know he's part of the good part? No. Yeah. This calls into question everything I can see now like he's having a meltdown all of a sudden there's a sizzle
Dan (01:17:57.000)
reel tires the you know like, you know Cuban on the people who think JFK Jr. is alive. Or the other people who don't right now we have the planers later, yeah. So we have one last clip here. And it's just checking in on the success rate of Alex's films.
Alex Jones (01:18:12.000)
I've made 10 documentary films, we have found no better tool. This is not hype, folks. This is the truth. You've heard the listeners. Okay. No better tool and unlocking minds. All right. 90% of those that see 911 Rhoda terreni masters, a chair police state three total enslavement matrix of evil, dark secrets and shot Bohemian Grove. They're waking up
Dan (01:18:35.000)
holding steady. 90% holding steady at 90. Good. Good. No dip.
Jordan (01:18:41.000)
No, that's great. Yeah, absolutely love it. No, no complaints. If you got a 90% conversion rate, that is what advertisers would die for. Yeah,
Dan (01:18:49.000)
I'm not gonna do this. But if anybody wants to waste some time, it would be great if the graph this Yeah, that would be I will continue given the success rate. But it'd be interesting to have like a line graph. This is over time.
Jordan (01:19:07.000)
It is, you know, like, whoever described the stock market as a measurement of rich people's emotional state. You know,
Dan (01:19:14.000)
this is one man.
Jordan (01:19:16.000)
State how well his documentaries are doing in a fictional state of conversion. Yeah,
Dan (01:19:21.000)
like it'd be valuable for historians. So Jordan, we come to the end of this and I have to
Jordan (01:19:27.000)
ask did that call or disappoint? Absolutely not. Nope. 100% Nailed it. Don't remember anything else that happened prior Oh, no. There were no planes at all over Vietnam is such a statement that he said with conviction. Yeah, that he said with true belief, and that he was not willing to waver from this is
Dan (01:19:45.000)
this is what I'm talking about about the past. It's just like there are times when you can enter, interact with something that is really meaningful and there is like an in depth conspiracy that Alex's, you know that you can track the way that he's misusing information in a valuable way. Much more than the President. Yeah. And simultaneously, you can walk you can listen to one episode, and he declares war on cats because he's insecure about his wife's cash than the next episode. There's a caller who doesn't think there were planes and
Jordan (01:20:11.000)
planes in Vietnam.
Dan (01:20:12.000)
It's just better it's it's it's a better lives. There's a firework, there's more meat on the bone. Yep. There's more interesting things. Oh, yeah. It's just better. And I hope we can make it to the hall. Hi,
Jordan (01:20:24.000)
I'm excited for the show. I'm excited. But if they if we suspiciously start slowing down around the last week
Dan (01:20:32.000)
before March. We'll see what happens. But until then, Jordan, we
Jordan (01:20:37.000)
have a website? Indeed we do. It's now the Yes, we're also on Twitter. We are on Twitter. It's at knowledge underscore fight. Yep, we'll be back. But until then,
Dan (01:20:45.000)
I'm Nico. I'm Leo. I'm DCX. Clark, I would really appreciate it if you did not send any more emails to the button email. Got them coming out. Buttons are done. People who need a replacement to people who've moved all that I have gotten those emails. Just please don't send any more emails. I'm not going to see that. No more emails, the sheets done anyway. The juicy ice cubes.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:08.000)
And now here comes the sex robots.
Andy In Kansas (01:21:10.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Well, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.