Transcript/703: 9/11, Part 1

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Warning: Bot Generated Content
This transcript was automatically generated by transcription software and likely contains many mistakes and misattributions. Please check the audio for definitive quotes, attribution, and context.

Unknown Speaker (00:00:00.000)
N-N-N-N-N-N-N-Knowledge Fight
Unknown Speaker (00:00:13.039)
Dan and Jordan, I am sweating.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:19.440), it's time to pray.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:21.519)
I have great respect for Knowledgefight, Knowledgefight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:25.320)
I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys, saying we are the bad guys.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:29.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:30.199)
Dan and Jordan.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:31.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:32.200)
Riddler, Riddler, Riddler.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:33.200)
I need, I need money.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:34.200)
Riddler, Riddler, Riddler.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:35.200)
Andy and Kansas, Andy and Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:36.200)
Stop it.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:37.200)
Andy and Kansas, Andy and Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:38.200)
It's time to pray.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:39.200)
Andy and Kansas, you're on the air.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:40.200)
Thanks for holding us.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:41.200)
Hello, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:42.200)
I'm a victim caller.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:43.200)
I'm a huge fan.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:44.200)
I love your work.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:45.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:46.200)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:47.200)
I love you.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:59.320)
Hey everybody.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:00.320)
Welcome back to Knowledgefight.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:01.320)
I'm Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:02.320)
I'm Jordan.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:03.320)
We're a couple dudes.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:04.319)
I'd like to sit around and worship at the altar of Selene and also talk a little bit
Unknown Speaker (00:01:06.120)
about Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:07.519)
Oh, indeed we are, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:09.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:10.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:11.280)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:12.280)
Quick question for you, my friend.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:13.280)
What's up?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:14.280)
What's your Bright Spot today?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:15.280)
Um, well, uh, side Bright Spot.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:18.079)
Side Bright Spot.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:19.079)
My aunt was in town this weekend.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:20.319)
Oh, yeah, that's right.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:21.680)
And we went, uh, for dinner.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:23.519)
Uh, and I went to, she was, uh, flipping the bill, uh, we went to Morton's The Steakhouse.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:30.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:31.840)
Um, almost got a sundae, their legendary sundae.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:35.599)
You didn't get their legendary sundae.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:36.799)
Well, but I was thinking about doing it for the Dreamy Creamy Summer.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:39.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:40.480)
Um, but I saw them walk by with one and there was no fucking way.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:44.200)
I was, it's, it was like a fish bowl.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:45.760)
I know, it is a massive, it's offensive.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:48.379)
It's an entire meal unto itself.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:49.920)
You should go there just for that.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:51.439)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:52.439)
But it was a very nice time.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:53.439)
It was great to see her and her husband.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:54.439)
Uh, but the Bright Spot is polar seltzer as a new flavor out and I tried it and it is
Unknown Speaker (00:02:02.560)
the best.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:03.560)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:04.560)
I honestly think that this would do numbers in the year of the seltzer had it been around.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:09.800)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:10.800)
It is a pink apple lemon flavor seltzer and it is right on honey, honey crisp apple, my
Unknown Speaker (00:02:18.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:19.719)
That's what I'm talking about.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:20.719)
I'm, I'm fascinated by this pink apple lemon and so it's like pink lemonade plus a honey
Unknown Speaker (00:02:26.000)
crisp apple.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:27.000)
No, pink apple and lemon, not pink lemonade and apple.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:30.080)
Right, but I mean the pink, I've never heard pink apple before.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:33.159)
What about a pink lady?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:35.020)
What about a pink lady?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:36.020)
That's a kind of apple.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:37.020)
I understand that, but it's, oh my God, nevermind.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:39.240)
Or a honey crisp.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:40.240)
No, we're talking around each other.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:41.879)
No, we're not.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:42.879)
This is not going to be solved today.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:43.879)
You're the one who's confused.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:46.080)
I know exactly what I'm talking about.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:48.080)
I'm trying to think of the flavor.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:50.199)
It's so good.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:51.199)
Okay, you do know exactly what you're talking about.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:53.719)
It's refreshing.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:54.819)
I believe you.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:55.819)
Oh my God.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:56.819)
I like apple juice, but sometimes too sweet.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:58.960)
Too sweet.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:59.960)
I also think.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:00.960)
Needs a little bitter.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:01.960)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:02.960)
For the balance.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:03.960)
Right, but I also think that sometimes those like ciders that you get at a bar, too tart.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:07.120)
Little too sour.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:08.120)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:09.120)
Not good.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:10.120)
Little, nice sweet spot.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:11.960)
Good stuff?
Unknown Speaker (00:03:12.960)
So good.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:13.960)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:14.960)
Probably 97.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:15.960)
Oh shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:16.960)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:17.960)
That is.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:18.960)
I can think of few ways that it could be better.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:21.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:22.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:23.240)
Polar, I think, I think low key might be the best.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:24.919)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:25.919)
Well, we'll see if that's recency bias.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:27.199)
I'm going to have to say that you're going to have to start over from the beginning and
Unknown Speaker (00:03:30.039)
re-taste all of those other stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:31.560)
From the top.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:32.560)
Let's go.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:33.560)
What's your bright spot?
Unknown Speaker (00:03:34.560)
My bright spot is a Dragon Ball Z, my friend, as we, I'm regressing, I'm clearly regressing
Unknown Speaker (00:03:42.400)
into a childlike state.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:44.639)
And I was like, what am I, what do I need to do?
Unknown Speaker (00:03:48.259)
And I realized I needed a soap opera and that is what Dragon Ball Z is.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:53.400)
It's just like professional wrestling.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:55.120)
It's a soap opera with fight scenes from time to time.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:58.539)
It's all about the buildup.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:00.259)
And then the fight is actually kind of boring, honestly.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:02.659)
It's very predictable.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:03.659)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:04.659)
The whole thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:05.659)
And the formula is nonstop the same, nonstop the same, a commitment to a formula so staid
Unknown Speaker (00:04:13.759)
and boring that it's almost admirable, honestly.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:16.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:17.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:18.639)
I'm sorry I'm barely paying attention.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:19.639)
I'm really trying to figure out a way to make RuPaul's Dragon Ball Race Z work.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:23.639)
But it just, I can't make it work.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:26.660)
It's not going to happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:27.740)
There's a pun in there, my friend.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:29.560)
I really wish there was, but I think better minds than you have driven themselves mad
Unknown Speaker (00:04:34.240)
trying to find it.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:35.240)
I've seen the best minds out of my generation driven mad by trying to make this pun.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:40.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:41.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:42.680)
Well, I'm glad you're enjoying that.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:43.680)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:44.680)
Well, I mean, enjoying isn't quite the word, but it's good.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:47.339)
So Jordan, today we have an episode to go over and I'll explain all about it in a moment.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:51.720)
But first, let's say hello to some new wonks.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:53.920)
Oh, that's a great idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:54.920)
So first, the look of confusion on the waitress's face at Olive Garden when I tried to order
Unknown Speaker (00:04:58.920)
the Lionel Sperlinghetti.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:00.759)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:01.759)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:02.759)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:03.759)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:04.759)
I'd like to do punch up on this.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:05.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:06.759)
I tried to order the Lionel Sperlinghetti and meatballs.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:09.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:10.360)
That's a little bit better.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:11.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:12.360)
You got to see if we were in a workshop talking about jokes, you need a tag on there.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:16.579)
That's the meatballs.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:17.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:18.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:19.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:20.579)
Anyway, next live tonight, it's Dr. Toots and the Bachelor Squatch Trio.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:22.699)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:23.699)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:24.699)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:25.699)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:26.699)
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:27.699)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:28.699)
So you are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:29.699)
Oh, so you are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:30.699)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:31.699)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:32.699)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:33.699)
Oh no.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:34.699)
This is a shout out.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:35.699)
Happy Father's Day to Paul Griffiths.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:36.699)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:37.699)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:38.699)
Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:41.139)
Next, NarkArtFunkel.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:43.040)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:44.040)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:45.040)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:46.040)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:47.040)
And we got a couple of technocrats here in the mix.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:48.779)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:49.779)
So first, Dawn Ford, Voice Of Fantasy and Adventure.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:52.939)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:53.939)
You are now a technocrat.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:55.339)
Luke loves Josie and both of us love this podcast. Thank you so much. You are now technocrat.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:00.540)
I'm a policy wonk. I have risen above my enemies. I might quit tomorrow actually.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:06.620)
I'm just going to take a little break down. A little breaky for me.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:12.779)
And then we're going to come back and I'm going to start the show over.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:18.300)
But I'm the devil. I got to be taking over here.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:20.300)
I mean all this. Fuck you. Fuck you. I got plenty of words for you. But at the end of the day,
Unknown Speaker (00:06:27.500)
fuck you and your new world order and fuck the horse you rode in on and all your shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:33.019)
Maybe today should be my last broadcast. Maybe I'll just be gone a month, maybe five years.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:38.540)
Maybe I'll walk out of here tomorrow and you never see me again.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:42.620)
That's really what I want to do. I never want to come back here again.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:46.540)
I apologize to the crew and the listeners yesterday that I was legitimately having
Unknown Speaker (00:06:51.819)
breakdowns on here. I'll be better tomorrow. He's not. Never will be and never was.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:56.699)
Nope. So today, Jordan, I'm sick of Alex's bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:01.819)
Sure. The publicity stunt shit from last week. Just very annoying.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:05.500)
Really bad taste in my mouth. Really drains you.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:08.620)
But simultaneously there's not a lot of other very good outlets to look into.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:14.139)
Uh, Jim Baker, dry well. Dead.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:16.860)
Uh, there's no more Squatch Talk yet on Project Camelot. So I don't know where to go with that.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:23.100)
Can't go back to the forest on that one too many times.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:25.180)
No. And I did check in on a number of episodes from 2003 and I was just boring.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:30.300)
Boringly wasting my time this weekend. Oh no.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:33.420)
Just a woo. And so I realized that there was something that I had been meaning to do for a
Unknown Speaker (00:07:38.620)
while. Oh. And that is go over September 11th, 2001. Oh no. Oh my God. Do you know how funny
Unknown Speaker (00:07:50.060)
that is because of the, the, did you see the picture going around?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:54.540)
No. Apparently ESPN's Yankees Red Sox.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:59.019)
Oh, that picture. Yeah. That picture is so funny.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:02.220)
Ground zero. Those very distasteful. Twin towers of New York and Boston Red Sox.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:08.300)
Yeah. So this is a little bit of weird timing. Amazing.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:11.420)
Um, but here, here's the situation. Like, um, one of the reasons we haven't covered this already was
Unknown Speaker (00:08:17.819)
I didn't have access to the audio initially when we first started this podcast. I didn't know how
Unknown Speaker (00:08:22.939)
to find it. I didn't know where it was. Right.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:24.699)
And so that was a limiting factor. And then as we got further into the podcast, I kind of thought
Unknown Speaker (00:08:30.620)
like, ah, we'll save this. We'll save this for something. And stupidly, I was like, we'll save
Unknown Speaker (00:08:36.299)
it for like, we do it live. I do a live show. Oh no.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:38.860)
And gradually that felt like that's never going to be a good idea. And it just, the can got kicked
Unknown Speaker (00:08:45.659)
down the road. And I don't know, an argument could be made that a professional podcaster
Unknown Speaker (00:08:51.259)
might've done this for like episode 700 as opposed to 704.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:54.860)
I really don't understand. Why, why have we numbered our episodes in the first place? It
Unknown Speaker (00:09:01.100)
was a bad idea. Neither of us remember. It's just a way for people to have shorthand
Unknown Speaker (00:09:05.500)
for like, it was in 205. I don't know. People asked me to do it. So I put numbers.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:10.299)
Well, see, and now you're, you're beholden to the numbers game.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:13.500)
But I'm not exactly clearly, but that's how we are doing September 11th and it's father's day
Unknown Speaker (00:09:20.860)
on a unimportantly numbered episode. Yes. So here, here's the, here's the syllabus.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:28.940)
Alex was on air during the day. Right.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:31.179)
And that's what we're going to be talking about today. Then on Wednesday,
Unknown Speaker (00:09:34.940)
we're going to be covering Alex's evening show. He was back on air from nine to midnight.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:39.820)
Oh boy. That night.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:41.179)
Yeah. And so obviously
Unknown Speaker (00:09:42.779)
there's going to be different amounts of information that he's privy to different
Unknown Speaker (00:09:45.980)
things will have happened. Right.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:47.899)
And so over the course of these next couple episodes, we will experience his immediacy
Unknown Speaker (00:09:53.419)
and he's like, eh, I've got a little time to simmer and we'll see if there's any differences.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:57.419)
We'll see. We'll see how this goes. It's nice to go to the past and him being
Unknown Speaker (00:10:00.860)
correct about Saddam's son still being alive. That's a, you know.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:04.059)
Doesn't come up. Doesn't come up.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:05.340)
Saddam does though in a very weird way. That makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:08.059)
So, uh, one of the other things too, one of the other reasons that it was motivated to,
Unknown Speaker (00:10:11.740)
uh, go forward with this for now is that also we're going to be in Austin. We're going to be,
Unknown Speaker (00:10:18.379)
you know, doing a bit of like present day coverage of Alex and it feels like let's,
Unknown Speaker (00:10:23.259)
let's have some fun while we can. We're going to be doing plenty of present
Unknown Speaker (00:10:27.100)
day Alex for a while. And I worry that a lot of that will not be
Unknown Speaker (00:10:30.620)
a super informative in the way that I kind of like a lot of the, our show to be.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:36.220)
Sure. There's revelatory things when
Unknown Speaker (00:10:38.940)
you go to the past and you experience stuff that's like, wait a second,
Unknown Speaker (00:10:41.899)
what the fuck are you talking about? Right.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:43.659)
And there's not as much of that in the present day.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:46.059)
So we're recapping in the present as opposed to revealing.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:49.419)
And some like, can you believe this? Yeah, I know. Right.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:51.740)
Can you look at this asshole? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:53.580)
Um, and so, uh, get, you know, smoke them while you got them.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:56.860)
Yeah. That's the, uh, the feeling I have. That's how we live.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:00.620)
So here we go. Here is how Alex is starting off the show.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:04.059)
And I will say that this is about exactly what you would expect.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:06.940)
He's recounting the events that have happened up till the point that he gets on air himself.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:12.860)
Well, I've been warning you about it for at least five years.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:15.899)
Wow. All that terrorism that we've looked at
Unknown Speaker (00:11:17.500)
Right at the gate.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:18.620)
Oklahoma City to Waco has been government actions. They need this as a pretext to
Unknown Speaker (00:11:24.539)
bring you and your family martial law. They're either using provocateur Arabs
Unknown Speaker (00:11:30.059)
and allowing them to do it, or this is full complicity, complicity with the federal government.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:36.620)
The evidence is overwhelming to bring you up to speed on what's happened.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:40.779)
At 8 50 a.m. EDT plane hits world trade center.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:44.059)
Nine 20 FBI says at least one plane hijacked.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:47.100)
Nine 30 Eastern second jet crashes into world trade center.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:50.860)
Plane hits Pentagon. Nine 40 federal officials said a U.S. airplane has hit the Pentagon.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:55.179)
The crash comes nearly an hour after two planes hit the World Trade Center building.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:58.539)
All U.S. buildings in Capitol Hill evacuated.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:00.779)
10 13 10 15 World Trade Center South Tower collapses.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:04.460)
10 20 report explosion at Capitol.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:08.379)
10 30 U.S. congressional leaders, top cabinet officials moving to secure facilities.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:12.220)
10 30 anchor.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:14.139)
Another hijacked plane reported 20 minutes south of Washington, D.C.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:18.220)
Second tower north collapses. Hijacked plane crashes south of Pittsburgh,
Unknown Speaker (00:12:21.500)
P.A. Officials investigating at another hijacking with a plane headed towards D.C.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:26.940)
And 10 45 all federal buildings in D.C. have been evacuated.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:31.100)
So and then we're told other planes are in the air. They're finding bombs at schools.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:34.779)
We don't know how many of these reports are accurate.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:36.460)
We know the two planes have crashed into the World Trade Center.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:38.860)
So here we see the way Alex opens up the show on 9 11,
Unknown Speaker (00:12:42.220)
and there's a couple of things that stick out to me in a pretty serious way.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:45.419)
The first has to do with the end of that clip,
Unknown Speaker (00:12:47.019)
where Alex says that we're told there are other planes in the air and they're finding
Unknown Speaker (00:12:50.779)
bombs at schools. But he's clear in this statement at this point.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:54.220)
They had no idea if the things that are coming in are accurate.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:57.179)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:57.580)
There is an understanding that the immediacy of the events creates a fog of uncertainty,
Unknown Speaker (00:13:01.580)
and that's not something that feels the same as how Alex operates today.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:05.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:05.659)
The second thing I found really interesting is that Alex's take on this
Unknown Speaker (00:13:08.539)
is exactly what you'd think it would be.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:11.500)
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:12.059)
Immediately, this is declared a false flag.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:14.299)
It has to be because that's how the globalists are going to bring in martial law.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:18.379)
But that didn't happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:19.820)
There have been a lot of trends that have gotten worse since 9 11 in terms of
Unknown Speaker (00:13:22.779)
surveillance and police militarization, but those things don't constitute martial law.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:27.659)
These are the objectives of this false flag because they're the objectives Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:13:32.220)
always immediately declares to blame his imaginary enemies for every tragic event that occurs.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:37.340)
And this just fits in with that for sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:39.419)
The third thing I want to point out is that Alex has already declared this a false flag.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:44.620)
He knows literally nothing that will eventually appear in his documentaries about 9 11,
Unknown Speaker (00:13:49.259)
all of the real or imagined anomalies that he points to in order to build his case.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:54.379)
This is critical because it really does illustrate how he arrived at his conclusion
Unknown Speaker (00:13:58.700)
long before seeking out evidence, which is not a good process.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:02.940)
I guess what I'm saying is that if Alex knew that this was a false flag
Unknown Speaker (00:14:06.779)
hours before Building 7 even fell, then he shouldn't be able to use Building 7
Unknown Speaker (00:14:11.179)
in his explanation of what makes the argument that this was a false flag.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:15.259)
All of the evidence he should need to present has to be in his head
Unknown Speaker (00:14:18.620)
prior to his determination that this is a false flag,
Unknown Speaker (00:14:21.259)
or else that evidence is no longer really evidence necessarily,
Unknown Speaker (00:14:24.860)
or at least it's suspicious that it could be trivia
Unknown Speaker (00:14:27.419)
that he sought out to justify the conclusion that he wanted to push.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:31.179)
And I think that description is really apt.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:33.580)
If you look at the conspiracy theories that were pushed in films like the
Unknown Speaker (00:14:36.940)
Alex-produced Loose Change, which was also produced by Info Wars employee Jason Burmas,
Unknown Speaker (00:14:41.899)
aka the Info Warrior, you start to get the picture that this was the process
Unknown Speaker (00:14:46.779)
that Alex world was using to deal with information.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:49.899)
That documentary had to be re-released multiple times because things in the film
Unknown Speaker (00:14:53.740)
were debunked to the point that making their inclusion in the documentary embarrassing.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:58.139)
They had to be edited out.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:59.659)
For instance, in various incarnations of the film, Flight 93 was originally shot down,
Unknown Speaker (00:15:04.700)
and then it was diverted to Cleveland's Hopkins Airport,
Unknown Speaker (00:15:07.500)
and then that entire storyline was edited out of the Final Cut version.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:11.500)
It's important to keep this dynamic in our heads
Unknown Speaker (00:15:13.419)
as we experience the way Alex covers the day's tragedy.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:16.379)
He already has a conclusion, and he's trying to find justification for that conclusion,
Unknown Speaker (00:15:21.019)
whether or not that justification means anything or is even real.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:24.779)
Yeah, you had quite a response there though.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:27.179)
I mean, one, have you seen the new edit of his 9-11 movie?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:32.860)
I have not.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:33.419)
It's just him going bah, and that's it.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:35.659)
They've edited out all the embarrassing parts, and that's what was left behind.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:39.580)
All that's left behind is it being like, this is about me.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:42.620)
You see that?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:43.500)
Secretly, this is about me.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:45.980)
Yes, I know that the World Trade Center is literally still on fire,
Unknown Speaker (00:15:49.419)
but have I told you that I told you so?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:51.580)
I mean, that is amazing to me, you know?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:54.220)
It's pretty shitty.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:55.100)
Like, in the present day, you hear him do shit like that for a mass shooting,
Unknown Speaker (00:16:00.220)
and you go, Jesus Christ, that's fucked up, you know?
Unknown Speaker (00:16:03.580)
But you feel like that's with 30 years of being a giant piece of shit under your belt, you know?
Unknown Speaker (00:16:09.100)
To know that right out the gate on 9-11, he's like, boom, called it.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:13.740)
That's his story.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:15.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:16.620)
An insane psychopathic narcissist serial killer level shit is what that is.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:20.860)
I remember 9-11 and being at school when it happened,
Unknown Speaker (00:16:25.100)
and I remember the teachers being very somber.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:29.259)
There was a tone of a lot of respect.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:31.740)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:33.820)
It feels really absent from Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:37.340)
One of the things I compare this to is, if you listen to the episode of Bill Cooper,
Unknown Speaker (00:16:43.259)
After a Tragedy, I think it was the episode after Columbine that you can find,
Unknown Speaker (00:16:50.139)
and he's crying on air about the tragedy and how he feels for these families.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:56.379)
He has kids, you know?
Unknown Speaker (00:16:57.740)
And like, I don't want to deify Bill Cooper.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:00.940)
He's an asshole.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:01.659)
No, absolutely an asshole.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:02.620)
He's a shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:03.100)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:04.059)
On air, he recognized on some way that people are hurting, and it's okay to hurt.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:10.299)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:10.799)
And Alex doesn't have that at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:12.539)
No, he's an absolute psychopath.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:14.619)
Like, there's really no way to describe him other than a complete psycho.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:18.220)
We are, like, an hour and a half after the planes hit the building,
Unknown Speaker (00:17:22.779)
and he's on air being like,
Unknown Speaker (00:17:24.779)
Ladies and gentlemen, the globalists have done it again.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:27.099)
9-11 is...
Unknown Speaker (00:17:28.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:30.059)
That is amazing.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:31.900)
There were high school kids in my leading prayer circles.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:36.140)
Like, it was that kind of shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:37.500)
Like, people who weren't religious were joining them.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:39.819)
Totally, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:40.779)
I walked in the door, and there were people in circles.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:43.819)
Like, all of a sudden, they're praying to all kinds of gods, and you're like,
Unknown Speaker (00:17:47.339)
Whoa! Jesus!
Unknown Speaker (00:17:49.099)
I recall that the school, the high school that I went to, they basically made a thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:57.099)
It was like, if you want to go home, you can.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:59.660)
But if you want to stay at school, all the rest of the classes for the rest of the day
Unknown Speaker (00:18:03.019)
are just basically gonna be, we're just gonna talk.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:04.779)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:05.339)
It was kind of a, let's work through, like, how to process what happened.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:09.900)
And weirdly, I had a psychology class that afternoon.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:14.460)
Listen, we're gonna watch a movie.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:15.740)
Yeah, so that actually kind of dovetailed with dealing with trauma.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:22.220)
I think a lot of that process went fairly well.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:27.579)
This is not that.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:28.619)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:29.339)
This is bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:30.460)
Yeah, that's amazing.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:32.859)
It's really weird to think that I was in this class talking about,
Unknown Speaker (00:18:37.579)
everyone's opening up about their feelings about this.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:39.900)
And some people had family who lived in New York.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:42.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:42.859)
They were talking about their fears about it.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:44.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:45.420)
Not being able to contact folks.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:47.420)
And simultaneously in Austin, Texas, Alex is recording this.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:52.539)
Called it!
Unknown Speaker (00:18:53.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:54.299)
Nailed that one.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:55.180)
Put that one on the board for Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:58.460)
Put one in the yes column.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:00.140)
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:01.339)
So here's Alex talking about who he's got to talk to that day.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:07.099)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:08.140)
This is pandemic.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:10.299)
This is one of the biggest stories of the last century and now into the 21st century.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:17.420)
We're going to have Dave Uncleis and Joyce Riley joining us.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:19.980)
Other Genesis hosts, one of which lives in New York.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:23.500)
But we have an eyewitness coming up after this break if his cell phone holds Jim Wright.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:28.539)
We also have a landline for him, but landlines aren't working too well.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:31.579)
So it's nice to see Alex sort of, you know, recognizing the gravity of the situation.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:37.180)
I suppose.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:37.819)
You know, like because sometimes there'll just be like some weird anti-vex
Unknown Speaker (00:19:41.819)
fake talking point and he'll tell you to stop traffic.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:44.220)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:44.539)
Whereas this is the biggest story of his life.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:46.940)
Right, right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:47.579)
And he's recognizing that like this is the biggest thing in the last century.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:51.099)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:51.740)
So great.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:52.859)
You almost expect him to call Steve and Steve is in New York City just being...
Unknown Speaker (00:19:57.339)
I did it.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:58.059)
Just being like, oh Jesus, Alex, you didn't even ask if I was doing all right.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:02.299)
I was, I wasn't in the building, but I'm next door, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:05.180)
Alex, this isn't going to make sense, but you've got to call Leo Zagami.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:09.259)
He did this.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:10.059)
He's got it.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:12.220)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:12.380)
So that was one of the things that struck me is that Alex's bench for his guests is shallow.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:18.140)
There are no heavy hitters that he can get on the show.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:20.940)
Just other GCN hosts.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:22.940)
And this Jim Wright guy who's a personal friend of his who was there and saw the attack firsthand.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:29.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:29.500)
I think he's married to Alex's sister or something like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:34.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:34.460)
There's a familial connection.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:35.819)
He's just a friend of his.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:36.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:37.339)
I like it.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:37.900)
I know that he doesn't actually meet Steve Pachanik until 2002 and he won't run into
Unknown Speaker (00:20:42.619)
Roger for like another 12 years after this, but it seems strange that he couldn't get
Unknown Speaker (00:20:46.380)
like Steve Quayle or Joel Skousen on.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:49.180)
Some of these old timers who are like real anti-communist weirdos.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:52.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:53.259)
Or even some of the loosely connected to GCN folks that would later be his standby experts
Unknown Speaker (00:20:58.380)
like Webster Tarpley or Stanley Monteith or even Alan Watts.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:02.299)
Not Alan Watts.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:03.099)
No, of course not.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:03.900)
The reality is that this doesn't mean anything, but it's something to note.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:07.420)
They're like none of the good weirdos are around at this point.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:10.059)
It is just whoever else is associated with GCN or is friends with Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:15.660)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:16.140)
Is it that so much or is it possible he tried to get in contact with them and they were
Unknown Speaker (00:21:20.619)
like, do you realize that 9-11 is happening right now?
Unknown Speaker (00:21:24.700)
I didn't cut this clip.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:26.059)
No, they wouldn't because they're psychos too.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:28.859)
I think if people recognize that Alex was a useful place to appear, then I think that
Unknown Speaker (00:21:36.140)
they would probably make time.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:37.420)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:38.059)
I think that Alex isn't a useful place to appear at this point.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:42.140)
He does mention Benton K. Parton, who's a guy who OKC, Oklahoma City conspiracy theorist,
Unknown Speaker (00:21:48.619)
friend of Alex's, and is a former general.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:52.859)
Sure he is.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:53.740)
Head of Air Force Weapons Development.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:55.579)
That sounds true.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:56.299)
Um, and at one point, his producer says that they were trying to call him and they're getting
Unknown Speaker (00:22:02.619)
a busy signal.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:03.819)
And so Alex announces on air, stop trying to call Benton.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:09.180)
We need to get through to them as if he knows that his audience have his phone number, which
Unknown Speaker (00:22:15.259)
he might.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:15.900)
That's entirely possible.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:17.420)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:17.660)
We know that Larry Nichols gave out his number on air.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:20.140)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:20.859)
Now I'm, now I'm in this place where I'm like, is there, is there a heist putting together
Unknown Speaker (00:22:26.940)
a crew moment for Alex where he's like walking into Webster Tarpley's bar one time and just
Unknown Speaker (00:22:33.180)
like looking at him across there and it's like, it's time to get back on the horse,
Unknown Speaker (00:22:36.619)
you know, like that kind of thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:37.579)
If it was a bar, it would be big Jim Tucker.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:39.660)
That's what I was thinking.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:40.460)
I was thinking of big Jim Tucker smoking cigarettes.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:43.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:44.539)
Jim like looks up from a glass of whiskey neat and he's like, I knew you'd come.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:48.940)
It's time for another job, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:22:52.779)
Horses to Bilderberg.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:53.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:54.779)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:55.339)
That's what needs to happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:56.539)
So Alex has some evidence that he points to, to build his case that this is a false flag.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:02.940)
And of course here's the biggest part of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:04.859)
If you go to info, you'll find some interesting evidence there.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:09.420)
The story from back in April out of the Baltimore sun, where the joint chiefs of staff were
Unknown Speaker (00:23:14.059)
caught wanting to blow up civilian airliners, attack the Marines at Guantanamo Bay using
Unknown Speaker (00:23:18.859)
an army company disguised as Cubans bomb Washington, DC.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:25.019)
We have the James Bamford story, best-selling author, former 2020 executive with the CIA
Unknown Speaker (00:23:32.299)
and NSA documents.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:33.740)
The feds wanted to blow up civilian airlines, wanted to bomb Washington, wanted to shoot
Unknown Speaker (00:23:38.700)
people in Miami as a pretext to invade Cuba in 1962.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:43.180)
Uh, that is on info mainstream, but Kennedy said no six months later, his head
Unknown Speaker (00:23:49.900)
was blown off.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:50.940)
We have become a different society in 2001.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:53.819)
So this is operation Northwoods, but he doesn't use the name.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:57.740)
He mentions it multiple times, but I don't know if he knows the name or if he just doesn't
Unknown Speaker (00:24:03.579)
trust that the audience will know the name, uh, and understand what he's talking about.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:08.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:08.220)
That is interesting.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:09.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:09.660)
Has, has that be, I mean, clearly I didn't know about it in 2001.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:15.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:15.819)
It wouldn't surprise me if that particular thing gained more prominence or awareness
Unknown Speaker (00:24:20.779)
in the greater conspiracy theory community in the past 20 years.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:24.299)
No, I would, I would imagine so, but I would also imagine that if you're going to talk
Unknown Speaker (00:24:28.140)
about this and you know a lot about it, you might want to give people a shorthand that
Unknown Speaker (00:24:32.299)
they can use to look into it a little bit easier than I guess I'll try and figure out
Unknown Speaker (00:24:37.180)
what plan JFK turned down in 1962.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:40.619)
If you know the name operation Northwoods, it's a little bit easier to look into it.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:44.380)
That is true.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:45.180)
Um, and I, I don't know if it's negligence or if it's just Alex being obtuse.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:49.740)
Uh, it could be, it could be anything.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:51.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:51.740)
That's, that's entire, entirely possible.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:54.380)
Could just be he's green, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:56.059)
He's not, he's not, he's still young.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:58.140)
He doesn't know everything yet.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:59.900)
He's got years and hours of study to put in.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:02.779)
Well, 15 hours a day for 20 years for 20 years.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:05.740)
That's an insane amount of effort.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:07.740)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:07.980)
Do you know how many beats he could make if he was Kanye?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:10.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:11.900)
A total of 16 beats is the number he could make.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:15.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:16.059)
Um, so, uh, look, I, I think, uh, that Alex, uh, doesn't have great evidence, but here's
Unknown Speaker (00:25:23.180)
a little bit more evidence.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:25.019)
Back in 1993, it was in the New York times, October 28th that the feds trained the bombers,
Unknown Speaker (00:25:30.779)
trained the drivers, took the bomb and allowed that bombing to go forward.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:35.339)
Uh, they got caught because one of the informants recorded the FBI telling him to let the bombing
Unknown Speaker (00:25:39.660)
go forward because he was worried about being framed for it.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:42.700)
What am I saying?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:43.579)
I'm saying who stands to gain from this?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:45.660)
Who has the motive?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:46.779)
Who can bring you martial law and destroy your freedom?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:49.579)
The government, it's not our government.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:51.259)
Stay with us.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:52.779)
So that's not true.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:54.140)
And Alex can't prove any of this stuff about the prior bombing of the World Trade Center.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:58.140)
This all comes from comments made by Ahmad Salem, uh, an informant for the FBI who had
Unknown Speaker (00:26:03.259)
a, uh, you know, he was inside the group that was planning that bombing.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:07.339)
From all concrete information, the FBI was aware that a bombing was being planned, but
Unknown Speaker (00:26:11.019)
they weren't aware of the specific details.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:13.500)
After the bombing, Salem recorded, uh, conversations between himself and the FBI, where he made
Unknown Speaker (00:26:18.619)
claims like that the bomb was cooked with the supervision of quote, the Bureau and the
Unknown Speaker (00:26:23.099)
DA, but that's not something that's been substantiated in any way.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:26.940)
And it was widely investigated and reported in the press at the time.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:29.980)
Hmm. Also, it's important to remember that Salem, uh, committed, uh, admitted to committing
Unknown Speaker (00:26:34.460)
perjury and also just lying a bunch.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:36.619)
For instance, he admitted that quote, when he met his wife, he bragged falsely that he
Unknown Speaker (00:26:40.700)
acted as security for the president of Egypt.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:43.420)
This is from an article from 1995 in the LA Times quote.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:46.779)
He said he began working with the FBI in May, 1991.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:50.940)
During that time, he said he lied to an FBI agent falsely bragging that he knew Libya's
Unknown Speaker (00:26:55.500)
leader, Muammar Gaddafi and Iraq's president Saddam Hussein, as well as the military and
Unknown Speaker (00:27:00.539)
atomic capabilities of other countries.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:03.180)
In addition to that, he lied under oath while serving as a state witness.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:06.859)
So his credibility isn't strong enough to serve as the cornerstone of a conspiracy that
Unknown Speaker (00:27:11.339)
the government did the prior bombing or nine 11.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:14.779)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:15.420)
But this is exactly what Alex wants to believe.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:17.819)
So he will uncritically accept whatever information allows him to justify the conclusion he would
Unknown Speaker (00:27:22.859)
reach with or without evidence.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:24.859)
This is basically his whole game.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:26.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:26.859)
That's what we got.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:28.299)
Yep, yep.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:30.059)
Here's my, here's my feeling.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:31.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:32.460)
If, if you lie to the FBI and they believe you, that's on them.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:38.539)
I feel like that should be the rule for the FBI.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:41.980)
You should be able to, you should know you're the FBI or the CIA.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:45.740)
You shouldn't be able to just lie to the FBI or the CIA and have them go, sounds good to
Unknown Speaker (00:27:50.380)
me, boss, and then get to work.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:52.220)
That's insane.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:52.940)
I think, I think that it's fanciful the way you think.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:56.700)
I hold them to a higher standard of being able to at least look into whether or not
Unknown Speaker (00:28:00.700)
a liar is lying to them.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:02.299)
Well, whether, whether or not who is at fault for a lie.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:06.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:07.180)
I think that it is indicative of your credibility if you lie.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:11.579)
I agree.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:12.380)
So that's more my point.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:13.819)
This is, this is a side point.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:15.339)
This is a side point.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:16.059)
You sound like a BTK killer, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:19.180)
I sound like the BTK killer?
Unknown Speaker (00:28:21.019)
Cause you know, he only got caught because he sent a disc to the police.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:27.099)
And part of the conditions of him sending this floppy disc to the police was that they
Unknown Speaker (00:28:31.420)
had to promise not to trace it.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:34.220)
So they did.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:35.180)
Absolutely not.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:36.299)
I'm not saying it's not a crime.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:37.900)
I'm just saying that the FBI should take responsibility for their own fuckups.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:42.539)
They shouldn't be like, Oh, I'm mad at this guy.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:44.619)
I'm sure that guy committed a perjury and all that stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:47.099)
You have some weird feelings about state honesty.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:48.700)
It's about fairness.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:50.299)
It is about a fair world and justice, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:53.339)
You just think that people shouldn't be able to be punished for successfully lying.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:57.660)
I kind of do feel a bit like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:00.059)
But if you successfully lie to the FBI, then you won't get in trouble anyway because you
Unknown Speaker (00:29:05.259)
will have successfully lied to them.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:06.460)
You only lie if they catch you in the lie.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:08.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:09.099)
But if they catch you later, it's on them.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:12.140)
Well, I'm sure there's a statute of limitations.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:13.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:14.299)
I feel like that's important.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:16.299)
You should be able to get away with it after six months.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:18.619)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:18.859)
I'm glad we had this policy session.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:20.380)
This is a really good one.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:21.500)
So Alex has a number that he's going to put on the percent chance this was a false flag.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:26.380)
And again, this is immediately.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:27.980)
Five percent.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:28.619)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:28.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:29.660)
We were able to get Jim via his cell phone there on the scene amongst all of the carnage.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:34.940)
We should be praying for the dead and dying.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:37.019)
Yeah, you sound sincere.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:37.819)
And praying for this country.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:39.500)
God heal this land, this modern Babylon that would create something like this.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:44.700)
I'll tell you the bottom line.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:45.980)
Ninety eight percent chance this was a government orchestrated
Unknown Speaker (00:29:49.900)
control bombing.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:51.099)
I've been telling you this was going to happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:53.180)
Ninety eight percent chance.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:55.180)
That is high.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:56.859)
And pretty boilerplate for him.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:59.660)
It's, you know, there's a thing I'm going to discuss a little bit later,
Unknown Speaker (00:30:03.099)
but you can already see the kernels of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:04.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:05.339)
Feels like a little bit of autopilot here on 9-11.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:09.099)
I mean, other than like, I feel like he's excited, you know, he's like, oh shit, 9-11,
Unknown Speaker (00:30:15.500)
this is a big deal.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:16.299)
His ratings are way up.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:17.579)
He mentions it a couple of times, like he has triple the amount of audience that he normally
Unknown Speaker (00:30:21.339)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:21.660)
Yeah, this is a very early example of the tragedy is good for business kind of situation here.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:27.980)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:28.619)
Even if it's fucking 9-11.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:31.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:31.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:32.779)
It's cynical, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:34.460)
It's really bleak to look into this image of...
Unknown Speaker (00:30:38.460)
Yeah, and it doesn't get better either.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:40.539)
I'll say that.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:41.259)
I believe that too.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:42.619)
It is, it is always interesting to me whenever he's adding like this modern day Babylon where,
Unknown Speaker (00:30:49.900)
like he's saying we have it coming too.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:52.619)
You know, he's saying at the same time that the government did it to us and we're innocent.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:59.339)
And at the same time, if we hadn't created such a shitty society, then the government
Unknown Speaker (00:31:03.259)
wouldn't have done it to us.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:04.059)
You understand that that sort of push and pull exists in the present day too.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:07.740)
Like God maybe should destroy us.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:09.660)
Yeah, well, maybe we deserve the devil to take over because we have abortions.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:13.420)
Well, that is true.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:14.539)
We do have abortions and the devil should take over.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:16.619)
That tension I think animates a lot of the extreme Christian right.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:20.859)
This like notion that we deserve this punishment that's coming.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:26.140)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:27.180)
The punishment is almost like a holy process.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:31.980)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:33.500)
And the unspoken part of that is everybody else deserves that punishment and not us.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:37.660)
Right, we are the few devout who will be the remnants that survive this holy punishment
Unknown Speaker (00:31:44.779)
and then the earth will be ours.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:46.220)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:47.180)
Hold on to those thoughts because this may play a role later,
Unknown Speaker (00:31:51.420)
much more explicitly than the feelings you're already getting.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:54.380)
So, look, Alex had some other stories in addition to stories that he covered about the coming
Unknown Speaker (00:32:02.700)
of 9-11.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:03.660)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:03.819)
I also just realized I should probably stop saying look.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:06.220)
I feel like I say that after like before every clip.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:10.059)
You do point at me as well.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:12.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:13.900)
There is an aggression.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:15.579)
I'm getting a little self-conscious about that out of nowhere.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:18.619)
But Alex has some other stories that he was covering that he feels are possibly prophetic.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:24.380)
Every day I read news stories where they were telling you that we were going to be hit by
Unknown Speaker (00:32:29.180)
terrorists, that it was going to happen anytime, give up your rights.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:32.700)
They've been telling us we're going to get hit by anthrax, we're going to get hit by
Unknown Speaker (00:32:35.819)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:37.740)
The AP reported on a secret meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:41.180)
The heads of the media with fake newscasts they produced back in June where they predicted
Unknown Speaker (00:32:47.579)
one to four million dead from anthrax.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:50.220)
Martial law was the term used.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:52.859)
I'm not saying this is going to happen, but they've been preparing for it and they have
Unknown Speaker (00:32:57.339)
been saying it's going to happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:59.660)
It's a little interesting to note that Alex was in a decent ballpark here in terms of
Unknown Speaker (00:33:03.420)
talking about smallpox and anthrax.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:05.660)
I don't necessarily give him credit for predicting anything, but it was a topic that would become
Unknown Speaker (00:33:09.900)
much more relevant in the days after 9-11.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:12.700)
It's not surprising though.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:14.539)
After a giant terrorist attack, you would be concerned about another attack happening
Unknown Speaker (00:33:18.619)
and a biological agent would be a really devastating second hit.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:22.299)
So if you're the government, you'd want to be safe about that.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:25.579)
Thus, after 9-11, there was heightened discussion about these agents since they are pretty common,
Unknown Speaker (00:33:30.940)
accessible, and dangerous ones that you'd be worried about terrorists getting a hold
Unknown Speaker (00:33:34.940)
of and using.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:36.299)
As for why Alex was talking a bunch about these things before 9-11, I have a few theories.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:42.140)
The first is that in 1998, the military made anthrax vaccination mandatory, which came
Unknown Speaker (00:33:47.579)
to a head in 2000 with a very high-profile case of Major Sonny Bates, who refused to
Unknown Speaker (00:33:53.579)
take the vaccine and was ultimately discharged from the service.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:57.500)
After this, Bates embarked on a long journey of trying to sue folks about the vaccination
Unknown Speaker (00:34:01.660)
mandate, and if you consult some of the contemporary material, it really reads a lot like the talking
Unknown Speaker (00:34:07.339)
points about the COVID vaccines today.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:09.900)
For instance, here's a bit from the Washington Post article about Sonny's lawsuit against
Unknown Speaker (00:34:13.900)
the FDA from May 2001.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:17.500)
The suit seeks a court order that would require the FDA to treat the vaccine as an experimental
Unknown Speaker (00:34:22.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:34:23.019)
Such a ruling would mean the military could no longer administer it without informed consent.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:28.219)
To be clear, enlisted persons still have the right to inform consent.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:31.099)
There just might also be policies in place where refusal to accept something will violate
Unknown Speaker (00:34:34.780)
the terms of their employment.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:37.019)
They're not killed.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:38.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:34:40.300)
They don't sneak up on them and inject them with a smallpox vaccination from behind.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:44.860)
It's not like you get dosed.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:45.980)
And it's not even like, oh, you're going to spend the next 20 years in the brig.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:49.900)
It's just like, oh, I mean, yeah, we get it.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:52.619)
And if that's what you want to do, that's dumb.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:54.619)
But I mean, you're just fired.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:56.219)
Go get a job.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:57.099)
That's fine.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:57.739)
Why would we not want all of our soldiers to be immune to a possible weapon?
Unknown Speaker (00:35:02.780)
No, because what if the end.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:06.699)
So this is going on and like you hear that same thing, like the emergency experimental
Unknown Speaker (00:35:12.539)
drug kind of language is mirrored and echoed entirely 20 years later.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:18.380)
This is essentially right in Alex's wheelhouse, this story.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:21.260)
So I would guess that the odds are very good that he was following this entire situation
Unknown Speaker (00:35:25.420)
and creating exaggerated narratives out of it, which would make anthrax a really hot topic
Unknown Speaker (00:35:30.300)
on his show and the anthrax vaccine, how they want to force it on you.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:34.780)
And honestly, maybe it wouldn't have been relevant to most people until after 9-11,
Unknown Speaker (00:35:38.860)
which gives the appearance of Alex talking about this a whole lot.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:42.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:42.639)
You can repackage that.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:43.820)
Because he was in a niche area of focus, for instance, the military and vaccinations,
Unknown Speaker (00:35:51.739)
he will have that kind of information that other people just wouldn't be aware of at the time.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:55.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:56.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:56.900)
And so for the meeting of the media and the joint chiefs, this took a little while to
Unknown Speaker (00:36:01.340)
sort out what I think is going on, but I'm pretty confident about this.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:04.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:04.880)
And that is on June 22nd and 23rd, 2001, Johns Hopkins held a tabletop exercise where they
Unknown Speaker (00:36:11.579)
simulated a biological terrorist attack that used smallpox as the agent in the fictional scenario.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:17.260)
This fits a lot of the details that Alex was talking about and some of the participants
Unknown Speaker (00:36:20.699)
in the exercise included members of the press, like Judith Miller from the New York Times
Unknown Speaker (00:36:24.940)
and Mary Walsh from CBS News.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:27.099)
It also included people who had policy experience taking on the roles of people in important
Unknown Speaker (00:36:31.420)
government positions.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:32.860)
For instance, David Gergen played the national security advisor in the scenario, although
Unknown Speaker (00:36:37.179)
he was not the national security advisor, and General John Tellely stood in as the chairman
Unknown Speaker (00:36:43.099)
of the joint chiefs in the scenario.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:45.260)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:45.760)
An unfortunately high percentage of Alex's narratives about reality come from selected
Unknown Speaker (00:36:50.219)
from selectively misrepresenting things that people do in scenario exercises.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:54.219)
So I'm going to bet that this is where he's pulling that stuff from.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:56.539)
Yeah, that's lock steppy enough for me.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:59.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:59.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:00.099)
And other examples.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:01.099)
Yeah, I mean, yeah, untold.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:03.260)
My point is that at first glance, it feels almost impressive that Alex is bringing up
Unknown Speaker (00:37:07.260)
how he's been talking about smallpox and anthrax prior to 9-11, knowing what we know, that
Unknown Speaker (00:37:12.380)
these will become hot topics of conversation in the coming days.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:15.340)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:15.840)
But it's not really when you take a moment to ask yourself if there's a reason why he
Unknown Speaker (00:37:19.739)
would be talking about these subjects at the time.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:23.179)
Almost always, you'll end up disappointing yourself when you realize that he's basically
Unknown Speaker (00:37:26.739)
been doing the same weak bullshit for over 20 years.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:29.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:30.079)
This is really kind of deflating.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:31.980)
Yeah, man, it is, it is like, it is like just seeing, you know, and it's just a giant mass
Unknown Speaker (00:37:40.579)
shooting to him.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:41.579)
It's just a bigger mass shooting with property damage.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:44.380)
Like he doesn't have any emotion towards this beyond-
Unknown Speaker (00:37:47.619)
It feels very emotionless, and that's weird to hear from me, someone who is a little bit
Unknown Speaker (00:37:53.179)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:54.179)
Oh, you calm down.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:55.579)
You've got a deep inner turmoil.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:56.860)
I can't calm down because I am not agitated.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:59.420)
You don't have feelings, I understand.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:02.380)
So I'm going to give a tiny warning before this next clip, because there's some discussion
Unknown Speaker (00:38:06.139)
of, you know, some of the bodies and carnage.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:10.980)
And he does that so graphically, I assume.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:12.940)
He doesn't really, he's getting the report from Jim, his buddy, who was there.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:18.980)
And there's only one reason that I really want to play this clip.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:23.500)
And it's to give one example, this happens a couple times throughout the show, Alex seems
Unknown Speaker (00:38:28.300)
to have a bizarre preoccupation with details about the people who jumped.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:33.940)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:35.000)
And I find that super distasteful.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:37.780)
He seems to really want to glom onto that detail as like, well, I mean, obviously it's
Unknown Speaker (00:38:43.460)
an evocative image and it's terrifying.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:45.940)
And it's straight out of a movie.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:47.619)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:48.619)
And so here is that.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:50.699)
Skip ahead if you don't want to hear sort of recounting of details.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:54.579)
Jim, tell us where you work, what you saw, and basically run down for this audience exactly
Unknown Speaker (00:38:59.920)
what developed this morning at 8.50 AM when the first plane slapped in, slammed into the
Unknown Speaker (00:39:06.920)
South World Trade Center.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:08.380)
Go ahead, sir.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:09.380)
Sure, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:10.380)
I'm in the World Finance, or I was at that time in the World Finance Center directly
Unknown Speaker (00:39:13.699)
across the street from the World Trade Center between the World Trade Center and the Hudson
Unknown Speaker (00:39:17.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:18.500)
We heard a shock of, you know, ten till nine or so, actually saw walls vibrating in some
Unknown Speaker (00:39:27.820)
of the neighboring buildings, heard a noise that sounded like cherry bombs followed by
Unknown Speaker (00:39:33.500)
almost like a dump truck, dumping gravel sound.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:37.980)
Without one side of our building where I thought proper noise came from on the river side,
Unknown Speaker (00:39:43.460)
that wasn't it.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:44.460)
We went back to the front and at that point there were a number of people lined up on
Unknown Speaker (00:39:48.780)
the 15th floor watching One World Trade Center burn.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:54.139)
It was burning from about the hundredth floor up.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:57.380)
While we were watching it, you could actually see bodies coming out of the windows, some
Unknown Speaker (00:40:03.380)
were obviously dead, others were flailing as they came down.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:07.900)
Were they on fire?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:08.900)
Just smoke.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:09.900)
Just smoke.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:10.900)
That's a little gruesome.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:11.900)
He's getting the details.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:12.900)
Yeah, anyway.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:13.900)
So that's not too bad, and that's kind of why I don't necessarily think that there's
Unknown Speaker (00:40:25.099)
anything too, like, horribly graphic, but there is a preoccupation that you can track,
Unknown Speaker (00:40:30.500)
and I felt like it was worth mentioning, and that's his response to it, is hearing
Unknown Speaker (00:40:36.460)
about people falling or jumping, and he asks, are they on fire?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:40.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:41.500)
Tell me more gruesome details.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:42.619)
That's so weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:44.019)
It's like he's trying to get a faces of death story told to him, just like, oh man,
Unknown Speaker (00:40:50.659)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:51.659)
What else was going on?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:52.659)
Oh, was there a foot flying too?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:54.659)
Like, oh, that's so gross, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:56.340)
It really raises the question of, what more information do you gain by finding out if
Unknown Speaker (00:41:00.559)
they were on fire or not?
Unknown Speaker (00:41:01.900)
Oh, I mean, well, you get to find out if they were on fire.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:05.519)
I don't know how it changes the situation.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:09.179)
It's very weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:10.179)
The journalistic impulse is strange, because it feels kind of exploitative and gross.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:15.539)
It is.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:16.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:17.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:18.539)
And I thought it would be exploitative and gross if I played the number of instances
Unknown Speaker (00:41:21.059)
that he asks for, like, talks about people falling.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:24.820)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:25.820)
So, um, this guy, it turns out, is not only Alex's friend, uh oh, he also went to college.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:32.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:33.460)
I mean, Alex, I used to be a structural engineer and I've watched buildings implode.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:37.460)
It was the most perfect implosion I've ever seen in my life.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:41.739)
It came straight down in one monolithic piece.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:45.260)
Now you were a structural engineer, how could fire in the upper floors, you say one plane
Unknown Speaker (00:41:50.300)
hit about the hundredth floor, the other hitting about the seventy-fifth floor, how does that
Unknown Speaker (00:41:54.380)
cause a building to completely collapse?
Unknown Speaker (00:41:56.780)
I don't believe it does, Alex, I mean, looking at the way the building came down, it looked
Unknown Speaker (00:42:02.420)
like there was charges up around the 70th, but I just gotta believe there was also charges
Unknown Speaker (00:42:07.739)
at the base of the building.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:09.579)
He's just guessing this?
Unknown Speaker (00:42:11.840)
Straight up.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:12.840)
He is a guy who is only on this show because he's a friend of Alex's, and he is not a professional
Unknown Speaker (00:42:19.340)
structural engineer, he just took some classes.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:22.500)
He turned down CNN as an expert for them so he could go on Alex's show.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:26.260)
I think everybody...
Unknown Speaker (00:42:27.260)
They gotta prioritize.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:28.260)
Yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:29.260)
Or you just gotta do a favor for your brother.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:30.500)
Well, yeah, they're best friends.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:31.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:32.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:33.940)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:34.940)
Took a few courses in structural engineering and he's like, well, they clearly put charges.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:37.780)
I'm even gonna say he may have had a degree.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:41.059)
He said he studied at the master's level, which to me is always a little suspicious
Unknown Speaker (00:42:45.659)
because that means you don't have a master's degree.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:48.340)
I don't know what that means, but I'll give him maybe an undergraduate degree in some
Unknown Speaker (00:42:52.059)
kind of engineering and that means he knows some things.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:54.460)
I'm not saying he doesn't.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:55.460)
I'm not necessarily going to take Alex's friend who maybe studied engineering as like, oh,
Unknown Speaker (00:43:03.619)
well there must have been bombs then.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:05.420)
I'm not gonna...
Unknown Speaker (00:43:06.420)
I'm gonna throw this out at you.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:08.619)
Anybody who within the span of under four hours can suddenly decide that they place
Unknown Speaker (00:43:13.659)
charges around the bottom of the World Trade Center without anybody noticing, well, that
Unknown Speaker (00:43:18.980)
is somebody I don't trust.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:20.260)
Well, I think you could talk to somebody and they could say it was surreal watching them
Unknown Speaker (00:43:25.300)
go down.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:26.300)
It was like they had bombs or something because, you know, trying to deal with what you have
Unknown Speaker (00:43:31.079)
experienced and what you've seen.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:32.780)
What's the closest corollary I can think of to try and process the image?
Unknown Speaker (00:43:36.059)
It's like it was a controlled demolition.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:38.420)
That makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:39.420)
But to do that on Alex's show while flouting a credential of I'm a structural engineer.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:44.539)
Different idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:45.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:46.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:47.539)
That's not me and some dude in a bar going like, oh, that is interesting.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:50.239)
That's because I remember.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:51.239)
I saw one of those on TV.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:52.820)
It's a little irresponsible.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:54.420)
Unknown Speaker (00:43:55.420)
So Alex is like, fuck yes.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:57.380)
Yeah, of course Alex is like, fuck yes.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:00.420)
This is government.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:01.659)
What you have just told us, sir, I saw those buildings collapse.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:05.300)
You were right there.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:06.300)
I was watching it on the news.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:08.019)
They wanted massive death.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:10.019)
So you're saying as a structural engineer, you are witnessing this.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:15.000)
It is collapsing.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:16.699)
And then both the structures only placed charges are so precise.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:21.179)
Is that what you're saying?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:22.179)
That's what it appeared to be, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:24.780)
So yeah, Alex has taken this and he is now a professional structural engineer.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:30.579)
We're going with this, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:31.579)
This is government.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:32.579)
This is a 98% now, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:34.019)
This is one hundo.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:36.420)
I despise whenever you get asked a yes or no question and you answer with something
Unknown Speaker (00:44:40.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:41.980)
Well, you kind of have to.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:42.980)
That's what it appeared to be.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:43.980)
What are you talking about?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:45.019)
You know, of course it didn't.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:46.579)
What are you doing?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:47.940)
I think it's a weird thing on Alex's show because you know that no matter what you say,
Unknown Speaker (00:44:52.099)
he's going to make it equivocal, like unequivocal.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:53.820)
He's going to say like, this is not only that, this guy is one of the most prestigious structural
Unknown Speaker (00:44:59.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:00.940)
I studied at the master's level because I was picked out of college by the greatest
Unknown Speaker (00:45:08.219)
structural engineers in the world and taught secrets of structural engineering that no
Unknown Speaker (00:45:12.900)
one has ever heard before.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:14.460)
I am secretly Frank Lloyd Wright.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:16.699)
I am the reincarnated ghost of Frank Lloyd Wright.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:21.500)
So Alex is just pushing this pretty hard, pushing that.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:24.900)
He's got an angle and he's going with it.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:26.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:27.900)
Do you see how the government could stand to gain to bring us a police state from this
Unknown Speaker (00:45:31.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:32.059)
Alex, I'm not even going to go there.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:33.940)
I have no opinion on that or I just, you know, I'll just tell you the facts I see.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:39.340)
I'm not going to speculate who did this or anything like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:43.940)
It's way beyond my knowledge base.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:45.699)
Certainly you heard him on Hitler burning the Reichstag as a pretext to declare martial
Unknown Speaker (00:45:50.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:51.300)
I agree.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:52.300)
Hitler burning the Reichstag as a pretext to declare martial law?
Unknown Speaker (00:45:55.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:56.380)
Well, I've been predicting this for five years.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:59.500)
I'm just so glad that you're alive.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:01.480)
Have you had a chance to talk to your wife?
Unknown Speaker (00:46:02.980)
Yeah, I have Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:04.260)
A little jarring turn.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:05.739)
I'm so glad you're alive.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:07.940)
Said with no gladness in his voice whatsoever.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:11.099)
So this is approximately 15 minutes into the show and it's still chaos in New York at this
Unknown Speaker (00:46:16.559)
point in the day.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:17.940)
It's honestly hard to express exactly how distasteful it is to hear Alex covering the
Unknown Speaker (00:46:21.780)
story this way, knowing what people were living through.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:24.739)
I understand that he pretends that he acts the way he does because it's part of him fighting
Unknown Speaker (00:46:29.019)
a larger evil entity that's pulling the strings behind all world events, but coming on air
Unknown Speaker (00:46:33.860)
at like 11, 15 on 9 11 and rambling about the Reichstag fire and trying to get your
Unknown Speaker (00:46:39.119)
guest who's just a friend of yours who worked in a building near the World Trade Center
Unknown Speaker (00:46:43.420)
to agree with you that the government probably did this is a bit disrespectful.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:48.340)
For quite a while after 9 11, people would respond to any joke about the event by saying
Unknown Speaker (00:46:52.619)
too soon and intelligent people can disagree about what is and is not too soon to joke
Unknown Speaker (00:46:57.300)
about a tragedy.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:58.300)
The aristocrats.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:59.420)
What Alex is doing is too soon.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:01.099)
Yes, that is.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:02.099)
This is.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:03.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:04.099)
Categorically, undeniably too soon.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:05.300)
There's no soon for this.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:07.420)
There are jokes that are too soon, but this is not.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:10.300)
This is not a never soon or late.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:13.380)
This is just don't do this ever.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:14.980)
I would advise someone not to do this, but especially right on that.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:18.340)
I mean, even.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:19.340)
But that's the thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:20.340)
You know, I was trying to put it in my head, like maybe if you do subscribe to this world
Unknown Speaker (00:47:24.059)
view, this doesn't have the view of a trap.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:26.460)
No, even if it's a false flag, that's the building still fell.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:30.420)
People are still dead.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:31.420)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:32.420)
Feel something.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:33.420)
Knowing what we know now, we know what the number of deaths was, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:47:37.099)
And I will say that Alex believes it to be much higher than it ends up being.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:43.380)
And I think a lot of people, myself included, I thought there's no way that possibly couldn't
Unknown Speaker (00:47:47.579)
have killed tens of thousands of people.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:49.639)
You would have had to assume so.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:51.239)
And so for Alex to, in his head, believe this to be much more deadly than it was and still
Unknown Speaker (00:48:01.659)
be acting this way is an indication that like, okay, if you're arguing that his conspiracy
Unknown Speaker (00:48:07.820)
worldview doesn't make him see this as a tragedy, then that's macabre and dark.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:13.980)
I don't even know what to think about what that kind of worldview would do to your ability
Unknown Speaker (00:48:18.119)
to empathize with people.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:19.340)
I really don't.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:20.699)
And then imagine if you have that worldview and you assume that there were tens of thousands
Unknown Speaker (00:48:25.699)
of dead, and then somebody is like, no, the real number is actually much lower.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:31.179)
It's just, I bet he felt disappointed.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:34.539)
I wouldn't want to speculate.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:36.260)
I'm telling you, that's so dark.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:38.500)
I think the only way you can go about it, I guess, is to just be like, fuck, it's awful
Unknown Speaker (00:48:46.659)
that these people died, but I have to transmute that into anger at the globalists because
Unknown Speaker (00:48:51.699)
they did this.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:53.139)
You know, that's the only way you could do it.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:54.619)
And I don't even really feel that.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:56.139)
No, I don't feel like there's an increased anger that is being sublimated from the pain
Unknown Speaker (00:49:03.980)
or anything.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:04.980)
It's agitation.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:05.980)
It's excitement.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:06.980)
He's buzzing.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:07.980)
A little.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:08.980)
He's a little bit buzzing.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:09.980)
There's a little bit of...
Unknown Speaker (00:49:10.980)
I got a lot of eyes on me.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:12.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:13.980)
The audience is higher.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:14.980)
I told you so.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:15.980)
I've been vindicated.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:16.980)
Love is a good, I told you so.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:18.619)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:19.619)
It doesn't feel right.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:20.619)
No, it feels very fucked up.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:22.460)
So this doesn't feel right either.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:23.739)
Looking at the amount of time between the time the planes hit and the time that these
Unknown Speaker (00:49:29.619)
buildings were imploded, however that was brought about, in one hand, it was almost
Unknown Speaker (00:49:36.539)
like they were giving people time, what people could be evacuated, civilians, to be evacuated,
Unknown Speaker (00:49:42.699)
but it seemed like it was about 45 minutes, which also seems like...
Unknown Speaker (00:49:46.260)
It was almost like they were giving them time to evacuate.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:50.940)
Again, degreed in the structural engineer area, you're saying it's the most beautiful
Unknown Speaker (00:49:57.780)
implosion you've ever seen, and of some of the biggest buildings in the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:02.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:03.059)
What is that voice?
Unknown Speaker (00:50:04.059)
The tone is just bizarre.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:06.780)
What the fuck?
Unknown Speaker (00:50:09.219)
And then also you notice he's trying to build up those credentials.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:11.699)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:12.699)
He's trying to really stress the credentials, because now this has gone from a firsthand
Unknown Speaker (00:50:17.159)
account from a friend of his into a source.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:21.039)
This is now something he's going to try and rely on as like, the day off, structural engineer
Unknown Speaker (00:50:25.920)
said that there were bombs in the building, and it's, no they didn't, it's your friend
Unknown Speaker (00:50:29.900)
talking shit, saying things a little bit loose.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:33.019)
Oh, totally.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:34.099)
And I think that that part of the mythology is something that you hear, echoed in his
Unknown Speaker (00:50:40.219)
show in later years.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:41.579)
Yeah, and it is such a, well all of his friends kind of know this, drop something that makes
Unknown Speaker (00:50:49.940)
you a little bit more than just a regular layperson in there, and Alex will immediately
Unknown Speaker (00:50:55.460)
run with it beyond reason.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:58.699)
You'd hope that if you were his friend, you'd know that.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:03.139)
Maybe you'd hope that you'd be a little careful.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:05.199)
You would think.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:06.199)
But apparently you don't.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:07.199)
Maybe subconsciously they want to make him happy.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:09.659)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:10.659)
But we have some early misreporting here.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:13.059)
Alright ladies and gentlemen, the two aircraft slammed into both the World Trade Center towers,
Unknown Speaker (00:51:18.380)
they have collapsed, a lot of deaths there on the ground, we should be praying for everyone.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:23.099)
We have another plane smashing into the Pentagon, part of the structure has caved in, is being
Unknown Speaker (00:51:28.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:29.460)
Another one slammed into the Pittsburgh, PA airport, right outside town, the international
Unknown Speaker (00:51:34.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:35.139)
Sorry, what?
Unknown Speaker (00:51:36.139)
This just in, US, Canada, Mexico borders have been sealed.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:40.380)
That is martial law, ladies and gentlemen.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:42.340)
You can see here some preliminary reports that Alex is airing that are not correct,
Unknown Speaker (00:51:46.500)
and in some ways this is stuff that's expected, and you can give him some leeway on some of
Unknown Speaker (00:51:50.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:51.900)
However, the tone he's using is completely different than at the beginning of the show,
Unknown Speaker (00:51:55.579)
where he said that there are reports of bombs in schools, but that may not be true.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:59.500)
Now things have a much more factual delivery from Alex, but what he's saying is the same
Unknown Speaker (00:52:04.320)
unreliable fog of immediacy stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:07.539)
The plane in Pennsylvania didn't hit the airport, and I don't know if that was something
Unknown Speaker (00:52:11.739)
that was even widely reported in error, but I could see some kind of miscommunication
Unknown Speaker (00:52:15.780)
happening here, so I'm not going to be a huge dick about it.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:18.820)
The other piece of information is a bigger problem.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:21.860)
The US, Canada, and US, Mexico borders were not closed in response to 9-11.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:27.099)
Security was tightened as one would expect, but the fact that Alex is reporting that the
Unknown Speaker (00:52:30.820)
borders are just sealed is definitely not correct.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:34.559)
This again would be something I wouldn't be a huge dick about, because I think that it
Unknown Speaker (00:52:38.340)
also seems like the kind of information you could hear and it makes sense on a day like
Unknown Speaker (00:52:42.699)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:43.699)
It's also understandable as an error, some sort of a miscommunication, they could say
Unknown Speaker (00:52:46.860)
they're clamping down on security and you should misinterpret it or whatever.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:50.980)
But then Alex says that next sentence.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:53.739)
That's martial law, ladies and gentlemen.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:56.380)
Sealing the borders is not martial law.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:58.699)
You may think that a state that's in martial law would seal their borders, but it's not
Unknown Speaker (00:53:03.179)
a defining characteristic of martial law at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:06.019)
Why would you seal your borders?
Unknown Speaker (00:53:07.460)
That doesn't make sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:08.460)
I mean, not let anyone in or out?
Unknown Speaker (00:53:11.059)
Sure, but that doesn't make sense in the long term.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:13.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:14.940)
Martial law is something that needs to be invoked, and it involves the military taking
Unknown Speaker (00:53:18.460)
over governing and law enforcement operations, which traditionally are held by civilians.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:23.519)
For instance, in 1954, Russell County in Alabama had been consumed by organized crime to the
Unknown Speaker (00:53:29.059)
point where government corruption had made the existing political and law enforcement
Unknown Speaker (00:53:33.300)
apparatus essentially a rogue entity, culminating with the deputy sheriff assassinating a candidate
Unknown Speaker (00:53:38.780)
for district attorney who was seen as a threat to the racket.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:42.119)
So the governor declared a limited martial law where the National Guard came in, took
Unknown Speaker (00:53:45.900)
control, and cleaned things up.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:47.860)
There are obviously more messy incarnations of martial law, but the principle is the same.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:52.820)
Martial law requires that the civilian authorities are temporarily replaced by military authorities
Unknown Speaker (00:53:58.340)
and sealing the border does not qualify as that at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:01.659)
This is a big deal, because I really don't think Alex understands the concept of martial
Unknown Speaker (00:54:06.119)
law at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:07.539)
I think he just uses it as a scary buzzword to evoke negative feelings in the listeners,
Unknown Speaker (00:54:12.179)
but it often doesn't seem relevant to the things he's discussing at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:15.639)
Martial law is supposed to be his big thing, like his main topic of expertise, and I don't
Unknown Speaker (00:54:19.019)
think he even understands it on a basic level.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:22.139)
I mean, really, he wants to just say, like, totalitarianism, you know?
Unknown Speaker (00:54:27.739)
Uh, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:28.739)
But he can't quite say that.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:29.739)
It has to be martial law.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:30.739)
No, he just wants to say he's a scary cop.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:33.219)
I mean, yeah, but it's like he still expects, you know, he thinks that Biden could be president
Unknown Speaker (00:54:40.019)
during martial law, you know, like he, you know, like all of those things don't match
Unknown Speaker (00:54:45.099)
up with how martial law works.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:48.940)
Biden could appoint himself general.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:50.539)
Well, he's the head of the armed services.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:52.739)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:53.739)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:54.739)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:55.739)
I mean, I understand the technicalities there, but I mean, you know what I mean here.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:59.579)
He just means that there's complete and total control over what you can and cannot do.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:03.739)
Not that the military is going to run things slightly differently.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:06.900)
No, I think, I agree.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:08.420)
I agree, but I think more specifically, I think it's just a catch-all word for, like,
Unknown Speaker (00:55:14.500)
when cops are doing things that make me uncomfortable.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:17.300)
Well, yeah, that makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:18.300)
Like, they wear black masks.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:19.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:20.300)
This is martial law.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:21.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:22.300)
They yell at you.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:23.300)
This is martial law.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:24.300)
Martial law!
Unknown Speaker (00:55:25.300)
They give you their names and bad, like, these are things that cops do that are inappropriate
Unknown Speaker (00:55:29.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:30.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:31.380)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:32.380)
But it's not martial law.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:33.380)
Not quite.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:34.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:35.380)
In fact, the opposite.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:36.380)
You could argue that some things could be, in hindsight, should it ever get to that point,
Unknown Speaker (00:55:39.980)
steps towards martial law.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:41.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:42.980)
You could argue that.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:43.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:44.980)
But you don't know at this point necessarily if that's the ultimate conclusion.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:50.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:51.059)
Anyway, I don't think he understands the word at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:52.500)
I agree.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:53.500)
Jim has another little piece of information that I find fascinating.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:59.380)
Right now I can tell you a third building that's across the street from the old towers,
Unknown Speaker (00:56:03.579)
it's also in the World Trade Complex, is on fire.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:07.300)
I can, it's about a 50-, 60-story building.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:10.619)
I can see fire through the windows on about, well, about halfway up the building around
Unknown Speaker (00:56:15.179)
the 30th floor.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:17.179)
The whole side of the building's smoking on the side of the wall.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:19.420)
So we now have a 50- to 60-story building on fire as well.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:22.420)
Do you know the name of that building?
Unknown Speaker (00:56:23.659)
Uh, I, it's one of the World Trade Center buildings, it's probably like 5 or World Trade
Unknown Speaker (00:56:28.739)
Center 5 or World Trade Center 6, something like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:31.940)
It's Building 7.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:33.539)
In the World Trade Center Complex there were a bunch of buildings, but it's important to
Unknown Speaker (00:56:37.099)
understand their relative sizes.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:39.860)
One and two were the Twin Towers, which were much taller than the others.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:43.840)
Building 3 is the Marriott Hotel, and it was 22 stories tall.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:47.739)
Buildings 5 and 6 were 9 stories tall each.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:51.099)
Building 7 is the one that Jim is talking about for sure, given that it was 47 stories
Unknown Speaker (00:56:55.860)
tall, and Jim mentioned that he's on a boat on the Hudson, and I did a bit of figuring
Unknown Speaker (00:57:00.940)
out his vantage point, and he had to have been, I spent a little bit more time trying
Unknown Speaker (00:57:05.300)
to geolocate where he would have been, and I don't think that any of the other buildings
Unknown Speaker (00:57:09.940)
would have been visible to him other than Building 7, based on where his view would
Unknown Speaker (00:57:15.099)
have been.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:16.099)
The other ones would have been obscured by everything.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:19.659)
Building 7 would fall beginning at approximately 5.20pm, so that's at least 5 hours after this
Unknown Speaker (00:57:25.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:26.900)
The conspiracies that Alex would be pushing later characterize the fire in Building 7
Unknown Speaker (00:57:30.500)
as insignificant, but here, on Alex's own show, he has an eyewitness and friend of his
Unknown Speaker (00:57:35.900)
reporting that the whole side of the building is smoking.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:39.820)
Alex probably doesn't remember this part of that conversation, and it doesn't match his
Unknown Speaker (00:57:44.860)
later information base.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:47.699)
Oh man!
Unknown Speaker (00:57:48.980)
Despoiled by your own friend.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:51.260)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:52.260)
Yeah, it kind of makes Building 7 seem less like the smoking gun that Alex would sell
Unknown Speaker (00:57:58.219)
it to be.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:59.219)
Well, it seems more like the smoking gun in the opposite direction.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:01.619)
It's a smoking building.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:02.619)
Yeah, well.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:03.619)
Uh, this is not a time for puns.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:05.940)
Anyway, Alex has another guest on.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:08.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:09.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:10.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:11.300)
I'll tell you what.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:12.300)
Heavy hitters.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:13.300)
Jerry, thank you for holding, sir.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:16.820)
You've been covering this stuff for years, you know, I've been on your show predicting
Unknown Speaker (00:58:20.099)
this, warning people, I put out press releases on it, this was going to happen and the police
Unknown Speaker (00:58:25.380)
think they're right.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:26.380)
Me, me, me, me, me, me!
Unknown Speaker (00:58:27.380)
What is your take on all of this, Mr. Brownfield?
Unknown Speaker (00:58:28.380)
You know, Alex, believe it or not, it did not shock me very much when all this happened
Unknown Speaker (00:58:34.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:35.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:36.139)
What is wrong with these people?
Unknown Speaker (00:58:37.139)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:38.139)
So, Darry Brownfield is a 70-year-old radio guy from Missouri who hosted a show that's
Unknown Speaker (00:58:42.980)
described as quote, agricultural news.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:45.900)
I think it's less a show like breaking news about growing corn and more like news that's
Unknown Speaker (00:58:50.699)
tailored towards the agricultural community.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:53.340)
Except I'm not sure if that's the case.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:55.619)
He started something called the Brownfield Network, which still exists, it's like a news
Unknown Speaker (00:59:00.340)
distribution service for agricultural news, and if you go to their website, it's all about
Unknown Speaker (00:59:05.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:59:06.539)
Ah, okay.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:07.539)
The top headline when I was preparing this episode is quote, rain comes at optimal time
Unknown Speaker (00:59:12.260)
for Illinois farmer.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:14.079)
That's farmer singular.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:16.139)
This is an article about a guy named Stan Bourne who was thrilled that it rained because
Unknown Speaker (00:59:20.019)
it helped his bean crop.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:21.900)
This is the top headline on Darry Brownfield's website.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:26.579)
I mean, yeah, so of course he's not surprised that 9-11 happened, you know?
Unknown Speaker (00:59:30.980)
Well, he has since passed, so someone else is maintaining the Brownfield Network.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:34.619)
Sure, sure, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:35.619)
But this is like indicative maybe of the news he was putting out?
Unknown Speaker (00:59:39.900)
That is- Rain helped my beans.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:41.980)
Such a fucking twist.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:44.300)
I was really expecting it to go the opposite direction.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:47.260)
I was expecting the agricultural news to be some sort of like smokescreen, you know, like
Unknown Speaker (00:59:52.320)
Americans for Prosperity.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:54.300)
You're not really for Prosperity.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:55.300)
You don't like that kind of thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:56.300)
Some of it probably was right wing weirdo conspiracy stuff, but I think a fair amount
Unknown Speaker (01:00:00.420)
of it might have been like- Weevils are actually robots from the government.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:04.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:05.300)
Yeah, that would be fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:06.300)
Anyway, this old man doing farm news out of Missouri is apparently someone Alex had to
Unknown Speaker (01:00:09.579)
get on to get his take on 9-11.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:11.900)
And apparently he does not give a shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:14.940)
He gives a shit, but he's like, I'm not surprised.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:17.460)
Sure, but I mean, yes, this is an issue.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:19.900)
Well, but here's the thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:21.679)
There's big news that dairy has to bring.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:24.900)
It's Jerry, but with like a D. Well, okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:26.739)
It's not like milk.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:27.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:28.739)
I mean, I wasn't going to say it.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:29.739)
So dairy's got some big news that he has to bring to Alex's attention.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:32.500)
Alex, of course, already knows about this.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:35.280)
My original plan today was to talk with Charlotte Heisselbert, and I called her.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:43.539)
She was one of the individuals that didn't know a thing about this until I contacted
Unknown Speaker (01:00:47.019)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:48.019)
And I said, well, we need to change our programming.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:50.239)
And she just called back a moment ago, and she said that her husband has a friend that
Unknown Speaker (01:00:55.380)
is a Belgian businessman.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:59.260)
And he said that all of Europe is full of the news that two men with Belgian passports
Unknown Speaker (01:01:04.900)
entered into Afghanistan and killed bin Laden two days ago.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:09.940)
He says this is all over Europe, but not here in the United States.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:14.179)
Have you heard anything about that?
Unknown Speaker (01:01:17.139)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:18.139)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:19.139)
So this is about Ahmad Shah Massoud, who was an Afghani who was an opponent of the Taliban.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:25.980)
Massoud was assassinated on September 9th, 2001 by men who had fake Belgian passports.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:31.780)
All of the details are lost on folks like Dary and Alex, who just want to fudge details
Unknown Speaker (01:01:36.219)
in order to prop up their predetermined conclusion that everything is a conspiracy that only
Unknown Speaker (01:01:40.900)
they can see through.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:42.659)
And there's no correcting of this.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:45.780)
It comes up again later, and it is two Belgians went into Afghanistan and killed bin Laden.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:53.619)
Europe's talking about it, but it's censored in the American news or whatever.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:56.940)
It's like, you guys have this wrong.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:59.139)
Don't you have a real good sense of something when Alex responds to you with, yes, I guess.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:08.539)
Shouldn't that be a big red flag to you to just be like, oh, this might be a red flag.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:13.019)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:14.019)
It should be a red flag of like, I don't...
Unknown Speaker (01:02:16.019)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:17.019)
I think I shouldn't be confident about what I'm hearing.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:20.019)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:21.019)
I think this is Dyson.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:22.099)
My instinct is to say yes, but I know that this is stupid, so I'm going to go with the
Unknown Speaker (01:02:26.099)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:27.099)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:28.099)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:29.099)
So dairy has a bottom line.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:32.219)
What is your bottom line analysis?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:34.059)
What's your gut level feeling on all of this?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:36.460)
Who do you think's behind it?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:38.019)
Well, you know, as far as I can't name names and give telephone numbers, but as I mentioned
Unknown Speaker (01:02:44.659)
earlier in this show, and I have said it thousands of times on the air, I read the back of the
Unknown Speaker (01:02:48.820)
book and I'm referring here to the Holy scriptures.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:52.099)
I tried to get to Hal Lindsey on earlier this morning to see what he thought about it and
Unknown Speaker (01:02:56.300)
I couldn't reach him, but we know that we're going to have a one world order, a new world
Unknown Speaker (01:03:02.099)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:03.099)
We know it's coming.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:04.099)
We know the antichrist is in the wings standing by.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:06.699)
Oh yes.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:07.699)
Who he is.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:08.699)
I don't know who he is.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:09.699)
Is he still standing by?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:10.699)
But he certainly does have the power to clean all this mess up and make it wonderful.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:16.539)
So currently the antichrist is standing by and standing down.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:20.139)
Still standing by.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:21.139)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:22.139)
Like the Proud Boys.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:23.139)
This guy has got to be, well, could be, could be a woman as well.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:28.179)
I have to say that, I guess for Derry, he, I mean, he died at like almost 80.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:34.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:35.659)
The new world order did not come into being.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:38.099)
The devil didn't come back.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:39.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:40.380)
He had a, he probably passed pretty like, like, Oh, well I didn't have to live through
Unknown Speaker (01:03:44.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:45.579)
Probably as a relief.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:46.579)
Eh, I think I'd be disappointed.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:48.179)
I'd be furious if I had spent my entire life predicting the antichrist was coming and then
Unknown Speaker (01:03:52.739)
I just died.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:54.260)
Like it was fine.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:55.260)
It would feel anti-climatic.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:57.260)
It would be.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:58.260)
I mean, like my last words would have been like, what?
Unknown Speaker (01:04:02.380)
And then I'm dead.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:03.380)
Or, or your last words should be like, I guess I'm the antichrist then.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:07.780)
Like you got to.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:08.780)
I would go maybe an action movie, antichrist this.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:12.860)
No, not going to work.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:14.619)
So yeah, we've got Alex's buddy, we got Derry and Alex has another guest.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:22.300)
Let's go to Ted Anderson, owner of Genesis Communications and of Midas Resources.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:27.980)
Let's hear a take on this.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:28.980)
Gold's going to be more expensive too.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:30.980)
I am very upset about all of this.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:33.300)
My testosterone level is flowing just like yours are out there.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:36.539)
Uh, Ted Anderson, God bless you sir, for providing this network and a place for people to get
Unknown Speaker (01:04:40.780)
accurate information.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:42.059)
What's happening financially?
Unknown Speaker (01:04:43.059)
Well, obviously there's a lot of crazy mixed up emotions going on in all the markets right
Unknown Speaker (01:04:48.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:49.340)
The World Trade Center, that is where gold and silver trades in the United States.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:53.340)
It's the largest market for gold and silver.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:55.820)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:56.820)
I was trying to be ghoulish with my exaggeration, but in fact I was way wrong.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:04.820)
I was not ghoulish enough.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:06.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:07.500)
Pretty cynical.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:08.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:09.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:10.500)
This is crass.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:12.500)
Every time I think there's no bottom, I'm convinced there's no bottom and it just keeps
Unknown Speaker (01:05:18.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:19.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:20.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:21.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:22.260)
Just keeps going.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:23.260)
Let's hit those floors.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:24.260)
There's a trap.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:25.260)
First floor, men's shoes.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:26.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:27.260)
Try this on for science.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:28.780)
Try this on for ghoulish.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:30.340)
You want a ghoulish shoe.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:32.179)
Let's do it.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:33.179)
It's very amazing to me to watch this happen.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:35.219)
I've never experienced this in the 23 years now that I've been in the business where the
Unknown Speaker (01:05:39.559)
markets have actually been shut down like this and won't open up until further notice.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:44.579)
And the borders are now sealed.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:46.860)
troops federal troops are taking control of downtown cities under security
Unknown Speaker (01:05:51.139)
arrangements well obviously alex a major concern right now is for the people that
Unknown Speaker (01:05:55.179)
are sitting there in the paper wondering what's going to happen
Unknown Speaker (01:06:01.619)
and hopefully the market stays stable and they can get out with reasonable
Unknown Speaker (01:06:05.260)
cost yeah i'm told that there are already giant lines forming at the banks
Unknown Speaker (01:06:09.219)
well there's a bit of a stampede going on here at minus resources if you've
Unknown Speaker (01:06:12.900)
been calling in on the eight hundred number please be patient we've got a lot
Unknown Speaker (01:06:15.780)
of people working on
Unknown Speaker (01:06:17.059)
uh... but you will uh... you will be taken care of his lot of people that are
Unknown Speaker (01:06:20.739)
looking to have gold right now with the market shut down obviously the united
Unknown Speaker (01:06:24.340)
states can be much tougher to buy the stock
Unknown Speaker (01:06:27.260)
uh... you know not every uh... not every uh... uh...
Unknown Speaker (01:06:31.099)
uh... not every option is open to you anymore
Unknown Speaker (01:06:33.920)
so if you are calling do that uh... just be patient wow that's about line that
Unknown Speaker (01:06:39.019)
you responded to also hit me like a semi truck happy with the obviously we should
Unknown Speaker (01:06:43.659)
be concerned and i thought he was going to say about the israel there's no way
Unknown Speaker (01:06:47.500)
that you could say those words on nine eleven and not finish it with listen
Unknown Speaker (01:06:52.340)
you're already a gross monster because that's third on your lower we should be
Unknown Speaker (01:06:56.019)
really concerned about the people who are stuck invested in paper money yup
Unknown Speaker (01:07:00.380)
what the fuck yup
Unknown Speaker (01:07:01.820)
now what is wrong that's the number one thing that we should be concerned about
Unknown Speaker (01:07:05.539)
is some people are just too liquid right now unbelievable i'd i'd just
Unknown Speaker (01:07:12.099)
saw that i mean
Unknown Speaker (01:07:15.500)
one tower goes down and you think
Unknown Speaker (01:07:19.800)
lot of people are going to be stuck in paper money
Unknown Speaker (01:07:21.780)
that's what i thought that's what i thought too i mean it's eye-opening
Unknown Speaker (01:07:25.059)
it makes you realize how many people are in uh... paper jesus jesus christ
Unknown Speaker (01:07:30.900)
that's grim there's just not enough lightning there's just not enough
Unknown Speaker (01:07:34.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:35.420)
uh... i'm furious that people believe in god cuz i think if we all just believed
Unknown Speaker (01:07:39.599)
in zeus only
Unknown Speaker (01:07:41.239)
then maybe we could get one person struck by lightning bolt whenever they
Unknown Speaker (01:07:44.579)
pulled shit like this
Unknown Speaker (01:07:46.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:47.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:49.219)
uh... words fail
Unknown Speaker (01:07:50.619)
it really does cuz this is like you know i mean without mincing
Unknown Speaker (01:07:55.980)
words nine eleven is what made alex's career yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:07:59.179)
and you go and listen to this show on the day of he does not seem
Unknown Speaker (01:08:03.300)
that concerned
Unknown Speaker (01:08:04.900)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:05.980)
gathering accurate information about what's happened
Unknown Speaker (01:08:09.099)
he's all over the place he doesn't seem like he's emotionally all that affected
Unknown Speaker (01:08:15.780)
by what's happening and the guests that he has
Unknown Speaker (01:08:19.659)
are weirdo farm guy friend who he has turned into the biggest structural
Unknown Speaker (01:08:25.260)
engineer in the world
Unknown Speaker (01:08:26.699)
uh... and his gold guy
Unknown Speaker (01:08:29.699)
this is not great yeah these are these are three certifiably insane people
Unknown Speaker (01:08:34.579)
my my way i mean well four of them obviously but one of them is you know
Unknown Speaker (01:08:39.220)
well beyond that tenured insanity these three people
Unknown Speaker (01:08:43.140)
saying those things
Unknown Speaker (01:08:45.340)
astonishing astonishing i think that jim you could make some argument for being
Unknown Speaker (01:08:52.380)
less complicit
Unknown Speaker (01:08:54.000)
cuz there were opportunities that alex gave him to double down on some of his
Unknown Speaker (01:08:58.260)
stuff sure he was ambivalent sure true but like you mentioned i do believe if
Unknown Speaker (01:09:02.720)
you know alex you probably would know his tendencies and you know that you're
Unknown Speaker (01:09:06.899)
essentially doubling down by not pushing back oh yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:09:11.500)
uh... wow so alex has some advice
Unknown Speaker (01:09:14.819)
and it's good advice that get out of paper money gas up your trucks i would
Unknown Speaker (01:09:19.340)
tell everybody make sure you've got your cars full of gas to make sure you've got
Unknown Speaker (01:09:23.300)
plenty of food
Unknown Speaker (01:09:24.619)
those water filters
Unknown Speaker (01:09:26.180)
in the martial law stuff starts cranking up i'm gonna go to my parents house grab
Unknown Speaker (01:09:30.159)
my dad around the scrub the neck and say you're leaving the country and you're
Unknown Speaker (01:09:33.579)
taking my little sister out of here now is sixteen years younger than me and in
Unknown Speaker (01:09:37.979)
the news in high school you're getting out of here and you're leaving now you're
Unknown Speaker (01:09:42.140)
going to costa rica now and i'm gonna stay here and i'm gonna fight for this
Unknown Speaker (01:09:46.420)
country for the united states against arab paris or anybody else jerry brown
Unknown Speaker (01:09:51.340)
phil would you stay with us you bet i will alright you bet i will this is a
Unknown Speaker (01:09:56.239)
great day for me dary has nothing else to do i'm having a fantastic time i
Unknown Speaker (01:10:01.840)
already watered the uh... i'm trying to think of another bean
Unknown Speaker (01:10:07.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:09.220)
wow yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:10:10.340)
hey dad costa rica this is dad i've gassed up the truck drive to costa rica
Unknown Speaker (01:10:15.500)
it's always amazing to me how these people handle emergencies because they
Unknown Speaker (01:10:19.819)
have no concept of scale
Unknown Speaker (01:10:21.939)
and reaction you know
Unknown Speaker (01:10:23.479)
like you know
Unknown Speaker (01:10:24.640)
coven there's only going to be loan survivors and then two weeks later
Unknown Speaker (01:10:27.920)
they're like well i'm not dead yet so this isn't even real right like they
Unknown Speaker (01:10:31.840)
just uh... at the twin towers have gone down we need to run get out of this
Unknown Speaker (01:10:36.000)
country you gotta get gas you gotta get frozen water you gotta go go get out of
Unknown Speaker (01:10:41.239)
here you mean ice yeah i do mean ice
Unknown Speaker (01:10:46.000)
uh... but simultaneously also seems kind of bored by it already yep totally
Unknown Speaker (01:10:50.119)
they're like yeah you know well what are we doing tomorrow we getting we getting tai food
Unknown Speaker (01:10:55.640)
so alex is just pumped though about but it's just about fighting and this is i
Unknown Speaker (01:11:01.159)
just had a weird feeling
Unknown Speaker (01:11:03.439)
info wars dot com for all the updates and all the news
Unknown Speaker (01:11:07.399)
pilot's got fifty articles posted the newest analysis everything's shutting
Unknown Speaker (01:11:11.800)
down the borders you name it marshall law is here and we're not gonna let him
Unknown Speaker (01:11:16.079)
get away with it will be back in sixty seconds
Unknown Speaker (01:11:21.000)
that's gross
Unknown Speaker (01:11:23.119)
doesn't like it's indicative of the tone there just isn't any concern or
Unknown Speaker (01:11:28.159)
acknowledgement of pain
Unknown Speaker (01:11:30.640)
acknowledgement of loss
Unknown Speaker (01:11:32.579)
acknowledgement that people who are listening are probably going through
Unknown Speaker (01:11:36.359)
some shit yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:11:37.640)
acknowledgement that some people are scared confused
Unknown Speaker (01:11:41.560)
uh... no people in new york you don't know you haven't gotten a phone call
Unknown Speaker (01:11:45.199)
from them you don't know where they were that day
Unknown Speaker (01:11:47.560)
what their subway was
Unknown Speaker (01:11:49.520)
filled with dust and shit you don't know if they've got to be yeah it's just
Unknown Speaker (01:11:53.520)
disrespectful honestly i don't know other there's a lot of other words but
Unknown Speaker (01:11:57.680)
that's one that just keeps coming back up there's a lack of respect
Unknown Speaker (01:12:01.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:02.279)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:03.800)
reality and the like the notion that we're all experiencing something
Unknown Speaker (01:12:08.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:09.520)
you know yeah maybe it's maybe i'm too collectivist maybe i'm a soft liberal
Unknown Speaker (01:12:15.079)
in that way but
Unknown Speaker (01:12:16.760)
i just find it i find it a pour it that for weeks
Unknown Speaker (01:12:20.720)
there was no news organizations who would begin to speak this callously
Unknown Speaker (01:12:25.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:26.079)
that for years true no mainstream news organization would ever dare make a joke
Unknown Speaker (01:12:31.520)
about nine eleven
Unknown Speaker (01:12:33.319)
and this dude
Unknown Speaker (01:12:34.760)
fuckin twenty minutes in between towers falling is like this is a great fuckin
Unknown Speaker (01:12:40.239)
day for me hey i'm right about everything we got martial law going on
Unknown Speaker (01:12:44.840)
everything is happening we're fighting the globalist holy shit you come on back
Unknown Speaker (01:12:49.039)
it's gonna be a great day we're gonna go to station identification
Unknown Speaker (01:12:52.439)
pretty pretty fucked up yeah that's crazy
Unknown Speaker (01:12:55.119)
so um... i know that uh... you know in two thousand eight two thousand nine
Unknown Speaker (01:12:59.880)
when we've been listening to some of those episodes
Unknown Speaker (01:13:02.220)
about half of the police are waking up
Unknown Speaker (01:13:04.279)
and so that's good and you know the people in the army are waking up
Unknown Speaker (01:13:07.699)
a little bit higher numbers there and i know from like twenty twelve
Unknown Speaker (01:13:11.560)
twenty thirteen about half
Unknown Speaker (01:13:13.699)
of the military and uh... or
Unknown Speaker (01:13:15.920)
you know the the police are woken up
Unknown Speaker (01:13:17.579)
jet that's great
Unknown Speaker (01:13:18.640)
chairman two thousand three when we listen to some of those of the city of
Unknown Speaker (01:13:21.479)
some great news and that is that about half of the police
Unknown Speaker (01:13:24.159)
are woken up that's great and uh... we have some news here in two thousand one
Unknown Speaker (01:13:27.680)
oh yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:13:28.279)
uh... don't let him give you a police state out of it we have the power
Unknown Speaker (01:13:32.239)
the american people
Unknown Speaker (01:13:33.739)
all police agencies the military
Unknown Speaker (01:13:35.979)
i know that seventy five percent of the military is awake to what's happening
Unknown Speaker (01:13:39.399)
about half the cops are
Unknown Speaker (01:13:41.520)
uh... we need to pray for the people that died
Unknown Speaker (01:13:44.199)
our house go out to their families
Unknown Speaker (01:13:46.979)
and i would just right here on the air lord
Unknown Speaker (01:13:49.000)
heal our lives don't do that face all we want this one of the deal we don't want
Unknown Speaker (01:13:53.800)
to be part
Unknown Speaker (01:13:54.600)
of an evil system we want our country to be brought back to its former decency
Unknown Speaker (01:13:59.319)
employees dot we pray that no biological attacks are engaged in
Unknown Speaker (01:14:03.239)
and the government been predicting what happened
Unknown Speaker (01:14:05.600)
uh... in indian plots in a bc last month that i've read what they talk about one
Unknown Speaker (01:14:09.840)
to four million dead
Unknown Speaker (01:14:11.359)
god doesn't need citations from fox news
Unknown Speaker (01:14:14.560)
uh... that's not
Unknown Speaker (01:14:16.000)
uh... that's weird
Unknown Speaker (01:14:17.720)
well alice alice so when you pray to me
Unknown Speaker (01:14:20.960)
i'm just
Unknown Speaker (01:14:21.520)
kentucky and now i wrote it down
Unknown Speaker (01:14:24.119)
long time ago
Unknown Speaker (01:14:25.319)
so you should really know this by now
Unknown Speaker (01:14:27.399)
but uh...
Unknown Speaker (01:14:28.279)
don't also be broadcasting your opinions about bullshit to other people well i do
Unknown Speaker (01:14:33.600)
think it was to be a very specific relationship between you and me i'm god
Unknown Speaker (01:14:37.000)
you're you we do it that way okay i believe that in luke
Unknown Speaker (01:14:41.359)
uh... i don't remember the exact verse but there is something about like when
Unknown Speaker (01:14:44.520)
you pray unto me provide sources right right right
Unknown Speaker (01:14:49.079)
i think it was peter who in a letter to the thessalonians said uh...
Unknown Speaker (01:14:54.000)
you should start a pirate radio station and really start getting into it with
Unknown Speaker (01:14:58.060)
people you know what i'm saying slight correction i believe it was uh...
Unknown Speaker (01:15:02.880)
paul all too that's not the right fight apologies uh... yeah i thought that
Unknown Speaker (01:15:08.359)
Unknown Speaker (01:15:10.359)
gross yeah that's really fucked up so dairy
Unknown Speaker (01:15:13.560)
as an interesting thoughts yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:15:15.640)
i was one of the uh... people back uh... year-and-a-half ago whenever y two k was
Unknown Speaker (01:15:20.880)
you know at the turn of the turn of the story what
Unknown Speaker (01:15:23.600)
that believed that this was going to be and i honestly thought in that deep in
Unknown Speaker (01:15:28.439)
my heart that uh...
Unknown Speaker (01:15:30.359)
we were going to be something about that paper happen
Unknown Speaker (01:15:35.399)
at the time of the country on maybe i'll even on new year's eve
Unknown Speaker (01:15:38.720)
but that was not just a pretext for them to put in their pima bonkers
Unknown Speaker (01:15:42.579)
that right and centers that absolutely right like the arkansas d-o-c-s-a
Unknown Speaker (01:15:47.560)
military control grid
Unknown Speaker (01:15:48.840)
but i didn't think go ahead and do it
Unknown Speaker (01:15:50.920)
that night because the world was ready for it
Unknown Speaker (01:15:53.920)
also vladimir
Unknown Speaker (01:15:55.319)
britain had just taken power yeltsin disappeared a lot of power jockeying was
Unknown Speaker (01:15:59.520)
going on
Unknown Speaker (01:16:02.359)
but i still believe that this is
Unknown Speaker (01:16:05.840)
the point that they had for what you gave
Unknown Speaker (01:16:08.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:10.319)
right there
Unknown Speaker (01:16:11.399)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:12.079)
okay so here's here's what i gathered from that one
Unknown Speaker (01:16:16.439)
whenever y two k was is not an acceptable thing to say it's in the name
Unknown Speaker (01:16:20.880)
and that but it was a it was kind of a long stretch for people like that well
Unknown Speaker (01:16:24.359)
that's fair that it was something they experienced for like that was a part of
Unknown Speaker (01:16:27.600)
the year yeah yeah that's true so but then the second part is just
Unknown Speaker (01:16:31.840)
this it could have been
Unknown Speaker (01:16:33.479)
two thousand ten
Unknown Speaker (01:16:34.479)
mhm could've been twenty twenty sir could've been twenty one hundred
Unknown Speaker (01:16:37.720)
you've decided that whatever happens after you've decided that y two k is the
Unknown Speaker (01:16:41.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:43.159)
that's part of the plan well i don't think that i meet look
Unknown Speaker (01:16:46.939)
i'm gonna be perfectly honest with you sure i haven't listened to the entirety
Unknown Speaker (01:16:50.119)
of dairy brownfield's catalog i think we're gonna need to
Unknown Speaker (01:16:53.319)
new new park
Unknown Speaker (01:16:56.520)
farm report
Unknown Speaker (01:16:57.920)
that'd be fun
Unknown Speaker (01:16:59.220)
no it wouldn't no it wouldn't but i don't think that prior to y two k he was like
Unknown Speaker (01:17:03.279)
they're gonna blow up the twin towers i really don't
Unknown Speaker (01:17:05.460)
so he's just sort of retroactively being like this is what i thought was gonna
Unknown Speaker (01:17:09.600)
happen but also you have to understand that on a really just grassroots
Unknown Speaker (01:17:14.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:15.359)
nuts and bolts level this means
Unknown Speaker (01:17:18.539)
that this is what the globalists are planning to do
Unknown Speaker (01:17:21.399)
yeah they didn't do it right and so now they did it now so like it is a
Unknown Speaker (01:17:25.640)
hundred-percent a gigantic conspiracy
Unknown Speaker (01:17:28.720)
that somehow got a pump the brakes on it
Unknown Speaker (01:17:31.600)
for some reason whenever you want was jockeyed there there were a year behind
Unknown Speaker (01:17:34.840)
on their plans they couldn't get things up to speed we know we know that their
Unknown Speaker (01:17:38.539)
organization is lacking is kind of uh... it's sloppy let's just face it there's
Unknown Speaker (01:17:44.079)
a sloppy or is there no way or there's no way around the conspiracy
Unknown Speaker (01:17:48.560)
groundwork here
Unknown Speaker (01:17:49.960)
it's a it's an assumption that's cooked into every conversation that they're
Unknown Speaker (01:17:53.359)
having totally
Unknown Speaker (01:17:54.600)
it's silly yes
Unknown Speaker (01:17:56.520)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:57.640)
this sounds very familiar
Unknown Speaker (01:17:59.260)
they have the bed taking over central areas of downtown cities and capitals
Unknown Speaker (01:18:03.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:05.920)
this is the new world order
Unknown Speaker (01:18:08.680)
and look for them the next few weeks to say we determine our guns
Unknown Speaker (01:18:12.220)
so the terrace don't blow up buildings it'll
Unknown Speaker (01:18:14.880)
be something along those lines uh... regardless of who did this
Unknown Speaker (01:18:18.399)
only big brother stands to gain
Unknown Speaker (01:18:21.060)
that didn't happen nope uh... also i was thinking about this and he keeps saying
Unknown Speaker (01:18:24.720)
that like only big brother stands to gain
Unknown Speaker (01:18:28.220)
i kept thinking like you know who else stands to gain? you!
Unknown Speaker (01:18:31.899)
that's why he's excited right
Unknown Speaker (01:18:34.560)
like obviously i don't think that's a motive for
Unknown Speaker (01:18:37.960)
alex doing nine eleven or something
Unknown Speaker (01:18:40.439)
but alex stands to gain greatly from behaving the way he is
Unknown Speaker (01:18:45.439)
uh... as as we're listening to this so like
Unknown Speaker (01:18:48.279)
i don't know
Unknown Speaker (01:18:49.079)
if i were him i would be thinking very little of my audience
Unknown Speaker (01:18:54.760)
if i were stressing key bono kind of ideas
Unknown Speaker (01:18:58.039)
because you know you might want to apply that to
Unknown Speaker (01:19:01.920)
who gains from turning this into a conspiracy
Unknown Speaker (01:19:06.039)
people who profit off conspiracy shit. once you start doing that though
Unknown Speaker (01:19:09.800)
then you're just never going to come back
Unknown Speaker (01:19:12.439)
who's benefiting off of this sandwich that i'm about to eat
Unknown Speaker (01:19:16.279)
is it me or is it potbelly i bet it's potbelly i bet potbelly's put evil shit
Unknown Speaker (01:19:21.060)
inside my sandwich and they're gonna kill me and that's because they don't
Unknown Speaker (01:19:23.960)
want the money from me going back wait a second who benefits from me buying this
Unknown Speaker (01:19:27.720)
sandwich? dary brownfield!
Unknown Speaker (01:19:32.520)
so uh... alex takes calls
Unknown Speaker (01:19:35.340)
and it's interesting to get a little bit of a temperature. i can't believe somebody
Unknown Speaker (01:19:38.279)
would call
Unknown Speaker (01:19:40.239)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:42.560)
i can't believe this so when on 9-11
Unknown Speaker (01:19:46.560)
uh... i was a huge fan of Loveline and i listened to it every night
Unknown Speaker (01:19:51.079)
Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew were my guys
Unknown Speaker (01:19:54.699)
it's unfortunate in hindsight but i love that show it made me feel very
Unknown Speaker (01:19:59.680)
comforted that felt like
Unknown Speaker (01:20:01.500)
there are people who are struggling with stuff and you know you're not as alone
Unknown Speaker (01:20:05.500)
uh... even if Adam is
Unknown Speaker (01:20:07.640)
making fun of everybody and being a little bit mean but in a really funny way
Unknown Speaker (01:20:12.279)
it's your friend who busts balls
Unknown Speaker (01:20:14.600)
uh... and on 9-11 i think even the day after
Unknown Speaker (01:20:18.640)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:19.439)
just took calls about what people were feeling yeah and you know like just
Unknown Speaker (01:20:23.439)
opening up and being like these kinds of fears and anxieties that you might be
Unknown Speaker (01:20:27.899)
feeling are normal totally uh... and you know we're all in this kinda together
Unknown Speaker (01:20:33.520)
and it was really meaningful and alex doesn't do that
Unknown Speaker (01:20:38.279)
it's the opposite it's it's like it makes it worse yeah Alex taking calls
Unknown Speaker (01:20:43.260)
makes things worse yeah no i i i i really i find it so fucked up that
Unknown Speaker (01:20:48.399)
alex would take calls on that no that's unacceptable here's the first one oh boy
Unknown Speaker (01:20:52.600)
now listen alex i'm not a bible thumper
Unknown Speaker (01:20:54.720)
at all
Unknown Speaker (01:20:56.600)
just listen to me for a second please
Unknown Speaker (01:20:58.960)
because everyone listening can take their bibles and look at this
Unknown Speaker (01:21:02.380)
oh god revelations 17 describes exactly what's taking place right now
Unknown Speaker (01:21:07.119)
at this very moment
Unknown Speaker (01:21:08.640)
what happened in new york now
Unknown Speaker (01:21:10.479)
if you take the airlines well read it to us oh my god Alex it's too long it's huge
Unknown Speaker (01:21:15.779)
i mean it's it's it's lots of words yeah yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:21:18.880)
yeah it is too long all right can't read it what's happening
Unknown Speaker (01:21:21.699)
is exactly what's in there if you take the airlines out of it and you take the
Unknown Speaker (01:21:26.800)
they didn't know what planes were revelations 17 and if you take that they
Unknown Speaker (01:21:30.720)
didn't know that this continent existed
Unknown Speaker (01:21:33.079)
and if you take that
Unknown Speaker (01:21:34.779)
they'd never heard of uh i don't know the world uh you know any number of
Unknown Speaker (01:21:39.640)
things you're going an interesting direction and that's not where he was
Unknown Speaker (01:21:41.680)
going with if you take the airline oh okay he'll get into this here in a
Unknown Speaker (01:21:44.720)
second okay um it turns out it's actually
Unknown Speaker (01:21:48.520)
numerology oh no okay now just here are the flight numbers flight 11
Unknown Speaker (01:21:55.319)
flight 77 flight 175 and flight 33 now
Unknown Speaker (01:22:01.960)
well numbers is a language just like our line yeah 33 the occultists at bohemian
Unknown Speaker (01:22:06.439)
grove and all of this are obsessed with it okay you take these numbers and you
Unknown Speaker (01:22:10.119)
add them together and you get a total of 296
Unknown Speaker (01:22:14.920)
now you take two plus nine is 11
Unknown Speaker (01:22:18.920)
plus six is 17
Unknown Speaker (01:22:21.079)
and in revelation 17 it describes what's taking place
Unknown Speaker (01:22:26.840)
i have no idea if it's coincidence or whatever but still the numbers are there
Unknown Speaker (01:22:30.840)
language is there so this is stupid but it's also not
Unknown Speaker (01:22:33.479)
correct the flight he's saying is 33 is actually
Unknown Speaker (01:22:36.359)
united 93 which ruins alex's whole occult number riff
Unknown Speaker (01:22:40.119)
and it basically screws up his own uh weird cryptic math that he is trying to
Unknown Speaker (01:22:43.720)
pull off here either way this is a great use of time
Unknown Speaker (01:22:47.000)
on the day the world changed this is this is bad like alex should
Unknown Speaker (01:22:51.720)
have cut him off when he started doing math
Unknown Speaker (01:22:53.560)
absolutely this is not like this isn't something that you should humor
Unknown Speaker (01:22:58.119)
but he lets him go on for a while and i mean i would just how are you not just
Unknown Speaker (01:23:05.399)
sir sir sir sir stop it stop this right now sir i
Unknown Speaker (01:23:08.840)
understand you're trying to make connections and make things make sense
Unknown Speaker (01:23:11.560)
but you can't because that's what your whole thing is listen it's just that
Unknown Speaker (01:23:14.600)
this is a different more unhinged or more detached from
Unknown Speaker (01:23:18.520)
reality uh more obviously detached how about how
Unknown Speaker (01:23:22.359)
about i'm gonna throw this out at you sir
Unknown Speaker (01:23:24.439)
if god speaks in order of operations uh the uh addition and subtraction
Unknown Speaker (01:23:31.079)
then uh go fuck yourself i don't even want that god so
Unknown Speaker (01:23:34.119)
if you are right i'm ra i'd rather worship the devil
Unknown Speaker (01:23:37.800)
than a god who's like two plus four is six and six minus three
Unknown Speaker (01:23:41.399)
is three and that's where the devil comes from god sayeth unto me
Unknown Speaker (01:23:45.159)
please excuse my dear aunt sally and god said x parentheses one plus
Unknown Speaker (01:23:52.680)
and you moron yep i find this very depressing yeah yep
Unknown Speaker (01:23:58.840)
partially because he's got the flight number wrong
Unknown Speaker (01:24:00.840)
yeah that really fucks with his whole revelation but it also fucks with alex's
Unknown Speaker (01:24:04.359)
thing because the thing that he attached or he took from it was the 33 right
Unknown Speaker (01:24:08.760)
and that's incorrect well okay so we but even if it is
Unknown Speaker (01:24:12.119)
revelation 17 doesn't describe what's going on right now
Unknown Speaker (01:24:16.359)
also 17 what are we doing here cue 17th number
Unknown Speaker (01:24:19.880)
queuing on boom wow you're right also at one point
Unknown Speaker (01:24:25.000)
at one point dary is talking about a small town in missouri named sandy hook
Unknown Speaker (01:24:29.399)
oh no yeah it's just a short mention it doesn't mean anything sure sure sure
Unknown Speaker (01:24:33.560)
sure he's like you know new york's a bigger town than like sandy hook missouri
Unknown Speaker (01:24:36.840)
uh i'm i'm sorry dan on this show if there are things that are even slightly
Unknown Speaker (01:24:42.760)
perhaps not tangentially related we're gonna
Unknown Speaker (01:24:46.039)
have to make a conspiracy out of that fine i'll find the clip and play it on
Unknown Speaker (01:24:49.000)
the next episode of dairy saying thank you thank you very
Unknown Speaker (01:24:52.920)
much all right which is because whenever y2k
Unknown Speaker (01:24:55.800)
happened or whatever all right we knew that's all i got
Unknown Speaker (01:25:00.039)
so alex takes another call and this is bad
Unknown Speaker (01:25:03.000)
those buildings went straight down john what do you see happening they're really
Unknown Speaker (01:25:06.520)
gearing up oh yeah uh life has changed i uh i don't
Unknown Speaker (01:25:10.840)
think we can accept what we've expected i don't think that there's anything new
Unknown Speaker (01:25:14.279)
uh to make of all of this uh it's uh it's
Unknown Speaker (01:25:17.720)
the world turned upside down so what are you gonna do uh i'm gonna
Unknown Speaker (01:25:23.800)
clean my weapon man i'm gonna clean my weapon
Unknown Speaker (01:25:28.199)
don't you do that my problem my only worry is that i don't want to go alone
Unknown Speaker (01:25:32.600)
i'm not afraid to go but i just don't want to go by myself oh my god
Unknown Speaker (01:25:36.840)
uh these people uh these government agents they are they ought to be
Unknown Speaker (01:25:40.840)
ostracized first they ought to be identified
Unknown Speaker (01:25:43.560)
and then they ought their pictures and posters ought to be
Unknown Speaker (01:25:46.600)
publicly displayed they ought to be ostracized in the church
Unknown Speaker (01:25:50.680)
and everywhere else john i appreciate your call we don't know if the
Unknown Speaker (01:25:53.960)
government did this we know they did the other ones we know they kept telling us
Unknown Speaker (01:25:56.680)
it was going to happen and we know who stands to gain
Unknown Speaker (01:25:59.880)
i know this though ladies and gentlemen i'm not going to any famous center what
Unknown Speaker (01:26:03.159)
about you it's legitimately nuts to listen to this
Unknown Speaker (01:26:05.800)
because it seems like alex is in many ways on autopilot
Unknown Speaker (01:26:09.079)
this whole song and dance here is so cookie cutter that it almost doesn't
Unknown Speaker (01:26:12.359)
seem like you'd need to be awake to do it
Unknown Speaker (01:26:14.439)
he already said that he believes 98 chance the government did this and then
Unknown Speaker (01:26:17.800)
later said the government did do this but this caller is saying things that
Unknown Speaker (01:26:21.640)
get into violence so alex decides to hedge a little bit by saying
Unknown Speaker (01:26:24.920)
we don't know who did this but we also kind of know who did this wink wink
Unknown Speaker (01:26:28.439)
and also i'm not gonna let them take me alive yeah it's really the same
Unknown Speaker (01:26:32.039)
couching type of presentation he does all the time and it's really weird to
Unknown Speaker (01:26:35.000)
see it being deployed when talking about the biggest event of his life
Unknown Speaker (01:26:38.279)
which happened a few hours earlier yeah it seems weird to say this but i don't
Unknown Speaker (01:26:42.920)
get a strong sense that alex cares that much that 9 11 happened i
Unknown Speaker (01:26:46.840)
don't think he gives a shit at all it's weird it is one of the weirder
Unknown Speaker (01:26:50.439)
things that i i of all the things that i was expecting
Unknown Speaker (01:26:54.920)
alex's 9 11 episode to be apathetic was not one of them i think it's
Unknown Speaker (01:27:00.520)
more cynical than apathetic sure that's one way there's definitely a
Unknown Speaker (01:27:04.600)
line of apathy that goes a deep a streak of it yeah like uh pepe
Unknown Speaker (01:27:09.399)
lapu's uh white streak yeah so look he believes that it's the
Unknown Speaker (01:27:14.199)
government he's already said that it was the government it was the government
Unknown Speaker (01:27:16.920)
chance 100 but we don't know that for sure we just know that everything that
Unknown Speaker (01:27:20.600)
would point to the government means the government did it well there's another
Unknown Speaker (01:27:23.239)
suspect uh-oh and you know there's one person
Unknown Speaker (01:27:25.560)
that might be able to pull this off but everything he does is tapped great
Unknown Speaker (01:27:28.760)
and that is saddam hussein why this government ever put him in power in the
Unknown Speaker (01:27:32.840)
70s why he was our big buddy to fight iran
Unknown Speaker (01:27:35.880)
why he was given the chemical and biological weapons from houston
Unknown Speaker (01:27:39.880)
if saddam did do this and there is a chance that this is not the government
Unknown Speaker (01:27:42.840)
that it is saddam hussein i want that country nuked and i want to
Unknown Speaker (01:27:46.680)
tell you what and the question is why didn't they take
Unknown Speaker (01:27:51.000)
saddam out in 1991 i asked you that question
Unknown Speaker (01:27:54.920)
fair enough um so i guess he's into blaming iraq
Unknown Speaker (01:27:59.079)
sooner than george w bush that's that was fast
Unknown Speaker (01:28:03.239)
that was fast and it seems really not like what alex likes to present himself
Unknown Speaker (01:28:08.439)
that he would be like i want them nuked immediately yeah i mean
Unknown Speaker (01:28:11.479)
i don't want you to be emperor of anywhere if that's your
Unknown Speaker (01:28:14.760)
response why would that work out well at all like shouldn't you recognize the
Unknown Speaker (01:28:20.039)
amount of civilian death that would cause
Unknown Speaker (01:28:22.359)
the pointlessness of of of that response like that's fucked up no people don't
Unknown Speaker (01:28:28.840)
understand that but alex is supposed to you know i i
Unknown Speaker (01:28:31.960)
he's a peace guy i think we need to go back to
Unknown Speaker (01:28:35.640)
everybody being really really terrified of nuclear weapons like
Unknown Speaker (01:28:38.840)
we need to show kids the the bombs in schools like they did it's
Unknown Speaker (01:28:42.279)
unfortunate cover i know it doesn't help but it should be
Unknown Speaker (01:28:45.239)
instilled into children to be way more afraid of nuclear weapons
Unknown Speaker (01:28:49.720)
than we apparently are it's it's unfortunate that
Unknown Speaker (01:28:53.399)
a lot of that stuff was so silly that it uh becomes mockable
Unknown Speaker (01:28:57.079)
sure you know you might have a tendency to take lightly the
Unknown Speaker (01:29:01.159)
uh the effects yeah no the modern weaponry no when i was researching uh
Unknown Speaker (01:29:06.840)
for for my book how to make a nuke no no no when i was researching it i found out
Unknown Speaker (01:29:11.399)
that most of the missile corps not most but like
Unknown Speaker (01:29:14.520)
a massive chunk of them are always high and the people who and all the computers
Unknown Speaker (01:29:20.199)
are from the 1980s like it is terrifying if you look into what
Unknown Speaker (01:29:24.920)
it's crazy it's crazy people are still using punch cards
Unknown Speaker (01:29:29.000)
to control nuclear weapons in 2022 it's bananas
Unknown Speaker (01:29:32.600)
i'm into it that means it's less hackable yeah and they're doing ecstasy
Unknown Speaker (01:29:36.119)
so it's pretty cool hell yeah hell yeah you gotta get you gotta no no
Unknown Speaker (01:29:39.960)
totally have you ever gone down into there those silos are terrified crazy if
Unknown Speaker (01:29:43.560)
you're not on absolutely you got it so alex takes another call
Unknown Speaker (01:29:47.000)
and this guy this is a little bit of a longer clip but i wanted to play it
Unknown Speaker (01:29:50.119)
in uh sort of full um this guy disagrees with alex about some of the
Unknown Speaker (01:29:55.640)
premises uh that he's coming forth with and this
Unknown Speaker (01:29:59.640)
flusters alex to a point that he ends up making
Unknown Speaker (01:30:03.479)
a totally bizarre claim at the end of this
Unknown Speaker (01:30:06.760)
go ahead bill well i don't see first of all i don't think this is government
Unknown Speaker (01:30:10.279)
sponsored that's my opinion okay secondly uh you know i don't see how
Unknown Speaker (01:30:15.399)
an act like this is going to help with illegal immigration and the movement
Unknown Speaker (01:30:19.159)
supports that if anything if anything i think it's going to make
Unknown Speaker (01:30:24.039)
people refocus on why illegal immigration is so bad well
Unknown Speaker (01:30:28.520)
that's the point i've made they tell us to give up our rights and drive through
Unknown Speaker (01:30:31.479)
checkpoints we live in the heartland but then they've got the borders wide
Unknown Speaker (01:30:35.079)
open and porous and then have been advertising how open we are
Unknown Speaker (01:30:38.279)
the terrorist attack that in and of itself is a grand crime
Unknown Speaker (01:30:41.880)
no question and i think that people get refocused on that and i think they're
Unknown Speaker (01:30:45.880)
going to have a really tough time modifying the law i really don't see
Unknown Speaker (01:30:50.680)
marshall all being declared sir it's already
Unknown Speaker (01:30:54.359)
settle emergency and you know i've got dozens of the states
Unknown Speaker (01:30:57.640)
but but alex this is a normal response to a major issue i mean so you are you
Unknown Speaker (01:31:02.279)
in the military i used to be okay i'm a retired officer well we support
Unknown Speaker (01:31:07.159)
the military most of the troops i know the analysis we have here we don't know
Unknown Speaker (01:31:11.000)
who's done this but are you telling me if someone bin
Unknown Speaker (01:31:13.399)
laden could coordinate uh all of these uh these uh these four
Unknown Speaker (01:31:18.520)
attacks well i'm telling you that there are lots
Unknown Speaker (01:31:21.319)
of people who are mercenaries for hire that have been
Unknown Speaker (01:31:23.880)
in covert activities for many countries a mercenary is going to fly a plane
Unknown Speaker (01:31:28.199)
into a building no you didn't let me finish what i was
Unknown Speaker (01:31:30.840)
saying i believe that there are enough tentacles by organizations throughout the
Unknown Speaker (01:31:35.079)
world and have enough finances and connections to pull off something like
Unknown Speaker (01:31:38.840)
this i will say this it's a good chance europe
Unknown Speaker (01:31:40.920)
could be behind this they're rolling what's euro
Unknown Speaker (01:31:43.960)
right now the full currency in two and a half months
Unknown Speaker (01:31:47.239)
yeah the euro is what caused 9 11 so now alex has decided that it's
Unknown Speaker (01:31:52.199)
like he's so thrown by this guy like he can't impugn him by being like oh you're
Unknown Speaker (01:31:56.520)
not even in the military yeah exactly these kinds of standard attempts to like
Unknown Speaker (01:32:00.359)
make him not appear to know anything right uh fail
Unknown Speaker (01:32:03.720)
and so i guess you know what maybe it's the fucking eu
Unknown Speaker (01:32:08.520)
they're rolling out the euro so they attack our
Unknown Speaker (01:32:11.720)
symbol of the economy what do you get oh it's it all makes sense
Unknown Speaker (01:32:16.279)
it is it is a little bit like if a blindfolded kid kept trying to hit a
Unknown Speaker (01:32:22.199)
pinata and eventually the pinata he just
Unknown Speaker (01:32:25.159)
couldn't break it and so then they just hugged
Unknown Speaker (01:32:27.640)
so like that's what happened there he was like well i guess i guess i just
Unknown Speaker (01:32:31.000)
believe europe killed everybody then uh-huh that's fine hey you don't agree
Unknown Speaker (01:32:34.600)
with the crazy stuff i'm saying so i'm gonna say something crazier how about
Unknown Speaker (01:32:37.560)
that how do you like that how do you do it huh
Unknown Speaker (01:32:40.520)
so weird do you want to nuke europe now i love i love the response to that i
Unknown Speaker (01:32:47.000)
don't think martial law is gonna be it's already happened i love that for
Unknown Speaker (01:32:50.439)
any any question like that and i really don't
Unknown Speaker (01:32:53.560)
think that they're gonna ban cigarettes and they already banned
Unknown Speaker (01:32:57.640)
them like okay all right man okay yeah and there's also two things that
Unknown Speaker (01:33:01.800)
have already come up that are interesting
Unknown Speaker (01:33:04.039)
counter-arguments to the ideas that alex is expressing
Unknown Speaker (01:33:07.239)
the first is when jim was on and he was talking about how there was a long delay
Unknown Speaker (01:33:11.960)
between the crash and the plant or the
Unknown Speaker (01:33:15.000)
buildings falling right and it was almost like they were
Unknown Speaker (01:33:17.800)
giving time for civilians to evacuate sure and
Unknown Speaker (01:33:21.319)
jim does bring up the point that like it's almost as if there would have been
Unknown Speaker (01:33:25.079)
time for emergency uh first responders to be there and they
Unknown Speaker (01:33:29.079)
were the main target yeah of the attack which would lead one
Unknown Speaker (01:33:32.439)
to believe that that is a nefarious uh plan of a terrorist organization
Unknown Speaker (01:33:38.760)
wanted to uh take out firefighters and police right
Unknown Speaker (01:33:43.079)
uh infrastructure people as opposed to uh just civilian death um that is
Unknown Speaker (01:33:48.680)
unexamined by alex how that would be a motive not
Unknown Speaker (01:33:51.960)
of the globalist of terrorists right second this caller is bringing up the
Unknown Speaker (01:33:56.680)
idea that immigration would become a much larger
Unknown Speaker (01:33:59.720)
issue in the wake of a foreign terrorist attack and it sure did
Unknown Speaker (01:34:03.479)
and that would not be in the interest of the globalist
Unknown Speaker (01:34:07.239)
as alex has presented them because they want all the immigrants to come in they
Unknown Speaker (01:34:11.720)
want the borders wide open exactly and so this doesn't fit from a
Unknown Speaker (01:34:15.640)
motive standpoint and this also isn't fully examined
Unknown Speaker (01:34:20.439)
right on this but they are lingering hanging questions that just are
Unknown Speaker (01:34:25.560)
ignored right and and let me throw this one out there
Unknown Speaker (01:34:28.359)
at you osama has already attacked the world trade
Unknown Speaker (01:34:32.920)
center alex doesn't believe that and not just that he is incredibly rich
Unknown Speaker (01:34:38.039)
true he has connections all over the world
Unknown Speaker (01:34:41.239)
he has infiltrated most terrorist organizations
Unknown Speaker (01:34:44.920)
and if not yeah yeah and when the when that guy was saying that like there are
Unknown Speaker (01:34:49.319)
groups of mercenary tendrils and stuff sure i think that what
Unknown Speaker (01:34:53.159)
happened in alex's mind is like what are organizations that i hate
Unknown Speaker (01:34:56.680)
the eu they're a bunch of probably higher mercs
Unknown Speaker (01:34:59.720)
sounds kind of like what he's saying yeah you did it
Unknown Speaker (01:35:03.000)
so alex uh ends up going down this road quite a bit all right let's see what
Unknown Speaker (01:35:06.119)
happens it's just a travesty and europe may be
Unknown Speaker (01:35:08.279)
behind this there is a fisher there is an internal struggle
Unknown Speaker (01:35:11.159)
between the new world order right now germany runs the eu
Unknown Speaker (01:35:15.640)
they swore the annihilation of the u.s uh they put people into power to take
Unknown Speaker (01:35:19.640)
over this country what and uh it's in between
Unknown Speaker (01:35:24.680)
muslim terrorists being provocateur and allowed to do this
Unknown Speaker (01:35:27.800)
it's in between our government doing it and it's in between the eu doing it
Unknown Speaker (01:35:31.079)
frankly i'm starting to lean towards the eu and that power block that runs a lot
Unknown Speaker (01:35:34.199)
of our news here wow that was so fast yeah 98 sure
Unknown Speaker (01:35:39.079)
the government did it the government did it
Unknown Speaker (01:35:42.760)
you can't just sit well look dude i had a weird phone call
Unknown Speaker (01:35:46.439)
and now i think you did it now i'm gonna be i'm gonna be honest with you
Unknown Speaker (01:35:50.359)
it's about 98 sure europe did it yeah that's amazing
Unknown Speaker (01:35:53.800)
who's europe did germany install presidents germany
Unknown Speaker (01:35:58.439)
what happened germany swore the debts over the united states everybody knows
Unknown Speaker (01:36:01.720)
that's in world war ii no no no it was a few years ago okay
Unknown Speaker (01:36:04.680)
few years back sure yeah what i have no idea i don't know
Unknown Speaker (01:36:10.520)
this is whip that i i could not have been less prepared for
Unknown Speaker (01:36:14.199)
see this is why you go back to the past yeah no shit find things you never
Unknown Speaker (01:36:18.359)
really expect i got t-boned by europe that's what's
Unknown Speaker (01:36:22.279)
going on here jesus so one of the things i think is
Unknown Speaker (01:36:25.000)
really fun about this broadcast is that alex is like
Unknown Speaker (01:36:29.079)
juggling guests sure like jim was on earlier he comes
Unknown Speaker (01:36:32.600)
back oh he was on earlier he comes back okay
Unknown Speaker (01:36:35.560)
and so jim's back now and alex is upgrading this uh banter about the eu
Unknown Speaker (01:36:42.039)
and look at listen carefully to the way he expresses this
Unknown Speaker (01:36:45.560)
did you ever think you'd see this in the united states
Unknown Speaker (01:36:49.720)
no i really didn't you know we've we've been kind of
Unknown Speaker (01:36:52.920)
always you know conditioned to believe this is the one place we haven't
Unknown Speaker (01:36:56.279)
had any overt at least foreign terrorism and i'm presuming this is foreign who
Unknown Speaker (01:37:01.479)
knows maybe it's maybe it's internal maybe
Unknown Speaker (01:37:03.720)
not but uh uh yeah we you know we feel pretty uh
Unknown Speaker (01:37:08.039)
insulated against that kind of getting the analysis that it may be the eu
Unknown Speaker (01:37:12.199)
uh they're rolling out analysis it's already
Unknown Speaker (01:37:15.399)
who's analysis they're distributing to africa
Unknown Speaker (01:37:19.880)
middle east uh and then suddenly our financial center is brought down
Unknown Speaker (01:37:25.319)
we've been in two wars with europe uh buddy this is sad
Unknown Speaker (01:37:32.119)
we're getting analysis by which have been
Unknown Speaker (01:37:35.159)
10 minutes ago i tossed out the idea of eu
Unknown Speaker (01:37:38.520)
randomly 10 minutes ago i talked some shit
Unknown Speaker (01:37:42.119)
now we're getting analysis analysis we've got
Unknown Speaker (01:37:45.560)
we've got several think tanks you heard me talk shit and then they were like
Unknown Speaker (01:37:49.079)
wait a second and they looked into it the heritage foundation has just called
Unknown Speaker (01:37:52.600)
my cell phone it told me that the eu did analysis we
Unknown Speaker (01:37:56.920)
were getting it like there's more analysis on the ground being done right
Unknown Speaker (01:38:00.520)
now outrageous we've sent somebody from
Unknown Speaker (01:38:02.760)
infowars to belgium to see if that story's true brussels
Unknown Speaker (01:38:07.880)
suspiciously silent on the issue of whether or not they did 9 11
Unknown Speaker (01:38:13.079)
brussels has yet to respond to our did you do 9 11 no comment from leo zagami
Unknown Speaker (01:38:19.079)
as of yet well that's because he's in hiding so darry is not in hiding he
Unknown Speaker (01:38:23.319)
comes back gotcha the united airlines confirms that
Unknown Speaker (01:38:26.279)
flight 175 from boston to la has crashed with 56
Unknown Speaker (01:38:30.680)
passengers and nine crew members abroad emergency personnel at the scene say
Unknown Speaker (01:38:35.239)
there are no survivors why are these airplanes crashing do you
Unknown Speaker (01:38:39.479)
have any idea alex now is this a plane other than the four
Unknown Speaker (01:38:43.159)
that went into the trade center and well i don't know
Unknown Speaker (01:38:46.039)
into pittsburgh and into uh into the pentagon
Unknown Speaker (01:38:49.880)
i don't have any idea
Unknown Speaker (01:38:53.079)
well we know they've got fighter jets scrambled everywhere
Unknown Speaker (01:38:57.239)
so they could have shot the thing down you suppose
Unknown Speaker (01:39:00.840)
yeah we'll probably never know that's something they're not gonna ever
Unknown Speaker (01:39:03.079)
announce these guys have nothing to say and this
Unknown Speaker (01:39:06.119)
is not good radio you have a guy who's running late to do
Unknown Speaker (01:39:09.800)
the wheat report giving alex updates on stuff that
Unknown Speaker (01:39:12.760)
neither of them have any context for so i you know
Unknown Speaker (01:39:16.119)
instead of sorting the information out alex just dismisses it all the way by
Unknown Speaker (01:39:20.520)
saying it's probably a conspiracy and we'll never get the truth about this
Unknown Speaker (01:39:24.279)
it's legitimately pathetic and almost self-parody yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:39:27.720)
united 175 was the plane that hit the south tower or world trade center too
Unknown Speaker (01:39:32.600)
i believe the dairy is getting some intel wrong and he's actually talking
Unknown Speaker (01:39:36.119)
about united 93 that crashed but the number of passengers
Unknown Speaker (01:39:40.199)
that he cites actually matches 175 so i don't know what's going on
Unknown Speaker (01:39:44.600)
he might have the number wrong or there's something that got missed in
Unknown Speaker (01:39:47.800)
translation either way this is a pointless
Unknown Speaker (01:39:50.199)
dissemination of half half correct information
Unknown Speaker (01:39:53.159)
that only serves to kind of bore and annoy alex
Unknown Speaker (01:39:56.760)
yeah seems to be taking this whole national tragedy pretty well all
Unknown Speaker (01:40:00.279)
things good he seems like he wants to go home this was the first time i honestly
Unknown Speaker (01:40:04.039)
related to anybody on this show whenever he was like i don't know what's
Unknown Speaker (01:40:07.800)
going on i was like that is the first legitimate
Unknown Speaker (01:40:11.319)
acceptable phone call you know what's wild to have yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:40:14.439)
that moment that dairy has where it's like why are these planes crashing
Unknown Speaker (01:40:18.199)
it sounds stupid to us now but no i wouldn't have known that they were
Unknown Speaker (01:40:23.720)
hijacked no absolutely you know like obviously
Unknown Speaker (01:40:26.439)
that's an assumption that you could make but
Unknown Speaker (01:40:28.199)
like yeah there is a reason for at this time of day for dairy to be like
Unknown Speaker (01:40:32.920)
i don't know why they're crashing i don't know what's going on
Unknown Speaker (01:40:36.279)
right that is a that is the most human response i can think of right here
Unknown Speaker (01:40:41.319)
and i don't want to make fun of that too much because i think it is normal but it
Unknown Speaker (01:40:44.439)
it also doesn't serve to help a radio show that's supposed to be
Unknown Speaker (01:40:48.279)
disseminating news and information no no no see
Unknown Speaker (01:40:50.920)
i am screaming in this scenario i'm screaming i don't know what's going on
Unknown Speaker (01:40:55.159)
so i'm going to go to the news for information about what's going on
Unknown Speaker (01:40:59.560)
i do not want to go to the news and see me
Unknown Speaker (01:41:02.600)
screaming i don't know what's going on and then alex wait
Unknown Speaker (01:41:07.159)
something's happening it's a conspiracy you'll never know
Unknown Speaker (01:41:10.439)
so alex got that caller yeah he's talking about some numerology
Unknown Speaker (01:41:14.279)
i really wish he didn't alex is going to get into a little of his own
Unknown Speaker (01:41:17.880)
yeah if they don't attack somebody in level entire countries will be attacked
Unknown Speaker (01:41:21.319)
daily in florida a pair of education speeches the president scrapped his
Unknown Speaker (01:41:26.600)
schedule and said at the first reports of attacks on new york
Unknown Speaker (01:41:29.399)
came up on the uh for the board and said that nine
Unknown Speaker (01:41:33.239)
uh stands for judgment and 11 for disorder
Unknown Speaker (01:41:37.560)
really and it shows how the globalist everything is 33
Unknown Speaker (01:41:41.079)
everything is 7 11 all of these occultic numbers
Unknown Speaker (01:41:45.000)
that makes sense that does make sense i mean look at all this
Unknown Speaker (01:41:48.600)
look at the flight numbers 33 and that's not accurate it's not one of the flight
Unknown Speaker (01:41:52.920)
numbers what's 7 11 uh 7 is heaven and 11 is the number of
Unknown Speaker (01:41:57.479)
minutes that you wait no the other what the 7 11 wasn't a flight
Unknown Speaker (01:42:01.560)
number no it's 9 11 right 7 11 is a store
Unknown Speaker (01:42:06.279)
yeah what does that have to do with this i couldn't get anything to eat at 7 11
Unknown Speaker (01:42:12.680)
they were out of the good stuff it's brutal yeah brutal all they had left was
Unknown Speaker (01:42:16.840)
the flaming hot nacho uh doritos it didn't
Unknown Speaker (01:42:20.279)
have the cooler ranch harump i know it's brutal i
Unknown Speaker (01:42:23.800)
wanted a donut so um alex has some more bad
Unknown Speaker (01:42:27.399)
predictions here yeah we could see nuclear war within the
Unknown Speaker (01:42:31.399)
day in fact i had a report last night that we covered
Unknown Speaker (01:42:34.359)
no that israel's very upset saying iran now has
Unknown Speaker (01:42:39.399)
nukes and the missiles deliver them um it's just folks this could be the
Unknown Speaker (01:42:45.640)
beginnings of armageddon i hate to say that but we certainly have
Unknown Speaker (01:42:49.720)
the ingredients don't we dary well it looks like it doesn't it and
Unknown Speaker (01:42:53.000)
you've heard me say time and time again once you read the back of the book
Unknown Speaker (01:42:56.760)
you begin to see a different picture and you look at the overall picture
Unknown Speaker (01:43:01.239)
uh i definitely say we are in the end time
Unknown Speaker (01:43:05.800)
i believe it's right as well alex now when we're good
Unknown Speaker (01:43:09.159)
fantastic that doesn't mean the end that means the start of the good stuff
Unknown Speaker (01:43:14.039)
yes you see what i mean oh boy sure that's
Unknown Speaker (01:43:17.239)
not good is there any end of the world for us
Unknown Speaker (01:43:20.760)
is good i want we are excited about the idea of the possibility of nuclear war
Unknown Speaker (01:43:26.760)
kicking off tonight and this being armageddon
Unknown Speaker (01:43:29.000)
i just want that makes sense for his apocalyptic version of christianity
Unknown Speaker (01:43:33.640)
sure can we have one national or world or even local tragedy
Unknown Speaker (01:43:40.680)
that is not evidence that we're in the end times
Unknown Speaker (01:43:43.800)
just one i just don't want to know that we're in the end times
Unknown Speaker (01:43:47.239)
every single time how many end times are we going to be in man so many
Unknown Speaker (01:43:50.520)
i've been in so many end times yeah there's a limit
Unknown Speaker (01:43:54.520)
yeah so i i had this really interesting thought of a way that i would like to
Unknown Speaker (01:43:59.239)
talk to alex sure if i ever were to yeah i i know that
Unknown Speaker (01:44:03.800)
he has a lot of evidence that 9 11 happened
Unknown Speaker (01:44:07.640)
and he has a lot of videos that he's posted or
Unknown Speaker (01:44:11.159)
it's an inside job sure sure sure sure um there's a lot of videos that he has
Unknown Speaker (01:44:14.760)
posted that are like smoking gun evidence it's like at the
Unknown Speaker (01:44:18.439)
title of it right and so i would i would bring up i i'd
Unknown Speaker (01:44:22.359)
like to talk to you about this article smoking gun evidence that 9 11 was an
Unknown Speaker (01:44:26.119)
inside job what is this about it's a smoking gun
Unknown Speaker (01:44:30.279)
you just tell me what is it about you just tell me
Unknown Speaker (01:44:33.079)
guarantee like he would guess wrong yeah because there have been a hundred
Unknown Speaker (01:44:37.720)
articles or even like a you know smoking gun covid
Unknown Speaker (01:44:41.399)
is a killer vaccine kills which one what is the
Unknown Speaker (01:44:44.680)
smoking which smoking gun is this one yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:44:47.000)
what you'd never get it right i would just put him in a room
Unknown Speaker (01:44:50.520)
with that had the floor covered in guns and 30 co2 and then we could
Unknown Speaker (01:44:57.800)
really get to the bottom of all of his issues you know
Unknown Speaker (01:45:01.319)
is co2 good for you turns out not how many floors can you have
Unknown Speaker (01:45:06.039)
how many guns can you have on a floor that's another question he has so
Unknown Speaker (01:45:09.319)
alex and derry uh this gets back to where
Unknown Speaker (01:45:12.760)
you were talking earlier about how it seemed like they
Unknown Speaker (01:45:16.760)
looked at this as like a righteous oh yeah yeah yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:45:19.880)
this is where like it really gets into that
Unknown Speaker (01:45:23.079)
and this feels really messed up the true believers are looking forward
Unknown Speaker (01:45:28.600)
to the to this next to this next thousand years
Unknown Speaker (01:45:32.840)
so um but but but again you have to have studied this the person
Unknown Speaker (01:45:39.159)
also be part of the birth pains absolutely absolutely and if people
Unknown Speaker (01:45:43.640)
don't understand this i caught world leaders it's been an
Unknown Speaker (01:45:46.760)
esquire magazine it's been in the press democrat front page mainstream
Unknown Speaker (01:45:50.680)
san francisco paper it's been on national television in europe
Unknown Speaker (01:45:55.239)
i snuck in and caught world leaders in black and red robes worshiping the devil
Unknown Speaker (01:45:59.479)
so why are you offended by us talking about how we're christians and how our
Unknown Speaker (01:46:03.079)
bible tells us this would happen in detail
Unknown Speaker (01:46:06.119)
and we're kooky but world leaders can dance around worshiping molec
Unknown Speaker (01:46:10.199)
i mean if world leaders are worshiping the devil we're going to be judged
Unknown Speaker (01:46:13.319)
nations are judged that is the bottom line would you agree mr brownfield
Unknown Speaker (01:46:17.560)
absolutely and that's what i said earlier today i think i've said it two
Unknown Speaker (01:46:20.680)
or three times on national national radio that it's difficult for
Unknown Speaker (01:46:24.840)
me to pray for america today i can pray for god's people
Unknown Speaker (01:46:29.640)
and i can pray that as many people going to be saved as they possibly can
Unknown Speaker (01:46:33.640)
but when our own children cannot go to a public american
Unknown Speaker (01:46:37.399)
government tool and stand up and sing god bless america
Unknown Speaker (01:46:42.199)
how can god bless america i think the fetal tissues part of it i think the
Unknown Speaker (01:46:47.000)
trading with china giving them the olympics when they killed their
Unknown Speaker (01:46:49.399)
political dissidents and blew up 450 churches
Unknown Speaker (01:46:52.039)
pissed off god so publicly last year when they're murdering the tibetans
Unknown Speaker (01:46:56.199)
well go a little bit closer to home how about all the murdering we're doing to
Unknown Speaker (01:46:59.640)
our own children yes the drugging of them the abortion
Unknown Speaker (01:47:03.960)
we're being judged ladies and gentlemen yeah this is the
Unknown Speaker (01:47:07.560)
family i think it's just the beginning alec and decadent societies are always
Unknown Speaker (01:47:11.239)
judged so they have been and they will continue
Unknown Speaker (01:47:16.199)
to be but you guys are exactly right i'll
Unknown Speaker (01:47:18.439)
leave you alone okay thank you darren bless it is the nation
Unknown Speaker (01:47:22.199)
that uh has and that believes in god you know
Unknown Speaker (01:47:25.800)
and cursed is the ones that don't yeah so 9 11 was
Unknown Speaker (01:47:30.119)
a political punishment from god this is no different than like pat robertson's
Unknown Speaker (01:47:35.079)
kind of shit yeah mocked rightfully yep um
Unknown Speaker (01:47:39.399)
i i'm gonna throw this out at you okay um
Unknown Speaker (01:47:42.920)
did you ever notice how god is exactly as dumb as the people talking about god
Unknown Speaker (01:47:47.800)
you know like it is so crazy to me that we can hear
Unknown Speaker (01:47:50.920)
alec say i want them nuked and then we can hear him talk about his god
Unknown Speaker (01:47:56.439)
just nuking people whenever he feels like
Unknown Speaker (01:47:59.479)
they need to be well there's a so crazy there's an
Unknown Speaker (01:48:01.960)
interesting other sort of branch that goes off
Unknown Speaker (01:48:05.079)
these thoughts sure and that is that god
Unknown Speaker (01:48:08.359)
is right and god is you know infallible and so god's judgment for the political
Unknown Speaker (01:48:14.520)
decisions that you disagree with is doing a 9 11 right that kind of
Unknown Speaker (01:48:19.159)
implies that you want to do that to people to punish them
Unknown Speaker (01:48:24.199)
for things like abortion yeah it is almost like the people in those planes
Unknown Speaker (01:48:29.880)
justified spiritually flying into those buildings justified
Unknown Speaker (01:48:34.119)
their behavior almost exactly the same way you just
Unknown Speaker (01:48:37.479)
justified their behavior how crazy is that there are weird
Unknown Speaker (01:48:41.159)
wrinkles but it was the eu that's right so maybe that's right that's
Unknown Speaker (01:48:46.840)
right i forgot this show is a mess it is uh i think you understand why we
Unknown Speaker (01:48:51.640)
have to do these as separate absolutely absolutely i don't know what's
Unknown Speaker (01:48:56.439)
happening we were 98 sure it was the government now it's the eu
Unknown Speaker (01:49:00.039)
yeah oh man i'm half convinced it's gonna be
Unknown Speaker (01:49:03.000)
squatch by the end it's gotta be squatch it's gotta be the
Unknown Speaker (01:49:06.199)
squatch um there's only one hero for us and
Unknown Speaker (01:49:09.479)
that's the squad so there's um this is dumb yeah american
Unknown Speaker (01:49:13.800)
people don't even know what war is to my knowledge this is the first time
Unknown Speaker (01:49:17.399)
there has ever been an attack on american soil other than the british
Unknown Speaker (01:49:21.560)
then you should learn more about in modern history anything anything
Unknown Speaker (01:49:25.000)
that anybody can remember what we went through two world wars and
Unknown Speaker (01:49:30.039)
never was attacked not true yeah we had some german
Unknown Speaker (01:49:36.039)
agents blow up a weapons dump in new york but the media never covered that
Unknown Speaker (01:49:39.159)
they said it was an accident well i don't know pearl harbor dumb
Unknown Speaker (01:49:42.760)
dumb i was gonna say you realize that that
Unknown Speaker (01:49:45.000)
big attack the biggest attack that literally anybody could remember before
Unknown Speaker (01:49:49.720)
this point yeah yeah yeah that was big that's huge it
Unknown Speaker (01:49:52.920)
was on american soil yeah but i guess there's some kind of maybe
Unknown Speaker (01:49:56.920)
alex doesn't look at non-mainland as america
Unknown Speaker (01:50:00.920)
sure fine fine if we're just gonna make arbitrary
Unknown Speaker (01:50:04.279)
rules about fucking everything yeah that's that's inappropriate
Unknown Speaker (01:50:07.560)
hawaii is a part of the united states it's u.s soil that was attacked
Unknown Speaker (01:50:11.479)
doesn't count i understand that he thinks that's a false flag too yeah
Unknown Speaker (01:50:14.760)
that's fair but still it happened oh also the fucking
Unknown Speaker (01:50:18.199)
earlier bombing of the world trade center hey you remember that one
Unknown Speaker (01:50:22.359)
anyway yeah dary should learn more yeah i i do appreciate anytime somebody
Unknown Speaker (01:50:29.000)
it's the only one i can remember and then you can just be like well learn
Unknown Speaker (01:50:32.520)
go go find more there are so at this point alex
Unknown Speaker (01:50:36.119)
does a reset recaps the news sure in case you're joining late i just
Unknown Speaker (01:50:41.640)
don't know what to say to any of it for those who's tuning in they don't know
Unknown Speaker (01:50:44.039)
what we're talking about four planes both the world trade center
Unknown Speaker (01:50:48.039)
towers with tens of thousands of people in them have collapsed
Unknown Speaker (01:50:50.840)
uh hit by large passenger planes uh a plane hit the pentagon blowing up a
Unknown Speaker (01:50:56.439)
large portion of that catching it on fire and then outside pittsburgh pa
Unknown Speaker (01:51:00.760)
one slam into their international airport probably shot down by
Unknown Speaker (01:51:04.359)
by fighters fighters are swarming everywhere four
Unknown Speaker (01:51:07.800)
carriers have delivered their payload of planes out
Unknown Speaker (01:51:10.439)
into the air we've got jets scrambled everywhere they're flying around here in
Unknown Speaker (01:51:14.840)
texas right now above us and they're declaring civil
Unknown Speaker (01:51:18.840)
emergency and putting the feds out on the streets in major
Unknown Speaker (01:51:21.479)
capital cities why would they be flying over austin texas
Unknown Speaker (01:51:26.439)
i don't know i was outside earlier and there goes a jet flying by
Unknown Speaker (01:51:30.520)
so this is interesting because later on part of alex's conspiracies will revolve
Unknown Speaker (01:51:35.000)
around why didn't they scramble jets right and so here he is reporting four
Unknown Speaker (01:51:40.439)
things have deployed their payload and he personally
Unknown Speaker (01:51:43.880)
saw fighter jets scrambled over austin so i guess he just forgot about that
Unknown Speaker (01:51:49.239)
yeah or maybe he's making it up here and he knows that he can just uh
Unknown Speaker (01:51:53.319)
retcon it whenever he feels like yeah maybe
Unknown Speaker (01:51:56.199)
that must be a really comforting thought to be able to just be like
Unknown Speaker (01:51:59.640)
listen i'll just say that this is different like not imagine you don't
Unknown Speaker (01:52:03.239)
even have to fix it in post you know it's like you you do the show
Unknown Speaker (01:52:06.680)
it says something and then you're just like i tell you it didn't and that's it
Unknown Speaker (01:52:10.119)
and that's fine it's basically like if you're doing a
Unknown Speaker (01:52:13.640)
sitcom and like it's episodic sure right so
Unknown Speaker (01:52:16.920)
every episode is a new set of circumstances
Unknown Speaker (01:52:19.720)
consequences don't necessarily carry over bart simpson's still
Unknown Speaker (01:52:23.000)
12 years old but yeah you can't carry some things over that's
Unknown Speaker (01:52:27.640)
you get to choose what is reset and what isn't
Unknown Speaker (01:52:31.720)
and then the audience is just like yeah this makes sense it's jarring it's
Unknown Speaker (01:52:35.239)
fucking jarring it breaks my brain it's
Unknown Speaker (01:52:37.239)
narratively untenable in one episode it's narratively have to
Unknown Speaker (01:52:41.399)
just not pay attention yeah that base you have to passively let
Unknown Speaker (01:52:45.720)
this wash over you yeah or else you're fucked yeah so this is
Unknown Speaker (01:52:50.359)
really a bad call here alex takes a call and it
Unknown Speaker (01:52:53.960)
really kind of pissed me off um i think this
Unknown Speaker (01:52:57.880)
obviously shows that the united states immigration
Unknown Speaker (01:53:01.560)
policy is flawed the borders of this country should
Unknown Speaker (01:53:05.319)
have been closed down and restricted many many many moons ago obviously the
Unknown Speaker (01:53:10.520)
terrorists were able to get in this country and
Unknown Speaker (01:53:13.800)
they're not going to do that they're going to track and trace you and your
Unknown Speaker (01:53:16.520)
family biometrically the sum scan to get food as they're
Unknown Speaker (01:53:19.319)
already putting them in and the borders are going to be wide open brother
Unknown Speaker (01:53:22.600)
if you're paying any attention this is a pretty big reveal that alex mostly just
Unknown Speaker (01:53:26.520)
talks out of his ass here the caller suggests that borders
Unknown Speaker (01:53:29.800)
should have been closed long ago so they could keep immigrants out and alex
Unknown Speaker (01:53:33.159)
agrees but earlier alex was erroneously
Unknown Speaker (01:53:35.800)
reporting that the borders had been sealed in response to the attacks and
Unknown Speaker (01:53:39.239)
that was martial law sealing the borders up is good when it's
Unknown Speaker (01:53:43.079)
a part of alex's xenophobic fantasies but it's bad
Unknown Speaker (01:53:46.279)
when it's a theoretical part of a country responding to a giant terrorist
Unknown Speaker (01:53:49.640)
attack you can pretty easily see the flaws in alex's thinking and how this
Unknown Speaker (01:53:53.560)
lacks any real consistency but this clip is
Unknown Speaker (01:53:56.760)
actually worse than that when he's riffing around with this
Unknown Speaker (01:53:59.560)
caller about how bad immigration is alex says that the government isn't going to
Unknown Speaker (01:54:03.319)
close the borders because they just want to track and trace your family
Unknown Speaker (01:54:06.840)
but we've already established as a confirmed piece of alex's reporting that
Unknown Speaker (01:54:10.680)
the borders have been sealed which is part of it's
Unknown Speaker (01:54:14.199)
being framed as part of the martial law takeover
Unknown Speaker (01:54:16.840)
that detail of alex's coverage is now inconvenient for his more important
Unknown Speaker (01:54:21.000)
talking point about how bad immigration is
Unknown Speaker (01:54:23.239)
so he just ignores it this is how information works in alex's world
Unknown Speaker (01:54:27.960)
something can be presented as a fact in order to scare the audience about how
Unknown Speaker (01:54:31.399)
the police state is here and then without any explanation the
Unknown Speaker (01:54:34.600)
opposite can be presented to scare the audience about immigration
Unknown Speaker (01:54:38.439)
what's important to recognize here is the claim and the negation of the claim
Unknown Speaker (01:54:42.680)
which is to say reporting that the borders are sealed
Unknown Speaker (01:54:45.000)
and also saying they never would close the border it's wide open
Unknown Speaker (01:54:48.359)
both serve the same purpose which is why it doesn't matter to the audience that
Unknown Speaker (01:54:52.760)
they're contradictory and on the surface would make alex's
Unknown Speaker (01:54:55.399)
show incoherent both of these center on the listener
Unknown Speaker (01:54:59.079)
and the white conservative christian american listener in general
Unknown Speaker (01:55:02.439)
and it centers them as the victim if the border is being sealed it's because
Unknown Speaker (01:55:06.920)
that's martial law and they're coming to take your guns and put you in a fema
Unknown Speaker (01:55:09.880)
camp because you're a conservative white christian american
Unknown Speaker (01:55:12.520)
if it's the border is never going to be sealed it's because they want to solve
Unknown Speaker (01:55:16.039)
the problem of foreign terrorism by tracking and
Unknown Speaker (01:55:18.680)
tracing your family instead of stopping immigrants from coming into this country
Unknown Speaker (01:55:22.680)
both of these ideas that alex is pitching satisfy the emotional need to
Unknown Speaker (01:55:26.439)
be under attack that he and his audience are addicted to it doesn't matter if
Unknown Speaker (01:55:30.840)
these things make no sense because they're not meant to
Unknown Speaker (01:55:33.319)
they emotionally resonate with the thing that people come to alex for
Unknown Speaker (01:55:37.560)
yeah and that is really really like i don't know if it's because the
Unknown Speaker (01:55:43.479)
intensity of the event that he's covering
Unknown Speaker (01:55:46.039)
but it becomes so clear in stark contrast that alex can simultaneously be
Unknown Speaker (01:55:52.439)
reporting that the government has sealed the
Unknown Speaker (01:55:54.600)
borders and it's martial law and we should seal the borders
Unknown Speaker (01:55:58.920)
because otherwise it's a conspiracy to attack mainstream america with
Unknown Speaker (01:56:04.920)
immigrants yeah it's just it's nonsense yeah if i were
Unknown Speaker (01:56:08.760)
an american i would have closed the borders right
Unknown Speaker (01:56:11.079)
around the time of the first crusade and then saved yourself a lot of fucking
Unknown Speaker (01:56:15.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:56:18.439)
i i find this to be unacceptable yeah but it is really illustrative and i
Unknown Speaker (01:56:23.720)
think that you can you can learn a bit about how to
Unknown Speaker (01:56:27.399)
process a lot of the ways that other narratives that seem weird on his show
Unknown Speaker (01:56:31.319)
uh why they're there sure and how how a lot of this is navigated
Unknown Speaker (01:56:36.600)
it centers the listener as the the aggrieved one the one who is put upon
Unknown Speaker (01:56:41.479)
sure by whatever the larger conspiracy is right
Unknown Speaker (01:56:45.399)
some of it is some of the function of conspiracies is to make
Unknown Speaker (01:56:49.000)
things uh that are complicated make sense or give some sense of comfort in a
Unknown Speaker (01:56:53.640)
chaotic world but some of it is also to make you feel like to just agitate you
Unknown Speaker (01:56:59.319)
into a frenzy to always be in a fight or flight mode
Unknown Speaker (01:57:03.239)
with your adrenal glands fucking pumping into your brain
Unknown Speaker (01:57:06.920)
and to give um an excuse for why maybe you're not
Unknown Speaker (01:57:11.479)
as happy as you want to for sure for sure because there's a
Unknown Speaker (01:57:15.239)
massive conspiracy that centers on the identity that you are right and a
Unknown Speaker (01:57:22.279)
massive excuse for why you believe that they're coming to kill you and all
Unknown Speaker (01:57:26.359)
you're doing is sending him money sure and it rationalizes fairly extreme
Unknown Speaker (01:57:31.479)
politics because the alternative is submitting to the people who are
Unknown Speaker (01:57:34.680)
obviously going to kill you lesser of two evils
Unknown Speaker (01:57:37.640)
sure you've always got to vote for the lesser of two evils
Unknown Speaker (01:57:40.680)
yep anyway uh in this next clip uh it's just this is this is the core
Unknown Speaker (01:57:47.239)
of what this becomes and it's just victim fetish
Unknown Speaker (01:57:51.399)
aren't our major government facilities protected at all by our air force
Unknown Speaker (01:57:56.439)
it doesn't seem like we're going to pull housewives out of their cars at
Unknown Speaker (01:57:59.239)
military checkpoints like we've already been doing in texas and tennessee
Unknown Speaker (01:58:02.279)
that's on my website mainstream news stories that you know as well as i do
Unknown Speaker (01:58:07.159)
this is not only don't worry hold on don't worry about the chinese military
Unknown Speaker (01:58:11.640)
in the panama canal the threat is the housewife that has an
Unknown Speaker (01:58:15.079)
old revolver in her closet mr brownfield any comments thanks for
Unknown Speaker (01:58:18.199)
the call walley not really i tell you what i have a
Unknown Speaker (01:58:21.960)
meeting downtown in about 45 minutes well you better go
Unknown Speaker (01:58:25.239)
um that's about as impassioned as you've seen
Unknown Speaker (01:58:28.359)
yeah you know and that guy's response of like
Unknown Speaker (01:58:33.000)
anyways it's 9 11. i gotta get to a meeting bye
Unknown Speaker (01:58:36.359)
crazy yeah just crazy yep but dary's gotta go
Unknown Speaker (01:58:39.960)
he's got this meeting sure sure sure um and so alex needs another bro to come
Unknown Speaker (01:58:44.920)
in and so ted comes back naturally um and this is this clip was
Unknown Speaker (01:58:49.880)
depressing um because it starts with ted giving voice to one of the
Unknown Speaker (01:58:57.079)
very few times in this entire show that uh concern and humanity
Unknown Speaker (01:59:04.359)
is really expressed uh and then it goes bad
Unknown Speaker (01:59:08.119)
are you blown away like i am oh god and my heart goes out to the people first
Unknown Speaker (01:59:11.800)
thing i mean i i just i i well this is your second appearance so
Unknown Speaker (01:59:15.960)
they were having a family member caught up in this thing and i it just
Unknown Speaker (01:59:19.079)
it just it's mind-boggling to think of the tragedy that just occurred
Unknown Speaker (01:59:23.159)
uh but you know then you you know it's a financial institution you know that
Unknown Speaker (01:59:26.920)
those two buildings were worth a tremendous amount of money
Unknown Speaker (01:59:30.279)
and the uh investors that were put you know put the money behind that
Unknown Speaker (01:59:33.560)
particular thing it depends on the financial industry
Unknown Speaker (01:59:38.199)
there's no question about it i mean basically you know
Unknown Speaker (01:59:41.239)
billions of dollars have just been lost within a matter of seconds
Unknown Speaker (01:59:44.520)
right as the eu euro get out of here online and being delivered well you know
Unknown Speaker (01:59:50.039)
but that's one of the reasons why a lot of people get into gold because there
Unknown Speaker (01:59:52.760)
could be gold sitting in the basement of that building and after they dig the
Unknown Speaker (01:59:55.399)
rubble out of gold still valuable oh god yeah
Unknown Speaker (02:00:00.119)
but i mean on one hand it is more empathetic than or at least it
Unknown Speaker (02:00:06.760)
begins more empathetic than pretty much all of this show so far but
Unknown Speaker (02:00:11.479)
yeah it goes pretty quickly to financial
Unknown Speaker (02:00:13.800)
conversation but some of that i think is why you just
Unknown Speaker (02:00:17.319)
wouldn't want to have him on on that day because i think that's
Unknown Speaker (02:00:20.680)
the world he's he's in sure and so that's one of the ways he
Unknown Speaker (02:00:25.479)
processes the event is is my livelihood and my entire life
Unknown Speaker (02:00:29.720)
is based around commodities trading and precious metals
Unknown Speaker (02:00:33.319)
and currency well i mean the their god king
Unknown Speaker (02:00:36.920)
on the day said now i have the tallest building so yeah i was
Unknown Speaker (02:00:40.199)
kind of wondering if that would come up on the episode that would be that would
Unknown Speaker (02:00:43.319)
be really it's not on his day show oh man um but yeah i i think that's why
Unknown Speaker (02:00:48.039)
you just i mean i understand ted's your boss
Unknown Speaker (02:00:49.960)
and he runs all the companies and stuff but like it's not
Unknown Speaker (02:00:53.079)
it's not necessarily it looks tacky i i okay unless your show
Unknown Speaker (02:01:00.760)
is entirely financial base sure or if you have a segment like 10 minutes
Unknown Speaker (02:01:07.000)
of every hour is the ted corner the ted talk oh he could have branded
Unknown Speaker (02:01:10.840)
that before he could have gotten there way earlier
Unknown Speaker (02:01:13.000)
sue what an asshole um then that makes some sense sure
Unknown Speaker (02:01:17.640)
we got the financial minute with ted right but this is this is this just
Unknown Speaker (02:01:21.479)
looks gauche there the thing that blew me away was
Unknown Speaker (02:01:26.119)
won't someone think of the landlords please won't someone
Unknown Speaker (02:01:29.720)
please think of the landlords but who are the most aggrieved and bereaved
Unknown Speaker (02:01:36.520)
today jordan but here's the thing that was fucked up but here's what
Unknown Speaker (02:01:39.960)
here's what got me uh-huh here's what got me uh
Unknown Speaker (02:01:43.159)
and that's why you buy gold because even if it even if they
Unknown Speaker (02:01:46.680)
put gold at the bottom of the world trade center you can dig that up that's
Unknown Speaker (02:01:50.520)
still valuable if you are selling me gold
Unknown Speaker (02:01:54.760)
under the twin towers yeah on 9 11 it's not good
Unknown Speaker (02:02:00.680)
you could have used an example like a pirate ship
Unknown Speaker (02:02:03.880)
or something that is the most it's using the image of the tragedy in
Unknown Speaker (02:02:09.560)
order to promote the value of the thing you sell
Unknown Speaker (02:02:13.880)
and that sucks anyways yankees red socks tonight
Unknown Speaker (02:02:18.119)
that sucks too the the other thing that i was thinking about too is they're like
Unknown Speaker (02:02:22.439)
okay like obviously this looks bad and is gross
Unknown Speaker (02:02:25.560)
yeah but at the same time you do have to accept that
Unknown Speaker (02:02:28.600)
the people who own the building the business interests that
Unknown Speaker (02:02:32.119)
were affected by it it's not a non-issue it's just now's not the time now is not
Unknown Speaker (02:02:38.439)
the time right you you handle accounting issues
Unknown Speaker (02:02:42.039)
days later now that said the gold underneath the trade center is a selling
Unknown Speaker (02:02:47.239)
point is unacceptable it's not i can't believe it's not just that
Unknown Speaker (02:02:50.359)
it's not the time that is never the time i i'm shocked that a human being could
Unknown Speaker (02:02:55.800)
do that yeah i would i would never ever in a minute i
Unknown Speaker (02:02:59.239)
can promise you for as creative as my mind may or may not be
Unknown Speaker (02:03:03.239)
never would i have gotten to here's my sales pitch right i think if you were
Unknown Speaker (02:03:07.159)
asked to write uh like what do you think alex's show
Unknown Speaker (02:03:11.000)
on 9 11 was like you couldn't imagine that it was that i
Unknown Speaker (02:03:14.920)
would never in a million years have thought
Unknown Speaker (02:03:17.640)
that he would have said that that's amazing
Unknown Speaker (02:03:21.720)
so he uh he goes off air after a few more pointless calls
Unknown Speaker (02:03:25.479)
um and uh here is our last clip from alex's show from the day of 9 11
Unknown Speaker (02:03:32.279)
i mean do you think any arab country would really do this and want to be
Unknown Speaker (02:03:34.920)
turned into a parking lot i never if they were going to do that
Unknown Speaker (02:03:37.800)
they would have nuked israel and iran now has nukes
Unknown Speaker (02:03:40.920)
well i hear you have nukes why wouldn't they go ahead and do that no no no no
Unknown Speaker (02:03:44.840)
then i don't think so is a cia asset i believe the eu was involved in this
Unknown Speaker (02:03:49.800)
uh there is a fisher there is a tectonic power struggle in the new world order
Unknown Speaker (02:03:54.439)
right now well i i don't believe that uh uh
Unknown Speaker (02:03:58.840)
this was done by the by the arabs so we have at the end of alex's
Unknown Speaker (02:04:06.359)
broadcast day for his daytime show the conclusion that the eu is probably
Unknown Speaker (02:04:13.159)
involved 9 11 eu job so this is i mean like
Unknown Speaker (02:04:18.359)
honestly it's hard to sum this up because
Unknown Speaker (02:04:21.720)
it's so weird and you'd kind of expect it to be weird given that it is the day
Unknown Speaker (02:04:28.119)
of there's unfolding information but here's the other thing that's blowing my
Unknown Speaker (02:04:31.560)
mind the unfolding information does not
Unknown Speaker (02:04:34.680)
affect the broadcast that much if at all outside of a couple of things
Unknown Speaker (02:04:38.279)
that dary brings to his attention some of which are not accurate at all
Unknown Speaker (02:04:42.279)
some are half accurate yeah outside of that there's not much like
Unknown Speaker (02:04:46.359)
in terms of updates that are being incorporated it's kind of
Unknown Speaker (02:04:51.319)
shit talking yeah yeah i think i can sum up the episode pretty well
Unknown Speaker (02:04:55.560)
and it's uh 33 plus 175 minus 16
Unknown Speaker (02:05:02.279)
plus uh well actually minus 93 because they got that one wrong sure
Unknown Speaker (02:05:07.159)
right well actually minus 60 because they got 33 right
Unknown Speaker (02:05:11.479)
okay um so that puts us at where do have you been
Unknown Speaker (02:05:15.079)
keeping track of this no but i like where you're going with it all right
Unknown Speaker (02:05:18.359)
you're cooking with gas
Unknown Speaker (02:05:21.960)
42 okay yeah so 98 chance it's the uh inside job yeah
Unknown Speaker (02:05:28.680)
it was the government for sure yep now it's the eu
Unknown Speaker (02:05:32.199)
probably so we uh much like alex will be taking a break
Unknown Speaker (02:05:37.079)
he goes off air and then comes back at nine that evening
Unknown Speaker (02:05:40.279)
and we will be back on wednesday to go over
Unknown Speaker (02:05:43.640)
what's changed we'll see is it still the eu does alex still think we deserved it
Unknown Speaker (02:05:48.760)
god knows um but uh until then jordan we have a website we do have a website
Unknown Speaker (02:05:53.800)
it's yep we're also on twitter we are on twitter it's at
Unknown Speaker (02:05:56.680)
knowledge underscore fighting that go to bed jordan
Unknown Speaker (02:05:58.920)
we'll be back but until then i'm neo i'm leo i'm dzx clark
Unknown Speaker (02:06:02.439)
i'm dary brownfield and now here comes the sex robot andy in chansas you're on
Unknown Speaker (02:06:07.720)
the air thanks for holding hello alex i'm a first name caller i'm a
Unknown Speaker (02:06:12.359)
huge fan i love your work i love you