Transcript/632: Christmas Message and More
From Knowledge Fight Wiki
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This transcript was automatically generated by transcription software and likely contains many mistakes and misattributions. Please check the audio for definitive quotes, attribution, and context.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:00.000)
N-N-N-N-N-N-Knowledge Fight
Unknown Speaker (00:00:12.880)
Dan and Jordan, I am sweating.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:19.600), it's time to pray.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:21.399)
I have great respect for Knowledgefight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:25.199)
I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys, saying we are the bad guys.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:29.359)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:30.359)
Dan and Jordan, Knowledgefight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:32.000)
Mil frying, Mil frying, Mil frying, Mil frying, Mil frying, Mil frying, Mil frying
Unknown Speaker (00:00:36.119)
Andy and Kansas!
Unknown Speaker (00:00:37.119)
Andy and Kansas, Andy, first they've been calling him a huge fan.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:45.079)
I love your work!
Unknown Speaker (00:00:53.439) stops.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:55.700)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:58.640)
I love you.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:59.479)
Hey everybody, welcome back to Knowledge Fight,
Unknown Speaker (00:01:00.899)
I'm Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:01.740)
I'm Jordan.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:02.560)
We're a couple dudes, let's sit around,
Unknown Speaker (00:01:03.399)
worship at the altar of Selene
Unknown Speaker (00:01:04.579)
and talk a little bit about Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:06.620)
Oh indeed we are, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:08.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:08.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:09.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:10.519)
Quick question.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:11.359)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:12.180)
What's your bright spot today?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:13.019)
My bright spot today, Jordan,
Unknown Speaker (00:01:13.859)
I meant to get this on the last episode and I forgot,
Unknown Speaker (00:01:15.739)
but my bright spot is some very nice Christmas gifts
Unknown Speaker (00:01:19.060)
that came in from folks.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:22.019)
Amy, thank you so much, sent in some lovely art
Unknown Speaker (00:01:24.659)
that we got these framed art pieces.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:28.019)
Very, very good.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:28.859)
And a cool cooking book that I am enjoying.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:32.819)
I haven't actually made anything from it,
Unknown Speaker (00:01:34.519)
but it's cool pictures and I appreciate that.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:37.579)
Also, Sam, thank you so much, sent us some books.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:40.799)
You got some H.G. Wells.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:42.700)
Oh man, I got some serious volumes.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:45.099)
Yeah, and I got an interesting book here.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:46.920)
I haven't had a chance to crack into it,
Unknown Speaker (00:01:48.340)
but it's about Lovecraft.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:49.659)
Yeah, I got the H.G. Wells book from that era
Unknown Speaker (00:01:53.500)
where if you were a science fiction writer,
Unknown Speaker (00:01:55.379)
you also had to write the rise and fall
Unknown Speaker (00:01:57.340)
of the Roman Empire along those lines, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:00.379)
They're gorgeous hardcover books.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:03.859)
I appreciate that.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:05.140)
I always love a dignified hardcover.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:07.420)
Ooh, never lend a hardcover, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:09.300)
One rule.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:10.139)
One rule.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:10.960)
Also, Christy, Black Dragon Queen.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:13.900)
Oh, Black Dragon Queen Christy.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:15.939)
Sent an indoor campfire thing with marshmallows
Unknown Speaker (00:02:21.580)
to make s'mores.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:22.419)
It's incredible.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:23.259)
It's incredible.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:24.099)
My partner saw it and then immediately said to me,
Unknown Speaker (00:02:27.099)
we're not doing this inside.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:29.500)
You at least have a porch.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:30.860)
That's true, yes.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:31.699)
You could do that there.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:32.699)
I'm not as lucky.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:33.879)
Just hold it out the window.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:34.900)
I could do that.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:35.740)
Yeah, that makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:36.860)
So yeah, thank you, folks.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:38.539)
It's really nice, cool stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:41.300)
Yeah, it's incredible.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:42.860)
How about you?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:44.060)
My bright spot, of course, is gratitude,
Unknown Speaker (00:02:47.780)
but also I have finally gotten into The Expanse,
Unknown Speaker (00:02:52.419)
the sci-fi series of novels and television
Unknown Speaker (00:02:55.620)
that every sci-fi nerd has unequivocally praised,
Unknown Speaker (00:03:01.020)
almost nonstop for about 15 years.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:03.300)
Finally, I have caught up to the party
Unknown Speaker (00:03:06.020)
and it's really good.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:07.659)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:08.479)
It's really good.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:09.319)
I say as if I've watched it.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:10.259)
You haven't?
Unknown Speaker (00:03:11.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:11.939)
You won't.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:12.759)
It's fine.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:13.599)
But welcome.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:14.419)
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:15.259)
I say condescendingly as hell.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:16.099)
I join you in the spirit of joy.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:18.020)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:18.979)
So Jordan, today we have an interesting episode to go over.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:22.060)
Here's what's gonna be on our plate.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:24.460)
We've got something happened and that was on Christmas.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:28.560)
Alex put out an emergency warning to Donald Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:31.759)
Oh no.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:32.599)
About the vaccines and stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:33.680)
Oh sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:34.520)
He's very mad about Trump supporting the vaccines
Unknown Speaker (00:03:36.379)
as we covered on the last episode.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:37.919)
And this has escalated
Unknown Speaker (00:03:39.099)
to a Christmas Day emergency message.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:41.580)
Trump put down the cocoa.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:45.219)
Yes, yes.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:46.219)
Get away, tell Barron to go to the other room.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:48.860)
I got a warning.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:49.699)
The three wise men have run away.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:51.620)
Camels and horses in the opposite direction.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:54.180)
I come bearing gifts of frankincense,
Unknown Speaker (00:03:56.020)
myrrh, and a dire warning.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:57.419)
And get the fuck out.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:59.400)
So we got that.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:00.240)
And then we're gonna be going over Wednesday,
Unknown Speaker (00:04:03.099)
December 29th.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:05.379)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:06.219)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:07.060)
Oh God, how did I lose that one?
Unknown Speaker (00:04:08.360)
I was the one who said 2021.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:09.340)
I tricked you into saying 2021.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:10.300)
You son of a bitch.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:11.379)
I had to really revolutionize the game on the last.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:14.099)
No, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:14.919)
That was well done.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:15.759)
Last episode of 2021.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:16.600)
No, no, that was well done.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:17.420)
You flipped it around.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:18.259)
I was defeated for one final time.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:20.100)
There's nowhere else we can go with it.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:21.019)
I'm essentially the dark one.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:22.699)
So we're gonna do this, the episode from Wednesday,
Unknown Speaker (00:04:25.660)
just to, first of all,
Unknown Speaker (00:04:26.740)
because there's some sort of followup on the Trump warning.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:30.319)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:31.160)
And then also because I wanna get us, you know,
Unknown Speaker (00:04:33.420)
pretty much caught up because on Monday,
Unknown Speaker (00:04:35.600)
I'd really like to finally get into Reset Wars.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:38.579)
Some goddamn time we're gonna get into Reset Wars.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:42.699)
One of these days.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:43.660)
That clones will be back.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:45.800)
So we've got an emergency Christmas message,
Unknown Speaker (00:04:48.680)
but first let's say hello to some new wonks,
Unknown Speaker (00:04:50.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:51.759)
Oh, that's a great idea!
Unknown Speaker (00:04:52.579)
So first, Chase and his invisible hamster,
Unknown Speaker (00:04:54.699)
thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:56.660)
I'm a policy wonk!
Unknown Speaker (00:04:57.540)
Thanks Chase!
Unknown Speaker (00:04:58.379)
Thank you!
Unknown Speaker (00:04:59.199)
Next, Marques Calloway mini star fan club,
Unknown Speaker (00:05:01.439)
thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:03.160)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:04.279)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:05.120)
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:05.939)
Next, Annie Nolan is an absolute unit,
Unknown Speaker (00:05:08.379)
thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:10.399)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:11.420)
Thank you very much, Annie!
Unknown Speaker (00:05:12.779)
Thank you!
Unknown Speaker (00:05:13.620)
Next, Big bird gold versus Bigfoot.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:15.600)
Thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:17.180)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:18.560)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:19.620)
Thank you!
Unknown Speaker (00:05:20.459)
Mr. Aptronym, thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:24.019)
I'm a policy wonk!
Unknown Speaker (00:05:25.019)
Thank you very much, Mr. Aptronym!
Unknown Speaker (00:05:26.420)
Thank you!
Unknown Speaker (00:05:27.420)
And to George Love Jamie, did you hear that frog?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:30.660)
Thank you so much, you are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:32.319)
I'm a policy wonk!
Unknown Speaker (00:05:33.319)
Thank you very much!
Unknown Speaker (00:05:34.319)
Thank you!
Unknown Speaker (00:05:35.319)
Also, we got a technocrat in the mix, Jordan, so I'd like to say thank you and hello to
Unknown Speaker (00:05:38.860)
Rotten, you are now a technocrat.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:42.060)
I'm a policy wonk!
Unknown Speaker (00:05:43.060)
Crikey, mate, that's fantastic!
Unknown Speaker (00:05:44.060)
Have yourself a brew!
Unknown Speaker (00:05:45.060)
How's your 401k doing, bro?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:46.060)
All right, we gotta go full tilt boogie on this, Watson, all right?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:50.779)
Let's just get down to business.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:51.939)
We ain't making that money off that heroin.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:54.019)
Why are you pimps so good?
Unknown Speaker (00:05:55.939)
My neck is freakishly large.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:57.579)
I declare info war on you.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:00.019)
Thank you so much, Rotten!
Unknown Speaker (00:06:01.019)
Yes, thank you very much!
Unknown Speaker (00:06:02.019)
All right, here's an out of context drop, Jordan, from today's show.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:05.980)
Let it be said on my tombstone that I'm part of Team Human.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:14.680)
We got it.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:15.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:16.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:17.680)
I will honor this request once you have passed.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:20.220)
Listen, I'm gonna give the wonks a little bit of a glimpse into a behind the scenes
Unknown Speaker (00:06:26.939)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:27.939)
Just so everyone knows, every time he plays that song, both of us start dancing.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:32.420)
Both of us move our shoulders back and forth.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:35.300)
If you ever hear that song, know that we are doing that.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:38.939)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:39.939)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:40.939)
I like to party.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:41.939)
I like to dance.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:42.939)
We both just dance back and forth.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:44.939)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:45.939)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:46.939)
You ready for this?
Unknown Speaker (00:06:47.939)
I am.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:48.939)
What were you doing on Christmas Day?
Unknown Speaker (00:06:49.939)
I think we were sleeping, for the most part.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:52.819)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:53.819)
There wasn't much to do because everything was closed and also, you know, COVID.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:58.579)
So we were just kind of sleeping.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:00.319)
I was watching Reset Wars.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:03.660)
And to all a good night!
Unknown Speaker (00:07:07.899)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:08.899)
Here's what Alex was doing.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:10.860)
This is an emergency Christmas Day warning to President Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:16.779)
You are either completely ignorant about the so-called vaccine gene therapy that you helped
Unknown Speaker (00:07:22.459)
ram through with Operation Warp Speed or you're one of the most evil men who has ever lived
Unknown Speaker (00:07:29.660)
to push this toxic poison on the public and to attack your constituents when they simply
Unknown Speaker (00:07:35.399)
try to save their lives and the lives of others.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:38.819)
We're about to lay out the basic, incontrovertible facts that what you told Candace Owens just
Unknown Speaker (00:07:44.980)
a few days ago is nothing but a raft of dirty lies.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:49.759)
Dirty lies.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:50.759)
Clean those lies up.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:51.759)
You know, sometimes either-or statements feature two things that are not mutually exclusive
Unknown Speaker (00:07:56.920)
and both can be true at the same time.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:59.699)
Also raft, a nice flip, you know, on trosh.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:04.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:05.259)
Trosh and raft.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:06.259)
Yeah, it's nice to get rid of trosh.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:08.060)
It's like a grip.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:09.060)
You got a grip of something?
Unknown Speaker (00:08:10.060)
I do like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:11.060)
Yes, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:12.060)
I like these expressions that are underused.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:15.100)
It's a murder of bullshit, as they say.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:17.259)
So the original, the last time we were talking about this, Alex was kind of responding to
Unknown Speaker (00:08:21.540)
Trump's appearance with Bill O'Reilly where he admitted he got the booster and all this.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:26.699)
Now by this point, Trump had done that interview with Candace Owens where she had been implying
Unknown Speaker (00:08:32.779)
and saying that the vaccines, people who are vaccinated are the ones who are in the hospitals
Unknown Speaker (00:08:36.860)
and dying most and Trump's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:41.179)
Trump was not playing the game right.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:43.580)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:44.580)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:45.580)
And so this is what has got Alex's goose on Christmas day.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:49.179)
Fatten that goose.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:50.179)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:51.179)
Clean those lies.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:52.179)
Fatten that goose.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:53.179)
And more people have died under COVID this year, by the way, under Joe Biden than under
Unknown Speaker (00:08:57.779)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:58.779)
And more people took the vaccine this year.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:59.779)
So people are questioning how the vaccine works, but some people aren't taking the ones, the
Unknown Speaker (00:09:04.539)
ones that get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don't take their vaccine,
Unknown Speaker (00:09:08.940)
but it's still their choice.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:11.259)
And if you take the vaccine, you're protected.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:13.220)
Look, the results of the vaccine are very good.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:15.659)
And if you do get it, it's a very minor form.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:19.139)
People aren't dying when they take the vaccine.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:21.019)
Recently, Candace Owens attempted to confront you politely face to face with the fact that
Unknown Speaker (00:09:26.860)
these so-called vaccines are causing a lot of death and illnesses.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:31.059)
And you double down saying that nobody has been hurt by these shots when that is just
Unknown Speaker (00:09:38.299)
a flat out lie.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:39.919)
But is it a dirty lie?
Unknown Speaker (00:09:41.700)
I mean, there's one explanation for this, which is in order to believe that the vaccines
Unknown Speaker (00:09:48.440)
are more dangerous than being unvaccinated, you would have to be dumber or more evil than
Unknown Speaker (00:09:54.580)
Donald J. Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:57.659)
That's interesting.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:00.340)
Tough to wrestle with.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:01.340)
Tough to wrestle with.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:02.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:03.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:04.980)
So I thought that, I mean, obviously I have, look, I spend my time watching Reset Wars
Unknown Speaker (00:10:10.460)
and shit like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:11.460)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:12.460)
But even I can't handle watching a full episode of whatever Candace Owens does.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:16.620)
Oh, good God, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:17.620)
No, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:18.620)
I'm not going to do that.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:19.620)
I'm not going to watch Tim Pool.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:20.620)
I'm just not going to do these things.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:21.620)
There's no such thing as an observer effect if you can avoid it.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:24.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:25.259)
And so I haven't watched the whole thing, but the clip that I saw from that appearance
Unknown Speaker (00:10:29.340)
was pretty funny.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:31.059)
Candace Owens seemed very confused by Trump not being on board with the mainline Trump
Unknown Speaker (00:10:37.539)
community anti-vaxx position.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:40.379)
The speed with which he said, no, no, no, no, was almost delicious.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:45.659)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:46.659)
And this has really pissed Alex off.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:48.179)
He is not thrilled with it to the point where on Christmas, he's got to release this message
Unknown Speaker (00:10:52.419)
where he's clearly prerecorded this.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:55.620)
There's probably multiple takes.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:57.940)
Like you can hear-
Unknown Speaker (00:10:58.940)
He's doing a pretty performative voice.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:02.299)
That was cut together.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:03.620)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:04.620)
So we get to a little bit more of this.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:09.179)
Alex is just saying like, this is whatever Trump's saying here, the opposite is actually
Unknown Speaker (00:11:12.879)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:13.879)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:14.879)
And then you tripled down on top of that and said that 90% of people in the hospitals around
Unknown Speaker (00:11:21.460)
the world have not had the vaccine.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:24.399)
When the facts and the statistics show the opposite in Germany, in the UK, in the US,
Unknown Speaker (00:11:30.139)
in Canada, across the world, in places like Israel, the double and triple vaxxed are more
Unknown Speaker (00:11:35.840)
than two times likely to become sick and to be hospitalized and or die.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:42.159)
In fact, a new study came out just this week.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:45.460)
Here it is for you to research it, President Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:48.100)
So we spent so much time going over specific claims when they popped up on Alex's show
Unknown Speaker (00:11:51.940)
in the past.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:52.940)
I'm not going to get back into the weeds on the claims about vaccinated people being twice
Unknown Speaker (00:11:56.779)
as likely to be hospitalized.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:58.620)
It's just an old false talking point.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:00.820)
But I was curious about this new study, so I thought I'd check in on this.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:04.299)
I generally end up listening to stuff and when something becomes necessary for me to
Unknown Speaker (00:12:08.779)
check visually, I'll go and watch the video.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:11.460)
And so when Alex says that there's a new study out for Trump to research, the image that's
Unknown Speaker (00:12:16.019)
on the screen is just a screenshot of a tweet that Ezra Levant posted about a non peer reviewed
Unknown Speaker (00:12:22.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:23.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:24.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:25.019)
It's awesome.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:26.019)
It doesn't get much more concrete than that.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:28.299)
It really doesn't.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:29.340)
These fucking dicks think they're blowing everyone's minds and making an appeal to the
Unknown Speaker (00:12:32.899)
former president to help them save the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:34.740)
They can't even be bothered to track down the actual study to get a screenshot of that.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:38.740)
So they just show a tweet.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:40.080)
The link to the study is in the tweet.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:41.899)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:42.899)
You'd have to click through, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:43.899)
You know nobody clicks through.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:45.299)
So embarrassing.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:46.299)
We'll get to the study in a moment, but I wanted to say something about the experience
Unknown Speaker (00:12:49.340)
of going through Ezra's Twitter feed to try and find the link to the study.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:53.179)
It was actually kind of shocking how just scrolling through it heightened my anxiety.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:59.019)
It's just a barrage of memes and sensational posts making arguments that I know are flawed
Unknown Speaker (00:13:03.379)
and dumb, but the sheer volume of them and the quickness that they come at you and the
Unknown Speaker (00:13:07.460)
confidence with these people with shit positions, they just proffer them up.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:12.019)
It still had an effect on me.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:13.899)
It was horrifying to consider what the experience would be like for someone who didn't know
Unknown Speaker (00:13:16.899)
that these people are all liars and con men.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:19.480)
This would be so scary to take in.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:22.139)
And how long it would take you to track down this barrage of bullshit that's coming at
Unknown Speaker (00:13:27.620)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:28.620)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:29.620)
It's visceral.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:30.620)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:31.620)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:32.620)
I mean, we're in a situation now where I think we're fundamentally asking the eternal question,
Unknown Speaker (00:13:39.659)
who gaslights the gaslighters?
Unknown Speaker (00:13:41.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:42.059)
You know?
Unknown Speaker (00:13:43.059)
And it turns out it's Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:44.059)
It's Trump who does it.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:45.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:46.059)
He's also being gaslit.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:47.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:48.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:49.059)
So this study, like I said, hasn't been peer reviewed, and it almost certainly will either
Unknown Speaker (00:13:51.940)
have to be redone or retracted as soon as any review begins.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:55.740)
To quote Ezra's analysis of the study, it shows that, quote, Pfizer customers are 76.5%
Unknown Speaker (00:14:01.860)
more likely, and Moderna customers are 39.3% more likely to be infected than unvaxxed people.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:09.259)
This is in regards to vaccine effectiveness against the Omicron variant.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:13.940)
The reason that I say that this study will probably never make it past peer review is
Unknown Speaker (00:14:16.960)
that there is a glaring methodological problem with how they prepare the data for the study.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:21.899)
There were three groups of people that they looked at.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:24.740)
Unvaccinated people, people who had gotten two doses of Moderna, and people who had gotten
Unknown Speaker (00:14:27.700)
two doses of Pfizer.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:29.580)
It very well may be the fact that there is a reduced efficacy over time for these vaccines
Unknown Speaker (00:14:34.419)
against the Omicron variant, but quite likely the reason that there's a negative efficacy
Unknown Speaker (00:14:38.860)
reflected in these numbers is that the study excluded people who had previously tested
Unknown Speaker (00:14:43.419)
positive with the PCR test, which creates some problems for the data.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:48.019)
One issue is that people who tested positive previously are probably going to be a group
Unknown Speaker (00:14:51.580)
that skews heavily towards being unvaccinated, and it's been shown that the Omicron variant
Unknown Speaker (00:14:56.340)
can absolutely reinfect people who've previously caught COVID.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:00.220)
Removing this group from the data set may have an effect on the results, or at very
Unknown Speaker (00:15:03.620)
least would be a cause for concern to trust the specifics of the numbers as being reflective
Unknown Speaker (00:15:08.360)
of reality.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:09.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:10.360)
Even leaving that concern aside, the authors of the study have provided a very reasonable
Unknown Speaker (00:15:13.860)
explanation for the numbers that make sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:16.860)
Quote, the negative estimates in the final period arguably suggest different behavior
Unknown Speaker (00:15:21.899)
and or exposure patterns in the vaccinated and unvaccinated cohorts, causing an underestimation
Unknown Speaker (00:15:27.179)
of the vaccine effectiveness.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:29.419)
This was likely the result of Omicron spreading rapidly initially through single superspreading
Unknown Speaker (00:15:34.500)
events causing many infections among young vaccinated individuals.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:38.379)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:39.379)
In the very intuitive sense, superspreading events could have occurred in places where
Unknown Speaker (00:15:42.980)
vaccination was required to enter, and this is an issue that's particularly relevant to
Unknown Speaker (00:15:47.080)
this study.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:48.419)
The subject of this study were all people in Denmark, which is actually pretty relevant.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:54.059)
In September, Denmark lifted all of its COVID restrictions and went back to business as
Unknown Speaker (00:15:58.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:59.259)
It was believed that there was a high enough vaccination rate, so there was no longer any
Unknown Speaker (00:16:02.620)
reason to be required to show proof of vaccination at bars and clubs or anywhere.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:07.159)
This was prior to the first identification of the Omicron variant by researchers in South
Unknown Speaker (00:16:11.759)
Africa on November 24th.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:14.120)
In mid-November, it was starting to become an issue in Denmark that cases were starting
Unknown Speaker (00:16:17.820)
to go up again, and on November 29th, the Danish health authorities reimposed public
Unknown Speaker (00:16:22.700)
health measures, including requiring masks and not allowing people to enter many places
Unknown Speaker (00:16:28.220)
without a corona pass.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:30.360)
If you look at this study, you'll see that this is the precise timeframe when their data
Unknown Speaker (00:16:34.340)
was being collected.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:36.000)
The first check-ins were on November 20th, and it ended at the earliest on December 12th,
Unknown Speaker (00:16:41.539)
unless there was a positive test or a death that would lead to, obviously, an endpoint.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:45.740)
Here's where the context gets very important.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:48.200)
If you go to the Danish government's site about the corona pass, these are the groups
Unknown Speaker (00:16:52.179)
who are eligible to get that pass.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:54.500)
Quote, you can get a corona pass if you have been previously infected within the last six
Unknown Speaker (00:16:59.299)
months, have been vaccinated or tested negative with a PCR test that is no more than 72 hours
Unknown Speaker (00:17:04.940)
old and for rapid tests that is no more than 48 hours old.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:10.579)
People who are unvaccinated but who have tested positive in the past within the last six months
Unknown Speaker (00:17:14.740)
are eligible for the pass that would allow them to be in places with potentially high
Unknown Speaker (00:17:18.640)
concentrations of people around when Omicron was going wild and super spreading events
Unknown Speaker (00:17:23.339)
were most likely occurring.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:25.259)
While it still very well may be the case, the protection against Omicron variant is
Unknown Speaker (00:17:29.859)
weaker, the further one is out from the vaccine, the negative effectiveness may be implicated
Unknown Speaker (00:17:34.759)
by these confounding factors and likely doesn't reflect a reality where the vaccines make
Unknown Speaker (00:17:39.539)
a person more likely to get infected.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:42.579)
That's not really something you could use this non-peer reviewed study to back up.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:47.980)
Right, right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:48.980)
So what we're kind of describing is a situation where so many people are vaccinated that the
Unknown Speaker (00:17:55.500)
available pool of subjects is such that it's more likely to find that vaccinated people
Unknown Speaker (00:18:02.059)
are being reinfected simply because there's so many more of them.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:06.880)
Is that kind of what we're talking about here?
Unknown Speaker (00:18:08.180)
I don't believe so because I think the rates would probably take care of that somewhat.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:13.019)
There would be a balancing of that.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:15.299)
I think that it's more a faulty application of the cohorts in the data, not including
Unknown Speaker (00:18:26.019)
people who have tested positive in the past, reflects something that would skew things
Unknown Speaker (00:18:33.259)
away from unvaccinated people having a higher infection rate.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:36.420)
Right, right, right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:37.660)
I believe that there is an argument you could make on that front and whether or not it's
Unknown Speaker (00:18:42.740)
fully true or not, I do think it's enough of an issue with how this was set up that
Unknown Speaker (00:18:48.980)
you probably would want to redo it.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:51.619)
It skews the data to the point where the conclusions you could draw from it are too tainted by
Unknown Speaker (00:18:56.380)
that data being skewed.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:58.579)
Maybe, yeah, maybe.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:00.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:02.140)
Which is the point?
Unknown Speaker (00:19:03.140)
It's maybe.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:04.140)
It's cause for concern.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:05.140)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:06.140)
And you need to know more before you could really make any kind of conclusions.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:10.299)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:11.299)
We're not dealing with maybes, we're dealing with trying to get as certain as possible.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:13.779)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:14.779)
And also you have to consider this.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:16.180)
For all but nine days of the time that the study was taking place, unvaccinated people
Unknown Speaker (00:19:20.339)
couldn't go on public transit or enter bars or restaurants whereas vaccinated people could,
Unknown Speaker (00:19:25.420)
as well as people who were not vaccinated but who had tested positive in the past.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:29.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:30.579)
These factors make the raw data that you may see, let's say, like in a tweet posted by
Unknown Speaker (00:19:34.259)
a notorious Canadian propagandist, it's less than the full picture.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:38.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:39.019)
It'll be interesting to see exactly how much of a lowered effectiveness there is over time
Unknown Speaker (00:19:41.619)
with El Macron, but this study alone isn't going to prove anything.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:44.740)
I don't think Trump's going to research this.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:46.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:47.940)
No, I definitely don't think that.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:48.940)
He's going to do better than a fucking picture of a tweet.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:51.660)
It's garbage.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:52.660)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:53.660)
He's garbage.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:54.660)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:55.660)
You're going to, one of the nice things about science and the peer review process is that
Unknown Speaker (00:19:59.380)
when you have a lot of people all coming to the same results, they're far more reliable
Unknown Speaker (00:20:03.619)
than if you just have one study out of Denmark.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:06.779)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:07.779)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:08.779)
And I think that these kinds of questions are not really even missed on the authors
Unknown Speaker (00:20:12.579)
of the study.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:13.579)
Because the conclusion of the study, even with these raw numbers that would possibly
Unknown Speaker (00:20:19.880)
be able to be taken out of context to show a negative 76% effectiveness rate, that's
Unknown Speaker (00:20:27.140)
not the conclusion that they come to based on certain elements of context.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:32.220)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:33.220)
That almost makes me think that if any study now should have highlighted sections where
Unknown Speaker (00:20:39.619)
the authors are like, hey, this data could be taken out of context and used for evil
Unknown Speaker (00:20:44.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:45.900)
Just like big, giant bullet points of like, here's how propagandists might take this data
Unknown Speaker (00:20:51.539)
so that when they do, you can even go to the study and be like, see, you're doing what
Unknown Speaker (00:20:54.859)
they said you would.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:55.859)
Or a little chunk where it's just like bad, like the study hits you with a rolled up newspaper.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:03.619)
Don't get any ideas.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:05.059)
Every study has a point where it's like, see, don't take this out of context, Alex, you
Unknown Speaker (00:21:08.900)
piece of shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:10.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:11.460)
So this goes on, and the plan that the globalists have with vaccination, quite terrifying.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:18.140)
Trump needs to know about this.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:20.299)
Within three months, you are twice as likely to become infected by the Omnicron variant
Unknown Speaker (00:21:26.059)
if you took the Pfizer vaccine.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:29.619)
That's because it's erasing your immune system.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:32.579)
And that was the plan.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:34.380)
Face the population's immune system and make them dependent on ongoing gene therapies that
Unknown Speaker (00:21:40.079)
have to be taken as often as every day.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:43.660)
That is the plan.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:45.059)
That's so stupid that I don't even really know where to begin with.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:47.859)
I guess I would say that Alex would probably have done a second take after he said Omnicron,
Unknown Speaker (00:21:52.180)
but like we've seen him say that so much that I think he actually thinks that's the name.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:56.140)
He's kind of reveling in it almost.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:57.920)
More importantly, though, if the vaccines were wiping out people's immune systems, you
Unknown Speaker (00:22:01.900)
wouldn't just be seeing an increase in cases of COVID, particularly Omnicron.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:06.220)
You'd be seeing people dead everywhere from normally very minor things.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:11.259)
Without proper medical attention, people who were vaccinated would be dying or getting
Unknown Speaker (00:22:14.619)
severely ill from bacteria that we all normally encounter on a regular basis.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:19.420)
People would be ending up in the ER all over the place for things like food poisoning.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:22.819)
Like, I mean, I guess you could if you had a severe case of food poisoning anyway.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:26.619)
Sure, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:27.619)
You know what I mean.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:28.619)
It would be endemic.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:29.619)
pneumonia would lay waste to this land.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:32.140)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:33.140)
The situation we're seeing in the world shares no similarities with what you would see if
Unknown Speaker (00:22:36.099)
people's immune systems were being erased.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:38.579)
It does share a lot of similarities with what you would expect to see in the current circumstances
Unknown Speaker (00:22:43.380)
with COVID.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:44.539)
For people who were infected with HIV for the longest time, it was not that the actual
Unknown Speaker (00:22:50.259)
HIV would kill them.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:51.660)
It would destroy their immune system to the point that they would be killed by many other
Unknown Speaker (00:22:55.700)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:56.700)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:57.700)
Unknown Speaker (00:22:58.700)
What Max is saying about how you're twice as likely to get infected if you get the Pfizer
Unknown Speaker (00:23:01.740)
vaccine doesn't even match up with the misrepresentation that he's reporting from Ezra Levan's tweet.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:05.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:06.859)
Like, I don't even know what's going on there.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:08.019)
Great, great.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:09.019)
Love it.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:10.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:11.019)
Compound interest.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:12.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:13.019)
So we talked about tranches earlier, just because it's a fun word.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:16.140)
We know this word is now identifiable with the FDA documents that are being released
Unknown Speaker (00:23:21.740)
vis-a-vis their security checks and safety measures surrounding the Pfizer shot.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:29.660)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:30.660)
Turns out there's now two tranches.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:32.140)
Oh, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:33.140)
We got a second tranche.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:34.140)
We got a double tranche?
Unknown Speaker (00:23:35.579)
That is the plan.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:36.940)
The big pharma takeover of humanity via the immune system from day one of the so-called
Unknown Speaker (00:23:42.900)
vaccines rollout.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:45.180)
Pfizer and the FDA have fought tooth and nail to stop any documents being released to medical
Unknown Speaker (00:23:50.460)
whistleblower groups.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:52.180)
But in the last two months, federal courts have ordered the FDA to release several tranches
Unknown Speaker (00:23:57.940)
of millions of pages of documents.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:00.599)
The first two data dumps show conclusively that the so-called vaccine has caused thousands
Unknown Speaker (00:24:07.680)
and thousands of deaths and more than 160,000 adverse reactions, including spontaneous abortions
Unknown Speaker (00:24:16.619)
and miscarriages.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:18.380)
It's so funny to me that Alex thinks he's fighting a big campaign against big pharma
Unknown Speaker (00:24:21.740)
when he couldn't stop promoting hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:25.819)
Ivermectin's owned by Merck, and the most prevalent form of hydroxychloroquine is produced
Unknown Speaker (00:24:29.400)
by Sanofi S.A. He's trying to stick it to big pharma by encouraging people to, you know,
Unknown Speaker (00:24:34.500)
buy a bunch of stuff from big pharma.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:36.180)
Oh, Facebook's so evil.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:38.579)
You gotta be on Instagram.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:39.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:40.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:41.579)
Anyway, it's nice to hear that there's more tranches of documents now.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:44.539)
We've already gone over Alex's narrative about this dumb shit back on episode 626, so I'm
Unknown Speaker (00:24:49.299)
not going to belabor that by going over it all again.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:52.119)
His talking points haven't changed at all, so I don't really believe he's seen any of
Unknown Speaker (00:24:55.680)
the new documents that have been released.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:58.480)
The initial documents, the ones he lied about initially, were released on November 17, 2021.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:04.259)
After that, a few PDFs were released on December 1st, another batch of documents on December
Unknown Speaker (00:25:08.980)
13th, and then one index file on December 22nd.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:13.440)
There's absolutely zero chance Alex has read any of the documents that were released on
Unknown Speaker (00:25:17.220)
December 13th, because he's already got everything he needs to make up stories from the first
Unknown Speaker (00:25:21.819)
document that he read.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:23.400)
That's enough.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:24.460)
Why would he overcomplicate things when he can use that one document as a bedrock to
Unknown Speaker (00:25:27.819)
build whatever bullshit he wants on top of it?
Unknown Speaker (00:25:30.180)
Also, Alex probably isn't interested in what's in any of these documents, because they really
Unknown Speaker (00:25:33.619)
don't help his arguments at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:36.119)
There's a 344-page analysis of efficacy trials that show very strong efficacy results, so
Unknown Speaker (00:25:42.960)
that doesn't really help.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:44.819)
There's also a 2,030-page document listing interactions with participants in the trials,
Unknown Speaker (00:25:50.319)
like visits to get medical histories or documents showing informed consent being given.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:55.299)
Alex isn't going to dig through this, and no one's tweeted out anything for him to be
Unknown Speaker (00:25:58.779)
mad about yet, so the documents in this tranche are just basically the same as the ones in
Unknown Speaker (00:26:03.019)
the old one to him.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:04.400)
It's just more of the same thing, which is kind of a tell that he doesn't actually believe
Unknown Speaker (00:26:07.579)
there's anything to be revealed in any of these documents.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:10.579)
If he actually believed that this was, like, a big smoking gun, wouldn't he be trying to
Unknown Speaker (00:26:13.619)
squeeze out as much evidence as he could from them, instead of just repeating the same old
Unknown Speaker (00:26:17.220)
shit, same old talking points, from Tranche 1?
Unknown Speaker (00:26:20.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:21.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:22.099)
It's not that there's anything in there, it's that they exist at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:24.460)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:25.460)
The specter of them existing is enough to convince, uh, and the word tranche.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:30.539)
Oh, totally.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:31.539)
No, if you see a Komodo dragon, you're like, eh, you know, that probably means that there
Unknown Speaker (00:26:35.940)
are dragons that fly around and shoot fire.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:38.019)
That's not quite the good...
Unknown Speaker (00:26:39.019)
That was the conclusion I took away from you.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:40.660)
Yeah, I mean, that's what makes sense to me.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:42.579)
You know, because one exists, obviously, the most extreme version of it exists.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:46.819)
Yeah, back when I was a kid, you know, I lived in Hawaii for a bit, and, you know, we'd catch
Unknown Speaker (00:26:51.339)
geckos and all kinds of lizards, and this taught me that reptilian aliens definitely
Unknown Speaker (00:26:58.380)
are around.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:59.380)
I mean, you...
Unknown Speaker (00:27:00.380)
And their tails grow back.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:01.380)
You fight one gecko, and you realize that if there was one that was, say, several thousand
Unknown Speaker (00:27:06.759)
feet tall, you probably wouldn't win.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:09.180)
So obviously, that's the thing to be afraid of.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:11.019)
I miss chasing lizards.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:12.460)
Anyway, Alex...
Unknown Speaker (00:27:14.660)
What a great non-sequitur.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:15.660)
That's what I'm reflecting on in the end of the year.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:19.220)
In the moment, yes.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:20.220)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:21.220)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:22.220)
Coming to the end of 2021.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:23.220)
My New Year's resolution.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:24.779)
I miss lizards.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:26.099)
Chase more lizards.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:27.980)
So Alex, he gets fancy a little bit in this Christmas report, and that is, I don't know
Unknown Speaker (00:27:33.259)
if it's him.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:34.259)
The person who's editing it does, because they add in some clips from Alex's show, sort
Unknown Speaker (00:27:39.619)
of bolster the conversation, so he has a little clip here about him talking about these FDA
Unknown Speaker (00:27:45.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:46.059)
Tronch one.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:47.059)
This is a massive story right here, and then the documents that are in it, which, I'm sorry,
Unknown Speaker (00:27:51.619)
having a chance to read them all, I just read the synopsis, but thousands of more deaths,
Unknown Speaker (00:27:55.059)
thousands of more miscarriages, bleeding out of your nose, having convulsions, becoming
Unknown Speaker (00:27:59.579)
paralyzed, becoming blind, your ovaries basically dissolving.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:03.380)
And uh-oh, oh, and I've got more on that, but it's all liberal.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:07.099)
It's so trendy.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:08.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:09.099)
Major Norwegian study finds COVID-19 vaccines interfere with young women's periods and basically
Unknown Speaker (00:28:15.460)
give you endometriosis where your uterus has got to be removed.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:18.619)
Well, that's...
Unknown Speaker (00:28:19.619)
This, President Trump, is what you are now signing on to.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:23.460)
So there's a recent study that looked at the possibility of a connection between the vaccines
Unknown Speaker (00:28:27.539)
and menstrual changes, and they did find that incidents of menstrual changes did seem to
Unknown Speaker (00:28:32.299)
rise after vaccination.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:34.339)
That being said, Alex is a total liar and a fabulist.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:37.539)
This study has nothing to do with endometriosis or people needing to have their uteruses removed.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:41.980)
That's just something Alex is pulling out of thin air.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:44.259)
The actual study had to do with self-reporting of any changes in menstrual patterns for women
Unknown Speaker (00:28:48.420)
between the ages of 18 and 30.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:50.779)
The specific changes they were looking for had to do with heavier periods, longer periods,
Unknown Speaker (00:28:54.980)
longer or shorter time between periods, and any increased pain.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:58.940)
I guess if Alex wants to play hypothetical OBGYN games and assume that any incidences
Unknown Speaker (00:29:03.740)
of pain were secretly endometriosis, I guess he could do that if he wants, but he'd just
Unknown Speaker (00:29:07.940)
be making that up, because the study does not back that up at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:11.700)
The authors of this study were very careful to point out that this data relies entirely
Unknown Speaker (00:29:15.420)
on self-reporting, so there is a possibility that other variables could lead to participants
Unknown Speaker (00:29:20.420)
not reporting their symptoms with complete accuracy.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:23.259)
Also, they do point out that their data shows that, quote, for most, the changes were transient
Unknown Speaker (00:29:28.940)
and had returned to normal levels when dose two was given, approximately two to three
Unknown Speaker (00:29:33.220)
months after vaccination with the first dose.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:36.380)
They don't have any data yet on the duration of any effects after dose two, but it does
Unknown Speaker (00:29:39.859)
appear that it probably will be similar to the phenomenon seen in dose one, but that's
Unknown Speaker (00:29:44.539)
left to be seen.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:45.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:46.539)
Like, there's indications that it'll probably maybe have some effect and then go back to
Unknown Speaker (00:29:50.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:51.859)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:52.859)
They're saying this is no big deal, I don't want people to think that, but this study
Unknown Speaker (00:29:56.099)
doesn't show the results that are in line with how Alex is reporting them.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:59.680)
This is a pattern, because Alex is a habitual liar.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:02.140)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:03.140)
Loves to lie.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:04.140)
And as somebody who is not a weird 1930s manchild, I've talked with my partner many times about
Unknown Speaker (00:30:10.460)
her menstrual cycle, and there are many different variables that can make it early or late or
Unknown Speaker (00:30:15.299)
heavy or light or whatever it is you want to do, it can change, it's an ongoing process.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:20.940)
It's not like, hey, it didn't happen on the 22nd, so we're all fucked.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:25.819)
You know?
Unknown Speaker (00:30:26.819)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:27.819)
So, um, look, I don't know how to introduce this clip because it's just fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:32.700)
Alex makes a fun threat.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:34.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:35.259)
This is...
Unknown Speaker (00:30:36.259)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:37.259)
It's one thing to rush the shot out because you believed it would save the people and
Unknown Speaker (00:30:41.579)
help end the lockdowns, but now that you know that Fauci signed you onto a fraud, you must
Unknown Speaker (00:30:47.539)
extricate yourself from this lie, or you will be forever known as the MVVP, the most valuable
Unknown Speaker (00:30:56.339)
vaccine pusher, and the name Trump will be associated with pure evil.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:02.619)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:04.019)
There's no way that wasn't written ahead of time.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:06.059)
Oh, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:07.059)
That's huge.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:08.059)
That was delivered so much like, I got this.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:10.299)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:11.299)
I got this in my back pocket.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:12.299)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:13.299)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:14.299)
Too many comedians go up with a joke they knew couldn't fail and watch it fail and hear
Unknown Speaker (00:31:19.700)
that exact same response.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:21.740)
I also think that if you're gonna do this, you gotta find a way to make MVP work.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:27.059)
You don't wanna throw another V in there.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:28.059)
You can't throw another V in there, otherwise you're just creating a new acronym instead
Unknown Speaker (00:31:31.099)
of playing on it.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:32.099)
Right, you just make up another acronym that just sort of sounds similar.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:34.099)
Yeah, I mean, you gotta figure out a way to put goat in there if you're gonna do MVP with
Unknown Speaker (00:31:38.759)
four letters.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:39.759)
You know, there's no point.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:41.059)
You're gonna get an EGOT, Extremely Gluttonous Occupational Osteoporoidal Alimony Avoider.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:54.579)
I got nothing.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:55.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:56.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:57.579)
See, that's why you have to prepare ahead of time.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:58.579)
It's tough.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:59.579)
I know.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:00.579)
I should've written it out.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:01.579)
Acronyms are hard.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:02.579)
They're tough to do off the dome.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:03.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:04.579)
So, Alex brings up an expert here that is supposed to convince Trump, you gotta take
Unknown Speaker (00:32:09.180)
this seriously, baby.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:10.980)
The inventor of mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, has gone public for more than a year
Unknown Speaker (00:32:17.500)
and a half, warning that his technology used to counter a cold virus would lead to serious
Unknown Speaker (00:32:23.940)
blood clots and autoimmune disorders like ADE.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:28.299)
And now the hospitals are full across the Western world of double-vaxxed patients who
Unknown Speaker (00:32:34.019)
are showing the exact signs of ADE.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:37.220)
There's no evidence that people are having ADE or antibody-dependent enhancement from
Unknown Speaker (00:32:40.940)
COVID vaccines.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:42.339)
I've seen Alex try to present evidence of it, but none of it proves anything.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:45.980)
It's just headlines and maybe a tweet and faulty misrepresented studies.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:52.299)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:53.299)
So I'll wait until he provides some evidence to make a conclusion on that.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:57.140)
As for Robert Malone, it's definitely not a consensus opinion that he's the inventor
Unknown Speaker (00:33:00.980)
of mRNA technology.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:03.460)
He's been making that claim as he makes the rounds on all the anti-vaxx media outlets
Unknown Speaker (00:33:07.180)
like InfoWars and Bret Weinstein's podcast Dark Horse, but it's not really fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:12.539)
He did some work in the late 80s that involved mRNA, but there are studies you can find that
Unknown Speaker (00:33:16.740)
predate his work using mRNA stuff going back to at least 1978.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:21.740)
Right, right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:23.440)
People in the field seem to have the opinion that he was a part of the history of mRNA,
Unknown Speaker (00:33:26.900)
but it's grandiose for him to call himself the inventor of the technology, as well as
Unknown Speaker (00:33:30.619)
it being kind of disrespectful to all the other scientists that played a role in the
Unknown Speaker (00:33:33.799)
gradual development.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:35.680)
It's fun, though, to call him the inventor of the technology, because then you get to
Unknown Speaker (00:33:38.779)
play out that fun, dramatic game where the guy who invented something that turned out
Unknown Speaker (00:33:43.019)
to be deadly has to come out and try and stop the monster he created.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:46.359)
It is a really great story.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:48.019)
It's fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:49.019)
It's really fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:50.019)
It digs deep into the human psyche.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:51.140)
Yeah, but we all know that Robert Malone never would have become the MVP of bullshit about
Unknown Speaker (00:33:55.839)
vaccines if it weren't for Stockton.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:58.140)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:59.140)
Unknown Speaker (00:34:00.140)
I made you, I made your eyes twist away for a second and that was worth it.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:05.539)
I was trying to find a way to add in horn a second, and I was having a difficult time.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:12.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:34:13.579)
Look, this shit runs deep on Infowars, this whole mentality.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:16.099)
Like Alex seems to be a sucker for the narrative of like, I've got to fix the wrongs.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:20.900)
Like if you recall, back when he was around, Dr. Group claimed that he was motivated to
Unknown Speaker (00:34:24.460)
sell health products and cleanses to undo the damage that his father did because he
Unknown Speaker (00:34:28.619)
allegedly invented saran wrap.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:31.260)
His dad did not invent saran wrap and Robert Malone didn't invent MRNA technology, but
Unknown Speaker (00:34:35.940)
if you want to pretend those things are true, you get to present their stories as like comic
Unknown Speaker (00:34:39.659)
book shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:40.659)
What is, what is more fucking apocryphal than the son trying to undo the damage of the father?
Unknown Speaker (00:34:48.179)
That's biblical.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:49.179)
Well, it's Star Wars.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:50.820)
Yeah, well, yes.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:51.820)
Yes, yes, I was going a little bit deeper into the canon, but yes, it is true.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:57.320)
It's hero's journey shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:58.539)
It's absolutely the monomyth.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:00.340)
Unknown Speaker (00:35:01.340)
So at this point I was really confused because Alex was talking about Robert Malone and then
Unknown Speaker (00:35:06.539)
he starts talking about somebody else, but he doesn't say their name.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:09.739)
And it's really confusing.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:11.460)
I didn't cut, I didn't cut this dishonestly or anything.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:14.659)
It's just, just shoddy pronouns.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:17.820)
Just poor pronouns.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:18.820)
Robert Malone has now issued an emergency warning to the parents of the world to not
Unknown Speaker (00:35:24.260)
give their children the experimental MRNA injection.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:28.380)
The most respected names in the world concerning vaccine technology and as the former chief
Unknown Speaker (00:35:33.900)
scientist at Pfizer over vaccines, he has looked at every angle of this rollout, not
Unknown Speaker (00:35:40.940)
just in the U S but across the world and has concluded that it is a deliberate depopulation
Unknown Speaker (00:35:47.139)
operation targeting humanity with infertility, blood clots, heart attacks, and more.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:53.260)
This is just confusing.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:54.659)
He started talking about Michael Yeadon, but he didn't say his name.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:58.739)
There's no shift in like subject of the sentence.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:01.739)
It's fucked up.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:02.739)
It sounded like it was almost edited out because you have that cut right there and you can
Unknown Speaker (00:36:06.860)
hear the cut and then he changes the subject and it's a little bit concerning.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:12.860)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:13.860)
I don't know why they would do that though, because like they then play a video that has
Unknown Speaker (00:36:17.440)
Michael Yeadon's name on it.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:18.980)
It's not like, it's not like you have to censor that cause he's going to sue them or something.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:22.619)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:23.619)
He's a wacky anti-vax guy.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:25.659)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:26.659)
There's no problem here.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:29.019)
I don't understand, but it does, if there was an explanation that made sense, he would
Unknown Speaker (00:36:33.539)
yell the slur.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:34.539)
Unknown Speaker (00:36:35.539)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:36.539)
Cut that out.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:37.539)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:38.539)
So Alex likes to cite Yeadon as the former chief scientist at Pfizer and typically we'll
Unknown Speaker (00:36:43.539)
say that he was the chief scientist over vaccines.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:46.579)
This is a flagrant lie that's meant to inflate his credentials.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:50.380)
When Yeadon was working at Pfizer, which he did, his title was vice president and chief
Unknown Speaker (00:36:54.739)
scientific officer of the allergy and respiratory unit of Pfizer.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:59.500)
He worked at the Pfizer plant in Kent, which was closed in 2011.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:03.219)
At that point, he decided not to try to find another job in the industry, but instead to
Unknown Speaker (00:37:06.739)
forge his own path.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:08.539)
He convinced the higher ups at Pfizer to allow him to work with some of their compounds,
Unknown Speaker (00:37:12.300)
which they almost never do.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:14.659)
From his telling of it, quote, the key was in getting Pfizer to recognize that we could
Unknown Speaker (00:37:18.780)
not pay cash for the assets, but we were willing to grant equity in exchange for their assignment
Unknown Speaker (00:37:23.860)
while spinning the dream of therapeutic use in areas that at the time they had little
Unknown Speaker (00:37:28.659)
interest in.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:29.659)
Essentially, we would create upside in which they'd share and they needed to do nothing
Unknown Speaker (00:37:34.340)
but agree to our proposition.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:36.119)
The alternative most likely being that everything would be lost.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:40.139)
Out of this initiative, he formed a biotech company called Ziarco, which almost entirely
Unknown Speaker (00:37:45.320)
focused on dermatology, particularly to eczema drug candidates that they had gotten from
Unknown Speaker (00:37:50.699)
Unknown Speaker (00:37:51.699)
After showing a good deal of promise, largely surrounding a once daily orally administered
Unknown Speaker (00:37:56.059)
eczema treatment called ZPL389, Ziarco was bought out by Novartis for an undisclosed
Unknown Speaker (00:38:03.239)
sum, but some speculation has been made that it might've been upwards of a billion dollars.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:07.380)
Okay, great.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:08.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:09.380)
Great, great, great, great, great.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:10.380)
This is a pretty promising eczema drug.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:12.619)
Hey, there's nothing better than an anti-vexer with a billion dollars!
Unknown Speaker (00:38:16.500)
Well, I mean, I don't think he would have gotten all of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:19.099)
No, of course not.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:20.099)
And I, yeah, I, this doesn't turn out great.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:23.340)
Oh man, once you get past 10 million, all money's imaginary to me, so whatever.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:27.659)
So this deal that he made was largely based around the promise of this drug ZPL389 and
Unknown Speaker (00:38:33.380)
the potential that it had to become super profitable for Novartis.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:37.420)
However, if you flash forward to July, 2021, you'll learn that this story did not end well.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:43.099)
The drug failed to perform in phase 2A trials and Novartis decided to abandon it.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:47.980)
And in the process they took a hit of approximately $489 million.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:51.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:52.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:53.940)
They gave up almost half a billion dollars of sunk money.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:58.099)
You got scammed!
Unknown Speaker (00:38:59.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:00.099)
But it did show some promise.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:01.820)
It's not like it was all a scam.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:02.820)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:03.820)
It wasn't, it wasn't all a scam.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:04.820)
But if you, yeah, I mean, look.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:06.460)
It was something that did not live up to the early indication, and that was, that's his
Unknown Speaker (00:39:12.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:13.139)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:14.139)
This is the largest thing on Yidan's resume since 2011, and even prior to that, when he
Unknown Speaker (00:39:17.139)
was working at Pfizer, he had nothing to do with vaccines or even infectious disease.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:21.340)
The nature of the work that he was doing and has done is intentionally being fudged in
Unknown Speaker (00:39:25.079)
order to lend his words an unearned credibility.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:28.219)
He's made a bunch of completely unfounded COVID conspiracy claims in the past year or
Unknown Speaker (00:39:31.579)
so, but there's no proof for any of it, other than to point to his fake former job title
Unknown Speaker (00:39:36.460)
and assume that if he was the former chief scientist for Pfizer, then he must know what
Unknown Speaker (00:39:39.940)
he's talking about.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:40.940)
And again, it's the same thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:42.659)
It's the guy who's, like, turned against the company that he used to be in charge of.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:46.739)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:47.739)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:48.739)
It's the exact same fucking storyline.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:49.739)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:50.739)
Undoing a wrong.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:51.739)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:52.739)
Unknown Speaker (00:39:53.739)
Also, Alex claims that he's one of the most respected people in the world regarding vaccine
Unknown Speaker (00:39:56.059)
technology, and that is an absolute lie.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:58.420)
Alex might respect Yeedon a lot because he says what Alex wants to hear, but that doesn't
Unknown Speaker (00:40:01.940)
mean that he has any standing on the subject in the real world.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:05.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:06.099)
So, yeah, we got Yeedon and Malone Trump needs to get up on.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:10.780)
If you weren't right about everything all the time, how can you get rich, Dan?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:16.380)
It's a meritocracy that we all know is 100% accurate.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:20.619)
If you have money, you're better than people who don't.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:23.980)
I've heard that.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:24.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:25.980)
I've heard that before.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:26.980)
It's just true.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:27.980)
It's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:28.980)
Weird movie voices trying to threaten Trump, basically.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:32.820)
The world is watching, Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:35.539)
The world is watching very, very carefully what you do right now.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:41.500)
Are you going to continue to sign your fate and our fate on to call Schwab and Bill Gates
Unknown Speaker (00:40:47.380)
and the Davos Group and the whole global issue and agenda?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:51.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:52.099)
Or will you stand up and be the hero so many of us believed you were?
Unknown Speaker (00:40:57.940)
And say no to this medical tyranny?
Unknown Speaker (00:41:01.099)
This is so dramatic.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:02.780)
Probably not.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:04.860)
This is your, this is Christmas for you?
Unknown Speaker (00:41:07.500)
This is sad.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:08.940)
That is, that is great.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:10.699)
That is really great.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:11.699)
You know, I bet it's more fun to live in a high stakes movie for your Christmas day.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:17.000)
What was it three years ago?
Unknown Speaker (00:41:18.000)
He was drunk throwing hatchets around the studios on top of the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:21.139)
That is more fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:22.139)
Much better.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:23.139)
Yeah, that's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:24.139)
Come on, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:25.139)
Gotta throw hatchets.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:26.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:27.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:28.139)
Those days may be over.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:29.139)
Ah, I mean, or they may be more malicious.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:31.579)
Well, sure, throw hatchets at me.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:34.579)
There may be more hatchets coming.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:36.059)
I don't think they'll be as light and fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:39.179)
They won't be thrown at a camera because you can't afford to take that kind of hit.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:42.619)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:43.619)
As before.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:44.619)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:45.619)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:46.619)
So anyway, Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, they like to bite, but they bit off more than they
Unknown Speaker (00:41:51.880)
can chew this time.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:52.880)
Oh no!
Unknown Speaker (00:41:54.039)
This house of cards is coming down.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:57.000)
Klaus Schwab, Peter Daszak, Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, they all bit off more than they can
Unknown Speaker (00:42:04.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:05.260)
We know they premeditated this whole Operation Lockstep takeover.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:10.860)
The evidence is clear.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:11.900)
They tricked you to sign onto this.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:14.000)
I get it.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:15.159)
You wanted to be the hero.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:16.159)
You wanted to get the vaccine out there to get the economy moving again.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:19.500)
I saw how you were deceived, but now you were clearly signing onto this lie.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:26.500)
And that's why it's so important that this be on the public record, that you were warned
Unknown Speaker (00:42:31.619)
and that you were conscious and that you made a decision.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:34.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:35.940)
I don't know what a difference that's going to make.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:40.179)
I mean, can you imagine Trump caring about any of this?
Unknown Speaker (00:42:46.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:47.980)
Now it gets, that dynamic gets a little bit, I would say too obvious.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:53.860)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:54.860)
As this report goes on, cause he's just kind of imploring Trump to do something that Trump
Unknown Speaker (00:42:59.980)
is never going to do.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:02.519)
President Trump, there is not much time left for you to turn back.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:07.260)
Across the world, children are being injected with dangerous gene therapies that erase their
Unknown Speaker (00:43:13.780)
immune systems and give them chronic illness.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:17.940)
President Trump, you don't want this to be your legacy.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:21.340)
You don't want to be the person that was tricked by Fauci into launching this big pharma takeover
Unknown Speaker (00:43:28.659)
and who later when confronted with the facts, decided to be a coward and to double down
Unknown Speaker (00:43:34.300)
betting on the corporate system, betting on big pharma, betting on the UN and the build
Unknown Speaker (00:43:40.099)
back better great reset agenda of Klaus Schwab.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:43.880)
Don't throw in your lot with Bill Gates.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:46.519)
Don't throw in your lot with Klaus Schwab.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:49.219)
Stand with the people of America and the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:52.260)
Stand with the children.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:53.780)
Come out and tell the public that you were lied to call for Fauci's arrest.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:58.619)
Get on the right side of history.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:00.219)
Like Fauci and them didn't trick Trump or fool him into getting these vaccines made.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:04.239)
But leaving that aside, if there's one thing I can't imagine ever happening, it's Trump
Unknown Speaker (00:44:08.239)
coming out and saying that someone fooled him.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:10.579)
He and Alex are running a pretty close race in terms of who the bigger narcissist is and
Unknown Speaker (00:44:14.579)
Trump's ego would never allow him to look that weak in public.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:18.139)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:19.139)
And this is a really fun way for Alex to present his point.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:21.900)
He can do this blowhard shit about how time is running out for Trump to turn back and
Unknown Speaker (00:44:25.619)
pretend that he's talking directly to Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:27.500)
So when Trump inevitably does nothing, Alex can pretend that he actually directly rejected
Unknown Speaker (00:44:32.420)
Alex's plea to stand with the people.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:34.099)
It's on the public record.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:36.300)
It's ironic that this is a Christmas message because it does remind me of like, if Santa
Unknown Speaker (00:44:42.099)
had been bribed to not deliver presents this year and Alex is like, you got to think of
Unknown Speaker (00:44:47.980)
the children, Santa.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:49.539)
If you don't do, if you don't do this this year, it'll never happen again.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:54.420)
You got to change your mind.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:55.820)
There's nothing more valuable than the children, Santa.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:58.340)
We got to make this movie.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:59.699)
I would.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:00.699)
Alex saves Christmas.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:01.699)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:02.699)
So at this point, like this video is getting a little annoying for me because it's so obviously
Unknown Speaker (00:45:08.820)
meant to be for the audience while pretending to be a warning to Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:12.579)
It feels to me like this is an attempt to soft launch turning Trump into a villain on
Unknown Speaker (00:45:16.380)
the show while doing so in a way where hopefully people in Alex's audience who still support
Unknown Speaker (00:45:20.500)
Trump won't turn on Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:22.619)
He's a man stuck between two extremist communities that he's helped cultivate, the Trump idolaters
Unknown Speaker (00:45:27.260)
and the anti-vax lunatics.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:28.940)
And now he's in the unenviable position of trying to thread the needle in a way that
Unknown Speaker (00:45:32.280)
retains as much of his revenue stream as possible without alienating too much of either side.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:37.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:45:38.579)
That's, uh, good bad luck.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:41.340)
There's no way that you're going to convince hardcore Trumpers that Trump is now evil.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:46.780)
It would be tough.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:48.219)
And there's no way you're going to convince people who think that vaccines are killing
Unknown Speaker (00:45:51.420)
everyone that Trump, it's okay for Trump to be like, vaccines are great.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:55.380)
Well you've gone too far down the road of the vaccines are killing everybody, that there's
Unknown Speaker (00:46:00.139)
nobody who could support vaccines that you could keep your support for.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:05.500)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:06.500)
Like if Ron Paul came out and was like, everybody get the booster, Alex would have to be like,
Unknown Speaker (00:46:10.860)
well Ron Paul was a great patriot, but he's too old now, he's lost his mind.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:14.980)
Something like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:15.980)
You'd have to lose whoever.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:18.179)
It doesn't matter.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:19.179)
Alex's dad could be in favor of vaccines.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:20.579)
You can't sign on to a genocider.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:23.340)
There's no mitigating committing genocide.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:26.820)
I mean if you're at all a human.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:30.500)
And I think that Alex's audience, if there are Trump hangers-on that are still around,
Unknown Speaker (00:46:36.460)
I think that they could accept this presentation of Alex turning on Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:40.820)
It wouldn't be too hard for them to accept, oh that's why.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:44.820)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:45.820)
Syria wasn't going to do it.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:47.420)
It's not enough.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:48.420)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:49.420)
Dropping a big bomb is too much of a hard-on maker for all of these people to do that.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:53.900)
Also, I've been-
Unknown Speaker (00:46:54.900)
Genocide is a different story.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:55.900)
I just want to say this too, I've been seeing some people posting that video from back when
Unknown Speaker (00:47:00.460)
Alex got really drunk and started screaming out, fuck Trump, when he didn't know that
Unknown Speaker (00:47:04.139)
he was being recorded before he went live.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:07.139)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:08.260)
And that was like years old and it's being posted like with the implication that it's
Unknown Speaker (00:47:13.019)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:14.019)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:15.019)
And I just, I kind of, I wanted to say people-
Unknown Speaker (00:47:16.699)
Calm it down.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:17.699)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:18.699)
Take it down a notch.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:19.699)
He doesn't even have a beard in that video.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:20.699)
We don't need, we don't need that.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:21.699)
Come on.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:22.699)
You don't need help to make him look like a piece of shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:23.980)
No, definitely not.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:24.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:25.980)
So Alex, man, he's got more threats about Trump's legacy.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:29.780)
Oh boy, I love an empty threat.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:30.980)
Any way you slice it, from every angle, the globalists have bit off more than they can
Unknown Speaker (00:47:36.420)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:37.420)
And their attempt to take over the planet using this medical scare that's in the Rockefeller
Unknown Speaker (00:47:42.380)
foundation's own documents, operation lockstep is destined to fail.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:47.980)
There isn't much time for you to turn back Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:51.300)
If you only care about yourself, then understand this, your legacy will be that of a monster.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:58.900)
Your legacy will be that of a eugenicist.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:02.460)
Your legacy will be that of a child killer using medical tyranny.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:07.739)
There's still time for you to turn back.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:09.800)
As we've discussed over and over again, Operation Lockstep isn't a real thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:13.139)
It's a lie about a Rockefeller document and basically just traces back to a meme.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:17.579)
While I was listening to this, the sense that I came away with is that Alex is trying to
Unknown Speaker (00:48:20.519)
threaten Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:21.820)
Essentially, what's happened is that the two of them don't agree on the issue of the vaccine.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:25.739)
And on some level, I suspect that Alex knows that the supposed evidence he's presenting
Unknown Speaker (00:48:29.420)
is shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:30.420)
So the last option left to try to get Trump to help him expand the grift is to extort
Unknown Speaker (00:48:34.659)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:35.659)
Alex isn't saying that if Trump doesn't change his tune on vaccines, the natural result of
Unknown Speaker (00:48:39.780)
that is that Trump's legacy will be that of a monstrous baby killer.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:44.219)
He's saying that if Trump doesn't change his tune on vaccines, Alex will start yelling
Unknown Speaker (00:48:48.300)
about how Trump is a monstrous baby killer.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:51.500)
That's what's going on.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:52.500)
Alex, Alex, if Congress doesn't do what I tell them to do, I know a lot of dirt.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:59.059)
I know a lot of dirt.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:00.059)
I'll just blackmail Congress.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:01.980)
The subtext and text of this video is that the warning Alex is giving Trump is a warning
Unknown Speaker (00:49:07.900)
that he's going to turn his audience against Trump if he doesn't do what Alex wants him
Unknown Speaker (00:49:11.780)
to do, and he'll do it by calling him a monstrous baby killer.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:15.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:16.099)
This is meaningless, and it's going to go nowhere for a couple reasons.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:19.219)
First, the Trump cult world doesn't really need Trump himself anymore.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:23.659)
It'll take some effort to build up a new demagogue for them to rally around, but the physical
Unknown Speaker (00:49:27.659)
person of Trump isn't really that necessary.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:30.380)
If he goes against the pillars of the constructed dogma that they've made, then they'll have
Unknown Speaker (00:49:34.059)
to choose whether they're more invested in Trump as a person, or the COVID conspiracies
Unknown Speaker (00:49:38.219)
and anti-vex bullshit they've based their identities on for the last year or so.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:42.139)
I suspect that most would choose the latter, and you can see the similar dynamic play out
Unknown Speaker (00:49:45.900)
in the QAnon world where they don't even really need Trump anymore, even though the ideology
Unknown Speaker (00:49:50.820)
was based on the idea that Trump was the anointed savior who's going to release the swarm.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:54.699)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:55.699)
The storm.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:56.699)
And what is funny, the framing that we dealt with for so long, and especially in the campaign
Unknown Speaker (00:50:01.940)
for Trump to become president, is who is this guy?
Unknown Speaker (00:50:06.019)
Why is this guy, this guy, this guy always, when in reality he was only an avatar that
Unknown Speaker (00:50:12.099)
was almost generated from the swamp of misery and hatred that was already there, and he
Unknown Speaker (00:50:18.619)
was simply a conduit for it to express itself.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:21.380)
It's like a weapon.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:22.380)
Yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:23.380)
So the second reason this is going nowhere is because- It's a way shorter way of saying
Unknown Speaker (00:50:26.739)
exactly what I said, way long.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:28.940)
The second reason this is going nowhere is because the solution for Trump would be to
Unknown Speaker (00:50:33.420)
give in to the demands of these people who are threatening to turn on him in an attempt
Unknown Speaker (00:50:37.460)
to preserve his base.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:38.940)
That would be what Alex is kind of hoping he'll do.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:42.860)
This would make Trump look super weak, which in effect eliminates the thing that makes
Unknown Speaker (00:50:46.659)
him appealing to the base in the first place.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:49.159)
He was their strong man who was going to fight against their imaginary evil enemies, so if
Unknown Speaker (00:50:52.900)
he shows himself to be weak enough to take a threat like this seriously, you'd probably
Unknown Speaker (00:50:56.539)
get Alex not to talk shit about him, but the appeal that he held as a strong man leader
Unknown Speaker (00:51:00.699)
is essentially destroyed, rendering him more or less useless.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:03.579)
This is never going to play out.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:04.980)
I want to be your president, and I have made it very clear, I am subservient to Alex's
Unknown Speaker (00:51:11.099)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:12.099)
Yeah, he frightens me.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:13.099)
Yeah, I don't want Alex to be mad at me.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:16.139)
It's not a good campaign rallying cry.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:18.179)
Certainly not.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:19.179)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:20.179)
This whole thing feels really similar to Alex lashing out at Rogan, back when he called
Unknown Speaker (00:51:22.679)
him a sneaky snake, and he threatened to gut him like a pig because Rogan wouldn't let
Unknown Speaker (00:51:26.840)
Alex back on his show, but he was saying that Alex had lied to him about what he had said
Unknown Speaker (00:51:30.739)
about Sandy Hook.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:31.739)
In that case, Rogan backed down and gave in to Alex's demands, possibly motivated by
Unknown Speaker (00:51:36.380)
a misguided belief that they have a meaningful friendship.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:39.320)
In doing so, he lost control of the narrative.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:42.099)
Alex now more or less owned the image of Joe Rogan for his audience, and Rogan inexorably
Unknown Speaker (00:51:46.940)
tied his own public image to Alex's.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:49.500)
I don't think that the full consequences of that decision have really even befallen Joe
Unknown Speaker (00:51:52.780)
yet, but I don't think it's going to look good in hindsight for him.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:55.739)
So yeah, Alex is kind of hoping Trump will do that, and he never will.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:59.900)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:00.900)
Trump is never going to see this message, and even if he did, he wouldn't give a shit
Unknown Speaker (00:52:03.659)
about Alex's meaningless threats that are being passed off as a warning.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:06.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:07.940)
Doesn't matter.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:08.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:09.940)
Rogan only responded like that because he ostensibly believed them, or believes them
Unknown Speaker (00:52:13.579)
to be friends.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:14.579)
I think that probably was a part of it, and then I think Rogan's also the shithead.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:18.260)
Yeah, well.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:20.940)
And maybe he's a little bit weaker than he likes to appear publicly.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:26.420)
Or he just has a misplaced sense of empathy for a weird lunatic reaching out to him, crying
Unknown Speaker (00:52:35.739)
in pain.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:36.739)
I think that's the most generous interpretation.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:38.900)
I'm doing my best to be generous, and I don't know why.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:41.619)
I think Rogan's a giant piece of shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:43.980)
So here is how this report ends, and it's stupid.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:49.139)
Regardless of what President Trump does, we the people of America and the world understand
Unknown Speaker (00:52:54.980)
what's happening.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:55.980)
Wait, why did you say President Trump is the third person?
Unknown Speaker (00:52:58.539)
I thought this was a warning to Trump.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:00.619)
What's going on here?
Unknown Speaker (00:53:02.840)
And we are going to continue to educate others that aren't informed, and we are going to
Unknown Speaker (00:53:06.980)
continue to politically and culturally and economically and spiritually mobilize to stand
Unknown Speaker (00:53:12.400)
against this one world government, medical tyranny, cashless society, medical ID, social
Unknown Speaker (00:53:18.820)
credit score, carbon tax system for being able to take over our lives and dominate us
Unknown Speaker (00:53:24.219)
and convert us from once free peoples into slaves.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:27.900)
Regardless of what Trump does, we have already chosen to tell the truth and to take action
Unknown Speaker (00:53:32.659)
against these tyrants.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:34.219)
Now Trump simply needs to decide which side he's going to be on.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:50.619)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:51.619)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:52.619)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:53.619)
Don't do it.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:54.619)
God damn it!
Unknown Speaker (00:54:05.099)
I think in terms of Trump picking a side, I think he has.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:08.539)
I think he's already chosen that.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:10.019)
It's pretty clear that he believes in the vaccine and the booster, and he just thinks
Unknown Speaker (00:54:12.940)
that people shouldn't be forced to get it.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:14.659)
I guess.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:15.659)
I don't even know.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:16.820)
What does he actually think?
Unknown Speaker (00:54:17.980)
Who cares?
Unknown Speaker (00:54:18.980)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:19.980)
He's just saying bullshit out of his ass.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:21.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:22.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:23.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:24.579)
There's a real strong tell here that this isn't a message directed at Trump, and that's
Unknown Speaker (00:54:27.780)
the fact that it ends with a three-minute commercial for Reset Wars.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:30.860)
Well, there's that.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:31.860)
It feels kind of like pretending you're talking directly to Trump, and it's just a pathetic
Unknown Speaker (00:54:35.199)
marketing ploy to make your audience feel like they're listening to something important
Unknown Speaker (00:54:38.780)
and you're putting it on the record.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:40.019)
In reality, you're just talking shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:41.980)
No, there's nothing quite like an open letter on a blog with a thousand subscribers to really
Unknown Speaker (00:54:47.960)
bring home to whoever is getting that open letter.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:51.579)
You bet.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:52.579)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:53.579)
We're going to leave the, I don't know, I was going to say warm waters of the Christmas
Unknown Speaker (00:54:59.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:00.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:01.380)
Trying to threaten Trump into going along with Alex's own agenda.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:08.900)
I will say it wasn't Rankin and Bass's best work as far as Christmas specials go, but
Unknown Speaker (00:55:14.579)
I mean, the Claymation was still incredible.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:16.659)
Was this on the level of a Muppet Christmas card?
Unknown Speaker (00:55:19.500)
No, absolutely not.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:21.380)
Absolutely not.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:22.820)
So we get to the 29th now and this show starts out hot, hot, straight out flaming hot.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:32.380)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:33.380)
Here's the beginning.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:34.380)
I start basically every show the same way because I just go with where my mind is, where
Unknown Speaker (00:55:39.219)
my soul is.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:41.019)
I spend, let's not exaggerate, up to seven hours a day researching.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:48.260)
That's on average.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:49.260)
So I got a screen time deal on my face, on my desktop, and then on the phone and on an
Unknown Speaker (00:55:54.940)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:55.940)
So it's about seven hours a day of reading just on computers.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:58.659)
And I spent a lot of time reading stuff that's been printed off computers.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:02.019)
So it's more than that, probably eight, nine, 10 hours a day.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:06.059)
And I don't say that to impress you.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:07.940)
I say that to give you the bad news.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:14.300)
We're dead already.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:15.300)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:16.300)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:17.300)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:18.300)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:19.300)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:20.300)
Because I've read things printed off of computers.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:22.380)
For 10 hours.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:23.380)
I got bad news for you.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:24.380)
10 hours a day.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:25.380)
I got bad news for you.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:26.380)
Bad news.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:27.380)
We're dead already.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:28.380)
Oh shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:29.380)
Oh fuck.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:30.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:31.380)
Are we philosophically dead already?
Unknown Speaker (00:56:32.380)
Well that's interesting.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:33.380)
That's kind of more my question.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:34.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:35.380)
I'm fascinated that that's your question and we'll get to why.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:39.260)
But I think that it was the last thing I expected to be the follow up to I do all this studying
Unknown Speaker (00:56:44.300)
and a little bit of a pause and then we're dead already.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:47.420)
We're dead already.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:48.619)
You're asking about the philosophically dead thing and that like Alex does clarify a little
Unknown Speaker (00:56:53.820)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:54.820)
Unknown Speaker (00:56:55.820)
We're dead already.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:59.719)
And I only say that so that I can get your attention so that we can make provision for
Unknown Speaker (00:57:05.460)
what's about to go down because that's a true statement.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:11.059)
But the question is how dead do you want to be?
Unknown Speaker (00:57:14.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:15.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:16.059)
That is not the question.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:17.059)
That's kind of a philosophical death.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:18.059)
It's not a literal death.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:19.059)
How dead do you want to be?
Unknown Speaker (00:57:20.059)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:21.059)
You can be part dead.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:22.059)
I'm only mostly dead.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:23.380)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:24.380)
I don't understand there being gradients to death.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:27.860)
I guess Alex thinks that if things are going bad you're like a quarter dead.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:31.380)
I mean if you're on dialysis in a way you could describe part of you as dead.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:41.139)
Is that more dead than not?
Unknown Speaker (00:57:44.340)
Or if you have frostbite, really bad frostbite and your foot dies or something.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:50.179)
Your foot's dead.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:51.619)
Unknown Speaker (00:57:52.619)
I feel like maybe that's giving your foot a certain anthropomorphism that might not
Unknown Speaker (00:57:57.980)
be okay.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:58.980)
But then again all molecules have consciousness, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:02.019)
I did hear that from Reset Watch.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:04.780)
I do think that I have an answer and that is I'd like to be not dead.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:10.460)
How dead do you want to be?
Unknown Speaker (00:58:11.460)
Not dead at all?
Unknown Speaker (00:58:12.460)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:13.460)
Can I give you a sense of comfort to know that whatever happens in the present has already
Unknown Speaker (00:58:20.019)
happened and you are already dead?
Unknown Speaker (00:58:22.179)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:23.179)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:24.179)
So Alex is in a mood.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:25.179)
Yeah, I can tell.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:27.699)
And I think a bit of it is maybe understandable, maybe some of it is not.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:34.739)
And a little bit of it comes down to some of his personal business that's being reported.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:40.820)
How many times in the last 22 months, now almost 23, this is since February of two years
Unknown Speaker (00:58:46.780)
ago, how many times have I said this is an organized collapse of civilization and the
Unknown Speaker (00:58:53.880)
destruction of confidence in our governments, in our institutions,
Unknown Speaker (00:59:06.380)
and in our currencies, and in our churches, and in our families?
Unknown Speaker (00:59:10.420)
Word for word?
Unknown Speaker (00:59:11.420)
That was the number one story, it turns out, in the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:14.619)
Not Russian troops in the US threatening to attack Russia and Ukraine.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:17.980)
That was the number one story.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:19.500)
Not China threatening to invade Taiwan over the weekend.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:23.360)
The number one story in the world, according to Google and Yahoo, was Alex Jones's wife
Unknown Speaker (00:59:30.420)
mixing up medication and blacking out and attacking herself, police, you name it, and
Unknown Speaker (00:59:35.420)
having to be restrained.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:36.420)
It's a tragedy.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:37.420)
It's sad.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:39.420)
It's out of control.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:40.420)
It's an issue I've got to deal with.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:41.420)
I've been dealing with.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:42.800)
But that's not the number one story in the world.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:46.420)
Number one on Reddit, number one on Twitter, number one on Google, number one on Instagram,
Unknown Speaker (00:59:52.559)
number one in the world, Alex Jones, his wife, on Christmas Eve, going to jail because it
Unknown Speaker (00:59:59.980)
makes the family look bad.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:04.179)
Because it makes Christmas look bad.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:06.780)
It's an attack on the people.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:11.099)
Alex is a high profile media figure, so it's not really surprising that there would be
Unknown Speaker (01:00:14.500)
a ton of stories about his wife getting arrested for domestic violence on Christmas Eve.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:18.579)
This isn't an attack on the family or Christmas, that's just the way Alex is trying to shift
Unknown Speaker (01:00:22.619)
the conversation into being about his grandiose ideas of his own martyrdom.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:28.300)
While I definitely don't agree with Alex about that nonsense, I do think that people didn't
Unknown Speaker (01:00:32.699)
do a great job with the story, and that possibly there was a bit of schadenfreude that people
Unknown Speaker (01:00:36.820)
were expressing at the idea of Alex being the target of domestic violence, and I think
Unknown Speaker (01:00:40.579)
that's not cool at all.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:42.539)
Making fun of victims of domestic violence, as we understand, even if they're assholes,
Unknown Speaker (01:00:47.260)
that's not appropriate, and can easily result in the shaming, stigmatizing, and triggering
Unknown Speaker (01:00:51.320)
of other victims.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:52.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:00:53.579)
That's certainly a good enough reason to not play that game.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:57.139)
No, without all or any of the information, because that's kind of the point of my position
Unknown Speaker (01:01:02.280)
on the show, I tweeted out a dumb joke, and then I read about it and deleted that dumb
Unknown Speaker (01:01:08.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:09.579)
Jesus Christ, I had no fucking clue.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:12.500)
All I got was, Alex got beat up.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:15.099)
Very funny to me.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:16.099)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:17.099)
That, the rest of it, not funny.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:18.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:19.380)
Not funny.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:20.380)
Without the relevant details.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:21.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:22.380)
It's fucked up.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:23.380)
Or any of the details.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:24.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:25.380)
And it just forces people to relive their own bullshit, and it's fucked up.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:31.900)
And I can appreciate you taking some sort of ownership and responsibility of having
Unknown Speaker (01:01:37.579)
made a bad joke.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:39.139)
No interest in...
Unknown Speaker (01:01:40.659)
Fuck that.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:41.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:42.659)
Not fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:43.659)
But this isn't about scolding you.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:44.659)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:45.659)
Absolutely not.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:46.659)
I think that people who had far more information at their disposal made decisions that were
Unknown Speaker (01:01:52.340)
some bad coverage.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:53.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:54.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:55.340)
And this puts me in a bit of a strange situation, because I typically try to avoid covering
Unknown Speaker (01:01:58.059)
things that are personal matters for Alex, but here he's really putting his business
Unknown Speaker (01:02:02.420)
out on the streets, which makes me uncomfortable.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:05.900)
I thought about it, and I'm not going to spend time on this story unless it becomes, like,
Unknown Speaker (01:02:10.260)
there's some sort of a major development with it.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:12.420)
I just wanted to bring it up here briefly to make sure that people don't think I haven't
Unknown Speaker (01:02:16.059)
heard about it and send me a hundred links, and to chime in publicly that I don't support
Unknown Speaker (01:02:20.300)
a fair amount of the coverage and commentary that is going on about this story.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:24.340)
Also, some of the commentary that I don't support about it comes directly from Alex
Unknown Speaker (01:02:28.500)
on his own show, and that's kind of tough for me to ignore, it's just, I hate this position.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:34.780)
Not a good situation.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:35.780)
No, and I feel very, you know, my heart goes out to those kids.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:41.860)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:42.860)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:43.860)
So, what I'd rather spend time with is stories and news and lies that Alex tells about important
Unknown Speaker (01:02:52.900)
issues like vaccines.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:55.079)
So I've got all this incredible news.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:56.699)
I've got mainline studies, top pathologists confirming 93% of people who died after being
Unknown Speaker (01:03:03.099)
vaccinated were killed by the vaccine.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:06.980)
I've got just bombshell after bombshell after bombshell after bombshell.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:14.340)
So this is just another thing that Alex is pulling from Steve Kirsch's stub stack.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:18.599)
This post is dog shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:20.679)
It's about a study that Kirsch apparently found because Michael Yedon sent him a link
Unknown Speaker (01:03:24.500)
to a Bitchute video about it.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:26.980)
This is a non-peer-reviewed paper which was published by a group called Doctors for COVID
Unknown Speaker (01:03:31.280)
Ethics, which is an anti-vax outlet leaning heavily in the direction of saying that the
Unknown Speaker (01:03:35.179)
vaccines are a weapon.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:37.019)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:38.019)
Doctors for COVID Ethics should be very much another red flag of like, an innocuous name
Unknown Speaker (01:03:43.099)
hiding the most obvious evil.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:45.139)
Oh no.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:46.139)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:47.139)
One of the founding signatories of the group is Michael Yedon, who sent Steve Kirsch the
Unknown Speaker (01:03:49.780)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:50.780)
And of course, one of the other founding signatories of the group is Sukrit Bakdi, who's one of
Unknown Speaker (01:03:55.860)
the two researchers credited in this paper.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:58.340)
This is a clearly unverified piece of work being done by an anti-vax outlet being masqueraded
Unknown Speaker (01:04:03.739)
as an actual study.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:04.980)
You're mistaking it.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:06.099)
It's clearly synergy, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:08.659)
I believe that.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:09.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:10.659)
This isn't a study at all.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:11.659)
If anything, it's an attempt at a persuasive essay.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:14.739)
From the paper, quote, we herewith present scientific evidence that calls for an immediate
Unknown Speaker (01:04:18.659)
stop to the use of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:22.440)
We first lay out why the agents cannot protect against viral infection.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:27.420)
If this were actually a legitimate study about whether or not deaths that occurred after
Unknown Speaker (01:04:30.940)
vaccination were caused by the vaccination, this wouldn't necessarily be a topic that
Unknown Speaker (01:04:35.099)
was germane to the paper.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:36.980)
This is anti-vax advocacy, which isn't surprising because it was written by an anti-vax advocate
Unknown Speaker (01:04:42.019)
and being pushed on another anti-vax advocate's substack.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:45.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:46.579)
It's almost nice of them to lay out their conflict of interest up top.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:51.059)
Unknown Speaker (01:04:52.059)
Here's why we're going to tell you what's bullshit and then give you the bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:57.659)
So what this completely unverified paper did was it looked at 15 deaths, and it claims
Unknown Speaker (01:05:03.059)
to have done histopathological analysis on their organs, but weirdly, there's literally
Unknown Speaker (01:05:08.300)
no data provided.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:10.619)
Even so, where to take their word that they proved that the vaccines caused these people
Unknown Speaker (01:05:14.980)
to have heart attacks.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:16.619)
Honestly, I'm just guessing that that's the point because the causes of death for these
Unknown Speaker (01:05:20.239)
people aren't even listed.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:22.219)
Just that 14 out of the 15 had hearts that were affected in some way that they deemed
Unknown Speaker (01:05:26.539)
to be proof of their predetermined conclusion.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:28.900)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:29.900)
The closest you get to data is a list of some demographic information about the people whose
Unknown Speaker (01:05:33.920)
organs they allegedly analyzed.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:36.840)
One of them was a 95-year-old woman who died 68 days after getting the vaccine.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:41.940)
She's almost 100 years old, and there's over two months in between, and my first thought
Unknown Speaker (01:05:45.519)
is this seems a little thin.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:47.300)
Similarly, there's another patient who is an 89-year-old woman who died six months after
Unknown Speaker (01:05:51.920)
getting the vaccine.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:53.500)
Two of the people in their subject pool died an unknown number of days after vaccination.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:58.179)
They don't even know when they got vaccinated.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:59.860)
Well, you don't need to know, Dan.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:01.420)
You know that the vaccine's evil.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:03.219)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:04.219)
And two of them don't even know which vaccine they got.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:06.820)
It's not even specified.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:07.820)
It's not important.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:08.820)
They got a vaccine, and the vaccine kills them.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:10.820)
Maybe it was the MMR vaccine.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:12.059)
You don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:13.059)
They're dead.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:14.059)
This isn't a study.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:15.059)
This would never pass any kind of critical review.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:16.980)
There are other doctors and researchers doing histological examinations on people who have
Unknown Speaker (01:06:21.059)
died after vaccination, and they aren't coming up with anything close to this kind of result,
Unknown Speaker (01:06:25.260)
and generally those papers actually have data and aren't just like, eh, I think you got
Unknown Speaker (01:06:30.420)
a vaccine a couple months ago.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:32.420)
Dad, come on!
Unknown Speaker (01:06:33.420)
Come on!
Unknown Speaker (01:06:34.420)
You know they're bad.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:35.420)
Real bad.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:36.420)
You know they're bad.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:37.420)
Come on!
Unknown Speaker (01:06:38.420)
Real bad stuff here.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:40.420)
I love the idea that this is so thin, so dumb, and like Steve Kirsch is out there promoting
Unknown Speaker (01:06:47.980)
it as if it's like, well, this proves it.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:51.019)
93% of people who die after getting the vaccine is so funny to me that if you're going to
Unknown Speaker (01:06:56.820)
cherry pick that bad, they're still, they're doing the 97% for voted for Putin thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:03.019)
They're like, listen, 14 out of 15.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:05.260)
I'm not going to say that everybody dies who get the vaccine.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:08.219)
We all know that would be ridiculous.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:09.539)
I'm just saying, more than 90%!
Unknown Speaker (01:07:12.619)
Slight clarification, it's 93% of the people who do die afterwards, it was because of the
Unknown Speaker (01:07:17.980)
Unknown Speaker (01:07:18.980)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:19.980)
93% of the people who get the vaccine dying would be staggering numbers.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:25.099)
The thing that I always, I have a more difficult time is like, this is the thinnest of soups,
Unknown Speaker (01:07:31.340)
and it's just yet another in a long string of thin soups that are being presented by
Unknown Speaker (01:07:38.059)
Steve Kirsch, and yet he's going to get to try again.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:43.159)
People aren't going to be like, shut up, man, get out of here.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:45.840)
It's homeopathic broth, it's so thin.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:49.099)
Yeah, it's, I want a little bit more, I want a chunky soup.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:53.860)
That's what I want.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:54.860)
Yeah, I want a stew!
Unknown Speaker (01:07:55.860)
Give me a stew!
Unknown Speaker (01:07:56.860)
Actually, I don't want a stew.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:57.860)
Big chunks of beef.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:58.860)
No, no, no, no, too thick.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:59.860)
Too thick?
Unknown Speaker (01:08:00.860)
I don't want a chili.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:01.860)
I'm talking about a good stew, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:02.860)
I do want a chili.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:03.860)
Oh, get out of here.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:04.860)
Chili dogs.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:05.860)
You love beans.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:06.860)
Actually, beanless chili, generally.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:08.179)
Beanless chili?
Unknown Speaker (01:08:09.179)
Is that even chili?
Unknown Speaker (01:08:10.179)
More of a Texas chili.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:11.179)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:12.179)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:13.179)
New York City!
Unknown Speaker (01:08:14.500)
I do not like paste picante sauce, but this is the end of civilization, my friend, and
Unknown Speaker (01:08:20.260)
we know that because Alex has a lot of stacks of news.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:23.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:24.460)
Here's what you need to know.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:25.899)
This is the end of civilization as you know it.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:29.220)
Every day we're on air is a blessing.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:31.100)
Every day you've got even electricity and food and water is a blessing.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:34.539)
I'm not trying to scare you.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:36.020)
I love you and you need to get ready.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:40.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:45.619)
For what?
Unknown Speaker (01:08:46.619)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:47.619)
I mean, we are in the middle of the new world order.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:50.739)
We're in the middle of the mark of the beast takeover.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:52.699)
We are in the middle of the foretold great nightmare.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:59.619)
I mean, look at this stack.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:00.619)
You see this stack?
Unknown Speaker (01:09:01.619)
This is one stack.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:02.819)
This is one stack here out of one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11,
Unknown Speaker (01:09:08.579)
12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 stacks.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:17.819)
Not counting the video list.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:19.300)
That's my favorite number of flavors.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:23.220)
And the reason I show you all this is it's impossible to cover their attacks on you and
Unknown Speaker (01:09:27.180)
your family.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:28.180)
Buzz marketing for Baskin Robbins.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:29.979)
Yeah, look, hey dude, I would say, first of all, congratulations.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:35.380)
We've proven you know how to count.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:37.180)
That's good.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:38.180)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:39.180)
I would like independent confirmation on there being actually 31 stacks there.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:44.539)
I didn't watch the video, but I believe it.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:46.579)
I've seen how much paper he generally has on the desk.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:49.300)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:50.300)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:51.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:52.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:53.300)
I hope he recycles.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:54.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:55.300)
But, sure, there's 31 stacks of articles in front of you.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:59.619)
Who cares?
Unknown Speaker (01:10:00.619)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:01.619)
There's too much to cover.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:03.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:04.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:05.140)
Just do one well.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:06.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:07.140)
Just do one story well, stay on topic, dig into the details.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:11.899)
That's your job.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:12.899)
I can't trust you with one piece of paper, let alone with a stack of it.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:16.100)
No, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:17.100)
You've got to earn a stack.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:18.420)
And Alex gets into these stacks.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:20.119)
It's chaos.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:21.119)
Yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:22.119)
They aren't thematically connected.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:23.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:24.119)
They're just...
Unknown Speaker (01:10:25.119)
You might as well be just grabbing random bits of paper.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:27.659)
I find the grouping of stacks to be chaotic and just random.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:34.699)
I mean, if you want a large number, go with flashcards.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:38.880)
Flashcards are the way to go, because we know that most of those pieces of paper, at most,
Unknown Speaker (01:10:42.420)
have a tweet on them.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:43.420)
Put it on a little note card.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:45.420)
I agree.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:46.420)
But my point is this.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:47.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:48.420)
There are 31 stacks of paper, but it's arbitrary why any of them are in any stacks.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:52.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:53.380)
So to me, that is one stack of paper.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:54.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:55.899)
That you've divided 31.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:56.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:57.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:58.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:10:59.899)
That is just one big old stack.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:00.899)
Was there...
Unknown Speaker (01:11:01.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:02.899)
Is there any label on the stack?
Unknown Speaker (01:11:04.060)
Like this is the lie stack.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:06.619)
This is the...
Unknown Speaker (01:11:07.619)
They're all the lie stack.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:08.619)
Chuck Schumer stack.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:09.619)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:10.619)
So here we go.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:11.619)
We're going to get into the first stack.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:12.619)
Let me show you this first stack as we go to break.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:17.420)
This stack right here.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:19.960)
You knew this was coming.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:20.960)
I told you over a thousand times until my lips cracked.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:24.140)
COVID tsunami will drive health systems towards collapse, WHO.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:29.380)
We need trillions.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:30.380)
We need you in control.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:34.739)
Just say it.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:35.739)
The healthcare system has collapsed.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:38.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:39.939)
Always part of the plan.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:41.939)
It's a bad healthcare system.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:45.460)
Coming up.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:48.140)
Helping you navigate the apocalypse.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:50.920)
This is the info war.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:52.779)
Hell yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:54.180)
So this was a story, this stack, this piece of the stack.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:58.100)
He doesn't actually really get into the actual article in any greater detail than he just
Unknown Speaker (01:12:02.500)
did there.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:03.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:04.500)
And this is a story that was taken from the AFP news wire, but I can tell that Alex is
Unknown Speaker (01:12:07.539)
reading this headline from when it was posted on, which is a news site primarily
Unknown Speaker (01:12:13.500)
about India.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:14.779)
India news.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:15.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:16.779)
Seems like a strange place for him to get a headline.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:18.020)
A little bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:19.439)
You might have to have gone looking for it.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:21.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:22.779)
Anyway, the underlying article doesn't say anything about needing tons of funding or
Unknown Speaker (01:12:25.260)
that the UN should take over and invade healthcare systems.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:28.699)
It's just kind of a sad list of things that countries are trying to do to limit the spread
Unknown Speaker (01:12:32.140)
of infection as the looming threat of hospitals being completely overwhelmed happens, like
Unknown Speaker (01:12:38.500)
Germany shutting down nightclubs and Greece banned music in bars and restaurants until
Unknown Speaker (01:12:43.260)
January 16th.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:44.579)
I do like that kind of, hey listen, we're not going to close down bars.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:49.180)
No music!
Unknown Speaker (01:12:50.180)
We're not going to close it down, but we're going to make it less fun to hang out.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:52.699)
We're going to make it annoying.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:53.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:54.699)
We're going to make it weirdly quiet.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:55.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:56.699)
This headline was itself actually written by NDTV, which is clearly stated on their
Unknown Speaker (01:13:01.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:02.500)
Quote, except the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published
Unknown Speaker (01:13:07.340)
from a syndicated feed.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:09.380)
All Alex operates off is headlines because the stuff that he's saying never really has
Unknown Speaker (01:13:14.100)
anything to do with the body of the articles he covers.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:16.500)
So actually in reality, what he's doing is basically creating an entire narrative based
Unknown Speaker (01:13:20.979)
on the editorial decisions of an Indian news website that he probably doesn't even know
Unknown Speaker (01:13:25.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:26.260)
This is fascinating levels of stupidity.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:27.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:28.939)
Because he riffs just basically on headlines, who knows who wrote most of these headlines?
Unknown Speaker (01:13:34.539)
I mean, it's almost a fascinating glimpse into something that I would never have thought
Unknown Speaker (01:13:40.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:13:41.819)
Like that idea of just, God, I need someone else to write the thing that I want to riff
Unknown Speaker (01:13:47.819)
off of.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:48.819)
So I'm just going to go digging.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:50.939)
I maybe, or maybe it's just the first one they found.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:55.819)
That's also a possibility.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:56.819)
Occam's razor would suggest they didn't dig.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:58.819)
I don't know how much digging was done.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:00.699)
That's right.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:01.699)
That's right.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:02.699)
But like if you take this headline, you're just going to be able to spit ball on it.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:08.619)
And what you're doing is really just using the basis of the editors of that website as
Unknown Speaker (01:14:14.859)
like evidence of the globalist plans, which is ridiculous.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:18.739)
He should send them some flowers or something.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:20.899)
The Indian website?
Unknown Speaker (01:14:21.899)
Yeah, he should send them a box of chocolates.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:23.300)
If he did that with all the people he lied about, he'd be running out of chocolate.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:28.500)
We'd be in chocolate shortage.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:29.979)
We wouldn't have to deal with raptors anymore.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:31.819)
Look, my friend, damn the raptors.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:34.739)
We have stacks.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:36.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:37.100)
So Alex decides he's going to read all the stacks.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:39.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:14:40.739)
This is a bad idea.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:42.739)
Here we go.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:43.739)
Here we go.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:44.739)
All right, I've been on air 28 years and I've never successfully read through all my stacks
Unknown Speaker (01:14:48.779)
on air.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:49.779)
Even back then when I'd been able to have a three inch stack, not a foot tall stack.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:54.100)
Real quick.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:55.100)
It's really awesome that he's playing the Mission Impossible theme song because this
Unknown Speaker (01:14:59.899)
is an impossible mission.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:01.220)
He's embarking on that.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:02.220)
No one's going to do that.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:03.220)
I'm going to try right now to hit headlines.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:05.220)
I'm going to come back and hit some of the most insane gaslighting ever.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:09.460)
This stack will self-destruct.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:11.060)
Some of the most insane gaslighting ever.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:14.699)
About Bill Gates and Anderson Cooper, because a six month old clip of them saying, take
Unknown Speaker (01:15:20.380)
away people's social security that don't take the injections.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:23.640)
They say it as clear as day, Reuters run by Pfizer literally said, it's not real again.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:33.819)
We all know they've been all over TV saying, don't let you leave your house.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:37.319)
Take your kids away.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:39.020)
It's really pretty amazing to me that Alex somehow thinks that if he's able to read off
Unknown Speaker (01:15:42.359)
all the headlines and his stacks that his interns have printed out for him, that's going
Unknown Speaker (01:15:46.140)
to be an accomplishment or that it will have proven anything.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:49.680)
It's interesting in a way, like it might be fun to play some wagers about whether or not
Unknown Speaker (01:15:54.539)
he gets through them, but ultimately who cares?
Unknown Speaker (01:15:56.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:15:57.779)
Most of the headlines are going to be about the same story from different websites.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:00.739)
Like how the NDTV article was just an AFP story with an in-house headline.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:05.199)
It's going to be most of what he's got to cover.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:08.180)
Reuters did do a fact check of claims that were going around on social media that Anderson
Unknown Speaker (01:16:11.720)
Cooper wanted to take away social security from people who didn't get vaccinated.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:15.420)
That claim is not true.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:16.619)
It was part of a question that he was posing to Bill Gates because it was an interview.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:21.300)
Like is this something that should be done?
Unknown Speaker (01:16:24.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:25.380)
It's weird though, because you know who really wants to take away social security from everybody,
Unknown Speaker (01:16:29.579)
whether they're vaccinated or not?
Unknown Speaker (01:16:31.640)
Every politician Alex has ever supported.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:33.779)
There we go.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:34.779)
Those people usually.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:35.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:36.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:37.779)
Another thing too is it's a dangerous precedent for Alex to be fucking around with where he
Unknown Speaker (01:16:42.079)
believes that a journalist asking a question is the same thing as them advancing a position.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:47.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:48.380)
Because I would like to point to his entire career.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:51.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:52.340)
Where he actually does do that quite a bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:54.300)
And certain things that he might be getting sued over.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:57.960)
So also Alex is just making up that Pfizer owns Reuters because it seems like something
Unknown Speaker (01:17:01.979)
that makes his argument sound more convincing and like it's something he can probably slip
Unknown Speaker (01:17:05.680)
past the audience.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:07.220)
Reuters is owned by Thomson Reuters Corporation, which is majority owned by the Woodbridge
Unknown Speaker (01:17:11.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:12.300)
Pfizer is its own company and it has nothing to do with these other entities.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:15.460)
It's just like there's a board member of Pfizer.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:17.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:18.859)
It's just.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:19.859)
I mean, when you have so many parent companies and subsidiaries and this guy is on the board
Unknown Speaker (01:17:25.500)
of this and on the board of that and all of this stuff, you can tell somebody, oh, this
Unknown Speaker (01:17:30.300)
is owned by some company and there's like, I can't look into it and it might be.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:35.020)
So fuck it.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:36.020)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:37.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:38.020)
Well, your mission.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:39.020)
Should I choose to accept it?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:40.020)
Playing the role of Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:41.020)
Should you choose to accept it?
Unknown Speaker (01:17:42.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:43.020)
Is to read your stacks.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:44.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:45.020)
Let's dig into the stacks.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:46.020)
I failed.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:47.020)
You know, I always start on my right side because this is always the top stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:48.539)
This is what I always tend to get to is this, this strata of stacks, but let's just do something
Unknown Speaker (01:17:53.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:54.220)
Let's just go over here.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:55.220)
Let's read these headlines.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:56.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:57.220)
New York governor drops COVID vax requirements for transportation workers, citing cruise
Unknown Speaker (01:18:01.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:03.619)
Aaron Rogers science that can't be questioned is propaganda.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:07.899)
It's more than propaganda.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:09.039)
It's tyranny Rand Paul thousands dying every month because of Fauci's obsession with pushing
Unknown Speaker (01:18:15.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:16.260)
He's starting to creep closer to the truth.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:17.260)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:18.260)
So we're heading three headlines into this and no time spent on any of these stories
Unknown Speaker (01:18:22.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:23.100)
And here's the breakdown.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:24.300)
One headline is about dropping of vaccine mandates in New York, which Alex should be
Unknown Speaker (01:18:27.819)
in favor of and kind of undercut some of his own main narratives about how they're going
Unknown Speaker (01:18:31.739)
to force everyone to get back.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:33.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:34.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:35.020)
He said that they were going to force everyone to get the vaccine.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:36.619)
And this example is of people not forcing people to get the vaccine.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:39.380)
I would have left this out of the stack.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:40.939)
Could have just tossed it.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:41.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:18:42.939)
It doesn't really help.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:43.939)
Shorten your stack.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:44.939)
The next is a comment about science from football player, Aaron Rogers, which Alex doesn't think
Unknown Speaker (01:18:49.340)
is going far enough.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:50.600)
So he kind of is like, aha, let's escalate.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:52.500)
I mean, he's the all time leader for the Packers in touchdowns thrown now.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:56.619)
So it's like, you got to trust him on the side.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:58.460)
He's also third on the science list in the Packers history.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:01.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:02.819)
Shannon Sharp.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:03.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:04.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:05.819)
I can't think of other Packers players.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:08.819)
Football was never one of my big.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:10.739)
I think number one is obviously Lombardi himself.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:13.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:14.420)
Favre's dropped down to four.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:17.380)
He played for the Packers.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:18.380)
He was the most famous guy to play for the Packers.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:20.760)
Just making sure I told you football's not my thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:24.100)
I know.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:25.100)
I know.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:26.100)
And then the third headline that Alex has, we round it out with him tentatively giving
Unknown Speaker (01:19:29.680)
it up to Rand Paul for talking shit on vaccines.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:32.260)
Like this is, this is the tip of the spear right here, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:35.460)
Unknown Speaker (01:19:36.460)
Hey, Rand Paul said something.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:39.100)
The end!
Unknown Speaker (01:19:40.300)
Brett Favre played for other teams though too, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:19:42.579)
Uh, yes.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:43.579)
Later on in his career, he played for the Vikings.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:45.199)
See that, that might've been where I got, and he played for Wranglers.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:49.720)
And he played for sending pictures of your dick places.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:53.300)
So we got another headline, another stack.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:55.180)
Oh, here's a big one.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:56.859)
This one's really important.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:57.859)
Heavens above, NASA endless priests prepare for an alien discovery, the Times of London
Unknown Speaker (01:20:03.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:20:04.939)
Yep, Project Blue Beam.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:05.939)
It's one of their next big deals after the big fake cyber attack that's coming.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:09.380)
I mean, it'll turn your computer off and your internet off and turn your power off in most
Unknown Speaker (01:20:13.340)
areas, but it's staged by them.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:16.779)
That's coming up.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:17.779)
So Alex is just misreporting this story because he just read the headline.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:20.859)
This is a story that was making the rounds recently, but it's actually about a program
Unknown Speaker (01:20:24.659)
that was called Societal Implications of Astrobiology, which ran from 2015 to 2018.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:30.659)
The idea was that there was a bunch of religious scholars, and they'd meet up at the Center
Unknown Speaker (01:20:34.220)
for Theological Inquiry at Princeton University and discuss how religious communities would
Unknown Speaker (01:20:38.479)
respond to the discovery of alien life, should that ever happen.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:42.159)
The reason that there were headlines about this recently is because one of the theologians
Unknown Speaker (01:20:45.979)
who took part, Reverend Andrew Davison, is publishing a book about his experience titled
Unknown Speaker (01:20:50.539)
Astrobiology and Christian Doctrine.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:53.260)
Apparently his takeaway was, quote, the headline findings are that adherents of a range of
Unknown Speaker (01:20:57.859)
religious traditions report that they can take that idea in their stride.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:02.819)
That the idea of aliens being a threat to religious beliefs is overestimated.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:07.500)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:09.699)
I mean, you know, in a certain, he's kind of saying, listen, we can rationalize fucking
Unknown Speaker (01:21:14.659)
anything, get the fuck out of here, we're religion.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:17.100)
Well, I mean, I think it was, I don't think it was the pope, but someone high up in the
Unknown Speaker (01:21:21.020)
Vatican made a similar comment a number of years back about, you know, there are ways
Unknown Speaker (01:21:27.539)
that you can incorporate...
Unknown Speaker (01:21:30.020)
It's no different than the original church suddenly finding out that there were Aboriginal
Unknown Speaker (01:21:36.279)
people in Australia.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:38.699)
How can they be subject to the same original sin if they've literally never heard of this
Unknown Speaker (01:21:44.619)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:45.619)
Sure, sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:46.619)
And how, I think it does introduce some challenges just theologically of if there are aliens
Unknown Speaker (01:21:51.579)
on another planet...
Unknown Speaker (01:21:52.579)
Did God create...
Unknown Speaker (01:21:53.579)
Did Jesus die for their sins?
Unknown Speaker (01:21:55.579)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:56.659)
There are complications, but apparently, I mean, I wasn't there at the Center for Theological
Unknown Speaker (01:22:01.100)
Inquiry, and these people are obviously experts in their fields, and if the takeaway for this
Unknown Speaker (01:22:08.020)
dude who was there is that, hey, we can handle this.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:11.060)
I mean, it is...
Unknown Speaker (01:22:12.060)
I'll take his word for it.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:13.979)
It's a little bit like, and I know they would find it very sacrilegious for me to describe
Unknown Speaker (01:22:18.039)
it as such, but it's a little bit like a writer's room for how are we going to deal with this?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:23.300)
Oh, it's a workshop.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:27.420)
They're all tossing out ideas like, how do we feel about this?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:31.300)
So the headline of it uses the word prepare, like they have the priest to prepare for an
Unknown Speaker (01:22:36.539)
alien discovery, and that's not...
Unknown Speaker (01:22:38.979)
Will God protect us from lasers?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:41.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:42.060)
So if you go based on the headline, that's the way you could report the story.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:45.100)
If you read into what is actually going on, it's not preparing for alien discovery, it's
Unknown Speaker (01:22:50.340)
inquiry into societal implications.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:52.659)
Also, Project Bluebeam isn't a real thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:55.100)
It was a wacky conspiracy theory a dude named Serge Monest popularized back in the 90s,
Unknown Speaker (01:22:59.859)
which he probably cribbed from some stories written by Gene Roddenberry.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:03.739)
It's not real.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:04.739)
I like this game that we're playing, though.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:06.899)
The stack game?
Unknown Speaker (01:23:08.180)
Reading a headline and saying, see, I'm right.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:10.899)
It's a great game.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:12.699)
It would make me feel good.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:14.020)
You'd get that nice little bit of endorphin rush, just like, yeah, I'm right again.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:18.140)
Yeah, and it's fascinating that at the end of it, he probably is like, god damn it, I
Unknown Speaker (01:23:23.020)
was efficient today.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:25.300)
I was productive.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:26.300)
I read so many headlines.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:27.859)
You know, I mean, you really would have to be a narcissist to enjoy that, though.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:33.180)
Because it's kind of like that Twilight Zone episode where if you always win at gambling,
Unknown Speaker (01:23:38.060)
it gets boring.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:39.220)
But apparently if you're a narcissist and you always win at being right, it never stops
Unknown Speaker (01:23:43.579)
being fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:44.579)
I don't know, I don't think Alex is having much fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:48.300)
No, that's fair too.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:50.180)
That's fair too.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:51.180)
I think he might be having a bit of a bad time.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:52.779)
That's possible.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:53.779)
You ready for another stack?
Unknown Speaker (01:23:54.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:55.779)
Oh, look at this nice little stacky.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:56.779)
Oh, get out of here.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:57.779)
How dumb you gotta be to fall for media gaslighting still, says anomaly on Twitter.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:04.340)
That's just a tweet.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:05.340)
That's a stack?
Unknown Speaker (01:24:06.340)
It's a tweet.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:07.340)
That goes in the stack?
Unknown Speaker (01:24:08.340)
He printed out a tweet to put in the stack?
Unknown Speaker (01:24:11.960)
Was it a screenshot or did he type it out?
Unknown Speaker (01:24:14.180)
That's what I want to know.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:15.180)
I'm sure it was a screenshot.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:16.180)
Is it 10-point Arial font or is it a screenshot he printed?
Unknown Speaker (01:24:20.220)
It's a screenshot.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:21.220)
Is it black and white or is it color?
Unknown Speaker (01:24:22.579)
Probably black and white.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:23.579)
Probably with some highlighter somewhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:25.380)
Oh my god, this is dumb.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:27.819)
One of the worst.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:28.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:29.819)
What a terrible idea.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:30.819)
Ready for another stack?
Unknown Speaker (01:24:31.819)
Hell yeah, I am.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:32.819)
Again, I'm just reading the top articles of each stack here.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:35.659)
China introduces AI prosecutor that can automatically charge citizens with a crime.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:40.180)
You want to know the future?
Unknown Speaker (01:24:41.659)
This is it.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:42.659)
This is an interesting story and it's definitely a headline Alex can use to riff out all sorts
Unknown Speaker (01:24:46.819)
of nonsense, but it's actually not as nightmarish as the headline might suggest.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:51.260)
So there's this AI program in China that's been trained using over 17,000 cases to be
Unknown Speaker (01:24:55.779)
able to take a description of a particular case and determine if it fits the requirements
Unknown Speaker (01:25:00.340)
of a specific crime.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:01.979)
Currently, it's only able to recognize the eight most common crimes that occur in Shanghai,
Unknown Speaker (01:25:07.500)
but obviously over time as technology progresses, you'd expect that number to go up.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:12.220)
The project's lead scientist, Professor Shi Yang, was clear that the AI doesn't take part
Unknown Speaker (01:25:17.100)
in any of the actual decision making about whether or not to file charges or come up
Unknown Speaker (01:25:21.199)
with sentences.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:22.380)
That's all done by humans because that process goes into those sorts of determinations is
Unknown Speaker (01:25:25.899)
far more complicated than they have the capability to do.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:29.659)
There are reasons to be concerned about the possible ways this could go wrong, but Alex's
Unknown Speaker (01:25:33.140)
coverage is way off base.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:35.699)
And it's generous for me to even call this coverage because he doesn't go into any detail
Unknown Speaker (01:25:39.000)
about this.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:40.000)
He just does what he always does.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:41.000)
He reads the headline and makes shit up.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:42.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:43.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:44.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:45.819)
This is a little bit like ASCAT.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:50.220)
If everyone- Or the set list.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:52.479)
If all the varsity, junior varsity, junior varsity two, and the next level players are
Unknown Speaker (01:25:57.819)
all out.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:00.899)
They're all out sick.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:02.659)
It's like ASCAT with one angry person who's not good at improv.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:06.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:07.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:08.939)
You want another stack?
Unknown Speaker (01:26:09.939)
Yeah, of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:10.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:11.939)
So I'm at least reading the top article out of each stack.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:15.300)
Let's continue here with today's show headline that's on
Unknown Speaker (01:26:21.500)
WHO warns of global healthcare collapse that they triggered with COVID hysteria.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:27.939)
Meanwhile, Bill Gates and fellow blue blood, Anderson Cooper, promote taking social security
Unknown Speaker (01:26:34.020)
from Americans who refuse the deadly gene therapy injections.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:37.979)
Tune in to this must-see broadcast when Alex Jones, a leading computer scientist-
Unknown Speaker (01:26:42.140)
That's not part of your headline.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:43.140)
Come on, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:44.140)
Steve Kirsch as they expose the latest COVID tyranny developments, including the fact that
Unknown Speaker (01:26:49.180)
23% of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:54.539)
So one of the stacks was a tweet.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:57.140)
This stack on top of it is just the printout of the info wars page that has an embedded
Unknown Speaker (01:27:02.300)
video of the show that Alex is currently recording.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:04.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:05.979)
What is going on here?
Unknown Speaker (01:27:06.979)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:07.979)
Such a waste of paper.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:08.979)
I do like how we've moved the goalposts from, I'm going to read all these stacks too.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:12.579)
I'm reading the top one of each of these stacks.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:14.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:15.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:16.899)
Come on, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:17.899)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:18.899)
That was like-
Unknown Speaker (01:27:19.899)
Can't do it.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:20.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:21.899)
So we go to break and when Alex comes back, he wants to let you know what the most important
Unknown Speaker (01:27:26.579)
thing is.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:27.579)
This is critical.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:29.539)
Reset wars?
Unknown Speaker (01:27:30.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:31.539)
Yes, but no.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:32.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:33.539)
You need to understand this.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:34.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:35.699)
That said though, I began to cogitate, to reflect, to really assess during the break
Unknown Speaker (01:27:44.699)
what is most important out of everything I've got here in front of me to say, because you
Unknown Speaker (01:27:48.500)
don't want to miss the forest for the trees, and it's this.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:57.979)
Our problem is not Klaus Schwab, our problem is not Bill Gates, our problem is not Ted
Unknown Speaker (01:28:06.619)
Turner or George Soros or Anderson Cooper, who's even richer than they are.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:12.979)
Our problem, our problem is not even Donald Trump.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:23.420)
Our problem is not Senator Paul.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:26.779)
Give six more examples.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:28.619)
Our problem is ours, because we're not making the people that are on the fence that we've
Unknown Speaker (01:28:35.380)
elected to be our representatives and our guardians do their damn jobs.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:39.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:40.939)
It is your fault.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:42.060)
You have not convinced people of the dumb premises.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:44.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:45.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:46.899)
No, you got it.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:47.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:48.899)
Yeah, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:49.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:50.899)
You're starting to get it, buddy.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:51.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:52.899)
It's your fault.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:53.899)
Yes, it's your fault.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:54.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:55.899)
Because your arguments suck.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:56.899)
You're dumb.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:57.899)
No one gives a shit about you.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:59.279)
Almost everything you say is a lie or a manipulation or a misunderstanding.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:02.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:03.859)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:04.859)
Yes, you have failed to convince a large portion of the public and the elected leaders that
Unknown Speaker (01:29:11.020)
you think have your back who are using you for an easy voting block.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:15.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:16.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:17.819)
So that is the most important thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:18.819)
I mean, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:19.819)
Well done.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:20.819)
I just think he's learning the wrong lesson.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:21.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:22.819)
I believe his lesson to his... Should I double down?
Unknown Speaker (01:29:25.779)
Well, it's actually, I think the lesson that he's getting to is the lesson that he learned
Unknown Speaker (01:29:30.539)
from Christmas.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:31.539)
It's a Christmas miracle that he has learned that Trump does not give a shit about his
Unknown Speaker (01:29:37.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:38.380)
That is a Christmas miracle.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:39.380)
It's now been a couple days.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:40.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:41.380)
Trump doesn't give a shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:42.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:29:43.380)
And so I think Alex is just trying to adjust his expectations.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:45.859)
Move things over to Rand Paul a little bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:49.020)
I believe Rand Paul's a good guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:50.300)
In fact, at a gut level, I know he is, but he knows now this is a deadly gene therapy
Unknown Speaker (01:29:53.880)
in killing people.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:55.000)
And he's still not attacking the shot.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:57.699)
He's just saying, hey, instead of saying the shot, people really need vitamin C and vitamin
Unknown Speaker (01:30:01.979)
D and zinc and iodine.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:05.039)
And he's out saying that.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:07.699)
He's in an interview saying, obsessing on the vaccine that isn't really 100% killing
Unknown Speaker (01:30:12.699)
Unknown Speaker (01:30:13.699)
You need to be healthy.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:14.699)
That's what Joe Rogan's saying.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:16.359)
But Joe's going all the way saying the shot's hurting people.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:19.779)
Rand Paul's not doing that.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:20.779)
And so I was thinking about this this morning when I woke up about 5 a.m., I was like, am
Unknown Speaker (01:30:25.539)
I right to be really going after Trump?
Unknown Speaker (01:30:26.979)
And I'm like, yeah, you are right to be going after him.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:28.819)
He knows what's going on.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:29.819)
Then I thought, Rand Paul's a medical doctor and he's super smart.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:35.460)
And I've known the guy for 28 years.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:40.300)
And he knows damn well what's going on.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:42.420)
So let me say this, if I said Trump's either super ignorant or one of the most evil men
Unknown Speaker (01:30:49.079)
to ever live to do this to his own people.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:51.640)
And obviously I meant that to get Trump's attention.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:53.260)
I don't think he's ignorant.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:54.260)
I don't think he wants to be evil.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:55.619)
I just think he's lying to himself and rationalizing.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:58.939)
But regardless, we're still in the position we are.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:01.340)
Trump could come out against this and we'd end this very quickly.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:04.619)
But what about Rand Paul, huh?
Unknown Speaker (01:31:06.659)
No, I don't want to break his ribs.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:08.899)
I don't want to shoot at him like a Democrat does.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:11.859)
In fact, I want to support him and campaign for him and hope he becomes president someday.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:17.460)
Oh, boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:19.420)
But whatever calculus he's got, whatever math is going on in his head of why he's not coming
Unknown Speaker (01:31:25.340)
out against this thing all the way when the numbers and the facts are 100 percent clear
Unknown Speaker (01:31:29.239)
is a big problem.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:31.640)
And so I want to apologize to President Trump.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:35.460)
Oh, God.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:36.460)
And that's backhanded, folks.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:37.819)
Oh, Jesus.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:38.819)
And that if I'm really mad at him, I should be a lot more mad at Senator Paul.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:45.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:46.500)
I just get the sense that it's like, all right, this Joe Rogan treatment for Trump isn't going
Unknown Speaker (01:31:51.560)
to work.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:52.560)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:53.560)
Maybe I can bully Rand Paul.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:54.560)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:55.560)
This is like a halftime show at a basketball game where they're like, OK, you win a million
Unknown Speaker (01:32:00.739)
dollars if you can make this half court shot.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:03.420)
You miss it.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:04.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:05.420)
You win fifty dollars if you can make this three point shot.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:07.640)
You miss it.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:08.640)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:09.640)
You win.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:10.640)
You win five dollars if you make this free throw.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:11.779)
You know what else it's like setting out to read all the headlines and then moving
Unknown Speaker (01:32:16.220)
the goalposts.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:17.220)
I just read the top ones.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:19.220)
You know, I'll read about 15.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:21.500)
It's setting out with something ambitious.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:22.619)
I'm going to bully the former president.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:24.260)
You know what?
Unknown Speaker (01:32:25.260)
I got distracted.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:26.260)
Yeah, that didn't work.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:27.260)
I'm going to go ahead and talk shit about Rand Paul.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:28.819)
Eventually we're going to wind up at Derek from my grocery store will not condemn the
Unknown Speaker (01:32:34.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:35.220)
And that is actually a serious problem.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:37.140)
Derek from the grocery store has quite quite a bit of sway among public opinion.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:42.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:43.939)
There are lobbyists and then there's Derek from the grocery store.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:46.020)
Well, if you wrong Derek from the grocery store, he's going to cut your meat too thick
Unknown Speaker (01:32:50.020)
at the belly.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:51.020)
That's, people cannot have that.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:52.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:53.819)
Derek isn't even the manager at that grocery store.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:55.220)
But he still wields power.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:58.060)
He's a great guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:59.060)
So Alex is talking about like this, this like, all right, maybe we should take aim at Rand
Unknown Speaker (01:33:03.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:04.020)
And he makes a metaphor.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:07.779)
It's a simile.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:09.779)
It's weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:10.779)
He compares the bullying the politicians or getting these politicians to fight the globalists
Unknown Speaker (01:33:17.439)
for him is similar to when he was a kid and someone stole his bike, his dad going over
Unknown Speaker (01:33:23.319)
to talk to that kid's dad.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:25.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:26.300)
So you're, you're telling me that he's boiling global politics down to my dad could beat
Unknown Speaker (01:33:32.739)
up your dad.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:33.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:34.739)
There we go.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:35.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:36.739)
How do we stop this?
Unknown Speaker (01:33:37.739)
How do we, do we focus on Biden, the puppet?
Unknown Speaker (01:33:39.899)
Do we focus on Bill Gates, which I've already done?
Unknown Speaker (01:33:42.579)
Do we attack the people behind it all?
Unknown Speaker (01:33:44.500)
Or do we go after politically, peacefully, the people that say they represent us?
Unknown Speaker (01:33:50.140)
It'd be like, if I was six, seven years old and some bully from down the street, it was
Unknown Speaker (01:33:58.380)
like 14, took my bike away, kicked me off of it.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:04.840)
And my dad didn't start a big fight with the guy's dad down the street.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:07.760)
They lived about 20 houses down, which house is it?
Unknown Speaker (01:34:10.939)
Where is it?
Unknown Speaker (01:34:11.939)
But I went and knocked the door.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:12.939)
Real quick.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:13.939)
We got to recognize that this started out as a hypothetical and literal story of a thing
Unknown Speaker (01:34:18.500)
that happened very weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:20.220)
Would be like if this thing that happened happened, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:34:23.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:24.140)
Some big meat head comes to the door and says, I want my son's, uh, bike back, please.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:27.619)
The guy kind of a little bit threatening.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:29.520)
And my dad just said, uh, you're going to give me that bike right now or you're going
Unknown Speaker (01:34:34.939)
to get hurt.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:35.939)
And the guy listening went and got it.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:37.739)
But the point was, is that we're kind of like the kids here, you know, we're the people.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:43.060)
And then we were let these men to go represent us and we're watching the globalists not steal
Unknown Speaker (01:34:46.939)
our bike, but kill us.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:48.659)
So I mean, this is basically exactly what you would expect in terms of Alex's belief
Unknown Speaker (01:34:53.119)
of his relation to, uh, to leaders.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:56.300)
They're his dad.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:57.300)
He's going to go pick his battles, fight for him.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:00.819)
I mean, that's a, that's kind of an apt way to describe, uh, any desire for a paternalistic
Unknown Speaker (01:35:08.260)
God King.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:09.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:10.260)
I want a daddy.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:11.260)
I don't think it's exactly how, I do think that there's something to be said for pressuring
Unknown Speaker (01:35:14.640)
elected leaders to, you know, I have policy sets that are more in line with, you know,
Unknown Speaker (01:35:19.699)
what you'd hope.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:20.699)
And I mean, a good example of that, Jen Psaki comes out and is like, fuck you, we'll never
Unknown Speaker (01:35:24.420)
send you tests.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:25.420)
And then a couple of weeks later, they're like, okay, fine, we're going to send you
Unknown Speaker (01:35:27.939)
a bunch of tests.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:28.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:29.939)
It turns out we sounded like the assholes.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:31.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:32.100)
There's, there's public pressure that you can make.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:34.539)
There's uh, I, you know, a run yourself, a primary somebody or, you know, like there's,
Unknown Speaker (01:35:41.220)
there are things that are much more productive.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:44.539)
Well productive and I think mature relationships with power.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:47.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:48.819)
This is a childish relationship with elected leaders and, and, and, and how Alex sees all
Unknown Speaker (01:35:54.140)
these pieces fitting together.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:56.060)
That's not surprising.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:57.060)
It's just weird that he articulates it this way.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:59.739)
I almost kind of see it in the inverse, whereas, uh, he describes our elected leaders similar
Unknown Speaker (01:36:06.500)
to a father.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:08.699)
I see our elected leaders as being a bunch of petulant children with a lot of money arguing
Unknown Speaker (01:36:12.739)
with each other about stuff that doesn't matter while they watch us die.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:16.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:17.100)
I think that you're closer.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:19.100)
Um, maybe not, not full on, not necessarily.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:22.819)
So Alex has decided Rand Paul maybe is a better target, but that doesn't mean I'm not going
Unknown Speaker (01:36:29.479)
to still try and get that juice out of Trump sneaky snake him still.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:34.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:35.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:36.100)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:37.100)
We all wish Trump would do the right thing, but listen, I got the inside baseball on Trump.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:38.859)
He doesn't know what's going on and I'm not even defending Trump.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:41.659)
I'm just saying we need to move on.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:43.260)
In fact, maybe, you know what, to get Trump's attention, cause I don't even get this from
Unknown Speaker (01:36:49.100)
Roger Stone.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:50.100)
I get this from people directly in Trump's camp.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:52.140)
Maybe I should just dish all the dirt off.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:53.819)
You know what?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:54.819)
You know what?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:55.819)
I'm going to dish it all on Trump next hour.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:57.619)
I'm going to go ahead and do that.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:59.979)
And it's not to hurt Trump.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:01.899)
It's so people can know how pathetic he is.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:04.739)
When you think he's playing 40 chess going to save you and he's not, he's not a bad guy,
Unknown Speaker (01:37:10.340)
but he doesn't know what he's doing and he's surrounded by bad advisors.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:15.260)
And he's got that multi-billion dollar social media network based on Mastodon that they
Unknown Speaker (01:37:20.939)
said is an original program.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:21.939)
It doesn't even work.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:22.979)
And there's all these sec criminal investigations of it right now.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:25.899)
And it's all falling apart.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:27.220)
I wish Trump could go build a real network.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:29.220)
I want Trump to have success.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:30.859)
I'm not against Trump.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:32.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:37:33.859)
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:35.260)
I wish Trump was a successful businessman, but it's all bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:39.819)
This is weird because the clip started with him saying we need to move on from Trump.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:44.260)
And then instead of doing that, he's like, I want to get his attention by talking shit
Unknown Speaker (01:37:47.939)
and dishing dirt.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:48.939)
I mean, I think a great way to move on from Trump would be to reveal all of the shit that
Unknown Speaker (01:37:53.819)
you've already known about him for the years that you've been lying about.
Unknown Speaker (01:37:57.420)
Yeah, but I don't actually think he has anything meaningful that he could reveal.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:01.020)
Nothing that we don't already know.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:03.220)
Probably not.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:04.220)
He's been a very public grifter for the past our entire lives.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:07.140)
Yeah, this sounds like a child lashing out because they don't get their way.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:10.619)
The news about the SEC looking into Trump's social media venture broke about like a month
Unknown Speaker (01:38:14.539)
ago in outlets all over the place.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:16.979)
So like, it doesn't seem like this counts as dirt.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:19.779)
I guess next hour in the show we'll see if Alex spills some tea, but spoiler alert,
Unknown Speaker (01:38:25.260)
he does not.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:26.260)
Oh, that does not end up happening.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:27.260)
That's not surprising.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:28.260)
This, like I said, it's just a weak attempt at the Rogan treatment.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:31.279)
It's not going to work.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:32.699)
Trump doesn't care.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:33.699)
Like, Alex, take your own advice.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:35.699)
Move on.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:36.699)
I think bullying Rand Paul's a great idea.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:39.060)
He seems like a worm.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:40.220)
I love bullying Rand Paul.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:42.180)
And it seems like your baby makes some headway with that.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:45.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:38:46.340)
He seems easy to bully.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:47.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:38:48.340)
He's willing to roll over and show you his belly all the time.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:51.779)
His dad was on your show like a hundred fucking times.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:54.819)
He was on your show all the time.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:57.739)
Build up that.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:58.739)
Be like, I'm friends with your dad.
Unknown Speaker (01:38:59.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:39:00.739)
My dad will beat up your dad.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:02.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:39:03.739)
It works.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:04.739)
Just move on from Trump.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:05.739)
This isn't going to work.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:06.739)
He doesn't give a shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:07.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:39:08.739)
So Biden went on vacation and there was a picture taken of him and Alex wants to talk
Unknown Speaker (01:39:12.979)
about that a little.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:13.979)
Get it.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:14.979)
And there he is vacationing in his native state and he and his wife with a dog wearing
Unknown Speaker (01:39:23.939)
masks alone on the beach, totally to create fear, totally to create hysteria, absolutely
Unknown Speaker (01:39:36.100)
there to make you think that things are so dangerous.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:39.100)
The president of the United States can't go out on his private beachfront property with
Unknown Speaker (01:39:44.340)
his new German shepherd puppy that killed the last one.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:47.619)
Oh boy.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:49.779)
And breathe the air.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:52.060)
Alex is referring to Biden's dog champ there who died back in June.
Unknown Speaker (01:39:55.659)
I think Alex might need to substantiate the claim that Biden killed his dog, particularly
Unknown Speaker (01:39:59.699)
considering the champ was 12 years old, which is, you know, typically on the high end of
Unknown Speaker (01:40:03.319)
normal dog life spans.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:05.439)
Also in terms of fear, pictures of Biden wearing a mask don't rank anywhere near what Alex
Unknown Speaker (01:40:09.859)
does every day.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:11.619)
Plus you have to understand how this is a rigged game.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:14.960)
Biden wears the mask and Alex can say it's a dishonest photo op meant to spread, spread
Unknown Speaker (01:40:19.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:40:20.380)
He doesn't wear the mask and Alex can say it's a perfect example of liberal hypocrisy.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:24.220)
How you have to wear the mask, but Lord Biden doesn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:26.619)
Unknown Speaker (01:40:27.619)
It's a game's rigged.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:28.619)
It's a trap.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:29.619)
Unknown Speaker (01:40:30.619)
It doesn't matter.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:31.619)
Unknown Speaker (01:40:32.619)
There's no like, there's no compromise, which it seems should have been very obvious in
Unknown Speaker (01:40:36.220)
so many other avenues as well.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:39.140)
Like say negotiating over a bill with Republicans whenever you obviously know they're all going
Unknown Speaker (01:40:44.100)
to vote no on it anyways.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:46.260)
You know, like McConnell has made statements of we will do nothing.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:49.460)
I will never ever sit a Supreme Court justice during the final year of a presidency.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:55.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:40:56.739)
Unknown Speaker (01:40:57.739)
He was fucking lying.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:58.739)
Everybody knows that.
Unknown Speaker (01:40:59.739)
It's challenging to negotiate with people who have explicitly made it clear they have
Unknown Speaker (01:41:01.779)
no interest in negotiating.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:02.779)
No, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:04.260)
And you know, engaging with Alex's bullshit is fairly similar.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:07.939)
Similar and stupid.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:09.380)
So Biden's got a little policy that's going to go into effect regarding the border and
Unknown Speaker (01:41:14.300)
vaccines and Alex really whiffs on this one.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:19.220)
And now the US to mandate, you mean the globalist, for all border crossers in January, not the
Unknown Speaker (01:41:25.300)
illegals coming in, not the migrants, but anybody trucking stuff in vice versa, including
Unknown Speaker (01:41:30.979)
US citizens.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:31.979)
Now to cross the border, you've got to have a shot.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:34.739)
Ah, see the illegal aliens don't, but everybody else does, you see.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:43.840)
See how that works?
Unknown Speaker (01:41:44.840)
This is a great example of how stupid Alex is and how his laziness translates into lies.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:50.340)
If you just read the headline of this article, you might come away with some of the conclusions
Unknown Speaker (01:41:53.619)
Alex comes to.
Unknown Speaker (01:41:55.140)
You'd need to be a super xenophobic bigot and you'd still have to make up a few details,
Unknown Speaker (01:41:59.020)
but this is within the realm of imagination if you don't actually look at the policy or
Unknown Speaker (01:42:02.619)
the article at all.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:04.220)
From a US News and World Report article on the policy, quote, the rules pertain to non-US
Unknown Speaker (01:42:09.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:42:10.460)
American citizens and permanent residents may still enter the US regardless of their
Unknown Speaker (01:42:14.899)
vaccination status.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:15.939)
Alex legitimately and literally lied by making up that US citizens need to be vaccinated
Unknown Speaker (01:42:21.779)
across the border because doing so helps him create a feeling of animosity in his audience
Unknown Speaker (01:42:25.979)
towards immigrants.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:26.979)
It becomes even more flagrant as an instance of misreporting when you realize that this
Unknown Speaker (01:42:31.260)
is a month old story.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:33.180)
He's had plenty of time to hear about it, look into it, get the details down, particularly
Unknown Speaker (01:42:37.460)
considering how he does about 10 hours of research a day.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:40.739)
Also, beginning in October 2021, the CDC and the State Department announced new guidelines
Unknown Speaker (01:42:45.779)
that quote, require all immigrant visa applicants to receive a full COVID-19 vaccine series
Unknown Speaker (01:42:51.140)
as part of their medical exam prior to being issued a visa.
Unknown Speaker (01:42:55.140)
The guidelines specifically say that if a visa applicant refuses to get vaccinated,
Unknown Speaker (01:42:58.979)
they are quote, inadmissible to the United States.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:02.140)
Most of the undocumented immigrants in the country are people who have overstayed their
Unknown Speaker (01:43:04.920)
visas and even if there were like mostly folks sneaking into the country, a rule that they
Unknown Speaker (01:43:09.619)
needed to be vaccinated would be totally meaningless and unenforceable.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:13.859)
What's being expressed here is Alex's laziness, willingness to lie, and his blanket hatred
Unknown Speaker (01:43:18.500)
of immigrants.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:19.500)
There's nothing meaningful here at all.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:21.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:22.500)
At all.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:23.500)
Just bigotry.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:24.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:25.500)
Let's just toss a little bigotry in there, otherwise people won't kind of get that vibe,
Unknown Speaker (01:43:28.300)
you know?
Unknown Speaker (01:43:29.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:30.300)
Gotta make sure, when you're just reading through a bunch of stacks, you don't really
Unknown Speaker (01:43:32.119)
have the opportunity to wax on bigotry.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:34.100)
You gotta wax away from the stacks.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:35.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:36.859)
So you gotta find a way to slam it in there!
Unknown Speaker (01:43:39.500)
So we lost Harry Reid recently.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:41.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:42.979)
Harry Reid passed.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:43.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:44.979)
A lot of people have a lot of different feelings about Harry Reid, you know, that's not a conversation
Unknown Speaker (01:43:48.340)
we need to get into at this point, but Alex has a weird kind of insulting eulogy.
Unknown Speaker (01:43:55.180)
Unknown Speaker (01:43:56.180)
What have we allowed ourselves to become, in all for just money and power in the system?
Unknown Speaker (01:44:04.500)
You know, Harry Reid, a very corrupt, evil Chinese agent, Chinese communist agent, is
Unknown Speaker (01:44:10.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:11.939)
Good start.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:12.939)
At 82.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:17.779)
And what a loss.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:18.779)
He could have been a real human.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:19.779)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:20.779)
But he was a servant of evil.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:23.699)
And that's very, very, very, very, very sad, isn't it?
Unknown Speaker (01:44:27.779)
Is it?
Unknown Speaker (01:44:28.979)
Let me get these articles right now.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:30.819)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:31.819)
What just happened?
Unknown Speaker (01:44:32.819)
So weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:33.819)
What was that?
Unknown Speaker (01:44:34.819)
Explain that to me!
Unknown Speaker (01:44:36.260)
I think, like, I understand, like, dancing on a grave, if you're Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:40.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:41.500)
It's fun!
Unknown Speaker (01:44:42.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:43.500)
I kind of also understand being like, what a loss, he's a statesman, you know, I can
Unknown Speaker (01:44:47.739)
understand that response too.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:49.140)
What is very difficult is what Alex just did.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:51.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:52.420)
He's the same, he's dead, he could have been a human.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:54.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:44:55.539)
But he was a Chinese spy.
Unknown Speaker (01:44:56.539)
Does that, does that apply to all who, who've died in, what?
Unknown Speaker (01:45:00.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:45:01.859)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:02.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:45:03.859)
I was very confused.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:04.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:45:05.859)
Does he miss Harry Reid?
Unknown Speaker (01:45:06.859)
I think so.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:07.859)
I guess.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:08.859)
Unknown Speaker (01:45:09.859)
So Alex has Steve Kirsch on for the last hour.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:12.500)
Unknown Speaker (01:45:13.500)
Mostly to talk about this substack post that he has that is full of shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:17.539)
Unknown Speaker (01:45:18.539)
We're not gonna listen to much of it, there's only a few clips that I'm gonna play from
Unknown Speaker (01:45:22.220)
this because it's, it's dumb.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:24.180)
You know what it is.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:25.180)
Uh, here's Alex's introduction.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:27.539)
Now I saw this article yesterday and I spent about an hour and a half reading the whole
Unknown Speaker (01:45:31.260)
thing and watching the videos that we're in and I didn't even scratch the surface of it
Unknown Speaker (01:45:35.300)
but uh, major computer science engineer saw multi-billion dollar company he's founded
Unknown Speaker (01:45:41.060)
and run.
Unknown Speaker (01:45:42.500)
Steve Kirsch is gonna be joining us next segment from to get into
Unknown Speaker (01:45:49.060)
this huge, huge article that we also posted at, pathology results show 93%
Unknown Speaker (01:45:57.619)
of people who died after being vaccinated were killed by the vaccine.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:02.659)
So I'm flabbergasted because the underlying document here is four pages long and honestly
Unknown Speaker (01:46:08.300)
it's really more like three in terms of actual text.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:11.500)
The video presentation that is linked in the article is 15 minutes long so I have no idea
Unknown Speaker (01:46:16.699)
what was taking Alex an hour and a half to get through this.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:19.699)
You know.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:20.699)
It's nonsense.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:21.699)
You gotta pause for bathroom breaks.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:22.699)
I guess.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:23.699)
Also because it's funny, I want to point out that the first sentence in the video presentation
Unknown Speaker (01:46:27.319)
that's linked to this non-study is quote, I want to say first of all that we must not
Unknown Speaker (01:46:31.979)
quibble about details.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:34.380)
Alright, let's not get bogged down with all the facts or whatever.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:43.140)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:44.140)
We gotta say big picture here.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:45.819)
It's about ideas.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:46.819)
It's about what might be.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:48.899)
That sounds like a perfect opening for a presentation that's utterly devoid of details.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:52.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:46:53.899)
In any case, if you're curious, there's no data presented in that video.
Unknown Speaker (01:46:58.020)
As it stands, this is a completely meaningless thing and it can be ignored out of hand until
Unknown Speaker (01:47:02.939)
actual concrete evidence is provided.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:05.380)
And by that I mean that I'm going to quibble about the details.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:07.939)
Yeah, well that's what you're not supposed to do.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:10.300)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:11.300)
And I think the reason for that is if you quibble about the details, the details would
Unknown Speaker (01:47:14.920)
look real dumb.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:16.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:17.220)
So this is the last clip and they're talking about Robert Malone, who we discussed as part
Unknown Speaker (01:47:24.100)
of Alex's Christmas message.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:26.739)
He apparently has been booked on Rogan.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:29.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:30.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:31.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:32.420)
Unknown Speaker (01:47:33.420)
Here's Hirsch talking about that.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:34.420)
Or Kirsch, excuse me.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:35.420)
But Dr. Robert Malone, because of what's happening, is on a plane right now to Austin.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:40.739)
He'll tape with Joe Rogan tomorrow and should be out tomorrow night or the next day.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:43.979)
So their attempts to censor him, we can now talk about it, it's now public, are not going
Unknown Speaker (01:47:48.100)
to work.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:49.100)
So very, very exciting.
Unknown Speaker (01:47:51.100)
Yeah, we're very excited that, you know, it's kind of like when one door closes, when he
Unknown Speaker (01:47:56.739)
gets removed from Twitter, another door opens, which is that he's going to be on Rogan.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:02.899)
And the people that I work with were instrumental in making that happen.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:07.539)
Malone's appearance on Joe Rogan will be extraordinary.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:13.699)
And if we can get Robert F. Kennedy on Rogan, I think that'll bring the house down.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:19.739)
This is a great instance of Rogan getting deeper and deeper into the world of anti-vex
Unknown Speaker (01:48:23.659)
propaganda which will ultimately lead to a ton of people in his audience being hurt and
Unknown Speaker (01:48:27.779)
possibly dying.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:28.779)
It's just a tragedy to see how irresponsible he's being with his platform if Malone is
Unknown Speaker (01:48:33.239)
going to be on, which it does appear that he is, and, like, if he ends up having Robert
Unknown Speaker (01:48:37.619)
Kennedy Jr. on, holy shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:39.659)
I mean...
Unknown Speaker (01:48:40.659)
As to Steve's claim that he was instrumental in getting Malone booked on Rogan's show,
Unknown Speaker (01:48:45.020)
that's probably true.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:46.939)
Back when Brent Weinstein was going really hard in the Ivermectin game in June of this
Unknown Speaker (01:48:51.100)
year, he did an episode of his podcast Dark Horse titled How to Save the World in Three
Unknown Speaker (01:48:56.000)
Easy Steps.
Unknown Speaker (01:48:57.779)
The guests on that episode were Steve Kirsch and Robert Malone.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:01.840)
Just after they recorded that episode, Brent was a guest on Rogan's podcast along with
Unknown Speaker (01:49:06.100)
Dr. Pierre Corry, the founder of the anti-vax and pro-Ivermectin group, the Frontline COVID-19
Unknown Speaker (01:49:11.420)
Critical Care Alliance.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:13.140)
It's within the realm of believability that Brent set up that booking, and given that
Unknown Speaker (01:49:17.260)
Malone and Kirsch were guests on Brent's show, spreading vaccine misinformation, I could
Unknown Speaker (01:49:22.399)
believe that they'd be open to getting them on the larger platform, getting them up onto
Unknown Speaker (01:49:27.659)
the big leagues with Rogan.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:29.539)
There's a subtle network of shitheads that are desperately trying to court Rogan to utilize
Unknown Speaker (01:49:33.720)
his platform to spread their shit, and he seems really willing, successfully courting
Unknown Speaker (01:49:39.579)
Rogan to him.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:40.579)
He seems really thrilled to go along with it.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:41.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:49:42.899)
Unknown Speaker (01:49:43.899)
Also, I was looking over the guest lists of Rogan for the past couple months, and man,
Unknown Speaker (01:49:47.220)
he's had some shitheads.
Unknown Speaker (01:49:48.220)
We're talking Ted Nugent, Tim Pool, Blair White, Ben Shapiro, Alex Berenson, and Steven
Unknown Speaker (01:49:53.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:49:54.979)
I would think that Alex would be really concerned with his friend Joe buddying up with someone
Unknown Speaker (01:49:58.340)
who has such clear ties to Epstein, but I guess that's only a problem when he wants
Unknown Speaker (01:50:02.220)
it to be.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:03.220)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:04.220)
Uh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:05.220)
I find this awful.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:07.420)
I think it's really, really great that when you give somebody a hundred million dollars,
Unknown Speaker (01:50:14.460)
they almost invariably turn into a right-wing shithead.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:17.939)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:18.939)
I think that's great.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:19.939)
I do wonder if this is kind of like a performance art piece where Joe is trying to see what
Unknown Speaker (01:50:27.340)
he can do without them canceling the deal.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:30.220)
How far can I go?
Unknown Speaker (01:50:32.420)
How can I burn a hundred million dollars like the fucking Joker?
Unknown Speaker (01:50:37.060)
I mean, I think even without that hundred million dollars, he's perfectly set, you know,
Unknown Speaker (01:50:41.260)
like for life.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:42.260)
He's not.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:43.260)
He doesn't have a problem.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:44.260)
He's going to be all right.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:45.260)
Unknown Speaker (01:50:46.260)
So why not try and like see how far you can go before they deem it a, uh, like we gotta
Unknown Speaker (01:50:50.220)
cancel this.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:51.220)
It's a fucking biohazard is what they're going to deem it.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:53.939)
But yet at the same time, he's having all these shitheads on.
Unknown Speaker (01:50:58.420)
He's clearly dabbling deeper and deeper into vaccine misinformation.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:03.220)
You know, he's having Robert Malone on and yet he won't have Alex back on.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:09.180)
You got to ask yourself a little bit of a question.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:12.760)
If you're Alex, maybe it's time to sneaky snake him.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:15.899)
I want to go back to 12 year old me watching news radio on A&E at four in the afternoon
Unknown Speaker (01:51:24.819)
and be like, Hey, Hey, guess what?
Unknown Speaker (01:51:26.739)
See that dumb guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:27.979)
He's going to ruin the world, the whole world, not just news radio's world.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:33.380)
Unknown Speaker (01:51:34.380)
It's also weird for me too, because I think one of my first interactions with Rogan wasn't
Unknown Speaker (01:51:40.539)
news radio.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:41.539)
Cause I think I maybe didn't realize that was who he was or like I wasn't aware of him
Unknown Speaker (01:51:46.840)
as a comedian or anything.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:48.380)
I think the first time he came into my periphery was when he was a guest on love line.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:52.340)
Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:53.340)
That makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:54.340)
He was a pretty charming guest on love line.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:55.979)
He was pretty funny.
Unknown Speaker (01:51:56.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:51:57.979)
And now to look back on that, it's like, wow, him and Adam Carolla both both really, really
Unknown Speaker (01:52:02.020)
fell off.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:03.020)
Oh, as did Dr. Drew.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:04.380)
All three of them just awful.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:06.539)
I am starting to think that you should not give white men a shit ton of money.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:14.539)
I don't want to think anymore about love line.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:17.340)
Don't do it.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:18.340)
Don't do it.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:19.340)
It's going to, it's going to, the guest list is going to start looking a lot like Rogan's
Unknown Speaker (01:52:22.359)
in the past few months.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:23.359)
If you go too far back.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:24.359)
They had some cool folk.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:25.739)
I know, Rogan's had some cool folk.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:29.020)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:30.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:52:31.020)
They're not all crazies.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:32.020)
Unknown Speaker (01:52:33.020)
So yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:34.020)
Anyway, we come to the end of this and now we're as good as caught up.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:36.659)
Unknown Speaker (01:52:37.659)
It is ironic.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:38.859)
I know, I know people who've been on Rogan.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:41.739)
I mean, it's just bananas.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:42.979)
Laura Bytes.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:43.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:52:44.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:52:45.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:52:46.979)
I was trying to think of anybody else that we might know.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:47.979)
In our immediate circle.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:48.979)
Unknown Speaker (01:52:49.979)
I think Red was on, wasn't he?
Unknown Speaker (01:52:51.340)
Chris Redd?
Unknown Speaker (01:52:52.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:52:53.340)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:54.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:52:55.340)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:56.340)
He's in the realm of availability.
Unknown Speaker (01:52:57.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:52:58.340)
Unknown Speaker (01:52:59.340)
Oh, there's my friend Elon Musk who's on.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:03.340)
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:04.340)
I did open mics with him.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:06.340)
Anyway, we'll be back, Jordan.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:09.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:53:10.060)
But until then, we have a website.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:11.060)
We do.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:12.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:53:13.060)
That's right.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:14.060)
We're also on Twitter.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:15.060)
We are on Twitter.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:16.060)
It's at knowledge underscore fight and I go to betjordan.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:17.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:53:18.060)
We'll be back next year.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:19.060)
Unknown Speaker (01:53:20.060)
But until then, I'm Neo, I'm Leo, I'm DZXClark, I'm Daryl Rundis.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:24.180)
Put me down on Team Human, baby.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:28.060)
And now, here comes the sex robots.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:30.380)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:31.699)
Thanks for holding.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:32.699)
Hello, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:33.699)
I'm a first time caller.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:34.699)
I'm a huge fan.
Unknown Speaker (01:53:35.699)
I love your work.