Transcript/41: May 12, 2017

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Alex Jones (00:00:00.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Oh, Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.
Dan (00:00:07.000)
Hey everybody, welcome back to knowledge fight. I'm Dan. I'm Jordan. We're a couple dudes who like to sit around and drink red wine and talk about the wacky wacky shenanigans of one Alexander Jones.
Jordan (00:00:17.000)
Now here's the thing about this. What makes it an interesting you know, conversation Make
Dan (00:00:23.000)
no mistake, it is super interesting.
Jordan (00:00:27.000)
I like I like our hubris out of the gate today.
Dan (00:00:30.000)
It's not coming from me. But read it in the white paper. podcast is interesting.
Jordan (00:00:36.000)
Now here's one way of putting it. You read the white paper? I
Dan (00:00:39.000)
do. I listen to the white you.
Jordan (00:00:43.000)
The white nationalists. Yeah. Well, I however, do not know nothing about it.
Dan (00:00:49.000)
I watch Alex Jones Show every day and you live a better life I do. So guys, we are going to get into today's episode, which is going to be insane and all over the place. Excellent. We're going to be covering the May 12. That's last Friday's episode of the Alex Jones Show before I do like just give a shout out to our new donator first person who has not donated in their given name. This is a welcome to the team out blinker.
Alex Jones (00:01:17.000)
I'm a policy
Jordan (00:01:17.000)
wonk out blinker you're a policy wonk now
Dan (00:01:21.000)
welcome aboard. longtime listener I believe absolutely might have been on board real early almost since the very beginning yelled at you for calling Milo Yiannopoulos a Nazi that is true. I believe if I'm I think you might be right there. Anyway, we're glad to have you on the on the on the team of policy. Well, what's
Jordan (00:01:38.000)
interesting today is that we are drinking Liberty school wine. I'm glad you brought that up, which is very coincidental or perhaps on purpose. very
Dan (00:01:49.000)
intentional. I bought that bottle of wine for today because I am going to take liberty loving Alex Jones to Liberty school.
Jordan (00:01:57.000)
Now I would also say there is a Trump is actually speaking at Liberty University.
Dan (00:02:03.000)
It's a double it's a double Yeah,
Jordan (00:02:05.000)
you've got you've got a you got both. Yeah, look, I'm not worried at least we're drinking both.
Dan (00:02:09.000)
I'm not a guy for single entendres. You know what I'm saying? I like like multiple interpretations. I like depth. Poetry. I don't like poetry. Nobody likes poetry. I really tow it to do Yeah. So those poor bastards, Alex Jones was in a weird mood. On Friday. He got into the studio and I think he started defensive. Well, yeah, usually takes him a couple of minutes to get into super defensive mode. But here's how he chose to start out on Friday.
Alex Jones (00:02:40.000)
I'm gonna admit sup to you on it right now. I over prepare. I laid in bed last night for about three hours with an iPad, reading news and watching video clips that I got up at about 6am this morning and research for a couple hours. And then I got back to work and went over the latest news. And my head is just spinning. Because of the Johnnie Walker, the producers walked in he goes, this is gonna be an incredible show today. Look at all these clips you sent us the other clubs we have. It's incredible.
Dan (00:03:11.000)
I gotta be honest, it is incredible. Okay, but not in the way that Matt thinks. Also, throughout the course of this episode, we're gonna find that Alex Jones did no research. He might have been up till three reading Breitbart articles or something like that, but that he did no research at all. It's this is gonna be so fun.
Alex Jones (00:03:29.000)
Traditional crashes melt down on the government. This is amazing. And I'm just like, yeah, no, it's amazing. Amazing how good Trump is commissioned to expose election fraud. The Democrats are openly getting illegals to vote mass pimps coming out and said Men if there's genocide against Christians, hundreds of 1000s a year being killed. Nobody would say that just a year ago. US Steel coming roaring back us. Us dry goods. US finished goods. So many good numbers, but then you juxtapose it with all the bad numbers. And we are in the best of times, worst of times, I open the broadcast so many times with that statement, and then stuff like this. I watched this seven and a half minute GQ rant by Keith Oberman. And I watched it very, very carefully. Let me tell you, a woman didn't do this as a stunt.
Jordan (00:04:24.000)
So he didn't do it as a stunt.
Dan (00:04:26.000)
He didn't he didn't do that. Did he do it as a job? Perhaps he might have done it as a job. Yeah. But so here's what's great. He lays out all these stories that he ostensibly wants to get to in depth. And, look, none of them are real. No. Christians are. We're gonna get into this as the thing goes along. He's making the argument that Christians are the most persecuted group in the world. And that Pence came out and said that hundreds of 1000s are killed a year. I don't think he said that. Nor is that true. It's not true. I don't care Pam said it or not, it's 100% not true, of course. And the premise that no one would have said it a year ago isn't true. Because there's like World Net Daily articles for the past five years saying, yeah, not all verbally unsourced. Every
Jordan (00:05:13.000)
criticism of Obama eventually got to the All he cares about are Muslims. He doesn't care about the Christians being persecuted all across the world is actually paying people to persecute Christians. Yeah,
Dan (00:05:24.000)
so I looked into it a little bit. And I actually found a pretty interesting article, because he goes on to and I can't remember if it's in this clip, or a little bit later, I think I think it's here. But so he talks about how the UN admits the Christians are the most persecuted group in the world. Now. They don't, they don't. But I looked into it. And I found on a really interesting article from 2011 that talks about the Christian persecution of Christians. And I think that's the only thing that could be going on making that claim. And here I'll read the headline to you. You are
Jordan (00:06:01.000)
giving him so much credit for imagining that he has read this
Dan (00:06:04.000)
or the headline,
Jordan (00:06:05.000)
he's read the headline. Oh, okay. Well, then yeah, now I'm on board. Again, Christians
Dan (00:06:09.000)
currently most persecuted religious group in world Holy See tells you M.
Jordan (00:06:15.000)
Ah, that's a very different thing. The end of the headline changes.
Dan (00:06:20.000)
If you read the first three quarters of it, it backs him up. Yeah. But so this Christians most
Jordan (00:06:25.000)
persecuted group in the world says organization that would benefit off of lying about Christians being the most persecuted in the world.
Dan (00:06:33.000)
Yeah. So Archbishop Dominique min birdie, the secretary for relations with the states of the holy sea, spoke at the UN. And he went on to say that the particular influence of a specific religion in a nation should never imply that citizens belonging to other faiths should be discriminated against in social life, or even worse, that violence against them should be tolerated. But I like
Jordan (00:06:57.000)
where he's going. I like where he's going. So far, I assume that means an all inclusive thing, where every religion should be protected in the exact same way as Christianity, right?
Dan (00:07:08.000)
Yeah, that is the point that he's making good. But
Jordan (00:07:13.000)
I don't like to, but that you just threw down.
Dan (00:07:15.000)
He also threw down this comment on the financial crisis that was going on in the world and throughout the Third World, even to this day, the Archbishop stressed that the economy cannot only function by market self regulation, and even less in accordance with agreements limited to reconciling the interests of the most powerful, quote, It needs an ethical basis in order to function for humanities that calling any other non ethical basis in genuis are cynical and always fatal. Yeah. So
Jordan (00:07:45.000)
again, absolutely correct. He's almost as correct as Lionel is.
Dan (00:07:49.000)
But so the only article that he could possibly be pointing to really about the UN and Christianity being super persecuted, if you actually read the article goes on to say that Christians are persecuted, but should not persecute others also, right. And the free market sucks. Yeah. So
Jordan (00:08:06.000)
two very important things to say, I would never want to read body of that article. You got persecution in my economics. Right. Right. So then he goes on. So that does make me think of that, like, every religion always polls that like, Oh, we're getting persecuted. I am less interested in how many people are getting persecuted than the net persecution rate? Sure. See what I'm saying? Sure. Sure. Like if Christians are persecuting more than getting persecuted, you don't get to you don't get to count. You know, if it's the other way, then everybody cares about you. It's an
Dan (00:08:39.000)
equilibrium. We want all of it to go away. Right? We want no persecution.
Jordan (00:08:44.000)
No, I'm against it, but at the same time, you know, fuck you.
Dan (00:08:49.000)
So the other thing that he got into there was that like steel, steel production is on the rise. That cannot be true. It absolutely is true. It is true. And it has been true every year since like, 1950. Okay, if you look at the graphs, it's just,
Jordan (00:09:05.000)
well, then it is on the rise. I can only assume that it's continuing to rise because of Trump's beneficence.
Dan (00:09:12.000)
It has nothing to do with drop. It's just like a nature of there's high demand for steel consistently, we need it.
Jordan (00:09:19.000)
Literally everything. Everything he takes credit for, has been going on for the past 20 years or more.
Dan (00:09:25.000)
Absolutely. All of that goes to this other thing that he was saying, like when he's talking about dry goods and finished goods, right. He's basically I think, trying to insinuate the what Trump tweeted out the other day about how China is going to start letting us sell things to them again. Yeah.
Jordan (00:09:40.000)
Which has been in the works since 2013. I believe something like that started
Dan (00:09:44.000)
to become finalized September of last year. Yeah. Oh, it's great. Yeah. So he has all this
Jordan (00:09:52.000)
which is not to say that that's not kind of a common thing that presidents have done for a long, long time. No, no, no. Like there's there's always been enough. Both blamed the previous administration and then you know, laud your administration scapegoating and glory Hunter. Exactly. But now it's never been quite as blatant and constant. Yes, Trump has accomplished. Absolutely nothing but writing executive orders that will make everyone's life worse
Dan (00:10:20.000)
and get halted in court. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, he's wasting everyone's time. Yeah, but that's why Alex has
Jordan (00:10:26.000)
gotten money. Let's not forget he's wasting time and money.
Dan (00:10:29.000)
Yeah, way more than anyone ever had ever, ever.
Jordan (00:10:33.000)
Just fucking just flying to his fucking white flank. His fucking wife being allowed to live wherever the fuck she wants cost us millions and millions of dollars. Sure. security detail which Why does she have everyone? No one No one gives a fuck about
Dan (00:10:50.000)
her. Everyone knows this. Let's move on. Yeah, I'm not saying
Jordan (00:10:53.000)
all I'm saying. All I'm saying is get rid of her security detail. No, because Because think about That's unfair. Think about this. If she gets kidnapped or threatened. Trump wouldn't care. Well, nobody, like nobody would care. I wouldn't care. This is a good bit. But in truth, I don't think that's a good idea. No, of course not. Well, actually, I
Jordan (00:11:13.000)
don't care. Are you being serious? I think I am. Okay. I'm 5050 5050
Dan (00:11:16.000)
disagree with you. Yeah. Because I mean, she could get hurt. Someone could target her. And that's I don't care. Every lady gets security details. It would be wrong to not give her care. All right. Well agree to
Jordan (00:11:32.000)
a lot of people get hurt. None of them have security details. And none of them are most of them aren't monsters.
Dan (00:11:39.000)
We don't know that she is. She might be great. Anyway, agree to disagree. She's probably terrible. I agree. So Alex has got this litany of bullshit that he's doing. And then of course, it gets to at the end, what he really wants to talk about just Keith by the fucking Oberman, of course. So Keith Olbermann had put out a video where he sort of says, all of the intelligence agencies around the world they were in a crisis, and the time has come, that we need everything to come out in the open, because eventually, you won't be able to write this, this is going to be too entrenched. Yeah, this is going to become a thing where time is of the essence. I am not here to defend Keith Olbermann, either, am I I don't think he has a terrible point there. But at the same time, you really open yourself up to attack when you say, hey, foreign agencies, spill the beans on our president. Yeah, I
Jordan (00:12:32.000)
know that the same thing, that would be a crazy thing to do. Like it's almost like a goddamn President did it?
Dan (00:12:38.000)
Yeah. You open yourself up to that exact argument. Yeah. And that's why I would never defend that argument. Right.
Jordan (00:12:45.000)
Well, that's that's the interesting thing. I do think about this from time to time is, what if you tweeted directly to the President? I hope some second amendment people take care of you. Hmm. Right. You can imply that was a very direct threat. Sure. But if you go to court for it, can't you just be like he said it? I'm quoting him. Yeah, exactly. So if you want to prosecute me, that means he's on the prosecution too.
Dan (00:13:11.000)
That's Mark dicey, as Mark
Jordan (00:13:12.000)
dicey as that's Mark Dice. claymation.
Dan (00:13:17.000)
Right. We gotta we gotta keep moving. All right,
Jordan (00:13:18.000)
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm already distracted. I'm everywhere.
Dan (00:13:21.000)
I'm telling you, this is gonna do this. Alright. So he wants to talk about Keith Olbermann. Here we go.
Alex Jones (00:13:26.000)
I know body language. And I watched it twice. Last night, and this morning, Keith Olbermann is completely mentally ill. You he is mentally ill.
Keith Olbermann (00:13:40.000)
And he is dangerous.
Alex Jones (00:13:43.000)
When I yell and scream, it's because I'm angry. But I let myself do it. Let me find the paradox. It's not an act. It's how I feel the dog off the leash. With Obermann. He is completely out of control, calling for foreign governments to work with him to overthrow Trump, and that he begs the Russians to take Trump out. This is text book, sedition textbook espionage. If I did something like this, I would be arrested within a day. And I should be
Jordan (00:14:16.000)
what if the President did something like this?
Alex Jones (00:14:19.000)
And then I I've got so many clips of professors today and yesterday, saying kill white people, kill conservatives kill libertarians. And they've totally normalized it. We're not even human. And this is the climate there the danger, not Trump. Not libertarians, not Christians, not conservatives.
Dan (00:14:42.000)
So he doesn't have those clips. And he doesn't get to those stories about although technically
Jordan (00:14:46.000)
he could probably just grab some of the clips that I've said because I think I think I'm pretty much in there. Jordan is really or he's at least okay with it.
Dan (00:14:57.000)
Right. And I think that anyhow, Um, clips that they could find would be on that border. Yeah. Talking about, you know, the experience of African Americans in this country. The idea that some white death is minimal compared to what's happening. Yeah, that I could see but anyway, hold on. He's he's making this argument that fucking Oberman is committing treason and espionage, right? I don't think most spies go on GQ and put out seven minute long videos. That seems like bad spy work. It does
Jordan (00:15:29.000)
seem like bad spy work seems very overt. It seems like so much John pisode back, Jack, Jack pisode back. Investigation, Spy work there
Dan (00:15:39.000)
wouldn't let him on GQ. Gentlemen. He should be
Jordan (00:15:44.000)
drawn and quartered accordingly.
Dan (00:15:47.000)
It's trying to figure out how to make that pawn work. So then he goes on and he's like, hey, you know what? Conservatives and Libertarians aren't the ones who you should be afraid of? Definitely not. And this next clip begs to differ.
Alex Jones (00:16:00.000)
Journalists is credited with undercutting mash voter fraud vows to aid Trump probe Project Veritas, Trump launched his commission to investigate voter fraud that's got a real man.
Dan (00:16:11.000)
Yeah, that does have them real mad. Cuz Trump is not going to uncover any voter fraud.
Jordan (00:16:16.000)
There really isn't any,
Dan (00:16:17.000)
not substantial. Anyway. What that clip is talking about is that James O'Keefe, of Project Veritas has come out and said,
Jordan (00:16:26.000)
I was just I just wrote that down. He said, journalists Yeah, that's a name which was, which was like, Oh, this is like a Breitbart Dude, this is like a Pacific dude. This is like bullshit all the way. James O'Keefe, the guy who's doing like, what, seven years? No, he's not in prison. Oh, one of those guys is Oh, no,
Dan (00:16:45.000)
that was the other. I think that was the other people who were trying to
Jordan (00:16:48.000)
pay you. Yeah, those guys. But yeah,
Dan (00:16:51.000)
he's been outed as out fraud. He is he commits acts of journalistic debauchery, right? He has no credibility and the idea that we live in a world where he might be invited into that. Yep. Is incredibly scary. And that is a danger to voting rights. That absolutely is its it is
Jordan (00:17:13.000)
never ever about uncovering voter fraud and always always about making sure that people who don't vote for you aren't allowed to vote further disenfranchised,
Dan (00:17:22.000)
absolute, and the guy who, you know, Trump has put on the on the ball for that. I don't remember what that department is the
Jordan (00:17:31.000)
the Census Bureau or no, that guy quit, right. That's that guy
Dan (00:17:35.000)
quit the director of the national census quit. Yeah. Just the other day he
Jordan (00:17:39.000)
resigned in what? Like, would you say? did he resign in quotes? Or did he resign in protest?
Dan (00:17:48.000)
I don't know enough of the details to say so I wouldn't want to speculate. But the guy who's in charge of like implementing, or looking into these voter fraud issues, has been sued over voter rights issues four times. Yeah. So we're gonna take one every time. Yep, we're gonna get some real good stuff out of this. I think we're gonna get to the bottom of what's wrong with our voting system. We're going to fix it all. Absolutely.
Jordan (00:18:12.000)
It's because 3 million illegals voted in the last election. Six. Remember? Six now?
Dan (00:18:18.000)
Fuck you. It's 10 Now, no, yeah. You I also have detention. Yeah.
Dan (00:18:24.000)
You got a Saturday detention? No, not a Saturday to
Dan (00:18:27.000)
cleaning schools windows? And I don't know, look. So Alex Jones has introduced some of his narratives here. Mostly that he's Superman and Keith Olbermann. That is important to remember for later. Right. But it's not just like he has these stories he wants to talk about No, he's over prepared for this show.
Jordan (00:18:48.000)
Absolutely. You understand hours and hours and hours over prepared. Oh, that's how he always says this
Dan (00:18:53.000)
is what happens when he's over prepared.
Alex Jones (00:18:55.000)
Detroit school to hold Muslim girls only prom. Let me tell you some hidden hundreds of 1000s. Obama brought in weight everywhere. I went in Austin yesterday, including a suburb. I went into shops, a Starbucks. And then I went to pool supply place. There were like seven people in the Starbucks. Three of them were young Muslim girls, with hoods over their heads drinking coffee in the pool school that I went the pool supply place, same deal. And all I'm telling you is imagine you were in Saudi Arabia. And in Saudi Arabia, they walk into stores and they were Christians and women with lipstick on in high heels everywhere. They start physically attacking you. But here we're tolerant. So I'm just saying we're letting in people in masks that are not tolerant, that are the most oppressive cult like people on earth and it freaks me out. You bet. I'm freaked out. You bet I am. Alright, got $3 Ladies and gentlemen. Wait, he's
Dan (00:20:00.000)
got $3 Yeah, three daughters,
Jordan (00:20:02.000)
three daughters. I thought he said I got $3 And I was like, Well, you know, you're about to be sued. You better get some more money. Yeah,
Dan (00:20:08.000)
you're gonna lose those three. Yeah. But I mean, do we believe you that you're freaked out? Yeah. I don't know why you're freaked out by young Muslim women drinking coffee at a Starbucks. I don't know. Or a pool supply?
Jordan (00:20:21.000)
Yeah, no, they're in the pool. Yep. His daughter's can't buy one of those noodles. Without Muslims. Just buying the noodles.
Dan (00:20:32.000)
I do like that. This could be a new stereotype of these Muslims love to swear these
Jordan (00:20:36.000)
Muslims are swimming everywhere. You can't walk outside with them swimming in lakes in pools and oceans but
Dan (00:20:45.000)
but taking all that fun aside, like when you talk about Islamophobia, fear of Muslims, he's literally expressing yeah, there's no other way around that women weren't doing anything.
Jordan (00:20:56.000)
No. And his his like, Oh, these guys are in a very tolerant or anti tolerant society. And I'm we're, we're very tolerant and you like no, you just said you wanted to kick them out?
Dan (00:21:07.000)
I would argue he is incredibly intolerant, absolute very close to the people he's making up in Saudi Arabia.
Jordan (00:21:14.000)
But at the same time, they have more in common than he and I do.
Dan (00:21:17.000)
I would definitely argue that his argument about like, this is an incompatible group of people. It there's holes punched in it by the fact that you saw them at a Starbucks in a pool supply. Shop. Like, sounds pretty compatible. Three Muslim women are sitting around in a Starbucks drinking coffee. That's what we do. It could not
Jordan (00:21:38.000)
be more compatible, unless they opened their own. Pin Yata store.
Dan (00:21:43.000)
Exactly. Next to a cat shell. Exactly. That's under attack by the trendies
Jordan (00:21:48.000)
I like I like the idea that the Detroit school is holding a Muslim girls only prom where you're like, Wait, so are any dudes invited? Or is it just the girls?
Dan (00:21:58.000)
Maybe having a party? Like I didn't look into that
Jordan (00:22:00.000)
language? There's nothing there.
Dan (00:22:02.000)
I'm certain it's not true, of course, is one of these things where sometimes Alex's lies. You're just like, alright, I don't even care. I don't have the energy.
Jordan (00:22:10.000)
There's a fine line to just move on.
Dan (00:22:13.000)
There's too much going on in this episode and too many important things I had to research. This one got left by the wayside because it's bullshit. You didn't research that did not I am freaked out by that. How many daughters you got?
Jordan (00:22:26.000)
$8 Wait, no daughters, no daughter,
Dan (00:22:29.000)
no daughters. Okay. So in this next clip, Alex Jones, we're gonna get through like, probably six more clips or so and then the episode takes a turn that I I'm gonna I'm gonna give you a spoiler alert on okay. I think Alex Jones is mad that he is not the press secretary.
Jordan (00:22:49.000)
God, God should happen. I can't Okay, look, that's bad for democracy. That's best for all of us. Yeah, but I'll be god damned if that wouldn't be the funniest thing that's ever happened before.
Dan (00:23:00.000)
He'd last a day before he was in. Oh, god, yeah. Oh, man. Like he there's no way like he would punch somebody in the press pool. Well, he talks about all these trendies and false intellectuals and stuff like that. And that's easy to do. And your audience are idiots, right? And you're alone on your show. Or you're only talking to people who have the same dumbass globalist mentality. You it's super easy, or Eddie Bravo is your guest. It's fucking simple. Like, when you have to sit down and have the scrutiny of the incredibly meticulous and intelligent press, he would be fucked. They would tear him apart.
Jordan (00:23:37.000)
Let's not give them that much credit. And also, if you sat down with that fucking
Dan (00:23:41.000)
Charlie wars alpha, he
Jordan (00:23:43.000)
would be murdered alive, it would be a disaster.
Jordan (00:23:46.000)
But the press pool is so far not really doing too much for us, considering they're being soundly defeated by the likes of Huckabee and
Dan (00:23:56.000)
Spicer, they're not being defeated switches. They are just like grandma,
Jordan (00:23:59.000)
which is my favorite buddy cop comedy. One of them is a beekeeper. The other one keeps spices. It's an amazing show.
Dan (00:24:06.000)
So in this next clip, Alex Jones. See, there's this interesting thing that's starting to come into the mainstream understanding people are starting to talk about and people are starting to understand the idea of Russian active measures. There are propaganda tools that Russians use, right? These narratives and talking points that are pushed out on Sputnik and RT, in particular, both those networks are state run state owned.
Jordan (00:24:38.000)
They are the Info Wars, but if it was all of the media, yes,
Dan (00:24:42.000)
and they push out narratives, and the idea that there are certain outlets in the United States that mirror those are what people are mostly concerned about, right? When people talk about fake news, a lot of it is that that's what they're talking about. Right? So Someone who has been on Infowars in the recent past, former CIA agent, Larry C. Johnson,
Jordan (00:25:07.000)
the four foremost discredited CIA agents that's ever been on Infowars.
Dan (00:25:14.000)
Possibly, but yeah, he is someone who is incredibly guilty of appearing on Sputnik and RT, and then taking talking points that are germane and originate on those networks and trying to proliferate them in US media, really. And he has done so on Alex Jones's show. The idea that GCHQ the British intelligence agency, was spying on Trump. On behalf of Obama, right is a Russian active measure narrative.
Jordan (00:25:46.000)
Really? Yes. Now, do you think he's being paid to spread these lies? Or by by the Russian propaganda machine? He's or is he just like on board?
Dan (00:25:56.000)
He's being paid in his much? Well, I mean, he's always been not beholden to the truth. But he's being paid in as much as he is paid to appear on those networks. And he's banned from American networks, right. So there's that
Jordan (00:26:09.000)
he is being paid. But But why would you bring that back to the States? Unless you were? Well, if he's consistently going on these shows, then I assume part of his non his verbal contract is spread it everywhere you
Dan (00:26:23.000)
go, possibly. I'm not I don't know. I have no evidence that he's, you know, a paid agent or anything like that. And we have documentation in the past of him just being an idiot. That's so he might just believe dumb shit, that's possible. And he is duped by this Russian propaganda and brings it over to Alex. The reason I wanted to lay this out and explain it is in this next clip, Alex is just straight up repeating Russian propaganda. Really? Yeah, he's just laying out Russian propaganda. Wow. Yeah. So
Jordan (00:26:53.000)
that is really hard to accept.
Dan (00:26:55.000)
Well, it's something that you realize he has been doing a lot of
Jordan (00:26:59.000)
he has no, I know, I know that part. But the idea that you are like you are so desperate for any information that supports your bullshit, that you will accept propaganda from a different country boggles my mind.
Dan (00:27:15.000)
Well, I mean, if you believe that Russia is one of the only countries that's not still in the grips of the globalists, it kind of makes sense. But that does. Yeah, you would see whatever their propaganda is as maybe the real truth as opposed to the fake news media here.
Jordan (00:27:31.000)
I can see that way as well. If you if you believe that all US media is fake news propaganda, then why wouldn't you believe that? They're fake news? Propaganda made sense? Yeah. Topsy Turvy world.
Dan (00:27:42.000)
Yeah. So anyway, here we go.
Alex Jones (00:27:44.000)
All the way the media has this Firestorm going right now that Trump admits that the Russian probe was part of Comey firing? That's because he's being honest. He said, Yeah, it's his flipped him thinking he's the boss. Why it's a problem of not investigating Susan Rice and her leaks. And now he's been spied on and saying that the President is crazy that he's being spied on, come out, he was being spied on. He was. That's outrageous to have the FBI director saying that about anybody that's above him in the chain of command.
Jordan (00:28:14.000)
No, he's not above him in the chain of command,
Alex Jones (00:28:17.000)
nauseous that he may have helped Trump plan all this other crap. And Trump goes on top of it. It's a whole Democrat narrative made up that I'm with the Russians, they lost the election. That's why they're upset. They lost in the Electoral College, which is very hard to do and gerrymandered towards them.
Jordan (00:28:35.000)
That's not true. It is hard to listen, and then they spin it.
Alex Jones (00:28:38.000)
Oh, he's flip flopping. He's he's, you know, there's a lot of reasons coming. God asked, and Trump is tweeting out all these videos, some of the which we've produced, showing the Democrats saying get rid of it, get rid of him up to last week.
Dan (00:28:51.000)
So the parts of that that are really important are the the idea that that almost all of those points are just like regurgitated Russian ship? Yeah, that the election was faked, or it was. There's questions about the integrity of the elections is just a narrative that's hurt feelings. Yeah. The fact that the idea that Russian probe stuff is just yeah, just because the Democrats lost sour grapes. Yep. The the idea that Trump was wiretapped. He was the idea that Susan Rice is responsible for leaks she fucking was the idea that Comey said the president was crazy. He didn't say that. No. So the idea was crazy. Yeah, say that he was crazy. Wow. And then even beyond that. I mean, this isn't necessarily like a Russian regurgitation. But the idea that Comey was disgusted or nauseated by the fact that he had helped Trump is horrible misrepresentation of his comments. What he was talking about was that he felt nauseous that he had had an effect on the Election. Right? Because he isn't a political figure. All right, supposed to be right. Right. The office is a political Yeah. And the idea that his actions had cause and effect on the election nauseated him, not that he had helped Trump. Right. That's bullshit. And Alex is being a complete idiot. Yeah. But the rest of that stuff is just a thing that measures the thing
Jordan (00:30:19.000)
that is so dangerous. That's going through the conservative propaganda machine right now, is the idea that it's fine to fire him, because he should be subservient to you. Right? Which is like saying, It's fine for me to not be beholden to any laws whatsoever. Course. Like that's, that is the number one issue right now with the firing of James Comey is that if that, like he's, and he said it, like, even Alex Jones was like, yeah, he was being honest. about committing a crime
Dan (00:30:54.000)
about wanting this investigation to go Yeah, yeah, exactly. And so I can relate. If I was Trump, I would want it to go away, too. Of course, it would be very bad for but but hold on.
Jordan (00:31:04.000)
But again, the DOJ should be independent. Yeah, the FBI should be independence, like all of these things are, again, checks and balances that no longer exists. Like, as long as there is a GOP controlled Congress that is absolutely willing to obstruct every single possible avenue, then there is no checks and balances. No, our system is broken. And
Dan (00:31:29.000)
the checks and balances are really what creates the safeguard of freedom. Exactly. And this is why we're taking Alex to liberty to Liberty school. But beyond that, and we're gonna get back to this because one of the big things that he started talking about there, and it comes back up over and over again, is the idea that Democrats wanted Comey to be fired in the past. And now they're mad that he got fired. And we talked about it on the last episode. But yeah, that's just reductive thinking. It's both can be true at the same time. Similarly, this characterizing what's going on? Like, of course, they wanted him fired in the past. And actually, they didn't want him fired. They hit every single example that he brings up is Democrats or Bernie Sanders, who Roseanne as a Democrat, right, saying that he probably should resign. Yeah, they aren't saying he should be fired. No, because even if even back then if he was fired, who would be pretty fucked up? Yeah, it would be way more reasonable, but it would be fucked up.
Jordan (00:32:24.000)
It would be it would still be fucked up if Hillary fired him. Because if if Hillary fired him, then it looks like a complete like indicative. Exactly. Yeah. It's like retaliatory and that's not what you want from your president. No, you don't want somebody who's going to consistently flout the rule of law. It's a bad idea. Yeah.
Dan (00:32:45.000)
So in this next clip, Alex spins a very, very bizarre metaphor that I'm not entirely sure the point of but then gets on to bullshit love
Jordan (00:32:54.000)
him spinning bizarre metaphors.
Alex Jones (00:32:59.000)
Trump got caught flip flopping and giving different stories. Like he's, you know, a teenage kid caught breaking into a liquor store at two in the morning, and the cops catch him with a bag of cash and three bottles of whiskey. And he says, Oh, my dad works there. Oh, I own the liquor store. I found this money on the side of the street. But that's not what's happening in an interview with no notes. The President, it's like, yeah, he's flip flopping everywhere. He won't investigate leaks. He's not doing a very good job. And this whole Russia thing is completely made up and I'm sick of it. And he told me about under investigation. Three times he goes on to say the Russians must really be laughing at us. This is idiotic. Why don't you investigate the Clintons. Why don't you look at how they're involved with the Russians and the uranium deal.
Dan (00:33:48.000)
Oops. He just won't get off it. He's not looked into it. It's all he's got. It's all he's got. It's super insane to me, but also not even
Jordan (00:33:57.000)
not just that. But literally, the Russians are laughing at us. They did it on national TV. The guy was like, Oh, is he fired? That's crazy. Yeah, that's something we would do.
Dan (00:34:10.000)
Yeah. lever of coming in and just just kicking us out. Yeah, exactly. Wrong with a
Jordan (00:34:15.000)
white which if I was if I was in his shoes, it's fucking hilarious. Yeah, the problem is, we're in our shoes where it's a constitutional crisis.
Dan (00:34:26.000)
Yeah, the thing that makes it even more scary is that clip of the foreign minister lever of being like, Oh, you fired the FBI director. Are you kidding? Yeah, exactly. That sort of thing. It implies that they don't care if we know they did this. Why would they? Well, I think that because if it does come out that they tampered in our election this severely. We have to fucking kill all of them. It is well, that's an act of war.
Jordan (00:34:55.000)
It is an act of war, which I which is why I assume the investigation is taking so long, not because the evidence isn't found, but because they need to provide the evidence in such a way that we can acknowledge this, correct it and still maintain the Cold War instead of the right one I totally agree with like that has to be that has to be the only reason that all of this stuff is delayed. Because if there's no there's no other explanation,
Dan (00:35:25.000)
yeah, because if any of it touches Trump, it's war. It's war, if you can, if the and that that is probably you're probably right. That's why it's taking so long is because it just was like Manafort, just Roger Stone. Those investigations would not be that difficult to do. You just be like, All right. This is fucked up here. And I was sitting duck president's just, that would be
Jordan (00:35:47.000)
fine. Just the guys who retro actively registered as foreign agents
Dan (00:35:51.000)
anymore than
Jordan (00:35:52.000)
enough to be like, Hey, you probably committed a crime. Yep, we're gonna investigate it. Oh, it took us two seconds to find a crime because you tweeted at them. Yeah. And they paid like they paid you with PayPal. Like, that's how obvious this shit has to be like users know? Exactly. You have to leave a note. We use Google wallet to pay for it. You like it? Of course. Yeah, of course. Yeah. Total. Also, that is a super specific simile of the guy being like, yeah, you go into a liquor store and you got a bag of cash and three bottles of whiskey and you're like, Wait, that sounds like something to do. You might have done did you
Dan (00:36:31.000)
do that? Turn over a liquor store.
Jordan (00:36:34.000)
Do you know what did your buddy do
Dan (00:36:36.000)
that? Well, I mean, I just posted this the other day to the knowledge growing biography of Alex Jones. He actually got kicked out of school for a year. Really? Yeah, when he was 15 or 16th. He had to go spend a year on quote the ranch, because he was fighting. So go check that out.
Jordan (00:36:58.000)
God If only it was the ranch that All Dogs
Dan (00:37:00.000)
Go To. Yeah, so you can go check that out on knowledge.
Jordan (00:37:03.000)
spend a year on the ranch is my favorite euphemism. Yeah, it's great.
Dan (00:37:07.000)
So this next clip, he yells a bit. It's fun.
Alex Jones (00:37:11.000)
Russia ties made up. Yeah. And then we know they wouldn't investigate them for their ties that are confirmed. Because Comey is deputy directors, all of a bunch of Democrats get my the Democrats. They're disgusting. They all got put in power by Obama. And if you don't know that Obama broke the law and got rid of our borders and do whatever he wanted, and sold out our jobs and created ISIS. And if you don't know that, you don't know what it is. And the word is like 85% of the FBI absolutely knows what's going on. But it's the top is eight years of Democrat rats. And Bush was a globalist as well. Sure, why not? So God help our just clean house people who have Trump's the Russia Asia we need more likely right. All right. Military or so. Give me a break.
Dan (00:38:04.000)
That's what we call. That's what we call equivocation. That
Jordan (00:38:08.000)
Russian agent we be more Russian. Let's just Let's just call it let's just call it Putin owns us now. Why not? Yeah. Fine. We're part of Russia now. Whatever. Who cares? Yeah. But that's called normalization.
Dan (00:38:23.000)
Yeah, exactly. Exactly. It's that's super fucked up. And then beyond that, like he's legitimately expressing a desire to unilaterally clean house. Yeah. Which would be a calling of people who disagree with you, which is a coup. No, that's normal. No, that's
Jordan (00:38:45.000)
when you have a government, right? With clear separation of powers. What you want is a single ideology and control of every single one of them force acting in lockstep. That's normal total. That's exactly what you want. You want disagreement? That's how you get things done. Exactly. So do you remember why this country
Jordan (00:39:09.000)
was started to make more King? Exactly, yeah.
Jordan (00:39:13.000)
The first draft of the Constitution was ag it's good letter King do it.
Dan (00:39:18.000)
Who cares? You know, what else? You know, I realized recently was that the actual idea of globalists being in charge of everything that Alex sells in order to pitch his bullshit, right? That is literally a false flag. Where the term comes from, no, the term is a nautical term, where you would put up your enemy's flag on your ship. So people would think your enemy was approaching right and you would attack yourself right? And it would make to appear that this enemy was there. And it would be to gain sympathy, or create the conditions that you're looking for. Right? The idea that he says 911 Well, think about it. The idea that he says that a New York Federal Reserve Board member is suing him when that guy is not a member of the New York Federal Reserve, right? That is a false flag. He's putting that flag on Humpty EULA kayas. Ship. And that's not true. That is a really good point. He's doing that to create sympathy in the people who already are like, I hate the Federal Reserve. And he's using false flag sort of ideology and tactics. Yeah,
Jordan (00:40:28.000)
the only false flags that he's true. He's right about are the ones he's actually committing.
Dan (00:40:32.000)
Well, I mean, even saying that George Soros is a Nazi collaborator is a false flag. Absolutely. It's literally putting a flag on George Soros has shipped. Yeah, true.
Jordan (00:40:40.000)
Even saying that all Democrats are Russian agents as well, or whatever the fuck is going on there.
Dan (00:40:47.000)
Sure. It's interesting. I mean, it is it does just go into that. He's doing exactly the opposite of what he says. So we've already seen in this episode over Islamophobia, some weirdness. Now how about your line? Treason? How about we try on a little sexism?
Alex Jones (00:41:05.000)
Oh, great. You know, Spicer has done some good work, but he's been like a deer in the headlights. So he's been replaced last few days. With Sarah Huckabee Sanders. isn't as good looking as a Guilfoyle. But I gotta tell you, wow,
Jordan (00:41:17.000)
what the fuck yeah. How can you pull that shit?
Dan (00:41:24.000)
That's pretty impressive. How?
Dan (00:41:26.000)
Well cuz he's an idiot. That's like,
Dan (00:41:28.000)
he thinks he's complimenting her by saying at the end, she's really sharp. Yeah. Which is, I guess, I mean, that's a compliment. But he literally started, the first thing you said about
Jordan (00:41:38.000)
is wow, that's fucking it. That's, that is the patriarchy in a nutshell. Like, that's like, Hey, look at how well she did for herself. She's and she's a woman. Did you know that?
Dan (00:41:51.000)
And it's mindless and flippant? Yeah, just thrown out. Who cares?
Jordan (00:41:56.000)
Oh, no, it's normal for me to judge women by their appearance. That's what their value is based. And if
Dan (00:42:00.000)
you told him like, hey, that's weird. You said that he would get mad at you and think that you're a pussy snowflake.
Jordan (00:42:06.000)
Well, that's because in his mind, he was giving her the highest compliment, right? If she was,
Dan (00:42:12.000)
you're great. And you're not even hot. Exactly. That's amazing. Yeah. How
Jordan (00:42:16.000)
can you how can you do that? It's like, it's like a gorilla that knows how to speak sign language like that might as well be his. His metaphor there.
Dan (00:42:24.000)
He played a video of her on the show. We're gonna get into it now. See, again, listening. Not seeing. Yeah, and she has a nice down home country voice that Oh,
Jordan (00:42:33.000)
sure. Fuck no. But is she related to Mike Huckabee?
Dan (00:42:37.000)
Oh, boy. I don't know. She's actually the love child of Mike Huckabee and Bernie Sanders. I should have said Colonel Sanders. Yeah, I can said Colonel Sanders. I'll never forgive myself
Jordan (00:42:49.000)
very it would be much better at the press conference
Dan (00:42:53.000)
situation. He Alex. This is where we begin. The Alex wants to be in the press corps narrative or the the press secretary. Here is the beginning of his analysis of this press conference.
Alex Jones (00:43:05.000)
Let's go ahead now and get to this clip. Where she annihilates this guy Sarah Sanders exposes hypocritical Democrat relationship for Comey was fired. This is from yesterday. Here it is.
Reporter (41) (00:43:19.000)
I asked you directly yesterday if the President had already decided to fire James Comey when he met with the Deputy Attorney General Attorney General. And you said no. Also the Vice President of the United States said directly the President acted to take the recommendation of the Deputy Attorney General to remove the FBI Director Sean Spicer said directly it was all him retaining the Deputy Attorney General. Now we learned from the President's directly that he had already decided to fire James Comey. So why were so many people getting answers that just yeah, don't don't let
Alex Jones (00:43:55.000)
me let's back that up five seconds, please. It's called a consensus. Pro people. And then they agree. It's not that they're all even agreeing for the same reasons. They all have different reasons overall, but together, it's called a consensus. A consensus that the mainstream media are liars, a consensus that they're elitist that ever stayed with the American people, a consensus that you can't be trusted, a consensus that you're hacks, a consensus that you're slicing.
Jordan (00:44:25.000)
So you're just getting abuse of consensus that you're a dog, a consensus that you're a cat, a consensus that you're a brat a consensus that your two eggs there consensus that it's green eggs, it's a consensus that it's green ham,
Dan (00:44:39.000)
it's a consensus that your point is made.
Jordan (00:44:43.000)
I was wondering how long I could keep going. I was trying to find somewhere.
Dan (00:44:46.000)
Well, you always got to go to children's books. Exactly. So he's just getting abusive about the press there, which is fun, and I know that's super fun. But the idea of him playing this clip is really good. The name of the article that he posted. This is about Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who we've now learned is Mike Huckabee, his daughter, his
Jordan (00:45:07.000)
actual daughter. That is fucked up.
Dan (00:45:10.000)
She's way more competent than him, though except at playing the bass. But be that as you don't know that that's not consumed, like be great. Not Confirmed. But the idea of him playing this is to demonstrate that she's great. Yeah, like that's supposed to be and before we can even get to her response, we don't. He's got to cut it off. And he's got to respond. Yeah. Now, he has time for a man to do some talking. Right? Totally. Because she's not attractive enough. No, of course. So now, the other thing that's interesting is he's not at all understanding what this journalists question is not even close. The guy is asking him while he's asking Sanders, He's not asking fucking Alex, nobody's asking Alex. He's asking her. Why is there a discrepancy between what was said before and what the President said. Right. President said he had made up his mind long before and here's multiple instances of people within the White House, saying that it was all because of this right. Deputy Attorney General. Exactly. Why is that the case? Right, so Alex saying there's consensus, do you not understand like, there's absolutely not consensus? Well, clearly, that's the opposite of consensus.
Jordan (00:46:17.000)
Well, what he's trying to what he's trying to do is say me and Alex, what Alex? Yeah, what Alex is trying to do is say that just because they both want wanted to do it, right. It doesn't matter when Trump said he did it or the like, now great question, though, is, why is it that everyone pointed all the blame towards this guy? Yeah. And then Trump said it was all his decision, the kind of that those two can exist in the same time, right? And kind of not a consensus. Kind of
Dan (00:46:51.000)
the question, if you really want to distill it down to like, normal language is what's going on here? Yeah, it's not or
Jordan (00:46:57.000)
why are you so bad at scapegoating? Right, like you had a fall guy? Yeah, Trump. All you had to do was say it was his fault.
Dan (00:47:06.000)
Or why couldn't Trump keep his goddamn mouth shut? Yeah, exactly. Like why isn't someone advising him to just well, actually, probably, it's because the Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein said he was going to quit yeah, that's that is true. Yeah. He did not recommend them fired. But the the idea I think we all understand what's really going on. Yeah, is that that was the narrative that was going to go down and then they realized, oh, fuck is going to be trouble here. Exactly, because Rosenstein will quit. And then sessions is recused. fuck are we going to do? Yeah. And so like, I'd made the
Jordan (00:47:39.000)
messenger sessions is in heavy scare quotes. recused?
Dan (00:47:44.000)
Yeah, he and he also I've been reading up on it, he might have put himself in the hopper by writing that letter. Really? Yeah. The fact that he wrote a memo about the person who was conducting the Russia investigation. That means that he's from Yeah, he might have his law legal license taken away. God, it's what he has put himself in jeopardy.
Jordan (00:48:03.000)
What a dream. Yeah.
Dan (00:48:06.000)
Why is it actually being
Jordan (00:48:08.000)
imagined that the attorney general is not allowed to practice law? God, we're gonna need to take this before the Supreme Court call the Oh, fuck. What do we do?
Dan (00:48:18.000)
Who do we Oh, Rosenstein quit?
Dan (00:48:21.000)
Yeah. Exactly. Call gates. Yeah.
Dan (00:48:23.000)
He's not answering our call. No, for some reason. She's
Jordan (00:48:26.000)
not a big fan of ours. Yeah. So it goes on. And we'll have thank God, we're gonna eventually have Trump's own law firm, just as the
Dan (00:48:34.000)
one that was named Russia's law
Jordan (00:48:36.000)
firm of the year
Dan (00:48:38.000)
represents a great, great, I want that law for writing a certified letter that you have nothing to do with Russia.
Jordan (00:48:46.000)
It just doesn't get more boldface than this. Like it is all so complicit or its own boldface,
Dan (00:48:54.000)
or it's next level troller Yeah. It could be like they're sitting around like, alright, we have nothing to do with Russia. It would really drive people crazy. We use one of their law firm. It's that how I don't think it's that it would be hilarious.
Jordan (00:49:12.000)
How are they so fucking
Dan (00:49:14.000)
obvious with this? And we still it's because the most worthless Congress in history, that's part of it, and they know and they know full well that most of the elections that go on in the midterms aren't going to be fair, probably no, of course not. So that's great. They feel safe and they're just putting their balls in our face. Yeah, but anyway, the this clip goes on of the press conference, and we get to I don't think that Huckabee Sanders comes in yet. In this next clip,
Jordan (00:49:45.000)
do we get to hear her voice?
Dan (00:49:48.000)
In the next clip we'll get to her for sure. But
Jordan (00:49:49.000)
how can I guess how many words of hers we get to hear oh, no, because you'll be wrong.
Alex Jones (00:49:54.000)
Okay. Show days after they come out. Say there were recommendations are on and on. He says, Yeah, no recommendations, but I had my own reasons as well. To me, that's him being genuine. Something you try to twist, something you tried to misrepresent, because Trump's not a lawyer. Not playing lawyer game.
Jordan (00:50:20.000)
He's obstructing justice. Yeah, that's a very bad lawyer game.
Dan (00:50:24.000)
So like, but the what he's trying to do there is trying to say that you guys are just trying to catch a man in a semantic trap. Yeah. And that's not what they're doing. They're not they have a legitimate question, which is, what did you can cry? Oh, but even beyond that, what the fuck is going on here? We would like to be able to report this accurately, but there is an inconsistency here. We're trying to get to the bottom of it. And ain't a lawyer game. Now. Lawyer games are like, I don't know. Part cheesy. Seems like a high class game. Right?
Jordan (00:50:56.000)
I would go with Settlers of Catan or bridge. Resource management's. That's all right. So it really has turned like the White House is very much a prisoner's dilemma. Like if I was if I was investigating them like a straight up cop, right? You have three different possible perpetrators, all of them in different interrogation.
Dan (00:51:19.000)
Now you got a really interesting prisoner's dilemma because he got three of exactly but that's
Jordan (00:51:23.000)
kind of the issue is there's so many competing motivations here like Paul Ryan just wants his fucking tax cuts. Like he's willing to end America just so he can get rich people tax cuts, right? Yeah, he wants to end Medicaid. That's his. That's his main goal. Those caterers and colleagues that which fucking Wow, nice, but yeah, so that's all he wants, right? Trump just wants Trump to be richer and more famous. Trump just wants a Trump. Yeah, exactly. Trump wants it to be the Trump knighted States of America. And then you have a all of the other players, all of them just like trying to maintain some semblance of power
Dan (00:52:04.000)
or probably like massive wealth. Yeah. Because, you know, if the stuff that was in that dossier that came out the dirty dossier, right, if some of the stuff that it was in there is true, people like Paul Manafort, people like Carter Page, Roger Stone stood to gain billions of dollars. Yeah. From that template. Maybe not billions. Yeah, it's like really in dollar deal. Holy shit, and they had like, 20% of it or something like that. Holy double shit. Yeah. It wasn't 19% stake in the 30. Like, I can't remember the precise figure but it's in the trillions of dollars. Oh, then they stood the game billions of dollars. Yeah. Cuz it's, it has to do with the fucking the embargoes on oil in Russia, right. It's expansive oil fields that they're not using? Because they can't, right. So opening that up would stand to make people like Rex Tillerson and the conspirators? Yeah. tons of money. Yeah. So that that makes sense as a motivation. That's very simple. So
Jordan (00:53:07.000)
now you have all three of these different parties giving completely different stories.
Dan (00:53:12.000)
narcissism, power hungry, and tax money hungry? Yeah. And lust for money. Yeah,
Jordan (00:53:18.000)
yeah. So so your your job as an investigator then is trying to get them to turn on each other. And that's the prisoner's dilemma. There is the only way they all win is if they all tell the same story. True, since none of them can do that. And we're seeing an inability to tell the same story a complete a just melt down like not even similar stories, like legit
Dan (00:53:42.000)
if this was Russia, Carter Page would be dead. Yeah, they would not be still going on television. So
Jordan (00:53:48.000)
many people would just be like, they would just solve the problem. Yeah.
Dan (00:53:51.000)
That is one that guy is unlucky. Yeah.
Jordan (00:53:57.000)
That journalists got shot in the forehead on Trump's birthday. super weird.
Dan (00:54:02.000)
Very weird. So this next week, we finally get to Huckabee Sanders coming in and giving her response to this question.
Alex Jones (00:54:11.000)
Let's go back to her response.
Reporter (41) (00:54:13.000)
Fire, James Comey. So why were so many people giving answers that just weren't correct. Were you guys in the dark? was the vice president misled? Again, as
Sarah Huckabee Sanders (00:54:22.000)
I know, you'd love to report that we were misled. And we want to create what's true about Jonathan, you guys let you finish and read off every single one of those statements. So unless you want to trade places, I think it's my turn now. I think it's pretty simple. I hadn't had a chance to have the conversation directly with the President to say I'd had several conversations with him. But I didn't ask that question directly. Had you already made that decision? I went off of the information that I had. And I answered your question. I've since had the conversation with him right before I walked on today.
Dan (00:54:57.000)
At this point, her answer is
Jordan (00:55:00.000)
It's good. It is. It is not. We were misled. It's that I personally was ignorant, right? No, it just can't hold me accountable because I just didn't know good answer.
Dan (00:55:11.000)
Yeah. It doesn't take into account like Spicer and all the other people. Of course not. But at the same time, that's she's doing a great job. Yeah. As the press secretary, is already not fumbled at all right. She's not boo. She's not said anything embarrassing, like Spicer. I agree with that. She
Jordan (00:55:27.000)
hasn't gotten angry and
Jordan (00:55:28.000)
run away like Spicer, she's way better. Oh, yeah,
Jordan (00:55:31.000)
she's great. And not just that, but she turned it into a question about her. Right, not a question that he asked.
Dan (00:55:39.000)
Perfect. Exactly. And because there's that minor little bit of taking responsibility for something that isn't really that bad. It deflects from the fact that the question is about something that is pretty bad. Yeah. You know, and that's, that's brilliant. That's a really good rhetorical trick. Right? And I, which
Jordan (00:55:53.000)
is why again, I told you don't give too much credit to our press corps.
Dan (00:55:57.000)
Yeah. But I respect the hell out of her answer at this point. Yeah, it gets worse. It gets worse. Great.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders (00:56:03.000)
And he laid it out very clearly, he had already made that decision. You've been thinking about it for months, which I did say yesterday, and have said many times since the boss and Wednesday.
Alex Jones (00:56:15.000)
He went on TV two days after he was sworn in with his wife. And so I don't know I'm gonna keep coming. We may get rid of him. He's done some weird stuff. And then later, he just did so much weird things like going on TV and saying with the President made him nauseous that he might have helped get him elected, didn't say mildly Nottage. And that he also thought that Trump was crazy that Obama was wiretapping him when it was in the front page of The New York Times, The Washington Post, you name it, that Obama was wiretapping him, and then you think we're so stupid, I don't have a memory, you come back and say you never were wiretapping, because there's nothing in the wiretaps, as the head of the Intelligence Committee has said in the house. Because he's read the transcripts. There's no treason, there's no collusion, there's nothing with the Russians nothing. But setting up meetings, whether that's normal. And then they finally have lab Roth, Foreign Minister and the name of the game ambassador to the United States from Russia in a meeting. And they turned that into a giant conspiracy theory and say that Trump's helping them plant listing devices in the Oval Office. That's how crazy these people are.
Dan (00:57:24.000)
So to go back to it. So that last point, no one saying that Trump was helping them, they were just saying this is a dangerous situation, to have people with recording devices in the Oval Office from a hostile state. Right. So that's really more of the point they're making usually pretty bad. I don't think he totally gave up the game. As you have indicated, even in
Jordan (00:57:44.000)
his defense, he was like, yeah, he set up meetings that legally he wasn't allowed to
Dan (00:57:49.000)
do know his argument. Well, yeah, I mean, that is kind of dicey. It's, it's a little dicey. It's illegal. But his argument is that Mike Flynn whenever he was talking to like Kislyak was just saying, Amen, president's gonna meet with you. Yeah, that's why I had to call him multiple times, say.
Jordan (00:58:10.000)
Just so you know, we're still on for five that Friday,
Dan (00:58:13.000)
same day that Obama put sanctions and kicked a bunch of spies out of the country. You know, when I had to call a couple times to be like, ooh, Trump's gonna
Jordan (00:58:21.000)
meet with you. Don't worry about it. We're gonna. We're gonna have a meeting. I'm definitely not revealing foreign policy that I shouldn't reveal.
Dan (00:58:28.000)
We're gonna have a meet a swear I have not yet registered as a foreign agent. No, no
Jordan (00:58:33.000)
worry. No one will know. We are so secretive. He might as well have had a bullhorn next to his walkie talkie. He was so so transparent.
Dan (00:58:44.000)
Yeah, so but but all all of that all that shit is first of all, he interrupts her, which is rude. I'm being petty. But like, I couldn't let the clip play out and actually give her answer because he had to jump in with his answer. Right. Which I mean, it's just, of course, he wants to be in there wants to be in there so bad yelling at these journalists. It's just he's hungry for the the you are right. He wants to yell at them himself. Like no one would ever let him there. Yeah,
Jordan (00:59:14.000)
I didn't. Like that is something even you said that at the beginning, but I just, I just didn't pick up on it right there. But yeah, he wants to be there
Dan (00:59:22.000)
answering those questions, because he would answer them so much more harshly.
Jordan (00:59:25.000)
Yeah. And so much better. I will much better than any unattractive woman ever.
Dan (00:59:30.000)
I would defend Trump so much better than you. Exactly. That sort of thing. Yeah, it's pathetic. But
Jordan (00:59:37.000)
the other thing is also I think she's not spinning exactly the narrative that he wants to write. So he's he's kind of cutting her off then, in order to equivocate the
Dan (00:59:46.000)
to around people who know facts. He couldn't spin those narratives, because you couldn't, you couldn't yell at people about how the Washington Post and New York Times they reported that Trump was wiretapped.
Jordan (01:00:02.000)
They reported that Trump said Trump was wiretapped, or they
Dan (01:00:06.000)
had a headline that Trump Tower associates of his might have been wiretap. Right. But that's the headline. And then the body of the article spells it out that that that is not true. Yeah. So everyone would just be like, stop referencing headlines. Yeah. You don't read anything? You don't know that. I mean, that's why he couldn't have the job. No, but
Jordan (01:00:31.000)
because our dreams can't come true. No, that would
Dan (01:00:33.000)
be so great. Oh, God. So in this next clip, we get even further insight that Alex wants to be in the fray. Like, it's just so clear.
Alex Jones (01:00:42.000)
Let's go back to it
Sarah Huckabee Sanders (01:00:43.000)
yesterday, and have said many times since and Wednesday, I think was the final straw that pushed him and the recommendation that he got from the deputy attorney general, just further solidified his decision, and again, I think reaffirmed that he made the right one voice president
Reporter (41) (01:00:59.000)
report was the vice president in the dark. I
Sarah Huckabee Sanders (01:01:03.000)
know he was in the dark jackpots.
Alex Jones (01:01:05.000)
Back it up. You know, when the President finally did a TV interview, he laid out the truth that he was sick of him that the guy was waffling all over the place, that the Democrats couldn't stand him that he said when he first got into office, he might get rid of him. And then he got recommended on top of what he'd already made the decision. He's the president. should notice the guy goes back to the talking point. Oh, so you were kept in the dark? Oh, you were misled. When she just said she wasn't. They just keep coming back with their lies. That's why they're hated. It's why they're just stained. It's why they're disgusting. So let's go back to this little man. Here it is the Vice President in
Reporter (41) (01:01:45.000)
the dark too little.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders (01:01:46.000)
Nobody was gonna read the dark. Jonathan, you want to delete this false narrative? If we want to talk about contradicting statements, and people that were maybe in the dark? How about the Democrats? Let's read a few of them. You want to talk about them? Here's what Democrats said not long ago about Comey. Harry. investigated by the Senate. Senator Chuck Schumer said I don't have confidence in him any longer. Senator Bernie Sanders said it would not be a bad thing for the American people if Comey resigned. Now,
Jordan (01:02:14.000)
that's a very different
Jordan (01:02:15.000)
thing to say.
Dan (01:02:18.000)
Yeah. So that just goes on for a while. And that's that's sort of what I'm talking about when I said that her answer doesn't stay good. No, because it it like like you said she's not answering the question, but she's doing a really good job of, of moving the target. No, absolutely. Which is the job kind of she's she's crushing. Look over here. Look over here. Look over. Absolutely. And she has like she prepared. She came with all of those fucking Democrat quotes. Yep. Like she's on it.
Jordan (01:02:42.000)
Yeah, for sure. Unlike, like, all the times that they've showed up with, like, manila folders and just filled with blank paper, right. He actually wrote it down. Yeah.
Dan (01:02:52.000)
Which is great. Yeah. But then on top of that, they stumbled on to competency, I would love to be able to be there myself as a journalist to be like, give a rebuttal like, now hold on those. Those quotes from Democrats are old. By and large, they're, they're months old, and they're talking about a different circumstance. It's not fair to use those as evidence in this in this context. But I mean, at the same time, like I'm saying, it's pro it's pro shit. Yes, she's, she's been oppressed.
Jordan (01:03:21.000)
It's a shitty argument with your family. That's the real problem. Sure, because you ask a question like, hey, is this true? And they're like, Well, this is true. And you're like, No, no, answer the question, Hillary, I asked you a question. You answer that quote, Hillary, that's how conversations happen. All right. If I talk to you, you talk back to me. And we share it God damn.
Dan (01:03:43.000)
That hurt my throat. So Alex comes back after she gets done with her answer. It just goes on she quotes a ton more Democrats, and here is his summation.
Alex Jones (01:03:53.000)
Wow, she's good. Better than Spicer?
Jordan (01:03:56.000)
Yep. Agreed. Put her brain
Alex Jones (01:04:01.000)
in the brain. None of the Fox info Bama gossip now they're both super smart.
Dan (01:04:08.000)
Wow, that's insane.
Jordan (01:04:10.000)
Holy fucking what? Yeah, what a goddamn prick.
Dan (01:04:15.000)
He's a pile of shit. This is
Jordan (01:04:17.000)
Oh, okay.
Dan (01:04:18.000)
He he put into the entire thing with comments about how she's not hot enough for Yeah, which is insane.
Jordan (01:04:24.000)
Put this very smart girl's brain into a hot girl and now we're talking Yeah, fuck you.
Dan (01:04:29.000)
It's degrading on Sunil upgrading. Yeah,
Jordan (01:04:31.000)
God, imagine if you took Alex's brain and put it into the brain case of a fucking dog.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:38.000)
A brain shuts off fuck her brain Kate.
Jordan (01:04:40.000)
He just saw Ghost in the Shell. That's fine. I'm on board with that I'm on board with that he saw goes to the show. It wasn't a great movie. I wish they had chosen an Asian woman. But what are you going to do?
Dan (01:04:50.000)
So it gets done with this, this breakdown of this, this press briefing. And now enter what will be the rest of this episode? haha he comes back from break and he starts breaking down this Keith Olbermann clip
Jordan (01:05:06.000)
ah, and I'm glad we got off of his rampant misogyny
Dan (01:05:11.000)
it is but he's no less dumb in this part. He skips breaks and does 35 minutes straight on a seven minute clip from Keith Olbermann. Wow, he's that yes
Jordan (01:05:25.000)
our level of delving into a seven minute clip
Dan (01:05:28.000)
but he's lacking a little bit of information yeah context yeah in for like any insight right just mad he's just screaming throughout all of it he hates Keith Olbermann with a fiery passion
Jordan (01:05:44.000)
well I would say that is that is like hates like totally Keith Olbermann is definitely that that same similar style of alpha male yelling kind of thing going on there
Dan (01:05:55.000)
but he's the one that the trendies like it's it's kind of like Alex Jones is some sort of outcast at the media High School.
Jordan (01:06:05.000)
Dan (01:06:06.000)
Keith Olbermann is the cool quarterback. Yes, that
Jordan (01:06:08.000)
is exactly what it is. But at the end, he wants to be the cool quarterback instead he's the fucking lineman he doesn't get anything. He doesn't get any accolades for being the left guard but that's because
Dan (01:06:19.000)
Alex Jones is beefy he can't move like a quarterback. But also like it's not even really fair that assessment because like Jake Tapper is maybe the quarterback or something like that. If you want to go mainstream magic Tapper is opposed. But if you want to go mainstream media he's kind of like a big guy on CNN is he I don't I don't watch any of you can even make an argument that like Sean Hannity is the quarterback Sean Hannity is a prick, though, but he, but he is a highly rated show on the number one cable news network on Fox No wonder we're dying as a totally no wonder. I think the accurate metaphor is that like, Alex Jones is an outcast and there's a cooler outcast. You know, because Keith Olbermann is still on the fringe. Yeah, GQ. That is not. He puts out videos online,
Jordan (01:07:08.000)
they put a lot of in depth interview. Like, here's the here's the thing that I love. Recently, Teen Vogue has been doing some of your best work on it. Yeah. They've been doing
Dan (01:07:18.000)
a great work. Yeah, absolutely. But we're we're entering,
Jordan (01:07:22.000)
so why not GQ. My point. They're not
Dan (01:07:25.000)
totally. But you can't take aim at Keith Olbermann as being like a news golden boy, when he's on gentleman's quarterly. You know, like, it's a fashion magazine.
Jordan (01:07:35.000)
He did a he did a photoshoot for maximum two. So it's all good. Great.
Dan (01:07:40.000)
I'm saying I miss placing a lot of his, of course. And it's mostly I think, as we're going to explore throughout this. If maybe too thorough investigation of Alex's investigation of this clip.
Jordan (01:07:52.000)
Yes. I like how we're gonna double down.
Dan (01:07:55.000)
Alex is mad at himself. Okay, and he's yelling. So are we going to do a lot of projecting here? No, he is. No, I
Jordan (01:08:03.000)
know. That's what I met.
Dan (01:08:05.000)
Alex is mad at Keith, for embodying things that he feels he's lacking, right? Or things that he's self conscious that he does, right. And like I said, up top, it's almost more like you're stealing my style, bro. No, because he does that with Glenn Beck. But like, okay, as far as like, what I was saying up top, I'm not defending Keith Olbermann. I think he has his issues. I think he's a way better journalist and a way better presenter than Alex in terms of being a professional. He does yell a little bit but it is way more controlled than Alex. Yeah, so when he's talking about like, this guy is off the off the chain.
Jordan (01:08:42.000)
I let myself leave that he's mentally ill. That's lunacy. Yeah, but I'm you got to keep his own children. I'm not. I don't even know.
Dan (01:08:54.000)
I'm not defending Keith Olbermann. Oh, I am only in so much as I side with him over Alex. Yeah. So here we go. Let's get into the introduction here. And this clip I've labeled all capital letters lops. of projection. This is just a projection.
Alex Jones (01:09:12.000)
Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know where to begin. Remember a few months ago when Oberman said that our country has been taken over by the Russians. Remember he said that this is Russian scum. He is a Russian agent. We are at now at war with Russia, Russia Skye.
Jordan (01:09:29.000)
Baum. And then
Alex Jones (01:09:34.000)
it comes out in a video globalists GQ, and he looks at his eyes your radio listener, but We have a video posted. He looks like he's completely mentally ill and like he's completely scared. And like he's his five year old young boy who's afraid that CrossTie the clowns coming to killing
Dan (01:09:55.000)
sounds like someone we know that he
Alex Jones (01:09:56.000)
calls for foreign governments.
Jordan (01:09:59.000)
Right go Sideshow Bob, to
Alex Jones (01:10:01.000)
take Trump out. Because now evilly is and then here's Trump weathering the storm, restoring our republic getting our jobs back, getting Obamacare repealed in the house just over delivering total stalwart, totally, totally slick. And it's like He's crazy. He's evil. He's bad. We got the whole world in danger.
Jordan (01:10:25.000)
Yeah, he's crazy. He's bad. The whole world is in danger. I don't know where I've heard things like that before. Could you think of anybody who has said something similar to that? Krusty the Clown. That's a good point. Yeah. Like, why did you pick crossing the globe? It's totally
Dan (01:10:42.000)
insane. Considering one of his associates, close associates was the person who was trying to kill Yeah, exactly. Also, that like he is mentally ill. You see it in his eyes. Yep. He looks scared. He looks like a five year old boy. Yep, all of that is our five year
Jordan (01:11:01.000)
old boy who has been kicked off of his mother's lap and told you don't get love no more because you want to be a man, a five year old boy who stuck up a liquor store with a bag of cash
Dan (01:11:12.000)
and two bottles.
Jordan (01:11:16.000)
So I love I love his his propensity for picking like, appearance and body length. Totally. It's always got to be like, Look at him. Don't listen to him. Look at him. Look at Trump. Look at how slick he is. Look at how his hair was always gesture. Yeah, exactly. Don't engage with his thoughts, or his opinions, or his research or anything like that. Alex can? No, of course not.
Dan (01:11:44.000)
It's too in depth. It's too hard for him. Right? It's like, I would say, within this 35 minute clip, Alex Jones hits most of his greatest hits of lies. And also comes in with some new ones that I'm going to debunk along the way. And then all things
Jordan (01:12:03.000)
American Pie also, right?
Alex Jones (01:12:06.000)
No, he, he.
Dan (01:12:10.000)
He's, I don't know how to put a finer point on this. He's so busted. Like he's just mad at himself. But one of the arguments that he makes is so absurd. It's it like it undercuts Alex Jones's entire philosophy in attempting to attack fucking Keith Olbermann, right? He's attacking himself. Yeah,
Jordan (01:12:31.000)
when you punch your mirror your hands is fine.
Dan (01:12:35.000)
So let's get to this next clip. So we can move this along because I said there's like 23 clips,
Dan (01:12:40.000)
Jesus yelled for 35 minutes. That's a good point.
Dan (01:12:44.000)
So this next one is about Trump's accomplishments.
Jordan (01:12:48.000)
Many varied, over delivered accomplishments, so many accomplishments, you're tired of accomplishing things sick, you're gonna get sick of accomplishing things.
Alex Jones (01:12:59.000)
This is mental illness, that it's more than that. It's called espionage. It's called treason. It's called aiding a foreign power to carry out criminal operations against your country. It's called being guilty of high treason,
Jordan (01:13:19.000)
as though you were trying to overthrow them that more Russian agents should
Alex Jones (01:13:24.000)
do it with foreign powers, then it's treason, not just sedition. And it'd be one thing if Trump was really this foreign power, and he was screwing us over like the globalist but instead, he's actually an American who really is restoring the country with all the globalist coming after us. That's what globalism is the UN, the IMF, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the TPP Trump is literally pulling a world wide web and reforming it. Cut you in funding with 80% Worldstar Hip hop around now and says we've got to stop this American madman thought he was a Russian agent.
Dan (01:13:58.000)
So in there, he makes these these these sorts of arguments about Trump's accomplishments as sort of being like he's not a Russian agent. He's stuff none. Well, I mean, there's this super vague thing if the globalists are real. I'm sorry, if the globalists aren't real, any accomplishment against them? That isn't real is real. So like, it doesn't really matter if you have a fake victory over a fake group. Great. It's like when he says that Trump has re declared sovereignty what? What does that mean?
Jordan (01:14:26.000)
Yeah, he read declared sovereignty great. Okay, read declared it. Okay. Yeah, cuz like we declared it one time. Sure. And then we declared it again, but he really declared
Dan (01:14:34.000)
it's kind of like renewing your wedding vows. Exactly. You weren't divorced before that? No.
Jordan (01:14:39.000)
Oh, you were divorced three times before that and you raped one of your former wives.
Dan (01:14:43.000)
She didn't write a book about it. Anyway. The thing about cutting funding to the UN is really interesting. Because the funding that actually is going to be cut is a ton of humanitarian organizations like food, organizations and things like that TAM if you really look Look into the specific cuts that are going to have to be made to make his budget. People who are involved with those organizations have said, this will be the largest humanitarian crisis that we've ever faced.
Jordan (01:15:11.000)
Oh damn poor people. I believe this will be the largest. We're going to fuck poor people. Since we passed the fucking HCA
Dan (01:15:20.000)
and the the the quote from I can't remember his name. It's kind of irrelevant, but like saying that this lack of funding, we will not be able to make up from individual donors, right the amount of money that the US gives to keep people alive in foreign countries, third world countries medical
Jordan (01:15:41.000)
declaring sovereignty things, sovereignty over food, they're saying
Dan (01:15:46.000)
that it will entirely shift the nature of humanitarianism in the world. They don't
Jordan (01:15:52.000)
care. No, they want people that like consequences
Dan (01:15:55.000)
of this. Yeah, on funding of the UN is not going to be some political gain. No, he's going to be mad
Jordan (01:16:02.000)
1000s of 1000s of people are going to die way more than that. Way more, way
Dan (01:16:07.000)
more the amount of famine relief, the amount of disaster relief, those sorts of things. It's, that's what's being cut.
Jordan (01:16:13.000)
I mean, he's not fucking funding North Carolina's hurricane relief fund. Nope. Also, you can't fund people more than that. That's domestic. But that's that's what I'm saying. It doesn't fucking matter if you're worldwide or domestic, but he doesn't give a fuck about poor people.
Dan (01:16:28.000)
True, but we got to keep it on the globalist. The UN still loveless. I don't know. Have you ever?
Jordan (01:16:34.000)
The UN needs to come into North Carolina for disaster relief?
Dan (01:16:38.000)
Yeah, that's genuinely what needs to happen. Look at the free market will take care of it. Yeah, right. So have you ever listened to interviews with like Romeo Delaire, the guy who was on the ground in Rwanda during the during the Civil War, the Hotel Rwanda thing, I will tell you this, he wished that the UN gave them less funding. Really? No.
Jordan (01:16:57.000)
Oh, god dammit, you are so fucking convincing. It's kind of the opposite. I was. There was a part of me that was like, Wait, did they do like that global corporation thing where they really just kind of screwed everybody over. And it was a temporary relief, where it's like, the moment they left and all that shit started up again. No, it was not on
Dan (01:17:17.000)
and Boutros Boutros Ghali were resistant to give the the funding to do exactly what needed to be done and right. And it caused countless deaths and genocide. Yep. And we're gonna, we're gonna end up seeing more of that in war torn regions. Because of Trump's proposed lack of funding for the UN. It's not like, like we want to imagine, or at least not we, but people like Alex want to imagine that this UN is a money suck. Yeah. And it's just trying to consolidate business interests and stuff like that, and you serve our sovereignty, right. And in reality, a lot of the money that we pitch into it goes to keeping people alive.
Jordan (01:17:59.000)
It's and it's amazing that he can huge like, that's not that's not a story, like you and I, like most people, I would say 95% of people do not know that those are the cuts that he's making to the UN fund.
Dan (01:18:13.000)
And in the citations for this episode, I'll post a link to the like, the specific right information.
Jordan (01:18:18.000)
So that basically means that they can get away with murdering,
Dan (01:18:24.000)
but people are reporting it. It's just no one's picking it up. Not carrying on as a narrative. Yeah. And a
Jordan (01:18:30.000)
lot of people just don't give a fuck, it's the same thing with they're not American. So who fucking foreign Brown? Exactly. So that's America's philosophy.
Dan (01:18:40.000)
This next argument that he makes, I was really interested in it because he keeps talking about how like, in his short time in office, Trump has boosted the stock market more than anyone ever. Right. He makes the argument that it's like it's a massive rise like a bubble. Well, that's one thing. I have read a couple of economists talking about how we're gonna be okay for a little while. The end result of this will be the biggest crash that we've ever seen. Yeah, absolutely. This isn't like the sort of things that we're putting in place of no infrastructure. It's unsustainable. It's it's, it's just on hubris. Yeah. And hot air. But I wanted to look into the specifics of percentage of the stock market's growth in a president's first 100 days in office, right? You want to do well, number one was Clinton, no, or man, Franklin Delano Roosevelt? Oh, yeah.
Jordan (01:19:29.000)
Well, but he had the he had the benefit of the single worst thing that's ever happened. So literally anything he did it would it
Dan (01:19:37.000)
would go into 33. He came to office and he raised the stock market by 79.62%, which again, is kind of unfair.
Jordan (01:19:44.000)
But I mean,
Dan (01:19:46.000)
also the stock market was so far, but also row zero.
Jordan (01:19:51.000)
Also just not having Hoover in there. Who was actively fucking people over was just the fact that you have somebody who SP asked, some socialist belief meant the stock market was gonna go up. And then the New Deal, of course, fucking led to a period of consistent growth for 40 years and then somebody dismantled the New Deal. And somehow everything started going to fucking shit.
Dan (01:20:17.000)
It's interesting actually, Hoover's first 100 days in office wasn't terribly bad. We only saw 1.32% decrease in the stock market. But then it fell apart.
Jordan (01:20:27.000)
Hoover was elected in what 2929? Yeah. When he took office, yeah. 2928
Dan (01:20:33.000)
Yeah. Now, so that's number one. Donald Trump is actually number five on the list of the biggest growth in the stock market in the first 100 days with a 5.32% change.
Jordan (01:20:46.000)
How about was Bush, Jr. Number three?
Dan (01:20:51.000)
No. Bush Senior was number in 1989. I was a 7.93% growth. Ah, you know, number four was Obama, Barack motherfucking. Obama. Yeah. In 2013 7.51. Almost a 2%. Better growth of the stock market in his first 100 days of his second term. Of course, suck a dick. Alex. Like your own stats there. The guy who you hate is better than your guy. Yeah, it's insane. Why doesn't anyone look this up? Why doesn't Alex look this up? Because
Jordan (01:21:24.000)
nobody gives a fuck. I know. Nobody gives a goddamn fuck about whether or not something is true. I was I was talking to my dad. And it was just literally like, oh, well, I assume everything is fake news now. And you're like, No, you can't possibly that's that's abdicating your responsibility as a human being. Yeah, totally abdicating your responsibility as a human being we've been any fuck, we've been
Dan (01:21:47.000)
over this on the podcast. It's not the media's responsibility to be right all the time. Right. It's their responsibility to try and follow certain guidelines. And if they're wrong, make a correction. It's every citizens responsibility to engage with news that you get. And if something seems a little weird, don't trust it, look into it. Whoever won is just given up on that.
Jordan (01:22:08.000)
There. There is something about I will never remember the quote, and I'm probably going to paraphrase it and screw everything up. But without an informed citizenry. democracy cannot flourish Shakespeare. Oh.
Dan (01:22:26.000)
I have heard that quote. It's one of the founding fathers dudes. Yeah, probably. Yeah, it's yeah, of course,
Jordan (01:22:30.000)
one of the founding fathers, one of those of those slave owners, one of those cool
Dan (01:22:34.000)
bros. So in this next clip, we get some more projection and just overall Alex not getting the point of Keith Olbermann. Video.
Alex Jones (01:22:44.000)
I've watched Oberman quite a bit. He is literally having a mental breakdown here and is absolutely scared. These people are crazy. They thought they ran America. That's their power trip. That's their identity. And now they've lost their identity. And they are hitting the panic button and there's liberal professors everywhere calling to kill Trump supporters name one one to kill Trump nothing's being done about it. Name one got a guy magazine reaching millions of people saying kill everybody
Dan (01:23:19.000)
so right there, right there. What happened? What happened right there? This is important. What
Jordan (01:23:25.000)
is that is video just hey, I'm Keith Olbermann, kill kill everybody.
Dan (01:23:30.000)
Well, what happened? There was like Alex, the long pause was because Alex said that he reaches millions of people have to be like, Oh, shit, I've just said that. I'm supposed to say everyone's audiences tiny. Yeah, shit. So he got into his headspace. And then he realized, I don't know what he's saying, right? I didn't watch this twice. I can't engage with the material. So oh, he must be saying kill everybody.
Jordan (01:23:53.000)
I think he I think he probably did watch it twice. But I think our larger issue is that he may he doesn't have any comprehension skills, information synthesis. Yeah. Well, and then there's then there's the fact that I guarantee like he watched it, do you
Dan (01:24:08.000)
think like we're in a key or Broca's area, and his brain is just damaged? Like the the idea of like he can't take in communication appropriately?
Jordan (01:24:16.000)
That's an interesting question.
Dan (01:24:18.000)
It's possible.
Jordan (01:24:19.000)
I don't think that's something that we could even really kind of speculate on. Because one, I don't know enough about it to have any.
Dan (01:24:26.000)
I'd like to start a Kickstarter to get a CT scan.
Jordan (01:24:29.000)
And unlike many people in the in the commentary industry, I would prefer not to comment wildly on something I know zero about was sort of a hallmark. All of the stuff that you just said, like the different parts of that, that brain, no idea what you were talking about. They're the
Dan (01:24:48.000)
sort of parts of the brain that are responsible for ingoing and outgoing communication.
Jordan (01:24:54.000)
Oh, well, now that I know that I absolutely agree with you. His brain is damaged. One too Many putting some other dudes into a coma situation.
Dan (01:25:03.000)
Yeah. So back to it. He basically
Alex Jones (01:25:06.000)
disagrees with and that was we're at war with Russia and Russia is calm. In fact, here's the Russia scum clip for sure it is a
Keith Olbermann (01:25:12.000)
nation and all of our freedoms hang by a thread and the military apparatus of this country is about to be handed over to scum, or beholden to scum, Russian scum.
Alex Jones (01:25:23.000)
All right. Now let's start going out to break with the first clip where he calls on all intelligence agencies and citizens, everyone else overthrow Trump, stop him, the world come to America attack us.
Keith Olbermann (01:25:36.000)
I'm Keith Olbermann in this as the resistance. I appeal to the intelligence agencies and the governments of what is the weft of the free world to them as entities entireties as bureaucracies making official decisions, and to the individuals who make decisions of conscience to GCHQ and MI six in the UK, to the BND in Germany, the DGSE in France, the as is in Australia, and even to the GRU in Russia, they must already be profoundly aware that they have not merely helped put in a moral cynic in power here, but an uncontrollable one.
Alex Jones (01:26:10.000)
That is the problem. He's not controlled by the globalist. So now you're more honest. Do you want the foreign powers who did meddle in our election? Now you got involved? The globalist got involved. The UN got involved. The Saudis got involved. The Pope got involved. The Chinese dictator got involved. Cuba got involved. Mexico got involved. Canada got involved, but you couldn't stick your ass asses handed to you. And now you want the whole world to gang up on his bar you dark back brighter. His ass needs to be in a supermax prison isn't classic
Jordan (01:26:43.000)
Alex right there. That's that makes me happy. That's like,
Dan (01:26:46.000)
I know I can suck on a lozenge. We're going to break. Yeah, I'm gonna fucking
Jordan (01:26:49.000)
classic. That's some classic Alex Jones right there.
Dan (01:26:52.000)
Get ready, get ready for this. And some of them get ready for a lot more of it. Yeah, this this, the rest of this episode is classic Alex plus, like his media criticism skills. Like, I don't want you to, I do want you to get your stopwatch out. Because I don't want you to count out loud over these clips, how long it takes him to interrupt them. But it's buck wild. And the reason I apologize. The reason I put my hand up and was like, hold on. Yeah, was because I wanted that to play like Keith Olbermann intro right? Because he replays it, and interrupt the fuck out of it. And I wanted everyone to be able to hear what he was saying in a coherent sentence. Because if you just take Alex's analysis, you'll never know what he was actually saying.
Jordan (01:27:35.000)
The thing that I like before I even thought about Alex listening to that Olbermann clip is that is Overman is being very reckless. Yeah, that that idea. A little capricious, that idea that you're talking about Russian scum taking over the election is very much a
Dan (01:27:54.000)
that's an old clip, right? Oh, is it? Yeah, that was from a couple months back the Russian Gus, he's
Jordan (01:28:00.000)
just getting it now. No, he
Dan (01:28:02.000)
yelled about it back then.
Jordan (01:28:04.000)
Well, I mean, Alex, oh, no,
Dan (01:28:06.000)
I think we just didn't cover it. Okay. I think I think he didn't he didn't tee off like he did today.
Jordan (01:28:11.000)
No, I think I think one of the things that gets me about all of this debate, and all of this conversation is that nobody is clearly delineating that the Russian people are not a problem. It is very few people in the Russian government. It is very few people in the United States government. Like these are it's fucking Alex Jones. Like it is not people. Well, they are. No, but I mean, like the idea of elation. The idea of America is at war with Russia. Right? Right. Right. That's not what's really going on what's going on? Is the Russian Government wants a pro American government. And nobody cares about all of the people living in America
Dan (01:29:03.000)
or you got it twisted Russia wants American pro Russia. Yeah. Now I'm now I'm more at least a neutral. Right? We're not getting involved. Russian intervention.
Jordan (01:29:12.000)
Rare, right? So so all of this is because guys like Keith Olbermann and Alex Jones always boiled it down to nations. Yeah. And it is not.
Dan (01:29:22.000)
No. And that's why I don't defend Keith Olbermann. I still think he's a little bit wrong. This is if I had to, if I had to side with one. I think the goals of Keith Olbermann are way better than the goals of Alex degreed. But I don't I still am. Absolutely. His rhetoric is a little bit unhinged, but just
Jordan (01:29:41.000)
like we were talking about earlier, that is the that is the question of we all know that there's some interference. Yeah. How do we solve this problem without also sparking a war? Right? So neither of these parties are going to do it? No. So Olbermann goals, I guess are the same as ours, but For us, the ends do not justify the means. Well, we want to get rid of Trump, but that means we have to declare war. Well, I don't know. I
Dan (01:30:10.000)
do, I think yeah, at least in my own head. Yes. We don't have the proof that would justify a war. Okay. But if it is the case, that there is active involvement with a hostile foreign power, right, I do think that we just have to suck it up, and we have to go to war. Like, I think it's a terrible outcome.
Jordan (01:30:32.000)
But oh, man, that's a long conversation between you and maybe we'll do that off air. But yeah, no kidding, because this is already shaping up to be a seven and a half hour long episode as it is, I don't want to start talking about my peacenik philosophy, despite the fact that I've already called for
Dan (01:30:48.000)
a revolution. I have a murder of
Jordan (01:30:51.000)
not murder, the justified Right, right. The execution right, very different from a murder. Well, I
Dan (01:30:59.000)
would say that if we can't get undue influence out of our body politic, without a war, we have to go to war, because the alternative is the erosion of our government, the erosion of democracy, right. There's everything here.
Jordan (01:31:16.000)
The problem there is that we have no moral high ground whatsoever. None we have we never have no, no, we've done exactly what Russia has done to us. The real reason that we're angry is not because of the the doing of it. It's that it's happening to us.
Dan (01:31:32.000)
But that's human.
Jordan (01:31:34.000)
No, I understand that. I'm not saying I'm not saying that there isn't an internal logic to I don't want wanting to declare war there.
Dan (01:31:41.000)
I don't want to make the argument of like America first, because I'm not on that bandwagon. Right. But like, if someone punches me it's way more like, like, I feel that more than if someone punched you, right, I'd be empathic and I wouldn't enjoy you getting punched, right? Or anyone any stranger getting punched? I'm not thrilled with it. I hope I wouldn't like that. But if someone punched me it's way more immediate. I gotta take care of it. Right? I have to respond somehow, probably by running away.
Jordan (01:32:06.000)
Now. Strangely enough. This is one area where I'm gonna go full religion on you. Oh, boy. There. There is a reason that Jesus has resonated throughout time and it sure as fuck isn't the Bible. No, like, I fully subscribe to the philosophy of look, Russia did this. We corrected it look like here's, here's my it, let me put it to you this way. All right, here's my response to 911. We build the tower, the exact same. We give no, there's no record of they're doing them doing it. There is no acceptable with dead people. There is nothing but that's the point. I don't apply what they want is us to react in this way.
Dan (01:32:50.000)
I don't disagree with you in terms of 911. But I think that we're getting off track is that what I'm saying is if there is no way to correct this, without triggering a war, a war has to happen. If there is a way to correct to this without it. That's the preferable path. That's and that is that's sort of where yeah, you and I, we that's where our hearts are at. Yeah, that's what we would like to see happen. Right. But because of the existence of people like Alex Jones and Keith Olbermann, it seems incredibly unlikely. Yeah, this is a conversation for another time and Alex Jones has some thoughts. She has some thoughts about like, you know, like what happens to treasonous people Oh, good.
Alex Jones (01:33:32.000)
If he was a crazy guy on the street corner the cops wouldn't do anything. Everybody has to do some clear, clear absolute organized crime treason espionage. Calling on foreign powers for a coup is high treason.
Jordan (01:33:49.000)
Treason espionage,
Dan (01:33:50.000)
three different things.
Alex Jones (01:33:52.000)
The Army still does or firing squad I guess you can pick either one and I'm curious man. If I was calling for foreign governments to come overthrow our country I'm firing squad. Let me tell you something 60 years ago he wouldn't be in front of a firing squad in about a month. Okay.
Dan (01:34:09.000)
Now hold on this is this is the foundation this is the foundation Alex believes that if you commit treason if you try and induce people to take over our government
Jordan (01:34:19.000)
do you mean like saying that the Russians should invoke God dammit,
Dan (01:34:23.000)
I mean he only implied that earlier nothing is real but like you know the consequences being hung till dead that is that he has established that we've talked about that that's that's the that's the consequence for treason. Right. But now it's coming out of Alex's mouth.
Jordan (01:34:36.000)
Which again like my my peacenik bonafides are
Dan (01:34:43.000)
ruined by the fact that Alex Jones is calling for a very similar thing that I am but for a different guy just for Olbermann. Yeah, exactly. But so now we know that he believes that that's, that's in his sort of headspace. So let's let's move on a little bit.
Alex Jones (01:34:59.000)
And look out mentally ill he is that guy that grew up never in the real world this little brat boy because he had in the bathtub wouldn't do TV shows. He's a total mental patient, and he wants to sit here and call for our president to be overthrown. And just look up mentally ill he looks. Look at how weak his whole identity is in running the government and being a liberal fake. We and then now he isn't getting what he wants and he sees America. He's so pissed. He now abandons the fact that Trump's run by foreign powers because he's not, and he wants foreign powers to come in. See, that's the traitor right there. That's the anti American scumbag. I love America. I love our republic. I love prosperity. I'm loyal to this country. My family has always been loyal. This guy is not an American. This is a dirtbag liar that thinks he's better than you. He thinks you're a better cleaner there he's an elitist he look how freaked out he is as you got beat.
Dan (01:35:54.000)
Well, it's part of the narrative but also I just want to point out that in a past episode, we discussed our Alex talked about his family fought for the South.
Jordan (01:36:02.000)
A loyalist, they've always been loyal to this republic, very loyal and then another one, but this one particularly Yeah,
Dan (01:36:07.000)
you also gave a speech at the Alamo a couple years back. That was dicey. Mark dicey. But yeah, what were you saying?
Jordan (01:36:16.000)
Um, the narrative. The bitter clingers
Dan (01:36:22.000)
the fuck he thinks he's better than you.
Jordan (01:36:26.000)
He thinks he's better than you. That's the one that's the one that people is elitist. That's the one people are gonna latch on to yours. He's yelling at you because he thinks he's better than you. I'm yelling at you. Because I love you. Right. That's, that's the that's the fucking divorce stepdad situation going on right there.
Dan (01:36:44.000)
I hate you. I hate you. Because I love you. Exactly. So now we're entering the section of the show where he might interrupt every clip immediately. It's gonna be great. Hold on.
Jordan (01:36:57.000)
I'm gonna let you talk here real quick. Let me let me let you finish.
Alex Jones (01:37:03.000)
Let's go to this mental patient.
Keith Olbermann (01:37:05.000)
I'm Keith Olbermann. And this is the resistance. I appeal.
Alex Jones (01:37:11.000)
To Dan plagiarist. We are the resistance to you the globalist ganged up on America. Not the resistance you plagiarist. I'm the resistance. My audience is the resistance. And guess what? We kept your teleprompter reading ash to the moon.
Dan (01:37:27.000)
That's the first incidence of teleprompter
Jordan (01:37:29.000)
threats. Tell the prompting as to the moon. Yeah.
Dan (01:37:32.000)
So just remember that keep track. That's one. But also like, Come on, man. You didn't come up with a term resistance? No, he
Jordan (01:37:39.000)
did. It's plagiarism. Nobody's ever thought about it before. Well, except Will Shakespeare.
Dan (01:37:45.000)
Almost every piece of fiction. Yeah. No, not every piece of fiction, but tons of them that involve resisting.
Jordan (01:37:51.000)
Yeah. But see what happened is he was the resistance. Right? Well, now Olbermann is the counter resistance. And now we can see that sounder counter he is the counter counter resistance.
Dan (01:38:02.000)
Don't say too much about that. Tip my hand in terms of something very important. Okay. So that I mean, that's petty and very quick. Here. Alex gets a little bit threatening.
Alex Jones (01:38:14.000)
Let's go back to this. Let's go back to Nancy arias.
Keith Olbermann (01:38:16.000)
I'm Keith Olbermann. And this is the resistance. I appeal to the intelligence agencies and the governments of what is left of the free world.
Alex Jones (01:38:26.000)
Because then we get a message. All the real people and intelligence agencies around the world don't want to sell their countries out and don't want globalism and don't want poverty and want a future for their kids. I'd say 80% Same thing with the FBI. You're appealing to people that just help Trump win the election, dumbass, because they're sick of people like you running everything. Understand your opinion.
Dan (01:38:48.000)
So hold on. I didn't want to get there.
Jordan (01:38:50.000)
Yeah, I helped Trump get elected because they're sick of people like Olbermann, it's irrelevant.
Dan (01:38:55.000)
Don't worry about that. Okay, nevermind. What I think is more important is that only 85% of people don't want their kids to live in poverty. Very weird, very weird statistic.
Jordan (01:39:05.000)
They want to end the family and then make sure that kids grow up in poverty, poverty. So
Dan (01:39:08.000)
apparently the globalists are 15% of the population.
Jordan (01:39:12.000)
I think everybody knows that. 85% of the people want to make sure that school lunches are healthy and contained. Wait, no, that's nobody. That's nobody in the GOP
Dan (01:39:25.000)
also 85% thrown that around. That's that's a big number. 5% nation talk right there. goob
Alex Jones (01:39:33.000)
like the people that know you're a pile of steaming dog Bunner okay. Oh, you appeal so they're trying to sell the idea of a violent overthrow and a civil war. Hey, jackass, you better pray there's a civil war because I guarantee you, you're the one calling for all this. I guarantee you Shawn, sonny boy. Wow, sonny boy, that Sonny Boy, boy, boy,
Dan (01:39:58.000)
three times that's A
Alex Jones (01:40:03.000)
little kick in you little whip you little Nellie punk. You open that gate you have no idea what let's just go to break down the restaurants.
Dan (01:40:11.000)
So Alex Jones is really mad. Yeah. He's someone is
Jordan (01:40:16.000)
it's a dominance thing for him that it has nothing to do with it has nothing to do with personal anything that he says it's all about very Look at this guy who presents himself as an alpha male to the left, but he doesn't I have to know but that's what Alex thinks. That's what Alex is seeing. Yeah. Is a man doing his shtick of yelling about overthrowing a globalist government. And so he has to alpha male it but but Overman really doesn't yell that much. No, but that's not that's not the point to Alex Bay. Maybe everybody is
Jordan (01:40:51.000)
yelling all the time. That's fair. That's entirely ballsy. Yeah.
Jordan (01:40:55.000)
But but the point is, he Well, he's not yelling, but he is speaking forcefully, directly to all the world governments of what is left of the free world now
Dan (01:41:07.000)
you're doing a wrestling promo. Yeah. Well, that's what he's doing. Yeah.
Jordan (01:41:10.000)
So what Olbermann did
Dan (01:41:11.000)
this next clip is a story in two parts. Okay. The first is from the next thing he says when he comes back from break. And the thing after that will be horribly embarrassing for Alex.
Keith Olbermann (01:41:25.000)
To all of them and to the world's journalists, I make this plea. We the citizens of the United States of America are the victims of a coup. We need your leaks, your information, your intelligence, your recordings, your videos, your conscience, the civilian government and the military of the United States are no longer in the hands of the people. Nor in the control of any responsible individual. That's
Alex Jones (01:41:48.000)
pause. I can't hold them back in five seconds. We had an election, Trump's restoring the Republic. He's restoring the Constitution He's held jobs house during sovereign Give me one reason give the Democrats all called on to be fired Comey. You can't just send them Obermann just says it's a coup. That means it's on elected show, he now wants foreign governments to overthrow that. That's called a coup. So total inversion of reality by this guy here this
Dan (01:42:19.000)
inversion of reality. I think that Alex Jones really needs to stop saying KU KU because here is a clip of Steve pathetic. On Alex Jones's show just after the election
Alex Jones (01:42:33.000)
show, Dr. Pathetic? What do you think is really going on here?
Steve Pieczenick (01:42:38.000)
Well, you know, Alex, you and I have been together for a long time. And one of the things that was so obvious, people really didn't get it was when I got onto your show. And I said several months ago, that Hillary, Bernie and Bill had affected us civil coup. That wasn't, you know, extra feature that was not ad hominem. That was a very definite problem that we had the intelligence community, the selective part of the intelligence community, much of whom were involved were military people. I'm not going to the specifics. And I warned you we wouldn't do a counter coup we did. It was done through emails from Julian Assange. I will not name individuals I've always said Julian Assange was really a hero for America. Do you mean Russia was not involved? I have high respect for Vladimir Putin. I've worked with the Russians. I helped to take down the Soviet Union. I still have a very high respect for the Russians. The Russians did not need to hack into anybody's account. They can hack anything they want. So can the Chinese but we do to the real issue at hand is that Hillary failed miserably and $1 billion
Alex Jones (01:44:00.000)
doc I'm sorry to interrupt the sun shooting into your camera might also damage
Jordan (01:44:08.000)
nothing Alex will
Dan (01:44:10.000)
not interrupt. We have to finish the rest of the clip but it's so funny because then for like the next five minutes, there's just some like assistant scampering around trying to close his curtains. They can't figure out how to close the curtains. It's kind of like a little bit of physical comedy. There was 100% not intended but I loved just like this guy. He tries on the legis Three Stooges sketch he tries on the like on the right side. This isn't working so then has to go all the way around to the right. It's hilarious. That's fantastic. So
Steve Pieczenick (01:44:42.000)
yeah, no problem.
Alex Jones (01:44:43.000)
This is we started talking the the sun shot into the lamps. Thank you.
Steve Pieczenick (01:44:47.000)
Well, that may be too much light on this issue. But the bottom line, look at
Jordan (01:44:52.000)
what really happened. Down freeze and what's
Steve Pieczenick (01:44:54.000)
really happened subsequently has nothing to do with Hillary and almost nothing to do With Obama, we have been able to place through Trump nafas, Secretary of Defense Michael Flynn, the White House catalog in the White House, Homeland Security military, the military position Department of
Dan (01:45:17.000)
Interior. But do you get what he's saying? Yeah. Like I don't exactly what he Yeah, I don't necessarily believe all of Steve Botanik stories. But he's coming on Alex Jones's show. And Alex Jones is congratulating him for hypothetically performing a coup to take the presidency and place people in certain offices. It's a count of them counter because one of them that he mentions is Mike Flynn, who has sent registered as a foreign agent that he was lying about back then counter-coup, how great could his vetting have been about these people that were involved in his coup? That he would not would have not known that Flynn was in the employ of Turkey? Would he have not known that?
Jordan (01:46:04.000)
The level the level of ignorance that Trump could? could experience
Jordan (01:46:12.000)
I'm talking about pathetic at this. Oh, pathetic.
Jordan (01:46:14.000)
Yeah. Ooh, that's a good question.
Dan (01:46:16.000)
Could pathetic have not known that Flynn was working for Turkey? Is that possible?
Jordan (01:46:22.000)
I don't know. I don't know.
Dan (01:46:24.000)
I don't either.
Jordan (01:46:25.000)
The fact that he says it's a i,
Dan (01:46:27.000)
and you're right. He was mentioning working with Julian Assange. Yeah. So like, even there is a foreign interest. Yeah, exactly. So like Alex,
Jordan (01:46:35.000)
I've always said Julian Assange, not American citizen, was a hero because he unduly influenced an American election.
Dan (01:46:44.000)
So based on what we've already established about Alex's beliefs about what happens when you commit treason, right, Steve magenic Alex Jones, Mike Flynn, Kellogg Mattis all should be hung up on Sam Duquesne. Sam also hung up the street. Don't tell me to follow my nose. Yeah. That's condescending.
Jordan (01:47:04.000)
No, but yeah, no, you're exactly right. So they're fine with it. If it's Julian Assange leaking this shit that was clearly given to them by a foreign agent. But if Olbermann says, foreign agents, please leak this shit, then it's treason. It's also cockamamie and it's all and and again, if he's willing, this inverted Ria, oh, this is a complete inverted reality. Like, it's so no, no,
Dan (01:47:28.000)
it's so weird to not have a team in this fight, but hate both. Yeah. Like, it's so fucking insane for me, because I'm like, I don't fully support what Olbermann saying.
Jordan (01:47:37.000)
Right. So this is the the central question to my response to Overman is bullshit. Is it worthwhile to get rid of Trump by then devaluing all of all of American intelligence? Like, do you do you see what I'm saying right there? If he's okay,
Dan (01:47:58.000)
I'm not as phrased. Yeah, that's
Jordan (01:48:00.000)
a really phrase that poorly. Are you so are you so what is what is the? Is it better to get rid of Trump by any means? Or is it is there a way to get rid of Trump? That's the right way. Right. You see what I'm saying?
Dan (01:48:15.000)
That's the central dilemma, I
Jordan (01:48:16.000)
think, right? So okay, so we get rid of Trump by this leak. Right. So then we put in the next guy, which right now would be pants, but if there is a leak, we have to assume that it goes to the Speaker of the House.
Dan (01:48:30.000)
I'd say hatch, I think Ryan's been compromised, too. Okay, so some indications that he had very least was having conversations about money shit with Kislyak at the convention? Fuck yeah. All over. Yeah. Oh, yeah. And with that raid that they just did on the strategic campaign group,
Jordan (01:48:48.000)
right. But that was in association with stuff that was happening in 2013. Right,
Dan (01:48:53.000)
necessarily, might be a bit of a smokescreen. And I don't want to buy into conspiracy theories,
Jordan (01:48:59.000)
right? Because even though we do a conspiracy theory podcast, right, but you have to
Dan (01:49:02.000)
be incredulous of stuff. Yeah. And it is entirely possible that there isn't a ton of connection and what have you.
Jordan (01:49:08.000)
But the timing is also very suspect.
Dan (01:49:12.000)
And the fact that the guy who was running that company has connections to Roger Stone and Paul Manafort. Of course, he used to work for their firm, right used to be a principal, their firm, right? And on top of that, this strategic campaign group has I don't know if I can fully explain it necessarily, but deep Robert Mercer ties.
Jordan (01:49:34.000)
Oh god Robert Mercer is
Dan (01:49:36.000)
that campaign, the strategic campaign group created a political action committee for bubba. What's his name? big moustache un guy for Bolton, John Bolton.
Jordan (01:49:50.000)
Oh, okay. Yeah,
Dan (01:49:51.000)
Now, granted a political action committee for John Bolton and the only person who donated to it was Mercer and it was consistent donations of $500,000 There's Yeah, and
Jordan (01:50:01.000)
I think Mercer is one of the I would say Mercer got Trump elected, like 70%.
Dan (01:50:09.000)
We'll get to that a little bit further. We're gonna get to that in a little bit. Okay, but but the idea is that raid also, it looks like it has something to do with Mercer and Cambridge. Cambridge Analytica. Yeah,
Jordan (01:50:21.000)
those sorts of who we should not talk about because they are fucking watching us
Dan (01:50:25.000)
those sorts of influences on the campaign in addition, like there's Russia stuff on the side, right, but the shit that they were doing was dubious
Jordan (01:50:36.000)
there. They'd be why, ya know, they're there that the more you research Cambridge Analytica, the more you're like AI is taken over. Yeah, like it's insane. But But data? I think this, I think this again, gets back to our earlier conversation. I want to get rid of Trump in a way that kills the fewest amount of people. Right. Maybe the way the way. Yeah. Five
Dan (01:51:01.000)
should just rot in prison.
Jordan (01:51:02.000)
Yeah, that's yeah. But but the problem there in lies, if Olbermann does it this way, then if it is foreign agents doing that, then we're in a full on chaos mode? Sure. Sure. Like who trusts who anywhere at all? Yeah, like, if if it's like that is World War. That's not war with Russia. That's war with every intelligence agency, because who knows? who's doing what and when? And why. And when it like? What will they do this time?
Dan (01:51:36.000)
I think that you, me and Keith Olbermann agree that there's a problem. Here's what I'm trying to say. Yes. So we see like
Jordan (01:51:46.000)
you meet older men, and frankly, Alex Jones and fucking everybody else in the world right. Now agrees there's a problem. We don't nobody can agree on what it is, or how to take care
Dan (01:51:56.000)
of you, me and Olbermann agree on what the problem is, right? So just for the sake of framing this metaphor, yes. They're like, there's a bottle, there's a glass bottle of ketchup that's falling off the counter, and you know, that it's gonna break when it hits the ground. So our response to it would be, either try and catch it, or get a rag and clean it up. Where as you know, Oberman, my response might be throw a bottle of mustard. Trying to invalidate the hotdogs. Let's just make a bigger mess.
Jordan (01:52:27.000)
That's a that's a very good, that's a very good metaphor. It's
Dan (01:52:30.000)
not very good. It's fine.
Jordan (01:52:31.000)
It's a good metaphor. Okay. So it made me understand what it is. We are Yeah, no, it was a good metaphor. But
Dan (01:52:38.000)
at the same time, we've got way off track from the fact that Alex Jones, legitimately for the last six months to a year has been pitching an entire narrative on his show, that has to do with a counter coup to an imagined coup, right, by Hillary Clinton and George Soros and Barack Obama, which so if
Jordan (01:52:59.000)
you are queueing against an imaginary coup, that is just a regular coup right.
Dan (01:53:04.000)
Now, if you if Steve pertronic wants to come on the podcast, I'd love to talk to him. That's number one. Number two, the first question I would have is please prove that there was a coup going on that you're responding to. Right? Because if there was, that makes things a little bit different. Yeah, that makes I mean, I don't think his actions are defensible. And I think he's lying about most of the things he's done just about it. But at the same time, I don't think I don't think there was the original coup. I think it was hatred of Hillary and conservative. We got to do what we got to do. Right kind of mentality racism, right. And so tax cuts for the rich. I mean, even fucking Steve pathetic, doesn't believe Sandy Hook happened. So like, he is not a real great. God dammit. So like, his idea that we were just I mean, we were just doing a counter coup, right? That is a coup. Whatever you were doing, no matter how effective it is, no matter how much you're lying about it, you had the intention of overthrowing our government. Yeah, agreed. Now, just because you were overthrowing the government, while the government was between administrations doesn't really matter.
Jordan (01:54:11.000)
Or just because you think you are overthrowing the government for a good reason. Right. That is even that's, that's the biggest, that's the biggest issue when you start throwing coup around is like, Oh, well, it's fine if we did a counter coup, because we did the coup for the right reasons. Right. So that reporting to us. Yeah, that just validates anybody. Yeah, who wants to do like, that's vigilante justice in the same way. Like, we know he's guilty. So that justifies us with doing anything. Well, that's right. That's why now that becomes a perspective issue. Right? So now everybody is justified in doing everything in this in the scope of what they believe to be just
Dan (01:54:50.000)
and you know, what, you know, that's why this entire rhetoric of inverting reality is so dangerous, right? Because if I just make the argument that you've inverted reality, then no matter What'd you say? It doesn't matter? No. If I say that you are just You're completely wrong about everything, you're inverting reality. You're blah, blah, blah, then it's entirely invalidates you.
Jordan (01:55:10.000)
Or if I call you a literal demon, right, then I can smell sulfur come of coming on. I've heard. It doesn't matter what I say. It doesn't matter what you say. You're a demon.
Dan (01:55:22.000)
Yeah. Even on this, this podcast, we're like, 40 Something episodes into it now. Like, we hate Alex Jones. But we'll give him credit when he makes a good point. Like he's not incapable of telling the truth. No, he just seems to lie all the time. Right? And that's the difference. I would never accuse him of. Like, all he does is invert reality, right? He lies all the fucking time lies
Jordan (01:55:47.000)
all the fucking time. So like this, it's generally speaking, he lies in such a way that leans into the truth, like interesting meaning meaning here is a here's a reality right here. And he lies almost like a fucking knife directly through it, trying to break any kind of continuity there. That's fair. So so long as you can lie in this certain spot. You can never allow that kind of continuity to continue with reality.
Dan (01:56:15.000)
I'll tell you this. Rihanna does not love the way he lives. I agree with you. I've been trying to transition to a clip about inverting reality for about the last two minutes. So my transition games are not strong, which means
Jordan (01:56:28.000)
once again, Rihanna has saved us both. Yeah.
Dan (01:56:32.000)
So here we go. Here is some thoughts about inversion of reality.
Alex Jones (01:56:35.000)
Total inversion of reality by this guy here this who
Keith Olbermann (01:56:39.000)
can rely. The first step towards compromising our FBI occurred Tuesday with the unilateral firing of its director by the President, prompted by the Attorney General, both of whom are or were at least in theory, possibly to be under investigation by the FBI as led by that director they fired. Our CIA is run by one of that President's political appointees. The first national security adviser was fired and may have been a Russian stooge. The second national security adviser has reportedly been yelled at by the President. Because he had had the temerity to disagree with him. He held that our State Department is in the hands of useless amateurs. Our United Nations mission is bereft of power and uninformed pausing, and the White House.
Alex Jones (01:57:22.000)
Rex Tillerson, if anything is compromised, bringing in Condoleezza Rice, and as a global expert, there's worked in over 160 countries. So again, that's more false statements, pure bull out of a guy openly calling for foreign governments to overthrow our president.
Dan (01:57:40.000)
Here's why that clip started with the inversion of reality thing and I caught it where I did. Ah, Rex Tillerson Tillerson.
Jordan (01:57:51.000)
Is it Tillison or tillers Tillerson? Tillerson? Yeah,
Dan (01:57:54.000)
he has been an oil CEO who's been 160 countries been to a lot of countries he got on a plane. That's not the same as diplomacy. So same as diplomacy. It's not I assure you, it's not oil.
Jordan (01:58:09.000)
I saw there will be blood. It's the same thing as diplomacy. But you understand that's the if I said I was an oil man. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Dan (01:58:24.000)
The inversion of reality is that like he's worked in these countries he's been there is a great Secretary of State. The inversion of reality is Alex. He's pretending that he's qualified to be the secretary of state because he's talked to CEOs and other countries, right. whoop dee shit. That means nothing. I went to London, I can ambassadorship. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, you're the fucking Faraj of this podcast. I've
Jordan (01:58:48.000)
been there. The Faraj Wow. That is maybe the worst thing anybody's ever said.
Dan (01:58:55.000)
I apologize. So this next clip just gets into straight up lies and I got some facts.
Alex Jones (01:59:02.000)
This is naked treason, and his arrogant sob thinks it's okay. Here it is.
Keith Olbermann (01:59:07.000)
Run by a cabal of an amoral family syndicate that has spent its first three months slapping $1 sign on anything that stood still long enough, a cabal with at its head, a man with seemingly no interest in our laws in our rights in our Constitution. And with a brain that appears to not work properly. Through our own negligence, the resentments and stupidities of millions of us and the boundless greed of our elite class. Our democracy has all been slipped away from us. It hangs today by a thread and those who could protect it and restore it and fight for it even at this late date. The Republican politicians whose voices today could force Trump out of office tomorrow. They are almost silent, owned by special interests and silenced by a power loss again,
Alex Jones (01:59:55.000)
you back it up. Trump is the only president 50 plus years the pension charge.
Dan (02:00:05.000)
I really wanted to cut there is the only president in 50 years to put Pence in charge. Yep, absolutely true. It's
Jordan (02:00:11.000)
true. It's not true. Now that's a true thing. Yeah. But
Dan (02:00:15.000)
it goes on, get rid of
Alex Jones (02:00:17.000)
all. All of the special interest, all of the lobbyist and to put bans on them. Didn't do that and bans on whoever works for him. Being lobbyists for over a decade definitely didn't do that special interest, or almost unanimously against him. Goldman Sachs gave all its money to Hillary, can you Morgan Chase all its money. Some will argue, well, he's hired Goldman Sachs folks to run things because they know how to run things. His orders, some will make a rational argument in our economy. So I didn't Oberman You are a liar.
Dan (02:00:51.000)
Speaking of liars,
Jordan (02:00:53.000)
I let's find out how much money Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan gave to each candidate when
Dan (02:01:00.000)
I'm gonna go to you. I mean, if you really want to play this game, first, we can. JPMorgan Chase gave $1.172 million to Hillary Clinton. Right. Goldman Sachs gave $1.050 million with just over a million dollars from both of them right to Hillary Clinton. They didn't give anything to Trump, as far as I can tell. But those were like, That's not that much money for big banks to give to a presidential candidate. The University of California almost gave $2 million to her. It's weird, then, a offshoot of Google alphabet incorporated gave 1.5 million Emily's list, a political action committee that tries to get more women Emily's in politics more Emily's involved. Yeah, I have a list of them. They gave $1.3 million. All of those are above JPMorgan Chase and Citi Group. Yes. Or I'm sorry, Goldman Sachs. Yeah, Citi Group also gave about a million. Yeah. But if we look at Trump's donators, and this is through, like the Freedom of Information Act, all this stuff is public. No, of course, his number one donator is Renaissance technologies. They gave $15,511,600. But that's a lot of money. Rennaissance rent,
Jordan (02:02:21.000)
what do they do you want to know what they do? I do their company, I assume that you didn't know and you just pull that fact out of nowhere.
Dan (02:02:27.000)
They're a company that's owned by Robert Mercer? Yeah, we mentioned him earlier. He's a left wing lunatic. He's the guy who's responsible for the funding of Breitbart.
Jordan (02:02:37.000)
Robert Mercer is not a left wing lunatic.
Dan (02:02:40.000)
I'm sorry, right wing.
Jordan (02:02:41.000)
He is the most right wing lunatic.
Dan (02:02:43.000)
Okay, you got me scared that I said left wing. You did say Oh, I fall. That's why corrected. He's naughty. He is. He's basically the purse of Steve Bannon. He's funded all kinds of things that he's been up to in the past. He has he's involved in Cambridge Analytica and Renaissance Technologies is a company of his the K $15 million to Trump's campaign bid, that whole self funding, canard of his campaign is bullshit. He have his own money which
Jordan (02:03:09.000)
he will which he will absolutely recoup, he already he already has by again and again. Yeah. He made he made an investment campaign. He didn't pay for
Dan (02:03:20.000)
it. The Chinese granting him a trademark on Trump. That alone will make him billions. So his second highest donator. In the campaign was McMahon ventures paid since McMahon and Melinda many, many has named Secretary of Small Business Administration. They gave $6,002,700 Jesus, so that might look like a little bit of pay to play kind of shit now. Also, as much understanding as I have of the pro wrestling business, there's a real reason why she would want to be in charge of the Small Business Association. Really? Yeah. Because there is a trend in pro wrestling towards unionizing. The wrestlers, their their free contract. That's right. I read that, yeah, they don't get insurance. They have to pay for their own transportation, between events and stuff like that. They're independent contractors. And the WWE has a vested interest in them never becoming employees, because it would cost them millions of dollars to insure them. It's a high risk sport. Everyone gets injured all the time, right. You have to pay for transportation for like 365 days a year for all of these people. It would
Jordan (02:04:35.000)
be insane. It is already insane that they're not
Dan (02:04:38.000)
it's wildly abusive. Yeah, as a business practice very much. And so Linda McMahon, they obviously think it's worth it to pay Trump $6 million. And then on the off chance he gets in office. She becomes the head of the small businesses.
Jordan (02:04:52.000)
Of course, of course it's worth it. $6 million would be what one year of their WWE travel not on that I'm not even close to that
Dan (02:05:01.000)
they have a roster that's like, I mean, they have Smackdown and raw. They do events on Mondays and Tuesdays for each of them. Right? They do dark nights in cities on other nights, right, that aren't televised. They have their pay per views. People are in different cities every day. Right? It'd be insane. Each roster is like 40, deep, 50 deep. That's like hundreds of people you got to pay for transportation, not including, I mean, I don't know what the situation is with their like techs, and the people who actually do building of the route the set pieces as it were, I don't know about that part of the business. But like, yeah, 6 million is nothing nothing but the fact that
Jordan (02:05:43.000)
it's all it's almost as though there's a goddamn global global cabal of rich people trying to fuck us over.
Dan (02:05:49.000)
So interestingly, his next highest funder is a business called GH Palmer associates. And they gave $5,005,400 to the Trump campaign. That doesn't ring a bell unnecessarily. You don't know who that is? Nope. It's owned by a guy named Geoffrey Palmer, who was a man who in 1991, paid a $30,000 fine for laundering campaign contributions to support the blocking of the incorporation of St. Clarita, California as a city. And the reason he did that is because he had a bunch of property in the town, he knew his taxes would go up if it became incorporated as a city. And there would be all sorts of no registrations all kinds of things, you'd have to follow all sorts of rules. And so what he did is he had a big company, he had his employees donate to this anti incorporation, cause he paid them back for it right and then had to pay a $30,000 fine for it. Now he is still active to the
Jordan (02:06:48.000)
$30,000 fine is fucking nothing to that guy. There is no punishment for these
Dan (02:06:53.000)
for giving money to try and subvert the will, right? There's no punishment for this. So I looked into him a little bit more, and I found this awesome article in And it's about Jeffrey Palmer. Developer Jeff Palmer has built more apartments in downtown Los Angeles than anyone else, more than 3000. And they're all fucking terrible. His squat nearly identical fortresses with embarrassing names like the viscosity and the muddy, he aren't just ugly, although they are very ugly. They're vacuums designed to suck the life out of a neighborhood that has worked so hard to become lively in the past decade. So basically, what he does is he comes in and makes cookie cutter. Yeah, he's a
Jordan (02:07:33.000)
developer that fucks up. He makes projects. That's what he does
Dan (02:07:37.000)
very, very expensive projects, Geez, that have that specifically are designed to keep affordable housing out of neighborhood of course. So this this article goes on to give some of his worst hits. And here are a couple of them. Palmer wrote in an email to Los Angeles magazine that he quote, wanted to recapture downtown's former glory with the buildings, which are collectively referred to barfing li as the Renaissance collection. He adds that he's totally incomprehensible but kind of Italianate architecture style is actually historical. The Italians actually settled la before the Spanish and Chinese that of course, is not in any way true. What the Spanish found in LA and 70 100 talking about
Jordan (02:08:24.000)
Italians. Wow, that's a complete inversion of reality.
Dan (02:08:31.000)
Yep. Palmer's the man responsible for destroying the very last building in the last downtown neighborhood of Bunker Hill. The city wiped out most of the neighborhood which it deemed a slum starting in the 1950s. But there was 118 100 1800s Queen Anne house left on Cesar Chavez Avenue and Figaro Street in the late 1980s. When Palmer began to work there on the Orsini, it was called the geese house, and it was protected under preservation laws, there are plans in place to move the house to Angelino heights, but Palmer's workers demolished it. Instead, their excuse a bulldozer had accidentally backed into it, making it unsavable. It gets even more screwed up, though, when the city suggested it might hold Palmer accountable for his actions. He sued the city. In the end, he only had to pay $200,000 and provided some public mitigations Jesus, which basically, the public medications that we can find are that all of his amenities are private. So basically, he has outward facing homes. Yeah, so like, if you walk down the street, it's just the facade of a building. But then interiorly there'll be like a pool and a courtyard and shit like that. He has one building that has a fountain that is accessible to the public. And so that is his public mitigates this.
Jordan (02:09:45.000)
Yep, this is we are living in the exact same circumstances the roaring 20s Hold on, like we're in robber baron territory.
Dan (02:09:55.000)
Hold on. There's more to this. Palmer's potentially hurt efforts throughout the state to build more Adly needed affordable housing. He's won two lawsuits to keep affordable apartments out of his buildings, including one over the pier oh two that pokes a hole in the city's ability to make zoning laws that require affordable housing. According to La magazine, affordable housing advocates often blame that decision. The one that yeah, the Palmer was responsible for it. Yep. When they point to the paucity of low income housing downtown. So he's actively, you know, hurting the ability of people to get apartments. Yeah, Palmer's properties are according to Palmer's company. 95% full rents range from about $2,000 to about $5,000. But the tenants don't actually seem to like it their quote, There are consistent complaints about trash and property damage around the premises, about the noise from other tenants, many are students and about what people describe as lakhs oversights. His company actually has its own management subsidiary that runs the building, so it's all his fault. Also, someone had emailed this article, and they made an update, that the Palmer's buildings are also magnets for break ins, far more than any other downtown buildings. Plus, they have tons of security cameras that don't seem to stop any of that. I read the article that was linked to about the break ins. And it's insane the statistics in terms of like what you should expect for these buildings, right? It's like eight times Jesus. Yeah, they're just super easy to break into apparently. Wow. So that's his third biggest donator who's a shitty slumlord on a massive scale? Yeah, yeah. Who's next? Now the NFL team, the Houston Texans
Jordan (02:11:34.000)
that actually sounds about right, over a million dollars. The NFL is a slumlord operation if ever there was why was it specifically the Houston Texans? I have no idea. I love Euston. I have no idea that Alex Jones, he's the Texan. So we got the Houston the Texans.
Dan (02:11:52.000)
We got Robert Mercer, Linda McMahon, this slumlord. And then the Houston Texans, that sounds about three out of four make total sense. So but like the argument there that we're talking about, we
Jordan (02:12:03.000)
didn't know if you know more about the NFLs business model, then it's more shocking that all of the NFL didn't do. Well. Yeah, Roger Goodell can go fuck himself. Right?
Dan (02:12:15.000)
But so like, when you want to say that like Hillary's evil because she took a million dollars from JP Morgan. Yeah, you got five times that from this shitty slumlord? Yeah, we got six times that from Linda McMahon? Yeah.
Dan (02:12:29.000)
Yeah, first of all,
Dan (02:12:30.000)
there's no way of knowing a lot of individual donations aren't, are through super super PACs in the light. Yeah, I tried to find breakdowns of like the Donald Trump for president P. Pac. Yeah. And I just, I can't find, and I don't think that's publicly available.
Jordan (02:12:45.000)
It's very specifically not publicly available. That's the whole point of Super PACs. Like the idea that golden Goldman Sachs did not donate anything to Trump's campaign is fucking insane. Because I guarantee that individuals from Goldman Sachs absolutely donated a shit ton of money totally to Trump. So no way they didn't. So now
Dan (02:13:08.000)
we've got to get back to the other bullshit that was in that clip. Jesus, there's so much bullshit and yeah, like that. One is like, all right. You can hang your hat on the banks giving her money, right, whatever, public banks. Now we go back to the lobbying thing. Ah, because Trump did put out an executive order that said that people can't lobby. I recall that. for that. Unfortunately, a little bit after that. It came out that he was just giving people secret waivers. Oh, what a surprise. He was giving lobbyists in his campaign secret waivers. That Oh, doesn't matter. Who cares? Okay, no, no.
Jordan (02:13:46.000)
Well, he promised that he would cut like when he was campaigning, that was the one thing where you could not argue
Dan (02:13:53.000)
that Sure. If special interests get rid of the whole the whole idea
Jordan (02:13:57.000)
of likes a of saying I'm going to get rid of lobbyists is a good idea. Yep. One that should be done totally. And it seems like it has not been done even in the slightest. It is not I am
Dan (02:14:09.000)
going to read to you from this New York Times article. The federal government's top ethics officer is challenging the Trump campaigns issuance of secret waivers that allow former lobbyists to handle matters they recently worked on setting up a confrontation between the ethics office and President Trump. The move by Walter M. Shaw, Jr, the Director of the Office of governmental ethics is the latest sign of rising tension between Mr. Sharp and the Trump White House. Mr. Sharp has tried several times to use his limited powers to force Mr. Trump to broadly honor federal ethics rules, as well as the ethics order that Mr. Trump himself signed in late January. That's a bad start to the article that
Jordan (02:14:49.000)
is the largest uphill battle there ever has been. The Ethics Office is trying to force the least ethical administration. In any of our lifetimes, to observe ethical norms and their own ethical standards, yeah, no, just do what you said not even close. No, constitutionally, he's already violated the Emoluments Clause 10 million times he should have been out of office on day one totally.
Dan (02:15:16.000)
The most recent request came late Friday when Mr. Sharp asked every executive branch agency including the White House to give him by June 1, a copy of any waivers issued to political employees, allowing them to ignore any part of the executive branch's ethics policy, saying in his letter that he was, quote, advancing the mission of the Executive Branch Ethics Program. Such waivers are typically issued when the administration wants to allow a new political appointee or employee to work on an issue like federal housing or environmental policy that involves people the new employee may have worked with previously. For example, Ernest J. Morin's, the energy secretary in the Obama administration was allowed to work on matters that involve General Electric even though Mr. Manas as a nuclear physicist had served on a General Electric advisory board about 70 Such waivers were issued during the Obama administration. Mr. Trump, in his ethics order made several fundamental changes in this process, some of which Mr. Shaw is challenging. First, Mr. Trump eliminated a prohibition imposed by Barack Obama in 2009. On the hiring of staff members who had in the previous two years had lobbied the agency they now wanted to work for former lobbyist seeking jobs and Mr. Trump's administration administration must get a waiver from the ethics rules if they want to work on matters that overlap with their lobbying assignments in the previous two years. But ah, there's a but Mr. Trump has chosen to keep the waivers secret. He dropped a practice in place during the Obama administration that any waiver would be shared with the Office of governmental ethics and posted on the White House website or the Ethics Office website or on both the combined result eliminating the ban on hiring former lobbyist and keeping secret any waivers granted to new hires means the public has no way of knowing if Mr. Trump's staff are complying with the rules
Jordan (02:17:06.000)
which they are not terminated. The public has a very simple way of knowing whether or not Trump staff is complying with the rules whether or not anybody is complying with the rules and so far publicly fucking nobody? Nope. So why would you imagine the secret bullshit is even coming close to complying with the
Dan (02:17:26.000)
rule. The article goes on to talk about how like the idea of terminating the release of the visitor logs to the White House. Yeah, plays into that even more. One is brutal. Yeah. So the idea of like, lobbyists don't even have to really do anything they can just show up, don't
Jordan (02:17:39.000)
even need to hide this shit. Like the idea that you give a nuclear physicist, a waiver. Even though he's worked with GE in the past, you're like, Dude, I don't even he's a nuclear physicist, like there's a part of me that's like, Oh, he's a nuclear physicist. Fine. I'm good with
Dan (02:17:59.000)
it. No, I totally support that. I think that's oversight. And it's great. And yeah, public that all is great. That that is like Obama given waivers to people is, I mean, we don't like the idea of lobbyists being involved in things that they, but at the same time, if it's all out in the open, right and done officially, there are reasons for a nuclear physicist to work in the field that he used to work. And it didn't even seem
Jordan (02:18:24.000)
like he was doing lobbying. It was like, he just worked for GE in the past. Yeah. So the whole point of that waiver is like, we know you worked for them. We want to be way above board. Exactly. Yeah. You you've worked for them. And so if you were not paying attention, and if you just got the headline, former GE employee now working for the Obama administration, you'd be on energy policy. Yeah, exactly. You'd be like, oh, there's something going on there. Instead of former GE employee who was also a nuclear physicist, well, who has a clear expertise dude that he gave to GE as well as the Obama administration, instead of just this guy worked for them. Well, dude,
Dan (02:19:06.000)
what it is, is like Obama dotted his T's and crossed his arms. Yeah. As it were. I know. I got that backwards. But like, he crossed his T's and dotted his eyes. Yeah. But with little hearts, but Trump doesn't know how to write. Like, that's basically what's going on. They were too careful. He doesn't realize and who cares? I don't
Jordan (02:19:25.000)
think I don't think they were too careful. I think Obama had to be exactly as careful as he was. Well, now
Dan (02:19:31.000)
even how are we going to erase it?
Jordan (02:19:32.000)
Exactly. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. No matter what Obama did, he was fought it and apparently, no matter what Trump does, nobody's gonna stop
Dan (02:19:42.000)
him. Yep. And that is all the evidence you need that we live in a profoundly racist society. Absolutely. Anyway, this next clip is about Comey a little bit and then we get
Jordan (02:19:53.000)
into we get back to Olbermann.
Alex Jones (02:19:56.000)
It's pathetic what you claim
Keith Olbermann (02:19:59.000)
that the government and those who can protect it and restore it and fight for it even at this late date. The Republican politicians whose voices today could force Trump out of office tomorrow, they are almost silent, owned by special interests and silenced by a power that exceeds even whatever dedication to freedom. They once had a blow but a few of them fall back into platitudes about the leader of the country, firing the head of the FBI and precipitating a constitutional crisis in order to shut down the investigation of his possible high crime. Okay,
Alex Jones (02:20:32.000)
let's hit pause again. Hey, Overman, every major Democrat, that goes on television or tweets, from Hillary Clinton, to her husband, to Nancy Pelosi, to Maxine Waters to Michael Moore, all of them. Well, we nailed everybody have come out and said get rid of Comey. He's horrible. But now you claim that's not the case. Because you think your viewers are a bunch of idiots and the type of folks that go to GQ to get their news and think they're smart to watch you read off the teleprompter. The names of spy agencies like oh my gosh, you're so smart. Every 30 seconds to look down papers to imply you have notes and aren't reading off the teleprompter shows your total acting deception. Mr. Baby
Dan (02:21:19.000)
so that's teleprompter two but also Mr. Baby Mr.
Jordan (02:21:21.000)
Baby I love you we can
Dan (02:21:26.000)
move on to the next clip because that's all stuff we've already covered. It's all that false so that's yeah, that's all that false equivalence shit about
Jordan (02:21:32.000)
I am going to deal with none of what you said I am instead going to say what I want to say
Dan (02:21:37.000)
and that you know hey, I'm gonna pretend that the Democrats said about a different situation applies to this current so
Jordan (02:21:43.000)
whatever rubber row whatever Democrats are doing, we're doing but only to stop Democrats from doing what we're doing. Now. Unfortunately,
Dan (02:21:49.000)
in this next clip, Alex kind of loses track of what's going on the hinges come off the door, and we see what's behind it. And we see what he's really mad about
Alex Jones (02:22:00.000)
Mr. Baby, here it is. It is
Keith Olbermann (02:22:03.000)
currently rings, his hands about timing and how troubled they are. And then they go back to calculating how they will most easily get reelected with scholarship pause. Again,
Alex Jones (02:22:12.000)
I agree that a lot of Republicans are a bunch of hand wringing blue blood scum that we're going to remove from office for the ballot box Dumbo, not through martial law, or civil insurrection or foreign powers include a TOS that you're calling for while you claim we've done that. We're got people running for office everywhere, winning promoting prosperity, the Second Amendment defending Christians rights, defending our Republic, and you don't like it you're tired of kicking Christians that have to have their way sexually mutilate women and put a jibs on little girl's head that kind of Islam and the schools are over here. The Republicans who hated Christianity so much you made a deal with radical Islam and Europe and the US to bring it in to cockle us and basically rock Lady Liberty in front of us while she's chained down on a bed and my word chained down with a ball gag in our mouth. There's concern into bonded areas specific and we're not gonna be in slaved by East Coast fop fake pseudo intellectual pieces of garbage reading off teleprompters. Do you understand? Obermann understand that you filthy degenerate unAmerican, seditious slime bag failure to stretch your family, you are the biggest liar this planet's ever seen. And there are a bunch of old stupid Republican establishment people that really care what CNN and MSNBC still say or think, and they still are sincere, and still are impressed by you Overman. But most of us aren't impressed anymore Oberman
Dan (02:23:42.000)
The good news is that he's totally in control.
Jordan (02:23:49.000)
When he lets when he lets it when he's angry, because he lets his anger right right. Letting it out. He letting the dogs off the leash, he
Dan (02:23:57.000)
lets himself accidentally expose as you were saying that this is all about this warped version of conservatism that is all about guns and Christian fear.
Jordan (02:24:09.000)
No, there's no like, does I worry that every single Republican conservative who throws the Constitution around has never actually read fucking word one. I think they know the Second Amendment well
Jordan (02:24:31.000)
from listening to episodes and that's fucking it literally
Dan (02:24:34.000)
two episodes back from 2014. I can tell you that every single order that Alex Jones sends out from the Infowars store comes along with a pocket constitution. Right?
Jordan (02:24:43.000)
Well, that's that is the that is the thing about it. Is that at no point in time, do they ever talk about fucking anything but the Second Amendment and and just
Dan (02:24:55.000)
even just like we saw, even when they do, it's not nuanced? No, just
Jordan (02:25:00.000)
Second Amendment Christianity. That's fucking it the end of what conservatives ideology regarding the Constitution, Matt, but
Dan (02:25:08.000)
even in the case of Alex, it's not really about supporting those things. It's about fear. Yeah, it's about this, like gets into that idea of like, you liberals are in bed with Islam and it's cutting us
Jordan (02:25:20.000)
right and stuff like that it's
Jordan (02:25:21.000)
cockling us it's not cut Kolding it's warming the cockles
Dan (02:25:24.000)
of our hearts. So that would that was just nuts. That is not that was not but that's it's so
Jordan (02:25:31.000)
revealing. Yeah, but so revealing, like the like the thing about the thing that we talked about last episode, too, was he's always priming people for the argument. This is theirs. They're like, fucking okay, you support the second amendment? Named the fourth? Sure. Like, what's your what's the 17th? What's the 21st? Like all of this shit, you go through all of these constitutional amendments you and and again, imagine, imagine the world where these amendments fucking happen. Like, it requires two thirds of the states. It requires two thirds of the Congress, it requires two thirds of all of this shit. It is impossible. Never. It is impossible to imagine amendments happening today. Never right. Never. You can't imagine one amendments of the Constitution other than maybe in six months and amendment very similar to a Simpson situation where it says no Trumps. Like that's
Dan (02:26:33.000)
it. No more reality show. Yeah,
Jordan (02:26:35.000)
exactly. That isn't an amendment. I bet we could get two thirds
Dan (02:26:39.000)
on it's possible. But anyway, if you thought that last clip was crazy, you're not ready for this clip.
Jordan (02:26:43.000)
I'm definitely not that one
Alex Jones (02:26:46.000)
minute you went to a public school sporting event like I do. And you took your children there to compete in that with a private school that competes with public schools. And you walked up and had all this third and fourth and fifth graders run over like you were a rock star. You'd be impressed with you. Those kids don't know who you are Oberman. They know who I am Obermann completely and how you're hated. And only East Coast and West Coast trendies scared of the road shadows scared of freedom. Scared of America who hate Christians. They're the only ones like your little pseudo intellectual. Mr. Obermann. Okay, Mr. Obermann.
Dan (02:27:31.000)
How fucking awesome is that? Alex is bragging about being huge with the 10 year old market. Nine to 11 year old market of third to fifth grade. They love me at my kids school.
Jordan (02:27:49.000)
I'm done. I'm done. I quit the show. I quit the show. That's
Jordan (02:27:53.000)
all I've ever wanted. I wish that was the
Jordan (02:27:57.000)
man. Let me ask you a question. Have you ever been to my son's soccer game?
Alex Jones (02:28:03.000)
Jordan (02:28:04.000)
Oh, shut the fuck up. You're not a patriot? Because my son scored two
Dan (02:28:10.000)
goals. No. Now I want to be clear about something I
Jordan (02:28:14.000)
want to be clear about. That's the crow shit I've ever heard. When
Dan (02:28:18.000)
I when I was in high school. There was I took broadcast production classes and there was a guy who was on local access TV who taught the classes. His name was Ron Whitman. He was coolest shit. Okay, he was a really nice guy and he was amazed only two ways to go if you're Ron would bend. Ron Whitman
Dan (02:28:35.000)
rod. Run with Ben with Ben. Okay. Yeah, that's the Super coolest dude. The coolest or that is the single fucking worst dude you ever met in your life name is Rod Ron Ron wind Ben Ron with Ben. I'm never gonna remember the show on public access called Whitman's way.
Dan (02:28:55.000)
And then he got leveled with the school and he started teaching broadcast production classes. And there was a station called on TV, Channel 16. It was like school access. And he taught kids how to use cameras and create new stories. Cool. That was the class and then your stories would be on the public axis. I did that for three years in high school. And he was like a mentor to me. He was a really awesome dude. But I can tell you that when he went to games that his kids played, like when he went people would storm the shit out of him just because he was kind of a local local celebs in the same way that Alex there's not a lot of media in Austin. If you go to a game, that's a that's a big deal for kids who just know the idea. This guy is famous, right? When you're 10 you don't know about the globalists? You also don't know this guy's a huge liar.
Jordan (02:29:46.000)
Look, they're like whatever to bellwethers. I know regarding popularity, right? One knowledge of globalists, how many shirts are being sold sure to how to 10 year olds feel about you? Well, like It's
Dan (02:29:59.000)
so pathetic too, because even if you take the artifice away from it even if you take the part that there lies, hold on,
Jordan (02:30:06.000)
the argument is that 10 year old love him anyways, keep going. But
Dan (02:30:09.000)
even if you take it on its purest merits, and that he is telling the truth. He is making an argument that I'm more popular than you, which is at its base petty. And it's kind of as against what he tries to argue.
Jordan (02:30:23.000)
Well, he always argued that it's not about him. It's not about him, but it's
Dan (02:30:27.000)
about him being popular with 10 year olds.
Jordan (02:30:29.000)
Well, it is about, can we, alright,
Dan (02:30:34.000)
I don't believe I don't believe that. It's impressive to like, even if those kids agreed with you, on your bullshit positions, Alex, I don't believe that it's impressive that people who are done forming their brains, right, agree with you. Well, now this they don't have political positions at 10.
Jordan (02:30:52.000)
This begs the question, and I asked this to you policy walks, how many of you are 10? And how to 10 year olds feel about us?
Dan (02:31:01.000)
He says, I don't want to know. For a while there was a girl called in my old podcast freezing point. And she was like 17. And I was like, I can't talk to you. I know you're just calling into my podcast, but this is still your time. Stop listening to this podcast. I don't want you to mock me when I go to my son's games.
Jordan (02:31:21.000)
I don't want you to have a son. I don't want me to have a son either. So Alex,
Dan (02:31:25.000)
congratulations on the fourth grade market. I'm pretty thrilled with you. Now, if you thought that his rant was over, it's not I had to segment it off. This next part is weird. That you think like that was weird. That was super weird. This is even weirder. How is that? Okay,
Alex Jones (02:31:45.000)
let's go back to the crimes you're calling for on air. And now you've put yet what you're claiming on us. Back to him.
Keith Olbermann (02:31:52.000)
We the citizens of the United States of America are victims of a coup. For months, we have heard that your organization's have damning evidence against Donald John Trump. Whatever evidence you may have, cannot come out and he won't Oh, no, whatever we in this country are too.
Alex Jones (02:32:10.000)
Ill. For months. We've heard from liars like you. There's all this damning evidence, let him win trumpet lives. One of the cleanest lives there is and it's all about winning and all about never letting himself get into trouble. And being upright. All he does is eat sweets, two scoops of ice cream and a piece of cake every night. That's what he does. No alcohol. No drugs, no cigarettes. No nothing. Everybody knows. That's why he's so successful and so healthy. It's 70 years of age. You liar. But you know, we hear you've got all this stuff. Give it to us. Oh, like BuzzFeed was made up PP game? What am I said BuzzFeed said you got found he thought when was about four or five little two year olds having sex with them? It's not true. You never did that. You're not a pedophile, Mr. Obermann. But what if we acted like the press does for Trump? What if one of that's skipped this break? One of it was like that. Mr. Obermann? How would you or how about we said, Mr. Obermann, that you're a bank fraud expert. You've stolen money from children's charities. None of that's true. But you know what is true about the Clinton stole 97% of the money from Haiti. They organized the charities and stolen but you will never report on that because you're a pseudo intellectual preying on America and your whole cult and culture is hating those of us that live in flyover territory. Isn't that right, Mr. Obermann? Let's go back to your life
Dan (02:33:26.000)
Jordan (02:33:27.000)
Let me ask you a question. I'm listening. What? So two scoops of ice cream that came out in the news apparently, was so so the news said that Donald got two scoops. And everybody else got one scoop. Which again, who cares? I don't want to live in this world. And who cares? I want to die. I want to die because that's on the news. Right? Right. But second, that's a pro. I guess he eats his vice that his wife also assaulting women also every night
Dan (02:34:03.000)
also assaulting women.
Jordan (02:34:07.000)
There's only one vice that I accept
Dan (02:34:10.000)
Jordan (02:34:11.000)
sweets, he's got to fight to sweets. He's
Dan (02:34:13.000)
got a sweet tooth. He lives the cleanest life. That's why he's a mentally degraded. 70 year old who's clearly on amphetamines. And his weirdo doctors vouch for him, clearly. Look, that part is
Jordan (02:34:25.000)
That's the craziest fucking thing. That's fucking hilarious. That's fucking lunacy.
Dan (02:34:29.000)
Then at the same time, he's okay. So I want to come totally clean. I've
Jordan (02:34:34.000)
been doing you've eaten ice cream before you monster one time.
Dan (02:34:39.000)
I had two ice cream bars. You bastard. One night, two ice cream bars one night? Yeah. So I've been doing a
Jordan (02:34:46.000)
lot of listening peanut butter.
Dan (02:34:47.000)
I have. Yeah, cause cops fuck. I've been listening
Jordan (02:34:51.000)
this this invalidated our entire argument. I've been doing a lot of back research
Dan (02:34:55.000)
on Alex Jones this shows and I've started to realize that He is an adaptable creature. And he learns from his past mistakes, like and his behavior gets changed. So in this casino morph Well, in this instance, like you heard him do that speculation about, you know, Overman. What if I said you're a pedophile? You're not You're not
Jordan (02:35:17.000)
right in the past. Oh, yeah. He was
Dan (02:35:21.000)
sued by Chobani. Right? He's very clear to be like, now I'm not saying that. Right. Because he has to get that in. Right? It this is exactly the same thing that happened on December 21 2012. He learned the lesson of y2k. We went over the y2k episode, where he was causing panic yeah being like, everything there out there out of gas all over Austin. There's concentration camps being set up. Yep. In the in the airport. There's no water. Yeah, there was all kinds of shit that he was doing when the next sort of big media hoax end of the world thing.
Jordan (02:36:00.000)
No, that's, that's right. I can put like you said December 21 2012. And I was like, That just seems like a regular date. And now I remember. That's when people thought the world was
Dan (02:36:09.000)
supposed to be the end of the Mayan calendar. Yeah. So on that episode, first of all, on the 21st he had David Icke as a guest, which is great trolling. That's hilarious. But on the 20th he is going on like, well, we're on the eve of the end of the world. I gotta be honest, I'm being sarcastic everyone, I'm being sarcastic. That's, he had to like really emphatically be like, Listen, I got fucking crucified because of how fucked up I was around y2k. I'm not doing that again. Right. He's he isn't an adaptable creature. It's interesting to me. It's like you see him being checked, kind of by the world. Now he eventually will end up forgetting those checks, right? Like he's going to slander someone again in the future. But are Alex Yeah, but for now, it's it's recent enough. And it is the next time he's like, Oh, fuck, I'm close to slander. I've got to really point out that I'm not saying this
Jordan (02:37:02.000)
also. And it all it is. It's also like, my go to is pedophilia, right. That's my go to right. Because that's the worst crime you can commit or vampire if I want to be vague. Yeah, exactly. But I know I can't do that as aggressively now. So I'm going to say it and then walk it back just a tiny bit
Dan (02:37:21.000)
to fraud. Exactly. And then also that Hillary stuff isn't true. Look into it.
Jordan (02:37:25.000)
Dan (02:37:27.000)
I mean, there's a lot of I mean, most charities don't give nearly as much.
Jordan (02:37:32.000)
No, you should, you should absolutely research a charity before you give to it, because a lot of them are. That's why they're nonprofits. They are also, you know, there's still a lot of them businesses in a lot of ways. That's why
Dan (02:37:45.000)
I support giving to independent charities. Absolutely. Like the Ali Forney Center, they literally passed their look, the Clinton Foundation isn't perfect, but they were not running a scam to rob Haiti of all their money. No, that part is fucking cockamamie bullshit. They just played by the same rules that lots of charities do.
Jordan (02:38:07.000)
Yeah. And if you want to go by scams to rob havy, Haiti of their money, god, they're so goddamn many why
Dan (02:38:13.000)
class there. But like, but also at the same time, like you have to understand if you're running a global charity, there's massive overhead to it in terms of administration, employees, things like that. So a lot of that money is just by default going to be
Jordan (02:38:31.000)
we routed which we are not supporting at all, we're just why we're
Dan (02:38:36.000)
talking about when you want to give to something direct charity is usually the best way to go because there's less overhead, they're more on the ground, the resources go more directly to the cause that you're interested in supporting.
Jordan (02:38:47.000)
Right. And what's the most effective form of charity? Volunteering, federal funding?
Dan (02:38:53.000)
Oh, well, that to that is well, unfortunately, that's gone. Yeah,
Jordan (02:38:59.000)
exactly. No, there's so many there's so many different things that you get rid of, in terms of oversight and the like, if it is a direct one to one federal funding charity.
Dan (02:39:09.000)
This episode is gonna be four fucking hours long.
Jordan (02:39:12.000)
How many hours? Are we out already? We're
Dan (02:39:13.000)
at three. Oh, I have more claps
Jordan (02:39:17.000)
Jesus. Let's do it. Okay, so this next clip, listen up policy wonks, you're the ones who asked for a bunch of you have
Dan (02:39:23.000)
said, There's no such thing as too long. We'll find out. So this next clip is a string of bullshit. And then then a character assassination that does not land with me tyrannous
Keith Olbermann (02:39:36.000)
ability and our freedom, and a government controlling this country that is, at least sane is your surest guarantee of a prosperous future. Indeed, perhaps.
Alex Jones (02:39:46.000)
Yeah, let's keep the United States let the data be trannys. And let's teach them that mother and father is hurtful. She can't use that. Let's ban whiteboards in school. Let's have professors say there's no free speech at colleges and let's have sorrows fun Black Lives Matter to go out and kill cops
Jordan (02:40:02.000)
everywhere all this straw man here,
Alex Jones (02:40:04.000)
firing people criticize the Democrats canceling your TV shows all your insanity. And then you point your finger at us with pure projection and then say that we are the insane ones. Let's go back to Keith Olbermann who when he was an MSNBC they call him bathtub boy because he demanded a bathtub in his in his dressing room and he would last for hours that that is a fact. Alex Jones bathtub boy little spoiled rollin sports crowd that knows everything is not gonna sit very well like a general and call for foreign forces to overthrow our president while he claims that we're the coup d'etat and he's the coup d'etat here it is.
Dan (02:40:42.000)
So now I want to be clear. I want to be clear, all of those things that he brought up are things that we have discussed and debunked in the past. Yep, the whiteboards on campus the whole ship Black Lives Matter Killing cops all that stuff is nonsense. whole shebang. Oh, cloth, but bathtub boy.
Jordan (02:41:00.000)
I've never heard bathtub before.
Dan (02:41:01.000)
Neither have I but I'll tell you this.
Jordan (02:41:03.000)
Did you look into it? No.
Dan (02:41:05.000)
But if I had a TV show, you got a damn right. I have a bathtub. In my green room. Are you kidding me? I love that. I don't think that that like that, to me does not look like that's not like some sort of sign of a blue blood. Whatever. That's kind of a brooding. Do you notice? Like, yeah, is a contemplative place, right? Kind of you're
Jordan (02:41:25.000)
retreating. You have a glass of white wine and a book and you just wonder about yourself. It's like a
Dan (02:41:29.000)
womb kind of like Dino almost hiding out. Like the attack does not land and you're like, Ah ha ha give me Caviar in the tub. Right? That's not what I see. I see Keith Olbermann just being like super stressed out. Like, I love baths. I've got to be on set all the time. I have to make this show. I can read in the tub. i That's a thing that relaxes me. What the fuck? What's wrong with that? Yeah. And if people started calling me bathtub boy, I find that I get that an insult from a lot of my friends that are like, hey, you know you never get clean in the tub. Like, that's not the primary function. I take showers also. But I like to sit in the tub. Like for most of my life, I was a bubble bath guy. But then as I got older I transitioned to bath salts. Bath Salts are amazing
Jordan (02:42:18.000)
this got very personal for you did the bathtub boy
Dan (02:42:22.000)
thing gonna take me out?
Jordan (02:42:24.000)
tubs are great up fight with
Dan (02:42:27.000)
you. And I can guarantee that Alex has a huge bathtub and his palatial mansion is million dollar.
Jordan (02:42:33.000)
Do you know it to me? opulence is not the bathtub to me. opulence is the double showerhead. Oh, yeah. Have you ever taken a shower with two showerheads?
Dan (02:42:42.000)
I'm aware of resistance bow.
Jordan (02:42:43.000)
Oh, I had a one back one from the front. Oh, I had a so when I was in college or something, one of my friends had a rich friend. And we stayed over it. They're like, penthouse apartment one time and they had three showerheads, and I swear to God, it was the most opulent, beautiful experience of my life. And I enjoyed it for all of five minutes before I was like, you know, a lot of places don't have fresh water and done I'm like, fuck, god dammit, I can't enjoy anything. No, you
Dan (02:43:17.000)
can't enjoy the tripleheader
Jordan (02:43:18.000)
No, it was it was amazing. And I would encourage everyone to burn those down and give your fresh water to people who fucking need it. And also, if you ever experience it pretty great. It's amazing. Yeah,
Dan (02:43:31.000)
like the same way about a tub. I lucked my way into my younger years that had Jetson it Oh, right raising? Are you kidding me? Yeah. Now we're gonna discuss good to be white and rich. Some people who are not. And also Alex lying about them. Great.
Keith Olbermann (02:43:48.000)
Here it is your assurance guarantee of any future at all. Now we need
Alex Jones (02:43:55.000)
your help pause again. He talks to a software two years old and real slow. He looks down because we didn't tell him. Let me I talked about we're gonna talk for now. I wrote this myself. Of course he didn't want me act like I wrote it. Oh, my God. That's my heartfelt because I'm reading off teleprompter. When can we show the camera here was a little prompter here. Now now see Mr. Fake intellectual? What's backing up Tim Sykes is because this is a key part right here. He says the world is in danger because of us. It was the Clintons gave nuclear reactors in North Korea. That was the liberal elites and the Communist Chinese nuclear weapons back in the 60s. That doesn't make any sense either. And it's been our elites that have been destabilizing the world forever. And now Trump wants to end all that kind of sense of pragmatism and you don't like it? So you claim the world is in danger because of him. Let's continue.
Dan (02:44:47.000)
So the third part that we're destabilizing the world totally true. Now I'm gonna walk you I'm on board with that part. I'm gonna walk you through the facts about nuclear history. Here's
Jordan (02:44:55.000)
here's the thing that gets to me is continuing to call him Have a fake intellectual, which is which is like that it's it's similar to the racist dog whistle. But it's that like he's not saying anything particularly intellectual no and he speaking very clearly and directly.
Dan (02:45:16.000)
Your I want you to hold off on this criticism because I think he'll get to why he's saying this it's all appearance based okay. He's going to insult his appearance real hard and Okay.
Jordan (02:45:26.000)
All right but my but my point being like, that's the quickest way to get that alt right on your side is like or the Oh, this guy is like intellectual. Yeah, this guy thinks he's an expert. Experts don't mean anything. I don't need an expert. I'm a I'm a What did you go to college? Gay?
Dan (02:45:44.000)
You have a degree. I'm a proud boy.
Jordan (02:45:47.000)
So I got a degree in being proud of being a boy.
Dan (02:45:50.000)
Talking about Chinese nuclear history. Yes. So in the 1950s, we had the Korean War. The Korean conflict is some of Colville 20% of North Korea's population. And here's a really fucked up thing I learned during my research into this. In 1950. General MacArthur wanted to shoot 34 nuclear bombs at China to quote create a belt of radioactive cobalt across the neck of Manchuria. So there could be no land Invasion of Korea from the North for at least 60 years. That's crazy. I'm starting to think America is not always the good guy didn't know that. That's nuts, I'm guessing create a radioactive blockade.
Jordan (02:46:34.000)
I'm guessing that's not a widely publicized fact. I bet on American history classes in fucking high school, they don't go oh, by the way, our generals have occasionally wanted to murder millions of people and make sure that there's a radioactive belt even around Manchuria
Dan (02:46:53.000)
even in like I was a history minor in college and my emphasis was American history. Yeah, that was not even told me I was
Jordan (02:46:59.000)
no I am. I am obsessed with American history. Like, I recommend reading barbara tuchman all day every day at no point in time. Did I ever hear about this
Dan (02:47:11.000)
shit? Yeah. So in 1955, the Soviet Union announced that it would assist China in research into peaceful uses of atomic energy in 1956 that sang Hua University in Taiwan, built its first Research Nuclear Reactor. In 1969. The Institute of nuclear energy research buys a reactor from Canada. Those are how China got their nuclear reactors. Could you they built their first
Jordan (02:47:39.000)
the name of it, was it xi A ng space, AQa
Dan (02:47:44.000)
Jordan (02:47:47.000)
o Shang, who? All right,
Dan (02:47:49.000)
come on, man.
Jordan (02:47:50.000)
I'm sorry, I just like Chinese.
Dan (02:47:52.000)
Alright, fine. I admit I did not pronounce it correctly. But that university in Taiwan, it was on the foreground and forefront of Chinese nuclear research and still is to this day, right? If they within the next year, it's theorized will create a meltdown proof nuclear reactor. That's fucking amazing. Yeah, they're, they're doing some amazing research there and have been for the last 60 years, which is super
Jordan (02:48:16.000)
important, because that is a that's a really valuable, like, just like other, you know, other alternative fuels like solar power, if you actually get nuclear reactors
Dan (02:48:30.000)
outweigh the risk? Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.
Jordan (02:48:33.000)
Because because when you talk about I mean, like, when you talk about pure pound for pound energy, there isn't really much that can compare with Fusion and feasibility of fusion. And fission is, that's a borderline infinite resource. That's, that's the fucking sun like, yeah,
Dan (02:48:53.000)
that's when we get the like, next phase of our cultural
Jordan (02:48:56.000)
evolution. That's when we go from being a type one civilization to a type two,
Dan (02:49:00.000)
that's when it's entirely possible. Yeah. So we had nothing really fundamental to do with Chinese nuclear expansion, right? The beginnings of it were Soviet helped, of course, and then beyond that, it was just really, really good research and work being done by the Chinese themselves. And then a little bit later in, like I said, 1969, the Canadians sold them a bunch of uranium and a reactor right. And so which
Jordan (02:49:28.000)
even back then they didn't really understand. Like, in in 1969, you could buy radioactive toothpaste in the United States. Like they didn't understand quite what.
Dan (02:49:40.000)
That's how the future will look at our fluoride toothpaste. Exactly.
Jordan (02:49:43.000)
Like they didn't quite understand what radiation
Dan (02:49:47.000)
did to people. There were subtleties that were missed. Yeah.
Jordan (02:49:50.000)
And that as far as as far as a nuclear technology period, like the moment it was discovered, it was it's inevitable that At that possibility would be reached by other countries. It's
Dan (02:50:03.000)
essentially the myth of Pandora's box. Yeah, exactly. I am genies out the bottle. Yeah. And we're all going to fuck with Oppenheimer
Jordan (02:50:11.000)
was absolutely right when he said when he quoted, what Shiva Yeah, I am death destroyer of worlds. Yeah, I
Dan (02:50:19.000)
become deaf. Yeah. So, if we look at North Korea's history, shockingly similar. In 1956, the Soviet Union begins training North Korean scientists and engineers enabling the DPRK to acquire basic knowledge to initiate a nuclear program. 1959 North Korea and the USSR signed a nuclear cooperation agreement over the next 30 years, Moscow provides the north with basic nuclear training and technology. They have their roots with the Soviets as well. It wasn't the Clintons who weren't doing shit in 1959
Jordan (02:50:55.000)
which and of course, this makes perfect sense considering the fact that immediately after World War Two, you have guys like, you know, MacArthur and fucking god damn so many of them who are just saying, all right now we defeated the Nazis. Let's go after Russia. Like that was their immediate thought Churchill. Churchill was like, hey, now we go into Russia, because it's super smart to fight a land war in Russia best so it's always works out a little more like a land war in Afghanistan. It's never gone wrong. A little
Dan (02:51:30.000)
more about North Korea, before the Clintons were ever in power in any meaningful way. In the mid 1980s, North Korea reached a, quote, dangerous level of nuclear capacity with advancements due to increased Soviet support for their nuclear program right in 1990. Or I'm sorry, 1984. North Korea completed construction of a five megawatt I don't think that's correct, and MW gigawatt x m W E, five MWe gas cooled graphite moderated nuclear reactor for plutonium production. If operating at full power for a majority of the year, the reactor could produce 7.5 kilograms of weapons grade plutonium annually. There is still great disagreement as to just how much plutonium was produced. That was in 1984, those 33 years ago. So Alex is holding this narrative about the Clintons gave them their reactors, right. Everything was already there way in advance. China and North Korea both had Soviet help, obviously, it was an offshoot of the Korean War. It's it's what the fuck? This is such stupid shit. This narrative doesn't hold any water and what was the goal?
Jordan (02:52:46.000)
Here's the thing about that though, that's fertile ground because I didn't know anything about that. Like I didn't know where the Chinese or North Korean nuclear programs came from
Dan (02:52:56.000)
yet. Well, it wasn't the Clintons and liberals 60 No,
Jordan (02:52:59.000)
of course not. But if if I don't have any reference point for that then I am still susceptible to whatever like in your in this case. I believe you because you are always super diligent and your research and your research
Dan (02:53:15.000)
and referencing papers from like nuclear organization
Jordan (02:53:19.000)
right but but that's my point. Like I don't have any personal research into this whatsoever. So if I didn't have you Who who are you know, who's doing the very necessary research? It wouldn't be fertile ground for me if I already had a fear of China if I already have a fear of North Korea of North Korea, also North Carolina these days if I already have a fear of these places, then that seems much more plausible because I have zero frame of route you're
Dan (02:53:49.000)
not dumb you would look into it I am if you did, you would find the same thing but
Jordan (02:53:54.000)
my point being because I have no frame of reference for this I'm much more on the empathic side towards these people. Because if you're already predisposed to believing anything about North Korea or anything about China like a
Dan (02:54:12.000)
Sympathy for the Devil but it's not the devil it's just sympathy
Jordan (02:54:15.000)
sympathy for ignorant Yeah, like in this regard,
Dan (02:54:18.000)
but the for the easily fooled right well, and
Jordan (02:54:21.000)
not just that, I can't know everything. And so if I get an assertive authoritarian voice telling me this, it's much more likely for me to believe it. If I have zero frame of reference for this and
Dan (02:54:36.000)
especially if you've bought hook, hook line and sinker into a bunch of other bullshit. So yeah,
Jordan (02:54:41.000)
like unfortunately, a lot of my knowledge of the Korean War comes from fucking mash. Like, I don't know enough about it.
Dan (02:54:50.000)
It was it was an accurate picture. From what I can tell. Are you talking about the movie or the show? I'm talking about the show. Okay, nevermind. So this next clip he gives Some more bullshit. And I've got more facts on the other end.
Keith Olbermann (02:55:04.000)
Let's continue. creed that is at least sane is your surest guarantee of a prosperous future indeed, boss perhaps.
Alex Jones (02:55:11.000)
Yeah, let's look at pence speaking to a large Christian. There's a genocide of Christians 200,000 a year. It's more than doubled the last decade by Muslims against Christians. And so now the President and the Vice President are talking about how Christians are being persecuted all over the world, while Muslims promote killing all the Jews in Copenhagen, Denmark, and don't get in trouble as today. And Twitter says telling the truth about refugee crisis is hateful conduct don't point out that 80 plus percent are military age men, or you'll be arrested in Europe because that's hate speech. That's not scary. Oh, I'm sorry. Let's go back to the government.
Dan (02:55:48.000)
So that's complete bullshit. The 80% military age men of refugees number
Jordan (02:55:54.000)
that doesn't make any goddamn sense. That's not even physically possible.
Dan (02:55:58.000)
No, based on the statistics that have been able to being gathered 50.7% of refugees are women. So your number is already fucked. How many are children? Well, here's the thing that I'm going to quote. It is true that the refugee demographics do skew on the side of youth. Syria, in particular, as a country with a large population of young people between income, especially in comparison to Europe, the majority of Syrians are between 25 and 54 years old, and only 4.02% of Syria's population is older than 65. Compared to the European Union 18.5. If refugee and migrant populations follow their originating countries demographics, then we should expect to see that at least half of Syrian and other refugees will be male, and most of them will be young. To put the issue of age into perspective, as of 2015, Syria's median age was 23.8 racks was 19.7. And Afghanistan was 18.4. By comparison, the median age in the United States was 37.7. In the United Kingdom, it was 40.4. And Germany was 46.5. Children from Syria and elsewhere make up at least a third of the refugee population. Children who, whether accompanied or alone are looking for a chance to grow up in a country that is not shredded by violence. Now, if you want to really break it down, the reason that the population is so, so obvious, the life expectancy is terrible. Yeah. Health, Health care is provided as best it can be in third world countries, and also men and older people are killed, killed it just constantly. The reason that population is so young is because everyone dies really young. That's that it's not recognize that as a piece of the equation is so simplistic, it's it's racist, offensive, they're not racist, it's bigoted. It's not because it's not necessarily race specific. It's It's so fucking stupid.
Jordan (02:57:56.000)
It's ignorance. Like, that's like saying the, you know, the population in medieval Europe was heavily skewed towards young people. And you're like, well, because most of them died at 26.
Dan (02:58:08.000)
Well, now the reality there, though, is a lot of those people were marauding. But also Alex is, Alex is operating basically off memes. Because there have been memes that have come out that show, I'm going to show them both to you. Okay, there is a picture of Muslim refugee men showing up, you can find this picture. It's very widely disseminated,
Jordan (02:58:30.000)
and it's got the Getty Images tag to it,
Dan (02:58:33.000)
but it's like a ton of dudes getting off a bus, right? And it's really scary. And people use that as an example of like, look, it's all young men coming, but what they didn't show is that another bus showed up the next day with all of the women and children right they traveled in separate buses because of cultural war
Jordan (02:58:53.000)
very good reasons.
Dan (02:58:55.000)
Yeah, it's just what the fuck what is wrong
Jordan (02:59:00.000)
because it's the other it's the other so long as it's the other it's ray will believe rank bigotry, you will believe anything so long as it's your enemy. The
Dan (02:59:09.000)
80% military men statistic is fucking horseshit. The spirit behind it that it's all young men coming because it's an invading force. Yeah, it's completely wrong. Because women and children are coming. They are coming along just on separate buses, right? Which I mean, we can have we can have a conversation about how everyone should have the same bus. We can I have that conversation. That's a different conversations a different conversation completely unnecessary. Now, there's also a bunch of reports of people like showing up alone dudes showing up alone, who had taken boats across the Aegean Sea right to find refugee status.
Jordan (02:59:44.000)
Not a ton of reports of the dudes who die alone after taking those buts totally
Dan (02:59:49.000)
his boats and everyone who gets on a boat knows that that's a possibility. A good positive so when they get on those boats, oftentimes what they do is They go it alone. And when they get to where they're going, claimed the refugee status established themselves and sent for their families.
Jordan (03:00:08.000)
Oh, I know. I know another place where that happens. What's it called? America? I remember when the Irish did that. Do you remember that?
Dan (03:00:19.000)
I have vague memory.
Jordan (03:00:20.000)
Do you remember when the Italians did that? Do you remember that? Do you remember when the Jews did that? Do you remember that? Oh, man, what do all of those people have in common? They were fleeing something. They were fleeing something. I remember also how back then when the Jews were fleeing a some guy. What? Some dude? was longer history drawing a blank. I remember there I remember a guy, right. So they were fleeing from this horrific catastrophe that was being you know, visited upon them. due to no fault of their own right. And then there are people in America who are like, we can't let these people in. We can't do it. It's bad. They're bringing the same brand of fascism from their world to ours. I remember how, like I Oh, that's right.
Dan (03:01:10.000)
Oh, it's interesting. That's, I remember off in our memory that we have reports of people who we denied asylum to literally being murdered because they couldn't get over here.
Jordan (03:01:20.000)
Oh, yeah. Do we do? I mean, I bet we don't have any newspapers or any written word from that time, right? Like that was so far. That was so long ago. It was like, I mean, we didn't even have newspapers back then. Oh, wait, America is a racist fucking country that's always been monstrous.
Dan (03:01:37.000)
It drives me up a fucking wall. That Alex Jones is making these arguments based on lies based on facts that He's twisting, in the same episode, where he's mad that Muslim women are at Starbucks. How does he fucking not realize what lives within him? How does he not take a look in the mirror and realize, maybe it's me? Maybe I have the problem is not to say that Muslims, as a wide group of people don't include some people who are doing fucked up shit.
Jordan (03:02:16.000)
Or do you mean in, in a group of 2 billion people you might find some people who are doing,
Dan (03:02:21.000)
you can always take examples. You can always find examples and write it because Alex Jones lives in such a world of black and whites. I've got to make it clear that I don't think that Muslims have never done anything bad in the world. That's not the argument I'm making. Right? I'm making the argument that you don't see nuance. You see them all as one, right? You see them all as bad. And you refuse to
Jordan (03:02:44.000)
wrestle with that is the definition of bigotry. Absolutely. That is the Devon a we need a bathroom bill because all trans people are bad. They're all molester, we need fucking we need we can't let gay people get married because all gay people are trying to destroy marriages. Yeah, fuck you. All right.
Dan (03:03:04.000)
Well, that was my big soapbox moment. I loved it. Yours is probably coming in this next clip.
Jordan (03:03:14.000)
That's that's a new that's a segment on the show. Right? So box mom you're in gets on the soapbox and yells about
Dan (03:03:19.000)
it's gonna come because this next clip, I think is about climate change. I'm not sure. But I think all right. I'm not sure. All right. He's over America's
Keith Olbermann (03:03:29.000)
apps, your assurance guarantee of any future at all.
Alex Jones (03:03:33.000)
Don't pause again. I'm sorry. There's no future at all. Unless you believe or deny the science guy. Bill Nye saves the Earth. Alborz saves the earth polar bears can't swim. The ice caps have all melted, the sea levels up 100 feet. We're all dead sea levels down. It's all lies, lies. Lies is another fake shitting up there in a little costume. Trying to look intellectual reading off the teleprompter. Let's go back
Dan (03:03:58.000)
five. Five teleprompters. So how do you feel about this?
Jordan (03:04:04.000)
Look, I'm running out. I'm running out of gas. I'm running out of gas on the climate denier thing? Yeah. Look, I It's so so my, my operating theory on climate change is very simple. For 40 years, climate scientists have deliberately downplayed the danger of it. And they've done this because they don't want to look like you know, alarmist. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Hey, guys, we need to do something about this. It's really important that we do something about this. It's not like I'm saying the sky is falling.
Dan (03:04:42.000)
They're like the polite people who want you to leave their house. Yeah, at like two in the morning. Yeah, like they don't want to be like Get the fuck out of my house, right? Like, hey, I think I might go to bed.
Jordan (03:04:51.000)
Right? All of this stuff. Or, you know, this is this is an old story about I think it was probably Probably Malcolm Gladwell maybe where they were talking about the power dynamic in airplanes. So if you listen to the black boxes of a bunch of Korean airplanes, which at the time were the most dangerous airline in the world, because they had the highest number of plane crashes. And you're like, why does this one place have this such high number of plane crashes, and they go through all these black boxes, and they see that pilots get tired. And their CO pilots, because of the culture of deference would be very Genteel. And they're like, Hey, I think I think there might be something coming up ahead. And the pilot would be like, Yeah, I don't think so. And then boom, they explode.
Dan (03:05:46.000)
So death comes from not listening to other
Jordan (03:05:49.000)
voice. Exactly. And even then, when those voices are deliberately trying to be as deferential as possible, nobody's gonna get the true scope of the emergency that's going on. Yeah, all of this stuff. I and this is something that I think is true, and I'm probably right about it. All of the stuff they predicted for 60 years in the future will be 10 years in the future
Dan (03:06:13.000)
a we've heard you make this claim before and I worried you're right. I am absolutely right. What do you say about Alex Jones is claim that whenever you see time elapsed things about polar ice caps melting. That's just because it's summer. It's summer. They don't show it growing back up in the winter.
Jordan (03:06:30.000)
Nope. I buy so done. Seasons. Seasons. Climate is just summer, spring, winter fall. Fireballs. I remember that. Do you remember the fifth season? Sure. Fire fireballs?
Dan (03:06:47.000)
Absolutely. Fucking so let's get back to greener pastures.
Jordan (03:06:51.000)
i What are you going to do? Who cares? It's too late. We're fucked. There's so many millions of people who are going to die. And the thing that kills me is that there is no other way to describe it than if you are a climate change denier, you personally are contributing to the death of millions of people. Millions of people do you think like a look a rifle a refugee crisis is bad now, right? Imagine just a fucking imagine whenever sea lions whenever seaboard sea lions, lions attack, which is my new favorite show on Fox, it's on Wednesday. No. Border, just Florida. Just Florida. Sure. A lot of territory in Florida is going to disappear. And don't
Dan (03:07:39.000)
even fucking talk about like Georgia and Louisiana.
Jordan (03:07:43.000)
I'm more I'm unhappy that people from Florida are going to become refugees. And they're going to come to Chicago.
Dan (03:07:49.000)
Yeah. And that's, that's only talking about displacement has nothing to do with even like encroaching new deserts in places that will become unlivable.
Jordan (03:07:58.000)
Like if the refugee crisis now is about people moving from one place to another, and you think there's terrorism now, imagine, imagine when fresh water becomes the next fight? Well, and that's how many millions of people are going to be fighting over fresh. Just drinking water, potable water, your survival?
Dan (03:08:16.000)
Yeah, it's gonna get ugly, it's going to be brutal. And I And Alex Jones thinks that's all
Jordan (03:08:23.000)
genuine. Like it's gone from it's gone from me.
Dan (03:08:26.000)
It's all about a carbon tax.
Jordan (03:08:28.000)
I know. I know. They all do. Genuinely. I'm at the point now where it's like, Dude, I just, we're all gonna die. It's over. Or at least billions of people are gonna die. Yeah. I just like I used to be like, Hey, guys, if you're denying climate change, you're killing your grandchildren. Now I'm at the point where I'm like, Oh, God, I hope it happens now so I can look at my dad's fucking eyes and be like, I told you so as we both explode and a fucking fire. I could have had kids but now yeah, no, fuck you. So you're killing your grandchildren. You're killing your children.
Dan (03:09:04.000)
Let's let's get back to the modern day not speculating about the future. This is Alex Jones. Doing a real fun
Jordan (03:09:10.000)
day. I'm glad I didn't get on that soapbox. Here
Dan (03:09:14.000)
is a fun dance about Trump and Russia.
Keith Olbermann (03:09:15.000)
But let's go back. Now we need your help. Whatever there is launch Trump, reveal it. issue it officially if you can leak it.
Alex Jones (03:09:29.000)
Whatever it is, because it's all made up whatever it is. Maybe he's Santa Claus. And he's really George Washington. Maybe he's a space alien. Maybe he's one of these elements, hemorrhoids? I mean, just whatever it is, you've got Yeah, we all made stuff up and said there was something so it must be true. We all read the secret we believe we can manifest or she can't soulmate up but let's just manifest that Trump's gone. How about we manifest the key Bowerman doesn't just read off teleprompters six join.
Jordan (03:09:56.000)
I did put Trump's impeachment on my vision board. Oh, yeah. Oh, Absolutely.
Dan (03:10:00.000)
Also Hey Alex, go fuck yourself for getting shitty at the secret. You believe in Trump dimensional demons don't fucking play that game. i You understand?
Jordan (03:10:11.000)
I do I love I love his strategy of I'm going to get him get, I'm going to let him get so far into it. And then I'm gonna cut it off, because there is a complete argument that there is to be made by Keith Olbermann. And it will be made if you let him if you listen to the whole clip, right, exactly. If you let him finish, there is well like, like the fox news clip. I don't know if you saw this, but they went to a small town diner or whatever. And they start talking to this old dude, right? reliably old white dude. And even the old white dude is like, Well, I think the timing of this whole thing is very suspect. I'm out of here where interview over Yeah, like that's, that's what he's doing if you allow them to actually ruminate on all of this circumstantial evidence. Even people who were predisposed to agree with you, it starts to look bad.
Dan (03:11:05.000)
But that's that's the comedy of it is that Alex Jones is this guy who claims that Cole bear and Fox News keep taking him out of content, right? And now he's not allowing on his own show any context to develop for this thing that he's ostensibly doing media criticism over? Like, he's doing this, like, we're gonna break this down. And like I said, it's 35 straight minutes of the show. Yeah. So like, he doesn't
Jordan (03:11:28.000)
let more government says 10 words during that entire third or a
Dan (03:11:32.000)
couple times? He lets like 40 seconds. Tops. Yeah, but most of the time, it's two. Yes. Two seconds play there. Oh,
Alex Jones (03:11:40.000)
I gotta let me get let me interrupt here.
Dan (03:11:42.000)
I gotta lie about North Korea and China. Yeah, like it's why what's the point?
Jordan (03:11:47.000)
What do you mean? What's the point? The point is obvious? No, the point is
Dan (03:11:51.000)
too obvious.
Jordan (03:11:52.000)
No. Well, I mean, the point is really simple. It's to inoculate people. You all of this stuff sounds reasonable. If you listen to it, all the way through, if you listen to it all the way through what Olbermann says, sounds reasonable. But if you take word by word interruptions, you're inoculating your listeners from this.
Dan (03:12:15.000)
I just had a revelation. I think. So basically,
Jordan (03:12:18.000)
what is it about the seven seals? No, Alex Jones was about the seven sea lions.
Dan (03:12:23.000)
Yes. They're attacking. Hitting Florida right now.
Dan (03:12:28.000)
So I said that wouldn't happen for 60 years. You said?
Dan (03:12:35.000)
So I think okay, so Alex is imagining a world where a bunch of people have watched the Olbermann clip, right. And they've watched it all the way through. And so he's making sure that his listeners can argue with them, right? With point by point. Ah, here's an objection you can make exactly no hoping that everyone who has seen the opening clip will just blindly accept whatever he's saying. And in that case, his listeners would win that argument, because they're just obnoxious and bringing up stuff that the Obermann listeners were like, I don't know what you're talking about. Exactly. Like you didn't like before we had this conversation didn't know the specific history of North Korea's nuclear program. Now,
Jordan (03:13:14.000)
what am I gonna What am I going to argue? Yeah, so
Dan (03:13:15.000)
you you were in a conversation with one of Alex Jones listeners who are like, I don't know about that doesn't sound good. But I don't know about right. And they'd be like, well, you don't know about
Jordan (03:13:24.000)
exactly. And they'd get aggressive with an argument doesn't go well. If you go, Wait, what did you say I need to stop.
Dan (03:13:31.000)
I don't know about my phone.
Jordan (03:13:34.000)
I need to Google this shit. I'm not an expert. That's that is like unfortunately, rhetoric. A lot of the time defeats reality,
Dan (03:13:42.000)
especially when it's super aggressive rhetoric. Yeah. Speaking of which, this next clip, Alex just fucking completely takes two words that Overman says out of context and pretends they're biblical. It's wild. It's wild to words. Just listen to this closely. Don't talk over this. It's pretty quick.
Jordan (03:14:06.000)
Like down Mike down that join.
Keith Olbermann (03:14:09.000)
If you are directors and your governments want you to wait, look to the last days here and ask yourselves plumb your consciences. If there is any
Alex Jones (03:14:17.000)
left. He did want to say we're in the last day. So he says he's an atheist.
Dan (03:14:22.000)
But he didn't say that. He said look to the last days here. He's talking about the last few days. I'm pointing to my nose. You called it I'm pointing to my No, of course, it was obvious so but he heard those terms. He heard those words put next to each other hear the words of the Lord. He's like, Oh, this has got to be below but he's got to be talking about apocalypse. Yeah, no, I'm the apocalypse guy. Yeah.
Jordan (03:14:41.000)
Like that's definitely like territory. Overman. flexon. Yeah, yeah,
Dan (03:14:47.000)
that's so fucked up. That's like, it's, it is
Jordan (03:14:52.000)
but this is what I'm saying about this whole clip is that this is very much, Alex being like, you're on my world now. Yeah, you're on mitre. Yeah, this is where I shine. So don't fuck with me Olbermann.
Dan (03:15:06.000)
Yeah, you're getting into conspiracy territory and you don't really know when
Jordan (03:15:09.000)
and Olbermann is, is doing that. Like he might be right. And I definitely don't rule it out right now. But Overman is definitely stepping into Russia conspiracy theory territory, right.
Dan (03:15:23.000)
And that's something I mean, we're already three and a half hours in so let's not get into it and unpack it, but just on a very superficial thing. We do have to be super careful ourselves. And I think everyone else should as well about getting caught up in momentum, right with conspiracy theory, right on the left, right, because we've seen what it's done to the right it is this, but like, when we talk about Louise manche
Jordan (03:15:51.000)
okay. No, we're not going to do that. We're
Jordan (03:15:54.000)
not gonna re litigate that, right.
Jordan (03:15:56.000)
I gotcha. I gotcha. I gotcha. I gotcha.
Dan (03:15:58.000)
I'm not here to defend her. She's wrong a lot of the time. But she is part of that that sort of hemisphere of Twitter that has become sort of beholden to rampant speculation, right. And it's maybe more right than the conservative side absolute, but at the same time, it's dangerous, because there's a lot of things that are wrong, that get forgotten when a right thing happened, right. So
Jordan (03:16:27.000)
well, it's it's the it's the fortune teller thing. You remember when the fortune teller got it? Right? Because it's crazy. Don't remember all the times the fortune teller got it wrong, right.
Dan (03:16:37.000)
And when we talk about Russian stuff, I think we're not saying we have any real secret knowledge now or anything. We're saying it looks bad, based on the things that are concretely reported. Yeah, there is not nothing there. No, but we're not jumping in the bad of,
Jordan (03:16:57.000)
I think, I think our main summation so far of the Russian stuff is Putin is the architect of something. Yes, we know these people have contact with a guy who is a front end lied about the contact and lied about that. So we know that there's all kinds of shady shit going on. There's a lot of circumstantial evidence, and we don't have a smoking gun. Now, but my AR, but at least my operating theory is there is a smoking gun. Absolutely. And we're just trying to navigate a way through this that doesn't kill millions of people. Right.
Dan (03:17:38.000)
That's where we come from. Yeah. So it's important, though, don't don't become and don't allow a left wing Alex Jones to exist. Yeah. Because if that person does exist, you're just going to get it's just going to be an infinite cycle that repeats itself.
Jordan (03:17:57.000)
It's if it's an eye for an eye, everybody's blind.
Dan (03:18:00.000)
Absolutely. Yeah. And Keith Olbermann is not there yet. But he's putting his toe into the water.
Jordan (03:18:06.000)
Well, there's so many people who are angling for and again, is is the we
Dan (03:18:13.000)
can't do it. Because she's not a demagogue. Right, right. He has a sore
Jordan (03:18:17.000)
throat. I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that. I'm saying
Dan (03:18:20.000)
the only person who is legitimately in that conversation, right? Because he is on the internet as a as a video personality. Right. As a newscaster?
Jordan (03:18:31.000)
Well, let me put it in, in the way that I've already established. Right? I want Trump executed judicially. I want him to be tried for treason. And then because he committed it, I want him to be punished for treason in
Dan (03:18:48.000)
the way that it's such. And if the facts bear out that he didn't,
Jordan (03:18:50.000)
then I don't want him to be punished for it. Right. That's how you that's how the law was
Dan (03:18:56.000)
right. But I don't want him to be punished for other thing. Right. Right. But
Jordan (03:19:01.000)
if if my stated goal is I want him to be punished for treason the way that you should be. I hung from the neck till dead right kids watch. I don't like Yeah, and I do. I'll support that forever. Fair enough. But I don't want him to be hung extra judicially. Right. So in the same way, we, I want Trump gone. I don't want him gone because of a whole series of conspiracy theories that aren't true, because that is the same coup narrative that Alex Jones is advocating for what occurs a right way
Dan (03:19:35.000)
down to is like facts above agenda and narrative. Yeah, exactly. Beyond that, also, I mean,
Jordan (03:19:44.000)
just Trump's already done is enough to get them removed from office. Totally.
Dan (03:19:47.000)
Absolutely. Even just the China trademark thing is enough, of course, that you can't be president and do that.
Jordan (03:19:53.000)
It's not It's can't there's there's a constitution or at least there was yeah, it's right. It's a Insane. So the the punishment should absolutely be commensurate with the crime. And I don't want to get into that same kangaroo court situation where Now Trump is the enemy. And so we just,
Dan (03:20:13.000)
we agree, we agree. And I think most people listening agree, I think we got some good policy wonks out there with good heads on their shoulders. And we advise rationality, that's basically that's basically all we do. Because here's the thing, if you have people like Louise manche on this side, and you have people like Alex Jones on this side, and then also on back to the other side, you have Keith Olbermann, the thing that sort of unites them is this idea of they have a savior complex Absolutely, is that I'm going to save everybody, right? And that is a dangerous thing. Like I've said a bunch of times, I don't want to necessarily save anybody. I would love for people who are beholden to Alex Jones as false narratives, to recognize that he's lying to them, right, but I don't care if I do it, or they just sort of have a breakthrough. One day it's it's show was mostly just by clowning on an idiot. But at the same time, we got to address the savior complex thing. And I agree who better than Alex to talk about it a little
Jordan (03:21:11.000)
bit. Otherwise, it is a pendulum. Oh,
Dan (03:21:15.000)
my transition game blew it again, edit this out. Alex Jones has some thoughts on the savior complex.
Keith Olbermann (03:21:21.000)
We need it now. Enter the intelligence community of this country. Your patriotic duty is clear. In many respects. In the months since the election, you have provided your greatest service in our history of democracy that has lost its political way. Daggers down the street like a drunk and lurches towards the gutter you have walked virtually bipartisan straight line, and you have followed your rules and you have followed the rules of the Civility blow
Dan (03:21:49.000)
Jordan (03:21:50.000)
This makes me agree with Alex.
Alex Jones (03:21:53.000)
Regardless, the evildoers threat
Keith Olbermann (03:21:55.000)
to the freedoms of this nation now
Jordan (03:21:57.000)
now I'm interrupting the same time, the trump
Keith Olbermann (03:22:00.000)
the Trump onta is playing by no rule,
Alex Jones (03:22:04.000)
just pause the game just the Trump junta and the whole world is in danger and only this guy. Only this guy can save everybody. This is just over the top of craziness. And then Trump responds nicely back to all this that they're getting. They're the enemy and they freak out and go. We just want you data rubber thrown at foreign governments to overthrow you. We're just saying you're the devil. We're just saying you're a dictator. How dare you not come to our press dinner? How dare you? Lie about you? What's your problem? We're supposed to be in charge. And no one's supposed to resist us.
Dan (03:22:39.000)
So I mean, come on. That's cockamamie bullshit. cockamamie bullshit. The butt like Sure, sure. Over means being a blowhard over me but
Jordan (03:22:48.000)
at the same time, gotcha. blowhard This isn't Oberman podcast.
Dan (03:22:51.000)
This is an Alex Jones podcast and we know him him being like, Oh, you think you're the only person who can say like I'm the only person
Reporter (41) (03:22:58.000)
in the world from
Jordan (03:23:00.000)
Dan (03:23:01.000)
right that's what's that's what's energizing him that is but that's why he has his is his is is rankles up is that the expression hackles hackles hackles up. Yeah or something in his rankles. He's wrinkled all right. He's rankled. But that's why that's why it is this like, again, you're on my turf. Yeah, you're on my fucking turf it and I don't agree with the way you're presenting the world.
Jordan (03:23:25.000)
I think I think it really is that I think you're absolutely right. Like what we're seeing what we're seeing is Alex getting to parallel, a liberal Alex Jones,
Dan (03:23:38.000)
a little bit like that not nearly as evolved as No, no, absolutely
Jordan (03:23:42.000)
not. But but the point being Alex gets to come at him from this like, your left wing propaganda.
Dan (03:23:50.000)
You know what it is? You know what it is? It's like Alex being us watching his except, except, except Alex. Dan, except Alex's lies still permeate it, right. He's still lying about everything, but he's watching this
Dan (03:24:12.000)
whole so we kind of get a glimpse of what our podcasts would be if he
Jordan (03:24:18.000)
didn't bother about Yeah, information or news or sources or anything along those lines. Totally.
Dan (03:24:24.000)
And this next clip is a fucking awesome rant. Again, totally petty, and it gets into that idea of what he's attacking. Really, when he talks about like, pseudo intellectual shit, right? It's, it's all appearance based and man, this is fucked up.
Keith Olbermann (03:24:40.000)
Off the FBI director and let him find out about it. By reading a TV news crawl in the back of the room in which he was addressing his Los Angeles office. They have no rules. For now the rest of us who only want our democracy back, we can have no rules either. We will take the risk of reestablish change the rules later on what you and the FBI and the CIA in the Justice Department have on Trump. We also need now because by tomorrow, it may disappear and your ability to do anything with it may disappear as well. We're some of us here on the outside have tried the best we could to prevent this day this others
Alex Jones (03:25:27.000)
so hard to apologize for even playing it. But this is a mindset into these people. They've done everything they claimed Trump's doing. I have sat there and assaulted this country tried to demonize it, tried to pull it down, tried to take our freedoms, shipped our jobs overseas, written books about how they've done it, they have celebrated and celebrated and celebrated that they the globalist they the leftist today. The communists say the Soros is they the Nazi collaborators have control of our churches, our kids minds, the FDA, they can brainwash us, they can Florida in our water, they can push them, well. They can absolutely attack all our basic institutions, steal our money perch on top of us, and then put always the same guys like Stephen Colbert and Oberman and all of them these pseudo intellectual little suits, little nerd man non threatening counter brain bug No at all good boy teacher's pet psychopath outfits. You know, Ted Bundy, the famous psychopath dress with black ties,
Jordan (03:26:32.000)
dye arguments.
Alex Jones (03:26:37.000)
Because he drive around, threatening picking up young college girls and high school girls to torture him to death. Look, we're gonna go over paths. They were to look non threatening. I'm not saying he's gonna kidnap your kids and kill him. He wants to kidnap your country and strangle it to death while he tells you you deserve it. That's Keith Olbermann. He thinks he's better than you. He thinks he's beaten you. And he realizes he's losing and has now been kicked to the curb and he's panicking.
Jordan (03:27:04.000)
That's so much projection at the end, but that is the most projection. He realizes he's losing. And he's panicking. Yeah, god dammit Alex. Alex Mirror, mirror. Meanwhile, Alex, meanwhile,
Dan (03:27:17.000)
Jordan (03:27:19.000)
Alex. Sit down with that bottle of Johnnie Walker. Look in the mirror and just just listen to yourself. There's
Dan (03:27:26.000)
a lot of people who used to wear gray suits and black ties. No, not
Jordan (03:27:30.000)
no Ted Bundy. Now, Ted Bundy. What were you saying? I don't know. Ted Manik
Dan (03:27:37.000)
it's, it's
Jordan (03:27:42.000)
we're we're at we're at seven and a half hours. It's so much. We've edited out three hours of this, ladies and gentlemen, so far, so
Dan (03:27:49.000)
much nothing like it. We're coming to the end of this. But it's like, it's tough to when we've had a lot of stuff that is factual base that you can respond to. Right? You can be like, Oh, no. Here are Trump's donors who are way worse than Goldman Sachs. Probably right here is the truth about nuclear programs. It's really tougher to be like, This guy dresses to try and trick you. I don't know I don't I don't care. What I am not easily duped by it.
Jordan (03:28:19.000)
Don't you have like a Fortune magazine article on how many people who dress like that are serial killers? No, I don't. But what about the percentage of the global population that dresses like that? That is also a serial. I don't
Dan (03:28:32.000)
know how I would find that stat, but also out and you're no good. Here's a stat that I can tell you. Alex Jones 100% Again, was doing that. Like, he's dresses like that. I'm not saying he's trying to get your kid. No, I
Jordan (03:28:45.000)
picked up on that too.
Dan (03:28:47.000)
Yeah, he's doing that again. Like, I don't want to get sued again. Right,
Jordan (03:28:49.000)
exactly. I'm gonna walk this back. I'm gonna give you the same insult that I would have six months ago, but I'm going to walk it back.
Dan (03:28:56.000)
Now who wants to choke your country out? Yeah, that's good enough Safe Harbor. You're fine. Yep, that's metaphorical enough. So now this next clip is just Alex Jones fucking losing his temper really hard. And flashing back to the beginning of the episode, him talking about how like he's in control. Listen to this clip. And if he's in control of itself, and he's saying this, alright. Alright, buddy.
Alex Jones (03:29:22.000)
You know, they were pointing out in there that last time I played an overland club. I started having a meltdown as well. And I was actually drawing stuff during the breaks.
Dan (03:29:35.000)
All right, buddy. I mean, that clip wasn't like him screaming but that's a horrible thing to learn. He was throwing things during the break because he had listened to an Olbermann clip. Yeah. Alex Jones is my greatest enemy. I disagree and can disprove most of his worldview. If not all he makes me really Are you mad? When I listen to him? Yes, but all I do to deal with that anger is last show. Laugh. And then I think about how fun it's going to be when I prove him wrong. That is how I deal with it. I don't necessarily when I'm at work and I'm listening to him. I don't like, ah, throw my computer across the room or something like that.
Jordan (03:30:22.000)
Now, in his defense, oh, this
Dan (03:30:25.000)
is gonna be good. That's
Jordan (03:30:26.000)
pretty much what I'm here for. Right? Like I'm rolling my computer. The physical manifestation of your anger towards Alex Jones. I'm the guy who does are laughing too. I am laughing
Dan (03:30:38.000)
This screaming is mostly you just externalizing surprise. It's not really rage. Although there is rage embedded within it.
Jordan (03:30:45.000)
Yeah, no, I don't I don't go home anything but visibly shocked by the reality that we live in. Yeah, but you don't want to break things?
Dan (03:30:55.000)
No. Alex Jones does. Yeah. Can't control his temper. He gives us a little baby. Yeah, so God is a baby man.
Jordan (03:31:02.000)
If he kissed her baby if he weren't the butt boy of Trump. Man. I bet it's
Dan (03:31:10.000)
maybe you know what? I'm going to be perfectly honest with you. I don't. It's hard to say. I think if he this is tough. My bigger theory is his life is being ruined by his own supplements.
Jordan (03:31:27.000)
Oh, fuck i Are you saying that we're talking Superman vitality is some testosterone kind of shit. Yes. And so he is ramped himself up with way too much testosterone, like somebody who takes steroids all the time. And he's experiencing all of this anger and rage because of this added
Dan (03:31:45.000)
ability to roll his behaviors. Yes, abs allow our next episode that a little bit
Jordan (03:31:51.000)
in that case, do not do that. Super high or Supersize Me thing where you take a lot of
Dan (03:31:59.000)
aggressive Damn, I do not
Jordan (03:32:01.000)
want to deal with aggressive Dan. Listen, I have never had to restrain you before. And I worry that you're going to be throwing stuff every time we listen to Alderman clip.
Dan (03:32:13.000)
Ah. Sincerely, that is that is a theory that I'm going to be working out over the course of a number of these time travel episodes. Okay, is that I think that you can track a very different the philosophy in terms of the globalists and shit like that is absolutely consistent. Yeah, but the behavior, the frequency of outbursts, the inability to control himself is very much like he was as a child, like we talked about. And we've documented a number of times in our biography of him, right, all of these incredibly violent outbursts, these fights that he'd get into putting people in comas, and you don't see a ton of that necessarily in his adult life. Until getting way closer to that now, in terms of like, you don't see it on the show, but he just admitted the last time he talked about Oberman, he was throwing shit, right during the breaks. Now, I would also I would also those sort of outbreaks are probably happening more than just when he listens to fucking cold, cold bear or cold. Herman if you will? Well, I mean, the both of them, they can bear man. And if he's exhibiting those sorts of behaviors, and I'm being a bit speculative here, I don't think he is right to be around his kids. Like if he has that kind of, like hair trigger. Yeah. That just something he disagrees with will send him into a rage where he breaks things, right. That's not someone who can be trusted around growing humans.
Jordan (03:33:39.000)
I think this is where we are out of our scope of practice.
Dan (03:33:44.000)
That's why I said it was being speculum. Yeah,
Jordan (03:33:46.000)
I think I think this is the one where but again, his kids, his kids are not living with him full time. And I think if you listen to this podcast, you know, that's probably for the best.
Dan (03:33:57.000)
And again, I want to I want to stress, don't buy his products. I legitimately think that they are they are deteriorating his mind. I think that there are negative effects you can track and him. If you tomorrow, we're going to be doing an episode or it might come out later in the week. We're going to be doing an episode later this week about an episode from 2014. And we'll see why you'll see a market difference in him. Okay, so anyway, we got to
Jordan (03:34:25.000)
finish this shit out.
Dan (03:34:27.000)
We got one more clip. This is the end of his analysis of Olbermann. And it's done.
Alex Jones (03:34:36.000)
Let's finish up with Keith Olbermann. Here he is
Keith Olbermann (03:34:38.000)
to prevent this day, others less so. Right now. It doesn't matter who did much when you and FBI CIA the other intelligence agencies, the Justice Department, you must be the Patriots. Now you in the five eyes
Jordan (03:34:53.000)
on Alex Jones territory
Alex Jones (03:34:55.000)
lecturing. Like everybody's three years old. You've got to be the Patriot It's now it's horrible that Trump wants to secure our border to better trade deals all the time stock markets up. 3,300,000,000,000 New Jobs came in. The steel mills are not in production they've had in 60 years. It's terrible. We're not even one sided deals and he killed TPP that was unelected. You've got to do what it takes to overthrow him. Okay. Okay, because he it's a coup, so we have to overthrow him even though he was elected. A counter everything he says Trump's done they're doing this is so illegal here he is
Keith Olbermann (03:35:29.000)
in the outfits around the world to secret to have their names known to us move must become Americans what you have and we need it now and we need it made public
Alex Jones (03:35:40.000)
pause. So give us all your dirt give us all your made up garbage, which there isn't any. There just I mean, it's incredible though. The Clintons are on the Chinese and Russian payroll the globalist have sold the country. They're trying to get sovereignty back. Saying he's here it is. Yeah,
Keith Olbermann (03:35:58.000)
right. It is more than just the fate of this sloppy, but well meaning country that is at risk. Oh,
Alex Jones (03:36:05.000)
this sloppy, but Well, meaning Oh, I'm sorry, we're sloppy. I'm sorry. I'd my show for a decade running down America every day. But it's because I like it now. If foreign governments helped overthrow this evil president, so do you our
Keith Olbermann (03:36:20.000)
faults are good or bad. We cannot be left as a fascist rogue state and an enemy of freedom and international comity. The fate of all freedoms may rest in your hands and your willingness to not merely hint, but show what you know. If we go under your next the freedom you save will be your own.
Dan (03:36:47.000)
I get a little blow hearty.
Jordan (03:36:49.000)
Yeah, fuck this talk Olbermann.
Alex Jones (03:36:54.000)
Man, that guy's phony reading off the teleprompter that's Monday, kidnapper outfit he wears kidnapper who has been involved in regime change as a co author with Tom Clancy and formerly worked in special operation Black Ops State Department you name it. There's a psychiatrist and doctor and one more Doctor sympathetic popping calls the next hour we have to wait though
Jordan (03:37:14.000)
fucking second. He
Dan (03:37:16.000)
just did 35 minutes screaming
Jordan (03:37:18.000)
we're gonna go to a guy who has been involved with the regime changes that we do all the time
Dan (03:37:25.000)
and has claimed on my own show that he was involved in a coup against our government.
Jordan (03:37:32.000)
Holy fuck. Hey, nothing is real. Hey, Dan. I think I hear something at the door is let me open this door. Oh, probably a bill collector. Don't answer it. I'm gonna open this door.
Dan (03:37:43.000)
Creak you're busted. So stupid. Like all of it is so stupid. For hours. The punch line is this regime regime change guy is my guess. Yeah, it's so stupid. I don't get it. I don't get it.
Jordan (03:38:03.000)
God dammit. I thought we were gonna I thought we were gonna bookend it with the clip a couple of clips ago. This one
Dan (03:38:10.000)
perfect. Actually, I forgot to play our out of context drops. I might as well do. Here's a bookend for you.
Alex Jones (03:38:16.000)
It isn't the Trump doesn't know how to use technology. He doesn't trust it. Good.
Dan (03:38:27.000)
She thinks robots are all right. Do
Jordan (03:38:31.000)
you understand? It? Isn't that Trump doesn't love Chimera? Is it that he doesn't trust him?
Dan (03:38:37.000)
It's not that he's a 70 year old man who is spooked out by handheld devices. He doesn't understand mobile phone technology. It's not it's not that he just doesn't trust it.
Jordan (03:38:48.000)
And frankly, based on his situation regarding leaks and recordings Jesus He's probably smart not to trust anything. I
Dan (03:38:57.000)
wouldn't either. So good, good, good spin. We gotta get out of here.
Jordan (03:39:02.000)
We do. How many hours are we at four?
Dan (03:39:05.000)
Guys you can follow us on Twitter at knowledge underscore fight. You name is Jack buzz. Sobia hit us up with a direct message
Jordan (03:39:12.000)
of for sure. Or you can also email us at knowledge
Dan (03:39:17.000)
I was about to say something. It's all fair. Knowledge is our website.
Jordan (03:39:22.000)
You can subscribe to us on iTunes. You can share our through there please leave a review. We love that shit.
Dan (03:39:31.000)
If you are still listening and you haven't left a review, Rappaport still lives on iTunes. Now.
Jordan (03:39:38.000)
Also, if you're still listening, listening and you haven't left a review, Dude, what the fuck? Anyway, you are invested in us and maybe it's time to leave a review.
Dan (03:39:49.000)
Yeah, Robin Ford still lives Rappaport still. Also, if you want to donate to the show become policy wonk. You can there's a link on knowledge And if you'd like us to do a time travel Episode Two a specific date. $10 a month. Yep. And we will be happy to do it. But until next time, we'll catch you soon. But Rapoport still live rather lives.
Alex Jones (03:40:13.000)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air. Thanks for holding. Oh Alex, I'm a first time caller. I'm a huge fan. I love your work.