Transcript/832: July 26, 2023

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This transcript was automatically generated by transcription software and likely contains many mistakes and misattributions. Please check the audio for definitive quotes, attribution, and context.

Unknown Speaker (00:00:00.000)
N-N-N-N-N-N-N-Knowledge Fight
Unknown Speaker (00:00:12.960)
Dan and Jordan, I am sweating.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:19.600), it's time to pray.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:21.480)
I have great respect for Knowledgefight.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:23.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:24.920)
I'm sick of them posing as if they're the good guys saying we are the bad guys.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:29.359)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:30.359)
Dan and Jordan.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:31.359)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:32.359)
Riddle her.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:33.359)
Riddle her.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:34.359)
Riddle her.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:35.359)
Need money.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:36.359)
Riddle her.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:37.359)
Riddle her.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:38.359)
Riddle her.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:39.359)
Andy and Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:40.359)
Andy and Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:41.359)
Stop it.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:42.359)
Andy and Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:43.359)
Andy and Kansas.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:44.359)
It's time to pray.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:45.359)
Andy and Kansas, you're on the air.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:46.359)
Thanks for holding.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:47.359)
Hello, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:48.359)
I'm a first-time caller.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:49.359)
I'm a huge fan.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:50.359)
I love your work.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:51.359)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:52.359)
Unknown Speaker (00:00:53.359)
I love you.
Unknown Speaker (00:00:59.880)
Hey, everybody.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:00.880)
Welcome back to Knowledgefight.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:01.880)
I'm Dan.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:02.880)
I'm Jordan.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:03.880)
We're couple dudes.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:04.879)
I'd like to sit around, worship at the altar of Selene and talk a little bit about Alex
Unknown Speaker (00:01:06.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:07.799)
Oh, indeed we are.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:08.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:09.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:10.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:11.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:12.799)
Quick question for you.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:13.799)
What's up?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:14.799)
What's your bright spot today?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:15.799)
My bright spot today comes in the form of a cheers and cheers.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:16.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:17.799)
You thought I was going to say in the form of a riddle.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:18.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:19.799)
Or in a poem.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:20.799)
I genuinely did not make either of those three things.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:22.439)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:23.439)
Well, it's a cheers and jeers.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:24.439)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:25.439)
Which would you like first?
Unknown Speaker (00:01:26.439)
I'm going to go with jeers.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:27.439)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:28.439)
Go to Doritos.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:29.439)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:30.439)
They found a flavor that they put out called tangy ketchup.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:34.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:35.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:36.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:37.680)
I know that the Canadians, they like a ketchup chip.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:41.079)
I've heard about this.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:42.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:43.239)
I'm aware of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:44.239)
I've seen it.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:45.239)
And I actually think it works okay on potato chips.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:46.879)
So I was interested to see how it would transfer to the corn chip family.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:50.640)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:51.640)
Well, think potato chip, fry.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:54.079)
Not much difference between them.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:55.319)
You put them in ketchup.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:56.319)
Makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:57.319)
Unknown Speaker (00:01:58.319)
You don't dip your ear of corn in ketchup.
Unknown Speaker (00:01:59.319)
You sure don't.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:00.319)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:01.319)
You just don't.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:02.319)
And you shouldn't.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:03.319)
You don't dip a corn tortilla into ketchup either.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:05.120)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:06.120)
You put salsa on that shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:07.120)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:08.120)
And that's kind of why there has been a salsa flavor of Doritos that works.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:11.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:12.759)
Well, of course.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:13.759)
Because those flavors are compatible.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:14.759)
Corn and salsa.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:15.759)
We've all been there.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:16.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:17.759)
Man, not good.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:19.379)
Not as bad as I thought it could be, but not to the point where I threw it across the room
Unknown Speaker (00:02:23.840)
or anything.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:24.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:25.840)
But jeers, sir.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:26.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:27.840)
They're going to get through every possible condiment.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:28.879)
What is the worst possible?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:30.000)
Well, they did have that spicy mustard one that I hated and I got some blowback for.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:36.439)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:37.439)
I mean, some people like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:38.439)
There's some listeners who enjoy that mustard one.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:39.439)
Not good.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:40.439)
Are we talking about Grey Poupon?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:42.120)
Are there going to be mayonnaise Doritos?
Unknown Speaker (00:02:45.199)
Give them time, I'm sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:46.199)
I think some of them probably incorporate mayonnaise, like some of those weird street
Unknown Speaker (00:02:51.159)
taco flavors or whatever.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:52.840)
You know, there's probably some mayo on it.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:53.840)
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:54.840)
No, like street corn.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:55.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:02:56.840)
But I bet those would be delicious because, again, street corn is delicious.
Unknown Speaker (00:02:59.120)
No, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:00.120)
I'm not talking about that.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:01.120)
I'm saying that some existing flavors probably have in there seasoning mix.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:07.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:08.000)
A little bit of that mayo seasoning.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:09.000)
Mayo seasoning.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:10.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:11.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:12.000)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:13.000)
So yeah, I had the chip in my hand.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:16.879)
I was like, why do you make more red flavors, Doritos?
Unknown Speaker (00:03:21.479)
We have enough.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:22.479)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:23.479)
And it made me think of, there was the Doritos roulette, I think was the name of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:26.560)
Do you remember that?
Unknown Speaker (00:03:27.560)
Unknown Speaker (00:03:28.560)
It was a bag of Doritos and most of them were regular, but a couple of them in the bag were
Unknown Speaker (00:03:34.780)
ridiculously spicy.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:36.280)
That's great.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:37.280)
So you could put them out and like, hey, maybe you'll get the crazy hot one.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:43.080)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:44.080)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:45.080)
I like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:46.080)
That was fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:47.080)
I like a chip based on a Russian game that kills you.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:49.280)
I enjoy that.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:50.280)
I enjoy that.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:51.280)
I liked that.
Unknown Speaker (00:03:52.280)
And I thought it was kind of fun to be like, ooh, is this going to be the spicy one?
Unknown Speaker (00:03:55.680)
And I thought about putting some of these ketchup ones in with regular chips and it
Unknown Speaker (00:04:00.120)
would be the inverse because it's like, is this going to be the bad one?
Unknown Speaker (00:04:02.639)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:03.639)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:04.639)
That's not bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:05.639)
It made me want regular Doritos because they're way better.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:08.199)
I don't know how many times we're going to have the Dorito conversation.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:11.639)
It's really tough to just beat the nacho cheese one.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:13.919)
I mean, here's the problem.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:16.439)
What do you do if you find out you nailed it at the beginning?
Unknown Speaker (00:04:20.759)
It's crazy.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:21.759)
You keep striving, but you realize that you're never going to get to the top of the peak
Unknown Speaker (00:04:25.720)
because there's no higher peak.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:27.399)
Well, I think they learned the wrong lesson from ranch working out.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:31.600)
You know, because Cool Ranch was the second flavor.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:35.000)
And so they were like, we're two for two.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:37.120)
We're two for two.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:38.399)
And now we're two for a hundred.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:39.800)
Yeah, that is an issue.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:41.180)
I get some people like some of the other flavors, but they're wrong.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:43.600)
Those are a good two.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:44.800)
Those are two that are good enough to create a multi-billion dollar franchise thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:48.839)
Yeah, I get you.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:49.839)
And now, on to cheers.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:50.839)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:51.839)
Unknown Speaker (00:04:52.839)
Who gets the cheers?
Unknown Speaker (00:04:53.839)
Oh, the M&Ms.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:55.199)
What are we talking about?
Unknown Speaker (00:04:56.199)
We are talking about caramel cold brew M&Ms.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:58.480)
If you want to try one.
Unknown Speaker (00:04:59.480)
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:00.480)
I'm going to have to try.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:01.480)
That's my shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:02.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:03.480)
They are fantastic.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:04.480)
I am, I am quite into, I like coffee as a flavor.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:08.199)
I think it's a good flavor for candies and what have you.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:12.439)
And then I think it has the right amount of caramel, the right amount of chocolate.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:16.720)
Just a, just a well-made M&M.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:19.680)
I think M&M can confirm that is spectacular.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:22.240)
It's great.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:23.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:05:24.240)
I thought when I saw the bag, I thought like, well, this is probably going to be okay.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:27.779)
And then I was, I was shocked by how much I enjoyed it.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:30.360)
I think the M&Ms is a, they have a better battering average than Doritos for sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:34.879)
Well, I mean, it's hard to, it's hard to fuck up an M&M like centrally because you've got
Unknown Speaker (00:05:40.720)
candy coating, chocolate covering.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:43.199)
Some of them have been disappointing.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:44.819)
That's definitely true.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:45.819)
But they've had some real bangers.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:48.660)
This is up there.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:49.660)
I mean, pretzel is great.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:50.660)
Pretzel is absolutely, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:53.839)
The peanut butter one, you know, you thought like.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:56.480)
You can't not eat peanut butter M&Ms.
Unknown Speaker (00:05:57.839)
Well, you got the peanut M&M, which is a classic and you're like, now you're going to try and
Unknown Speaker (00:06:01.319)
get into the peanut butter game too?
Unknown Speaker (00:06:03.279)
Well, well played.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:04.639)
I mean, the tough part that you never would have expected them to really nail was the
Unknown Speaker (00:06:09.279)
peanut butter.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:10.279)
Cause you think there's no way they're going to get the right creaminess.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:13.639)
They're going to try and go too far to the Reese's where it's almost a little like solid
Unknown Speaker (00:06:17.600)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:18.600)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:19.600)
They nailed it.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:20.600)
Well done M&M.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:21.720)
Well done.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:22.720)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:23.720)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:24.720)
Do better Doritos.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:26.720)
So what's your bright spot, Dan, you will be surprised to hear that I have two bright
Unknown Speaker (00:06:31.279)
spots today.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:32.279)
Damn it.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:33.279)
Wait, technically I kind of, I mean, I had a split bright spot.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:36.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:06:37.199)
I mean, you're the, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:38.199)
Uh, uh, no, uh, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:41.300)
My first bright spot is, uh, my wife is going on her, uh, artist retreat to Portugal.
Unknown Speaker (00:06:47.279)
I'm very excited for her because you get to have a bachelor week to bang around town,
Unknown Speaker (00:06:54.279)
go to the casino, go to the titty bar, do all the things that you want to do, but the
Unknown Speaker (00:07:00.120)
ball and chain won't let you appreciate that.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:03.240)
And then at the same time I'm like, Oh, you know, she takes me out of my hole more than
Unknown Speaker (00:07:08.699)
I normally would be.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:10.040)
My cave is perfect.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:11.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:12.240)
She's going to be away.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:13.240)
So I'm going to snuggle with the dogs and play some video games.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:15.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:16.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:17.480)
I will be underneath several blankets with several puppies around me having a great time.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:21.000)
It does sound fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:22.000)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:23.000)
She's going to have a great time.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:24.319)
Oh, I'm so excited.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:25.319)
I mean, the, the last one she went on was to Portland last year.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:29.720)
Did they only go to places that started port?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:32.040)
Well next year they're going to Port-au-Prince.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:33.040)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:34.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:35.040)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:36.040)
Damn it.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:37.040)
That was going to be mine.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:38.040)
I was going to say, how many?
Unknown Speaker (00:07:39.040)
That was going to be my joke.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:40.040)
I wasn't sure how many ports there were.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:41.040)
Uh, I'm happy there's tons.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:42.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:43.680)
Uh, uh, but no.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:44.680)
Port of call, New Orleans.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:45.680)
She's going to watch bad lieutenant.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:46.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:07:47.680)
That's a good one.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:48.680)
That's a good poll.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:49.680)
Uh, no, she made so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:52.680)
She made so much great stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:53.920)
She's so inspired.
Unknown Speaker (00:07:55.259)
She's so talented that I'm always so excited whenever she's given the opportunity to just
Unknown Speaker (00:07:59.439)
be like, I am going to be an artist with no distractions, no nothing.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:03.959)
I'm going to express myself through my greatest talent and it's always exciting and it's always
Unknown Speaker (00:08:08.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:09.639)
Portugal should be a lot of fun too.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:10.639)
Oh, it'll be great.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:11.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:12.639)
It'll be great.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:13.639)
I was making that Lego world map and Portugal was one of the few countries that I'm like,
Unknown Speaker (00:08:15.639)
I know I'm putting this on here just by its shape.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:18.279)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:19.279)
It was very clear to me where Portugal was.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:20.680)
Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:21.680)
That's a good point.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:23.399)
But yeah, that should be fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:24.800)
Unknown Speaker (00:08:25.800)
It'll be great.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:26.800)
And then the second bright spot is going to be a lot of people's bright spot.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:29.439)
I think it will be a lot of people.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:31.240)
Well, specifically it will be 180 people's bright spots.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:35.559)
Uh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:37.059)
We had to add a second show.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:39.759)
We didn't have to.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:41.059)
We had to.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:42.059)
We had to.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:43.059)
We chose to.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:44.059)
We chose to add a second show.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:45.379)
It's at the same venue in London.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:48.600)
So now we're doing the 26th and the 27th.
Unknown Speaker (00:08:51.799)
The tickets are going to go live on Monday morning in Britain at the time of 10 AM local
Unknown Speaker (00:08:59.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:00.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:01.639)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:02.639)
So if you are in that area of London, specifically 10 AM, 10 AM, and then you can do the math
Unknown Speaker (00:09:08.059)
from there.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:09.059)
I mean, there's other, there's 23 other time zones.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:13.039)
Figure out which one you're in.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:14.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:09:15.039)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:16.039)
So yeah, I mean the, uh, the other one, I think that we were not convinced fully that
Unknown Speaker (00:09:21.200)
it was going to sell out.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:22.299)
We have very low self esteem, but it did.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:25.600)
And so we added a second, uh, second show.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:28.519)
So as it stands now and will stand forever, there will never be any coming back now.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:35.279)
Um, so Glasgow on the 20th, the 23rd and 24th, and there'll be a live show there.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:43.120)
London on the 26th and 27th at the Amersham arms.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:46.519)
This will be our, our tour.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:48.220)
This will be our tour.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:49.679)
And I feel like if somebody wants to make a poster for the tour, if someone wants to
Unknown Speaker (00:09:55.399)
design a poster, I'm all for it.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:57.179)
I'm not going to say no.
Unknown Speaker (00:09:58.179)
And here's what I'd like to see out of that poster.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:02.039)
If I'm going to commission a poster on air right now.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:05.399)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:06.399)
I, uh, I will work out, we'll negotiate, uh, sort of some sort of, uh, the fee and what
Unknown Speaker (00:10:13.759)
have you.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:14.759)
But here's what I want to see.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:15.759)
I want to see me as Jeeves and Jordan as Birdie Wooster.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:19.120)
That's what I want to see.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:21.399)
Um, yeah, you know, that does sound about right.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:24.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:25.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:26.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:27.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:28.480)
We have a dynamic.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:29.480)
And Celine as Aunt Dahlia.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:30.480)
Oh, that'd be fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:31.480)
No, what's so funny is that we, when we started trying to think about the tour, I was planning
Unknown Speaker (00:10:38.799)
on booking four shows and then I had such a hard time with all of the venue bookers
Unknown Speaker (00:10:44.600)
just being like, screw you guys, I don't give a shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:46.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:10:47.679)
You know, which is fine.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:48.679)
That's the normal response.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:49.679)
We do a show about Alex Jones.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:50.679)
How would you know who we were?
Unknown Speaker (00:10:51.679)
So then, so then it's like, it got compressed down to two and I was like, ah, I finally
Unknown Speaker (00:10:55.759)
got to, and now we're back up to four.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:57.179)
So it'll be good.
Unknown Speaker (00:10:58.179)
But that was kind of the hope, um, I mean, we didn't want to go too far from the Manchester
Unknown Speaker (00:11:06.080)
of the, like, because the QED is the like sort of anchor of the trip, we didn't want
Unknown Speaker (00:11:12.559)
to go too far.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:13.559)
And I was kind of hoping we'd be able to get, uh, maybe, uh, into like France or Ireland,
Unknown Speaker (00:11:20.879)
but, uh, maybe another time, another trip or something.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:25.039)
Our eyes are about the correct size of our stomach right now.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:29.200)
And now we've, uh, next we have to figure out a way to get down to Australia.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:32.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:33.840)
That's going to be tough.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:34.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:35.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:36.840)
See if you can offend those people too.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:37.840)
I want to get your ass kicked by a Scot and then get your ass kicked by somebody down
Unknown Speaker (00:11:41.039)
in Australia.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:42.039)
By at least seven people for all of the continents.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:45.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:46.039)
I feel like I have at least talked shit about every single one of them so far.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:49.039)
And I do believe that I have talked shit about Antarctica.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:51.919)
Most people can't say that.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:52.919)
They'd just be talking shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:53.919)
I am real, man.
Unknown Speaker (00:11:55.399)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:56.399)
Unknown Speaker (00:11:57.399)
I want to go down to Australia and find some of those people from survivor Australia and
Unknown Speaker (00:12:01.399)
let them kick your ass.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:02.399)
Yeah, I know.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:03.399)
I, I make no pretensions towards being some sort of manly man willing to fight back or
Unknown Speaker (00:12:08.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:09.039)
You will probably kick my ass.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:10.039)
It's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:11.039)
You'll just scream about how they love the queen and then, uh, you're getting, uh, straight
Unknown Speaker (00:12:15.039)
in the nose.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:16.039)
Then they're going to lay you down for the three second tan.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:18.620)
But that's fine.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:19.620)
You know, we, we get my ass kicked and we become friends.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:21.840)
We go out for a drink.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:22.840)
That's great.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:23.840)
Let's go with it.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:24.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:25.840)
We'll see about that.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:26.840)
So Jordan, today we have an episode to do.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:28.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:29.840)
Uh, we're not just, uh, bullshitting about, uh, candies and, uh, live shows.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:33.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:34.840)
Uh, we do have a show, uh, episode and, uh, we're talking about the present day.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:38.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:39.039)
We're talking about Wednesday.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:40.039)
Oh no.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:41.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:42.039)
July 26th, 2023.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:43.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:44.039)
I'm going to say something.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:46.039)
We're only covering the first two hours.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:49.159)
Cause the third one went great?
Unknown Speaker (00:12:52.080)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:53.080)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:54.080)
I turned it off.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:55.080)
Unknown Speaker (00:12:56.080)
He started interviewing that guy, dark journalist.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:58.120)
And I don't.
Unknown Speaker (00:12:59.120)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:00.120)
What the fuck is, oh no, we have talked about dark journalist.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:02.519)
I got to a dark journalist here and like, I don't, I don't want to talk about dark journalist.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:06.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:07.559)
I don't talk about, I don't talk to comic book characters trying to be alive.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:11.360)
Dark journalist is either a joke or an assassin.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:14.879)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:15.879)
And I don't want to fuck with either.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:16.879)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:17.879)
So anyway, they were talking about this, uh, these hearings on, uh, alien disclosure and
Unknown Speaker (00:13:22.559)
I just lost my patience and I said, no, thank you.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:25.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:26.840)
Uh, nothing worth talking about.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:27.840)
I'm out.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:28.840)
So we're going to get down to the first two hours, which is, uh, some, you know, some
Unknown Speaker (00:13:32.759)
fun stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:33.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:13:34.759)
So we'll get down to business on that.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:35.759)
But first Jordan, let's say hello to some new wonks.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:38.039)
That's great.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:39.039)
Opening the email with the names to cold read.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:42.559)
So first, uh, thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:44.360)
Uh, Samuel, Sammy, you can call me Sambo.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:47.320)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:48.320)
You are now policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:49.320)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:50.320)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:51.320)
I don't like that.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:52.320)
What are you doing?
Unknown Speaker (00:13:53.320)
There was a lady who was on survivor named Shambo.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:56.840)
Oh, that's better than Sambo.
Unknown Speaker (00:13:59.360)
Well, I forgot that he, I just grabbed it cause he was the one who put it in there.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:03.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:04.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:05.759)
Well, you're still a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:06.759)
I copied and pasted.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:07.759)
Next, praying every day for Alex to remove those microchips from the skulls of the homeless
Unknown Speaker (00:14:11.720)
like you promised.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:12.720)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:13.720)
You are now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:14.720)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:15.720)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:16.720)
I think it was in the arm actually.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:17.720)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:18.720)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:19.720)
Unknown Speaker (00:14:20.720)
Next, somewhere beyond the sea.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:21.720)
We've got a FEMA camp, a FEMA death camp waiting for me.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:24.919)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:25.919)
You're now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:26.919)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:27.919)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:28.919)
Sorry, I didn't sing that.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:29.919)
Next, Sir Royman McSamuel.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:32.519)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:33.519)
You're now a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:34.519)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:35.519)
Thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:36.519)
Thank you.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:37.519)
We got a couple of technocrats in the mix, Jordan.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:38.759)
So thank you so much to I'm Carbon Viber and I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:42.720)
You are now a technocrat.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:43.720)
Ooh, contradictory.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:45.720)
And Lucky Underscore Bun, the bunny VTuber for the rest of us parentheses, I cannot overemphasize
Unknown Speaker (00:14:51.840)
the importance of that underscore.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:53.960)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:54.960)
You are now a technocrat.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:55.960)
I'm a policy wonk.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:56.960)
Four stars.
Unknown Speaker (00:14:57.960)
Go home to your mother and tell her you're brilliant.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:01.000)
Someone sodomite sent me a bucket of poop.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:02.679)
Daddy shark.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:03.679)
Bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp, bomp.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:05.039)
Jar Jar Binks has a Caribbean black accent.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:09.399)
He's a loser little titty baby.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:12.480)
I don't want to hate black people.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:14.120)
I renounce Jesus Christ.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:15.840)
Thank you so much.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:16.840)
Yes, thank you very much.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:17.840)
Now some people have been derisive about how I said I was going to make a new technocrat
Unknown Speaker (00:15:22.360)
drop and I haven't.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:23.360)
And I didn't say I was going to make it right now.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:25.440)
Yeah, I don't, I don't believe that there was a time stamp on that.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:29.000)
It's coming.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:30.000)
Be cool.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:31.000)
I'm going to make it has no time limit.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:33.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:34.840)
It's coming.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:35.840)
I'm going to make it.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:36.840)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:37.840)
When is that statement not true?
Unknown Speaker (00:15:39.840)
Only once I have made it.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:41.360)
There's a lot of things to do around these here parts.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:44.279)
I just finished getting all the stuff cleaned out of my old apartment.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:49.120)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:50.120)
Unknown Speaker (00:15:51.120)
You should have seen me.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:52.120)
It looked like I got out of a swimming pool.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:54.320)
Sweat just, Oh God, I had gone in with my clothes on.
Unknown Speaker (00:15:58.519)
I had to leave my yoga class after only 45 minutes today because I had sweat so much
Unknown Speaker (00:16:03.679)
that I couldn't hang on to the yoga.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:05.600)
Was it hot yoga?
Unknown Speaker (00:16:06.600)
It was so hot in there.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:08.000)
They didn't put the air conditioning on.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:09.600)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:10.600)
It was supposed to be just regular shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:13.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:14.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:15.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:16.320)
So we start here and Alex has some interesting ideas about who's going to be president coming
Unknown Speaker (00:16:24.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:25.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:26.759)
Apparently Biden about to be impeached.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:27.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:16:28.759)
Ladies and gentlemen, the deep state new world order occupiers of our Republic are now pressing
Unknown Speaker (00:16:38.200)
the lever on the toilet and beginning to flush the turds known as the puppet Joe Biden and
Unknown Speaker (00:16:48.279)
his crackhead pedophile, Sean Hunter told you it was imminent.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:53.000)
I predicted Tucker Carlson will be fired within the next month.
Unknown Speaker (00:16:56.720)
One month later he was fired and I've said on record in the last two weeks that they're
Unknown Speaker (00:17:02.820)
imminently going to charge Hunter Biden with more charges.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:05.759)
They're going to take his plea deal away and they're going to file impeachment charges
Unknown Speaker (00:17:10.759)
because Biden didn't step down.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:14.920)
They don't want to have the embarrassment of frying their puppet, but Biden's trying
Unknown Speaker (00:17:20.119)
to be a real boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:21.880)
He's trying to stay in charge and they're saying, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:28.039)
You must make way for Gavin Newsome.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:32.480)
What Roger Stone is seldom wrong.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:35.640)
What he's definitely one of the best political minds out there.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:38.759)
He really says they've got big mic ready and that'll be big Mike and Gavin Newsome.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:43.400)
I think it should be big Mike and somebody else who will say, Oh, they removed Biden.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:47.680)
It'll be Kamala.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:48.680)
No, she knows to step down when she's told that woman's even dumber than the brain dead
Unknown Speaker (00:17:52.839)
Unknown Speaker (00:17:53.839)
And he's as dumb as a box of rocks.
Unknown Speaker (00:17:56.039)
He's as dumb as entire quarry of rocks.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:01.599)
You see the more mindless rocks you have, it creates a negativity in the stupidity.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:06.279)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:07.279)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:08.279)
So do you get the basic conception?
Unknown Speaker (00:18:09.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:10.599)
So Biden is going to resign because Hunter Biden is, uh, you know, crime in, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:18.880)
But also Biden's crime in.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:20.279)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:21.279)
Well Biden's crime in and he was always going to be stepped up because that's already part
Unknown Speaker (00:18:25.039)
of the plan.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:26.039)
And Hunter's stuff reveals Biden's crime in.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:28.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:29.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:30.759)
And he's going to be in charge of the country somehow.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:32.119)
That was weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:33.119)
That was a very strange thing for me.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:34.359)
We brushed that aside.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:35.359)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:36.359)
So then Kamala is going to not, she's just going to leave because she's, she does what
Unknown Speaker (00:18:41.619)
she's told by whom?
Unknown Speaker (00:18:43.559)
The globalists.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:44.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:45.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:18:46.559)
But then, but she would be president, right?
Unknown Speaker (00:18:48.799)
So like they really couldn't tell her what to do at that point.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:51.680)
Like any ability they have to tell her what to do comes through the fact that she has
Unknown Speaker (00:18:55.539)
no real power, but once she has real power, she can push back against them.
Unknown Speaker (00:18:59.119)
Tell that to JFK, my boy.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:01.279)
That's a fair point.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:02.279)
That's a fair point.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:04.160)
So here's, here's what's going on.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:06.160)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:07.160)
The globalists have said, Biden, you're done.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:10.960)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:11.960)
You're done.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:12.960)
Step down.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:13.960)
Yeah, get out of here.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:14.960)
Step down.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:15.960)
But he won't go.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:16.960)
Unknown Speaker (00:19:17.960)
He's not going to go.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:18.960)
This ice cream sandwich loving son of a bitch won't go.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:20.200)
He's not going.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:21.200)
He has too much pride.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:24.519)
He thinks he's a real boy when he's really Pinocchio.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:27.460)
He won't step down and so now Kevin McCarthy has been given the green light to impeach
Unknown Speaker (00:19:33.019)
him because the globalists are the only thing that's been holding back the GOP.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:36.519)
I was going to say, I was going to say, isn't, wasn't the, wasn't the Democrat plan to impeach
Unknown Speaker (00:19:41.640)
Joe Biden.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:42.640)
So then Kamala could take over.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:44.920)
Wait, that's what you think Alex is saying?
Unknown Speaker (00:19:46.880)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:47.880)
Back in the day, whenever we were talking about who was going to get elected in 2020
Unknown Speaker (00:19:51.319)
or whatever, the plan was that Joe Biden would be electable and then he would be assassinated
Unknown Speaker (00:19:56.279)
or he would step down on his own volition.
Unknown Speaker (00:19:58.480)
So Kamala could become the first, but that's not, wasn't the Democrats plan.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:02.799)
That was the globalist plan.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:03.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:04.799)
So then we're just doing the plan then.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:05.799)
I guess.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:06.799)
I guess that's what we're doing.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:08.119)
But all of it's not real.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:09.319)
So there is that there is just a shadow puppets that Alex is seeing in his mind.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:16.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:17.079)
So that's, that's where we're at.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:18.559)
And so now Michelle Obama and Gavin Newsom are going to be put in.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:25.039)
Oh my God.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:26.440)
That's who they meant by big Mike.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:28.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:20:29.799)
Motherfucking pieces of goddamn shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:32.799)
Fuck off.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:33.799)
I'm sorry.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:34.799)
I didn't clarify.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:35.799)
I had no idea.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:36.799)
It's become such a...
Unknown Speaker (00:20:37.799)
I thought it was Mike Pence.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:38.799)
No, it's become such a shorthand with Alex now.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:41.359)
Fucking hell.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:42.359)
He had that whole like thing where he was playing like, Hey, it's just a joke.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:45.880)
I'm just joking about Michelle Obama.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:48.859)
And then now he's just descended fully into being serious about he's saying she's trans.
Unknown Speaker (00:20:58.019)
Do you know why I'm more willing to entertain the defenestration concept is because the
Unknown Speaker (00:21:04.839)
conversation has become more playground.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:07.039)
It has become more and more and more childish to the point where they're just pointing at
Unknown Speaker (00:21:13.319)
your face while you're like jumping rope going like, Oh, your name is different now.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:18.220)
Your name is different now.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:19.339)
Your name is...
Unknown Speaker (00:21:20.339)
And that's it.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:21.339)
Like, what do you say to children?
Unknown Speaker (00:21:22.339)
You put them in timeout, which hopefully will happen to Alex sooner than later.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:27.400)
I mean, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:29.400)
So anyway, this is where we're at politically.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:32.599)
It's going great.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:33.839)
I mean, I think in the real world, other things are happening, but this is where Alex's head's
Unknown Speaker (00:21:39.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:40.240)
I've seen other things happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:41.240)
So there's been some issues with some heart things.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:46.279)
That's a great way to start this introduction.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:48.480)
There's things with heart stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:49.680)
There's things with hearts.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:50.960)
LeBron James's son had a cardiac arrest.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:55.400)
Yeah, I read about that.
Unknown Speaker (00:21:57.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:21:58.039)
And so this has led to a conversation about COVID and heart issues.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:03.680)
And Alex has some thoughts about this.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:05.720)
That's coming up and you knew they knew it.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:07.680)
You know, I said this was obvious three years ago, they were going to pull that COVID causes
Unknown Speaker (00:22:12.920)
heart damage.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:14.799)
And so all the heart attacks exploding is because of COVID, but it's the people that
Unknown Speaker (00:22:19.759)
are the most vaccinated with the poison shot that are having the high levels of strokes
Unknown Speaker (00:22:25.559)
and blood clots and heart attacks and myocarditis.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:29.460)
And here it is.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:30.460)
That's what they're saying now.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:31.960)
USC basketball, how a COVID-19 infection could have impacted Bronnie James' heart.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:40.559)
But Bronnie James took all the vaccines, all the experimental shots.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:45.279)
I thought he was protected.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:46.279)
Oh, well, that's it.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:47.279)
He didn't take enough shots.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:48.279)
Well, just then LeBron, I think should start taking one every month and see how it does
Unknown Speaker (00:22:52.000)
for him.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:53.000)
Because these folks will never admit they were conned.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:56.559)
Can't do it.
Unknown Speaker (00:22:57.559)
In the Forbes article about this, it said that it's unclear whether his son was vaccinated
Unknown Speaker (00:23:03.319)
or not.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:04.319)
Did it?
Unknown Speaker (00:23:05.319)
There is no evidence either way.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:06.319)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:07.319)
You probably assume that he is, but I mean, I mean, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:09.880)
Alex is just reporting stuff that he can't really confirm.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:12.759)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:13.759)
It's important to understand what's going on here, though.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:15.680)
Alex and his ilk are complicit in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people they told
Unknown Speaker (00:23:19.559)
not to get vaccinated, and they have a lot of questions to answer over their actions.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:24.319)
But that's never going to happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:25.319)
Unknown Speaker (00:23:26.319)
They're never going to face the music, so when there's some piece of information that
Unknown Speaker (00:23:28.920)
calls their conspiracy into question, they just expand the conspiracy another level deeper
Unknown Speaker (00:23:33.440)
to get themselves off the hook and make sure the audience doesn't think that they're actually
Unknown Speaker (00:23:37.400)
the ones who are being conned.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:39.420)
It's been very obvious for a long time that heart attacks and cardiovascular issues are
Unknown Speaker (00:23:43.039)
a side effect and a serious concern for people who have had COVID.
Unknown Speaker (00:23:46.519)
In fact, the clear evidence that this is the case is probably a large part of why folks
Unknown Speaker (00:23:51.400)
like Alex have an obsession with calling every heart attack or case of myocarditis a vaccine
Unknown Speaker (00:23:56.039)
side effect because they need to divert attention.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:00.000)
If they accept that it's related to COVID, then they have to accept that they encourage
Unknown Speaker (00:24:03.400)
people to leave themselves vulnerable to exactly the situation that we're seeing.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:08.359)
Unknown Speaker (00:24:09.359)
The vaccine doesn't really work here, though.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:12.000)
Cardiovascular disease-related deaths were steeply increasing after COVID, but before
Unknown Speaker (00:24:16.180)
the vaccine was released.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:18.079)
According to the American Health Association, there were 874,613 deaths of this sort in
Unknown Speaker (00:24:24.480)
2019 and 928,741 in 2020, quote, the largest single year increase since 2015.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:34.079)
If what Alex were saying were true, you'd expect to see the jump after the vaccine rollout,
Unknown Speaker (00:24:38.200)
not before it.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:39.599)
Because the vaccine didn't exist and wasn't in circulation, it can't be a contributing
Unknown Speaker (00:24:43.339)
factor to the giant jump in cardiovascular deaths seen in 2020, but COVID can be.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:48.960)
And all credible scientists agree on this.
Unknown Speaker (00:24:52.039)
For at least the first year after getting COVID, people can be in quite an increased
Unknown Speaker (00:24:57.599)
risk, not a huge increased risk, but one that's worth being aware of and talking about of
Unknown Speaker (00:25:03.519)
heart-related side effects for a variety of reasons.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:06.640)
And it's possible for you to still have this risk and be vaccinated.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:11.279)
Vaccination doesn't work 100% of the time, so you can be vaccinated and still get COVID,
Unknown Speaker (00:25:15.440)
and the complications that come from getting COVID could still be an issue for you, despite
Unknown Speaker (00:25:19.660)
your vaccination status.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:21.619)
That being said, vaccination greatly reduces your likelihood of contracting or transmitting
Unknown Speaker (00:25:25.579)
the virus, so the odds are reduced.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:28.119)
Alex understands this, but if he shows awareness that he understands this dynamic, it pokes
Unknown Speaker (00:25:32.319)
holes in his ability to put up the facade he needs to protect himself from the reality
Unknown Speaker (00:25:36.680)
that his advice likely killed a ton of his fans.
Unknown Speaker (00:25:40.160)
Unknown Speaker (00:25:41.160)
No, every study and news article and so forth is like, since the vaccine was released, we've
Unknown Speaker (00:25:46.759)
seen a complete distance between Republican-leaning areas and Democrat-leaning areas, and it shouldn't
Unknown Speaker (00:25:53.839)
even, the problem is, even they, even they are unwilling to accept, like, it's not, like,
Unknown Speaker (00:26:03.079)
they have to put it within those red-blue terms.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:06.660)
But dude, that makes, but that's where- And that's only reinforcing of the reason
Unknown Speaker (00:26:10.880)
that the thing exists in the first place, you know?
Unknown Speaker (00:26:14.319)
But what you're saying, you know, the higher incidence of COVID-related deaths in areas
Unknown Speaker (00:26:19.160)
with larger red populations, let's say, that's a perfect example of something that would
Unknown Speaker (00:26:26.680)
be contradictory to their conspiracy, which is why the conspiracy goes another level deeper.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:32.599)
Which is why Alex says, like, oh yeah, they sent the really bad killer shots to red areas
Unknown Speaker (00:26:37.960)
because they wanted to kill patriots.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:39.799)
The problem is, the solution is the problem, and the problem is fine.
Unknown Speaker (00:26:45.599)
And there's always another level down that the conspiracy can go to explain away the
Unknown Speaker (00:26:52.359)
Unknown Speaker (00:26:53.359)
Well, I mean, you said in 2020, before the vaccine was out, oh, those excess deaths,
Unknown Speaker (00:26:57.799)
that was them testing the vaccine on a new group of people, done.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:02.720)
It will always, it's turtles all the way down.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:05.400)
If that's what you want to believe, that's what it's going to be.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:08.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:09.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:10.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:11.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:12.079)
So anyway, back to Biden.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:13.079)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:14.079)
Is he okay?
Unknown Speaker (00:27:15.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:27:16.079)
It's official.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:17.079)
Biden's refused to step down to make way for the next puppet operation.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:20.640)
And so Speaker McCarthy has been given the green light by the deep state, says House
Unknown Speaker (00:27:24.559)
readying to bring impeachment charges against Joe Biden imminently.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:27.960)
And they've withdrawn the plea deal of a sweetheart deal for Hunter Biden.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:34.440)
Now he's facing serious jail time.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:36.200)
And the word is, they're getting ready to indict him for human trafficking and more.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:40.960)
Of course, all of this will not happen if Joe Biden just takes the blame for the holder
Unknown Speaker (00:27:46.240)
holder agenda and fades away.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:49.839)
And I've been predicting that it's in the cards, not saying it's going to happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:27:54.220)
But if he refuses to step down and makes a scene that a right wing extremist, close quote,
Unknown Speaker (00:28:02.079)
is going to truck bomb him or shoot him at one of his events, and then they'll recycle
Unknown Speaker (00:28:08.000)
his death, turning it into that he's a patron saint like George Floyd.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:15.400)
And that's the right wing that did it.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:17.880)
I really think they're going to recycle him that way.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:21.559)
I hope and pray that's not the case.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:23.759)
I actually pray that God sent angels to protect this man so that he can stand trial for all
Unknown Speaker (00:28:29.960)
of his crimes and not be turned into a martyr.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:33.440)
So like, what is the situation that Alex wants?
Unknown Speaker (00:28:38.079)
Like does he want Biden to step down?
Unknown Speaker (00:28:40.299)
I guess not, because that's fulfilling the globalist agenda.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:43.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:44.920)
They want that to happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:45.920)
So it can't happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:46.920)
Alex doesn't want him to be killed, because that's going to be blamed on right wingers.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:51.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:52.799)
And that also fulfills the globalist agenda.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:54.579)
But he also doesn't want him to be president.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:56.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:28:57.559)
Because he's not the actual president.
Unknown Speaker (00:28:58.700)
The only thing that Alex, I guess, could be supporting is defend Biden at all costs until
Unknown Speaker (00:29:04.119)
the election.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:05.119)
I mean, I guess that's...
Unknown Speaker (00:29:06.119)
And then beat him in the election.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:07.940)
It is either that...
Unknown Speaker (00:29:08.940)
He is a Biden supporter.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:10.079)
It is genuinely he has to go the two extremes.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:15.160)
Either it's blow the entire DC area up or you're an ardent Biden supporter.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:22.099)
You have to try and get him to the election.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:24.000)
We have to make sure that he's alive.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:26.880)
Everything has to go to that day.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:28.480)
Now this guy sucks, but we have to keep him in office.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:31.440)
We don't want him in office.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:33.099)
We want him not dead while he's in office so he can be not in office when he's not supposed
Unknown Speaker (00:29:38.480)
to be in office.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:39.480)
So Alex needs to oppose the impeachment of Biden.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:44.079)
Yes, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:45.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:46.079)
Because if the impeachment's successful, that's what the globalists want to do.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:49.960)
Yes, it's the globalist plan.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:50.960)
Because then Kamala Harris will come in and then she'll step down and you'll get Gavin
Unknown Speaker (00:29:54.240)
Newsom in there.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:55.240)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:56.240)
Unknown Speaker (00:29:57.240)
So I'm so confused.
Unknown Speaker (00:29:58.240)
No, it's somebody who is, I mean, they've gone through to the other side.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:06.079)
But in reality it's all shit talk.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:07.480)
Yeah, it's all bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:08.480)
In reality, we're trying to bring reality to bear on this and it doesn't really matter.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:12.880)
The only thing that is real in there essentially is like, man, someone might take a shot at
Unknown Speaker (00:30:17.140)
Biden and I want to make sure people know that I have a conspiracy locked and loaded
Unknown Speaker (00:30:22.079)
for that one.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:23.079)
Unknown Speaker (00:30:24.079)
But I think what's fun about this is just taking what is clearly a clownish, dumb, stupid
Unknown Speaker (00:30:29.920)
idea and then being like, what if somebody tried it?
Unknown Speaker (00:30:33.079)
In real world terms, what would the results be?
Unknown Speaker (00:30:37.180)
Not good.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:38.180)
Well, it's also fun to, you know, whenever Alex says some stuff like this, to be like,
Unknown Speaker (00:30:43.039)
if this is true, what else must be true?
Unknown Speaker (00:30:45.440)
Yeah, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:46.440)
And follow the chain.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:47.440)
Follow it.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:48.440)
And like, that's what you end up with.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:49.440)
He has to like really support Biden.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:51.240)
See, but that's why they're so bad at investigating because they can't understand that that chain
Unknown Speaker (00:30:56.000)
doesn't end.
Unknown Speaker (00:30:57.460)
If this is true, then this must be true means that if that's true, then this must be, do
Unknown Speaker (00:31:01.759)
you understand?
Unknown Speaker (00:31:02.759)
It always goes on.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:04.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:05.119)
There are implications behind like things that you say often.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:09.000)
And when you're kind of just a dumb shit talker, you end up like saying things that you don't
Unknown Speaker (00:31:12.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:13.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:14.799)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:15.799)
So no one has a memory.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:16.799)
It turns out we know Alex says this a lot.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:18.200)
He spends a long time in the first hour rambling about how no one has a memory.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:24.039)
And it's because everyone's like, it's so hot now, climate change is happening.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:29.799)
And no one has a memory of the hot things that happened before.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:32.279)
In the second half hour, he forgot he had spent the first half hour talking about how
Unknown Speaker (00:31:35.420)
nobody has a memory.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:36.420)
No, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:37.420)
He has a memory.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:38.420)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:39.420)
No one else.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:40.420)
Are you sure?
Unknown Speaker (00:31:41.420)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:42.420)
Unknown Speaker (00:31:43.420)
I remember Dory from, pun intended, from Little Nemo or Finding Nemo.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:45.839)
What's the pun?
Unknown Speaker (00:31:46.839)
And it's a species of fish.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:48.400)
What is the pun?
Unknown Speaker (00:31:49.400)
Goldfish out of about a 12 second.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:52.920)
And the fish can't ever remember anything.
Unknown Speaker (00:31:55.839)
So from minute to minute, she's meeting her friends and not remembering that they were
Unknown Speaker (00:31:59.839)
her friends.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:00.839)
Now that's a literal issue.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:02.960)
Well, it's the same thing as global warming.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:05.240)
You got to pay carbon taxes.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:06.599)
You got to...
Unknown Speaker (00:32:07.599)
These fish have it tough.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:08.599)
...have kids.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:09.599)
We got to euthanize old people.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:10.599)
I mean, humans are bad.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:11.599)
Carbon dioxide is evil.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:13.319)
Unknown Speaker (00:32:14.319)
We've got to get rid of it.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:16.319)
But that's why now, every time there's a particularly hot summer, and this is a hot summer.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:25.000)
But you see headlines saying, Death Valley Record Tip 130.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:28.440)
And then the record tip is 134 in 1913.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:32.759)
Look it up.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:33.759)
But they're just lying to you.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:34.759)
Then it turns out last year it hit 130, and the year before it hit 129.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:39.039)
But yeah, the temperatures flush with year to year.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:40.799)
But I had this weird thing called a really good memory, and I remember the temperatures
Unknown Speaker (00:32:46.279)
when I was 10 years old, and 14, and 13.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:49.640)
You know why?
Unknown Speaker (00:32:50.640)
Because we had a year of heat spells, and people were dying on the football field during
Unknown Speaker (00:32:56.539)
two-a-days, so they canceled the second two-a-day.
Unknown Speaker (00:32:59.200)
And I sure loved that year, because I only had to play two-a-days in the morning and
Unknown Speaker (00:33:04.920)
not go back after lunch, and it was exhausting.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:09.640)
I remember it being 113, 114 degrees.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:11.880)
You know, three days are illegal now.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:14.440)
But now they tell me 105, 106 last week is the hottest ever recorded in Texas, in the
Unknown Speaker (00:33:21.680)
area of Texas where I live.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:23.119)
Now that's just not true.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:26.240)
But that's why they lie to you.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:29.920)
Alex is a straight up psychopath if he was glad for the heat because he didn't have to
Unknown Speaker (00:33:33.559)
do two-a-day practices while it was killing kids all around.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:37.359)
Or I guess maybe that was the COVID vaccine back then too when Alex was a kid.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:41.759)
Whoops, Alex kind of revealed that young athletes dying while playing their sport isn't completely
Unknown Speaker (00:33:46.079)
unheard of and totally a new thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:48.880)
Well he has a memory.
Unknown Speaker (00:33:49.940)
He's intimately familiar with counterexamples that ruin his own conspiracy theory, but who
Unknown Speaker (00:33:54.680)
Unknown Speaker (00:33:55.680)
Alex misunderstood a headline in The Guardian that said that Death Valley was nearing the
Unknown Speaker (00:33:59.759)
global heat record, which it set in 1913 at 134 degrees Fahrenheit.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:05.839)
He's further just not grasping what a lot of these articles that are coming up are about.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:10.559)
As it turns out, there are a bunch of people who don't believe that reading from 1913 was
Unknown Speaker (00:34:14.440)
accurate, largely because other stations nearby registered much lower readings.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:19.199)
UCLA climate scientist Daniel Swain is one of the higher profile folks who's skeptical
Unknown Speaker (00:34:24.280)
of this, and he considers 130 to be the highest reliable reading from that time, and therefore
Unknown Speaker (00:34:29.679)
he considers 130 to be the record in Death Valley.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:34.079)
There's a lot of discussion surrounding this as the plausibility of Death Valley recording
Unknown Speaker (00:34:37.800)
temperatures over 130 in the near future is very real.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:41.679)
It's something that could happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:43.320)
And would that be a record based on the skepticism of these other scientists that consider this
Unknown Speaker (00:34:48.119)
reading not to be reliable?
Unknown Speaker (00:34:50.320)
Who knows?
Unknown Speaker (00:34:51.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:34:52.320)
Alex says that he remembers the temperatures from when he was 10 and 14.
Unknown Speaker (00:34:55.920)
He was born in 1974, so that would be 1984 and 1988.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:01.880)
His birthday is in February, so he would have already had his birthday by the summer, so
Unknown Speaker (00:35:06.000)
these years would be reliable towards what he's saying.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:09.639)
The highest temperature recorded in Dallas, because that was when he was living in Dallas,
Unknown Speaker (00:35:13.500)
in 1984 was 108 on August 19th.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:17.679)
In 1988, the highest temperature was 106 on August 23rd.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:22.920)
In 2022, the highest temp recorded was 108 on July 20th, and this year, on July 18th,
Unknown Speaker (00:35:30.159)
it hit 106.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:31.880)
In 2018, it got to 112.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:34.880)
Really looking at maximum and minimum temperatures is a good way to make a headline pop, but
Unknown Speaker (00:35:39.199)
it's not really the most reliable way to approach this issue.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:42.440)
If you look at average temperatures, it shows a little bit more of the picture.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:46.440)
For instance, in 1984, the average temperature in July was 85.5 degrees, whereas in 2022,
Unknown Speaker (00:35:54.400)
it was 91.8.
Unknown Speaker (00:35:56.719)
The average in June was 82.5 in 1984, compared to 2022's reading of 86.1.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:04.559)
Even more stark are the winter numbers.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:07.019)
The average for January 1984 was 39.3 degrees, compared to January 2023 coming in at 52.1.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:15.679)
If you take the whole year into account, the average temperature in 1984 was 65.7 degrees,
Unknown Speaker (00:36:22.199)
and in 2022 came in at 68.3.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:25.920)
There are considerable jumps here.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:28.320)
There are a ton more variables that go into the picture of the climate, but just from
Unknown Speaker (00:36:31.639)
a temperature standpoint, it's dumb to pretend that Alex's memories of football practices
Unknown Speaker (00:36:35.800)
from when he was a tween mean anything.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:38.119)
It feels like it means something to him, and he's proud of his pretend-amazing memory,
Unknown Speaker (00:36:42.199)
but this is just stupid.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:43.599)
This means nothing.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:45.960)
One of the most documented things and easy-to-find stuff is temperature records from-
Unknown Speaker (00:36:53.159)
I mean, it's so easy to find.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:56.000)
People just wrote down the number.
Unknown Speaker (00:36:57.760)
It didn't even take long, and it didn't take up a lot of space.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:00.039)
They're all in these spreadsheets and everything.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:02.760)
High school football players dying is really sad, and it's unacceptable just to ignore
Unknown Speaker (00:37:07.360)
that, but it also does happen a bit, unfortunately.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:10.559)
We need to do a lot better in terms of making some of these things safer.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:14.559)
That's why three days are illegal, though.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:16.079)
I almost died.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:17.840)
When I was doing three days, I had heat exhaustion, I collapsed, and they had to bring me into
Unknown Speaker (00:37:22.159)
a dark space and put ice packs in my armpits and my groin and behind my neck.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:28.519)
It was that kind of thing, and that was just like, come on, what are you doing?
Unknown Speaker (00:37:34.039)
Everybody else isn't collapsing, and it's like, all right, okay, we are there.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:39.880)
That's the early grand for you.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:41.440)
Two days were so bad when I was in junior high, and I played football.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:48.199)
It was so bad that I faked an injury.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:51.400)
I came up with some knee thing to be like, wow, I want to play, but I can't.
Unknown Speaker (00:37:58.119)
If I recall correctly, I think I went to a doctor and even was like, help me out here.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:06.039)
I got such a reputation for being lazy because I was like, I'm not really going to do this,
Unknown Speaker (00:38:13.519)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:14.519)
That's just not what's going to happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:15.719)
But I was just good enough to get away with it, so that was the nice part.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:20.039)
In hindsight, I wish I had had an instinct of like, I just don't have to play.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:24.079)
I just don't have to do this.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:25.079)
There's no one making me do it.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:26.840)
Try and make me.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:27.840)
Do you think instead I fucking go to a doctor and fake a condition?
Unknown Speaker (00:38:30.559)
I'm 17 and you're 40.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:32.960)
Why are we doing this?
Unknown Speaker (00:38:34.119)
Yeah, it was silly.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:35.480)
So we get a lot of talk about temperatures.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:38.960)
Unknown Speaker (00:38:39.960)
What was the hottest day in Texas history?
Unknown Speaker (00:38:42.280)
Almost 30 years ago, the West Texas community of Monahans had 120 degrees located in Ward
Unknown Speaker (00:38:49.199)
County, about 30 miles from Odessa.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:52.559)
The extreme temperature was marked by June 28, 1994.
Unknown Speaker (00:38:56.599)
Hey, let's go look at, let's go see what Monahans, look up, let's look up West Texas temperatures
Unknown Speaker (00:39:03.039)
right now.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:04.039)
Pull up a West Texas heat map on July 26, 2023, and I'm going to bet you, it's a little
Unknown Speaker (00:39:12.440)
earlier in the day right now, it's 11 o'clock central, 11 14, I'm going to bet it's 95 degrees
Unknown Speaker (00:39:22.599)
in West Texas right now, and I bet at four o'clock when it peaks, I bet it's 107.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:31.519)
Let's check back during on the show today at like five o'clock, that's the four o'clock
Unknown Speaker (00:39:35.639)
when it peaks, and I bet you money in Monahan, it's 105, 106, 107, that's my bet, and I bet
Unknown Speaker (00:39:43.119)
you right now it's 95.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:44.760)
Let's pull up West Texas, let's pull up Monahans, and let's see what it is.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:48.119)
Let's blow that up.
Unknown Speaker (00:39:49.119)
I said 95, 96, pull it up, and right out there where Monahans is, it's 96, and right there
Unknown Speaker (00:39:57.239)
on the Mexico border, it's 100 degrees.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:00.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:01.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:02.719)
In 2022, the average temperature in Monahans for July was 87.2.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:08.840)
In 1984, it was 80.9, in 1988, it was 77.7.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:14.920)
It's substantially warmer.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:16.599)
That said, Alex was specifically talking about July 26th, 2023.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:21.239)
The high temperature recorded that day was 99, so he was just a little off the mark there
Unknown Speaker (00:40:25.800)
by six or seven or eight degrees, depending on his hedging.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:28.800)
So close.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:29.800)
At 4 p.m., it was around 97 degrees, and at this point when he's on air, it would have
Unknown Speaker (00:40:34.119)
been in the high 80s, low 90s, Alex is way off and he owes me money because I took his
Unknown Speaker (00:40:39.960)
Unknown Speaker (00:40:40.960)
Yeah, that's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:41.960)
But also, like I'm going to guess that what he saw, like the heat map or whatever, was
Unknown Speaker (00:40:44.719)
like high predictions or something, because at that point it was not 95.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:51.639)
What I both appreciate and don't appreciate about climate change in 2023 is these types
Unknown Speaker (00:40:57.159)
of arguments, I don't even care about.
Unknown Speaker (00:40:59.519)
I don't have-
Unknown Speaker (00:41:00.519)
Again, it's schoolyard shit.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:01.840)
Yeah, totally.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:02.840)
And we lived through snowball in Congress.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:05.960)
I've seen the arguments from people who were dumb enough to believe them 20 years ago.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:11.960)
Right now we all know it's happening and we all know there's billionaires, the government,
Unknown Speaker (00:41:17.679)
the billionaires, everybody knows, and there's just too much money.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:20.679)
So until they get less money or we take it away from them, it's just going to happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:24.679)
I'm not even mad about it anymore.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:26.519)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:27.519)
You do something about it.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:28.519)
I agree with you too that this is kind of a pointless argument that he's making, but
Unknown Speaker (00:41:33.280)
there is a reason that I'm engaging with it.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:35.519)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:36.519)
Like, I don't think it means anything, there's a point behind it about the way he, the provenance
Unknown Speaker (00:41:45.719)
of his information.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:46.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:47.719)
This idea of like, back when I was a kid, there was two a days and people were dying.
Unknown Speaker (00:41:51.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:41:52.920)
There is something there in terms of the way that he's making his argument about the present
Unknown Speaker (00:41:57.719)
through this distorted feeling that he has about the past.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:03.920)
And this goes on, and I think that there's something valuable about recognizing that,
Unknown Speaker (00:42:09.599)
even if the argument on its face is stupid.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:12.159)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:13.159)
I see what you're saying.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:14.159)
The problem I have with all of this is because I can't do anything about it, the only reason
Unknown Speaker (00:42:20.119)
to explain to somebody what's going on would be for the inevitable I told you so when we
Unknown Speaker (00:42:24.760)
all die 10 years from now.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:26.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:42:27.480)
And they're never going to give it to me.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:28.480)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:29.480)
Because I've been doing the I told you so thing for 20 goddamn years now and no one's
Unknown Speaker (00:42:33.000)
ever said I told you so.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:34.639)
They've just moved the goalposts and pretended that I wasn't right about this 15 years ago.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:38.800)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:39.800)
I'm furious.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:40.800)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:41.800)
And I think it's very reasonable for you to be mad on a climate change argument point.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:45.440)
I'm just looking at this from an epistemological standpoint.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:49.199)
Sure, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:50.199)
No, recognizable.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:51.199)
And looking at Alex's dumb dumb dumb.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:53.159)
Well we have both- He's a dumb dumb dumb.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:54.760)
We've both seen how I treat climate change in the past.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:57.239)
I have to escalate from dumb dumb onto dumb dumb dumb.
Unknown Speaker (00:42:59.820)
Dumb dumb dumb.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:00.820)
He needs four, maybe even five.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:02.800)
So we heard Alex talk a little bit earlier about the tragedy of Dory the Fish and we
Unknown Speaker (00:43:09.840)
have no memory.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:10.840)
Fish are very beautiful in their big schools but-
Unknown Speaker (00:43:13.679)
I did forget he talked about the fish.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:14.679)
They studied and had very very short attention spans to really prey fish.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:22.840)
And they talk about that in the children's movies, Finding Nemo.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:27.320)
And I make this point a lot because humans have long term attention spans.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:31.519)
Humans have good memory.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:33.559)
But people don't train themselves to do it.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:35.400)
In the modern world, memories are much less of what they were and attention spans are
Unknown Speaker (00:43:39.400)
much much shorter.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:40.400)
In fact, a lot of people 20 and younger, I saw a study a few months ago, have attention
Unknown Speaker (00:43:45.679)
spans shorter than a goldfish, shorter than 14 seconds.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:50.199)
This is a complete myth based on nothing and Alex has been trotting out this talking point
Unknown Speaker (00:43:54.159)
for years.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:55.639)
It's not based on some imaginary study he saw a couple months ago.
Unknown Speaker (00:43:59.039)
If the audience had any memory, they would know that.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:01.639)
It does seem like that is the thing that he is exploiting, the complaint that he is making.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:05.760)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:06.760)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:07.760)
Quite literally.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:08.760)
Yeah, I mean it is like I am complaining about the thing that is the fundamental for why
Unknown Speaker (00:44:12.000)
I am successful.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:13.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:14.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:15.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:16.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:17.360)
So Alex is talking about that heat.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:18.360)
Yeah, it's hot.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:19.360)
It's hot.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:20.360)
It's hot!
Unknown Speaker (00:44:21.360)
Down in Monaghan.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:22.360)
It's hot here!
Unknown Speaker (00:44:23.360)
Sure it is.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:24.360)
And so he has to pull in a producer, who I've never heard on the show before, to talk about
Unknown Speaker (00:44:27.320)
the heat.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:28.320)
He moved there from Minnesota.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:29.880)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:30.880)
He used to work at Genesis.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:32.519)
Oh man, he's fucked.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:33.960)
And I guess whenever the gold license, whenever Ted Anderson lost his gold license, he's like
Unknown Speaker (00:44:39.119)
I might as well go work for Alex.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:41.079)
Not a lot of money up here.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:42.079)
Lateral move.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:43.079)
And so he came down to Austin and boy it's hot.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:45.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:44:46.679)
Let's bring Scott in here.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:47.679)
Scott, you moved here.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:48.679)
They are telling you this is the hottest Texas has ever been, is that true?
Unknown Speaker (00:44:53.159)
Uh, no.
Unknown Speaker (00:44:54.159)
This year I was here, it was over 100 degrees for like 100 straight days.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:00.159)
And it was, I mean, coming from Minnesota, it wasn't as humid as what I was used to up
Unknown Speaker (00:45:07.679)
there, but it was hot for like 100 straight days.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:11.280)
It was over 100 degrees.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:12.599)
But we don't just have to believe you or believe me.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:16.000)
We can look up statistics and this is not anywhere near the hottest ever.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:22.099)
Not at all.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:23.099)
It's not even close.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:24.099)
And you know, they've even started doing things like, you know, man dies in Death Valley due
Unknown Speaker (00:45:30.219)
to heat.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:31.219)
Well, it's called Death Valley.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:33.239)
Like it was named Death Valley because of how hot it was.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:36.599)
So they said that this guy came to Austin five years ago.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:39.400)
So in 2018, we should look for 100 straight days over 100 degrees in Austin.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:45.900)
To be clear, this is like a third of the year.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:48.679)
If you started on January 1st, this would go to April 11th.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:52.519)
Just on its face, this isn't true, but I like to look into things.
Unknown Speaker (00:45:56.500)
In 2018, the longest stretch where temperatures were over 100 were recorded was 15 days.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:03.099)
So this dude is 15%.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:05.199)
That's a lot though.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:06.199)
Like if I'm doing hyperbole, I'm not going to shit talk this too much because if I'm
Unknown Speaker (00:46:11.099)
doing hyperbole, 15 might as well be 100 in my storytelling capacity.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:17.039)
I can agree with you if you say like it felt like 100 days.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:21.760)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:22.760)
Well, I mean, obviously.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:23.760)
But it wasn't.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:24.760)
I am widely known for hyperbole, so it would be assumed.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:27.119)
There were only 41 days total that year where the temperature hit over 100, so he's over
Unknown Speaker (00:46:32.039)
half off.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:33.039)
Well, I know it probably seems like I'm being a nitpicker here and that is kind of fair,
Unknown Speaker (00:46:37.019)
but there's another point that I think is really important, which was touching on earlier.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:41.139)
Alex and this guy don't have a memory.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:43.500)
They have feelings.
Unknown Speaker (00:46:44.980)
They feel like it was way hotter in the past than it was because that feeling helps them
Unknown Speaker (00:46:49.039)
justify the worldview that they prefer and the one that they profit off selling to an
Unknown Speaker (00:46:53.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:46:54.519)
Their memories are feeling based, not empirical, but they pretend like their memories are some
Unknown Speaker (00:46:58.840)
kind of a hard scientific proof that makes their point.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:02.480)
They don't.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:03.480)
It's just fluff that means nothing.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:05.780)
Not for nothing, this episode that we're listening to was recorded on July 26th and July 25th
Unknown Speaker (00:47:11.760)
was the 17th day in a row in Austin where the temperature over 100 was recorded, breaking
Unknown Speaker (00:47:17.840)
that streak from 2018, the year that this guy is talking about.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:21.119)
Very annoying.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:22.119)
Also, Death Valley wasn't called that because of the heat.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:24.159)
In the winter of 1849, some pioneers got lost in the valley.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:28.340)
One of them died, but as the rest managed to make their escape, one of them said, goodbye,
Unknown Speaker (00:47:32.639)
Death Valley, and the name stuck.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:35.039)
And that is me nitpicking.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:36.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:37.679)
Well, that one's fair.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:38.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:47:39.679)
Here's the problem that I have when people start doing this, all right?
Unknown Speaker (00:47:43.840)
You are the one now placing importance upon the number.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:47.159)
So if you tell me, oh, well, it's not even the hottest day of all time, fine.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:52.639)
What does that mean when it is?
Unknown Speaker (00:47:54.840)
Will you then say, fine, you're right.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:58.239)
You won't.
Unknown Speaker (00:47:59.239)
So fuck off.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:00.239)
A sincere actor would, but obviously the answer is no.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:02.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:03.719)
So fuck off.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:04.719)
None of this means anything.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:06.039)
You are even not, you're not even engaging with your own reality.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:10.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:11.599)
And this line of inquiry and this line of information is satisfactory to disprove something
Unknown Speaker (00:48:17.280)
I don't want to be true, but it will not affirm something I don't want to be true.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:21.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:22.599)
And that's cheating.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:23.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:24.599)
So fuck it.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:25.599)
Yeah, fuck you.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:26.599)
Now, we get off the topic of the heat, and this is where things get weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:30.920)
There's a lot of talk about memory, a lot of talk about heat, and then Alex gets...
Unknown Speaker (00:48:35.480)
Oh, it's hot.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:36.480)
Well, maybe it's because of the heat.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:37.599)
Alex gets fucking weird.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:39.320)
Yeah, I believe it.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:40.639)
The globalists apparently have a new plan.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:42.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:48:43.599)
Because they do have cures for cancer.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:45.780)
They do have free energy.
Unknown Speaker (00:48:48.320)
They do have incredible forms of transportation that because America was the freest country
Unknown Speaker (00:48:55.760)
and had the brain drain of the world, even surpassing the Germans and the Russians and
Unknown Speaker (00:49:02.159)
the Japanese, the United States was able in the arms race and the technology race to get
Unknown Speaker (00:49:10.760)
exponentially ahead of everybody else.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:15.039)
And so now they want to have a way to have a breakaway civilization where the elites
Unknown Speaker (00:49:18.400)
get all the live ascension and you don't even get anything except death.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:21.880)
You're being phased out.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:22.880)
They're through with you.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:23.880)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:24.880)
And it's not going to be 500 million people that are allowed, like the UN says, to stay
Unknown Speaker (00:49:29.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:49:30.719)
Oh, the Georgia guys don't.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:31.719)
That's what they say.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:32.719)
Not the US.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:33.719)
You're going to get to be part of the Star Trek future and wear your little onesie outfit
Unknown Speaker (00:49:37.400)
and you're going to be part of that.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:39.519)
They seem practical.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:40.519)
They're not going to leave 500 million around either.
Unknown Speaker (00:49:45.920)
They're going to create one entity, consciousness, computer, interfaces of biological life, sucks
Unknown Speaker (00:49:52.199)
all the codes out of it, and then creates a new species, the Silicon base and the decisions
Unknown Speaker (00:49:59.559)
that have been made to overwrite the entire planet and create a new evolutionary system
Unknown Speaker (00:50:06.440)
basically playing God.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:07.800)
So yeah, this is apparently what it's all about.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:11.000)
They're trying to create a hive mind entity that will create a new evolutionary model
Unknown Speaker (00:50:18.420)
of silicone based life forms.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:20.719)
Man, if he'd been saying this stuff back in the nineties, everyone would have treated
Unknown Speaker (00:50:25.219)
him the way he deserved to be treated.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:27.599)
He would not have any money.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:29.320)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:30.320)
Here's the thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:34.039)
What I don't understand is if this plan is like, here's my, here's my issue.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:40.760)
This plan is so dumb, very so stupid, so dumb, incomprehensibly stupid, pointless.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:47.119)
Why would you silicone?
Unknown Speaker (00:50:48.119)
What are you doing to the point where if you are actually trying to do it, I have to assume
Unknown Speaker (00:50:52.519)
you have some very, very good reason to try and pull this off.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:56.280)
Uh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:50:57.960)
Unknown Speaker (00:50:58.960)
You've got to really want it to pull off a plan this stupid.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:02.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:03.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:04.400)
I would agree with that.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:05.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:06.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:07.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:08.400)
But also, sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:09.400)
Like it would be so easy to kill everyone.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:11.320)
It would be so easy.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:13.000)
If you had the power of the globalists, I mean, you don't have to do any of these intricate
Unknown Speaker (00:51:17.920)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:18.920)
What are we still doing here?
Unknown Speaker (00:51:19.920)
You're having fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:20.920)
I mean, I get it.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:21.920)
And if you're just toying with us as like, well, what else are we going to do today?
Unknown Speaker (00:51:28.059)
That's fine.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:29.059)
We're all bored too.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:30.059)
This whole thing is an illusion.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:31.059)
Why would you go to work every day?
Unknown Speaker (00:51:32.199)
This is dumb.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:33.199)
This is dumb.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:34.199)
I get it.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:35.199)
All of this is arbitrary.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:36.199)
But what are you doing?
Unknown Speaker (00:51:37.199)
What are you doing?
Unknown Speaker (00:51:38.679)
I'm confused.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:41.000)
I know that this is just what he's feeling today.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:44.280)
And maybe he watched a movie and he's got some ideas in his head.
Unknown Speaker (00:51:49.400)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:50.400)
What, what, where, what does the machine look like?
Unknown Speaker (00:51:54.159)
In your mind?
Unknown Speaker (00:51:55.159)
Unknown Speaker (00:51:56.159)
It overwrites human DNA, sucks all of our codes out, and then pushes out a silicon-based
Unknown Speaker (00:52:02.639)
evolutionary light form.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:03.880)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:04.880)
What does this machine look like?
Unknown Speaker (00:52:05.880)
I have to be honest.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:06.880)
I kind of, I don't know if you've ever played the game Eternal Darkness.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:09.400)
It was on the GameCube.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:11.039)
It was kind of a Lovecraftian horror type game.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:15.199)
Fantastic game.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:16.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:17.199)
Had a lot of mechanics where if you got seen by monsters, you would lose your sanity.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:21.039)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:22.039)
And then the game would start fucking with you.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:23.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:24.480)
And then what it would do is it would go back to the title screen and make you think you'd
Unknown Speaker (00:52:27.880)
lost all your progress.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:29.480)
It was great.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:30.480)
That is great.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:31.480)
Especially if you were high.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:32.480)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:33.480)
So fun.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:34.480)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:35.480)
Anyway, there's these immortal beings that are vying for power in the universe.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:38.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:39.199)
There's three of them.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:40.199)
There's Uliath.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:41.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:42.199)
There's Zelototh.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:43.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:44.199)
And Taturga.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:45.199)
I like Taturga.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:46.199)
Taturga is the god of strength.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:47.199)
Yeah, obviously.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:48.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:49.199)
So anyway, throughout the game, these are the three eternal beings that seem to be controlling
Unknown Speaker (00:52:54.239)
the fate and everything.
Unknown Speaker (00:52:55.239)
Unknown Speaker (00:52:56.239)
But if you beat the game three times, you find out that really the being that was manipulating
Unknown Speaker (00:53:00.559)
everything all along was the dead god Mantorok.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:03.519)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:04.519)
God damn it.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:05.519)
I hate it when there's one dude behind everything.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:07.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:08.440)
So annoying.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:09.440)
The bound god.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:10.440)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:11.440)
And he's like a pile of...
Unknown Speaker (00:53:12.440)
Search for Mantorok from Eternal Darkness.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:14.559)
He's like a pile.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:15.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:16.559)
He's just like a pile.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:17.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:18.559)
The ultimate enemy is a pile.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:19.559)
Like he fills up a room and it kind of looks like a...
Unknown Speaker (00:53:22.800)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:23.800)
That's what you're describing the machine as.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:25.280)
You have a phone.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:26.280)
It's kind of a pile.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:27.280)
Look up Mantorok from Eternal Darkness.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:28.280)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:29.280)
I'll look up Mantorok.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:30.280)
Like manta ray and then rock like...
Unknown Speaker (00:53:34.239)
I don't think there's a C in rock and I think it's mantorok.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:37.719)
I would guess.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:38.719)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:39.719)
But I encourage everyone to Google this.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:43.679)
If only to get Google Trends going and maybe we could get an Eternal Darkness sequel.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:47.199)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:48.199)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:49.199)
Maybe this will happen.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:50.199)
It's a purple thing?
Unknown Speaker (00:53:51.199)
It's a pile.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:52.199)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:53.199)
Is that correct?
Unknown Speaker (00:53:54.199)
That's what comes into my mind when I hear Alex describing this.
Unknown Speaker (00:53:57.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:58.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:53:59.679)
I can see that.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:00.679)
I can see that.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:01.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:02.679)
The only one that can save us from Xelototh.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:03.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:04.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:05.679)
Unknown Speaker (00:54:06.679)
And Taturga.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:07.679)
See, I just feel like there's got to be a lot more lightning.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:08.679)
I feel like this is something that requires a shit ton of lightning to operate.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:13.199)
Mantorok could do some lightning.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:14.199)
See, this is what I'm saying.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:15.400)
And also, I kind of feel like here's what we're doing.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:18.159)
We have to combine...
Unknown Speaker (00:54:19.159)
You're selling Mantorok short.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:20.320)
We have to combine Witchcraft is Real with this machine.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:23.699)
There also has to be an actual, literal, magical component to creating this evolutionary...
Unknown Speaker (00:54:29.920)
I don't want to be rude, but I feel like that is so obvious.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:34.840)
In what Alex is saying, it feels so obvious to me that there needs to be magic.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:44.679)
I'm sorry.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:46.199)
I just never assume magic.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:47.760)
I'm just not the guy.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:48.760)
But I guess at a certain point, technology and magic are understandable.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:57.280)
It's that kind of thing.
Unknown Speaker (00:54:58.920)
Arthur C. Clarke, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:00.480)
Alex would look at...
Unknown Speaker (00:55:01.480)
He's a hard sci-fi guy.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:03.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:04.119)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:05.119)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:06.119)
He would have magic in there, but it would be in the pretense of...
Unknown Speaker (00:55:08.280)
Maybe technological magic.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:09.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:10.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:11.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:12.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:13.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:14.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:15.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:16.599)
Which is not a class in Diablo.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:17.599)
No, it is not.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:18.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:19.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:20.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:21.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:22.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:23.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:24.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:25.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:26.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:27.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:28.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:29.599)
Unknown Speaker (00:55:30.599)
So, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:31.599)
This is apparently where we're going.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:32.599)
This is what the globalists want and that's why they have the Federal Reserve.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:33.599)
But the thing about that is that, if that is the end goal, every decision up to this point
Unknown Speaker (00:55:36.820)
tertiarily is so annoying.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:39.400)
Why do we have so much shit?
Unknown Speaker (00:55:42.679)
Why do I have to pay all these medical bills if what you really want is to evolve me into
Unknown Speaker (00:55:47.360)
a silicon-based life form. No, no, no, no, you're not going to get evolved into a silicon-based form.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:51.679)
I would rather be involved into a silicon-based life form than deal with the hospital.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:56.000)
You're going to be dead. These silicon beings are going to be all new.
Unknown Speaker (00:55:59.679)
It's a whole new evolutionary paradigm. Don't I get one?
Unknown Speaker (00:56:02.480)
No. Well, then in that case, I guess I'm out.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:05.920)
Okay. No, because the way I understand it, everyone's dead.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:12.320)
Sure. We got this being that maybe is a hive mind
Unknown Speaker (00:56:16.000)
of the globalists. Maybe they download their consciousness into it.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:18.880)
Right. And all the code.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:20.960)
Who fucking knows? All the codes.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:22.079)
Or maybe they get to be silicon beings too. Sure.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:24.400)
Whatever. Yeah, we'll figure it out.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:25.519)
But I see it- Or they will.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:27.039)
I see it as the Earth is now empty. Smooth. Paved over.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:33.119)
I mean, there's still probably buildings. All human beings got.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:36.079)
Take forever to knock down all these buildings.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:38.480)
So I think, yeah, it's just empty, devoid of life, and what have you.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:41.760)
Then they plant the seeds of an entirely new evolution, like amoebas.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:47.360)
Okay. Oh, straight up.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:48.320)
And the beginning of it. But instead of carbon-based life forms, it's silicon-based life forms.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:52.320)
It's silicon-based life forms. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker (00:56:54.320)
And this, I think, is based on Alex not understanding what people are talking
Unknown Speaker (00:56:57.920)
about with excess CO2 in the entire world. Yeah, that would make sense.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:00.800)
Because he thinks that they want to get rid of all CO2, and carbon is the basis of life and stuff.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:07.599)
Now, I'm going to throw this out at you. Please.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:09.599)
I'm going to throw this out at you. And this may be a fundamental issue with the globalist plan.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:14.719)
There are a bunch.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:17.519)
Carbon-based life is really good at existing on Earth, because carbon-based life evolved
Unknown Speaker (00:57:22.239)
with the Earth. Silicon-based life would work better on a different planet.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:26.880)
That may be true.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:27.760)
It wouldn't work very well on this planet, because all the elements that they would need are not here.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:33.840)
They don't exist.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:35.360)
How silly would that one entity feel if they went through all of this just to
Unknown Speaker (00:57:40.079)
find out that the silicon was incomplete? I can't breathe! I can't breathe! Why did you create me?
Unknown Speaker (00:57:48.400)
I cannot breathe your oxygen!
Unknown Speaker (00:57:50.800)
Oh, we whiffed on this one.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:51.760)
I will never go outside of this tube! What have you done to me?
Unknown Speaker (00:57:56.719)
Well, back to the drawing board.
Unknown Speaker (00:57:58.000)
I am a Shakespearean creature of neglect and misery!
Unknown Speaker (00:58:02.880)
Well, if you win some, you lose some.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:04.159)
I guess we're going to have to start again.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:05.599)
So anyway, Alex talks about this a little more.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:07.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:08.159)
The decision has been made to wipe everybody out,
Unknown Speaker (00:58:10.960)
and to wipe out all the plants and all the animals and just everybody.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:17.440)
All the insects, everything. So when they say we're the guardians of Earth,
Unknown Speaker (00:58:20.559)
we want to get rid of humans to save the Earth,
Unknown Speaker (00:58:25.840)
we love chem trailing, we love aluminum dioxide,
Unknown Speaker (00:58:29.039)
we love barium salts, we love exploded nuclear reactors, we love radiation,
Unknown Speaker (00:58:33.039)
we love silicon, we hate carbon, we hate what carbon does,
Unknown Speaker (00:58:36.719)
we hate cows fart, you know, so do humans, and you also excel carbon dioxide.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:41.679)
They're literally building an alien system here on Earth.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:47.840)
The aliens exist, not from some distant star or even another dimension, though that's going on.
Unknown Speaker (00:58:52.559)
Unknown Speaker (00:58:54.000)
The main attack is the globalists have been inspired by a pre-programmed genetic code,
Unknown Speaker (00:59:01.119)
or by an inner space transmission, is how most of them believe they're getting it,
Unknown Speaker (00:59:06.159)
to take this on and then commit this operation to rewrite the planet
Unknown Speaker (00:59:12.880)
and turn us into a silicon system that only needs sunlight.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:18.239)
The Earth will then be jacketed in solar panels,
Unknown Speaker (00:59:24.719)
and this new entity will use it as a base.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:28.320)
So we've been sent the plans, Western scientists got so enamored with the fact
Unknown Speaker (00:59:33.920)
that they can interface with this, probably because of genetics,
Unknown Speaker (00:59:39.760)
and now they're building it.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:42.159)
We'll be right back, stay with us.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:44.079)
Yeah, so apparently the photosynthesis will be a part of this being,
Unknown Speaker (00:59:49.599)
it will only need sunlight.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:52.079)
I mean that's a good move, I'm all for that.
Unknown Speaker (00:59:55.360)
Unknown Speaker (00:59:58.800)
If we could do only sunlight diets that would be dope, I'd be fine with that.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:02.480)
I think this is, if this is why Alex is against solar energy, this is sad.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:09.519)
Yeah, no, I'd be all for it, 100%.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:12.159)
No, you can't put up those solar panels because it'll feed the beast.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:15.119)
No, I mean I can still, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:16.800)
No, it'll feed the devil.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:19.039)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:20.960)
You know, here's the thing, I've been thinking about it.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:23.599)
I have no comments about this.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:29.360)
Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you, but I wanted to make clear that I have nothing.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:32.559)
CO2, and then there's the silicon based life form.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:37.920)
I mean, these ones aren't even from another dimension.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:41.840)
Where are these ones from?
Unknown Speaker (01:00:43.119)
Inner space.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:45.199)
So they're from, they're super, oh man.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:47.519)
What if there were super tiny people who had been living inside of us this whole time?
Unknown Speaker (01:00:50.880)
Do you see Meet Dave? Who do a reverse inner space,
Unknown Speaker (01:00:53.679)
fly outside of us, boom, they're huge now.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:56.159)
It's like that Eddie Murphy movie.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:57.679)
Yes, it is exactly like that.
Unknown Speaker (01:00:59.679)
Yeah, what's that?
Unknown Speaker (01:01:00.639)
Meet Dave, I think.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:03.039)
No, no, Osmosis Jones.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:05.039)
No, that's a different one.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:05.920)
No, that was a completely different movie.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:07.679)
Inner space, that's another one.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:09.119)
Well, that's the same one.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:09.920)
Tiny people, honey, I shrunk the kids.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:11.920)
Honey, I shrunk me.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:14.000)
Honey, I shrunk the baby?
Unknown Speaker (01:01:15.280)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:15.760)
One of the greats.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:16.639)
Everyone shrunk.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:17.440)
No, it was honey, I blew up the baby because the baby got huge.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:20.159)
Yeah, that's true, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:21.280)
They really subverted our expectations.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:23.199)
It was like the Beethoven movies, you know, by the time they got to Beethoven's three,
Unknown Speaker (01:01:26.559)
it's like, it's not even about a dog.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:28.239)
Unknown Speaker (01:01:29.760)
It's like Beethoven.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:31.280)
Yes, absolutely.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:35.760)
Oh my God.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:36.639)
This is not what Alex has been saying in the past.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:39.440)
This is dumb.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:42.079)
He's in a strange mood to the heat.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:44.800)
Every time he starts talking about space, the more I think about it, the more I'm just like,
Unknown Speaker (01:01:50.079)
everybody thinks about all the big challenges and stuff and all that stuff and like,
Unknown Speaker (01:01:54.800)
oh, getting through there and all that stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:01:57.599)
Where are we?
Unknown Speaker (01:01:58.800)
Do you know what I mean?
Unknown Speaker (01:01:59.760)
Like, from what point of view do you have to be looking to see us?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:05.519)
And from where?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:07.039)
And it is not, we're nowhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:09.360)
We're the tiniest, tiniest, tiniest little dog.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:12.239)
It's the total perspective vortex, the idea that somebody would come here
Unknown Speaker (01:02:16.239)
is so ridiculous as to be nonsensical.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:19.679)
The total perspective vortex is actually where the aliens are from.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:23.360)
Yeah, well that would be a good place to start.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:26.960)
Yeah, so Western scientists, because of genetics, have been able to interface with these beings
Unknown Speaker (01:02:35.599)
that have told them these plans that they need to carry out in order to make the Earth a base
Unknown Speaker (01:02:41.599)
for this silicone-based life form.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:44.320)
I guess the Borg kind of maybe, but without a bunch of entities, individuals.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:50.320)
Are they still working for the devil?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:51.840)
Is this the devil's idea?
Unknown Speaker (01:02:53.199)
That is the devil.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:54.000)
Oh, that is the devil.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:55.360)
I think so.
Unknown Speaker (01:02:56.239)
Unknown Speaker (01:02:57.119)
Do you think they're working across purposes from the devil to do, this is a side project?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:00.559)
I mean, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:03.360)
Is God working on a similar project to counteract this?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:06.800)
I think God's just trying to stop this.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:08.159)
Well, how can you stop it?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:10.960)
But there's only one way to defeat a giant monster,
Unknown Speaker (01:03:13.920)
and that's with an even equally as big monster.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:16.639)
Sure, we learned this in Godzilla.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:20.639)
I think, first of all, this is stupid.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:24.480)
Unknown Speaker (01:03:25.039)
Second, it means, who's fighting against this?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:32.000)
According to Alex, it's Russia, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:38.079)
Well, what are they doing fighting against this?
Unknown Speaker (01:03:39.840)
This seems right up their alley.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:42.159)
Not if you're Alex past 2006 or so.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:45.360)
That's fair, that's fair, that's fair.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:49.760)
I don't know, it's weird.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:52.239)
It's just Alex and his group of people who are totally not neo-Nazis.
Unknown Speaker (01:03:57.840)
This is 100% a resurrected Nazi plan.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:01.119)
This is like the World War II never ended,
Unknown Speaker (01:04:03.599)
the Nazis have still been going on, secret Hitler is still alive,
Unknown Speaker (01:04:07.199)
and this is the plan for him to become the next level of evolution.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:11.440)
Silicon Hitler.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:12.400)
Silicon Hitler-Con.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:15.360)
No, that doesn't work.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:16.159)
No, that doesn't work.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:16.159)
That sounds like a convention.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:17.440)
Yep, it really does.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:18.480)
That probably exists.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:19.440)
It sounds like the place that Alex goes on the weekend.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:21.599)
Yeah, he's a speaker.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:23.679)
Hitler-Con, complete badass.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:26.079)
So he talks a little bit more about Biden and after all of this, I just, I'm confused.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:31.039)
Hunter Biden is a mindless crackhead.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:32.960)
His father is a mindless drug addict.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:34.880)
The information's clear and a pedophile.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:37.760)
And as much as I want to see them burn in hell,
Unknown Speaker (01:04:41.280)
I'm simply pointing out the fact that they're getting ready to remove Biden one way or another
Unknown Speaker (01:04:45.760)
and that includes assassination, something I stand firmly against.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:51.199)
Don't need to say that.
Unknown Speaker (01:04:52.320)
But if I was a betting man, I think Biden's so arrogant and so out of his mind
Unknown Speaker (01:04:59.440)
that he does not step down and they're going to go the spectacular assassination to blame
Unknown Speaker (01:05:06.480)
on the right wing and the populist, or they'll just slip him something gives him a stroke
Unknown Speaker (01:05:11.199)
and he dies.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:12.400)
That one seems so easy.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:13.360)
They might do that.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:13.920)
It's a little too gamesy, a little too ballsy, a little too cattywampus, a little too wild.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:22.400)
I guarantee you they got different operational plans.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:24.400)
They got a plan to assassinate him and blame it on the liberty movement.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:27.840)
That's in the mix.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:29.599)
Probably not the card they're going to play, but they're really thinking about it.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:32.639)
And then they've got just getting to step down and then say he's had a stroke and he
Unknown Speaker (01:05:38.880)
can go hang out in Delaware and the rest of it or Maine or wherever he sneaks around at
Unknown Speaker (01:05:46.159)
in the middle of the night.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:48.320)
Unknown Speaker (01:05:48.960)
But he's not going to do that.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:51.840)
So they'll assassinate him or poison him soon.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:56.159)
And then they're going to indict Hunter right in front of you the whole world.
Unknown Speaker (01:05:58.639)
Say, see?
Unknown Speaker (01:06:00.079)
See, the Justice Department's fair.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:02.960)
We've indicted Hunter Biden.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:04.480)
He's going to prison for child trafficking, sex trafficking, and now it's legitimate that
Unknown Speaker (01:06:10.000)
we're going after Trump.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:11.199)
I mean, they're like Trump's already been indicted.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:13.280)
First of all, I was just making this shit up as he goes along these ideas of their various
Unknown Speaker (01:06:17.280)
plans and shit.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:18.880)
But also, like, if this alien shit is going on, how does how does arresting Hunter Biden
Unknown Speaker (01:06:27.199)
further the alien plan?
Unknown Speaker (01:06:28.719)
There's aliens.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:29.920)
Nothing he's talking about means anything.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:32.480)
Hunter Biden snorted coke. Fine.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:34.880)
That's great.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:35.920)
Most of the people I know have or do.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:39.039)
Jordan, there are aliens.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:40.559)
Do you understand?
Unknown Speaker (01:06:41.519)
Do you understand what in order to get our silicone beings in play?
Unknown Speaker (01:06:45.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:06:46.079)
We need to protect Hunter Biden.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:48.639)
Throw him into space.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:49.599)
You have space powers.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:51.440)
Yeah, but that's a little bit games.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:54.400)
That's a little cattywampus.
Unknown Speaker (01:06:56.480)
That's the thing that I hate so much is that what this really implies is that there is
Unknown Speaker (01:07:00.960)
a whiteboard like overnight meeting amongst the globalists where they're like blue sky
Unknown Speaker (01:07:06.239)
thinking no ideas bad.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:08.239)
Everybody just throw it up there.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:09.760)
Maybe we slip him something.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:10.960)
No, that's too gamesy.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:12.880)
Yeah, Soros is sitting there on his 18th cigarette.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:16.079)
Just what's it going to be?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:18.400)
This is the worst.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:19.119)
Just an all nighter.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:20.320)
This is the worst.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:21.360)
Nobody has any good ideas.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:24.559)
Listen, we are on year 12000 of this plan, apparently, and we don't have any good ideas.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:29.840)
Jacques Cousteau is in the corner.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:33.039)
I should never die.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:35.599)
I faked my death so I could be useful for the plot.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:37.920)
I am still in the ocean.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:39.360)
Oh, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:40.960)
All of the Rockefellers who have ever lived are there as force ghosts.
Unknown Speaker (01:07:43.920)
What are we doing?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:44.880)
What are we doing in this room where they're saying stuff like that's a little too cattywampus?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:50.000)
What are you talking about?
Unknown Speaker (01:07:52.079)
I just I feel like every now and again, it's important to really just take a step back
Unknown Speaker (01:07:56.639)
and realize like the scope of what Alex is like sci fi bullshit is going on.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:02.000)
Like nothing.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:03.519)
You should not care about anything.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:05.440)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:05.679)
That he yells about all the time.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:07.519)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:07.760)
Should not care at all about Biden stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:10.320)
Unknown Speaker (01:08:10.800)
Shouldn't care.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:11.599)
Like you have bigger fish to fry, namely the devil.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:15.519)
I mean, yes.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:16.479)
This elaborate plan to cover the world in solar panels to feed some kind of silicon manta rock.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:22.880)
Yeah, I don't get I think I think people should realize exactly how unserious we are being
Unknown Speaker (01:08:28.960)
whenever something like this is supposed to have occurred.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:32.800)
If aliens, then only aliens.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:35.840)
There is no I don't care about taxes.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:38.319)
What the fuck are you talking about?
Unknown Speaker (01:08:40.000)
There are aliens who can travel a billion miles through space.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:44.960)
All all bets are off.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:46.239)
An essential part of their plot was getting an income tax.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:50.159)
Yeah, exactly.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:51.119)
The devil's real.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:53.119)
The end was a real literal devil controlling people's behavior.
Unknown Speaker (01:08:57.840)
Fuck off in order for the devil to really make any headway.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:01.359)
He had to make sure that OSHA was formed.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:04.239)
I mean, that makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:07.279)
I don't disagree with your thought process.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:09.439)
I'm just saying that that's a little ticky tacky.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:11.680)
That's a little bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:12.479)
That's a little bit a little too deep in the weeds for you.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:15.920)
I think you're missing the forest for the trees, Mr Devil.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:19.920)
Very dumb.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:20.479)
And then he's like, how about the EPA?
Unknown Speaker (01:09:22.239)
Listen, that's a step up.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:23.920)
So Alex is talking about these hearings about the alien stuff,
Unknown Speaker (01:09:30.079)
which is all a bunch of Ballyhoo.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:33.199)
Right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:34.319)
Bosh, I say.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:35.359)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:36.000)
Getting ready for this trip.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:37.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:09:40.079)
And so Alex talks about how, like, obviously this isn't real.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:44.560)
This guy is not talking about alien stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:46.479)
And Alex, to his credit, does not think that this whistleblower guy.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:52.000)
Good for him.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:52.720)
But he has another take on it, which is that he is part of a limited hangout.
Unknown Speaker (01:09:58.720)
There's a conspiracy on top of it, as opposed to just a guy being bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:02.800)
Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:03.760)
I've done my own research.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:04.880)
So here's the bottom line.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:08.079)
I've told you this a thousand times or more in the last 30 years, 29 years on air.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:12.800)
When they roll out that the little green men are real,
Unknown Speaker (01:10:16.800)
and when they tell you that they're way advanced than us and they're everywhere,
Unknown Speaker (01:10:20.960)
the New World Order is about to go into overdrive.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:23.279)
And notice they've rolled out the poison shots.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:25.359)
The borders are wide open.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:26.640)
Two men can have a baby.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:27.760)
Pedophilia is everywhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:29.039)
And now the little green men.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:32.640)
And all the Hollywood movies and Men in Black and just constant stuff going on.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:38.079)
So all this stuff isn't happening.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:39.439)
Alex is just listing off the reality he's shaping for his audience.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:42.720)
Pedophilia isn't everywhere.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:44.239)
The border isn't wide open.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:45.600)
The shots aren't poisoned.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:46.720)
This is just Alex's fantasy world.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:48.720)
Also, it's abusive to say that the globalists are going to go into overdrive.
Unknown Speaker (01:10:52.720)
This is just a reflection of Alex realizing that he said that the New World Order has
Unknown Speaker (01:10:56.479)
gone operational too many times and its impact is starting to wear off on the audience.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:01.439)
They've gone operational and nothing's happened.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:04.239)
But that's because we were really waiting for them to go into overdrive.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:07.840)
Then I guess when they go into overdrive and nothing happens,
Unknown Speaker (01:11:10.319)
it'll be because we're actually waiting for them to go hyper speed or mega warp
Unknown Speaker (01:11:14.000)
or some other dumb shit Alex can come up with to extend this fraud for another few years.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:18.720)
Also, not for nothing, Men in Black came out in 1997.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:22.079)
Jesus Christ.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:23.039)
There was a fourth installment that came out in 2019,
Unknown Speaker (01:11:25.199)
but that's still four years ago and it didn't do that well.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:27.439)
I don't know why he's saying Men in Black and all this stuff.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:30.399)
Oh man.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:31.840)
All this stuff is happening like Men in Black.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:33.840)
Of all of the slippery slope arguments that we've heard since Republicans started saying
Unknown Speaker (01:11:40.479)
that things will eventually be different than they are now,
Unknown Speaker (01:11:43.920)
I never heard little green men at the end of any of them.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:48.000)
Pat Robinson wasn't like,
Unknown Speaker (01:11:49.600)
oh, if you let gay people get married, blank, blank, blank, blank.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:53.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:11:54.079)
That didn't happen.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:55.359)
I never heard that one.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:56.319)
See, that's the Alex Jones difference.
Unknown Speaker (01:11:57.920)
That's what he brings to the table that you're not going to get at a Shoney's or whatever.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:01.920)
In case any of this stuff does come to pass,
Unknown Speaker (01:12:04.800)
I need to tell you one very important thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:06.880)
What was that?
Unknown Speaker (01:12:07.359)
And that is the good guys dress in black.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:08.880)
Remember that just in case we ever face to face and make contact.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:11.680)
I understand.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:12.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:16.239)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:17.680)
Don't tap me.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:22.640)
What was that question going to be?
Unknown Speaker (01:12:24.159)
You know what?
Unknown Speaker (01:12:24.560)
I don't want to ask that.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:25.439)
I don't want to ask it anymore.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:27.600)
Do I know all the words to every Will Smith theme song?
Unknown Speaker (01:12:30.640)
Unknown Speaker (01:12:31.119)
No, it was, do you like knowing all the words to every Will Smith theme song?
Unknown Speaker (01:12:36.640)
I don't really have a choice at this point.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:38.560)
No, I understand.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:41.439)
I guess I don't actually know the words to Men in Black 2.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:45.119)
Nod your head, black suits coming.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:46.640)
Did he do that?
Unknown Speaker (01:12:47.600)
Is that the only reason he did the sequel was so he could do another theme song?
Unknown Speaker (01:12:51.920)
But I think people enjoyed it.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:53.199)
Yeah, it wasn't a good movie.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:56.319)
I think the second one was okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:12:57.439)
I thought the third one was like the one that was like bleh.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:00.640)
Yeah, well apart a little bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:01.920)
That's fair.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:03.039)
Um, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:03.840)
I haven't watched this movie since 1997.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:06.000)
It looks like we got to watch it.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:07.279)
So I think what we find out is that Alex watched Interstellar recently.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:10.800)
Okay, that makes sense.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:12.000)
You know, the best estimates are it's gonna be something like Interstellar where you're
Unknown Speaker (01:13:16.720)
not sure what happened, but something got out and this fungus starts growing in the
Unknown Speaker (01:13:20.800)
atmosphere and blocking out the sun and killing everything.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:24.640)
Oh, oh, oh.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:25.520)
The White House just said two weeks ago they're going to start spraying stuff in the atmosphere,
Unknown Speaker (01:13:29.279)
added to jet fuel to block out the sun.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:31.680)
Oh, and there's all these funguses suddenly taking over.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:34.560)
The new intel is they're spraying fungus in the atmosphere, creating Interstellar.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:41.680)
Yeah, that's why when you go see something like that, folks,
Unknown Speaker (01:13:44.159)
need to know that means it's one of their projects.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:46.720)
It's always a movie.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:47.920)
If you see a science fiction movie, just know it's one of their projects.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:52.159)
It's one of their projects.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:53.119)
Every science movie is one of their projects?
Unknown Speaker (01:13:55.279)
If Alex wants it to be.
Unknown Speaker (01:13:56.479)
If it's the entire house, I mean, imagine if you're so obsessed with sci-fi as a kid
Unknown Speaker (01:14:06.960)
that you can't think of the world in any other terms and your weirdo parents give you JBS
Unknown Speaker (01:14:14.000)
stuff, then you get to the realization that everything is a lie.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:17.439)
Also, you probably suffered a couple of head traumas.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:20.000)
Oh, totally.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:20.880)
And you were trapped underneath a building with poison.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:23.760)
Yeah, no, it does make more sense if you think that every sci-fi movie is one of their plans.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:31.840)
Oh, and then also you have incredible substance abuse problems and maybe some
Unknown Speaker (01:14:35.840)
narcissistic tendencies, even on a good day.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:38.720)
Well, there's definitely that.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:40.319)
Do animated movies count as part of their plan or do they only do live action?
Unknown Speaker (01:14:45.039)
The Animatrix is real.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:46.640)
Okay, the Animatrix is real.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:48.159)
Yes, so certain animation companies that produce that are part of the globalists.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:55.119)
Eon Flux is real.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:56.800)
Eon Flux, well, that was real.
Unknown Speaker (01:14:59.840)
Cool World is real.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:04.640)
Foodie cootie, that'd be great.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:06.159)
Remember that video game Comic Zone on the Sega?
Unknown Speaker (01:15:10.720)
I never had a Sega.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:11.680)
I was very jealous of my Sega friends.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:13.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:15:14.319)
Oh, every time I heard that sound on the TV, I was like thinking of my other Sega friends
Unknown Speaker (01:15:19.840)
playing their Sonic.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:21.119)
Yeah, I was in Nintendo house because my grandma played video games.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:24.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:15:25.279)
And so whenever she was done with the system, she would give it to us.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:27.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:15:28.000)
And she always played Nintendo stuff, but a buddy of mine down the street had Sega.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:32.319)
So I was able to play, you know, the Sonics and the NBA jams.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:37.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:15:38.479)
For very obvious reasons, I did not have my own kind of like playing video games,
Unknown Speaker (01:15:43.680)
console until I was, you know, more grown up.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:47.600)
So it was a PlayStation for me.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:49.680)
You know, that was the first time that I got to engage with a console.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:54.000)
Otherwise I had played Super Mario and like Mortal Kombat.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:57.279)
Unknown Speaker (01:15:57.520)
That was it, you know.
Unknown Speaker (01:15:59.119)
What about like arcades?
Unknown Speaker (01:16:00.800)
Well, that's what I'm saying.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:01.760)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:02.239)
Like Mortal Kombat in an arcade, like those kind of arenas of those kinds of video games,
Unknown Speaker (01:16:06.479)
you know, plenty of Frogger, plenty of pinballs.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:10.000)
Classic Frogger.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:11.039)
I was not or ever will be a wizard of pinball.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:17.359)
So we know that...
Unknown Speaker (01:16:18.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:20.479)
Also not a class.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:22.399)
So Alex, we know this.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:24.560)
His dad, one of the smartest boys in Texas.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:28.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:28.399)
And he was recruited by the globalist.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:29.760)
He was.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:30.640)
It turns out, now I'm going to tell, I'm going to just show all my cards in advance of this
Unknown Speaker (01:16:34.479)
clip so you can pay attention in the way I'd hope you will.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:37.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:37.439)
Okay. Alex is about to tell another story of the globalist trying to recruit his dad.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:42.239)
A different story.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:42.800)
It has to be a second time.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:44.399)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:44.960)
Because the other time was when Alex was in school, or Alex's dad was in school.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:49.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:50.399)
And it was Dr. Erwin Speer at University of Texas.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:54.239)
Unknown Speaker (01:16:54.720)
And this happens when his dad's a dentist.
Unknown Speaker (01:16:57.760)
So they do not, they cannot be at the same time.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:01.600)
So Alex is telling a completely separate time.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:03.920)
So if this, what we're about to listen to is true.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:06.720)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:07.359)
The globalists tried to recruit Alex's dad into their depopulation global extermination
Unknown Speaker (01:17:12.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:12.800)
He said, no, thank you.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:13.920)
No thanks.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:14.319)
He goes on to get his dental degree.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:16.960)
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:17.840)
Now he's a dentist.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:18.800)
We can't let him go.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:19.760)
We got to try this again.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:20.720)
We got to go.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:21.520)
We got to go back.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:22.319)
He's a dentist now.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:24.079)
We thought he was just going to be one of the smartest people.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:26.560)
Actually, the dentist thing does play into this.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:28.640)
Of course.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:29.119)
It is important.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:30.000)
Of course it is.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:31.439)
So anyway, enjoy this completely bullshit story.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:34.960)
Yeah, they got biological androids that are six foot seven lizard people, but they're
Unknown Speaker (01:17:42.079)
not off world.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:43.520)
They were built, they were genetically engineered, and it's just a humanoid that grows this hideous
Unknown Speaker (01:17:50.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:17:52.000)
They got it all.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:52.960)
I've talked to people that have seen it.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:55.279)
And let me just explain something to you very slowly.
Unknown Speaker (01:17:58.159)
My dad was one of the first thousand dentists or so in the country to successfully start
Unknown Speaker (01:18:07.520)
putting implants in regular patients.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:09.760)
They had them for 20 years before the 80s, but nobody could really make them work.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:13.840)
And he went to some of the best schools after he'd already graduated medical school, slow
Unknown Speaker (01:18:18.640)
down, do these implants.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:21.119)
And when in like 1984, 1985, maybe 83, I remember I'd listen around the corner to my
Unknown Speaker (01:18:28.000)
parents while I'd leave the dinner table.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:29.680)
Sometimes I'd be coming down the stairs and I'd sit there because the kitchen was like
Unknown Speaker (01:18:33.920)
a living room right here, but the stairs come down here and the kitchen's right here with
Unknown Speaker (01:18:36.880)
the dining table.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:37.680)
I could listen to them.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:39.680)
And I asked him about this a few months ago.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:42.319)
He said, no, you basically heard the conversation is true.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:45.760)
They tried to hire my dad for $450,000 a year.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:50.960)
And all the other, like all of them, wasn't just him.
Unknown Speaker (01:18:55.199)
It was all the top implanters.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:00.159)
There wasn't a bunch of them at that time, but they wanted him to head up a project.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:07.279)
Three months in, one month out or something like that in Maryland at an underground base.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:13.840)
And we even learned which base it is.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:15.279)
Now listen, this is not saying my dad's special.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:17.760)
Which underground base is it?
Unknown Speaker (01:19:19.119)
In the 1980s, folks, they were scooping up the oral surgeons all over the United States
Unknown Speaker (01:19:25.680)
to go be part of some cyborg project.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:28.159)
My mom was like, David, we're not moving to Maryland.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:30.000)
I don't care how much money it is.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:31.119)
And back then, $450,000 was like $5 million.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:36.159)
She said, my mom wasn't a threatening person, but she was like, I'm not going.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:41.119)
I'm moving to Austin.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:42.479)
I don't want to be here in Dallas anyways.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:43.840)
And if you want to go, go do it.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:45.279)
But we're done.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:46.560)
He's like, I hear you.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:47.680)
I wasn't going to do it.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:48.399)
But blah, blah, blah, it's really.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:52.000)
That's the mid 1980s.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:53.119)
Can you imagine in the year 2023, what the hell's going on?
Unknown Speaker (01:19:56.399)
I'm not in your head.
Unknown Speaker (01:19:59.439)
So this is so fun.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:00.960)
I mean, if you're trying to construct a timeline that like, if you believe anything he says,
Unknown Speaker (01:20:06.720)
like the globalists desperately want David Jones.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:10.880)
That was the Moeller Hatton project.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:13.760)
You were sitting on that?
Unknown Speaker (01:20:15.520)
I was spending a little bit of time thinking about it.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:17.680)
It was good work.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:18.399)
It wasn't terrible.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:25.279)
David Jones is the most important person.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:28.159)
Fuck Tucker Carlson.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:29.359)
Alex's dad is like, why would you go back to him?
Unknown Speaker (01:20:34.640)
He already said no.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:36.239)
What I don't understand.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:37.920)
All right, you're the devil.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:39.920)
Why would you go back to him with a number like $450,000?
Unknown Speaker (01:20:43.680)
Like, are you, are you like immediately trying to impress him with that?
Unknown Speaker (01:20:47.680)
You're the devil.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:48.479)
You can only impress people with half a million dollars.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:51.199)
Well, you don't want it to be so high that it's suspicious because then you're going
Unknown Speaker (01:20:54.239)
to know $450,000 is very suspicious.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:56.880)
No, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:20:57.279)
That's in the realm of a high salary at that time.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:00.239)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:00.720)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:01.119)
But if you come in with like $3 million a year in 1984 or something like that, 10 million
Unknown Speaker (01:21:06.640)
a year, then he's going to know you're trying to implant things into people to make biological
Unknown Speaker (01:21:10.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:11.279)
That's what I'm saying.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:12.239)
You don't come to him with a number.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:14.079)
You come to him and you say, what do you want?
Unknown Speaker (01:21:16.319)
I can write a lot of numbers on this check.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:18.239)
What do you want?
Unknown Speaker (01:21:19.920)
Why are you coming to him after you've already failed the first time?
Unknown Speaker (01:21:22.720)
Why are you coming to him trying to impress him?
Unknown Speaker (01:21:24.960)
You come to him and you say, you come to me.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:27.600)
And hey, let's not tell him it's in a fucking underground base.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:30.880)
I would never tell him it's in an underground base.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:33.279)
How about you try and pretend it's a legitimate job offer for a regular job and then once
Unknown Speaker (01:21:37.119)
he's there, peel back some layers.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:39.359)
The first time you find out you work at an underground base is when you should be underground
Unknown Speaker (01:21:44.479)
in that base.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:45.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:21:45.600)
You're not getting back up.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:47.039)
You're not seeing sunlight.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:49.119)
You personally do not have to worry about the heat.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:53.279)
Hey, by the way, it's in an underground base.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:55.520)
Well, now that you've told me that, I think I'm going to pick a different job.
Unknown Speaker (01:21:58.079)
Hey, guess what?
Unknown Speaker (01:21:58.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:22:01.119)
Very shady, the idea of you having an underground base that I have to work in.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:04.479)
I'm going to say no on that one.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:05.600)
No, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:06.079)
But we'll pay you a lot of money.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:08.159)
Now you can't go up to the surface ever again.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:10.159)
Let's say a podcast network comes along and they're like, hey, guys, we like your show.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:13.520)
We'd like you to record in our studio that's in an underground base.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:17.840)
No, thank you.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:18.479)
Well, the first thing we would say is that's not that different.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:21.520)
And this next thing we would say is absolutely not.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:24.800)
Back in the 2020s, they were scooping up all the podcasters.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:32.880)
They were scooping up all the oral surgeons.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:34.800)
What could you need that many oral surgeons for?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:37.119)
Trying to put implants in people to turn them into
Unknown Speaker (01:22:39.760)
biological android seven foot tall reptilian people.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:42.640)
No, no, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:43.279)
But you would need infrastructure on that underground base.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:46.079)
What, do you have a thousand different little chairs for each person to work on?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:51.279)
Like a hairdresser studio, but across the, like in the fucking Indiana Jones warehouse?
Unknown Speaker (01:22:58.000)
No, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:22:59.119)
Some of the oral surgeons had to be chairs.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:04.079)
They had to get on their hands and knees and people would sit on their backs.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:07.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:07.840)
Well, they had to get the strongest oral surgeons for that.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:10.319)
Everyone knows that oral surgeons make the best chairs.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:15.039)
No, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:15.520)
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:16.079)
I think that, uh, I wish that there was a good way to look into this.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:19.600)
If there was a rash of disappearances of oral surgeons around this time.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:27.039)
I mean, just, just some, some, even some anecdotal stories I would really enjoy.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:32.159)
We got one.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:32.800)
I've just been, yeah, I know, but a bunch of people just be like, man, you remember
Unknown Speaker (01:23:35.920)
how weird it was?
Unknown Speaker (01:23:36.800)
There was like an oral surgeon shortage for a while.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:39.199)
Wasn't that crazy?
Unknown Speaker (01:23:40.720)
What ever happened with that?
Unknown Speaker (01:23:41.760)
Also, uh, implants, dental implants have been around way longer than what Alex is saying.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:47.600)
Only, only David Jones pioneered the dental implant process.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:52.159)
Very confusing.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:53.119)
Unknown Speaker (01:23:53.359)
He went to medical schools that are greater than.
Unknown Speaker (01:23:56.560)
It's one thing, it's, it's, it's kind of an interesting open question that I have that
Unknown Speaker (01:24:01.439)
like how much of this is, uh, Alex being a baby and hero worshiping his dad, like a little
Unknown Speaker (01:24:07.439)
infant and how much of it is trying to turn his dad into a character that's useful for
Unknown Speaker (01:24:12.960)
these plots.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:13.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:14.159)
Like, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:14.880)
I don't know which is which because it like based on his psychology and how he acts, the
Unknown Speaker (01:24:20.800)
hero worshiping of his dad and all this stuff makes total sense.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:23.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:24:23.920)
Turning his dad into like the strong man, perfect heroic figure that the globalists
Unknown Speaker (01:24:29.039)
would try and recruit twice.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:30.319)
Also, in the story, why isn't he like, this is the second time they tried to get him.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:33.600)
I know, why wouldn't he be like, hey, I said no the first time.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:36.319)
What has changed in between then and now?
Unknown Speaker (01:24:38.079)
Maybe because Alex is forgetting that he's given details.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:40.800)
It is an issue there.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:41.920)
That could be an issue.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:44.079)
I think it's just a matter of escalation.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:45.920)
You know, like he starts out hero worshiping his dad 30 years ago and it's like, oh, my
Unknown Speaker (01:24:50.880)
dad was a really great dentist.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:52.800)
30 years, a lot of drugs and shit later, my dad was chosen by the CIA.
Unknown Speaker (01:24:57.840)
Plus, he's also been recruited by the devil.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:01.439)
I mean, it escalates.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:02.960)
It's like the Avengers had to fight the universe for a while.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:07.039)
They couldn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:07.600)
They couldn't.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:08.560)
It started out with some evil corporation.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:10.720)
It's like, yeah, I get it.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:11.680)
That guy's bad.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:12.319)
You know, Fast and Furious is the perfect example of this.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:14.479)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:14.960)
They went to space.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:16.079)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:16.640)
And in the first movie, it was DVD players.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:19.359)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:20.159)
So I have this clip because I think you'll enjoy it.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:24.399)
Unknown Speaker (01:25:25.279)
And that's why they're so decadent.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:26.640)
If they're like, we're not going to give the general public life extension and we're not
Unknown Speaker (01:25:30.239)
going to let them know we've already got quantum computing and we're not going to let them
Unknown Speaker (01:25:33.600)
know that we're interdimensionally in communication with thousands of alien species.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:40.640)
Interdimensionally, they don't fly 8 trillion miles to come see us.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:47.359)
They interdimensionally fold space.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:49.520)
And they, Frank Herbert told you that in the 60s with Dune.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:53.359)
That's, and that's why they don't even criticize you when I go over and say this, because
Unknown Speaker (01:25:56.560)
this is all a big truth.
Unknown Speaker (01:25:58.159)
They sold us out with the devil.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:00.159)
That's the bad guys.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:01.520)
They decided to get rid of us.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:03.279)
Okay, man.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:04.239)
So yeah, they don't criticize him when he says this stuff because it's the truth.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:07.199)
No, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:08.000)
See, obviously what needs to happen is we need to turn people into weird swamp gas creatures
Unknown Speaker (01:26:14.479)
and then they can see just enough of the future to allow you to fold space and time itself
Unknown Speaker (01:26:19.760)
in order to travel between distances because there is no distance between them.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:23.600)
Frank Herbert told us this.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:25.279)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:26.399)
He revealed the method in the 60s.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:29.600)
Yeah, I know, right?
Unknown Speaker (01:26:31.119)
You need to get the spice.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:33.520)
So people not criticizing him about this isn't because it's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:38.800)
I think it's because most people don't listen to his stupid show.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:41.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:26:41.600)
And the only thing that most people know about it is clips that go around for media matters
Unknown Speaker (01:26:45.840)
and, you know, these other places.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:47.760)
And those, I think they just think like, ah, who cares?
Unknown Speaker (01:26:51.199)
This is going to be too much.
Unknown Speaker (01:26:52.800)
Or they just ignore it, you know?
Unknown Speaker (01:26:54.239)
Yeah, Alex thinks that Dune was a manual to interspace travel.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:00.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:00.560)
Science fiction is everything.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:02.399)
It is actually a revelation of the magic.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:08.000)
That is the power of three uninterrupted hours of talking.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:13.680)
You can jump in and out whenever you want.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:15.840)
And if he starts on something and you're like, eh, I'm not really paying attention to that.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:19.760)
It doesn't matter if it's thousands of interdimensional alien species going on.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:24.960)
You already pressed off.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:26.239)
All you heard was the stuff you liked where he was like, oh, Hunter Biden's got drugs.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:30.079)
You're like, yeah, man, I feel you.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:31.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:32.479)
I think also maybe some of those organizations that, you know, cut clips of him and put them
Unknown Speaker (01:27:38.640)
out, like, I think they might be more interested in the ways that his rhetoric interacts with
Unknown Speaker (01:27:44.720)
the real world.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:45.840)
And so something like him saying Dune is real.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:48.239)
Unknown Speaker (01:27:48.880)
Maybe not high on their priority list.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:51.600)
However, for me, quite high.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:53.760)
Because again, this speaks to the epistemology of his ideas.
Unknown Speaker (01:27:58.239)
Where is he getting information from?
Unknown Speaker (01:28:00.319)
What is truth to him?
Unknown Speaker (01:28:01.760)
And apparently Dune is truth to him.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:03.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:04.239)
Well, I mean, it's unfortunate, but media outlets choose things that are useful to them.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:09.920)
And that is what they do.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:12.000)
Wait a second.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:12.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:13.439)
Duncan, Idaho.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:14.720)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:15.520)
Idaho is where the white supremacists all are.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:17.439)
That's true.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:18.399)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:18.960)
How old is Duncan, Idaho now is the question.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:24.960)
Is there a right answer?
Unknown Speaker (01:28:26.319)
Is there a good joke answer?
Unknown Speaker (01:28:28.000)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:30.800)
No, how old?
Unknown Speaker (01:28:31.439)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:31.760)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:32.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:28:32.399)
Oh, you think he's Alex?
Unknown Speaker (01:28:34.319)
No, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:35.199)
Because I mean, he's anywhere between 4,000 and 35.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:41.119)
Oh, okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:41.439)
So he's Steve.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:42.800)
He's lived a lot of different lives is the point.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:45.119)
Steve Puchenik is Duncan, Idaho.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:46.560)
It's confirmed.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:47.199)
Little bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:47.760)
Little bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:48.399)
So Alex, we have one last clip here and he talks about going to space and that's what
Unknown Speaker (01:28:54.079)
all of us need to do.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:55.920)
And he has some interesting ideas that he lays out here.
Unknown Speaker (01:28:59.359)
But the sense that I got is that he's describing like, let's just all get off this planet and
Unknown Speaker (01:29:07.680)
then we can have planetary segregation, kind of.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:11.600)
It's not white nationalism.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:12.880)
It's white planetism.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:13.920)
I mean, that's the vibe that I'm getting here a little bit.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:18.159)
Right, right, right, right.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:20.399)
Yeah, that's smart.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:24.319)
If I was the globalist and I've certainly been offered to go work with them.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:28.800)
No, you haven't.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:29.439)
I would back off this new water plan.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:31.039)
It's not going to work.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:31.760)
It's insane.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:33.119)
There's 8 million people.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:34.640)
Even if you leave a billion, they're going to kill the globalist.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:37.920)
If they try to pull this off, it just causes total war.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:42.159)
Even primitive weapons, they won't be able to stop everybody and it's going to create
Unknown Speaker (01:29:47.199)
a wasteland.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:48.159)
We can have open free stuff in space and have different colonies, whatever you want to be
Unknown Speaker (01:29:52.880)
involved in, whatever you want to do.
Unknown Speaker (01:29:54.720)
I mean, we can really instead of just sending ships around so the pilgrims can go here and
Unknown Speaker (01:29:58.640)
the Amish go there and, you know, the Catholics go to Louisiana.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:06.319)
People can go wherever they want.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:07.279)
They do whatever they want.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:07.920)
But we leave this planet to be like a preserve of what the original human and biological
Unknown Speaker (01:30:15.039)
systems and things are as an arc.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:17.359)
The earth remains an arc is what I propose.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:21.920)
And then good proposal.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:24.079)
We'll take it up in committee corporate and government with all the great benefits of
Unknown Speaker (01:30:28.399)
what can be mined in space and what can be done in space.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:31.039)
And we make space, not Texas, not New Mexico, not Arkansas, not Arizona, not California,
Unknown Speaker (01:30:37.760)
not Montana, not Wyoming.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:39.600)
The new wild, wild west is space for adults to go there and do whatever it is.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:49.359)
As long as you're not hurting children.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:51.119)
What the fuck?
Unknown Speaker (01:30:53.760)
Anything goes in space as long as you're not doing anything with children.
Unknown Speaker (01:30:57.359)
International space water law.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:03.279)
If adults want to go out in space and shit gets a little bit weird, that's okay.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:07.039)
It's the wild west.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:09.119)
Every time in a movie or literature or something, the aliens appear on the planet.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:13.359)
They're like, listen, I don't want to do this, but we have to exterminate your species.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:18.000)
Because if you get off planet, you're just going to do the same shit that you always
Unknown Speaker (01:31:20.960)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:21.520)
And we're always like, no, we'll be better.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:23.680)
And then Alex is like, how about we do segregation universe?
Unknown Speaker (01:31:27.439)
And you're like, yeah, actually, you know what?
Unknown Speaker (01:31:28.880)
I'm on the aliens team.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:29.840)
We got to go.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:30.399)
And how about we have space duels and, you know, you fly for three seconds and then turn
Unknown Speaker (01:31:36.960)
phasers on.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:37.840)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:38.159)
So you want to take the dumbest things that human beings have done on one planet and really
Unknown Speaker (01:31:42.960)
fuck up an entire galaxy with it.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:45.039)
Unknown Speaker (01:31:46.319)
I think we got to, I think we got to kill all the, I'm sorry.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:49.359)
Extermination for the human race.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:50.960)
I wonder how the second amendment will do in space.
Unknown Speaker (01:31:57.600)
Well, I mean, realistically, you don't even need guns in space.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:03.359)
You can just shoot a second amendment would apply to other weaponry.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:07.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:07.359)
I mean, you could throw a rock really well.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:09.039)
I mean, a rock does all the damage you needed to do in space because there's no friction.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:13.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:14.000)
So if you throw a rock really hard, it's plenty strong and then gravity will take care of
Unknown Speaker (01:32:18.720)
the rest.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:19.039)
If you want to throw it to earth, you could fuck people up with just like, whee.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:23.119)
No, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:23.840)
I don't think that would work.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:25.359)
You can't just throw a rock to earth.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:27.119)
You can throw a rock at earth.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:28.159)
So like from the moon, you could just wing it real hard.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:30.800)
I don't think that's going to work.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:31.920)
Really hard toss. We got to get Neil deGrasse Tyson on the phone.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:34.960)
See if he can help you out with this.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:36.399)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:36.960)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:38.159)
Unknown Speaker (01:32:40.800)
So, yeah, I think that Alex has created a bizarre ideal future for himself where the
Unknown Speaker (01:32:49.359)
earth is Eden kind of arc of all humanity, where the seeds of all two of each creature
Unknown Speaker (01:32:57.119)
can go on and live.
Unknown Speaker (01:32:59.760)
And then the rest of us go do weird sex stuff on Jupiter's moons.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:04.239)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:04.560)
And you can have your own planet if you want to not allow people you don't like on it.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:09.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:10.479)
It's a free association in space.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:14.479)
This is stupid.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:15.359)
Yeah, that's very stupid.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:16.479)
I mean, like honestly, these are interesting ideas for like a prompt of like a sci-fi story.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:21.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:23.199)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:23.840)
I mean, depends on how good the writer is.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:26.079)
But space-rigation.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:27.520)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:28.960)
Not as good as Mueller.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:29.920)
Not as good as Mueller and project.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:32.560)
So the thing that I come to is like, dude, you're trying to get Trump reelected.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:38.960)
Isn't that?
Unknown Speaker (01:33:39.600)
The fuck are you talking about space?
Unknown Speaker (01:33:41.680)
You got so many other, like you have so many terrestrial issues that you're caught up in
Unknown Speaker (01:33:45.439)
this petty bullshit.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:47.039)
Grow up.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:47.600)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:48.000)
Stop it with this.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:48.880)
Unknown Speaker (01:33:49.439)
It's so funny that people take the show seriously.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:52.399)
I mean, I don't know.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:54.000)
It's so much more fun as a non-serious thing than Tucker though.
Unknown Speaker (01:33:59.600)
Cause Tucker's not going to do that.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:01.520)
No, he doesn't pull out.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:03.119)
He doesn't pull out that.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:04.479)
Tucker's not going to make a bizarre elaborate space proposal.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:07.680)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:08.479)
I mean, that's the thing.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:10.319)
That's the thing that really elevates it.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:12.399)
Tucker's like, oh, people are bad.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:13.920)
But Alex is like, I've got a solution and it's segregated planets throughout the galaxy.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:21.279)
But also the earth is chill.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:23.600)
Nobody fucks with that.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:24.800)
And then the rest of it is the wild west.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:26.720)
No laws.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:27.840)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:28.319)
I'll stay on earth.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:29.279)
How about that?
Unknown Speaker (01:34:29.760)
I mean, is there an option?
Unknown Speaker (01:34:31.039)
I don't want to go to space if you're going.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:32.640)
Why are you saying we all need to get to space and then immediately saying, but I'm going
Unknown Speaker (01:34:36.399)
to stay on earth?
Unknown Speaker (01:34:37.119)
Cause it's the arc.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:38.239)
No, I don't think he's going to stay on earth.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:39.920)
He's going.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:40.720)
He wants to be in the wild west.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:41.920)
Eh, maybe he does.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:43.840)
It's a place for adults.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:45.600)
I mean, I imagine that he would love to, wherever he goes will be a wretched hive of scum and
Unknown Speaker (01:34:51.439)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:51.840)
That is for sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:52.800)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:53.199)
That is for sure.
Unknown Speaker (01:34:54.319)
Unknown Speaker (01:34:55.520)
We have like Roger Stone coming up on the vision board.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:00.079)
No, he's coming up on the, like the screen in the, uh, the, uh, the, uh, the enterprise.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:06.239)
Unknown Speaker (01:35:06.800)
And he's spouting a bunch of bullshit about how fake ballots from Venus are coming in.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:12.000)
From hell's heart I stab at thee.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:16.720)
Oh my God.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:17.600)
So anyway.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:18.319)
How are we doing?
Unknown Speaker (01:35:19.199)
I'm fine.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:19.920)
All right.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:21.119)
We're done.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:21.680)
Did we go to space?
Unknown Speaker (01:35:22.640)
Yeah, we'll be back for another episode, but, uh, just a reminder, 10 o'clock local London
Unknown Speaker (01:35:29.359)
time, local London time, those tickets will be on sale.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:33.119)
And I'm, you know, if you're somebody who got a ticket to the first show, please, uh,
Unknown Speaker (01:35:37.279)
you know, give it a little bit of time.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:39.439)
I don't think it's terrible.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:41.199)
If people want to come to both shows, they are going to be different shows, but, uh,
Unknown Speaker (01:35:45.199)
give people a chance.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:46.800)
If you got a London ticket and you're from Glasgow and you got a Glasgow ticket and you're
Unknown Speaker (01:35:51.279)
from London, maybe see if you guys switch it around.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:53.279)
You got some Glasgow in my London, London in my Glasgow.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:56.000)
See what you guys can do.
Unknown Speaker (01:35:57.119)
Also, if you're in London and you want to find a reason to beat Jordan's ass, uh, let
Unknown Speaker (01:36:02.479)
me know.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:02.960)
I'll be there.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:03.520)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:03.920)
Wait, you need to, you need to, you need to find a reason?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:06.880)
Well, I feel like I've established more than enough.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:09.680)
Uh, yeah, but I mean, the Scots are threatening you as it is.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:13.680)
Sure, obviously.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:14.399)
We need to find some good reason for British people to beat you up.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:17.279)
That would make them my allies.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:21.359)
Anyway, we'll be back.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:22.479)
Uh, but you, until then.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:24.960)
Indeed we will.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:25.840)
We have a website.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:26.720)
Indeed we do.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:27.439)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:28.560)
Unknown Speaker (01:36:28.640)
We're also on Twitter.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:29.439)
Indeed we are.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:30.159)
It's at knowledge underscore fight.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:32.159)
Uh, we'll be back, but until then, I'm Neo.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:34.399)
I'm Neo.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:34.800)
I'm ncxclarks.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:39.039)
What if I just kept doing that?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:41.600)
I could.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:43.840)
The good guys dress in black.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:44.880)
Remember that?
Unknown Speaker (01:36:45.359)
And now here comes the sex robots.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:50.960)
Andy in Kansas, you're on the air.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:52.399)
Thanks for holding.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:54.960)
Hello, Alex.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:55.680)
I'm a first time caller.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:56.560)
I'm a huge fan.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:57.359)
I love your work.
Unknown Speaker (01:36:58.159)
I love you.